diabloWinks | mainly worried about lines 2 and 3 | 00:00 |
=== votick is now known as votick[kendo] | ||
=== Edgan_ is now known as Edgan | ||
guest_____ | hello | 00:18 |
guest_____ | I have a problem with libreoffice. | 00:20 |
=== Cheekio is now known as TimClifford | ||
cuddylier | Hi, does anyone know how to overwrite the default gateway? | 00:22 |
cuddylier | Command wise as I changed it in the /etc/network/interfaces but 'ip route' still shows the old one after restarting networking | 00:23 |
cuddylier | I've tried e.g. ip route add default via | 00:23 |
cuddylier | But it says it exists already | 00:24 |
=== TimClifford is now known as Cheekio | ||
antons | hey who installed NFDUMP/NFSEN before ? | 00:29 |
hneak1 | is there a way to route only SOME traffic through a pptp vpn? | 00:31 |
antons | PBR | 00:31 |
antons | what router you got | 00:31 |
=== zz_Zyrax is now known as Zyrax | ||
ProfessorKaos64 | I'm getting a gray screen when using tightvnc to ubuntu | 00:50 |
hasek79 | everytime i go to use the HUD and try to search for something that starts with "w" it closes? | 00:53 |
Guest39362 | Im having some display problems since upgrading to 14.04, and havent been able to find anything online. When I open kmix now it opens on my second monitor (which doesnt have the taskbar on it at all) and now when i fullsize videos they show on the second monitor, not the first. | 00:53 |
Guest39362 | Anyone know any way to fix these issues? | 00:53 |
hasek79 | how do i fix that? | 00:53 |
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon | ||
jamesd | hasek79: is your ctrl key stuck | 00:54 |
hasek79 | no | 00:54 |
hasek79 | would different wallpapers have anything to do with it? | 00:55 |
jamesd | no | 00:56 |
hasek79 | i have 3 workspaces enabled and i just enabled wallpaper in compiz | 00:56 |
jamesd | unless its really really ugly | 00:56 |
=== thynk is now known as th1nk | ||
GJPMiningco | Hey all | 01:05 |
GJPMiningco | I need some help | 01:05 |
GJPMiningco | I need to setup a Connection to my Dedicated server so that i can Connect to the Systems that have a Private IP connected to my Dedicated server | 01:06 |
koell | Hi, I just tried to install apache2 and getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7356279/ | 01:06 |
mgolisch | koell: did you update your package index? | 01:09 |
Seven_Six_Two | koell, always do "sudo apt-get update" before installing or upgrading. | 01:10 |
Seven_Six_Two | GJPMiningco, you're looking for a VPN or possibly SSH | 01:11 |
GJPMiningco | VPN | 01:11 |
GJPMiningco | I need some help setting it up | 01:11 |
Seven_Six_Two | GJPMiningco, you'll probably want to look at OpenVPN package. The configuration will require a bit of reading. | 01:11 |
Seven_Six_Two | GJPMiningco, we're here if you run in to trouble. | 01:11 |
archiflex | hello there! i need some support audience. first off im not used to IRC so i have no clue about connecting to a network/channel (server?). using XChat. Need to find to #kali-linux at Freenode network. Appreciate your help mates! blessings :) | 01:18 |
rww | archiflex: /join #kali-linux | 01:18 |
archiflex | *thumb up* | 01:18 |
sta7ic | archiflex: /join #kali-linux | 01:19 |
=== rm___ is now known as Guest5920 | ||
ankesh | hi.. can someone please help me with this http://askubuntu.com/questions/456626/ubuntu-12-04-keeps-booting-to-tty1 | 01:25 |
sta7ic | clear | 01:30 |
=== NeoMatrixJR is now known as NeoMatrixJR_away | ||
loa | i have sound glitchering problems sometimes. | 01:37 |
loa | i have ubuntu 13.10 | 01:37 |
loa | very often it is after palying games | 01:38 |
loa | i play from native steam and sometimes use wine | 01:38 |
loa | have someone faced with such problems? | 01:38 |
lotuspsychje | morning to all | 01:39 |
|JZ| | hey | 01:41 |
|JZ| | i am having a issue with Samba on 14.04 | 01:41 |
lotuspsychje | |JZ|: best way is to ask your specific issue in channel mate | 01:44 |
|JZ| | okay | 01:45 |
|JZ| | so i have ubuntu 14.04 with a windows xp guest machine .. i see the samba server in windows .. when it asks me to enter user name and pw .. i enter it but it doesnt let me log into the network drive | 01:46 |
d1323 | I want to try proprietary nvidia drivers ,but I am not sure which one to get? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 01:47 |
html | !openstack | html | 01:47 |
d1323 | i have ubuntu 14.04 and Nvidia GeForce 7900 GT/GTO card | 01:47 |
mgolisch | you did create credentials using smbpasswd? | 01:48 |
|JZ| | mgolisch, all i did was right click folder and create the share via natilus | 01:48 |
LucasTT | which ports do i need to open to allow IRC? | 01:49 |
|JZ| | it worked before on 13.10 but not working on 14.04 | 01:49 |
lotuspsychje | d1323: did you check software sources/last tab additional drivers? | 01:49 |
Toph | LucasTT,,, i use 6667 | 01:50 |
mgolisch | hm id suspect that youd still need to enable your user using smbpasswd | 01:50 |
LucasTT | what kind of port is it? | 01:50 |
LucasTT | tcp? | 01:50 |
LucasTT | and should i allow in and out? | 01:50 |
mgolisch | but yeah no idea never used the usershare feature | 01:50 |
lotuspsychje | LucasTT: are you trying to setup firewall or router? | 01:51 |
LucasTT | firewall | 01:51 |
lotuspsychje | !firewall | LucasTT | 01:52 |
ubottu | LucasTT: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | 01:52 |
LucasTT | i'm using gufw | 01:52 |
LucasTT | ufw's gui | 01:52 |
LucasTT | i just want to be able to use irc | 01:53 |
LucasTT | because i changed my firewall a few hours ago | 01:53 |
LucasTT | and now that i'm trying to use irc i can't | 01:53 |
LucasTT | i'm on webchat right now | 01:53 |
lvfjf | did you try irssi? | 01:55 |
LucasTT | no, i'm using x chat | 01:55 |
lvfjf | maybe the problem is your cliente | 01:55 |
LucasTT | hm, let me try with a different one | 01:56 |
lvfjf | sudo apt-get install irssi | 01:56 |
lvfjf | /server irc.freenode.net | 01:56 |
lvfjf | /j #ubuntu | 01:56 |
LucasTT | i can't connect to irc with irssi too | 01:59 |
GJPMiningco | I need to setup a Connection to my Dedicated server so that i can Connect to the Systems that have a Private IP connected to my Dedicated server | 02:00 |
GJPMiningco | I need some help setting it up | 02:00 |
GJPMiningco | anyone know any Gui Based Open VPN servers | 02:00 |
=== SvenOostenbrink is now known as phoenixz | ||
lotuspsychje | LucasTT: http://askubuntu.com/questions/252021/irc-service-and-ufw-firewall-rules | 02:06 |
Flipo_ | Hello, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 14 on a 4 year old netbook. Wifi works great in livecd mode but when I install it on the harddisk it won't connect, anyone knows what could cause this ? | 02:14 |
xar- | no clue, you've provided very little real information. :\ | 02:17 |
Beldar | Flipo_, Run lspci in the terminal and identify the wifi hardware to the channel. | 02:17 |
=== sz0 is now known as sz0` | ||
xar- | Flipo_, Beldar; `lspci -k` | 02:18 |
xar- | you want the kernel driver, specifically. | 02:18 |
kingyy | Hi there, after upgrade to Trusty, I am getting error from some python programs which use PyGtk... ImportError: No module named 'gi._gi'. What could be the problem ? | 02:18 |
Flipo_ | xar-, Beldar : thanks will try | 02:18 |
|JZ| | fuck samba !@!!!@!@#$! | 02:20 |
lotuspsychje | !language | |JZ| | 02:20 |
ubottu | |JZ|: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 02:20 |
|JZ| | sorry ! | 02:20 |
Flipo_ | Beldar, xar- : BCM4313 | 02:20 |
|JZ| | i totally broke samba | 02:20 |
Beldar | !broadcom | Flipo_ | 02:20 |
ubottu | Flipo_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 02:20 |
lotuspsychje | Flipo_: did you install trusty with network connection? | 02:21 |
xar- | 1992 called, they want their protocol back |JZ| | 02:21 |
Flipo_ | lotuspsychje: I installed from a usb key | 02:22 |
GJPMiningco | I need to setup a Connection to my Dedicated server so that i can Connect to the Systems that have a Private IP connected to my Dedicated server | 02:22 |
GJPMiningco | anyone know any Gui Based Open VPN servers | 02:22 |
=== bobby_ is now known as Sh0rtWave | ||
lotuspsychje | Flipo_: did you installed with wifi or cable connected and install updates during setup? | 02:22 |
xar- | GJPMiningco: you can't use SSH2 because? | 02:22 |
Flipo_ | lotuspsychje: I installed with wifi, the connection drops during the installation (I assume it switches drivers) and from then on I can't connect | 02:23 |
lotuspsychje | GJPMiningco: i tested 'mullvad' in the past for ubuntu, a swedish online vpn | 02:23 |
lotuspsychje | Flipo_: follow the link Beldar provided to you | 02:23 |
Flipo_ | thanks, reading now | 02:23 |
GJPMiningco | Xar, I never used ssh2, No clue how to use ssh2 | 02:23 |
lotuspsychje | !ssh | GJPMiningco | 02:24 |
ubottu | GJPMiningco: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 02:24 |
hafiz | how i install news driver intel linux fot ubuntu 14.04....???? | 02:24 |
xar- | GJPMiningco: chances are you talk to your remote dedicated server over SSH. | 02:24 |
xar- | also chances are the only way to install a vpn solution on your dedicated server would be via SSH, unless you have some out-of-band remote solution setup. | 02:26 |
GJPMiningco | I have TeamViewer setup now | 02:27 |
GJPMiningco | on the dedicated | 02:27 |
wallen | hello? | 02:30 |
wallen | someone? | 02:30 |
mickster04 | kia ora | 02:30 |
bollullera | hello! | 02:30 |
gabe | hi I was wondering how I would be able to make the whisker menu launch by the using onl y the super key | 02:31 |
gabe | Hello | 02:31 |
xar- | teamviewer on a server, sigh -_- | 02:32 |
mickster04 | gabe, maybe there is a .whisker folder in your home directory (you would have to turn on hidden folder view to see it, in nautlius ctrl+h) | 02:32 |
linuxuz3r | ubuntu is such a nice distro | 02:33 |
gabe | I like Voyager os is too | 02:33 |
wallen_ | any chinese?my poor english level! | 02:34 |
mickster04 | !ch | 02:34 |
ubottu | The Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it | 02:34 |
mickster04 | nope | 02:34 |
mickster04 | !chinese | 02:34 |
ubottu | 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 02:34 |
mickster04 | :D | 02:34 |
wallen_ | thanks | 02:34 |
wallen_ | /join #ubuntu-cn | 02:34 |
mickster04 | minus the space in front :) | 02:35 |
=== thynk is now known as th1nk | ||
gabe | there isn't a .whisker folder in the home directory | 02:36 |
mickster04 | gabe: not sure... are there whisker settings somewhere in the menu? | 02:36 |
gabe | checking.... | 02:36 |
mickster04 | gabe: you'll probably have to look for the help on their website, rather than here, we support ubuntu, not really individual applications | 02:37 |
gabe | this distro is based on xubuntu | 02:37 |
gabe | Voyager os | 02:37 |
k1l_ | gabe: press ctrl+h for hidden files. but for more support please ask the voyager guys | 02:39 |
gabe | ok thanks | 02:39 |
lathiat | Hi Folks, is anyone aware of a system for managing and tracking custom builds of Debian Packages, i.e. I wish to maintain a delta to an Ubuntu upstream package, it will alert me when a new version is out, and possibly even try to auto update the package.. or otherwise generally maintaining a fleet of custom packages. (besides the basic reprepros, etc) | 02:40 |
havok | Can someone help me! | 02:41 |
havok | Having audio issues with Xubuntu 14.04 through HDMI. A ton of static and echoing. Any ideas? | 02:42 |
mickster04 | !help | havok | 02:42 |
ubottu | havok: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 02:42 |
mickster04 | havok: | 02:42 |
mickster04 | havok: what application | 02:42 |
havok | mickster04 its just the audio itself not just one application. | 02:42 |
GJPMiningco | can anyone help me locate and install a Gui Based VPN Server for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS? | 02:42 |
xar- | GJPMiningco: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN | 02:44 |
mickster04 | !server | GJPMiningco | 02:45 |
ubottu | GJPMiningco: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server | 02:45 |
mickster04 | havok: ok, not sure then :s | 02:46 |
=== CinnamonNeko is now known as Cinos | ||
spearson | two questions. 1. how can I turn my machine into a wifi hotspot so other computer can connect to it. 2. can I access my OS X partition in ubuntu without turning off Journaling | 03:01 |
spearson | If I can do both, I'll consider using ubuntu as my primary os :) | 03:02 |
punkmexic | hello i have the brand new ubuntu on my asus laptop and I cant LISTEN AUDIO via hdmi please help me | 03:02 |
mickster04 | !hdmi | 03:05 |
C6R | Hey guys, need some help. Computer will be HP Pavillion zv6000 . I'm not sure that the computer itself has a built in WLAN card. I got the junk computer from a friend and it came with what looks like a usb WLAN plugged in. lspci shows [14e4:4320]. wireless.kernel.org is showing alternative rndis_wlan. I just installed 14.04 and it isn't showing an option for wlan at all. Currently im bridged laptop to laptop for internet. Can you guys/gals h | 03:06 |
C6R | elp me solve this problem? | 03:06 |
mickster04 | !audio | 03:06 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 03:06 |
spearson | can anyone help me? | 03:07 |
C6R | don't ask to ask | 03:08 |
mickster04 | spearson: http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/ | 03:08 |
mickster04 | spearson: see how usuable that is | 03:08 |
mickster04 | spearson: access is easy, read write is not | 03:10 |
mickster04 | spearson: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10387352/accessing-osx-files-and-folders-from-ubuntu-12-04 | 03:10 |
C6R | mickster you got any suggestions for my question? | 03:11 |
alkber | hi, in the output of 'dmidecode" DMI type 16, what does maximum capacity means ? does it mean i can i only install so much of physical ram | 03:11 |
mickster04 | C6R: theres a chance the usb device is too old | 03:11 |
django | how do i turn off nvidia graphics card | 03:11 |
C6R | mickster04: 14e4:4320 (USB) | 03:12 |
C6R | 03:12 | |
C6R | no (USB device) | 03:12 |
C6R | 03:12 | |
C6R | BCM4320 | 03:12 |
C6R | 03:12 | |
unopaste | C6R you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 03:12 |
mickster04 | alkber: yes | 03:13 |
django | does this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/94731/how-do-i-turn-off-nvidia-high-performance-mode work? | 03:13 |
mickster04 | !nvidia | django | 03:13 |
ubottu | django: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto | 03:13 |
django | I have 12.04 | 03:13 |
mickster04 | !12.04 | 03:13 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1204 | 03:13 |
django | mickster04, i just want to use my intel one not the nvidia | 03:15 |
mickster04 | django: like this? https://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCwQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2FHybridGraphics&ei=fRlfU6yZFNTI2wXfkYGABg&usg=AFQjCNEBTB08jzM_P5nwPoY93uOETd0Iuw&sig2=G1NUI5BiYi3PSCe_3PuDKQ&bvm=bv.65397613,d.b2I | 03:16 |
mickster04 | ah | 03:16 |
mickster04 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics | 03:16 |
hpa620n | @ben64 is ben awake? | 03:16 |
mickster04 | better | 03:16 |
spearson | mickster04: thanks. I can browse but when I try to open my music folder form OS X, it says access denied. is it cause I'm trying to write to it or would I have to turn off Journaling on OS X which I | 03:16 |
spearson | *I'm not too keen on doing. | 03:17 |
mickster04 | spearson: do it as sudo perhaps :p | 03:17 |
mickster04 | 'gksu nautlius' from terminal | 03:17 |
spearson | Thanks though for clarifying. Access my OS X volume or music folder via sudo in ubuntu? | 03:17 |
spearson | I've tried the hotspot method and it doesn't seem to work. I guess it's unstable. hmmm | 03:18 |
spearson | I meant unusable* | 03:19 |
django | why is this so complicated? | 03:19 |
django | I just want to OFF nvidia | 03:19 |
spearson | mickster04: you mean access my os x music via sudo in ubuntu? | 03:20 |
=== sergio_ is now known as Guest81999 | ||
mickster04 | spearson: just open nautilus with gksu (sudo) and it should have permission to open the music folder | 03:22 |
spearson | mickster04: what's the full command? sudo gksu nautilus? | 03:23 |
ratmav | is there a way to remove the "Ubuntu Desktop" text from the top menubar in Unity? | 03:24 |
spearson | mickster04: so a hotspot in ubuntu is unsuable and is not 100% right? | 03:25 |
spearson | Just want to clarify | 03:25 |
Theory`` | Okay, so I made a Ubuntu bootable flash drive a few weeks back, now I would like to make this flash drive not bootable anymore, how is that done? | 03:26 |
mickster04 | spearson: just gksu nautlius | 03:28 |
spearson | Ok | 03:28 |
mickster04 | spearson: no idea, i assume it must be unusable for now | 03:28 |
mickster04 | Theory``: stick it into a booted machine and format it | 03:28 |
spearson | mickster04: Thanks, I'll leave the hotspot question on the back burner now | 03:29 |
Theory`` | mickster04, ok | 03:30 |
spearson | mickster04: I ran gksu nautlius and it asked for my user password in a new window but I try opening my music folder on my OS X volume I still get the error. isn't there supposed to be a open as administrator option when I right click or double tap the trackpad for the folder | 03:34 |
mickster04 | spearson: sudo is administrator | 03:35 |
spearson | http://mylinuxbook.com/nautilus-gksu/ | 03:35 |
spearson | mickster04: right but after entering the command into terminal, shouldn't I get an option to open as administrator? see http://mylinuxbook.com/nautilus-gksu/ | 03:36 |
mickster04 | spearson: yeah, what you did (gksu) is basically running nautlius as sudo, but gksu is used for graphical progrtams | 03:36 |
energizer | Can I get some help upgrading to trusty? I have "could not calculate the upgrade." | 03:37 |
mickster04 | so that drop down does the same thing without the shortcut | 03:37 |
spearson | mickster04: oh but not for accessing my music folder? | 03:37 |
mickster04 | spearson: it should have allowed you to access the music folder | 03:37 |
mickster04 | I recommend you make a folder in osxand make it shareable, then go back into ubuntu, you should be able to access it | 03:38 |
spearson | mickster04: It says This location could not be displayed. You do not permission necessary to view the contents of 'Music' | 03:38 |
spearson | mickster04: I could do that | 03:39 |
mickster04 | spearson: yeah, boot into osx move the music to a new folder with efwer permission restrictions | 03:39 |
spearson | mickster04: just seeing what my different options are. thanks for your help :P | 03:39 |
linuxuz3r | anyone here familiar with amazon instant video | 03:43 |
stork91 | Odd request. The other day Steffg linked an article/post about how GTK and GNOME were working together to try to break things for other distros. | 03:54 |
stork91 | specifically Ubuntu | 03:54 |
stork91 | anyone have a link to that? | 03:54 |
stork91 | I forgot to bookmark | 03:54 |
thenoobdude | Has anyone ever read of Audie Murphy? | 03:56 |
thenoobdude | the most decorated infantryman in the history of WWII | 03:56 |
stork91 | nvm | 03:56 |
stork91 | found it | 03:56 |
Ben64 | thenoobdude: not on topic here | 03:56 |
stork91 | thanks | 03:57 |
stork91 | http://igurublog.wordpress.com/2012/11/05/gnome-et-al-rotting-in-threes/ | 03:57 |
thenoobdude | sorry Ben64 got in a social argument about who was the best ever....Mr Murphy was | 03:59 |
Beldar | mmmm hearsay | 03:59 |
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away | ||
thenoobdude | I have some questions about the darkweb if anyone has any advice... | 03:59 |
=== sz0` is now known as sz0 | ||
thenoobdude | Tor browser stuff | 04:00 |
=== sz0 is now known as sz0` | ||
spearson | Question, after upgrading to 14.04 now when I restart my mac I get a folder with a question mark before the boot loader. I use REFInd | 04:00 |
dro | how to set up a irc bouncer? | 04:01 |
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1 | ||
dro | ? | 04:03 |
spearson | ?? | 04:03 |
dro | how to set up a irc bouncer? | 04:03 |
dro | spearson ? | 04:04 |
spearson | Question, after upgrading to 14.04 now when I restart my mac I get a folder with a question mark before the boot loader. I use REFInd | 04:04 |
magicflakes | When you subclass a MPTTModel can you automatically get the tree manager? | 04:05 |
spearson | can someone help? | 04:07 |
Ben64 | !patience | spearson | 04:07 |
ubottu | spearson: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 04:07 |
spearson | Question, after upgrading to 14.04 now when I restart my mac I get a folder with a question mark before the boot loader. I use REFInd | 04:07 |
spearson | Right after that it goes to the boot loader so i'm not too concerned but seeing if there is a fix | 04:08 |
mozzarella | guys | 04:11 |
mozzarella | when are we going to get firefox 29 on ubuntu | 04:11 |
spearson | Question, after upgrading to 14.04 now when I restart my mac I get a folder with a question mark before the boot loader. I use REFInd. | 04:12 |
spearson | Right after that it goes to the boot loader so i'm not too concerned but seeing if there is a fix | 04:12 |
Beldar | mozzarella, when it's not a beta and released. | 04:14 |
mozzarella | that's already the case | 04:15 |
rww | mozilla.org seems to think otherwise? | 04:15 |
Beldar | https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/beta/ | 04:16 |
=== votick[kendo] is now known as votick | ||
_root_ | hello | 04:21 |
_root_ | what is buffer in VIM | 04:22 |
dw1 | spearson: cool the upgrade ran | 04:29 |
onorua | Hi, does someone run systemd on ubuntu already? | 04:31 |
spearson | dw1: ya | 04:32 |
BlinkyBill | my install doesn't contain dhclient. What package do I need to install to get it? apt-get install dhclient doens't work | 04:32 |
spearson | dw1: believe I chose a server closer to home and it worked :) | 04:32 |
lathiat | BlinkyBill: isc-dhcp-client | 04:32 |
dw1 | spearson: nice, that server definitely seemed messed up | 04:32 |
BlinkyBill | great, thanks lathiat | 04:33 |
dw1 | spearson: you win the award for the worst upgrade experience | 04:33 |
spearson | dw1: I will kindly accept that award :P | 04:34 |
dw1 | spearson: grats. | 04:34 |
spearson | dw1: accepts | 04:34 |
spearson | dw1: did you upgrade to 14.04 yet? | 04:35 |
dw1 | spearson: yeah, i did it on 2 comps, one from 12.04 and one from 13.10, before official release | 04:36 |
spearson | also I think I answered my own question http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=767677 | 04:36 |
spearson | dw1: and no issues? | 04:36 |
spearson | I believe I just have to sync the partitions. | 04:36 |
mashu | when downloading files, what is the difference between rpm and deb? | 04:36 |
dw1 | spearson: a few error messages but nothing critical - seems fine. just had to reinstall graphic driver on one | 04:36 |
=== badon_ is now known as badon | ||
spearson | hmm | 04:36 |
spearson | I guess I get the award for the worst upgrade experience lol | 04:37 |
dw1 | yep | 04:37 |
dw1 | mashu: two different package systems | 04:37 |
dw1 | mashu: for ubuntu you need .deb | 04:37 |
BlinkyBill | lathiat, got dhclient installed, but the machine is now responding to both the previous static ip and the new dhcp assigned ip. how do I remove the static address? | 04:38 |
dw1 | mashu: they're similar, but for different systems | 04:38 |
mashu | mashu, by package systems you mean ... two different ways packages are managed and installed? | 04:38 |
spearson | dw1: thanks so much for your help yesterday and the instructions were easy to follow. I'm going to get to bed now as I lost sleep over this the past few days | 04:38 |
dw1 | mashu: yeah | 04:38 |
dw1 | spearson: happy to help. nite | 04:38 |
mashu | dw1, Thanks. | 04:38 |
=== root_ is now known as RahulAN | ||
mashu | When setting up printers, how do you know what the device URI is? | 04:43 |
mashu | 0: ipp14 | 04:47 |
mashu | 1: http | 04:47 |
mashu | 2: socket | 04:47 |
mashu | 3: lpd | 04:47 |
mashu | 4: https | 04:47 |
mashu | 5: ipps | 04:47 |
unopaste | mashu you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 04:47 |
mashu | When setting up printers, how do you know what the device URI is? | 04:48 |
madvirus420 | I have a pendrive which has become "read-only". chmod returns "Read-only file system". lsattr returns "Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags". Pastebin of ls -l, chmod, lsattr and chattr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7357105/ | 04:48 |
mashu | I get these options ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/7357101/ | 04:49 |
mashu | When setting up printers, how do you know what the device URI is? | 04:51 |
mashu | I get these options ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/7357101/ | 04:51 |
madara | does anyone here do c++? | 04:56 |
=== badon_ is now known as badon | ||
queazy | I'm a total beginner at Xubuntu, what is a "prefix"? At http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=30246 it says to "Create a fresh Wildstar prefix with WINEARCH=win32 by typing "WINEPREFIX=~/prefix/wildstar/ WINEARCH=win32 winecfg". Please edit to suit your own folder structure." | 05:05 |
queazy | ...but I'm such a beginner I don't know what my own folder structure is. | 05:05 |
skaag | after upgrading to 14.04 I can no longer boot my ubuntu from the NTFS partition it was on... | 05:09 |
skaag | it was installed in dual boot, where the ubuntu files are stored under the existing windows partition | 05:10 |
skaag | any way to fix this? | 05:10 |
ratmav | how do i move the minmize/maximize/close buttons back to the right? | 05:13 |
ratmav | on 14.04? | 05:13 |
=== wycats___ is now known as wycats | ||
haobug | queazy: Xubuntu is ubuntu with XFCE pre-installed and set to default desktop environment. prefix is the base folder in common. for wine please give playonlinux a chance or purchase the commercial Crossover, who is the biggest backer of wine project. | 05:16 |
daslicht | hi | 05:19 |
daslicht | my vps control panels says that i am using 63 % of diskspace | 05:20 |
vdmo_ | hi | 05:20 |
daslicht | how do i find out where this space is been used using the terminal? | 05:20 |
daslicht | https://gist.github.com/daslicht/b30e8eaf30e60dc98259 | 05:21 |
phasip | I want to downgrade from libc6 2.17 to libc6 2.15, but I don't have the 2.15 installer, can I take it from another ubuntu version? currently running saucy | 05:26 |
owh | phasip: Downgrading is not a trivial process and doing it with libc is even more hazardous. Any reason you want to downgrade from the supplied version? | 05:27 |
phasip | I want to install steam-launcher =/ | 05:28 |
phasip | And it says: steam-launcher: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.15) but 2.17-93ubuntu4 is to be installed | 05:28 |
owh | phasip: >= means greater than or equal to. The one that is there qualifies. It means you cannot use 2.14 | 05:28 |
k1l_ | that is 2.15 or more | 05:28 |
phasip | So why do I get that error? | 05:29 |
k1l_ | what ubuntu is that exactly? | 05:30 |
phasip | 13.10 xubuntu | 05:30 |
owh | phasip: I'd start with making sure everything is updated, the package list, the currently installed packages and then I'd try again. | 05:31 |
holstein | phasip: i think steam officially supports 12.04.. you should consider asking them for support. make sure you are up to date with upgrades and that your system isnt broken | 05:31 |
k1l_ | yep. | 05:31 |
phasip | Allright, thanks guys | 05:32 |
holstein | !steam | 05:32 |
ubottu | Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion. | 05:32 |
phasip | Awesome! | 05:33 |
neonpinkcrayon | Where exactly is the 32bit ubuntu server stuff? | 05:41 |
owh | neonpinkcrayon: What particular "stuff" are you referring to? | 05:42 |
neonpinkcrayon | owh: .iso | 05:42 |
neonpinkcrayon | Seriously, not 32-bit .isos unless I wanna torrent? | 05:43 |
owh | http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/ | 05:43 |
owh | http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/ubuntu-14.04-server-i386.iso | 05:44 |
neonpinkcrayon | "trusty"? | 05:45 |
rvdv | 14.04 ,,, so yes | 05:45 |
neonpinkcrayon | Just curious how you found the .iso. | 05:45 |
neonpinkcrayon | owh: Thanks, shopping time. | 05:46 |
rvdv | go to releases.ubuntu.com ... and look around there | 05:46 |
neonpinkcrayon | Yeah, I found some i386 .iso, but... was like... "Is that it", was reading the stuff up top... no i386. | 05:46 |
neonpinkcrayon | rvdv: Looks good, thanks. | 05:47 |
YuMPiNYoN | Hello :) | 05:50 |
wheatthin | so trusty is still in development? I'm using it, but some stuff still says 13.10 | 05:50 |
wheatthin | from a 12.04 upgrade | 05:50 |
owh | wheatthin: What "stuff"? | 05:51 |
* owh wonders if there is a stuff factoid. | 05:53 | |
owh | !stuff | 05:53 |
pietro10 | [01:50] <wheatthin> so trusty is still in development? I'm using it, but some stuff still says 13.10 | 05:53 |
pietro10 | known bug | 05:53 |
pietro10 | they're working on it | 05:53 |
pietro10 | also I forgot I was here | 05:54 |
pietro10 | what quesiton did I have before | 05:54 |
pietro10 | oh | 05:54 |
pietro10 | Hi. Here's a weird issue that happens on kubuntu 14.10, and also happens on ubuntu gnome 14.10: package devhelp: the left navigation pane is scrolled horizontally to the right and I can't get it ligned up properly again. Has anyone else noticed this? I tried asking the GTK+ channel but they haven,t so I thought I'd try here. Thanks. | 05:54 |
pietro10 | (though I can ask again tomorrow) | 05:54 |
abhvym | !ops | nadia-f27 posting porn messages in my pm | 05:54 |
ubottu | nadia-f27 posting porn messages in my pm: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l! | 05:54 |
daslicht | !ops | nadia-f27 spaming around | 06:11 |
ubottu | nadia-f27 spaming around: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l! | 06:11 |
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
rookie211 | Which works smoothest? The new unity or KDE 4.12? | 06:21 |
rookie211 | I'm asking with regards to appearance and performance | 06:22 |
owh | rookie211: That is likely to depend entirely on the hardware you're using and the workload you're attempting to push through. An under spec. machine will always lack performance. Most modern hardware spends most of its life idling. | 06:23 |
rookie211 | Okay...I've been using unity for the past 2 years...got decent hardware | 06:25 |
rookie211 | Laptop is a first gen i3, 4 gigs of ram | 06:25 |
rookie211 | Problem is I found gnome to be a bit laggy | 06:26 |
rookie211 | KDE was better than unity | 06:26 |
rookie211 | Hence was asking | 06:26 |
knight` | doing apt-get remove|purge <TAB> and dpkg -L <TAB> produce garbage text '^[[m^[[K^[[m^[[K'. what's happening here? | 06:30 |
ExcaliburX | hey guys | 06:30 |
abhvym | knight`, what is TAB? | 06:30 |
owh | abhvym: Hitting the TAB key. | 06:30 |
knight` | abhvym: the completion key | 06:31 |
maxx-- | hello, I am a complete newbie and I am trying to figure out how to search for a package with apt-get. I have read its man page but I dont see option for searching | 06:31 |
abhvym | knight`, instead of tab can you give the actual command you used? the text which tab completes? | 06:31 |
owh | maxx--: apt-cache search | 06:31 |
maxx-- | ah ok thanks | 06:31 |
abhvym | knight`, are you using awesome? which terminal you are using? | 06:31 |
ExcaliburX | Can you guys help me? I'm a poor guy and I need some money to build a new PC. If anyone can donate some money or has old parts that could really help. | 06:32 |
abhvym | ?? | 06:32 |
knight` | abhvym: i'm using unity and gnome-terminal | 06:32 |
abhvym | knight`, try doing this in terminator. sudo apt-get install terminator. see if you get same error | 06:33 |
knight` | abhvym: sudo apt-get remove qbit<TAB>^[[m^[[K^[[m^[[Ktorrent is an example | 06:34 |
abhvym | knight`, try doing this in terminator. sudo apt-get install terminator. see if you get same error | 06:34 |
owh | knight`: Have a read of this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/86375/apt-get-autocomplete | 06:34 |
ExcaliburX | can anyone help? | 06:35 |
knight` | abhvym: i've tried in linux console and xterm too | 06:35 |
owh | abhvym: I think the bash auto complete is borked. Not a function of the terminal. | 06:35 |
maxx-- | background on my X (compiz + unity, 3d cube on) looks messed up after going to terminal and back.. any way to fix it without logging out? windows look fine | 06:36 |
abhvym | knight`, no idea then. | 06:36 |
owh | maxx--: Are you running a terminal program, or switching to the tty? | 06:37 |
dw1 | ExcaliburX: do you have a ubuntu support issue? | 06:37 |
dw1 | ExcaliburX: see topic :) | 06:37 |
ExcaliburX | I can help others with ubuntu. I need a new computer and don't have money. | 06:37 |
maxx-- | owh: switched to tty I guess? (ctrl+alt+f1) | 06:38 |
owh | maxx--: No need to do that, just open up a terminal. | 06:38 |
owh | maxx--: That is, launch one. | 06:38 |
owh | maxx--: Switching to a tty is like using a big hammer. | 06:38 |
maxx-- | owh: is it normal that switching to tty messes up some graphics? | 06:39 |
ExcaliburX | Does anyone have spare parts? | 06:39 |
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owh | maxx--: I see it often. It's a pretty complex operation. If you rotate the cube, does it get fixed? | 06:40 |
maxx-- | owh: no. windows are fine, but not the desktop background | 06:40 |
owh | ExcaliburX: Seeking donations in the style you're doing is not good form. You're much more likely to achieve success in your local community. Currently you're using hardware to talk to us, so you're not without any. Please use this channel for Ubuntu technical support questions. | 06:41 |
fishcooker | i have now total i have 3 interfaces; wlan0 and br0; wlan1(AP hostapd)+eth1...wlan0( client of AP(; internet gateway)... dhcp on br0( will create subnet how to enable internet connection to the client of this subnet? | 06:42 |
jellow | !ot | ExcaliburX | 06:42 |
ubottu | ExcaliburX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 06:42 |
owh | rookie211: I cannot answer that question. If it was laggy before, my experience is that its unlikely to improve with newer versions without upgrading your hardware. Note that this is a general comment. On occasion improvements do come through ;-) | 06:43 |
fishcooker | i have now total i have 3 interfaces; wlan0 and br0; wlan1(AP hostapd)+eth1...wlan0( client of AP(; internet gateway)... dhcp on br0( will create subnet how to enable internet connection to the client of this subnet? | 06:44 |
rookie211 | owh: gnome looks amazing though...complete eye candy... | 06:44 |
rookie211 | Gonna change my laptop anyways...dell sucks | 06:44 |
owh | fishcooker: I do not know what you're attempting to ask. | 06:44 |
WiredSlash | rookie211, exactly | 06:44 |
WiredSlash | rookie211, get acer laptop | 06:45 |
rookie211 | How are the reviews? | 06:45 |
WiredSlash | rookie211, acer with ubuntu 14.04 the best | 06:45 |
rookie211 | U personally use Acer? | 06:45 |
rookie211 | Model? | 06:45 |
WiredSlash | rookie211, yes | 06:45 |
* owh uses a virtual machine and doesn't care what hardware is running underneath. | 06:45 | |
WiredSlash | rookie211, mine is old model though , Acer Aspire 4736z | 06:45 |
knight` | owh: http://askubuntu.com/questions/86375/apt-get-autocomplete is about whole completion feature of bash but i have have problem with completion of apt-get and dpkg programs | 06:45 |
rookie211 | I'm wanting to buy a 13 inch now | 06:45 |
fishcooker | how to enable internet to client of hostapd on wlan1, owh? | 06:45 |
WiredSlash | rookie211, but acer is ultra cool and slim laptops | 06:45 |
rookie211 | Enough of heating problems and big screens | 06:45 |
owh | knight`: Yes, but it uses the same mechanism IIRC. | 06:46 |
nf7 | I have a really beefy Mac that I would love to put Ubuntu on, but I can't seem to boot the installer via USB. I follow the guide for Mac formatting http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx with a Ubuntu+Mac iso, and it just doesn't appear as an option when I hold the boot selection key. But the USB will work for a regular laptop (like a thinkpad) | 06:46 |
rookie211 | U have any new Acer model in mind? One that I could look into? | 06:46 |
WiredSlash | rookie211, my laptop is 5 years old now , no problems till now.. working cool as ice :P | 06:46 |
owh | nf7: Install VMware Fustion, build a machine inside that ;-) | 06:46 |
rookie211 | That's a boon! Should see my inspiron 15r | 06:46 |
WiredSlash | rookie211, I guess latest aspire systems are very good | 06:46 |
rookie211 | Starts heating up to ignition temperatures in 40 mins | 06:46 |
owh | fishcooker: Are you talking about setting up the machine as a gateway? | 06:47 |
WiredSlash | rookie211, Never buy DELL or HP !! They will burn you down :( | 06:47 |
rookie211 | WiredSlash: yea....torturous...won't ever buy a dell | 06:47 |
WiredSlash | rookie211, best laptop brands are Acer and Lenevo :P | 06:47 |
nf7 | owh: Why would I want the terrible performance of a virtual machine? I'm trying to take advantage of the hardware | 06:47 |
rookie211 | The dell Ubuntu edition is a looker though | 06:47 |
Scare_Crow | i only use hp for scanners and printers they have good linux drivers | 06:47 |
rookie211 | WiredSlash: lenovo ftw! :-) | 06:48 |
nf7 | owh: Sorry I didn't mean to come off as a prick, but that's not what I'm looking to do | 06:48 |
knight` | owh: re-installing won't solve my problem because its haunting me since 13.10 and it persists in clean installed 14.04 too | 06:48 |
PolishPicker | like i said hp is good for linux as they have a good driveres | 06:49 |
PolishPicker | drivers | 06:49 |
owh | nf7: It's cool. I didn't read it like that. I have used that since 2009. No performance issues. Lots of benefits, snapshots, backups, look-and-see backups, etc. I've not attempted a USB boot. Got a CD? | 06:49 |
PolishPicker | but if i had to spend money i buy system76 | 06:49 |
owh | knight`: Look further. There are missing files according to the answers there. I tested locally here and it works as expected. | 06:49 |
nf7 | owh: What is the other os you use, OSX/Windows? | 06:50 |
owh | nf7: OS X is the host. | 06:51 |
PolishPicker | damn i quit using windows 4 years ago | 06:51 |
WiredSlash | i quit, but started using it again | 06:51 |
owh | knight`: Look at the /etc/skel comment. | 06:52 |
knight` | owh: i have just checked that. funny thing is that the guest account doesn't have this problem at all | 06:53 |
nf7 | owh: Cool. I find that Windows 8.1 runs a lot better inside a virtual machine with OSX as the host. Ubuntu was really slow for me when I tried it in a VM. | 06:53 |
owh | knight`: That's a sure sign you borked something in the account ;-) | 06:53 |
PolishPicker | WiredSlash i just cannot stand the interface plus i cannot tweak my hardware the way i want to | 06:53 |
owh | nf7: You need to turn on the Direct X stuff on the VM and you need to install the guest tools. I tend to use the open source ones, rather than the complex stuff supplied by VMware. | 06:54 |
llutz | knight`: "grep compl ~/.bashrc" "ls -l ~/.bashrc" | 06:54 |
fishcooker | yes owh | 06:54 |
=== dan is now known as danspanner | ||
knight` | llutz: completion is enabled properly | 06:55 |
owh | knight`: When did you last edit .bashrc? | 06:56 |
nf7 | owh: Yeah I installed the open source ones as well. This was inside of Virtual Box | 06:56 |
owh | nf7: What was slow? | 06:56 |
knight` | owh: it's been quite a while since i added some aliases and env vars | 06:57 |
owh | fishcooker: Which instructions are you following to set-up your gateway? | 06:57 |
owh | knight`: Perhaps you made a typo. It's a bash script snippet. Have a look to see how it compares to the one in the guest account. Perhaps there will be a Doh! moment ;-) | 06:58 |
fishcooker | #ip route add...i think | 06:58 |
vincent | 下载 44.2 kB,耗时 2秒 (20.8 kB/s) | 06:58 |
vincent | (正在读取数据库 ... 系统当前共安装有 288504 个文件和目录。) | 06:58 |
vincent | Preparing to unpack .../gnome-settings-daemon-schemas_3.8.6.1-0ubuntu11_all.deb ... | 06:58 |
vincent | Unpacking gnome-settings-daemon-schemas ( ... | 06:58 |
vincent | dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/gnome-settings-daemon-schemas_3.8.6.1-0ubuntu11_all.deb (--unpack): | 06:58 |
vincent | 正试图覆盖 /usr/share/GConf/gsettings/gnome-settings-daemon.convert,它同时被包含于软件包 gnome-settings-daemon 3.10.2-0ubuntu1~saucy1 | 06:58 |
unopaste | vincent you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 06:58 |
=== vincent is now known as Guest8493 | ||
Guest8493 | Processing triggers for gconf2 (3.2.6-0ubuntu2) ... | 06:58 |
Guest8493 | 在处理时有错误发生: | 06:58 |
Guest8493 | /var/cache/apt/archives/gnome-settings-daemon-schemas_3.8.6.1-0ubuntu11_all.deb | 06:58 |
Guest8493 | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 06:58 |
knight` | owh: i'll see | 06:58 |
owh | fishcooker: That's a command, not a set of instructions. | 06:59 |
Guest8493 | new soft ware can not be install and apt-get install -f fuilre | 07:00 |
WiredSlash | hello guys !!! | 07:00 |
WiredSlash | anyone using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ? | 07:01 |
hucksy | hi, yes | 07:01 |
owh | Guest8493: Did you update your cache before you started installing things? | 07:01 |
Guest8493 | compiz-gnome : 依赖: gnome-settings-daemon-schemas (>= 3.4.2-0ubuntu9) 但是它还没有被安装 | 07:01 |
Guest8493 | unity-settings-daemon : 依赖: gnome-settings-daemon-schemas (>= 3.8) 但是它还没有被安装 | 07:01 |
Guest8493 | 依赖: gnome-settings-daemon-schemas (< 3.10) 但是它还没有被安装 | 07:01 |
llutz | !paste| Guest8493 | 07:02 |
ubottu | Guest8493: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 07:02 |
Guest8493 | compiz-gnome : 依赖: gnome-settings-daemon-schemas (>= 3.4.2-0ubuntu9) 但是它还没有被安装 | 07:02 |
Guest8493 | unity-settings-daemon : 依赖: gnome-settings-daemon-schemas (>= 3.8) 但是它还没有被安装 | 07:02 |
Guest8493 | 依赖: gnome-settings-daemon-schemas (< 3.10) 但是它还没有被安装 | 07:02 |
PolishPicker | ubuntu has the tendency to crash after couple of updates of the kernel | 07:03 |
owh | PolishPicker: Sure, if you update the kernel and don't reboot. | 07:04 |
Guest8493 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7357603/ | 07:04 |
PolishPicker | i do reboot after all my updates | 07:04 |
owh | PolishPicker: That's like changing the running motor in a car and hoping that it's still connected to the gearbox. | 07:05 |
WiredSlash | any reviews on Ubuntu 14.04 ? | 07:05 |
Guest8493 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7357603/ | 07:05 |
Guest8493 | need help | 07:05 |
PolishPicker | i run the recommended updates ubuntu is the only distro that crashes after couple kernel updates | 07:06 |
owh | Guest8493: What happened before apt-get install -f ? | 07:06 |
dw1 | PolishPicker: havent had a problem on a couple machines.. maybe picky hardware | 07:06 |
rookie211 | WiredSlash: just got it 3-4 days back...I mainly use it for java development | 07:06 |
llutz | !cn | Guest8493 | 07:06 |
ubottu | Guest8493: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 07:06 |
rookie211 | No problems whatsoever | 07:06 |
Guest8493 | 在处理时有错误发生: | 07:07 |
Guest8493 | /var/cache/apt/archives/gnome-settings-daemon-schemas_3.8.6.1-0ubuntu11_all.deb | 07:07 |
Guest8493 | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 07:07 |
Guest8493 | vincent@vincent-K53SC:~$ sudo apt-get autoremove | 07:07 |
WiredSlash | rookie211, are you using it in your laptop or desktop ? | 07:07 |
PolishPicker | i like ubuntu don't take me wrong i just use either mint or atm zorin 8 | 07:07 |
nf7 | exit() | 07:07 |
rookie211 | Stable and unity is decent as usual | 07:08 |
rookie211 | Laptop | 07:08 |
dw1 | PolishPicker: so you just came to complain :) | 07:08 |
rookie211 | Unfortunately win on desktop | 07:08 |
rookie211 | Because of unity engine | 07:08 |
=== sz0` is now known as sz0 | ||
PolishPicker | nope not at all i am here to see fixes for bugs thats all | 07:09 |
dw1 | PolishPicker: well if you post your crash info maybe you can get help and explain and fix it | 07:09 |
PolishPicker | i am big supporter of ubuntu because i want to see it on phones and tv's! | 07:10 |
Guest8493 | thanks for u help | 07:10 |
rookie211 | PolishPicker: would love the Ubuntu phone! | 07:10 |
PolishPicker | me 2 | 07:10 |
owh | Any chance you can move this chatter to offtopic? | 07:11 |
PolishPicker | i love the interface i am not a big ios interface user (i have itouch) and i won't even go near windows phone yea just show me the channel | 07:13 |
Zta | In 14.04, how do I enable desktops FROM THE COMMAND LINE? I've searched the trees in dconf-editor and couldn't find anything to feed gsettings. | 07:14 |
Ben64 | what do you mean "enable desktops" | 07:14 |
WiredSlash | rookie211, Do you have seperate keyboard and mouse when you use your laptop ? Or just use the laptop keyboard and touchpad ? | 07:14 |
xangua | Zta do you mean workplaces | 07:14 |
Zta | Ben64, xangua: Yes, I mean workspaces. | 07:15 |
xangua | Zta go to Appearence window > Behavior > Enable workplaces | 07:15 |
Zta | xangua: Close, but no. Read my question again. | 07:15 |
robotdevil | anyone know where the petitboot (otheros.bld) is for booting 7.04 on ps3 | 07:16 |
Ben64 | robotdevil: 7.04 is long since unsupported, we can't help you here | 07:16 |
Ben64 | Zta: why must it be command line? | 07:16 |
Zta | Ben64: Because I'd like to have all my preferences in a script that I can just apply after a clean installation. | 07:16 |
Zta | Ben64: ...instead of hours of fiddeling in all sorts of tweak tools and what not. | 07:17 |
robotdevil | Ben64: :'-( | 07:17 |
bigred1 | Zta: cant you use the gsettings command? | 07:17 |
owh | robotdevil: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ | 07:17 |
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Zta | bigred1: I'd like to. Do you know the key for enabling workspaces? | 07:18 |
bigred1 | Zta: Try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/260510/how-do-i-turn-on-workspaces-why-do-i-only-have-one-workspace-since-13-04 | 07:18 |
madara | how come my tar xjvc isnt working? | 07:18 |
llutz | madara: either x or c not both | 07:19 |
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madara | i want to extract | 07:19 |
madara | whats the difference? | 07:19 |
llutz | madara: man tar | 07:19 |
Zta | bigred1: Tried it, doesn't work. That option if for altering the size and dimensions of the virtual desktops, not enabling them. | 07:20 |
llutz | madara: tar xf foo.tar.bz2 | 07:20 |
madara | lol create vs extract | 07:20 |
madara | wtf was i thinking | 07:20 |
zanzacar | I am trying to see if my microphone is working. I didn't see anything about microphone or input. That being said can anyone help me out. http://pastebin.com/UyxvQasn | 07:20 |
bigred15 | Zta: Yeah, there's a comment on 14.04 where you also have to set the vsize and run the command twice | 07:20 |
Zta | bigred15: what? Let me read again... | 07:21 |
rookie211 | WiredSlash: I use the laptop keyboard and a wireless mouse | 07:21 |
bigred15 | Zta: Under the response, some bloke called Tony gave a reply regarding 14.04 and what he needed to do to get it to work. | 07:22 |
WiredSlash | isnt laptop keyboard very delicate for work use ? rookie211 | 07:22 |
Zta | bigred15: Thanks for helping me use my eyes ;) | 07:22 |
Zta | argh, I also need to disable graphics for smileys in pidgin I see ... (= | 07:23 |
bigred15 | no worries. | 07:23 |
madara | how long does it take to tar something? | 07:24 |
madara | its taking forever... | 07:24 |
owh | madara: That depends on what you're tarring and onto what you're putting it. | 07:24 |
rookie211 | WiredSlash: nope.... | 07:24 |
Daleus | depends on the size and complication of files as well. | 07:25 |
ESphynx | Hey guys, it seems twm doesn't start anymore, I get a hang? | 07:26 |
ESphynx | oh wait silly me lol | 07:26 |
ESphynx | it keeps the background on lol | 07:26 |
ESphynx | that is sort of confusing from earlier :P | 07:27 |
joepack411 | where can i find out how to configure an ubuntu server to allow remote access from other computers with out need of ethernet and through ssh? | 07:28 |
owh | joepack411: Without the need of ethernet? Is this going to be a telepathic connection? | 07:29 |
exported | joepack411: you mean over WAN? | 07:29 |
joepack411 | owh: no we want to get remote access through wifi but connect through ssh with username and passwords. we have users set up and passwords we just need to gain access via wifi. | 07:30 |
exported | joepack411: if you want a password less login you could generate pub/private keys and not have passwds on the keys. that is up to you though. | 07:30 |
owh | joepack411: If the server is online via wifi, then install openssh-server and it will respond to ssh connection requests. | 07:31 |
joepack411 | owh: is using openssh the best in regards to security cause that's pretty important for us? | 07:32 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
wheatthin | joepack411, openssh-server comes with lots of encryption algorithms.. if you need to further protect your access, limit which ip/mac address's can actually connect to the server. | 07:33 |
exported | joepack411: openssh is as secure as you make it. but that is with anything you use. a service on a server is never 100 percent secure but the way you run it and secure it will affect that. | 07:34 |
wheatthin | it's called obscurity I believe.. the more lines of protection you have, the better :) | 07:35 |
wheatthin | just as long as the intended people can access the intended services | 07:36 |
joepack411 | wheatthin & exported: okay that makes sense. We're in the process of setting up the firewall so this will help. Yeah with the higher security the lower ease of use but we're all decently tech savy so ease of use isn't a big deal, we just arent all ubuntu pro's. Would a general search for configuring an openssh give me good tips for configuring it? | 07:37 |
exported | yeah since using linux i've gotten the " Security through obscurity is not security " line in many different styles. it's best to just do you best. | 07:37 |
exported | joepack411: tbh after generating the pub and priv keys it's much easier | 07:37 |
joepack411 | exported: From talking with my friend who set up server he said that he has the pub and private keys up so it shouldn't be too much work to get the remote access. | 07:38 |
exported | joepack411: are you trying to access his server? | 07:39 |
ring3 | hi | 07:39 |
IvelfanFr | Hello tout l monde | 07:39 |
jellow | !fr | IvelfanFr | 07:40 |
ubottu | IvelfanFr: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 07:40 |
joepack411 | exported: No we have a server up and we want to allow certain people on the server to drop info in. So while he's setting up other stuff it's my job to figure out the remote acces. I have access through a username and password but only when i have the ethernet plugged in. | 07:40 |
ring3 | my fglrx driver is setting 1920x1080 (Full HD) but i need 2560x1440 (WQHD) any clue? | 07:40 |
ring3 | before the dist upgrade i was on 2560x1440 | 07:41 |
exported | joepack411: well connecting to the server from wifi should work unless there is unaccounted configurations | 07:41 |
ring3 | after the dist upgrade my max resolution is 1920x1080 | 07:41 |
ring3 | :( | 07:41 |
gypsymauro | hi | 07:41 |
exported | as long as you're connected to the same network of course joepack411 | 07:41 |
gypsymauro | I'm trying to boot from cd the 14.04 but after the violet background and a very fast message on efi the screen become black and nothing else happens, any hint? | 07:42 |
joepack411 | exported: well it's running on a seperate network and we have people going seperate ways for a little while and we want to allow them to have access whereever they are, all they need to is plug in the ip address their username and password and they'll have access after that. Is that possible? | 07:42 |
exported | joepack411: yes just set the gateway/router to forward packets to your server. | 07:43 |
exported | to the correct port obviously. | 07:43 |
joepack411 | exported: so once we set the gateway to forward the packets and they send it to the right port they'll have access to drop info into the server? | 07:44 |
exported | joepack411: precisely. they will enter the external ip address and then the router will tell their client to go to the server's lan ip and port. | 07:45 |
exported | external ip and port* | 07:45 |
exported | the server will welcome them with open arms assuming the firewall is okay with it and they will be able to use sftp and the like. | 07:46 |
joepack411 | exported: okay awesome. how complicated is the process of setting up the gateway's? My friends are working on the firewall so i just need to get the remote access up asap? | 07:47 |
exported | joepack411: it should be fairly easy. it is just dependent on their knowledge of networking and their understanding of routers. i think there is a site that can tell for specific models | 07:48 |
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exported | it's basically just enter port to forward to. enter ip to forward to. save quit. | 07:48 |
joepack411 | exported: yeah their pretty good with networking and routing. What website is that if we have trouble? | 07:49 |
bazhang | !portforward | 07:49 |
ubottu | For instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall | 07:49 |
exported | welllookey there lol | 07:49 |
exported | bazhang: thank you :D | 07:49 |
exported | that is quite nifty. | 07:50 |
joepack411 | exported: awesome thanks for the help! | 07:50 |
exported | joepack411: no worries. | 07:50 |
kimminhee | kimminhee | 07:54 |
exported | exported :D | 07:54 |
TinCan_Assassin | If I upgrade using update manager, will I lose programs such as KeepassX? | 08:06 |
Daleus | TinCan_Assassin, depends if you installed KeepassX from the repos, if it is availiable in the new version then you should have no problems... | 08:07 |
Daleus | TinCan_Assassin, ....should.... | 08:07 |
TinCan_Assassin | IIRC, I installed it from the Software Center. | 08:08 |
d1323 | how can I disable font smoothing in ubuntu 14.04? | 08:09 |
ring3 | my fglrx driver is setting 1920x1080 (Full HD) but i need 2560x1440 (WQHD) any clue? | 08:09 |
Daleus | TinCan_Assassin, Probably fine then, might be worth having a search online to see if the software exists in the version you are upgrading to (most likely it does). | 08:09 |
ring3 | d1323: what is font smoothing?? | 08:09 |
ring3 | d1323: tweak-tool | 08:09 |
Daleus | ring3, subpixel hitting, probably. | 08:10 |
rvdv | TinCan_Assassin: apt-cache search keepassX says it's in 14.04 too | 08:10 |
ring3 | Daleus: yes yes, I have to click under the buttons to click them | 08:10 |
ring3 | Daleus: how to fix this? | 08:10 |
d1323 | ring3, it goes by different names.. it blurs the font pixels to make them appear less sharp, for whatever reason.. and it is on by default | 08:11 |
Daleus | ring3, that probably isn't the problem - not sure how to disable it in Ubuntu as I run Xubuntu and it has a little bit of a different interface. | 08:11 |
ring3 | d1323: I use gnome3, but after the upgrade my resolution was lower and the butons are dificult to click | 08:12 |
Daleus | ring3, have you tried changing your resolution manaully? | 08:13 |
d1323 | i am using unity DE. is gnome-tweak-tool what i want for this? | 08:13 |
ring3 | xrandr doesnt show higher resolution | 08:13 |
Daleus | ring3, could be a driver compatability issue - on your previous install (i.e before upgrade) had you installed any custom drivers for your video? i.e AMD or Nvidia? | 08:14 |
TinCan_Assassin | Daleus and rvdv: Thank you, this was most helpful. | 08:14 |
Daleus | TinCan_Assassin, have a good upgrade :D | 08:15 |
TinCan_Assassin | I'm waiting for the point release, but I wanted to be sure. | 08:15 |
ring3 | Daleus: flgrx | 08:18 |
Daleus | ring3, sorry not too familiar with flgrx | 08:18 |
ghoulsblade | hi all! how do i find out if i have 32 or 64 bit on a system, is there some /proc/cpu entry or similar ? | 08:19 |
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jpentland | ghoulsblade, do you mean the cpu or the os? | 08:21 |
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
ghoulsblade | depends. i need to install eclipse for a code project, i want to know if i need the 32 or 64 bit version | 08:21 |
ronmu | hi, how can I enable 'minimize on click' in Unity (14.04)? | 08:22 |
jpentland | it will be for the os hten | 08:22 |
jpentland | ghoulsblade, try 'uname -a' | 08:23 |
Rory | ronmu: It's enabled already | 08:23 |
ghoulsblade | ah thanks, nothing with 64 so 32 it is i guess, thanks =) "Linux washu 2.6.38-16-generic-pae #67-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 6 18:18:02 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux" | 08:23 |
Rory | ghoulsblade: uname -i | 08:23 |
Rory | ghoulsblade: That's 32-bit | 08:23 |
ronmu | Rory: no, it's not :S | 08:24 |
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Rory | ronmu: I didn't have to enable it | 08:25 |
Rory | ronmu: There's some Unity options you can change if you install the package compizconfig-settings-manager | 08:25 |
jpentland | ghoulsblade, i686 means you have 32 bit, otherwise it would say x86_64 | 08:27 |
ronmu | Rory: compiz hmm ok, I'll try | 08:27 |
MaxFrames | hello | 08:27 |
ghoulsblade | thanks! | 08:28 |
MaxFrames | need to join a lubuntu 14.04 box to an active directory domain, can you help? | 08:28 |
MaxFrames | goal: domain users must be able to logon to the box using their domain credentials | 08:28 |
MaxFrames | I read that likewise-open is no longer available for 14.04 | 08:28 |
MaxFrames | where to go then? | 08:29 |
Rory | MaxFrames: Is this helpful? http://askubuntu.com/questions/452904/likewise-open-14-04-other-easy-way-to-connect-ad | 08:29 |
MaxFrames | I have found that link | 08:29 |
MaxFrames | I am looking for confirmation: is this powerbroker the only current way to join ubuntu to a windows domain? | 08:30 |
Rory | MaxFrames: Did it work? | 08:30 |
MaxFrames | it looks considerably more complicated than likewise-open which had a gui | 08:30 |
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
MaxFrames | since I have to repeat this task on many other machines, I am looking for the simplest solution | 08:30 |
Rory | MaxFrames: If you have to repeat it on lots of machines, surely a GUI is the last thing you want? | 08:31 |
Rory | MaxFrames: domainjoin-cli join domainname.com administrator@domainname.com | 08:31 |
Rory | MaxFrames: Seems a lot simpler to me than "Open gui -> click -> click -> click -> click -> click" | 08:31 |
ring3 | Namarrgon: the problem can be any grub booting flag? | 08:32 |
lesshaste | hud-service is using 100% of cpu time | 08:33 |
lesshaste | is this a known problem? | 08:33 |
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=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
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james_ | Hi | 08:44 |
=== james_ is now known as Guest60517 | ||
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
Guest60517 | i am looking for some help finding the specific source package for a bug | 08:44 |
Guest60517 | issue is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1313292 | 08:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1313292 in Ubuntu "Keyboard layout changes not persistant" [Undecided,New] | 08:44 |
MaxFrames | ok I have downloaded that powerbroker thing | 08:45 |
Guest60517 | bug is with the keyboard layout | 08:45 |
MaxFrames | made it executable and double clicked it and it extracted stuff in a directory | 08:45 |
Guest60517 | so i can't find the class | 08:45 |
MaxFrames | now what do I do? | 08:45 |
MaxFrames | http://download1.beyondtrust.com/Technical-Support/Downloads/PowerBroker-Identity-Services-Open-Edition/?Pass=True | 08:45 |
MaxFrames | "double click the installer"... what installer? there's a dozen files in there | 08:46 |
Guest60517 | xprop WM_CLASS doesn't work on it | 08:46 |
=== zz_Zyrax is now known as Zyrax | ||
MaxFrames | can anyone help? | 08:48 |
MaxFrames | http://askubuntu.com/questions/452904/likewise-open-14-04-other-easy-way-to-connect-ad | 08:49 |
MaxFrames | ^^^ very confusing | 08:49 |
Lucax | I have two questions, what is the best torrent site and client for linux? | 08:51 |
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Guest30930 | hello | 08:53 |
bigred15 | Lucax: rtorrent is without question the best torrent client for Linux. | 08:53 |
MaxFrames | anyone pls? | 08:54 |
qin | Lucax: best site is releases.ubuntu.com and client... | 08:54 |
qin | !torrent | 08:54 |
ubottu | Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P | 08:54 |
MaxFrames | how to install powerbroker in ubuntu | 08:54 |
qin | !best | Lucax | 08:54 |
MaxFrames | got a bunch of .deb files, none of them does anything | 08:54 |
Lucax | can someone walk me through setting up transmission in a good way? | 08:56 |
Lucax | nevermind, my transmission is working swell! | 08:58 |
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rvdv | MaxFrames: Do you know what to do with a DEB file? | 09:01 |
MaxFrames | I guess I need to run it as it's an install script | 09:01 |
rvdv | MaxFrames: deb files are packages which can be installed with dpkg -i debfile_name.deb | 09:02 |
MaxFrames | so I downloaded the .deb.sh package and made it executable and double clicked it as per the instructions | 09:02 |
rvdv | MaxFrames: as i do not know what deb files you have and not know what system architecture you have I can not tell you what to install | 09:03 |
MaxFrames | as a result, it extracted a folder with 6 or 7 .deb files, I dunno which one(s) to install to start with | 09:03 |
MaxFrames | it's x86 | 09:03 |
rvdv | i386? | 09:03 |
somsip | MaxFrames: "Need help? Email us at openproject@beyondtrust.com or check out our user forum at http://forum.beyondtrust.com" | 09:04 |
MaxFrames | i386 | 09:04 |
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
thomson28 | what is a good torrent client for ubuntu? | 09:06 |
Lucax | I am getting an error in my archive manager when I want to execute downloaded files, I mean push the exe file, it says: an error occured while loading the archive. any help| | 09:06 |
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MaxFrames | ok maybe I got it | 09:06 |
MaxFrames | I ran the script from the command line and it went through an install routine | 09:07 |
Lucax | thanks for all the great torrentinfo by the way | 09:07 |
MaxFrames | now I am at step 6 here http://notesonit.blogspot.it/2013/03/howto-powerbroker-identity-services.html | 09:07 |
MaxFrames | and I have an error | 09:07 |
MaxFrames | "unable to find ssh binary [code 0x00000436]" | 09:07 |
MaxFrames | so I cant join the domain | 09:08 |
MaxFrames | what do I have to do? | 09:08 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, I assume you do indeed have an ssh client installed? | 09:08 |
MaxFrames | I dunno. I have just installed lubuntu 14.04 from scratch | 09:08 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, thinking about it, it may need libssh | 09:08 |
MaxFrames | I thought it had one | 09:08 |
MaxFrames | the thing is, there seems to be no step by step tutorial to use this powerbroker thing | 09:09 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, Try this command - apt-cache search libssh | 09:09 |
Daleus | see if there are any packages that look interesting. | 09:10 |
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
MaxFrames | there are packages. I dunno if interesting | 09:10 |
MaxFrames | what do I have to look for? | 09:10 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, well, if the tutorial doesn't specify then try libssh-4 or libssh2-1 | 09:12 |
qin | !info ssh | 09:12 |
ubottu | ssh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB | 09:12 |
MaxFrames | http://notesonit.blogspot.it/2013/03/howto-powerbroker-identity-services.html mentions "be sure ssh server is installed" | 09:12 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, ah okay! apt-get install openssh-server ;) | 09:12 |
MaxFrames | but do I need to install an ssh _server_ on a client machine just to join it to active directory? | 09:13 |
MaxFrames | it does not make any sense | 09:13 |
qin | MaxFrames: sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 09:13 |
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Daleus | MaxFrames, I agree that does not make sense - here at my work we use likewise-open to join Linux machines to AD. | 09:13 |
Daleus | which requires only LDAP packages and similar. | 09:13 |
MaxFrames | but likewise-open is no longer in the repositories | 09:14 |
pieroooooooooooo | salve | 09:14 |
MaxFrames | to think that I have waited until 14.04 was released to start this (converting old winxp machines to lubuntu) | 09:14 |
pieroooooooooooo | !list | 09:14 |
ubottu | pieroooooooooooo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 09:14 |
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
MaxFrames | and it turns out likewise-open was working with 13.10, and now no longe | 09:14 |
MaxFrames | r | 09:14 |
MaxFrames | this is bad luck :( | 09:15 |
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Daleus | MaxFrames, that is bad luck. I am running Xubuntu 13.10 and Likewise works for me. I did not know it no longer works with 14.* - thanks for the info | 09:15 |
MaxFrames | it looks like it has just been wiped from the reps | 09:16 |
Daleus | yeah I heard it was going to be phased out and replaced with another package | 09:16 |
MaxFrames | it was a shock for me.... I'm not proficient on command line and was planning to switch +10 machines from xp to lubuntu | 09:16 |
MaxFrames | I need a gui..... | 09:16 |
Lucax | I am getting an error in my archive manager when I want to execute downloaded files, I mean push the exe file, it says: an error occured while loading the archive. any help| | 09:16 |
up | hello! | 09:17 |
rvdv | MaxFrames: Seems you still can use the likewise from 13.10 | 09:17 |
rvdv | download the debs and install | 09:17 |
OerHeks | MaxFrames, maybe this (old 2013) page is any help > http://notesonit.blogspot.nl/2013/03/howto-powerbroker-identity-services.html | 09:17 |
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
MaxFrames | OerHeks: it is the page I am looking at and I linked | 09:18 |
rvdv | MaxFrames: take a look at http://www.tecmint.com/integrate-ubuntu-14-04-to-zentyal-pdc/ | 09:18 |
MaxFrames | it worked after installing ssh | 09:18 |
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MaxFrames | now I am at step 9 | 09:18 |
llutz | MaxFrames: i'd check carefully why that 3rd-party stuff needs ssh-server and what changes were made to the system | 09:19 |
MaxFrames | how do I do step 9? | 09:19 |
MaxFrames | I want a particular domain user to be a sudoer | 09:19 |
=== sz0 is now known as sz0` | ||
someHuman | Hello! So I changed my default desktop wallpaper, in effect changed also the lock screen wallpaper. | 09:20 |
someHuman | I have these annoying dots like wrapped with my lock screen wallpaper, how do I rid of it? | 09:21 |
jamie___ | hello | 09:21 |
jamie___ | I'm trying to set up a mail server on ubuntu server | 09:21 |
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jamie___ | but the imap wont work | 09:21 |
jamie___ | dovecot wont start | 09:22 |
jamie___ | it starts but then it quits | 09:22 |
jamie___ | instantly | 09:22 |
Sulamif | Hello everyone. I am having a problem with running Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on my ASUS X550V. It is not locked but it do not appear along with eth0 and lo... | 09:22 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, you can enter groups or single users into the sudoers file | 09:22 |
Daleus | if you have spaces in your group names, replace them with a caret (^) | 09:22 |
Lucax | is this the only ubuntu help chat or are there more? | 09:22 |
jamie___ | think so | 09:23 |
jamie___ | its pretty bad if no one answers | 09:23 |
llutz | jamie___: check logs why it quits | 09:23 |
jamie___ | oh cool | 09:23 |
jamie___ | Ilutz: Which log file? | 09:23 |
jamie___ | @Ilutz | 09:23 |
jamie___ | argh | 09:23 |
rvdv | Lucax: depeends on youur irc program how, but you can download a channel list and see what other ubuntu channels there are | 09:24 |
llutz | jamie___: whereever you told dovecot to log to. in doubt "sudo grep dovecot /var/log/*" | 09:24 |
llutz | !alis | Lucax | 09:24 |
ubottu | Lucax: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 09:24 |
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MaxFrames | Daleus: where's the sudoers file and what would the syntax be to add DOMAINNAME\domainuser to it? | 09:24 |
jamie___ | jamies-server dovecot: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=9352 uid=0 code=kill) | 09:26 |
jamie___ | well then | 09:26 |
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
rvdv | MaxFrames: /etc/sudoers ... but edit with sudo visudo | 09:26 |
=== zz_Zyrax is now known as Zyrax | ||
Daleus | MaxFrames, use the command "visudo" - sounds counter productive but you may have to use "sudo visudo" to edit it. Personally though I login as root to edit it, incase I frak it up. | 09:27 |
MaxFrames | ok but how to add the domain user? | 09:28 |
Daleus | OPENRECYCLING\\dale.smith ALL=(ALL)ALL | 09:28 |
Daleus | here's the line from my machine allowing my AD user to run any command with sudo | 09:28 |
Daleus | %OPENRECYCLING\\Domain_Admins ALL=(ALL)ALL | 09:28 |
Daleus | is the line that allows all our domain admins to have sudo access on my desktop | 09:28 |
MaxFrames | % is for groups? | 09:29 |
Daleus | That's right | 09:29 |
Daleus | Please note I have used double backslash. | 09:29 |
MaxFrames | what if my groups have spaces in the names? | 09:29 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, well our Domain Admins group does...it appears I have used an underscore | 09:30 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, although I think a caret works just as well. | 09:30 |
Lucax | how can I get an invitation to a channel, ubuntu-beginners-help requires invitation | 09:30 |
MaxFrames | caret=^? | 09:30 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, Sure :) ^^^^ | 09:30 |
jamie___ | llutz:warning: maildir access problem for UID/GID=65534/65534: create maildir file /nonexistent/Maildir/tmp/1398763802.P27571.jamies-server: Permission denied | 09:31 |
someHuman | Hello, how do I get rid of annoying dots that seem to be wrapped up with the lock screen wallpaper? | 09:31 |
llutz | jamie___: so check permissions | 09:31 |
llutz | !permissions | jamie___ | 09:32 |
ubottu | jamie___: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 09:32 |
MaxFrames | ok so to save the sudoers file, ctrl+O? | 09:32 |
MaxFrames | "writeout" | 09:32 |
jamie___ | ctrl+o | 09:32 |
jamie___ | then ctrl+x | 09:32 |
MaxFrames | strange way to label a save function | 09:33 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, 'writeout to file' may be what they were going for. | 09:33 |
rvdv | Never tried Emacs i guess :-) | 09:33 |
jamie___ | llutz: what do I check the permissions for? | 09:33 |
OerHeks | Lucax, maybe this page is any help >> http://www.itworld.com/software/383020/remove-white-dots-ubuntu-1310-login-screen should work for 14.04 too | 09:33 |
MaxFrames | let's see if it worked | 09:33 |
MaxFrames | yes! good | 09:36 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, Nice one! | 09:37 |
llutz | jamie___: doveconf -n|grep location that dir has to exist and has to be writable for dovecot | 09:37 |
MaxFrames | :( another problem | 09:39 |
MaxFrames | I have chosen Italian when I installed lubuntu | 09:39 |
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
MaxFrames | but at the logon window, the keyboard layout is en-us | 09:39 |
MaxFrames | "it" is selected as the language but as a matter of fact I have an en-us layout | 09:39 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, Not sure if I can help you with that - I haven't had to configure anything because mine defaults to en-GB | 09:39 |
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Daleus | MaxFrames, ouch! not had that issue so much! | 09:40 |
Lucax | does anyone know how to get an invitation to #ubuntu-beginners? | 09:40 |
MaxFrames | also, half of the labels are italian and half english.... not very good looking | 09:40 |
MaxFrames | what's up with language support? | 09:40 |
* MaxFrames bangs head against wall | 09:41 | |
MaxFrames | why is it always like this when I try to switch to linux? =( | 09:41 |
Daleus | MaxFrames, You seem to have no luck! | 09:41 |
MaxFrames | it's not hard..... I chose Italian language and Italian keyboard is selected on the logon screen... but the layout is all messed up | 09:42 |
MaxFrames | it's not bad luck really, what I did was just grab the lubuntu 14.04 iso and install it | 09:42 |
MaxFrames | I chose Italian whenever asked during the install. I did nothing "strange" | 09:42 |
MaxFrames | I should just get an Italian keyboard layout like I chose to, period. | 09:42 |
MaxFrames | where did the en layout even come from? | 09:43 |
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StephenS | whats ee | 09:43 |
someHuman | Are there Filipino people here? | 09:45 |
someHuman | People from the Philippines? | 09:45 |
bigred15 | someHuman: I'm not Filipino, but lived there for awhile. | 09:46 |
someHuman | bigred15: Cool! What did you do there? | 09:46 |
bigred15 | Worked for an IT company. | 09:46 |
cfhowlett | !ot|someHuman use the OT channel or PM for socializing please - | 09:46 |
ubottu | someHuman use the OT channel or PM for socializing please -: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 09:46 |
someHuman | bigred15: Ah! How was Philippines? | 09:46 |
ubibubbo | with ubuntu (or linux in general) which is more damaging to hdd - being on 24/7 or turning pc on/off ? | 09:47 |
someHuman | cfhowlett: Thanks! | 09:47 |
bigred15 | someHuman: Join the #ubuntu-offtopic channel mat.e | 09:47 |
someHuman | bigred15: Yeah yeah. Are you gonna go there? | 09:47 |
bigred15 | I'm in there. | 09:47 |
someHuman | bigred15: Ok ok ;) | 09:47 |
cfhowlett | ubibubbo "damaging"? Ubuntu has very few problems with extensive uptime | 09:47 |
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llutz | !ot | bigred15 someHuman | 09:48 |
ubottu | bigred15 someHuman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 09:48 |
Lucax | ok I try again, maybe I have great luck! dear allmighty awesome power that dwells in all, here we go: 1. I want to run exe files (maybe those are meant for windows, I dont know) but I cannot run them, I get the message: an error occured while loading the archive in the archive manager. 2. I want help and maybe it is better for me to proceed to a beginners channel but they need an invitiation, does anyone know where I can get an invitation 3. tha | 09:48 |
MaxFrames | there is no way to get the correct layout at logon screen | 09:48 |
cfhowlett | !wine|Lucax windows programs run in windows. Some - SOME may be able to run in wine emulator to greater or lesser degree | 09:49 |
MaxFrames | so ubuntu, you're fired. again. cannot afford to waste time like this. thanks to all who helped, but this just is not working. it's 2014, it should "just work". it's not like I'm trying to do strange, weird unsupported things | 09:49 |
ubottu | Lucax windows programs run in windows. Some - SOME may be able to run in wine emulator to greater or lesser degree: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 09:49 |
llutz | Lucax: prolly your .exe aren't archives. use wine or windows | 09:49 |
Lucax | thank you! I am evolving | 09:50 |
lorenx | hi all. i'm having some issues connecting to a 14.04 nfs server (a previuos version worked fine) from an ubuntu client | 09:51 |
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lorenx | all the usual command seems fine. on the server side, "rpcbind -p" and "showmount -e" seem correct | 09:52 |
cfhowlett | lorenx if no answer here ask #ubuntu-server | 09:52 |
lorenx | and on the client side, "rpcinfo -p" and "rpcinfo -u nfs" seem fine too | 09:52 |
lorenx | cfhowlett: ok, thanks | 09:52 |
lorenx | but "sudo mount" just hangs | 09:53 |
lorenx | any hint please? thanks | 09:53 |
Lucax | another simple question, to use torrents I need 1. a client, 2 a site, is that right yes/no? | 09:53 |
cfhowlett | Lucax if "use" = "download" correct | 09:54 |
someHuman | How do I make my default bootloader into grub2? | 09:54 |
Lucax | great, thanks | 09:55 |
someHuman | I currently am getting the ones from Windows, I have Windows and Ubuntu as my natives. | 09:55 |
Lucax | I can google this but somehow I trust more information I get from people, so anyone can suggest a good site? | 09:56 |
Lucax | torrent site that is | 09:56 |
cfhowlett | Lucax p' bay | 09:56 |
llutz | someHuman: bios or (u)efi boot? | 09:56 |
someHuman | llutz: UEFI | 09:56 |
someHuman | Does Dota 2 work smootly for you guys? Does the graphics perform well as with Windows? | 09:57 |
someHuman | Thinking of getting Steam, but confused if I am to install it to Ubuntu or Windows. | 09:57 |
cfhowlett | someHuman 1. in ubuntu? install steam for linux. 2. in windows? install steam for windows. EZ | 09:58 |
SthNotTaken | Ubuntu 12.04- How do I kill/restart my entire stack in Putty? | 09:58 |
someHuman | cfhowlett: No, what I mean is does the graphics work as smooth as with Windows? | 09:58 |
Liiyes | Hi ! | 10:04 |
emx | after updating to 14.04 i don't see date, switch off button, volume and so in the top bar. how do i get them back? | 10:05 |
Liiyes | It must be seeable, re-install it ? | 10:06 |
qin | Lucax: isohunt.com? | 10:06 |
adsc | isn't that down? | 10:07 |
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SthNotTaken | For 12.04, how can I show "How many processes are running" and "System Load" ? | 10:08 |
Rory | SthNotTaken: the command: top | 10:08 |
Rory | SthNotTaken: Or the graphic program System Monitor | 10:08 |
SthNotTaken | Rory: that's another command? | 10:08 |
Rory | SthNotTaken: No it's a program in the launcher | 10:09 |
SthNotTaken | I think "Top" will work for now. Thanks, Rory | 10:09 |
Rory | SthNotTaken: The "uptime" command also shows your load average | 10:09 |
=== sz0 is now known as sz0` | ||
rvdv | SthNotTaken: htop? | 10:09 |
SthNotTaken | How do I get out of "Top" ? | 10:09 |
rvdv | q | 10:10 |
exca | hi | 10:10 |
SthNotTaken | rvdv: thanks | 10:11 |
exca | !list | 10:11 |
ubottu | exca: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 10:11 |
StephenS | Alina-malina | 10:16 |
StephenS | kako si lupko | 10:16 |
cfhowlett | !it|StephenS | 10:17 |
ubottu | StephenS: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 10:17 |
StephenS | nah nah this aint no Italiano | 10:17 |
cfhowlett | StephenS this IS an english channel though, so since you obviously speak it .... please do so | 10:18 |
StephenS | okay boss | 10:18 |
Steve-_- | hi all, is there a keyboard shortcut to shut down ubuntu 14.04? | 10:18 |
StephenS | Steve-_- yes | 10:18 |
Steve-_- | ctrl + alt + del only brings up sign off option | 10:18 |
StephenS | go to keyboard and make one | 10:18 |
StephenS | it's super easy | 10:18 |
Steve-_- | why no default? | 10:19 |
Steve-_- | that would be even easier... | 10:19 |
cfhowlett | Steve-_- left it out so you could make your own. | 10:19 |
StephenS | Steve-_- because linux ppl do not use gui. | 10:19 |
Steve-_- | I think most user prefer good defauts. StephenS is that so? I am a GUI person | 10:20 |
=== sz0` is now known as sz0 | ||
Steve-_- | also linux community keeps talking about broader adaption. without gui that will not happen.. | 10:20 |
StephenS | gui is for windows ppl | 10:20 |
Liiyes | Help :( I can't make Java's plugin run with Chromium, it's not present with about:plugin | 10:20 |
StephenS | awesomevm | 10:20 |
Steve-_- | but maybe broader adapation is not wanted after all | 10:20 |
Steve-_- | I really disagree on this point | 10:20 |
cfhowlett | Steve-_- do you have any other support questions? | 10:20 |
StephenS | yeah to expand to less tech people | 10:20 |
StephenS | but real linux users will not use any of those fancy guis | 10:21 |
llutz | !ot | StephenS | 10:21 |
ubottu | StephenS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 10:21 |
Alina-malina | StephenS, romanian? | 10:21 |
Steve-_- | ok, whenever I have more time at my hands I will play with ubuntu shortcuts. currently I don#thave the time | 10:21 |
Steve-_- | no thanks no more support questions. | 10:21 |
Steve-_- | cu | 10:21 |
StephenS | lol its like 20 seconds to make shortcut | 10:21 |
Lucax | I got a link on how to remove white dots on the screen in the startup process, well I dont have white dots, but it is a little grainy, is grainy qualified as white dots? | 10:26 |
manikanta | hi | 10:26 |
manikanta | I have a small doubt ! | 10:27 |
cfhowlett | !details|manikanta | 10:27 |
ubottu | manikanta: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 10:27 |
manikanta | ERROR: could not load library "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/lib/rtpostgis-2.0.so": /usr/local/lib/libgdal.so.1: version `GDAL_1.8' not found (required by /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/lib/rtpostgis-2.0.so) | 10:27 |
manikanta | what can I do ? | 10:28 |
manikanta | What exactly the error says ? | 10:28 |
llutz | manikanta: you need libgdal1h in version 1.8 for using rtpostgis. what ubuntu version are you using? | 10:30 |
manikanta | 12.04 | 10:30 |
llutz | !info libgdal1h precise | 10:30 |
ubottu | Package libgdal1h does not exist in precise | 10:30 |
parv | hello | 10:30 |
parv | anyone here who loves potatoes? | 10:31 |
cfhowlett | parv ask your ubuntu support question | 10:31 |
parv | ok sorry | 10:31 |
manikanta | so what I should do now ? | 10:32 |
llutz | manikanta: you'll need to find a ppa/repo for that lib or compile your own, its not in the 12.04 repos. | 10:32 |
parv | why i can't play minecraft without any lags on ubuntu? | 10:32 |
manikanta | I think this should work.. | 10:32 |
manikanta | https://gist.github.com/robinkraft/1413347 | 10:32 |
manikanta | but it is giving some error :'( | 10:32 |
cfhowlett | parv depends on your hardware; gpu and ram. fixes? add ram or reduce the load. | 10:32 |
parv | but that works perfectly on my windows, seriously i will quit windows if i can play minecraft without any lags.. | 10:33 |
cfhowlett | parv contact your hardware OEM's. demand native support for linux drivers. then you can fairly compare linux to windows performance. until that happens, we rely on volunteers to hack/crack/back engineer hardware support. | 10:35 |
ketankul2010 | can i play high end games on ubantu?? | 10:35 |
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cfhowlett | !steam|ketankul2010 | 10:35 |
ubottu | ketankul2010: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion. | 10:35 |
=== Guest79360 is now known as packet_ | ||
DJones | parv: I normally find that lag in minecraft is caused by an underpowered GPU or the wrong proprietry driver, playing on a machine with INtel graphics is painful unless you lower resolution, distance, rendering etc, when I switched to nvidia everything became smooth on the highest/fastest graphics settings | 10:36 |
parv | ok! | 10:36 |
parv | thanks for the tip :) | 10:36 |
ketankul2010 | thanx | 10:36 |
DJones | parv: What graphics card do you have | 10:36 |
parv | Intel HD 4000 | 10:36 |
parv | it is compatable to minecraft, as far as i remember | 10:37 |
parv | compatible* | 10:37 |
DJones | parv: Thats probably the biggest limitation, try lowering the grahics render distance, lighting etc, that should help speed it up | 10:38 |
ketankul2010 | ubottu: i'm new to irc can u help me out with these things | 10:38 |
ubottu | ketankul2010: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:38 |
ketankul2010 | ubottu::D | 10:38 |
parv | ok, thanks for the help :) | 10:38 |
Voyage | Hi, | 10:38 |
parv | Hello! Voyage :) | 10:39 |
Voyage | I want to to hit a url (I think thats possible by wget or curl?) on every day at 5pm. how can I do that? | 10:39 |
cfhowlett | !cron|Voyage | 10:40 |
ubottu | Voyage: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto | 10:40 |
parv | maybe you should look for cron | 10:40 |
Voyage | cfhowlett, parduse crontab ? | 10:40 |
Voyage | cfhowlett, parv * crontab ? | 10:40 |
parv | yep | 10:40 |
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Voyage | parv, ok, so how to hit the url in the first place? | 10:41 |
parv | it is called cron though.. | 10:41 |
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Voyage | parv, the terminology is cron or cron job, but the application is crontab. correct? | 10:41 |
parv | yes my bad | 10:41 |
Voyage | parv, ok, so how to hit the url in the first place? | 10:41 |
qin | Voyage: what to you mean by "hit"? | 10:41 |
Voyage | qin, just like I type that in browser and some page loads | 10:42 |
parv | make an entry on crontab with curl command | 10:42 |
Voyage | qin, parv curl or wget? | 10:42 |
parv | I am not sure but wget is for downloading and stuff | 10:42 |
parv | or you can use telnet | 10:42 |
bigred15 | the application is cron, cronjob is a scheduled task/job, crontab is the table of cron jobs | 10:43 |
parv | for hitting url | 10:43 |
Voyage | parv, ya, I dont want to download. just view. or should I say just hit the url in the background | 10:43 |
Voyage | ok | 10:43 |
parv | then you should google out for curl or telnet | 10:43 |
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parv | do you want to make sure that site is up? or for any other reason? | 10:44 |
qin | Voyage: if you want to see document from server you do neen to download it, if you want to make your presence in server logs nc will do | 10:44 |
qin | or ping | 10:44 |
parv | yes right! | 10:45 |
Voyage | parv, the site is on my localhost, the url actually does some processing and tasks. I just want to trigger those things by url by crontab every day at 5pm | 10:45 |
parv | ping and nc would also work (how did'nt i got this idea!) | 10:45 |
Voyage | qin, ^ | 10:45 |
manikanta | Need some help here :'( | 10:45 |
manikanta | could not load library "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/lib/rtpostgis-2.0.so": /usr/local/lib/libgdal.so.1: version `GDAL_1.8' not found (required by /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/lib/rtpostgis-2.0.so) | 10:45 |
Voyage | qin, wget will download it too | 10:45 |
qin | Voyage: yes | 10:46 |
manikanta | what does the error says exactly and how to resolve it ? | 10:46 |
parv | @manikanta have you tried sudo before the command? | 10:46 |
manikanta | yep | 10:46 |
Voyage | parv, qin ok sow how to set a cron for "curl localhost:8080/some/path" at 5pm every day? | 10:46 |
parv | but curl will give you source code of entire web page | 10:47 |
manikanta | Yep I have tried it | 10:47 |
manikanta | I have installed GDAL too.. | 10:47 |
manikanta | I didnt understand the error exactly... | 10:48 |
manikanta | its saying could not load library .. ?? | 10:48 |
qin | Voyage: i think curl need absolute cath, and you want to know where it will try to save document | 10:48 |
qin | *path | 10:48 |
Voyage | parv, the curl will obviously ping the page as we noramlly view it. the only difference is that the shows the source and not the formated html? | 10:48 |
Voyage | qin, parv I see that curl localhost:8084/C/Test works fine on console. now how can I make it a cron | 10:49 |
ketankul2010 | hi | 10:49 |
parv | every day 5 pm? | 10:50 |
parv | you want to ping? | 10:50 |
Voyage | parv, yes | 10:51 |
cooldharma06_ | hi all | 10:51 |
Voyage | parv, not ping. curl | 10:51 |
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
ketankul2010 | hi | 10:52 |
cooldharma06_ | in my system i cant able to login with my useraccount in xfce.. so i planned to create another account. | 10:52 |
=== Danato_ is now known as Danato | ||
Sulamif | 12.04.4 LTS - WiFi enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file. Why it do not work then? | 10:52 |
cooldharma06_ | how to import all the things from user1(old) to user2(new). is there any way | 10:52 |
Sulamif | Wifi icon shows only wired connection | 10:52 |
Voyage | parv, qin I see that curl ocalhost:8084/C/Test?password=mypasswordHere dont work and behaves just like it didnt used the "?password=mypasswordHere" part | 10:52 |
parv | 0 17 * * * curl localhost:8084 | 10:53 |
parv | like that | 10:53 |
Voyage | so I just type $0 17 * * * curl localhost:8084 ? | 10:53 |
parv | no you had to put entry in crontab | 10:53 |
Kruppt | manikanta: run sudo updatedb then run locate rtpostgis to see if a version of rtpostgi exist at all on your system, then if it does you maybe able to link to it | 10:54 |
parv | let me give you path of the file | 10:54 |
Voyage | parv, how to put entry? | 10:54 |
cooldharma06_ | any suggestions? | 10:54 |
lotuspsychje | cooldharma06_: define 'things' documents? applications? | 10:55 |
allart | Hi, two days ago was added package with FPC (free pascal compiler) do Debian unstable. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fpc/2.6.4+dfsg-1 I'd like to create package for Trusty. I untared the archive, modified the changelog file, signed all, created source packages, tested it in pbuilder dist but it failed. Is there any way how to create Trusty packages from Sid packages, please? | 10:55 |
parv | /var/spool/cron/crontab | 10:55 |
parv | /var/spool/cron/crontabs | 10:55 |
cooldharma06_ | i my system i using xfce like gnome.. by the user1 account i cant able to login into my system so i decided to create another user account (user2). now i want all things files bookmarks setting (everything) from user1-> user2 | 10:57 |
DJones | allart: You might get more specialised help if you ask the question in #ubuntu-packaging | 10:57 |
allart | DJones: I'll try it. Thanks a lot! | 10:58 |
DJones | allart: Hope you get it sorted | 10:58 |
lotuspsychje | !home | cooldharma06_ | 10:59 |
ubottu | cooldharma06_: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving | 10:59 |
Lucax | Hello, I am looking for an adress extractor, does something like this exist in open source, clicking at the local phonebook adress by adress to promote the events I want to promote takes me literally ages | 11:00 |
cooldharma06_ | thanks dudes i will check this things and i ll tell you..:) | 11:00 |
ikonia | Lucax: you need a contacts database | 11:00 |
ikonia | Lucax: the format of the contacts database dictates the tools you can use | 11:00 |
Lucax | I am not able to understand you ikonia | 11:04 |
Lucax | I think I understand you | 11:05 |
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manu_934 | hola | 11:09 |
iku-iku | HelloWor1d, i just installed ubuntu on my pc, but my usb mouse won't work and I don't have a normal one. I tried turning on the feature to control the mouse pointer with the nukeypad but that doesn't seem to work either | 11:10 |
manu_934 | hola gente | 11:10 |
someHuman | HEllo! | 11:10 |
someHuman | What's a good dictionary software? | 11:10 |
iku-iku | sorry it's supposed to be hello* not hellowor1d | 11:10 |
lotuspsychje | !es | manu_934 | 11:11 |
ubottu | manu_934: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 11:11 |
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jj995 | when creating a tar file from a bunch of files in the current directory, is there a way to specify that upon extraction all the files should be extracted to a directory with a particular name? | 11:12 |
manikanta | hii | 11:13 |
manikanta | help me out...I have a small doubt ! | 11:13 |
manikanta | usr/local/lib/libgdal.so.1: version `GDAL_1.8' not found (required by /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/lib/rtpostgis-2.0.so) | 11:13 |
manikanta | this is the error Im getting | 11:14 |
manikanta | ERROR: could not load library "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/lib/rtpostgis-2.0.so": /usr/local/lib/libgdal.so.1: version `GDAL_1.8' not found (required by /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/lib/rtpostgis-2.0.so) | 11:14 |
ActionParsnip | !info artha | someHuman | 11:14 |
ubottu | someHuman: artha (source: artha): Handy off-line thesaurus based on WordNet. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 69 kB, installed size 209 kB | 11:14 |
ikonia | manikanta: that's not installed from ubuntu's repos | 11:14 |
ikonia | manikanta: it should not be using /usr/local | 11:14 |
gry | mmm. I use goldendict, more universal | 11:14 |
manikanta | yeah what I have to do... :'( | 11:14 |
manikanta | struck here from 2 hrs | 11:14 |
ikonia | manikanta: use the package provided by ubuntu | 11:14 |
someHuman | ActionParsnip: Thanks! | 11:14 |
ikonia | manikanta: remove the odd installation you're trying to install | 11:15 |
adsc | manikanta: install GDAL? | 11:15 |
cyborgcygnus | Is there a way to dump the names of folder & files from one directory into a text document? | 11:15 |
manikanta | adsc:I did it from here ... https://gist.github.com/robinkraft/1413347 | 11:15 |
manikanta | ikonia : how to remove those ? | 11:15 |
gry | cyborgcygnus: "ls >> mytextdocument.txt" ? | 11:15 |
ikonia | claudio_: ls > file.out | 11:15 |
qin | Lucax: you think or ripping of data from html source? sed and awk. | 11:15 |
adsc | cyborgcygnus: sure, ls -l > list.txt | 11:15 |
manikanta | ikonia : how to install new one's ? | 11:15 |
ikonia | manikanta: I don't know how you installed them - so basically, undo what you did | 11:15 |
someHuman | How do I check the repo for a package? | 11:16 |
ActionParsnip | someHuman: i dont use it, i just searched the web like anyone else can.... | 11:16 |
ActionParsnip | someHuman: use software centre. | 11:16 |
manikanta | I forgot what I did...how can I remove using apt-get ?? | 11:16 |
someHuman | ActionParsnip: I need one for use when offline. | 11:16 |
ActionParsnip | manikanta: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename | 11:16 |
ikonia | manikanta: you can't unless you installed the packages with apt-get | 11:16 |
someHuman | ActionParsnip: I travel a lot. | 11:16 |
ActionParsnip | someHuman: the web is a global network, its accessible all over the place | 11:17 |
someHuman | ActionParsnip: Also, I prefer command line. I am studying bash also at the moment. | 11:17 |
someHuman | ActionParsnip: I don't always have network connection with me. | 11:17 |
ActionParsnip | someHuman: I see | 11:17 |
manikanta | then how ?? | 11:17 |
cyborgcygnus | gry, adsc, Cheers that is absolutely fantastic | 11:17 |
qin | someHuman: there was apt-cacher | 11:17 |
ikonia | manikanta: you need to undo what you did | 11:17 |
someHuman | Like in Fedora, they have yum info package. | 11:18 |
adsc | cyborgcygnus: you can direct all output of commands into a file like that | 11:18 |
ikonia | someHuman: I suggest reading the apt documentation | 11:18 |
ikonia | apt-cache seaerch | 11:18 |
manikanta | I dont remember how I did it :'( | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | someHuman: apt-cache info artha | 11:18 |
ikonia | manikanta: then re-read the document you are following | 11:18 |
someHuman | ActionParsnip: Thanks! | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | manikanta: history | tac | less | 11:18 |
someHuman | ikonia: and qin, thanks too! ;) | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | manikanta: maybe, not sure you can pipe to tac, makes sense though | 11:19 |
cyborgcygnus | adsc, Sweet. Is there a document on that in which I can bookmark to easily remember later? I will go try & duckduckgo it now | 11:19 |
ActionParsnip | manikanta: that is a list of commands you have ran, newest on top to oldest | 11:19 |
someHuman | ActionParsnip: Dude it doesn't work. | 11:19 |
manikanta | but I did it a few months back .. | 11:19 |
ActionParsnip | someHuman: man apt-cache | 11:19 |
manikanta | so I cant find those now.. | 11:19 |
ikonia | apt-cache search | 11:19 |
manikanta | whats the error says exactly ? | 11:20 |
manikanta | whats the diff btw... /usr/local/lib and /usr/lib packages ? | 11:20 |
adsc | cyborgcygnus: well, maybe read a bash tutorial or something | 11:20 |
someHuman | ikonia: Thanks! | 11:20 |
adsc | cyborgcygnus: maybe this: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-3.html | 11:21 |
m_ | Hi, | 11:21 |
someHuman | ikonia: How about checking searching installed software? Say I want to check if a specific s/w is installed? | 11:21 |
qin | adsc: Acctually I was thinking of tattoo of qr of tldp.org/howto, coud be handy. | 11:22 |
ikonia | someHuman: man the commands, I'm not spoon feeding you them all - you said you want to study | 11:22 |
numberto | hi guys, I have a larg file without an extension. With 'file' command I got info tha it is a data file. But I just don't know how to open it. | 11:22 |
jrib | numberto: what did file say? | 11:23 |
someHuman | ikonia: Ok :D | 11:23 |
qin | someHuman: there is "man dpkg" to read too | 11:23 |
jrib | numberto: and where did you get this file? Why do you want to open it? | 11:23 |
manlin | someHuman: check man page for dpkg-query. --get-selections in your case | 11:23 |
anudas | numberto, how big is file? | 11:23 |
numberto | jrib: the file says> 59792287: data | 11:24 |
someHuman | So is dpkg the database for installed softwares? | 11:24 |
numberto | anudas: about 700 MB | 11:24 |
ActionParsnip | numberto: what do you expect the file to be? | 11:24 |
cyborgcygnus | adsc, Cheers for that. Is it also possible to select/highlight text from a column in a text document & say delete that? I only want the row with the file names. | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | someHuman: its the backend worker that installs the packages | 11:25 |
someHuman | ActionParsnip: Ah ok. | 11:25 |
anudas | numberto, try to use unzip, unrar | 11:25 |
numberto | ActionParsnip: it should contain different video files and maybe some text | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | anudas: install unp, use it for all archives | 11:25 |
anudas | numberto, data file can be anythink | 11:25 |
jrib | numberto: and where did you get this file? Why do you want to open it? | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | numberto: is it an ISO file? | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | numberto: yeah, where is it from? | 11:25 |
numberto | I got it on a flash drive. I asked friend of mine to share some videos long time ago. But forgot about it. | 11:27 |
anudas | numberto, yes, it can be iso file | 11:27 |
anudas | numberto, try to use it like a iso file | 11:27 |
adsc | cyborgcygnus: sed can do all sorts of text replacements, but if you want output from ls that only contains filenames, simply don't add -l parameter, which I wrongly suggested | 11:27 |
cyborgcygnus | adsc, Oh sweet. I'll try it now. | 11:28 |
numberto | anudas: cannot mount it, I guess it is something different | 11:28 |
ring3 | since last dist-upgrade | 11:28 |
ring3 | on kde i see all ok | 11:29 |
ring3 | but on gnome to click a button i have to locate the mouse under the button | 11:29 |
anudas | numberto, try unzip, utar and so on | 11:29 |
ring3 | same screen resolution, but in gnome seems less resolution | 11:29 |
qin | numberto: does "long time ago" means it is rather not important? | 11:29 |
numberto | qin: yeah, but I am just curious ) | 11:30 |
clue_h | only if qualified by another phrase, like - it doesnt matter it was a long time ago | 11:30 |
Yelu | cyborgcygnus, try "ls -1 > onecolumn.txt" | 11:30 |
Liiyes | Hi guys ! Need an help for installing java's plugin on chromium please | 11:30 |
qin | numberto: firstly it have to mount... | 11:30 |
qin | numberto: what filesystem is it? | 11:31 |
numberto | ext4 | 11:31 |
qin | than: file file_name_of_interest | 11:32 |
numberto | qin: the file is 425M | 11:32 |
Liiyes | Is there someone who's able to help me ? :/ | 11:32 |
numberto | qin: filename: 597922871c2 | 11:32 |
qin | numberto: the command "file" will tell you what is it | 11:33 |
ActionParsnip | numberto: have you tried mounting it as a filesystem? | 11:33 |
numberto | qin: I know, it told me that it is 'data' file | 11:33 |
ActionParsnip | Liiyes: the webupd8 PPA will install Java for you easily | 11:33 |
numberto | ActionParsnip: I did with 'mount name /mnt', is it thre right way to do? | 11:34 |
Liiyes | I'll check that ! Thanks | 11:34 |
ActionParsnip | numberto: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/597922871c2 /mnt | 11:34 |
ActionParsnip | numberto: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue | 11:34 |
=== z_ is now known as Guest22151 | ||
numberto | ActionParsnip: Arch linux \r (\l) | 11:36 |
k1l | numberto: you are running arch linux? | 11:37 |
ActionParsnip | numberto: arch isnt ubuntu, so is not supported here | 11:37 |
numberto | k1l: yes, but it does not matter. I am an ubutnu user. It just happens to be that I am logged in arch now | 11:37 |
ActionParsnip | numberto: arch is supported in #archlinux | 11:37 |
ActionParsnip | numberto: the issue is in Arch | 11:37 |
Liiyes | ActionParsnip It seems to work.. for the moment ^^ | 11:37 |
ring3 | need suppot plz | 11:38 |
k1l | numberto: since arch does a lot of things differently please ask their support | 11:38 |
numberto | ActionParsnip: I know, but I am not asking arch specific questions, it is a general linux question | 11:38 |
ring3 | for ubuntu 14.04 LTS | 11:38 |
ActionParsnip | Liiyes: unp is awesmoe, just like you have one command for extraction in GUI, you have one command for CLI too :) | 11:38 |
ring3 | problems since the dist upgrade | 11:38 |
ring3 | :/ | 11:38 |
Yerst | hey :) | 11:38 |
MaxFrames | installed lubuntu 14.04 from scratch. chose italian as the language and as the keyboard layout. first boot, the logon screen is using the english keyboard layout (even though "italian" is shown in the language selection menu). please help | 11:38 |
andybrine | A quick question in regards to 14.04. A times when I use ubuntu effects to see 4 desktops it wont allow me to then select which screen I want to use and gets stuck. Has anyone experienced this and knows how to fix this? | 11:38 |
ActionParsnip | ring3: if you make a new user, is it the same there? | 11:38 |
ring3 | ActionParsnip: new user??? if i run kde, i see the resolution and windows well | 11:39 |
Yerst | my ubuntu freezes when i shut down my laptop | 11:39 |
Yerst | any ideas why? | 11:39 |
k1l | numberto: please ask the arch specialists, arch is not in the scope of this channel. thanks | 11:39 |
ActionParsnip | ring3: ah ok, that moots my idea. | 11:39 |
andybrine | If my question makes sense. lol | 11:39 |
ring3 | ActionParsnip: same resolution on kde and gnome, on gnome windows & fonts big | 11:39 |
Yerst | i don't mean shuttting down | 11:39 |
ActionParsnip | ring3: so the issue is purely the login screen? | 11:39 |
Yerst | i mean clapping down the display | 11:39 |
ring3 | ActionParsnip: gdm and gnome seems like less resolution, but hight resoluttion is setted | 11:39 |
Liiyes | ActionParsnip: I'm sorry but I'm french and I havn't understood anything about what you said here ^^' | 11:39 |
ActionParsnip | Liiyes: in the desktop you right click and select extract, yes? | 11:40 |
MaxFrames | just to be clear, I downloaded the 32 bit pc iso from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu | 11:40 |
ring3 | ActionParsnip: kdm and lightdm displays well the resolution | 11:40 |
ActionParsnip | Liiyes: but in terminal there are lots of different commands for different types of archive | 11:40 |
ActionParsnip | ring3: ok then make a new ubuntu user and log in, if the sessions are ok, you know it is settings and not the applications themselves | 11:41 |
Liiyes | ActionParsnip: Oh yes ! I know that ^^ | 11:41 |
MaxFrames | installed lubuntu 14.04 from scratch. chose italian as the language and as the keyboard layout. first boot, the logon screen is using the english keyboard layout (even though "italian" is shown in the language selection menu). please help | 11:41 |
ActionParsnip | Liiyes: so, unp is a single command for all archives | 11:41 |
ring3 | ActionParsnip: gdm is displayed before the log-in and has same problem | 11:41 |
ActionParsnip | Liiyes: it looks at the data and uses the right method | 11:41 |
ring3 | ActionParsnip: the login input box is very big | 11:41 |
ring3 | but resolution is ok | 11:41 |
ActionParsnip | Liiyes: let me search | 11:41 |
Liiyes | ActionParsnip: Mmh' that's really nice | 11:42 |
Liiyes | ActionParsnip: I think I'll have a look on this | 11:42 |
Voyage | I see that curl does not makes session with the server. the params how ever are sent by simply localhost/text/page?password=mypass | 11:42 |
Voyage | any solution? | 11:42 |
ring3 | ActionParsnip: can be compiz the problem? | 11:44 |
ActionParsnip | ring3: possibly, is the new user ok? | 11:45 |
ActionParsnip | Liiyes: makes sense, although you'll have issues with systems without unp and you want to extract | 11:45 |
Liiyes | ActionParsnip: Java 8 runs perfectly | 11:45 |
ActionParsnip | MaxFrames: can't really see much, are there bugs reported? | 11:45 |
ActionParsnip | Liiyes: nice | 11:45 |
ring3 | ActionParsnip: lets try | 11:46 |
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
MaxFrames | I don't know if there are bugs reported, where shall I look for? | 11:46 |
Liiyes | ActionParsnip: Let's have a look on how to run it in Chromium ! | 11:46 |
Liiyes | ActionParsnip: ( It's not an order, I'll do that.. anyway forget that ) | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | MaxFrames: run: ubuntu-bug lightdm and report the bug, possible duplicated may be offered | 11:47 |
MaxFrames | do you know anyway how to rectify this i.e. force the Italian layout for the login screen? | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | MaxFrames: not sure, I always use english. Have you tried asking in 'ubuntu-it | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | MaxFrames: #ubuntu-it | 11:48 |
MaxFrames | yes, and they basically have no clue | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | MaxFrames: sounds like a bug to me | 11:48 |
[[thufir]] | my dead simple mp3 player doesn't seem to be mounted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7358892/ it's sylvania compact mp3, 2gb | 11:48 |
MaxFrames | the problem is that I need to enter domain credentials so I need the correct layout for characters like "\" and "@" | 11:49 |
MaxFrames | all our keyboards have the italan layout | 11:49 |
[[thufir]] | I went into gconf-editor and confirmed that automount was enabled. It's a clean install. not sure why the mp3 player isn't showing up. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7358892/ | 11:50 |
mojtaba | Hi, I have an external hard drive and I want to make it auto-mount after reboot. Is it ok, if I add this line to fstab? /dev/hda2 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 | 11:50 |
ActionParsnip | MaxFrames: could switch to gdm, kdm, slim etc. They may be friendler | 11:51 |
ActionParsnip | *friendlier | 11:51 |
Voyage | nevermind . issue solved. I had a $ char in my password | 11:51 |
* ActionParsnip can't type today | 11:51 | |
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WiredSlash | Ubuntu 14.04 glitches any ? | 11:53 |
Lucax | Hi, can windowsbugs appearing in Wine affect linux? | 11:53 |
WiredSlash | any bugs or crashes on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ? | 11:53 |
ikonia | Lucax I'd be more concerned by the bugs caused by wine | 11:54 |
ikonia | Lucax: it's not a platform/tool you should depend on | 11:54 |
k3 | If i install ubuntu 14.04 64 bit then will all software with 32 bit will work or not?? and if work then what should i do for that? | 11:54 |
[[thufir]] | why wouldn't an mp3 player show up in lsusb? it's brand new: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7358919/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/7358922/ I checked that automount is enabled through gconf-editor, as well. | 11:54 |
k3 | If i install ubuntu 14.04 64 bit then will all software with 32 bit will work or not?? and if work then what should i do for that? | 11:55 |
k1l | k3: ubuntu uses multiarch and 64bit and 32bit will work | 11:56 |
hiteshtr | which is best open source mail server for linux ? | 11:56 |
mojtaba | Hi, I have an external hard drive and I want to make it auto-mount after reboot. Is it ok, if I add this line to fstab? /dev/hda2 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 | 11:56 |
k1l | k3: if your hardware does run 64bit there is no need to instll a 32bit ubuntu | 11:57 |
d1323 | how can I make unity dock auto-hide? | 11:57 |
ring3 | re | 11:57 |
clue_h | settings, appearance, behaviour d1323 | 11:58 |
k1l | d1323: use unity-tweak-tool for unity settings | 11:58 |
ring3 | is not an user settings problem :/ | 11:58 |
hiteshtr | can any one suggest me open source mail server for ubuntu | 11:58 |
k3 | can you more elaborate what is multiarch?? | 11:58 |
WiredSlash | zoho mail | 11:59 |
WiredSlash | dovcot | 11:59 |
k1l | !multiarch | k3 | 11:59 |
Yelu | k3, as k1l said, the 32bit stuff will work on 64bit systems, though, there might be software depending on 32bit libraries, which have to be installed in addition to function properly. | 12:00 |
rcheesley | Very entirely possible I'm having a totally daft moment, but I'm running 14.04 Kubuntu, with PHP 5 5.5.9-1ubuntu4, I can see it's using /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and max_upload_size is reported as being 2Mb. I've changed it in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and restarted apache, but it's still reporting 2Mb. I've also checked post size ..... any gems of wisdom? | 12:00 |
rcheesley | upload_max_filesize even | 12:00 |
k3 | ok....thanks bro Yelu and k1l | 12:00 |
k3 | Got the concept.. | 12:01 |
lorenx | hi all. i'm having some issues connecting to a 14.04 nfs server (a previuos version worked fine) from an ubuntu client | 12:02 |
lorenx | all the usual command seems fine. on the server side, "rpcbind -p" and "showmount -e" seem correct | 12:02 |
lorenx | and on the client side, "rpcinfo -p" and "rpcinfo -u nfs" seem fine too | 12:02 |
lorenx | but "sudo mount" just hangs | 12:02 |
lorenx | any hint please? thanks a lot | 12:03 |
mojtaba | Hi, I have an external hard drive and I want to make it auto-mount after reboot. Is it ok, if I add this line to fstab? /dev/hda2 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 | 12:04 |
emx | i have no menu in the top bar after updating to 14.04. how do i get it back? | 12:05 |
ActionParsnip | mojtaba: i suggest you use UUIDs | 12:05 |
Ralkkai | Shouldn't an external mount automatically? | 12:05 |
=== zz_Zyrax is now known as Zyrax | ||
ActionParsnip | mojtaba: hda2 may change as drives are added and removed, UUIDs never change | 12:05 |
ActionParsnip | mojtaba: NTFS should automount as Ralkkai states | 12:06 |
mojtaba | ActionParsnip: what about the other parts? | 12:06 |
ActionParsnip | mojtaba: when you unplug the device, do you use the safe removal feature? Or do you just physically unplug it? | 12:06 |
ActionParsnip | mojtaba: or is this an internal partition? | 12:06 |
mojtaba | ActionParsnip: As I asked you yesterday, I am going to configure an FTP server and I want plug in an external hdd to my old computer and leave it for backing up purposes. (I am afraid of power failures.) | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | mojtaba: then why use NTFS if it is for a linux box as backup | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | ? | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | mojtaba: NTFS cannot hold Linux file permissions, so you will need to precisely chmod and chown files on restore | 12:08 |
mojtaba | ActionParsnip: It is going to backup my windows servers. | 12:09 |
ActionParsnip | mojtaba: ok, if you want it to automount then the line you have is fine but use UUIDs. | 12:09 |
mojtaba | ActionParsnip: Should I use ext4 or ntfs? (I will backup my windows machines and upload them on this ftp server) | 12:10 |
karbofos | minimize and close buttons doesn't work on some windows when using compiz (Ubuntu 13.04), is there a workaround? | 12:12 |
lotuspsychje | !13.04 | karbofos | 12:13 |
ubottu | karbofos: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring | 12:13 |
lotuspsychje | karbofos: install 14.04 clean mate, you will be pleased | 12:13 |
karbofos | upgrading is not an option for me( | 12:15 |
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
ActionParsnip | mojtaba: is it for system data, or just for casual user data? | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | mojtaba: how are you baking up? BackupExec etc? | 12:15 |
lotuspsychje | karbofos: 13.04 support ended sorry, it would be wise to install a supported version for security reasons | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | karbofos: the Ubuntu community will not support EOL releases | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | karbofos: Lubuntu 14.04 will run on older systems | 12:16 |
=== zz_Zyrax is now known as Zyrax | ||
karbofos | tnx | 12:16 |
=== Zyrax is now known as zz_Zyrax | ||
ActionParsnip | !away > zz_Zyrax | 12:20 |
ubottu | zz_Zyrax, please see my private message | 12:20 |
=== zz_Zyrax is now known as Zyrax | ||
Lucax | when I download lunix software in google, f.eks. I get the program and since I am used to the .exe file I dont know how to activate my programs, the Sofware center does it automatically | 12:26 |
Tetracomm | Hello. | 12:27 |
fafy-linux | oi | 12:27 |
fafy-linux | oi | 12:28 |
fafy-linux | ? | 12:28 |
jellow | Lucax, How can we help you , you want to know how to install a certain program ? | 12:29 |
Tetracomm | Is Ubuntu 14.04 supposed to display a bunch of icons on my desktop, such as Music, Downloads, etc? I don't want those there. How do I remove them? | 12:29 |
Tetracomm | lol. fafy | 12:29 |
Lucax | yes jellow, what represent the .exe file that I am so used to in windows, question is also how to install programs when software center is not doing it for me | 12:30 |
lotuspsychje | Tetracomm: dconf-editor should be able to hide volumes on desktop | 12:30 |
compdoc | Tetracomm, shouldnt be any icons on th desktop that you didnt place there | 12:30 |
mojtaba | ActionParsnip: It is user data and I am going to install a backup program like acebackup on windows and set them to upload the backup on this ftp server. (external hdd) Should I use ext4 or ntfs? (I will backup my windows machines and upload them on this ftp server) | 12:31 |
Yelu | Lucax, it depends. The downloaded software could come as a .deb file. then you install it by clicking on the .deb file. Or it has a install.sh ("like" .bat) shipped with it, which you run from a shell. or it is a ppa, which has to be added to your packages list (see there "source.list" "adding a ppa"). Finally, There are other manual possibilities. | 12:32 |
Yelu | Lucax, just read the documentation, which comes with the soft ;-) | 12:32 |
Lucax | thank you | 12:32 |
lotuspsychje | Tetracomm: check dconf-editor org/gnome/nautilus/desktop | 12:33 |
jellow | !software | Lucax | 12:33 |
ubottu | Lucax: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 12:33 |
Tetracomm | lotuspsychje: It says: '(dconf-editor:4210): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: This application can not open files. | 12:34 |
Tetracomm | ' | 12:34 |
lotuspsychje | Tetracomm: oh you might wanna sudo apt-get install dconf-tools | 12:35 |
lotuspsychje | !info dconf-tools | 12:35 |
ubottu | dconf-tools (source: d-conf): transitional dummy package. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.20.0-1 (trusty), package size 12 kB, installed size 44 kB | 12:35 |
Tetracomm | The Desktop directory is not there. It is putting the contents of the Home directory on the desktop. | 12:35 |
lotuspsychje | Tetracomm: like compdoc says, it should not by default no | 12:36 |
lotuspsychje | Tetracomm: did you upgrade or clean install? | 12:36 |
Tetracomm | It was a clean install. | 12:37 |
sopparus | hello | 12:37 |
lotuspsychje | Tetracomm: thats weird | 12:37 |
sopparus | is there any way to install ubuntu from windows? I dont have cd ur usb | 12:37 |
Tetracomm | I have installed dconf-tools now, but I am getting the same error | 12:37 |
sopparus | just mount the iso and install somehow | 12:37 |
lotuspsychje | Tetracomm: sudo dconf-editor | 12:37 |
lotuspsychje | sopparus: try making a bootable usb with unetbootin for windows from the ubuntu .iso | 12:38 |
Tetracomm | lotuspsychje: Same error . :( | 12:38 |
jellow | sopparus, Its not recommended to install from ubuntu as it only supports ubuntu 12.10 that does not include the latest features best way is to either use a usb / cd | 12:39 |
sopparus | ok :( | 12:39 |
jellow | sopparus, opp I mean install from within windows^ | 12:39 |
sopparus | hm what about tftp? | 12:40 |
sopparus | that could be arranged | 12:40 |
Greylocks | sopparus, there is a network install: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads | 12:40 |
lotuspsychje | Tetracomm: not sure why dconf-editor crashes on you, im searching | 12:41 |
lotuspsychje | Tetracomm: how about gksudo dconf-editor? | 12:42 |
lotuspsychje | !info dconf-editor | 12:44 |
ubottu | dconf-editor (source: d-conf): simple configuration storage system - utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.20.0-1 (trusty), package size 97 kB, installed size 472 kB | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip | sopparus: you could make a small partition and put the ISO on there as well as Grub, its a LOT of faff. Far far easier to use a CD | 12:46 |
emx | i have no menu in the top bar after updating to 14.04. how do i get it back? | 12:52 |
lotuspsychje | !info unity-tweak-tool | emx | 12:53 |
ubottu | emx: unity-tweak-tool (source: unity-tweak-tool): configuration tool for the Unity desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.6ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 325 kB, installed size 2549 kB | 12:53 |
Lucax | thanks a million! | 12:53 |
omg_scout | Hello. Is someone succesfully using Unity with hardware rendering using Intel Haswell Desktop Graphics? (HD4600) | 12:56 |
lotuspsychje | omg_scout: might be better if you describe whats happening to your system exactly? | 12:57 |
emx | lotuspsychje, all i can see is that the settings are the defaults one. | 12:57 |
emx | it seems like the application responsible to display the indicators, menu and such is simply not running | 12:58 |
lotuspsychje | emx: not sure then mate, ive clean installed myself | 12:58 |
emx | lotuspsychje, how long did it take? | 12:58 |
lotuspsychje | emx: upgrades are always little tricky | 12:58 |
lotuspsychje | emx: not longer then halfhour (on an ssd) | 12:58 |
frew | hey guys, my sound mysteriously stopped working | 12:58 |
Tetracomm | Problem solved. I edited the user-dirs.dirs file. It set the Home directory as the desktop directory. Thank you, lotuspsychje. :) | 12:58 |
emx | lotuspsychje, i know.upgrade to 13.10 was flawless :-/ | 12:58 |
frew | my user can list the sound devices with aplay -l | 12:58 |
lotuspsychje | !sound | frew | 12:59 |
* emx must switch to ssds | 12:59 | |
ubottu | frew: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 12:59 |
frew | ubottu: ok, I already tried that, will try the links | 12:59 |
ubottu | frew: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:59 |
EleanorEllis | I am trying to setup automatic upgrades. In the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades there is a line that specifies Unattended-Upgrade::Mail "root"; which I understand sets the "From" address of the the notification email but where do I set the "To" email address | 12:59 |
frew | er, lotuspsychje thanks. | 12:59 |
lotuspsychje | emx: running 14.04 64bit clean on samssung evo 120gig netbook, rocketfast | 12:59 |
Viking_Benoit | hello I have change access of internet and now it is impossible to connect to my server by ssh | 13:00 |
emx | lotuspsychje, stop it. i just switched to my cubieboard for work and it is sadly slow when visiting web pages :P | 13:00 |
Viking_Benoit | debug2: key: /Users/maths/.ssh/id_rsa (0x7f9df8f00000), | 13:00 |
Viking_Benoit | debug2: key: /Users/maths/.ssh/id_dsa (0x0), | 13:00 |
Viking_Benoit | debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey | 13:00 |
Viking_Benoit | debug3: start over, passed a different list publickey | 13:00 |
Viking_Benoit | debug3: preferred publickey,keyboard-interactive,password | 13:00 |
Viking_Benoit | debug3: authmethod_lookup publickey | 13:00 |
Viking_Benoit | debug3: remaining preferred: keyboard-interactive,password | 13:00 |
unopaste | Viking_Benoit you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 13:00 |
omg_scout | lotuspsychje: Unity interface displaying is very slow (switching windows, workspaces, scrolling windows, firefox tabs), even though my machine is pretty good. /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p Command says that hardware rendering is not disapleyed and indeed, compiz takes lots of cpu. | 13:02 |
lotuspsychje | omg_scout: does your additional drivers tab show any other drivers? | 13:02 |
lotuspsychje | omg_scout: whats your current driver on lshw -C video? | 13:03 |
Viking_Benoit | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7359258/ | 13:03 |
Viking_Benoit | some problem with ssh somebody can help me ? on ubuntu server | 13:03 |
Viking_Benoit | pb is ssh macbook=>ubuntu server | 13:04 |
lotuspsychje | Viking_Benoit: what did you do exactly that it stopped working? | 13:04 |
EleanorEllis | I am trying to setup automatic upgrades. In the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades there is a line that specifies Unattended-Upgrade::Mail "root"; which I understand sets the "From" address of the the notification email but where do I set the "To" email address? | 13:04 |
omg_scout | lotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7359272/ | 13:04 |
Viking_Benoit | i change my internet connection so new box etc... | 13:04 |
omg_scout | lotuspsychje: There is nothing in the additional software (I believe Intel drivers do not have proprietary) | 13:05 |
Viking_Benoit | and I didn't manage to connect by ssh my ubuntu server since mac os x | 13:05 |
lotuspsychje | Viking_Benoit: is your new device a router that could block ssh? | 13:05 |
Viking_Benoit | yes | 13:05 |
Viking_Benoit | but i disable the firewall to test | 13:05 |
lotuspsychje | Viking_Benoit: can you nmap yourself to see if ssh goes through | 13:08 |
Yelu | EleanorEllis, //Unattended-Upgrade::Mail "root@localhost"; => this line contains the "To:" e-mail address (not "From:") | 13:08 |
lotuspsychje | !info xserver-xorg-video-intel | 13:09 |
ubottu | xserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.99.910-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 579 kB, installed size 2814 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; kfreebsd-amd64; kfreebsd-i386) | 13:09 |
lotuspsychje | omg_scout: maybe try that one | 13:09 |
omg_scout | lotuspsychje: "xserver-xorg-video-intel is already the newest version." | 13:11 |
lotuspsychje | omg_scout: ok | 13:11 |
omg_scout | lotuspsychje: Do you think that switching to another gui, like gnome, can help? | 13:13 |
lotuspsychje | omg_scout: you can try, but as lshw doesnt show an active driver, you might need a proper driver | 13:13 |
lotuspsychje | omg_scout: maybe here: but dont see 14.04 yet: https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads | 13:14 |
omg_scout | lotuspsychje: Yes, I installed the driver from there on 13.10, and I think that maybe it somehow got messed on upgrade to 14.04 | 13:14 |
lotuspsychje | omg_scout: aha, maybe a clean install might sort things out for you? | 13:15 |
lotuspsychje | omg_scout: with download updates during setup | 13:15 |
omg_scout | lotuspsychje: Yeah I will go with that. I will start making a cleanup in graphic packages, as it got messy on all updates from I went from 12.04. If it does not help I will just install clean. Thanks for help;) | 13:16 |
lotuspsychje | omg_scout: np, hope you sort it | 13:16 |
mojtaba | ActionParsnip: It is user data and I am going to install a backup program like acebackup on windows and set them to upload the backup on this ftp server. (external hdd) Should I use ext4 or ntfs? (I will backup my windows machines and upload them on this ftp server) | 13:21 |
TerminalNovice | Help! I am installing Wine, yet I get this error message: http://pastebin.com/NmaGbHfG | 13:22 |
TerminalNovice | What do I do?? | 13:22 |
lotuspsychje | !info wine saucy | 13:23 |
ubottu | wine (source: wine1.4): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.1-0ubuntu7 (saucy), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 13:24 |
Yelu | mojtaba, as long as your backup software is able to also backup your file access rights (permissions) you have the choice (ntfs or ext4). If it's an external drive you have an advantage using ntfs, if you want to attached the drive to a Windows machine. | 13:24 |
karab44 | hello | 13:24 |
Yelu | *attach! | 13:24 |
TerminalNovice | That doesn't help me lotuspsychje.. | 13:25 |
karab44 | is your totem is as much unstable as mine? | 13:25 |
lotuspsychje | TerminalNovice: im just checking versions.. | 13:25 |
TerminalNovice | Sorry. | 13:25 |
karab44 | I don't know how about normal video watching but when navigating it crashes | 13:25 |
geirha | TerminalNovice: apt-cache policy wine1.7 wine1.7-i386 | 13:26 |
karab44 | it happenes every time | 13:26 |
karab44 | on other hand video works fine with VLC | 13:26 |
lotuspsychje | karab44: what kind of video files are you trying to play? | 13:26 |
stazich | .join #mtp | 13:27 |
aarobc | Have you accepted opus into your heart as your codec lord and savior? | 13:29 |
pietro10 | Hi. Weird question, but my side-by-side DE configuration is messed up... Is there a way I can install another Ubuntu flavor on another partition while my main one is live, from a mounted ISO? (I forget if ext4 can be live-resized...) Thanks. | 13:31 |
karab44 | lotuspsychje: mkv | 13:33 |
lotuspsychje | karab44: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras? | 13:33 |
karab44 | well I don't know but it works nice until I start navigate | 13:34 |
karab44 | on other hand VLC doesn't crash | 13:34 |
lotuspsychje | karab44: vlc got built-in codecs and almost plays everything | 13:34 |
sk1special | is there a way to optimize video on my pos ? its like im watching a flipbook cartoon if its in hd | 13:34 |
karab44 | oh | 13:35 |
Zyrax | set window_check_level_first ON | 13:35 |
voltagex | hey, I'm actually looking to build phablet-tools on Debian jessie or sid - I'm wondering if anyone can tell me wtf the click package is, and why I can't get it installed on Debian. | 13:35 |
karab44 | lotuspsychje: yes, extras are installed | 13:35 |
cfhowlett | sk1special HD is a serious load on the system. you have to reduce the load - dropping unity would probably help - or add ram | 13:35 |
DJones | voltagex: Probably best joining #debian and asking there | 13:35 |
lotuspsychje | karab44: not sure then, can you start totem from terminal to see the error? | 13:36 |
cfhowlett | voltagex ask debian not ubuntu | 13:36 |
sk1special | cfhowlett, dropping unity? | 13:36 |
voltagex | DJones, cfhowlett: the dependencies aren't in the debian archive, only the ubuntu archive | 13:36 |
pietro10 | ...that's weird. | 13:36 |
karab44 | ** (totem:5210): CRITICAL **: gst_video_codec_frame_ref: assertion 'frame != NULL' failed | 13:37 |
karab44 | Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 13:37 |
cfhowlett | sk1special sudo lxde and xfce4 are much less resource intensive. sudo apt-get install xfce4 lxde will install. then logout, choose the alternate session, login and test it out. | 13:37 |
lotuspsychje | karab44: ubuntu version and totem version plz? | 13:37 |
popey | voltagex: phablet-tools are deprecated, join #ubuntu-touch for more details | 13:37 |
MikeLeman | http://www.twitch.tv/hoochRRR | 13:37 |
karab44 | 14.04LTS and totam is 3.10.1 | 13:37 |
sk1special | cfhowlett, how do i go back to unity if i dont like them? | 13:37 |
lotuspsychje | !info totem | 13:38 |
voltagex | thanks popey, the *new* page still references phablet-tools | 13:38 |
ubottu | totem (source: totem): Simple media player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.1-1ubuntu4 (trusty), package size 99 kB, installed size 694 kB | 13:38 |
DJones | MikeLeman: Please don't spam | 13:38 |
MikeLeman | kk | 13:38 |
MikeLeman | sorry | 13:38 |
popey | voltagex: ok, bits of it are deprecated ☻ | 13:38 |
cfhowlett | sk1special logout, choose unity (or maybe it's called Ubuntu) session and login | 13:38 |
lotuspsychje | karab44: not sure sorry | 13:38 |
voltagex | will ask the -touch people | 13:38 |
voltagex | thanks | 13:38 |
sk1special | cfhowlett, ah mmk. ill check it out. thanks | 13:39 |
karab44 | lotuspsychje: not a big problem I use VLC sometimes too | 13:39 |
pietro10 | also | 13:39 |
pietro10 | at voltagex's problem, isn't Click ubuntu-specific? | 13:40 |
karab44 | it may be that video is partially corrupted, I know that VLC handles corrupted files just like that. | 13:40 |
pietro10 | eh | 13:40 |
TerminalNovice | I tried to fix my own problem (Not being able to install Wine), but I now get a new error: | 13:40 |
TerminalNovice | " The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 13:40 |
TerminalNovice | wine1.7 : Depends: wine1.7-i386 (= 1:1.7.17-0ubuntu1~saucy1) but it is not installable"... Can I force install something? | 13:40 |
karab44 | but generally totem crashes randomly on navigation action | 13:40 |
karab44 | I haven't tried other files yet. | 13:41 |
thurstylark | Anyone else getting memory leak errors? "no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory" | 13:43 |
metoo3 | Looking to make residual, 100% legit income using only 10 mins of your time a day? PTC sites, such as Probux have been around for years. Check it out http://www.probux.com/?r=windsorftw for more info! | 13:43 |
metoo3 | or join me in #probux for more info | 13:44 |
ikonia | metoo3: please don't spam | 13:44 |
DJones | metoo3: Please don't spam | 13:44 |
metoo3 | how is that spamming? | 13:44 |
cfhowlett | metoo3 it is and you know it is. unwelcome here. go elsewhere. | 13:44 |
ikonia | metoo3: posting information that is nothing to do with this channel without being request = spam | 13:44 |
metoo3 | oh sorry | 13:45 |
=== lesshaste is now known as Guest92122 | ||
mirik | всем хай | 13:52 |
cfhowlett | !ru|mirik! | 13:53 |
ubottu | mirik!: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 13:53 |
sacto1358 | j | 13:54 |
Xip | Ubuntu update erased all software and now is impossible to access anything.. | 13:55 |
NiTeMaRe | i got kind of a interesting issue i'm trying to autoinstall ubuntu via cobbler, but ubuntu does not like that the gateway is on a different subnet at install time | 13:55 |
cfhowlett | !details|Xip | 13:55 |
ubottu | Xip: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 13:55 |
NiTeMaRe | is there any way i can get around that at install time? so that i can do this installation automatically? | 13:55 |
rsvp | will Trusty point release fit on a CD ???? | 13:56 |
ikonia | no | 13:56 |
cfhowlett | rsvp nope | 13:56 |
cfhowlett | !mini| rsvp | 13:56 |
ubottu | rsvp: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 13:56 |
Xip | cfhowlett: It was just automated update and I clicked OK, when I got back it started uninstalling software, drivers.. And now I can't access anything | 13:57 |
cfhowlett | Xip 14.04??? | 13:57 |
Xip | cfhowlett: 13.10 | 13:57 |
=== matrice64[Away] is now known as matrice64 | ||
cfhowlett | Xip alternative: download 14.04, make USB, boot and install. if your data is in a separate /home do NOT format that partition. | 13:58 |
Xip | I don't understand why it would uninstall all software and stuff.. It doesn't make any sense | 13:58 |
cfhowlett | Xip I suspect you interrupted the process and broke it. | 13:58 |
rsvp | cfhowlett: is the MinimalCD is a *live* CD suitable for testing compatibility with older machines ???? | 13:58 |
TerminalNovice | I looked at the conflicts for a file that I need to download in Synaptic, and it says it conflicts with a file called wine-amd64... is it okay to delete that file??? | 13:58 |
cfhowlett | rsvp I THINK so but I've never used it. ikonia can you explain? | 13:59 |
brothersome | Xip: Software -> options -> inform for new updates | 13:59 |
Xip | cfhowlett: It wasn't interuppted, I had it running for hours, until the computer was just blank | 14:00 |
Xip | cfhowlett: Files in home are still there | 14:00 |
cfhowlett | xip sweet! then a clean install should fix quite nicely! | 14:01 |
Xip | yep, but the only problem I have now is that I can't find my CDROM in bios anymore | 14:01 |
Xip | or dvddrive~~~ | 14:01 |
cfhowlett | Xip USB? | 14:02 |
ActionParsnip | rsvp: the minimal install a kernel, drivers, bootloader and basic tools | 14:02 |
ActionParsnip | rsvp: the installer will also offer to install various desktops from the repos online, rather than using local debs on a CD | 14:03 |
karab44 | I have to click on desktop and then click on app again for titlebar menu showup. Anybody has the same? | 14:03 |
Xip | Is there a way for me to check what went wrong with the update? Is there some log file? | 14:04 |
humbag | Xip: /var/log/apt/history.log | 14:05 |
cfhowlett | humbag thanks. | 14:05 |
rsvp | so minimalCD is only about 30 megs... so would it be suitable for LTS upgrade from 12.04 ??? Maybe synaptic is better suited -- what do you think? | 14:07 |
mk001 | unable to switch datacard from 2g to 3g network and from 3g to 2g network also.Problem is solved by downgrading the package modemmanager.But when it will be fixed? | 14:07 |
Xip | humbag: Thanks | 14:07 |
cfhowlett | rsvp it'll do the job if that's what you're asking ... | 14:07 |
Ahti333 | is there a good way to directly upgrade ubuntu server 12.04 to 14.04 | 14:08 |
Ahti333 | ? | 14:08 |
cfhowlett | Ahti333 sudo apt-get do-release-upgrade | 14:08 |
rsvp | cfhowlett: which method is better? | 14:08 |
cfhowlett | rsvp depends on the user ... | 14:09 |
Yelu | karab44, I got a similar issue in a vboy guest (Ubuntu 14.04) with 3D checked. - I solved this by deactivating 3D. | 14:09 |
Yelu | vbox! | 14:09 |
cfhowlett | !vbox|karab44 | 14:09 |
ubottu | karab44: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox | 14:09 |
DJones | Ahti333: cfhowlett: 14.04 may not show as available upgrade yet. Normally, upgrades from LTS to LTS are only flagged up once the .1 release is issued, which for 14.04.1 isn;t until 24th July | 14:10 |
karab44 | Yelu: no, no I don't use vbox :). I mean I use from time to time but that happenes on host, real system | 14:10 |
i2c | Hey guys. I just installed a copy of Ubuntu 14.04 over my old copy of 13.10 and like an idiot I forgot to backup some files. Are they lost forever now? | 14:10 |
cfhowlett | DJones good to know. thanks. Ahti333 sorry for the faulty intel | 14:10 |
cfhowlett | i2c is your /home in it's own partition? | 14:10 |
i2c | Um. I'm not sure. Whatever the default is? | 14:10 |
bigred15 | default its not | 14:11 |
Ahti333 | DJones can I force an upgrade even though it is not marked as upgradable? | 14:11 |
cfhowlett | i2c default is not separate ... | 14:11 |
Yelu | karab44, yes. The hint was meant was for a "real" system (yours) => try to switch off 3D, if thera are possibilities. | 14:11 |
karab44 | oh, Ok | 14:11 |
karab44 | :) | 14:11 |
cfhowlett | !home|i2c a dedicated home makes upgrading WAY easier | 14:11 |
ubottu | i2c a dedicated home makes upgrading WAY easier: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving | 14:11 |
DJones | Ahti333: I'm not sure about that, its not something I've looked into | 14:11 |
i2c | OK well I've already upgraded. | 14:11 |
cfhowlett | DJones can he force with update -d? or am I confused ... | 14:12 |
bigred15 | why is home not separated by default? seems crazt | 14:12 |
bigred15 | *crazy | 14:12 |
cfhowlett | bigred15 partition limitation issues I should think. | 14:12 |
cfhowlett | MBR | 14:12 |
mk001 | unable to switch datacard from 2g to 3g network and from 3g to 2g network also.Problem is solved by downgrading the package modemmanager.But when it will be fixed? | 14:13 |
DJones | cfhowlett: I'm not sure whether it'd work because 14.04 isn't a development release now, in theory, the development release is currently 14.10 | 14:13 |
cfhowlett | DJones this is the first LTS I've NOT upgraded immediately ... | 14:13 |
mirelle | hello ubuntu community ! im completly new to Linux | 14:14 |
cfhowlett | !manual|mirelle | 14:14 |
ubottu | mirelle: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 14:14 |
unicorn_ | hey, same here and currently cant figure out how to install the driver I just installed :D | 14:15 |
unicorn_ | *I just downloaded | 14:15 |
mirelle | ubottu thank you very much. but im truely no "user" :D i have rented a dedicated root server with ubuntu 12.04 | 14:15 |
ubottu | mirelle: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 14:15 |
Ahti333 | cfhowlett is upgrading even worth it or am i better off just reinstalling? (talking about a server, uptime is not important) | 14:15 |
mirelle | ah lol | 14:15 |
cfhowlett | Ahti333 I'm going to punt = suggest you ask the experts in #ubuntu-server | 14:16 |
deb | can someone tell me whatys going on here? http://sprunge.us/WVac | 14:16 |
Ahti333 | cfhowlett that sounds reasonable :) | 14:16 |
Anomie21 | http://pastebin.com/ziUEdwr9 | 14:16 |
cfhowlett | deb NOT reading all that without more ifo. | 14:17 |
unicorn_ | I'm currently having issues with installing packages, it tells me it cant locate package /home/user/Downloads | 14:17 |
Anomie21 | cfhowlett: That aimed at me? Trying to install deluge | 14:18 |
deb | cfhowlett, perhaps the mirrors are down for that translation? | 14:18 |
cfhowlett | Anomie21 no that was for deb - probably facing a temporary mirror issue | 14:18 |
User273 | stu "d!ckless" lantz betrays all; trannys & queers(chaste Homos/a$$holes), rule | 14:19 |
=== [2]fendereff is now known as fendereff | ||
unicorn_ | I'm currently having issues with installing packages, it tells me it cant locate package /home/user/Downloads, what to do now? | 14:20 |
deb | cfhowlett, right, changing mirrors to usa ones | 14:21 |
cfhowlett | unicorn_ /home/user/Downloads is NOT a package. | 14:21 |
cfhowlett | unicorn_ how, exactly are you installing said packages? | 14:22 |
unicorn_ | cfhowlett I didn't try to install that, I wrote the zip archive name after it | 14:22 |
cfhowlett | unicorn_ so you're NOT using software center or APT ??? | 14:23 |
=== ezhik__ is now known as ezhik_ | ||
unicorn_ | cfhowlett I am actually using apt-get | 14:23 |
=== ezhik_ is now known as Guest86635 | ||
OerHeks | unicorn_, apt-get does not look for packages in /downloads/, so what exactly are you trying to do? | 14:25 |
Pici | unicorn_: what are you trying to install? | 14:25 |
tonKdAni | anyonenow ow to do terminal comm? | 14:26 |
cfhowlett | Pici unicorn = AMD drivers | 14:26 |
Pici | cfhowlett: ah | 14:26 |
rynop | I’m using the ubuntu 14.04 vagrant box (https://vagrantcloud.com/ubuntu/trusty64) and getting really slow outgoing connections to http. Like connecting to google is taking more than 5sec via curl. nslookup is fast. mtr is fast. any idea what could be causing? | 14:26 |
unicorn_ | Pici I'm trying to install AMD driver from official website | 14:26 |
cfhowlett | unicorn_ with that .sh file, you're looking at a bit of terminal work NOT apt-get | 14:27 |
qin | tonKdAni: Can you elaborate? What command? | 14:27 |
tonKdAni | I mean lik twoo user comm with echo? | 14:28 |
unicorn_ | cfhowlett terminal work in what way? I installed my first linux 3 days ago and still getting used to it | 14:28 |
Yelu | unicorn_, https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu+14.04+amd+drivers+install | 14:28 |
cfhowlett | unicorn_ complete instructions should be in the README file you dowloaded | 14:28 |
stefg | rynop: networking hardware or blocked ports come to mind... if that's a virtual machine the virtio-driver may have issues, | 14:29 |
unicorn_ | cfhowlett there's no readme file in it | 14:29 |
cfhowlett | unicorn_ check the AMD site then | 14:29 |
OerHeks | unicorn_, why not use the build-in driver tool? | 14:30 |
rynop | stefg: im just doing ‘curl -o /dev/null -s -w %{time_connect}:%{time_starttransfer}:%{time_total}\\n https://www.google.com' . It ends up working, so dont think its a blocked port issue. Also my 12.04 vbox image on same machine here works fine. | 14:30 |
unicorn_ | OerHeks you mean the pre-installed driver? | 14:30 |
cfhowlett | !amd|unicorn_ | 14:30 |
cfhowlett | unicorn_ http://www.securethelock.com/2014/04/20/installing-configuring-amdati-drivers-ubuntu-14-04-trusty-tahr/ | 14:31 |
=== Guest86635 is now known as ezhik`_ | ||
OerHeks | unicorn_, no, the "additional driver tool" , just type 'driver' in Dash > (the left top icon=dash) | 14:32 |
stefg | rynop: i know of some regressions with network drivers..... alx is one example. it works, but slow and unreliable. have you tried to run netperf? | 14:32 |
Baluse | hello . I use ubuntu server. | 14:32 |
cfhowlett | !server|Baluse | 14:32 |
ubottu | Baluse: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server | 14:32 |
LordDeath | 12.04 dist-upgrade to 14.04 vs clean install of 14.04 <-- will there be huge differences? | 14:33 |
stefg | LordDeath: Certainly | 14:33 |
cfhowlett | LordDeath end result is the same. process is faster/smoother with clean install IMO | 14:33 |
goeo_ | why would this happen? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7359718/ | 14:33 |
=== rudisimo|away is now known as rudisimo_ | ||
ActionParsnip | LordDeath: old configs and packages may cause issues but a clean install will be as the OS is fully intended. Both ways have pros and cons | 14:34 |
stefg | !EOL | 14:34 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 14:34 |
OerHeks | goeo_, 11.10 is óld, upgrade to 12.04 | 14:34 |
cfhowlett | goeo_ your mirrors could be under repair/upgrade | 14:34 |
ActionParsnip | goeo_: check for Windows updates under Windows 95, what happens? | 14:34 |
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OerHeks | goeo_, those updateservers are offline by now | 14:34 |
unicorn_ | OerHeks and cfhowlett both suggested same thing which seems to work :) thanks guys | 14:34 |
DJones | goeo_: 11.10 is end of life, it stopped being supported in May 2013, the repositories will have been removed | 14:35 |
goeo_ | but it worked a few days ago | 14:35 |
ActionParsnip | goeo_: yes its been turned off now | 14:35 |
goeo_ | oh i see | 14:35 |
stefg | goeo_: your version is end of life... please upgrade | 14:35 |
stephen_jenkins | that's what she said | 14:35 |
ActionParsnip | goeo_: just like there are no updates for Windows 95 | 14:35 |
brjvl | DJones: when an ubuntu EOL is eg May 2013 -- does that mean May 1st? | 14:35 |
stephen_jenkins | that's what she said | 14:35 |
cfhowlett | !behelpful|stephen_jenkins | 14:35 |
ubottu | stephen_jenkins: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 14:35 |
stephen_jenkins | that's what she said | 14:35 |
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deb | hmm my apt-get update stops at :_ Ign http://archive.ubuntu.com saucy-updates/restricted Translation-en_US, Ign http://archive.ubuntu.com saucy-updates/universe Translation-en_US, 97% [Waiting for headers] anyone have this same issue? | 14:35 |
stephen_jenkins | that's what she said | 14:35 |
DJones | brjvl: No, can be different dates, 11.10 was 9th May | 14:36 |
cfhowlett | stephen_jenkins stop. | 14:36 |
ActionParsnip | deb: try a little later | 14:36 |
stefg | goeo_: maybe that one year after eol the repos finally closed | 14:37 |
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rynop | stefg: i’ve never used netperf, but here is the output. Dont see any connect/dns resolve timers here - you recommend any specific options? dont see any options for these phases in the docs. http://pastebin.com/bTBA8uV4 | 14:38 |
rynop | I know its a problem in the dns or connect phase, as once it connects it d/l or uploads fast | 14:38 |
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stefg | rynop: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/netperf.1.html choose what you see fit. My first investigation would be if it's a timing or a throughput related issue.. | 14:39 |
stefg | rynop: next step would be to traceroute a connection to a well known server | 14:41 |
stefg | rynop: check lsmod for your network card driver and google if there are known issues with it in newer kernels | 14:43 |
rynop | stefg: good ideas, will do | 14:43 |
rynop | stefg: i’m using the same intel pro/1000 MT (82540EM) on my 14.04 and 12.04 vbox VMs | 14:44 |
rynop | but as u say may be kernel thing | 14:45 |
chandra | Hi, I hit a Samba4 exception, which I had uninstalled, when I tried installing Libreoffice writer. Now I'm really afraid to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 - previous upgrade slowed down internet connection most unacceptably | 14:45 |
stefg | rynop: i think it's safe to aśsume that these are ok...(they are physical, not virtual...aren't they?) | 14:46 |
chandra | Hi Ubuntu Support - need some help (1) I hit a Samba4 exception, which I had uninstalled, when I tried installing Libreoffice writer. (2) previous upgrade slowed down internet connection - is it safe to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 ? | 14:48 |
chandra | Hi Ubuntu Support - need some help (1) I hit a Samba4 exception, which I had uninstalled, when I tried installing Libreoffice writer. (2) previous upgrade slowed down internet connection - is it safe to upgrade from 13.10 to 14.04 ? | 14:50 |
Liiyes | Hi everyone | 14:50 |
rynop | stefg: not sure what u mean. I’m emulating an adapter, not using virtio: https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.hipchat.com/15441/59699/hdHWm0LCuOwqCzS/upload.png | 14:50 |
Munster | o/ | 14:51 |
devhost | I'm having issues with Gnome on Ubuntu 14.04. | 14:53 |
devhost | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7359834/ | 14:53 |
stefg | rynop: i think your problem could be virtualization-related... I'd try a different adapter (maybe virtio) and check if it changes something. If not go back to the original settings | 14:53 |
devhost | I purged gnome-session and installed gnome-session-flashback, still having issues with 'gnome-session-is-accelerated: No composite extension.' | 14:54 |
rynop | stefg: dang ya i was thikning same thing. virtio didnt help: http://pastebin.com/Q9Vpuif5 | 14:54 |
devhost | Next step is to purge gnome-session-flashback and install *-fallback | 14:54 |
rynop | stefg: I’m gonna try a newer daily build vagrant.box file from ubuntu | 14:55 |
devhost | Because #gnome on GIMPnet wasn't any help. If I can't get gnome to work I will have to use xfce. | 14:55 |
ActionParsnip | rynop: what speed does: ethtool eth0 | grep -i speed show | 14:56 |
simpleuser | Hi there. Several months ago I found a small program to change the behavior of the bash prompt (adding battery state for laptops, git branch and commits, and so on). Do you have an idea about what is the name of this thing ? | 14:57 |
wheatthin | cairo dock? | 14:58 |
simpleuser | wheatthin: ?? | 14:58 |
wheatthin | or some sort of widget | 14:59 |
simpleuser | I’m talking about a bash prompt ;) | 15:00 |
rynop | ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/pkcA1zNy . 3.13.0-24 is my kernel fwiw. Its not the link speed problem here, I know its somewhere in the dns or connection phase. per my curl timer output: http://pastebin.com/Q9Vpuif5 | 15:00 |
somsip | simpleuser: a search on 'bash prompt functions' is given plenty of other examples for me | 15:01 |
simpleuser | somsip: yep. | 15:01 |
OerHeks | simpleuser, i think you want dash, not bash > http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-customize-your-command-prompt--net-24083 | 15:03 |
simpleuser | Found it ! | 15:05 |
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simpleuser | https://github.com/nojhan/liquidprompt | 15:05 |
simpleuser | Thanks :) | 15:05 |
somsip | simpleuser: I like the git extras (I show the branch in my prompt as it is) so I might steal that. Nice find :) | 15:06 |
Yelu | devhost, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/1274013 | 15:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1251281 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1274013 gnome-flashback (metacity) fails to start without hardware acceleration, cloud/remote environments (Forwarded-X/XRDP/VNC/NX/X2GO/Chromoting)" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 15:07 |
devhost | yelu I've actually seen this bug | 15:08 |
devhost | Is there a solution other then the one in the comments of that bug? | 15:09 |
devhost | Because I don't want to add that repo. | 15:09 |
Yelu | devhost, idk | 15:09 |
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skinux | For some reason, my desktop background is black. How do I fix this? | 15:13 |
sudormrf | odd issue that I am trying to work on here. I added a repo but it cannot connect to it. If I browse to the page it works just fine, just when using apt-get update or even wget it fails. this *is* being done in a VM. I started off with it NAT'd, but now it is using a bridged connection and it still isn't working. Any ideas guys? | 15:14 |
simpleuser | somsip: Yep, it’s great to use ;) | 15:15 |
Yelu | skinux, maybe too simple? - Try right click on desktop and choose a wallpaper (or change background color in settings). | 15:15 |
skinux | Icons disappeared as well | 15:16 |
skinux | "System program problem detected" message also appears and won't go away. | 15:16 |
ActionParsnip | sudormrf: are you using a proxy? | 15:17 |
Yelu | skinux, ok, this sounds more serious than "background". | 15:17 |
skinux | Right-click on desktop does nothing | 15:17 |
ActionParsnip | skinux: press ALT+F2 and run: nautilus -k | 15:17 |
sudormrf | ActionParsnip, no. | 15:17 |
virtualista | hello. can anybody help me? i just installed 13.10, but there is no automount for my fat32 flash driver. i have my eth driver on that, but i cant access. the mount says: special device doesnt exist. any idea? | 15:17 |
ActionParsnip | virtualista: when you last unplugged it, did you use the safe removal feature? | 15:17 |
holstein | virtualista: for your fat32 usb stick? | 15:17 |
virtualista | yes, there is no error or any blabla on windows | 15:18 |
holstein | virtualista: blabla? | 15:18 |
skinux | Which log do I need to check??? | 15:19 |
ActionParsnip | virtualista: run a chkdsk on the partition in Windows, then use the safe removal feature in the system tray and only unplug it when you are told | 15:19 |
reis_ | hi | 15:19 |
holstein | skinux: i would check my system.. usually i start with hardware testing | 15:19 |
virtualista | ActionParsnip okey | 15:19 |
skinux | It doesn't seem like any hardware problem. | 15:20 |
skinux | But, which software should I run to check hardware? | 15:20 |
holstein | skinux: sure.. just confirm that.. since you are getting a message, and you dont know for sure | 15:20 |
WereCatf | I just updated my Ubuntu to 14.04 and all of a sudden my Samba-shares stopped working, trying to access them from Windows 7 just keeps asking for username and password. Before this it worked just fine without any usernames or passwords, so what changed? | 15:20 |
holstein | skinux: i would run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in the terminal and report errors | 15:20 |
skinux | I just did that a couple of days ago | 15:20 |
holstein | WereCatf: permissions, likely | 15:21 |
shayday | Hello is anyone using Ubuntu on a macbook? | 15:21 |
skinux | And, dist-upgrade isn't recommanded anymore | 15:21 |
holstein | skinux: ok.. try it now, ok? and report errors.. if you are asking what i think you should do as a volunteer | 15:21 |
virtualista | ActionParsnip done | 15:21 |
virtualista | now? | 15:21 |
holstein | skinux: i just recommended it.. you can research and run what you like. | 15:21 |
Slart | skinux: it isn't??? what's the replacement? just upgrade? | 15:21 |
WereCatf | holstein: permissions on what? | 15:21 |
skinux | do-release-upgrade is recommended now | 15:21 |
holstein | WereCatf: samba server | 15:21 |
holstein | skinux: im not asking you to do a release upgrade | 15:22 |
Slart | skinux: dist-upgrade isn't the same as upgrade to the next release of ubuntu.. never was | 15:22 |
WereCatf | holstein: Uh, why would they suddenly change? The smb.conf is exactly the same | 15:22 |
holstein | WereCatf: i dont read they changed suddenly.. you stated you upgraded | 15:22 |
skinux | Trying it now | 15:22 |
WereCatf | holstein: Yes, I upgraded the system, but kept the same smb.conf | 15:22 |
shayday | Cause I was just wondering would it be possible to install Ubuntu alone w/o refit I never use mac osx anymore anyways I've backed up my home dir and was hoping to o clean install for full space usage anyone know if its possible? | 15:22 |
holstein | WereCatf: i would start with the basics.. pinging the mmachines from each other.. checking samba is installed and running.. | 15:23 |
daftykins | shayday: it makes more sense to keep OS X around for any potential firmware updates etc. | 15:23 |
daftykins | shayday: you could just leave a bare install on and shrink the partition down to the smallest you can get away with | 15:23 |
skinux | So far, no errors...it's unpacking about 2MB of packages. | 15:23 |
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WereCatf | holstein: Considering the fact that I am using the machine over SSH I'd say network is working quite fine. Also, the shares can be accessed just fine from another Linux-system, but Windows 7 no longer can access it. So something changed and I need to know what. | 15:24 |
shayday | kk thanks for ur input much appreciated | 15:24 |
holstein | WereCatf: permissions, likely.. since you say you upgraded | 15:24 |
Xip | Hi friends | 15:24 |
daftykins | WereCatf: check the samba logs | 15:24 |
Xip | When I'm installing Ubuntu now it doesn't give me an option to install without erasing everything | 15:25 |
Xip | I just want to install the OS not remove files | 15:25 |
daftykins | Xip: the installer should offer you the manual option, it's called 'something else' | 15:25 |
OliverUK | Hiya, quick question, does anyone know if 'mail' can send mail with a bcc address when initiated from the command line? I have tried the -b option and that breaks it. 'mail (GNU Mailutils) 2.99.97' | 15:25 |
Xip | (I got swedish version so it literally translated..) "Erase drive and install Ubuntu" and then "Something else" | 15:25 |
Xip | daftykins: Right, so if I take "Something else" What should I do then? | 15:26 |
Guest93401 | hello im new to ubuntu switching from windows is antivirus really needed on ubuntu home desktop ? | 15:26 |
Slart | Guest93401: not really, no | 15:26 |
daftykins | Xip: partition manually | 15:26 |
holstein | !av | Guest93401 | 15:26 |
ubottu | Guest93401: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus | 15:26 |
ActionParsnip | OliverUK: nothing in "man mail" | 15:26 |
daftykins | Xip: what's on your disk already? | 15:26 |
ActionParsnip | Guest93401: unless you run a fileserver or a mailserver you won't need it | 15:27 |
Xip | daftykins: files in the home directory, about 600 gb of content I want to preserve | 15:27 |
OliverUK | ActionParsnip: No, nothing relating to bcc, read that already | 15:27 |
Xip | daftykins: I can't back it up because I dont have anything to move it to | 15:27 |
Xip | daftykins: it's a former Ubuntu install that is whacky | 15:27 |
daftykins | Xip: ok, so then in manual partitioning you want to set the /home partition up as your mount point, then set your original / as your EXT4 / and tell it to format it so you have a clean 14.04 install (assuming that's what you're doing) | 15:28 |
Xip | daftykins: Yeah it's a 14.04 install | 15:28 |
daftykins | Xip: does that sound clear enough then? | 15:29 |
ActionParsnip | OliverUK: all i'm finding is -b for bcc, like you said | 15:29 |
chirag | I installed ubuntu 12.04 and i want to upgrade to ubuntu 14.04 using iso file how can i do that? | 15:29 |
Xip | daftykins: I don't know how to do that, sorry. Where do I set the /home partition as my mount point? | 15:29 |
|JZ| | hey how come i dont see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/SambaServerGuide - There are a few graphical tools available that offer more flexibility than the "Sharing Options" in the Nautilus context menu. .. i am runing ubuntu 14.04 | 15:29 |
OliverUK | ActionParsnip: Yea, online manual says there is a -b option but looking at 'man mail' shows nothing | 15:29 |
ActionParsnip | OliverUK: weird | 15:30 |
daftykins | Xip: in the installer, after selecting 'something else' you'll get a partitioner screen | 15:30 |
bigred15 | What's the purpose of this "Templates" directory in the users home location? | 15:30 |
NoSpoon42 | hello, where are settings of xchat are stored in ubuntu? | 15:30 |
ActionParsnip | OliverUK: tried --bcc | 15:30 |
Xip | daftykins: Right, I'm in that screen right now | 15:30 |
ActionParsnip | OliverUK: possibly an oversight, could report a bug | 15:30 |
OliverUK | ActionParsnip: My only other though was to put the Bcc information into the header | 15:30 |
daftykins | Xip: you could put a screenshot up online if you like | 15:30 |
clue_h | NoSpoon42, in home it is hidden | 15:30 |
|JZ| | how can i see the "Sharing Options" in the Nautilus context menu? i am running ubuntu 14.04 | 15:30 |
ActionParsnip | OliverUK: worth a punt | 15:31 |
clue_h | NoSpoon42, view > hidden files n folders | 15:31 |
OliverUK | ActionParsnip: Let me try --bcc | 15:31 |
NoSpoon42 | <clue_h> thanks | 15:31 |
chirag | I installed ubuntu 12.04 and i want to upgrade to ubuntu 14.04 using iso file how can i do that? | 15:31 |
daftykins | Xip: brb 2 mins my cat needs letting in (: | 15:31 |
shayday | or control + H | 15:31 |
OliverUK | ActionParsnip: mail: unrecognized option '--bcc' | 15:31 |
Xip | daftykins: Ok friend | 15:31 |
holstein | chirag: i would just run the installer from the 14.04 CD, and you should be promted for the scenario.. ask if not | 15:31 |
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Xip | daftykins: I'm not sure how I should screenshot this thing | 15:31 |
clue_h | or in terminal cd .xchat2/ | 15:31 |
chirag | upgrade option is disable... | 15:32 |
chirag | since i have dual boot enable | 15:32 |
|JZ| | how can i see the "Sharing Options" in the Nautilus context menu? i am running ubuntu 14.04 | 15:33 |
BARFii | hi | 15:34 |
BARFii | ým how to install supybot? | 15:34 |
BARFii | in linux? | 15:34 |
BARFii | /Supybot-]$ | 15:34 |
BARFii | after? | 15:34 |
s1991 | Hello I need some help | 15:35 |
holstein | BARFii: i just referred to the documentation.. just ran it as they intend | 15:35 |
daftykins | Xip: you can press the print-screen key on the keyboard, then it'll automatically open a window asking to save the image. then you can browse to a site like postimage.org to share it | 15:35 |
BARFii | ./configure: No such file or directory | 15:35 |
holstein | !info supybot | 15:35 |
daftykins | s1991: ask away with as much detail as you can | 15:35 |
ubottu | supybot (source: supybot): robust and user friendly Python IRC bot. In component universe, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 430 kB, installed size 2676 kB | 15:35 |
BARFii | hm | 15:35 |
virtualista | mount -t vfat -o /dev/sdb1 /media/ext | 15:35 |
holstein | BARFii: you can always just run the repo version.. sudo apt-get install supybot | 15:35 |
virtualista | is it good for mounting? | 15:35 |
BARFii | ým not holstein root | 15:35 |
virtualista | fat32 mounting | 15:35 |
BARFii | ým user in vps | 15:36 |
chirag | I installed ubuntu 12.04 and i want to upgrade to ubuntu 14.04 using iso file how can i do that? upgrade option is disable...since i have dual boot | 15:36 |
BARFii | look | 15:36 |
Xip | daftykins: The printscreen button does nothing | 15:36 |
BARFii | vds(~/Supybot-]$ | 15:36 |
Yelu | OliverUK, check your installed mail package (mailx, mail, other one, maybe symlinked to something "odd") and if that program is capable of "bcc" | 15:36 |
holstein | BARFii: then, ask the provider of your system to install, or refer to the documentation.. i just ran supybot on a system as my user that i was not "Root" on | 15:36 |
BARFii | after ý dont known | 15:36 |
Jef91 | is this the right place to ask questions about Ubiquity? | 15:36 |
holstein | BARFii: correct.. but, you dont need to install it like that.. you are not reading the documentation. you can just run it in place as your user, if the system provides the support needed. if it doesnt, you need to ask the maintainer | 15:37 |
|JZ| | how can i see the "Sharing Options" in the Nautilus context menu? i am running ubuntu 14.04 | 15:37 |
s1991 | daftykins: for now I've elementary os install, now I want to shift to ubuntu 14.04, but I've to reinstal all my working envirnmnt, is there any way to shift to ubuntu with my present packages and things installed | 15:37 |
OliverUK | ActionParsnip: Putting information into header seems to do what I want it to do. Anyone know how I might be able to put multiple header parts into a single command line? | 15:37 |
Hideme | So, looking for a new video card, am I better going with AMD or Nvidia (driver/support wise) ? | 15:37 |
holstein | |JZ|: please stop reposting.. i use gigolo | 15:37 |
chirag | is any one there i need help | 15:37 |
chirag | upgrade option is disable... | 15:37 |
holstein | !Info gigolo | 15:37 |
chirag | <chirag> since i have dual boot enable | 15:37 |
daftykins | Xip: are you looking at a screen like this? http://ubuntuhandbook.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Ubuntu-create-partition.png | 15:37 |
|JZ| | gigolo ? | 15:37 |
BARFii | holstein how to install ? | 15:38 |
OliverUK | Yelu: Hopefully nothing out of the ordinary, simply installed 'ssmtp' and then 'mailutils' | 15:38 |
s1991 | daftykins: I've setup my working env which almost took 2 day, since it involves lots to mysql thing, so want to skip that | 15:38 |
|JZ| | holstein, what is gigolo | 15:38 |
BARFii | ým opened tar.gz file | 15:38 |
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holstein | BARFii: you dont. you just run it, in place, as is.. according to he documentation | 15:38 |
Xip | daftykins: Yep, I'm looking at that screen | 15:39 |
daftykins | s1991: sorry i can provide no help with elementary OS | 15:39 |
Yelu | OliverUK, just a try, okay then ... | 15:39 |
virtualista | holstein i formated the falshdriver into fat32 and ejected with safely feature. mount -t vfat says: special device doesnt exist | 15:39 |
holstein | |JZ|: it is a way to supply the connectivitiy you are looking for, and missing | 15:39 |
daftykins | Xip: so how many entries do you see beneath /dev/sda ? | 15:39 |
|JZ| | where can i find it ? | 15:39 |
|JZ| | n/m installing it now | 15:39 |
s1991 | daftykins: no I'm not asking help with that, I just want to shift my stuff mainly all mysql thing to ubuntu 14.04 from there | 15:39 |
skinux | Program problems happening on system start are for: VirtualBox, ffDiaporama, Signon-UI, and X.Org | 15:40 |
skinux | I need to know which log file(s) to check so I can track down this issue. | 15:40 |
bitox | trying to install rust-nightly on 14.04, get this error: rust-nightly : Depends: libstdc++6 (>= 4.9) but 4.8.2-19ubuntu1 is to be installed | 15:40 |
daftykins | s1991: right but one would need to know something about elementary in order to take its' state over to ubuntu, which i don't :) | 15:40 |
frew | hey guys, I'm trying to install some closed source drivers from the command line, and jockey-text appears to not be a command? | 15:40 |
s1991 | can anybody else can help me with this** | 15:41 |
bitox | what should i do? | 15:41 |
frew | oh I found http://askubuntu.com/questions/447521/how-do-you-use-ubuntu-drivers-common-or-software-properties-in-the-command-line | 15:41 |
path0gen | hi all, whats the "ubuntu" user in my shadow file and why does it have an encrypted password when i never made an 'ubuntu' account? | 15:42 |
Rory | path0gen: Is it an Amazon EC2 instance? | 15:42 |
Xip | daftykins: /dev/sda | 15:42 |
Xip | free space - 1 mb | 15:42 |
Xip | free space - 0 mb | 15:42 |
path0gen | its Azure cloud | 15:42 |
Xip | sec | 15:42 |
Xip | I'll paste it | 15:42 |
Xip | in bin | 15:42 |
Rory | path0gen: That'll be it then: it will the a modified Ubuntu installation provided by them | 15:42 |
Xip | daftykins: http://pastebin.com/FMzW4Kb0 <- like this | 15:43 |
path0gen | Rory: Im trying to lock down this host, it is ok to disable the account? | 15:43 |
Rory | path0gen: I couldn't answer that, you'd have to ask Azure | 15:43 |
path0gen | k ty | 15:44 |
Rory | path0gen: But probably fine, yes | 15:44 |
Rory | path0gen: It was likely used for installation of packages | 15:44 |
daftykins | Xip: ok it looks like your /home and / aren't separate, they're all on sda3 which is a 750GB partition | 15:44 |
skinux | How do I view information sent by problem reporter? | 15:44 |
Xip | daftykins: Yeah the stuff I want to keep is in there, that's as much as I understand | 15:45 |
Yelu | skinux, some applications haave their own logs. this is documented in the documentation of the app. For system logs take a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles | 15:45 |
Rory | skinux: Are you referring to the dialogue when an application crashes? This: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=apport_crash_nodetails.png | 15:46 |
daftykins | Xip: the only way to do it, if you're absolutely sure you don't want anything outside of the /home directory, is to delete every other folder on that drive the install to it afresh | 15:46 |
skinux | I'm referring to a dialog which only has "Cancel" and "Report" buttons available. | 15:46 |
s1991 | Hello, is there any way I can shift mysql all databases as it is from one ubuntu os to another, so I don't need to append that data in mysql** | 15:47 |
chirag | I installed ubuntu 12.04 and i want to upgrade to ubuntu 14.04 using iso file how can i do that? | 15:47 |
daftykins | chirag: put it on a DVD or flash drive then reinstall | 15:48 |
junka | !info firefox | 15:48 |
ubottu | firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 28.0+build2-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 24500 kB, installed size 59477 kB | 15:48 |
Rory | s1991: mysqldump -u username -p --all-databases > output.sql | 15:48 |
holstein | chirag: just use the 14.04 iso you have, and run the installer, and follow the prompts that should automatically give you that option.. please dont repost, and let us know if that option is not present in the 14.04 installer | 15:48 |
bigred15 | Is there a good explanation of audio on Linux? I have a nightmare trying to deal with conflictions, and my lack of conceptual understanding of how it all works is causing more problems than anything. | 15:48 |
holstein | !audio | 15:48 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 15:48 |
s1991 | Rory: but when I source that into another os it will take very much time, something like one day | 15:49 |
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s1991 | Rory: is there any way by which I can just copy paste the folder | 15:49 |
bigred15 | holstein: Thanks, but none of those really explain the finer details of how it all works. | 15:49 |
daftykins | Xip: i can assist you more shortly if you like but i must go somewhere quickly | 15:49 |
holstein | bigred15: its more about your specific audio hardware and using linux on it.. and if that is being facilitated by the manfacturer of the hardware, or able to be facilitated by alsa | 15:50 |
daftykins | bbs | 15:50 |
MaxFrames | hello; I can't figure out how to report a bug in lubuntu-desktop (specifically in the login window manager) from the launchpad website; I only see a few cathegories: artwork, software center, tweaks, lxfind, lxscreenshot | 15:50 |
MaxFrames | the bug I want to report does not fall under any of these | 15:50 |
Rory | s1991: Yes, just copy and paste the folder | 15:50 |
Rory | s1991: The files are compatible across all versions of MySQL | 15:50 |
=== Eyeball is now known as Guest18304 | ||
bigred15 | holstein: Interesting, but I'm not sure why this continually happens with flash vs mpd vs mplayer. | 15:51 |
s1991 | Rory: yes, can you direct me which one? | 15:51 |
Rory | s1991: I believe by default it's /var/lib/mysql | 15:51 |
Rory | s1991: Whatever folder you currently back up, transfer that | 15:51 |
chirag | holsteing: option is present but it is disabled | 15:52 |
holstein | bigred15: flash is not a "good" test.. its not supporting linux | 15:52 |
holstein | chirag: read why its disabled.. consider reinstallation | 15:52 |
bigred15 | holstein: I can simply restart X and the conflictions stop between applications, to restart X isn't a massive issue for me, but it's an annoyance, haha. | 15:52 |
s1991 | Rory: /var/lib/mysql doen't exist | 15:52 |
holstein | bigred15: you need to remove flash from the equation.. | 15:52 |
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bigred15 | holstein: I can remove flash from the equation altogether, and run mpd under a specific user (even though mpd is a user in itself). | 15:53 |
bigred15 | but the issues remain with mpd vs mplayer. | 15:53 |
MaxFrames | I think the affected component is lightdm; can you tell me how to report a bug in lightdm from the launchpad website? | 15:53 |
holstein | bigred15: whats the issue? | 15:54 |
bitox | while installing rust-nightly in 14.04 get this:The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 15:54 |
bitox | rust-nightly : Depends: libstdc++6 (>= 4.9) but 4.8.2-19ubuntu1 is to be installed | 15:54 |
bitox | what can i do? | 15:54 |
bigred15 | holstein: applications fight for audio. so mpd will work for for a few hours, then if i decide to play a video under mplayer, and then revert back to mpd, audio wont work. | 15:54 |
holstein | bitox: ask the maintainers of rust-nightly for support.. | 15:54 |
bigred15 | and only way to fix it is restarting X. | 15:54 |
bitox | ok | 15:54 |
holstein | bitox: they dont "Fight" here. i use pulseaudio.. do you? | 15:54 |
holstein | bitox: sorry.. | 15:55 |
holstein | bigred15: ^ do you use pulseaudio? | 15:55 |
bitox | it's fine | 15:55 |
bigred15 | yah pulse | 15:55 |
holstein | bigred15: you can try using pavucontrol, which can provide some "better" routing options | 15:56 |
bigred15 | why does restarting X fix it? | 15:56 |
holstein | bigred15: i'll go one further.. what makes you think anything is "broken" ? | 15:56 |
holstein | bigred15: i would try routing options, and see if you can just route back to what you like | 15:57 |
Rory | s1991: Do you currently have mysql installed? | 15:57 |
s1991 | ya, ofcourse | 15:57 |
holstein | bigred15: keep in mind, the drivers you are using for your audio are doing usually the best they can, and you were not guaranteed linux support for your hardware by the manufacterer | 15:57 |
s1991 | Rory: ya, ofcourse | 15:57 |
Rory | s1991: If that directory doesn't exist it means you installed mysql manually somehow and set it up in a non-default location, so you will have to back up that location | 15:57 |
holstein | bigred15: sometimes, testing with live CD's to use a different alsa and/or kernel version can be very helpful | 15:58 |
s1991 | Rory: ok, i'll find out | 15:58 |
bigred15 | this occurs on gentoo/arch as well | 15:58 |
bigred15 | so i assume hardware | 15:58 |
holstein | bigred15: well, it could be hardware support. that could be the "best" alsa can do with that device | 15:58 |
Rory | s1991: It is probably the "mysql" user's home directory: grep mysql /etc/passwd | 15:59 |
holstein | bigred15: it can be helpful to provide bugs upstream at alsa.. | 15:59 |
loa | what is way to add automatic russian subs? | 15:59 |
loa | where i can start? | 15:59 |
s1991 | Rory: cd /var/lib/mysql throws permission denies | 16:02 |
Rory | s1991: Your user doesn't have read access to that folder, you need to use sudo | 16:03 |
Rory | !sudo | s1991 | 16:03 |
ubottu | s1991: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo | 16:03 |
s1991 | Rory: no, I know about sudo, but how do I "cd" to that folder | 16:04 |
Rory | s1991: You ought to back up the entire folder "sudo cp /var/lib/mysql/ /path/to/destination" | 16:04 |
Rory | s1991: If you want to cd into it and browse around you can obtain a root shell with "sudo -i" but be careful with it | 16:05 |
s1991 | Rory: ok, thanks | 16:05 |
MaxFrames | I filed the bug in the Ubuntu section; I hope it was the correct choice... | 16:05 |
ActionParsnip | MaxFrames: it can be moved by ops | 16:05 |
virtualista | how can i write = sign ? | 16:05 |
virtualista | on 13.10 | 16:05 |
|JZ| | why does it take so long to download from the servers ? | 16:06 |
|JZ| | on apt-get update | 16:06 |
Rory | |JZ|: Speed of internet connection, and choice of mirror | 16:06 |
ActionParsnip | |JZ|: busy server, contended connection | 16:06 |
MaxFrames | can anyone confirm if, when installing 13.10 from scratch and choosing any language _other_ than english for the keyboard layout, the keyboard layout in the logon screen is correct/matches the chosen one? | 16:06 |
ActionParsnip | |JZ|: if you use apt-fast it can help | 16:07 |
|JZ| | i tried switching mirrors didnt help much | 16:07 |
MaxFrames | I need someone who's running 13.10 and has any keyboard layout other than en-us or en-uk | 16:07 |
Rory | MaxFrames: You ought to use 14.04 really, but yes, that is what happens | 16:07 |
ActionParsnip | MaxFrames: 13.10 is EOL in June, you may want to use 14.04 which is LTS | 16:07 |
Rory | MaxFrames: That is, indeed, the entire point of that option | 16:07 |
MaxFrames | well I installed 14.04 from scratch and chose Italian layout, but the logon screen wants to use en-us | 16:08 |
MaxFrames | so I want to use 13.10 until this bug is fixed | 16:08 |
MaxFrames | but only of course if 13.10 doesn't have this issue | 16:08 |
Rory | MaxFrames: If you change the keyboard layout on the login screen, you will only have to do it once | 16:08 |
MaxFrames | I tried to (not to mention it-it was already selected) to no avail | 16:09 |
Rory | MaxFrames: I have never encountered this bug, and I would have done because I have a # character in my password which always breaks if it is in a US layout | 16:09 |
daftykins | MaxFrames: why not just change it on the login screen? | 16:09 |
MaxFrames | Rory: are you on 14.04? | 16:09 |
Rory | MaxFrames: Are you sure you selected Italian keyboard layout and not just language? | 16:09 |
Rory | MaxFrames: Yes | 16:09 |
MaxFrames | RoryHughes: absolutely positive | 16:09 |
BrianH | Anyone else getting terrible performance from 14.04 in VB with Unity? | 16:09 |
MaxFrames | I even repeated the install process twice | 16:10 |
Rory | MaxFrames: You're asking if I'm sure what release I'm using? | 16:10 |
Rory | MaxFrames: Oh | 16:10 |
Rory | MaxFrames: Why not change the keyboard layout on the login screen? You would only have to do it once? | 16:10 |
MaxFrames | Rory: ubuntu or lubuntu? the problem might be only with lubuntu or only with the italian layout | 16:10 |
Rory | ah | 16:10 |
emx | is this still valid for 14.04? | 16:10 |
Rory | Ask in #lubuntu it's almost certainly specific to that, which uses different display technologies | 16:10 |
emx | http://askubuntu.com/questions/434732/reinstall-ubuntu | 16:10 |
MaxFrames | Rory: as I said, I changed it, but it did not actually change (the gui said "Italian" but the actual layout was English) | 16:10 |
virtualista | how can i write = sign ? | 16:11 |
MaxFrames | unfortunately I've been in #lubuntu over and over, no one appears to be available to answer tis | 16:11 |
MaxFrames | this | 16:11 |
ActionParsnip | MaxFrames: tried switching DM to gdm or slime etc.... | 16:12 |
daftykins | emx: should be fine | 16:12 |
MaxFrames | ActionParsnip: I need to google all three ;) | 16:12 |
MaxFrames | dm=desktop manager? | 16:12 |
emx | daftykins, thanks | 16:12 |
Yelu | MaxFrames, maybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes => "Boot, installation and post-install" => "Live session starts with keyboard set to English US and time zone as UTC even if non-english languages are selected (1297234) " | 16:12 |
Rory | virtualista: In between - and backspace | 16:13 |
vedic | Which gui do you recommend? I have tried xfce4 but I think I need a bit better but light as well. xfce4 is light but I need a bit better | 16:13 |
Rory | !best | 16:13 |
Rory | eh? | 16:13 |
MaxFrames | Yelu: except this is not a live session, I've installed it | 16:14 |
daftykins | vedic: LXDE is your next lighter choice | 16:14 |
daftykins | vedic: lubuntu-desktop | 16:14 |
Rory | vedic: Popular options include Unity, Gnome, KDE, Mate, Cinnamon, XFCE, LXDE, Openbox+Tint | 16:14 |
MaxFrames | additionally, manually reapplying the layout preference did not fix anything | 16:14 |
Yelu | MaxFrames, you didn't mention (no live session) | 16:14 |
vedic | daftykins, Rory: Thanks | 16:15 |
MaxFrames | ok, so those are alternative login managers | 16:15 |
Rory | MaxFrames: Those are alternative desktop environment and/or window managers | 16:15 |
Rory | MaxFrames: I was answering vedic's question specifically | 16:16 |
MaxFrames | I was talking about slim (not slime, I presume) and gdm which ActionParsnip suggested I tried | 16:16 |
vedic | Rory, daftykins: I would prefer the one which is not like Win 8 where you have categories to choose and then go to program etc. Prefer the old desktop without default recommended packages (don't need office, audio players etc but do need audio working) | 16:16 |
Rory | vedic: Your desktop environment is independant from things like office suites, audio players etc | 16:17 |
bigred15 | openbox, vedic. | 16:17 |
|JZ| | user did not accept the license | 16:17 |
|JZ| | The fonts are NOT installed. | 16:17 |
|JZ| | Please run 'dpkg-reconfigure ttf-mscorefonts-installer' to perform the installation again | 16:17 |
|JZ| | oops | 16:17 |
vedic | Rory: I think by default they install some recommended stuff. | 16:17 |
Rory | vedic: You're thinking of lubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop etc | 16:18 |
Rory | vedic: Those meta packages install all the lubuntu, xubuntu stuff etc | 16:18 |
vedic | yea | 16:18 |
Rory | vedic: But you don't need all of lubuntu to use lxde | 16:18 |
vedic | I see | 16:18 |
vedic | ok | 16:18 |
Rory | vedic: If you want a super light desktop environment install the openbox window manager and the tint2 panel | 16:18 |
daftykins | |JZ|: please don't paste things directly in future | 16:18 |
|JZ| | it was accidentally | 16:18 |
vedic | ok reading about them, Rory | 16:18 |
|JZ| | which is why is oops | 16:19 |
Rory | but lxde is a little less intimidating tbh | 16:19 |
bigred15 | vedic: openbox is the key! | 16:19 |
ActionParsnip | |JZ|: tab and enter to accept | 16:20 |
albeit | Hey all, I have four monitor connected and showing as active in the display manager, but two of them show no output (are in power save mode). But the mouse moves into the space as if they would be there... any ideas on how to get them running? Using open-source radeon driver. | 16:21 |
daftykins | albeit: how are they connected? | 16:22 |
albeit | The two that are not working are connected via Displayport. The two that are working are DVI. | 16:22 |
albeit | The "main" video card, Radeon HD 6790, has one connected via DVI, which works, and the two non-working displayport ones. | 16:23 |
daftykins | albeit: does a single DP display work if it's the only one connected? | 16:23 |
albeit | xrandr shows the two non-working monitors as connected, and display manager says they are "ON". | 16:24 |
OliverUK | ActionParsnip: Managed to solve what I wanted to do by specifying multiple '-a' options for different header parts. Thanks a lot for your help. | 16:24 |
daftykins | i wouldn't be too surprised if radeon isn't hugely up on DP | 16:24 |
albeit | Just unplugged on displayport, the other one is still off. Would a reboot affect that? | 16:24 |
daftykins | albeit: i was asking if you get a picture booting with only one DP display connected | 16:25 |
albeit | Ah, let me check. (thanks btw). Brb | 16:26 |
Yelu | MaxFrames, there is a bug and a solution (for "italian" too) here, if this is your problem => http://askubuntu.com/questions/362973/keyboard-layout-switches-to-english-each-time-i-reboot | 16:26 |
vedic | Rory, bigred15, for installing openbox with tint2 what I need to get via apt-get ? | 16:26 |
bigred15 | http://ndever.net/articles/linux/install-openbox-ubuntu-1304-1310 <--follow that | 16:27 |
* Yelu note to self: people got no patience nowadays ... | 16:28 | |
vedic | bigred15: I thought I would be one or two packages but it seems its more than 100 MB and lot of manual configuration | 16:30 |
bigred15 | vedic: it can be two packages | 16:31 |
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bigred15 | just insall openbox/tint2/obmenu | 16:32 |
[Ch4m3l30n] | Does the 64-bit flavour of 14.04 now run on CPUs without the AMD64 extensions? I read up on the X32 ABI support, but honestly don't quite understand whether it allows the 64-bit kernel to run on CPUs without the AMD64 extensions. | 16:34 |
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Sivik | I installed ubuntu touch 14.04 beta and the sudo su password isn't ubuntu. How do I know what it is set to? | 16:35 |
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junka | !touch | 16:36 |
ubottu | Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 16:36 |
junka | ^ Sivik | 16:37 |
Kiborg | Pozdravljeni | 16:37 |
Sivik | thanks junka didn't know there was a different channel | 16:37 |
Kiborg | Sorry wrong chat... :) | 16:37 |
Giddeon | Question: Should my /etc/hostname file contain the short name or the FQDN? | 16:39 |
rAg3 | Giddeon, in what context are you talking about ? | 16:40 |
EleanorEllis | Since installing Ubuntu 14.04 I get occasional video stuttering when playing youtube videos with html5 or iplayer videos with flash. I am using google chrome. I dont know where to look first. | 16:40 |
jnj | My laptop seems to sleep when idle for ~10m, I have not enabled this for battery nor ac in settings->power manager, is anyone having this issue? Xubuntu 14.04. | 16:41 |
Giddeon | rAg3: Ubuntu server 14.04 on Linode | 16:41 |
Kiborg | I have Ubuntu 14.04 and extending a window over half a screen doesn't seem to work anymore. Shouldnt this be under turn sticky edges on? | 16:41 |
EleanorEllis | jnj: I also had this issue on Ubuntu 12.04 but never managed to fix it | 16:41 |
rAg3 | Giddeon, i have a server in digital ocean, i dont think you need hostname to be fqdn. you can put it to whatever you like | 16:41 |
Giddeon | rAg3: yah I'm seeing multiple opinions. It LOOKS like the hostname file is supposed to contain the short name and then the /etc/hosts file is used to determine the FQDN | 16:43 |
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Atomos26 | yo | 16:43 |
Giddeon | rAg3: but I've read sites that say to put the FQDN in the hostname file as well | 16:43 |
Atomos26 | I updated to 14.04, now compiz consumed 1.5 GB ram | 16:44 |
Atomos26 | *consumes | 16:44 |
lionrouge | hi | 16:44 |
lionrouge | i'm trying to change language for my DOCUMENTS and others folders | 16:44 |
lionrouge | what i made: edited ~/.config/user-dirs.locale and run xdg-user-dirs-update. It diden't work | 16:45 |
lionrouge | how can i do it properly? | 16:45 |
skinux | I notice syslog is full of errors of SMTP, nullmailer trying to send to 'mail' host. | 16:45 |
OerHeks | lionrouge, maybe logout/login ? | 16:47 |
rAg3 | Giddeon, you require that if you are trying to set it to be a public rechable domain | 16:48 |
rAg3 | Giddeon, you can set so in /etc/hosts as well to point to your server | 16:48 |
vedic | bigred15: openbox tint2 and obmenu didn't bring gui. Still in text mode | 16:49 |
lionrouge | OerHeks, ok | 16:49 |
vedic | Rory:^ | 16:49 |
ljunggren | vedic, what are you trying to do? | 16:49 |
Giddeon | rAg3: good point | 16:49 |
vedic | ljunggren: install gui for ubuntu 12.04 | 16:49 |
vedic | I have installed it as minimal system | 16:49 |
ljunggren | vedic, you installed from ubuntu minimal? | 16:49 |
rAg3 | Giddeon, it also depends on servers that you wish to run on the server, there are some servers that require that they are reachable on the domain that u r hosting in a public way | 16:49 |
ljunggren | Ah, vedic you have a display manager? | 16:50 |
ljunggren | lightdm etc? | 16:50 |
vedic | I don't think so. Terminal is suggesting me to install xinit | 16:50 |
ljunggren | yes | 16:50 |
rAg3 | Giddeon, that is when the servers have methods that make use of the fqdn to interact with your system or register some services etc. | 16:50 |
ljunggren | vedic, http://www.x.org/archive/X11R6.8.1/doc/xinit.1.html | 16:51 |
Atomos26 | I updated to 14.04, now compiz is consuming 1.5 GB ram, which I think is rather high. | 16:51 |
Hideme | Am I better going with AMD or Nvidia videocard (support for latest drivers/performance) ? | 16:51 |
rAg3 | Giddeon, if you change your /etc/hosts it should suffice !! | 16:51 |
ljunggren | Doesn't just installing a display manager do the job? like lightdm | 16:52 |
ljunggren | Hideme, Ive heard nvidia | 16:52 |
OerHeks | Atomos26, check the driver tool for additional drivers for your videocard, that could solve the high use of your CPU to do that task | 16:52 |
vedic | ljunggren: I have installed now xinit but os boots in text mode. I need to type startx which just shows the mouse pointer and blank black screen | 16:52 |
ljunggren | OerHeks, how updated are the ones you install in "additional drivers" compared to the ones you find on makers website? | 16:52 |
lionrouge | OerHeks, logginf out didn't help :( | 16:53 |
ljunggren | vedic, can you rightclick? | 16:53 |
vedic | no | 16:53 |
ljunggren | on the desktop | 16:53 |
ljunggren | leftclick? | 16:53 |
OerHeks | ljunggren, maybe not the latest, but no stable distro got the latest ready. | 16:53 |
vedic | ljunggren: yea, right click works. I see menu | 16:53 |
Atomos26 | Oer, I am using an intel integrated card, which already comes with open-source drivers | 16:53 |
ljunggren | OerHeks, i know, but installing from website always breaks when any update is dou | 16:54 |
vedic | ljunggren: Is there anything that is light weight and works outof the box | 16:54 |
ljunggren | vedic, im using xfce, how leightweight you want? | 16:54 |
ljunggren | vedic, i have tried openbox with tint2 etc,, but i found it a mess to install and configure.. | 16:55 |
vedic | xfce I used 30 min back but it doesn't boot the os in gui. I had to write in bashrc to start startxfce4 | 16:55 |
ljunggren | vedic, lxde or xfce, lxde is openbox-based so it's pretty more liughtweight | 16:55 |
ljunggren | well you have to install a login manager | 16:55 |
ljunggren | it will solve your issues | 16:55 |
ljunggren | Try xfce or lxde, then install a login manager that you prefer | 16:56 |
vedic | ljunggren: I tried installing lightdm but it seems to crash. I don't allow to go in but seems to accept login password. Password screen comes back in just 1 or 2 seconds | 16:56 |
kostkon | Atomos26, you could try resetting your unity/compiz http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html | 16:56 |
ljunggren | vedic, you have a user? or are you using root-user? | 16:56 |
vedic | I don't allow => It doesn't allow | 16:56 |
vedic | ljunggren: I have user | 16:57 |
afflicto | Hey all, I need some help installing ubuntu on an external hard drive. | 16:57 |
ljunggren | Where does it crash? | 16:57 |
ljunggren | vedic, i would install lubuntu instead of doing a minimal install.. just to see if there is any issues | 16:57 |
vedic | ljunggren: When I enter password on the login screen, that screen goes away for few mili sconds and comes back asking for password | 16:57 |
afflicto | I'm trying to install ubuntu on an external 500gb hard disk. (I have windows 8 on another hard drive) so I choose "Install alongside windows 8", now i see a slider between "ext4" and "swap". How should I allocate this? | 16:59 |
meek_geek | anyone tried minimal install ? | 16:59 |
scarleo | Hi, trying to install 14.04 as a KVM guest but it just fails, has anyone managed this? With what settings? | 16:59 |
scarleo | If i Try Ubuntu compiz will fil, if I try to Install Ubuntu it will hang on partitioning | 16:59 |
scarleo | fail* | 16:59 |
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ljunggren | vedic, what DE did you use when lightdm crashed? | 17:00 |
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meek_geek | anyone tried minimal install ? | 17:00 |
vedic | ljunggren: lightdm. Before installing it, I have to run startx to see gui. After installing, I see gui when os boot but doesn't allow to go in | 17:00 |
vedic | meek_geek: yea | 17:01 |
meek_geek | vedic, How is it ? | 17:01 |
ljunggren | vedic, go in to what? openbox? | 17:01 |
meek_geek | vedic, can we install stuff over wifi ? | 17:01 |
hikaruBG | hi guys | 17:01 |
vedic | ljunggren: Pls read my previous msg. Fairly descriptive. It doesn't allow to login into the system. It asks for password again | 17:02 |
hikaruBG | Ubuntu 14.04 won't login | 17:02 |
hikaruBG | any suggestions? | 17:02 |
albeit | daftykins: Managed to 3/4 working. A VGA and DVI on the main video card, and one DVI on the second video card. The second DVI on the second video card shows as connected, but theres no output. Any ideas? | 17:02 |
hikaruBG | I run it on desktop machine: Intel i7, NVIDIA GTX590 | 17:02 |
vedic | meek_geek: Minimal install won't give gui. If you are using virtualization software like Virtualbox then yes, you can use wifi. Else I am not sure how will you use it. | 17:02 |
hikaruBG | anyone, please? | 17:03 |
skinux | Where are errors logged after crash reporter dialog comes up? | 17:03 |
kostkon | !details | hikaruBG | 17:03 |
ubottu | hikaruBG: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 17:03 |
=== _ is now known as Guest70392 | ||
hikaruBG | I just installed it - I have no idea where to check log files. | 17:03 |
meek_geek | vedic, I do not want ubuntu software center | 17:03 |
bigred15 | vedic: What was the issue sorry? I missed your error/description. | 17:03 |
hikaruBG | it is just stuck on login screen | 17:03 |
hikaruBG | ubottu, please let me know where to get more info - and I will provide it | 17:04 |
ubottu | hikaruBG: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:04 |
vedic | meek_geek: You won't | 17:04 |
vedic | You won't have gui at all | 17:04 |
hikaruBG | kostkon, how about you? | 17:04 |
meek_geek | vedic, I know sir I want gui but without ubuntu software center | 17:05 |
hikaruBG | can you tell me where to get details about the login? | 17:05 |
hikaruBG | errors, logs, etc? | 17:05 |
albeit | When using the linux radeon driver for ATI cards, can I set up my own xorg.conf? It seems to not make one on its own | 17:05 |
vedic | meek_geek: If you need gui then its not minimal install | 17:05 |
vedic | You need minimal desktop system | 17:05 |
vedic | Which others here may advice you | 17:05 |
kostkon | hikaruBG, what happens when you click on your username and then on the password input field | 17:05 |
vedic | May be sudo apt-get install lxde | 17:06 |
meek_geek | vedic, I want Xubuntu without Ubuntu-bloatware | 17:06 |
daftykins | albeit: everythings auto detected these days. xorg.conf existence is deprecated in a way. are you sure trying proprietary AMD catalyst drivers isn't a good move? | 17:06 |
ljunggren | vedic, i know you said it wont allow you to login, but what desktop enviroment did you use? that failed to load? that was my question | 17:06 |
vedic | meek_geek: I gave answer for that only | 17:06 |
vedic | use xfce4 if you need xbunutu | 17:06 |
vedic | ljunggren: xfce4 and then lightdm | 17:07 |
bigred15 | vedic: lightdm won't login after you input your credentials? | 17:07 |
albeit | daftykins: I tried it this morning for a few hours, and just couldn't get it to work. Maybe its worth another shot though. | 17:07 |
ljunggren | yes, you had lightdm and xfce installed at the same time? | 17:07 |
vedic | bigred15: yea | 17:07 |
bigred15 | vedic: What's in the lightdm.log file? | 17:07 |
junka | !xubuntu | 17:07 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 17:07 |
bigred15 | check /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log | 17:07 |
daftykins | albeit: latest beta? | 17:07 |
hikaruBG | kostkon, it goes straight back to login screen | 17:07 |
vedic | bigred15, ljunggren: I then uninstalled lightdm and installed gdm and same thing there as well | 17:07 |
albeit | daftykins: Just the package in the repository from "apt-get install fglrx" | 17:08 |
starnix | Hello people | 17:08 |
hikaruBG | kostkon, I am now looking at the auth.log file. it seems it can't find pam_kwallet.so | 17:08 |
starnix | Cannot upgrade 12.04 to 14.04 | 17:08 |
hikaruBG | any suggestions? | 17:08 |
albeit | daftykins: Would you recommend the latest beta? | 17:08 |
ljunggren | vedic, did you systemctl enable lightdm.services? | 17:09 |
albeit | Weird, AMD shows a newer release data for the stable driver than the beta. | 17:09 |
daftykins | albeit: i'd have thought packages were old | 17:09 |
bigred15 | vedic: I assume you ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure [gdm/lightdm] | 17:09 |
jnj | Does anyone know how to list which procceses are listening on a certain service on dbus? | 17:09 |
kostkon | hikaruBG, that's harmless according to bug 1309535 | 17:09 |
ubottu | bug 1309535 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "lightdm: PAM unable to dlopen(pam_kwallet.so): /lib/security/pam_kwallet.so" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1309535 | 17:09 |
ljunggren | albeit, old beta, no new beta has been released since stable | 17:10 |
rAg3 | albeit, they have stopped building on the beta driver and have released stable one for the same !! next version of beta driver is yet to be released | 17:10 |
kostkon | hikaruBG, you could try sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm | 17:10 |
ljunggren | How safe is it? to install from website? wont it break as soon as an update comes? | 17:10 |
albeit | Okay, if I run the installer sh file from the downloaded driver, do I need to install any thing else to get the propietary driver working? | 17:10 |
ljunggren | talking about amd gpu drivers | 17:11 |
html6 | whats the differnnce from lamp stack and lemp stack? | 17:11 |
hikaruBG | kostkon, i tried, but nothing happend. I also just tried sudo apt-get install pam-kwallet | 17:11 |
bigred15 | html6: lemp uses nginx | 17:11 |
hikaruBG | kostkon, let's see what will happen now... just a sec | 17:11 |
rAg3 | albeit, yes , it has required dependencies if u r doing it in a fresh install , but then it downloads it from internet using apt-get !! | 17:11 |
html6 | bigred15, what is that and why? | 17:12 |
bigred15 | it's a webserver service | 17:12 |
qin | html6: it is not an Apache | 17:12 |
vedic | ljunggren: No I didn't install lightdm.services. I think its part of installing lightdm | 17:12 |
ljunggren | vedic, you dont install it | 17:12 |
html6 | !nginx | html6 | 17:12 |
trism | jnj: the process that owns the service? you can see it in d-feet | 17:12 |
ljunggren | "sudo sytemctl enable lightdm.service" vedic | 17:13 |
OerHeks | ljunggren, that is why drivers from the amd website is unsupported, it can break things, use the driver tool | 17:13 |
jnj | trism, i was hoping to see which processes were listening on the service provided by upowerd, since I have no idea what is suspending my laptop on lid-close. But it happens even with upowerd killed, so I suspect it's not related to that at all | 17:13 |
html6 | qin, bigred15 i barely know whtat these are . whats the differnce? | 17:13 |
hikaruBG | kostkon, same issue | 17:14 |
jnj | trism, thanks though | 17:14 |
OerHeks | !ati | 17:14 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto | 17:14 |
kostkon | hikaruBG, check in .xsession_errors for any related errors | 17:14 |
rAg3 | ljunggren, you can use the XORG driver, i am using that and its working good for me | 17:14 |
bigred15 | apache is a http server, as is nginx. What's the difference? A lot, haha. | 17:14 |
hikaruBG | ok | 17:14 |
qin | html6: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_server | 17:14 |
html6 | qin, bigred15 the ubuntu -bot does have anthing for me | 17:14 |
bigred15 | http://www.wikivs.com/wiki/apache_vs_nginx | 17:14 |
qin | !cookie | html6 | 17:15 |
ubottu | html6: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 17:15 |
=== dborin_ is now known as Guest95471 | ||
qin | bigred15: neat | 17:15 |
html6 | qin, :| | 17:15 |
pdo_fn14 | !package: hud | 17:16 |
kostkon | hikaruBG, if you have just installed it, as you said, I would also suggest considering downloading the iso again, checking its md5sum and reinstalling | 17:16 |
Pici | !info hud | peterhb | 17:20 |
ubottu | peterhb: hud (source: hud): Backend for the Unity HUD. In component main, is optional. Version 13.10.1+14.04.20140402-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 207 kB, installed size 928 kB | 17:20 |
loa | is there way to add some sound to microphone output? | 17:20 |
loa | i use this command gst-launch filesrc location=/home/loki/gnt/music/Cryptex\ -\ Slay\ It.mp3 ! mad ! pulsesink | 17:21 |
loa | but looks like it don't work as expected | 17:21 |
user124141 | Why is there no option to add OwnCloud to Unity /(Ubuntu Trusty) Online Accounts? | 17:21 |
Sven_vB | hi | 17:21 |
Sven_vB | user124141, probably nobody had both time and interest in it | 17:22 |
skinux | Which log would have SignOn-UI errors?? | 17:23 |
holstein | user124141: they (owncloud) can provide you a client.. and may.. have you asked? | 17:23 |
user124141 | Sven_vB: Maybe,... also a good calendar application is missing, well TB Lightning | 17:23 |
Sven_vB | skinux, probably syslog and authlog | 17:23 |
rimdeker | Hey guys, got a question concerning AMD drivers. On the website there are two driver downloads available for the Radeon HD 7XXX series, one is 14.4 and the other is 14.4 beta. Which one is the more up=to=date one? | 17:23 |
user124141 | holstein: No, I meant Calendar, contacts, .. | 17:23 |
holstein | user124141: "good" is a mattrer of opinion. what are you looking for, specificially? | 17:23 |
Sven_vB | skinux, at least it has fancy screensavers | 17:23 |
=== _jareth_ is now known as jareth_ | ||
Sven_vB | skinux, sorry, misaddressed | 17:24 |
holstein | rimdeker: i suggest trying the repo version, since its officially supported | 17:24 |
Hideme | rimdeker obviously beta, but the other will be stable. | 17:24 |
rimdeker | holstein, unfortunately the repo version does not work for me. I end up getting a blackscreen and have to go into console to uninstall it again | 17:25 |
user124141 | holstein: nothing, I just wondered why Gnome integrates well with self-hosted thing (specifically owncloud) and unity not | 17:25 |
hikaruBG | kostkon, i get dbus[755]: [system] rejected send message (and then a looong message with parameters) | 17:25 |
Sven_vB | user124141, meant you with the screensavers; also, have you tried emacs planner mode? | 17:25 |
hikaruBG | and still won't login | 17:25 |
rimdeker | Hideme, according to the dates of the releases, the non-beta is newer, though... plus why have a beta 14.4 if you already have an actual 14.4? | 17:26 |
holstein | user124141: it is owncloud that is likely providing the gnome support.. ask them about unity support. | 17:26 |
user124141 | Sven_vb: No, didnt tried that, but would be awesome to see upcoming events / unread messages onto screensaver | 17:26 |
user124141 | holstein: ah, ok | 17:26 |
kostkon | hikaruBG, is this the first time booting ubuntu after install? | 17:26 |
holstein | rimdeker: the beta version of the driver.. not the operating system.. | 17:26 |
Beldar | rimdeker, This is ubuntu support, 3rd party apps ask them. | 17:26 |
Beldar | or drivers | 17:27 |
trinode | I'm running 14.04 and I had wireless problems, so I installed mainline kernel 3.14.1 and that resolved my issues, is there somewhere I can get an "ubuntuized" 13.14.1 kernel? | 17:27 |
rimdeker | holstein, I know, maybe I misworded it | 17:27 |
rimdeker | Beldar, alrights | 17:27 |
holstein | trinode: the mainline kernel is not from ubuntu? | 17:27 |
trinode | holstein: it's a vanilla kernel, no ubuntu patches | 17:28 |
holstein | trinode: you can look for a bug, and make sure its reported for the kernel.. seems like you are implying the fix is already released.. maybe you can just use the kernel you have til the "Fix" trickles in | 17:29 |
Beldar | rimdeker, The channel does not in general disregard helping where it may be the only option though. ;) | 17:29 |
trinode | holstein: that's the plan, I was kind of hoping there would be a ppa that kernels end up in before they make it into the normal trusty sources, since they need testing before entering a LTS repo | 17:30 |
trinode | in theory, it _could_ be ubuntu patches that break it | 17:30 |
holstein | trinode: ppa's are just as unsupported as the kernel you are currently using | 17:30 |
rimdeker | Beldar, I understand. I'm just a bit frustrated, because I was looking forward to upgrade to 14.04 after 12.04 has served me faithfully, but I'm not all that eager to install a closed source beta driver, because the stable ones doesn't support the kernel in 14.04 yet | 17:31 |
kostkon | trinode, you asked for "ubuntuized" mainline kernel, here's how you may get it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds | 17:31 |
pietro10_ | Hi. Is there a way to fake extra mouse buttons? I have a touchpad on a laptop and I'd like to test whether my software can detect buttons 4, 5, etc. - such as the navigation buttons on the sides of Microsoft mice. The BUtton3Emulation is not an option in this case. I do not need mouse wheel simulation. What can I do? Using KDE as the desktop environment right now. Thanks. | 17:31 |
Sven_vB | pietro10_, xdotool | 17:31 |
Sven_vB | pietro10_, there's also ways to re-assign mouse button numbers | 17:32 |
trinode | kostkon: read the first paragraph on the page | 17:32 |
pietro10_ | thanks | 17:32 |
trinode | (that's where I got my vanilla kernel) | 17:32 |
kostkon | trinode, hmm yeah | 17:33 |
Maxi20 | Hay alguien por acá? | 17:33 |
Maxi20 | Oh... in english... | 17:33 |
Beldar | rimdeker, Ah, There is in late july an update, 14.04.1 that opens the update manager, maybe you will be supported than, just guess here. | 17:33 |
trinode | basically I want to see if after ubuntu patches 13.14.1 kernel still works, if not I need to report a but to ubuntu | 17:33 |
loa | disk priorities will not work if current shelduer is deadline? | 17:33 |
Maxi20 | I have a question, how to reverse the "login without password"? | 17:34 |
rimdeker | Beldar, Alright, thank you. I'll just wait it out then. In the worst case, I'll just get a different and more compatible GPU | 17:34 |
OerHeks | Maxi20, go into 'accounts' and edit your account settings | 17:35 |
Beldar | Maxi20, the users gui app can turn that off | 17:35 |
daftykins | Maxi20: http://askubuntu.com/questions/106428/how-to-disable-automatic-login | 17:35 |
kostkon | Maxi20, settings -> users accounts | 17:35 |
Maxi20 | OerHeks, really thanks! | 17:36 |
pietro10_ | Sven_vB: hm, xdotool doesn't seem to do what I want precisely... how do I remap the button n umbers? | 17:37 |
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=== Danato_ is now known as Danato | ||
Sven_vB | pietro10_, "xdotool mousedown 4 mouseup 4"? remap: xinput --set-button-map "$MOUSE_NAME" 4 0 5 0 0 0 0 | 17:41 |
skinux | I can't find any log of error for signon-ui, but problem reporter said there was one. | 17:41 |
niftylettuce_ | This problem is regarding Bluetooth/Alsa/PulseAudio on Ubuntu 13.10 (Linux Mint 16 Petra). Per AskUbuntu threads at http://goo.gl/ITef0v, http://goo.gl/GdylZk, and http://goo.gl/Vb3Uz4 (among other forum threads I've found) -- I cannot get A2DP bluetooth working at all. For starters, the only way my Bluetooth device/adapter will even show up on my computer | 17:42 |
niftylettuce_ | (so that I can "Scan" for bluetooth devices) is by running this script http://goo.gl/wQFJ6Q. After my adapter shows up, I can then scan and connect to my Bluetooth headset (RFMAB-2 by RocketFish). My Bluetooth adapter is Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter with built-in Bluetooth. After connecting to the headset, I am able to see services | 17:42 |
niftylettuce_ | "Input", "Headset", and "Audio". I am able to connect to "Headset" and "Audio", however it gives me Mono sound and does not let me change profile to A2DP (high quality) -- instead it says "Failed to change profile to A2DP". Per the earlier linked AskUbuntu threads, I've tried changing my `/etc/bluetooth/audio.conf` file in every possible way to try to get | 17:42 |
niftylettuce_ | this to work -- but unfortunately every time I change it and restart bluetooth, my sound manager seems to freeze up and crash, and no matter if I do `pulseaudio-k` or `sudo alsa force-reload` or `sudo killall pulseaudio` or `sudo pkill pulseaudio`; the only way for my laptop's speakers even to start working again is if I completely restart my computer | 17:42 |
niftylettuce_ | (otherwise Sound Manager doesn't display any devices at all). | 17:42 |
daftykins | !mint | niftylettuce_ | 17:42 |
ubottu | niftylettuce_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 17:42 |
niftylettuce_ | daftykins: I had the same problem on Ubuntu 13.10 and I've tested it. | 17:42 |
niftylettuce_ | daftykins: this applies to both Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander and Linux Mint 16 Petra | 17:43 |
daftykins | well, if you're in Mint right now, we can't help. | 17:43 |
niftylettuce_ | I'm on Ubuntu 13.10. | 17:43 |
niftylettuce_ | Fresh install. | 17:43 |
pietro10_ | [13:41] <Sven_vB> pietro10_, "xdotool mousedown 4 mouseup 4"? remap: xinput --set-button-map "$MOUSE_NAME" 4 0 5 0 0 0 0 | 17:43 |
pietro10_ | the latter | 17:43 |
pietro10_ | will tyr in a bit, thanks | 17:43 |
hikaruBG | YOOO - FIXED IT! :) | 17:43 |
hikaruBG | kostkon, It is fixed! | 17:43 |
kostkon | hikaruBG, how? | 17:44 |
loa | is it bad decision to use cfq on desktop? | 17:44 |
hikaruBG | ~/.Xauthority was belonging to root and not to my username. | 17:44 |
hikaruBG | i just chown it | 17:44 |
hikaruBG | and it worked | 17:44 |
hikaruBG | now need to fix the freezing issue | 17:44 |
Nindustries | Hi, is there a webinterface for ubuntu home media servers? | 17:45 |
hikaruBG | and I will have brand-new smoking-fast and clean ubuntu 14.04 | 17:45 |
hikaruBG | :D | 17:45 |
Jordan_U | hikaruBG: That probably means that you have been running GUI commands via sudo rather than gksudo or pkexec. Don't do that :) | 17:45 |
salvatore_ | ciao a tutti. ho installato su acer aspire one a0751h xubuntu ma non riesco a fare funzionare il suono in maniera decente. va a scatti. i video, utilizzando gxine funzionano. ci sono suggerimenti? | 17:45 |
hikaruBG | I am a beginner... I have no idea what gksudo is :) can you point to a source to read about it? Or would you care to explain the difference? | 17:46 |
Jordan_U | !gksudo | hikaruBG | 17:46 |
ubottu | hikaruBG: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) | 17:46 |
emiliano_ | alguien habla español? | 17:46 |
emiliano_ | .-. | 17:47 |
pietro10_ | Sven_vB: is there a way I can get hte current button map? | 17:47 |
Pici | !es | emiliano_ | 17:47 |
ubottu | emiliano_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 17:47 |
Pici | !it | salvatore_ | 17:47 |
ubottu | salvatore_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 17:47 |
krabador | salvatore_: /join #ubuntu-it | 17:47 |
Sven_vB | pietro10_, there should be, check the man page | 17:48 |
emiliano_ | ok sorry gays | 17:48 |
pietro10_ | oh get-button-map | 17:48 |
pietro10_ | not sure how I skpped that in the man page, ti shows up in help | 17:48 |
niftylettuce_ | This might be my last straw before I switch from Ubuntu/Linux Mint to Macbook Air... lol | 17:49 |
niftylettuce_ | I tried posting my above comments as an issue on StackOverflow/AskUbuntu but it restricts me from posting more than 2 links and doesn't let me add all the tags I want (more than 5), so I'm just not going to bother, that's not user-friendly at all. | 17:50 |
pietro10_ | Sven_vB: ok, thanks - and that reveals the issue with xdotool earlier | 17:51 |
holstein | niftylettuce_: could be as simple as, you were not promised bluetooth support for your device in linux by the manufacturer.. | 17:51 |
pietro10_ | apparently it's ont receiving down/up | 17:51 |
pietro10_ | :S | 17:52 |
pietro10_ | it does get registered as a modifier | 17:52 |
niftylettuce_ | holstein: it worked before in Ubuntu 12.04 | 17:52 |
holstein | niftylettuce_: you will need to be very flexible, and proactive to help track that issue down, and realistically, there may not be a resolution | 17:52 |
codestation | I have some question about ppa (not sure is this is the correct channel for that): i uploaded a package to my ppa so it can be built but used an incorrect orig tarball. dput doesn't let me upload the correct tarball (rejects it because it has different contents than the first one that i uploaded). I deleted the package from the ppa and dput still tells me that message. I cannot get the orig tarball that uploaded first because i don't have that entry in | 17:52 |
codestation | my ppa anymore. What can i do? | 17:52 |
mheinke | niftylettuce_, if it worked in 12.04 did it work in 13.x? | 17:52 |
niftylettuce_ | holstein: if there are some more things that I can do to look into this problem, please let me know. I've checked into syslog, dmesg, lspci, etc | 17:53 |
holstein | niftylettuce_: 12.04 is still supported.. you may choose to use it, if the support is ideal in 12.04, and you need that functionality.. is that an option? | 17:53 |
Anomie21 | root@ns317368:~# service plexmediaserver start | 17:53 |
Anomie21 | start: Job is already running: plexmediaserver | 17:53 |
Anomie21 | But I can't access it via the port? | 17:53 |
niftylettuce_ | mheinke: doesn't work in 13.x at all | 17:53 |
niftylettuce_ | holstein: i don't want to just downgrade b/c i can't figure this out, i want to figure this out. | 17:53 |
mheinke | niftylettuce_, so its probably a package that was removed from 13/14 | 17:53 |
niftylettuce_ | holstein mheinke it appears that DOZENS of other people have this same issue. | 17:53 |
holstein | niftylettuce_: its not something to "figure out", though. its something your manufacterer should figure out | 17:53 |
niftylettuce_ | mheinke: how is it a package that was removed? that doesn't many any sense -- the problem is that Sound Manager completely freezes and that I can't switch to A2DP | 17:54 |
niftylettuce_ | Manufacturer? wtf, since when do manufacturers build in support for linux, | 17:54 |
niftylettuce_ | thats why we are open source | 17:54 |
holstein | niftylettuce_: many do.. and thats the way you adress this, ideally | 17:54 |
niftylettuce_ | holstein: i know that, but this worked in 12.04 LTS and I feel it's a configuration of /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf | 17:54 |
mheinke | niftylettuce_, manufacturers have to most of the time because they have binary drivers and provide 0 support | 17:54 |
holstein | niftylettuce_: otherwise, you are always going to be at a compromise of developers trying to support things they are not able to, or encouraged to support | 17:55 |
niftylettuce_ | mheinke: i can connect my bluetooth adapter to my phone just fine, and i can connect it to my touchpad just fine, it is simply the audio that isn't right with 13.x | 17:55 |
holstein | niftylettuce_: the reason it worked in 12.04 could be as simple as the alsa version. could be the kernel.. could be something that you could add back in.. | 17:55 |
niftylettuce_ | holstein: yeah this is what i want to look into ^ | 17:55 |
mheinke | niftylettuce_, hmmmm could be alsa | 17:55 |
niftylettuce_ | holstein: any pointers as to where I should start? | 17:55 |
mheinke | niftylettuce_, id be less inclined to think that its the kernal... | 17:56 |
niftylettuce_ | i mean my audio works with mono HSP or whatever but not A2DP as it did before | 17:56 |
holstein | niftylettuce_: start by identifying the alsa versions.. filing bugs as far upstream as possible.. | 17:56 |
niftylettuce_ | audio via bluetooth headset -- just won't let me switch to A2DP -- it shows it as an option but when i select it doesn't stay and "Fail to switch" err | 17:56 |
mheinke | niftylettuce_, look at what version alsa is for 12.04 and install it on your machine (probably will need to compile it) | 17:56 |
holstein | niftylettuce_: you can try pavucontrol for routing | 17:56 |
Jordan_U | niftylettuce_: Please file a bug report (if one hasn't already been filed). | 17:56 |
Jordan_U | !bug | niftylettuce_ | 17:57 |
ubottu | niftylettuce_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. | 17:57 |
niftylettuce_ | Jordan_U: there have been like 50 bug reports for this | 17:57 |
nateman264 | Good morning all... Can someone help me with getting ulimate edition onto an external hardrive? | 17:57 |
niftylettuce_ | Jordan_U: Just do a simple google search "A2DP failed to switch", "Ubuntu 13.10 bluetooth not working", etc | 17:57 |
niftylettuce_ | Jordan_U: ZERO of them are solved. | 17:57 |
mheinke | niftylettuce_, looks like alsa 1.0.24 might do the trick | 17:57 |
Jordan_U | niftylettuce_: Would you mind linking to one of them? | 17:57 |
holstein | niftylettuce_: then, follow them, and stay current on the development.. it can be challenging, as we all know, since the manufacturers may or may not be helpful | 17:57 |
niftylettuce_ | Jordan_U: http://goo.gl/ITef0v, http://goo.gl/GdylZk, and http://goo.gl/Vb3Uz4 | 17:58 |
kostkon | niftylettuce_, try 14.04 | 17:59 |
gianfranco | hola | 17:59 |
mheinke | kostkon, niftylettuce_ i was just about to ask that | 17:59 |
mheinke | what about 14.04? | 17:59 |
* niftylettuce_ goes to apple.com.... buying macbook air... | 18:00 | |
bigred15 | holstein: I've worked out a method to fix mpd/mplayer/flash confliction without restarting x. pulseaudio -k | 18:00 |
mheinke | niftylettuce_, thats fine. pay the apple tax. :P | 18:00 |
niftylettuce_ | lol | 18:00 |
Jordan_U | niftylettuce_: Please stop with the offtopic comments / drama. | 18:00 |
mheinke | going from LTS to LTS is probably a better bet | 18:00 |
niftylettuce_ | mheinke: yeah | 18:01 |
niftylettuce_ | mheinke: i agree | 18:01 |
mheinke | niftylettuce_, so try it in 14 and see what breaks | 18:01 |
niftylettuce_ | Jordan_U: no humor allowed? i recall when #ubuntu first started there was much humor | 18:01 |
mheinke | niftylettuce_, no fun allowed | 18:02 |
mheinke | niftylettuce_, all business | 18:02 |
Jordan_U | niftylettuce_: None of the links you posted are bug reports. | 18:02 |
niftylettuce_ | Jordan_U: from user point of view, first links on google to "Ask Ubuntu" seems like that'd be where you'd file a bug | 18:03 |
niftylettuce_ | Jordan_U: just like when you google "Chrome Bugs", you are taken to crbug | 18:03 |
gianfranco | download | 18:03 |
duruvi | hi | 18:03 |
duruvi | I need urgent help | 18:03 |
duruvi | Can any one there me to help me out ? | 18:03 |
Jordan_U | niftylettuce_: Ask Ubuntu is for support requests rather than bug reports, launchpad is where bug reports are filed (generally through the ubuntu-bug utility). | 18:03 |
niftylettuce_ | duruvi: just ask your question | 18:04 |
niftylettuce_ | oh yeah that launchpad thing that was filled with so many UI/UX issues over the years... | 18:04 |
niftylettuce_ | :) | 18:04 |
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niftylettuce_ | mheinke: Jordan_U kostkon ill try 14.x and report back if it's fixed | 18:05 |
kostkon | niftylettuce_, ok | 18:05 |
niftylettuce_ | thx for ur time all | 18:05 |
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duruvi | I have HP laserjet-m1136 printer ,I have shared with windows machine configuring through SAMABA, I can access from windows | 18:05 |
mheinke|lunch | niftylettuce_, anytime | 18:06 |
duruvi | Its multi pheripareal printer | 18:06 |
niftylettuce_ | samaba lol | 18:06 |
duruvi | i can access only printer ,scanner not working | 18:06 |
duruvi | Sorry its samba | 18:06 |
duruvi | What can be the reason i can not access scanner | 18:07 |
duruvi | I can access printer | 18:07 |
duruvi | I sucked with this issue | 18:07 |
lionrouge | hi | 18:08 |
lionrouge | how to turn off guest accout on 14.04? | 18:08 |
urda | openprinting.org ubuntu apt servers failing again? color me SHOCKED | 18:08 |
duruvi | niftylettuce_: hi | 18:08 |
duruvi | niftylettuce_: please help me on thsi | 18:08 |
niftylettuce_ | duruvi: i'm not familiar with that stuff unfortunately | 18:09 |
duruvi | :( | 18:09 |
niftylettuce_ | keep googling perhaps | 18:09 |
duruvi | please any one out there to help me | 18:09 |
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob | ||
duruvi | pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 18:10 |
duruvi | any techies there | 18:10 |
junka | lionrouge, 'echo allow-guest=false | sudo tee -a /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-ubuntu.conf' | 18:10 |
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Nach0z | duruvi: you gotta be patient hombre. | 18:10 |
lionrouge | junka, is it ok that file doesn't exist? | 18:11 |
junka | yes lionrouge | 18:11 |
duruvi | Nach0z: My client sucking my head | 18:11 |
duruvi | please | 18:11 |
duruvi | Sick and tired with this | 18:12 |
junka | save and close file. restart to take effect lionrouge | 18:12 |
pietro10_ | there was a command that printed X11 events as they happened but I can't remember the name | 18:12 |
skinux | I can't get a context-menu on right-click of desktop... | 18:12 |
pietro10_ | what was it? | 18:12 |
lionrouge | junka, ok, ty | 18:12 |
niftylettuce_ | Wow LaunchPad is still **** | 18:12 |
niftylettuce_ | You log in and/or sign up and then it doesn't redirect you anywhere? | 18:12 |
niftylettuce_ | Seriously this is basic session redirect functionality or querystring ?redirect_to | 18:12 |
niftylettuce_ | It's been like 3 years and still this isn't added? | 18:12 |
niftylettuce_ | (facepalm) | 18:13 |
duruvi | :( :( | 18:13 |
daftykins | niftylettuce_: feel free to complain about things in #ubuntu-offtopic however here is official support questions alone | 18:13 |
hikaruBG | OK Guys.... the freezing problem of Ubuntu 14.04 | 18:13 |
hikaruBG | anyone any ideas where to start from? | 18:13 |
duruvi | I want a help on scanner&printer? | 18:14 |
pietro10_ | personally still waiting for launchpad to add a "Click Here To Go To The Current Source Code" button | 18:14 |
pietro10_ | because christ almighty | 18:14 |
amanthakur | hi guys, i wanted to know how can i check the detail about a binary? There is a binary in /usr/bin. i wanted to know about its details like which package has created this binary or where are it's library files located? Is there a command available for that??? | 18:14 |
Pici | amanthakur: dpkg -S /path/to/file | 18:15 |
clue_h | amanthakur, ldd /bin/prog | 18:15 |
Pici | amanthakur: and then you can do dpkg -L packagename | 18:15 |
amanthakur | Pici, clue_h ah ok let me check sir | 18:15 |
amanthakur | thank | 18:15 |
Jordan_U | duruvi: If anyone is available and familiar with the issue you're having, they will try to help you. If you are impatient all that you will accomplish is to annoy the volunteers here that are trying to help, it will not get you support any sooner. | 18:15 |
duruvi | I understand Jordan_U: | 18:16 |
duruvi | But my clinet did not understand | 18:17 |
newbie|3 | hola | 18:17 |
duruvi | I tried my best | 18:17 |
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niftylettuce_ | wow | 18:18 |
niftylettuce_ | daftykins: i go to all these pages "How to report a bug" | 18:18 |
amanthakur | clue_h, your method said "not a dynamic executable" | 18:18 |
amanthakur | Pici, your method worked | 18:18 |
niftylettuce_ | daftykins: all I want is some form so I can write my summary and click submit | 18:18 |
amanthakur | exactly what i was lokking for | 18:18 |
amanthakur | thanks | 18:18 |
niftylettuce_ | daftykins: seriously this is terribly designed. | 18:18 |
clue_h | what was the program | 18:18 |
amanthakur | clue_h, w3af | 18:18 |
clue_h | usually works for binaries | 18:19 |
amanthakur | clue_h, hmm but still thanks for responding :) | 18:20 |
skinux | I've posted info about my problem to forum, but I'll post link here as well: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2220825&p=13007527#post13007527 | 18:20 |
darkseid_ | Greetings.. I would like to use the backport ppa for kubuntu 14.04. Is it safe at now? | 18:20 |
bigred15 | Does anyone know a command-line tool to change FLAC tags? | 18:20 |
junka | !info firefox | 18:24 |
ubottu | firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 28.0+build2-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 24500 kB, installed size 59477 kB | 18:24 |
daveeejr | i am using a default install of ubuntu 14.04. i just installed kde via the CLE, (kde-full). no i am being asked to select a default display manager. kdm or lightdm. what affect will this have on my system? | 18:24 |
daveeejr | i thought i could select either desktop at login. | 18:25 |
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Slart | daveeejr: I'm not entirely sure but I think that affects the part where you login.. ie before the actual display manager fires upp | 18:25 |
kostkon | junka, update's out | 18:25 |
bigred15 | daveeejr: It's just a login manager | 18:25 |
kostkon | junka, check for updates | 18:25 |
darkseid_ | !packing | 18:26 |
daveeejr | Slart: bigred15: thanks guys | 18:26 |
darkseid_ | !packaging | 18:26 |
ubottu | The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/ - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring | 18:26 |
darkseid_ | !sponsoring | 18:26 |
ubottu | You can find out about the package sponsorship process here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess - For !UDS sponsorship see http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/sponsorship/ | 18:26 |
Tatuus | Hello, just installed Xubuntu and messed about some... Are there any third party repositories listed as default on software sources? | 18:27 |
Tatuus | can i safely remove them? | 18:28 |
kostkon | Tatuus, which ones? | 18:29 |
Tatuus | well now i just have "cdrom" and 2 Canonical partners instances on the list of software sources... this is default? | 18:30 |
Tatuus | all i need to know are those three lines default | 18:30 |
kostkon | Tatuus, i guess they are | 18:30 |
Tatuus | ok kool, all is good then as i removed 2 other ones after an attempt to install Skype on 14.04 | 18:31 |
R2--D2 | hii guys how can i create VPS with ubuntu? | 18:31 |
dtcrshr | R2--D2: to serve what? | 18:32 |
R2--D2 | My connection is unstable .. i want a irc bouncer to be served by that | 18:32 |
OerHeks | Tatuus, PPA's are not in that list. they have their own instance now in this folder /etc/apt/sources.list.d | 18:32 |
daftykins | R2--D2: a VPS is something you get from a provider, you need to find a company offering one | 18:33 |
dtcrshr | R2--D2: get yourself a free tier ubuntu server on amazon | 18:33 |
dtcrshr | well, its free | 18:33 |
dtcrshr | and its ubuntu | 18:33 |
Tatuus | ok thanks OerHeks | 18:34 |
dtcrshr | maybe its enought for your needs | 18:34 |
sophocles | #python | 18:34 |
lvfjf | my SMB Browser is not working | 18:34 |
R2--D2 | but i do need a amazon account with a credit card registered with it,right? | 18:34 |
EleanorEllis | Video playback stutters every few minutes. This problem occurs when playing back DVDs using VLC or when watching videos online in google chrome using html5 on youtube or using flash on BBC iplayer. I recently did a clean install of Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit desktop version. Since this is not confined to one application I do not know where to start. | 18:34 |
daftykins | EleanorEllis: graphics hardware and driver? | 18:34 |
sluidfoe | Howdy, all. After an update from 13.04 to 14.04, uname -r seems to be reporting the wrong kernel. When I run uname, it tells me that I'm on 3.11.*, but my boot directory has images for 3.8 and 3.13, with menu.lst configured approriaptely. I've rebooted several times and not having any luck. any ideas? | 18:34 |
dtcrshr | R2--D2: yes | 18:35 |
Guest922 | 1 | 18:35 |
dtcrshr | but I bet amazon has more bandwidth / hardware resources than your pc at home / resident broadband | 18:35 |
kostkon | sluidfoe, you could run update-grub | 18:36 |
Jordan_U | sluidfoe: Ubuntu hasn't used grub legacy by default in many years. The fact that you mentioned a menu.lst (which is grub legacy) suggests to me that you accidentally installed the "grub" package, and now have a broken combination of grub legacy and grub2. | 18:36 |
Beldar | sluidfoe, menu.list this legacy grub? | 18:37 |
OerHeks | sluidfoe, ubuntu uses No /boot/grub/menu.lst. It has been replaced by /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 18:37 |
EleanorEllis | daftykins: lspci | grep VGA gives this "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)". How do I find which driver is in use? | 18:38 |
Jordan_U | sluidfoe: Please pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep grub". | 18:38 |
sluidfoe | I was just as surprised as you guys about legacy grub. It's a digitalocean VPS, not sure if they use grub legacy by default | 18:38 |
Tatuus | OerHeks: in that folder there is nothing. Is this normal ? | 18:38 |
bekks | EleanorEllis: sudo lspci -k | 18:38 |
daftykins | EleanorEllis: it'll just be a standard intel driver then i'd imagine, i have no suggestions there | 18:38 |
xXESPRIMOGUYXx | woah!!! sooooo much users i 1 group | 18:38 |
OerHeks | Tatuus, yes, if you have not added any PPA, it should be empty. i pointed you in that folder, as you asked for non standard entries in your sources list. | 18:39 |
=== dan|el is now known as Guest_1334 | ||
Tatuus | thanks OerHeks | 18:39 |
xXESPRIMOGUYXx | can i use ubuntu on a raspberry pi?? | 18:39 |
bekks | xXESPRIMOGUYXx: No. | 18:39 |
xXESPRIMOGUYXx | oh... | 18:40 |
sluidfoe | Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7361195/ | 18:40 |
OerHeks | xXESPRIMOGUYXx, no, rasp-pi is arm6. join #ubuntu-arm for support | 18:40 |
EleanorEllis | daftykins: Kernel driver in use: i915 | 18:40 |
xXESPRIMOGUYXx | haw can i join without going to start page again? | 18:40 |
xXESPRIMOGUYXx | haw can i join a channel without going to start page again? | 18:41 |
OerHeks | type /join <channel> | 18:41 |
xXESPRIMOGUYXx | oh... thanks ;D | 18:41 |
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Jordan_U | sluidfoe: sudo apt-get install grub-pc | 18:41 |
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Jordan_U | sluidfoe: I need to leave for about an hour, but I will be back. You may additionally need to run "sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy". When prompted for install devices select all drives (like sda, sdb) and *no* partitions (like sda1). Select/unselect devices with space bar, continue with Enter. If you have any questions that others here can't answer, wait a bit and I'll be back :) | 18:44 |
Guest922 | where are man pages source on ubuntu? | 18:44 |
pussyxslayer | yall muthafuckas need gentoo | 18:45 |
EleanorEllis | daftykins: Regarding my videeo stuttering, you asked what hardware and driver. http://pastebin.com/dTgMWQNy | 18:46 |
pussyxslayer | yall muthafuckas need gentoo | 18:46 |
pussyxslayer | yall muthafuckas need gentoo | 18:46 |
bekks | Guest922: apt-get source NameOfThePackageProvidingYourManPage | 18:46 |
pussyxslayer | yall muthafuckas need gentoo | 18:46 |
pussyxslayer | yall muthafuckas need gentoo | 18:46 |
pussyxslayer | yall muthafuckas need gentoo | 18:46 |
pussyxslayer | yall muthafuckas need gentoo | 18:46 |
unopaste | pussyxslayer you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 18:46 |
daftykins | EleanorEllis: yeah i mentioned i have no further ideas since it's intel, i'm afraid. | 18:46 |
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EleanorEllis | daftykins: Oh. I didn't see that | 18:47 |
ryan-c | I've got ubuntu 14.04 with an nVidia card with xinerama, having problems where one of my monitors stops correctly displaying text after a while. It still displays non-text fine, oddly. | 18:47 |
daftykins | EleanorEllis: actually this seems relevant https://01.org/linuxgraphics/node/316 | 18:48 |
sluidfoe | okay, I'm on grub2, still having problems with kernel versions being wrong somewhere | 18:49 |
ryan-c | http://i.imgur.com/NmZxJxQ.png < this is the problem - note that if i drag those windows to another monitor they display fine. | 18:52 |
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EleanorEllis | A bit more detail to my problem: Video AND audio playback stutters every few minutes on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit desktop version. Every so often during dialog a character's voice AND face will say the same word twice. So the video and audio remain in sync while the stuttering happens. My graphics hardware is Intel. See this pastebin for the output of lspci -k http://pastebin.com/dTgMWQNy | 18:52 |
franck | Hi, is there a repository of backports for ubuntu? | 18:52 |
franck | looking for mailman >=2.1.16 for precise (12.04LTS) | 18:53 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest13660 | ||
EleanorEllis | Oh and this happens the same regardless of whether the video is playing back from youtube via html5, BBC iplayer via flash or DVD via VLC. | 18:53 |
darkseid_ | I'm rejecting ppa, meantime, really would like to install compass icon theme, but, I cannot find to download it.... | 18:56 |
EleanorEllis | Could this be something to do with decoding of mpeg rather than my graphics hardware or driver? While playing video, regardless of whether the video is playing back from youtube via html5, BBC iplayer via flash or DVD via VLC, Video AND audio playback stutters every few minutes on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit desktop version. Every so often during dialog a character's voice AND face will say the same word twice. So the video and audio remain in sync while the st | 18:57 |
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darkseid_ | EleanorEllis: Had you experience tearing problems also? | 18:59 |
EleanorEllis | darkseid_: By tearing, do you mean the video tears down the edge of the screen, as if the line timing is off? No | 19:00 |
RootSeth | Hey, have an issue I've never seen before just crop up. Have a laptop with Kali, debian, arch and ubuntu. Ubuntu when selected in grub (the new one) just goes to a black screen with a small white underscore in the top left corner. Stays like that until i Ctrl+Alt+Del then it flashes something about it not being on /dev/sda6 which is the partition it has been working fine on. Most recent change: installed Kali. After i installed, | 19:03 |
EleanorEllis | RootSeth: Check in gparted whether the partition ubuntu is on is still /dev/sda6. I have had the issue where I deleted an earlier partition and all the following partitions renumbered themselves | 19:05 |
Beldar | RootSeth, Is kali at the top of the grub meanu? | 19:05 |
EleanorEllis | RootSeth: Your message was truncated at "Most recent change: installed Kali. After i installed, " | 19:06 |
RootSeth | Yes Sir! I remember reading about it screwing up installations awhile ago. | 19:07 |
RootSeth | [15:05] (Beldar), it is at the top. | 19:08 |
EleanorEllis | RootSeth: The other thing you could try is updating grub from within Kali. It sounds like your grub config is pointing to /dev/sda6 but not finding ubuntu on that partition. Maybe if you update grub, it will find whatever the ubuntu partition is now | 19:08 |
RootSeth | EleanorEllis, partitions are the same. | 19:09 |
Beldar | RootSeth, update-grub in kali and make sure fstab is correct | 19:09 |
EleanorEllis | RootSeth: Although I thought grub used UUID rather than /dev/sdxy now | 19:09 |
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EleanorEllis | RootSeth: Or perhaps I am confused. Maybe it is fstab that uses UUIDs now | 19:10 |
gigina | ciao | 19:10 |
RootSeth | I did a sudo update-grub. Will check fstab. Oh man the uuid scheme got me pretty good during the arch installation | 19:11 |
awesomess3 | I was so shocked when Firefox 29.0 showed up in the Ubuntu repositories. :> | 19:11 |
awesomess3 | I mean, I'm glad Firefox 29 is here. | 19:12 |
m1dnight_ | hey guys, which folder should I use to place scripts I want to be in my path ? | 19:12 |
gigina | list! | 19:12 |
Beldar | RootSeth, Kali has the grub menu control, so check it's fstab, " same page here" | 19:12 |
m1dnight_ | on the leiningen website they talk about ~/bin, but that folder doesn't exist? | 19:12 |
EleanorEllis | Beldar and RootSeth: I don't see what difference fstab in Kali will make to Ubuntu. Grub doesn't see where an operating system mounts partitions since grub happens before the OS is loaded. | 19:13 |
EleanorEllis | And it seems the problem is that grub is not finding ubuntu where it expects to find it. This would seem to be purely a problem of the grub config | 19:13 |
awesomess3 | m1dnight_, you'd have to create the 'bin' directory in your home directory. Then in .bashrc you add it to your path with something like: PATH="$PATH;~/bin" | 19:14 |
awesomess3 | m1dnight_, I'm only 17% sure that's right. It might be something like: export PATH="$PATH;/home/whatever/bin" | 19:15 |
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EleanorEllis | m1dnight_: You can place scripts anywhere you like. You just have to include that directory in your path liked awesomess3 showed you. | 19:15 |
awesomess3 | m1dnight_, EleanorEllis yeah the path can include any directory/folder you desire. Any location. | 19:17 |
RootSeth | Thanks a ton for the help. I'm going to go do some digging and then report back | 19:20 |
jviure | hi!!!!! | 19:20 |
awesomess3 | hello :> | 19:21 |
Guest_1149 | "I have a serious problem i have a iphone 5 running on 6.1.2 its jailbroke i used a app in cydia called iLEX R.A.T I picked number 12 in mobileterminal which is revive,speed up,clean up after the iphone rebooted it got stuck in DFU MODE I finially got it to come on after two days of using recboot and tinyumbrella when it open up i had no icons on my phone not even the phone icon nothing on my phone but one app i bought from the a | 19:21 |
subz3r0 | get a decent phone. no windfall support in here. | 19:22 |
OerHeks | Guest_1149, you have a serious problem indeed, wrong channel, this is ubuntu support | 19:22 |
SchrodingersScat | Guest_1149: quite the non-ubuntu problem you have there. | 19:22 |
Guest_1149 | SchrodingersScat: I am currently afk, i'll be back later. | 19:22 |
awesomess3 | haha | 19:22 |
vlt | Hello. There was a Firefox update on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Now my file:// links won’t open anymore. How to set that back to nautilus? | 19:22 |
Guest_1149 | "will you help me?" | 19:22 |
eternally_on | Bonjourno, folks. Have a question regarding an issue with an older computer running Ubuntu 12.04 using an nVidia Geforce 7300 graphics card. The issue I'm running into is when I can't get a dual display running using my s-video port and a usual CRT Television. When I try to hook up the cable, both screens go black and I can't do anything. Halp plz? | 19:23 |
=== akim_ is now known as akim | ||
OerHeks | oh no, no bots in here, Guest_1149 | 19:23 |
subz3r0 | !kickban Guest_1149 no windfall in here | 19:23 |
ubottu | subz3r0: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:23 |
itsfortybelow | i get a result on a dig and nslookup, but i can't ping this hostname :\ | 19:24 |
=== Danato_ is now known as Danato | ||
EleanorEllis | RootSeth: Probably the best place to put your scripts is ~/bin (meaning /home/<your user name>/bin) since that directory is probably already included in your path http://askubuntu.com/questions/141718/what-is-path-environment-variable-and-how-to-add-it | 19:25 |
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki | ||
EleanorEllis | RootSeth: Certainly my .profile adds ~/bin to my path if that directory exists and I have not altered anything so that seems to be how it comes out of the box | 19:27 |
EleanorEllis | m1dnight_: Probably the best place to put your scripts is ~/bin (meaning /home/<your user name>/bin) since that directory is probably already included in your path http://askubuntu.com/questions/141718/what-is-path-environment-variable-and-how-to-add-it | 19:30 |
=== z__ is now known as zhuang | ||
EleanorEllis | awesomess3: m1dnight_: Actually if you change the path in .bashrc then that path is only valid in bash terminals, nowhere else. If you change it in .profile then it is valid everywhere. | 19:32 |
eternally_on | Anyone have the slightest? Or am I in the wrong room for such an inquery? | 19:33 |
EleanorEllis | Could this be something to do with decoding of mpeg rather than my graphics hardware or driver? While playing video, regardless of whether the video is playing back from youtube via html5, BBC iplayer via flash or DVD via VLC, Video AND audio playback stutters every few minutes on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit desktop version. Every so often during dialog a character's voice AND face will say the same word twice. So the video and audio remain in sync while the st | 19:33 |
eternally_on | Damn, sorry Eleanor, didn't realize you were writing a novel, sorry for being impatient. :p | 19:33 |
EleanorEllis | eternally_on: Sorry. I wasn't actually answering your problem but asking a question about a problem of my own. Maybe nobody in here knows the answer to your problem (or mine for that matter). Try asking again later if nobody replies | 19:35 |
kulras | Is there a way messages leaving or joining someone can be hide? | 19:36 |
hio | yeah would like to know that too, I'm on xchat | 19:36 |
Beldar | hio, it's in preferences | 19:37 |
eternally_on | Danke, Eleanor, and no worries. So you're experience a sort of audio and video hiccup in one? | 19:37 |
subz3r0 | where to turn on vnc in ubuntu gnome 14.04? | 19:37 |
eternally_on | *experiencing | 19:37 |
rww | !quietirc | kulras, hio | 19:37 |
ubottu | kulras, hio: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages | 19:37 |
g105b | Could anyone tell me why wifi doesn't always find the SSID after suspending after 14.04 upgrade? | 19:37 |
EleanorEllis | eternally_on: Yes, whenever I playback video. There is a hickup every few minutes | 19:38 |
EleanorEllis | g105b: It could be your wifi driver | 19:38 |
Guest922 | need CLI irc client help, irssi or weechat? | 19:39 |
EleanorEllis | g105b: I had a similar issue in 12.04 but now in 14.04 the problem seems to have gone for me | 19:39 |
g105b | EleanorEllis: interesting | 19:39 |
eternally_on | Now, I don't claim to be 1337 and I will admit to being a nub at times, but I may be able to help. Can you remember whether or not you made updates before experiencing this problem? | 19:40 |
EleanorEllis | g105b: However, the wifi problem I still have is that if the signal strength is weak then it seems as if I am logged on but I never seem to get an IP address or the timer seems to go round for ever. | 19:40 |
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EleanorEllis | eternally_on: I download updates virtually every day. I have been experiencing this problem for a little while now. I only installed 14.04 a couple of weeks ago. | 19:41 |
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eternally_on | Well... that's not a bad habit, but it doesn't help in this situation at the moment, lol. Um, did you do a fresh install of 14.04 or upgrade/update to it? | 19:42 |
BaByJ | Hi :) | 19:42 |
eternally_on | Bonjourno! | 19:42 |
david2 | yo | 19:43 |
EleanorEllis | g105b: Somebody suggested my wifi problems might be that I was using an older version of a proprietary wifi driver (I have a Broadcom card) and suggested either installing the open source driver for it or a more recent proprietary one from the broadcom website | 19:43 |
david2 | south curiosity, what does recovery mode do with respect to graphics? | 19:43 |
STPI | Hello, just figured out that I got the options for "flashback (compiz/metacity) " before login in Ubuntu Gnome 14.04. Was this an update? | 19:43 |
Guest_1149 | "Hey i jailbreaked my ipad mini 1 before new year when it came out and i installed a tweak that would add repo's with ios 7 tweaks wich screwed my cydia cause then the fix of deleting things in my list folder but those repo's where still there then tried to delete that tweak wich gone wrong and those repo's where still there then deleted my partial folder readded it but still got the same problem then deleted my metdata.plist wic | 19:43 |
skinux | How do we restart whatever daemon is responsible for desktop background and right-click functionality? | 19:43 |
mheinke | has the FF package for 14.04 been updated yet? | 19:44 |
EleanorEllis | eternally_on: Fresh install. I have come a cropper doing in-place upgrades before. Plus there were lots of things broken in my 12.04 installation that I didn't bother fixing as I knew 14.04 was coming out soon. I really didn't want to carry over any problems from 12.04 to 14.04 | 19:44 |
smotes | exit | 19:44 |
javad | hello | 19:46 |
Guest_1149 | "why here said me no?" | 19:46 |
subz3r0 | no1 an idea how i can turn on VNC in ubuntu gnome 14.04? | 19:47 |
darkseid_ | Chrome or firefox? | 19:47 |
darkseid_ | Chromium? | 19:47 |
holstein | !vnc | 19:47 |
ubottu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 19:47 |
RootSeth | I don't need assistance with the scripts, that was someone else. However, I can offer my experience on the matter. The android source site has an excellent example of setting up a bin folder in your home folder and adding it to PATH since it is not already. $ mkdir ~/bin $ PATH=~/bin:$PATH | 19:48 |
RootSeth | http://source.android.com/source/downloading.html | 19:48 |
RootSeth | At the top of the page | 19:48 |
eternally_on | From my experience with 'nix, the problems I've had from older installs are generally fixed or patched by the update/upgrade. Um, so yeah, I have no clue as to your issue, Eleanor, sorry. :/ | 19:48 |
eternally_on | Having no experience myself with 14.04 doesn't help either. | 19:49 |
david2 | south curiosity, what does recovery mode do with respect to graphics? | 19:49 |
m1dnight_ | EleanorEllis: Great! I didn't have a ·~/bin folder yet. Thanks for the url and for your time! :) | 19:49 |
EleanorEllis | m1dnight_: No problem. I learned something myself | 19:50 |
StephenS | What ya said | 19:50 |
hitsujiTMO | m1dnight_: no need to modify the PATH... your .profile will automatically add ~/bin to the PATH if it exists | 19:51 |
Bashing-om | david2: recovery mode/graphics; disables Kernel Mode Setting, thus the fallback graphics driver is enabled . | 19:52 |
subz3r0 | found the solution | 19:54 |
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subz3r0 | called: run "vino-preferences" in a terminal. there is no icon anymore in gnomeshell | 19:54 |
subz3r0 | ... | 19:54 |
django | ubuntu isnt working..i updated the nvidia driver and not i get an error: "system is running in low graphic mode" | 19:55 |
django | now* | 19:55 |
m1dnight_ | hitsujiTMO: yea, I had a look at the profile file and it's already in there :) | 19:56 |
m1dnight_ | thanks guys | 19:56 |
chrisq_nl | hi, anyone got any info about future touchscreen support in ubuntu desktop..? | 19:58 |
leManu | Hi everybody, i jave got a problem after upgrading to trusty this morning, can someone help me ? | 19:58 |
subz3r0 | !ask | leManu | 19:58 |
daftykins | leManu: ask | 19:58 |
ubottu | leManu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 19:58 |
iam4722202468 | Hello! | 19:58 |
Guest_1149 | "firmware 04.12.01 iphon 4 is unclockable? please tell me the way to jailbreak" | 19:58 |
iam4722202468 | i have been having problems with my computer booting/grub, and right now it appears i am using 2 partitions as root at once. How do i fix this? | 19:59 |
Pici | Guest_1149: Please stop asking in this channel. | 19:59 |
Guest_1149 | Pici: I am currently afk, i'll be back later. | 19:59 |
iam4722202468 | Does anyone have any ideas on how to unmount one partition? | 20:00 |
leManu | my logitech usb headset does not work anymore after upgrading to trusty, anybody has the same problem ? | 20:01 |
Beldar | iam4722202468, Have you modified fstab to mount partitions? | 20:02 |
STPI | question : Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 or Ubuntu 14.04 with Flashback? | 20:02 |
dtcrshr | leManu: g930 ? | 20:02 |
iam4722202468 | Beldar, i don't know what fstab is, but i did modify the uuid that grub loads | 20:02 |
Beldar | iam4722202468, where? | 20:03 |
iam4722202468 | Beldar, in grub | 20:03 |
david2 | south curiosity, what does recovery mode do with respect to graphics? | 20:03 |
Bashing-om | iam4722202468: Show us what we are working with; pastbin -> sudo fdisk -lu , sudo parted -l <- will see what can be done. | 20:03 |
jhutchins | iam4722202468: sudo umount <device or mount point> | 20:03 |
iam4722202468 | Bashing-om, http://pastebin.com/2LQ1VbTc | 20:04 |
Bashing-om | david2: Did ya see my :52 entry ? | 20:04 |
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jviure | fool question: I've the /var/www directory -> drwxrwsr-x www-data www-data . My user george belongs to the www-data group BUT can't create files in /var/www directory (you don't have permissions...). It's normal!? :'( | 20:05 |
iam4722202468 | Bashing-om, i got sudo: parted: command not found for the second one | 20:05 |
Bashing-om | iam4722202468: Looking at 2LQ1VbTc . | 20:05 |
leManu | dtcrshr: yes | 20:05 |
kulras | I am overheating problem in ubuntu 13.10? | 20:06 |
django | ubuntu isnt working..i updated the nvidia driver and now i get an error: "system is running in low graphic mode"; anyone know how i can fix? | 20:06 |
daftykins | jviure: have you logged out and in since adding yourself to the group? | 20:06 |
STPI | kulras: update to 14.04 | 20:06 |
jhutchins | django: Figure out what the correct video driver is and install that instead. | 20:07 |
jviure | logged out only from the terminal | 20:07 |
jviure | mmm | 20:07 |
jviure | ok, I will try logout from my xubuntu | 20:07 |
jhutchins | jviure: Log all the way out, not just one terminal. | 20:07 |
Bashing-om | iam4722202468: sda is a GPT disk, so much for using the 'fdisk' tool, ->sudo parted -l <- should run .. typo on my part ?. | 20:08 |
jviure | jojo, oks! thanks jhutchins ! I'll try!! | 20:08 |
jviure | :=) | 20:08 |
iam4722202468 | Bashing-om, same result | 20:08 |
dtcrshr | leManu: try reconfiguring pulse | 20:08 |
zedrich | http://pastebin.com/2SZLukky | 20:09 |
dtcrshr | you also have to setup so it drops out the 6 channels | 20:09 |
kulras | Is overheating problem solved in ubuntu 14.04? | 20:09 |
dtcrshr | leManu: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/06/enable-surround-sound-in-ubuntu-linux.html | 20:09 |
Dreadlish | kulras: which one? | 20:10 |
dtcrshr | leManu: let me know if you stop out on some step | 20:10 |
Beldar | !bootinfo | iam4722202468 more comprehensive script | 20:11 |
ubottu | iam4722202468 more comprehensive script: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at). | 20:11 |
Bashing-om | iam4722202468: Humm, maybe I am out in left field and 'parted' will not run on a GPT formatted disk (??) do not think so. ok, -> sudo apt-get install gdisk , sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda <- pastebin. | 20:11 |
Beldar | Bashing-om, That is strange, I thought parted was in the install. | 20:12 |
pr0ton | is there any good stock app that you guys use | 20:12 |
pr0ton | a CLI would be nice | 20:13 |
pr0ton | stock as in stock-exchange | 20:13 |
rawrmonster | I went to download a sensor app for my laptop and while i am using avconv in devede my temps show to be in the 80-93C range. Is this normal for a laptop? I have a i-7 2.6, 4GB of ram and I am running Ubuntu 14.04 | 20:13 |
pr0ton | rawrmonster, not normal that temp is hgih | 20:13 |
Bashing-om | Beldar: It (parted) is in the install ( yeah, can not at this time explain) .. should run. | 20:13 |
iam4722202468 | Bashing-om, http://pastebin.com/Ws5mLCjb | 20:13 |
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Bashing-om | iam4722202468: looking at /Ws5mLCjb . | 20:14 |
hillary | help me with phpmyadmin error | 20:14 |
rawrmonster | pr0ton: because the laptop is warm but does not feel hot at all, and the temp coming from the fan is the same its just warm | 20:14 |
EleanorEllis | When I'm watching a DVD, the drive will spin down sometimes and then there is a pause when the buffer empties while the drive spins back up again. Can this be disabled? | 20:14 |
hillary | "Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly." | 20:14 |
pr0ton | rawrmonster, http://www.buildcomputers.net/cpu-temperature.html | 20:15 |
hillary | how do i overcome it | 20:15 |
pr0ton | you're clearly over that | 20:15 |
rawrmonster | pr0ton: is it possible the program is reading the temp wrong? | 20:15 |
django | jhutchins but why is this happening after i updated | 20:15 |
jhutchins | django: Because the upgrade didn't get the graphics driver right. It happens. | 20:16 |
hillary | any know how? | 20:16 |
jhutchins | hillary: check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly. | 20:16 |
hillary | how please | 20:17 |
hillary | it seems i dont know | 20:17 |
Bashing-om | iam4722202468: OH boy, EFI booting, bet ya tried to install grub to the MBR - no can do ! - take Beldar's advise and run boot-repair . Read the directions very carefully. As a mistake will write the boot code where you do not want it to be written. | 20:17 |
jhutchins | hillary: You do not know how to check for errors in the log files? | 20:17 |
hillary | yes | 20:17 |
jhutchins | hillary: Start there. | 20:17 |
OzBorne | hello | 20:18 |
OzBorne | where's ESR? | 20:18 |
jhutchins | hillary: Is this your own php or is this a package from somewhere? | 20:18 |
jhutchins | OzBorne: Really a more appropriate question for google. | 20:18 |
hillary | my own | 20:18 |
hillary | localhost | 20:18 |
leManu | dtcrshr: ok i'll try it tomorrow, i'll tell you the result, thanks for your help | 20:18 |
jhutchins | hillary: So you wrote the php code? | 20:18 |
django | jhutchins should I do: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current | 20:19 |
hillary | localhost/phpmyadmin | 20:19 |
hillary | no no | 20:19 |
jhutchins | hillary: does phpinfo.php work? | 20:19 |
hillary | i install it | 20:19 |
hillary | yes it works well | 20:19 |
dtcrshr | leManu: np | 20:19 |
dtcrshr | leManu: theres some other documments on setting up the buttons, but I never took interest on mapping them | 20:20 |
jhutchins | hillary: phpmyadmin should set up pretty automatically, it's usually just install-and-go. Read the README file(s) in /usr/share/doc/phpmyinfo. | 20:20 |
jhutchins | hillary: Look at the logs. | 20:20 |
jhutchins | hillary: Sorry, phpmyadmin of course. | 20:21 |
jhutchins | hillary: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin | 20:21 |
hillary | ok let me check | 20:21 |
jhutchins | hillary: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/phpmyadmin.html | 20:22 |
=== Unibob is now known as DJ_Unibob | ||
jhutchins | hillary: That should still apply. | 20:22 |
hillary | ok though mine is 12.04 | 20:23 |
jhutchins | hillary: Yes, and there are plenty of articles for 12.04 as well. | 20:23 |
nf7 | My Mac+Ubuntu 14.04 ISO isn't bootable on my macbook. I try to boot from it through Refind and Refit, but both give me a "no boot device found" error. | 20:25 |
nf7 | Any suggestions? | 20:26 |
c|oneman | are you using a DVD or UBS? | 20:27 |
c|oneman | USB* | 20:27 |
jhutchins | !mac | 20:29 |
ubottu | For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 20:29 |
jhutchins | nf7: You may need to use disk manager to modify the iso first. | 20:29 |
jhutchins | nf7: I presume you verified the md5sum of the iso? | 20:29 |
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki | ||
Anomie21 | I have a 1TB dedi, what folder has access to that space? or how do I find out? | 20:31 |
Bashing-om | Anomie21: define 'dedi' for me; and explain what you are trying to do . | 20:35 |
Anomie21 | Bashing-om: dedicated server, something I'm accessing via ssh | 20:36 |
Anomie21 | i set the deluge folder to /var/lib but it's full already | 20:36 |
skinux | I can't seem to find any log telling me why there are no desktop icons, background is black, and right-click doesn't work. | 20:36 |
django | is there a terminal command to go back to a previous datre | 20:37 |
django | on ubuntu? | 20:37 |
Jordan_U | sluidfoe: What problem are you having now? How are you determining that you have a problem? | 20:38 |
Bashing-om | Anomie21: Sorry, others will have to advise, out of my range of experience. | 20:38 |
Bashing-om | django: Ya mean like unto Windows 'restore point' ? | 20:39 |
django | Bashing-om Yes sir! | 20:40 |
hitsujiTMO | Anomie21: i suspect the answer to your question can be answered by the command: df -h | 20:40 |
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Anomie21 | hitsujiTMO: That's the one :) | 20:40 |
Bashing-om | django: nope, in linux, back up data, and (RE-)install the OS ( as you prefer it to be) .. | 20:41 |
AndroUser | Hi | 20:42 |
skinux | Maybe you guys can help me with a Ubuntu version: Trusty | 20:43 |
Jordan_U | django: How did you update the nvidia driver? | 20:44 |
vlt | Hello. There was a Firefox update (to 29.0) on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Now my local file:// links won’t open anymore. How to set that back to nautilus? | 20:44 |
Bashing-om | !ask| skinux | 20:44 |
ubottu | skinux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 20:44 |
=== soee_ is now known as soee | ||
skinux | Using Trusty, I've no desktop icons, background is black, right-click doesn't work, and "program problem" is reported everytime I boot for a few programs - one being SignOn-UI | 20:45 |
jhutchins | skinux: /var/log/Xorg.0.log - very noisy, but that's where things get logged. It sounds like you might be missing some of the desktop components. Is this a new install or a recent upgrade? | 20:48 |
skinux | I upgraded to Trusty a few days ago. | 20:49 |
vlt | Hello. How do I roll back to the previous firefox version on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS? | 20:49 |
jhutchins | !downgrade | 20:49 |
ubottu | Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system. | 20:49 |
Bashing-om | skinux: Also, have you updated the system since the install ? | 20:50 |
skinux | Just once | 20:50 |
kostkon | vlt, that's not the right way to solve that problem | 20:50 |
skinux | I mean, I tell it to update whenever update manager comes up. | 20:50 |
jhutchins | vlt: The only way to do it is to uninstall the new version, then install the old one. | 20:50 |
jhutchins | skinux: Is that when this problem started? | 20:51 |
skinux | I think problems started happening after I upgraded to Trusty | 20:51 |
skinux | apt-get check reports nothing is broken. | 20:51 |
jhutchins | skinux: try sudo apt-get -f install | 20:51 |
darkseid | Guys, what the difference between pop3 and mailbox ? which one keep the messages on computer? I'm attemping to configure kmail... | 20:52 |
Bashing-om | skinux: A lot I do not know for sure, but, might update/upgrade/dist-upgrade from terminal and see if there are any errors reported, also agree, good to look at logs. | 20:52 |
skinux | It said there is nothing to do. | 20:52 |
vlt | kostkon: I have ~40 users that need to open file:// links tomorrow morning. If I can’t find the solution now I *have* to go back to the previous version until I can fix it :-/ | 20:52 |
kostkon | skinux, tried already to reset your unity/compiz? http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html | 20:52 |
kostkon | vlt, oh ok then. i get you | 20:52 |
wickedheadache | trying to update to 11.10-12.04 but 11.10 can't connect to servers | 20:52 |
kostkon | !eolupgrades | wickedheadache | 20:53 |
ubottu | wickedheadache: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 20:53 |
darkseid | Guys, what the difference between pop3 and mailbox ? which one keep the messages on computer? I'm attemping to configure kmail... | 20:53 |
wickedheadache | god dam it i've been updateding fo the last 3 days i need to up date | 20:54 |
wickedheadache | i know its end of life but it's worked and i need it to work again | 20:54 |
Bashing-om | wickedheadache: Language ! .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades <- has the instructions to do the release upgrade. | 20:55 |
Jordan_U | wickedheadache: Be sure not to miss the last bit of ubottu's message. | 20:55 |
wickedheadache | ? | 20:56 |
wickedheadache | ok | 20:56 |
django | Jordan_U through the ubuntu UI update drives | 20:58 |
ng1002 | Here's a question regarding gnome3. Is there any terminal command I can use to launch the Gnome dashboard? | 20:58 |
majod | why are 3.15 rc1 and rc2 kernels -trusty, but rc3 is utopic? | 21:01 |
darius93 | why are the opensource drivers abit better than closed source/proprietary? It seem like it takes less stress off the machine using open source | 21:01 |
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki | ||
brianblaze420 | better may not be the right word but they always work which is good haha | 21:02 |
darius93 | lol well i got higher FPS during some of my test. The only downside is not everything supports the open source gpu drivers (eg chrome webgl) | 21:03 |
VoidWhisperer | Hm... I'm trying to write a script to kill all of the current screens.. this doesn't want to work. | 21:04 |
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brianblaze420 | i can't make it work either weird | 21:10 |
ng1002 | repost: Here's a question regarding gnome3. Is there any terminal command I can use to launch the Gnome dashboard? | 21:11 |
funkster | Do I have any option into serializing into a server that doesn't have a "serial port" ? its a headless server and we'd like to move away from keyboard/mouse and kvm. We moved from raspberry pi to a x86. | 21:12 |
albeit | I have a display connected through Displayport. It shows up on xrandr as connected, and in the display manager as on and active, but it shows no picture and is in power save mode. How can I get it to actually output to that monitor? | 21:13 |
albeit | This is using the open source radeon driver on a ATI HD 6790 | 21:14 |
koell | How do I update to new firefox? Do I've to download it manually? I got a mail from mozilla today about the new one... | 21:17 |
johnny_ | hi guys just a quick apache question... how do I change a vhost from looking for index.php or index.htm. the folder I looking at home page isnt name index its called something else and I am not allowed to change it has it is not part | 21:18 |
johnny_ | of my contract to do so | 21:18 |
deb | can someone help me fix this? http://sprunge.us/URQE | 21:19 |
koell | johnny_: do u have access to sudo? | 21:19 |
johnny_ | koell yes | 21:20 |
vlt | Ok. Hi. I deleted my whole ~/.mozilla dir to get an empty config after the update to FF 29.0. How to enable opening file:// links in the file browser (nautilus) on 12.04 LTS? | 21:24 |
Squarepy | koell, try looking at the help / about | 21:26 |
Squarepy | oh wait nvm | 21:26 |
direp | howdy all. question: i would like to verify two directories full of files. can anyone speak to pros/cons of using diff -r utility versus outputting list of md5 hashes for each directory and diffing these two files? | 21:27 |
direp | is one method more thorough than the other? is there perhaps another, superior method? | 21:27 |
koell | johnny_: in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ you can edit the settings for a vhost, to change the DirectoryIndex | 21:28 |
koell | Squarepy: yeah i always looking there first, but it i still on 28. nthing new so far. maybe it needs some days before it arrives in ubuntu i guess | 21:29 |
Goopyo | Anyone know how to wrap up httracks .tmp files without a complete finish | 21:30 |
Jordan_U | direp: They will tell you different things, by default. diff (for text based files) will not only tell you that files differ, but will also tell you want that difference is. | 21:32 |
johnny_ | koell http://pastebin.com/9zTmK1vx | 21:32 |
Jordan_U | direp: What is your end goal? | 21:32 |
koell | johnny_: i think this looks good! :) | 21:33 |
johnny_ | koell the problem is that this person name the page with a space. dont understand why but he wouldnt let me change it | 21:33 |
direp | hi Jordan_U, i'm trying to verify that a directory was copied without data loss | 21:33 |
koell | johnny_: man that's ugly xD did u restart apache yet? does the config work with the space? | 21:33 |
Squarepy | koell, always takes some time, but for a moment I confused it with the autoupdater in chrome | 21:34 |
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=== NeoMatrixJR_away is now known as NeoMatrixJR | ||
Jordan_U | direp: If this is a one time thing, I would use diff -r. If this is something you plan to do often, you might want to consider using git (but that may or may not make sense depending on your reason for copying in the first place). | 21:34 |
johnny_ | koell this is what happens when people try to create their own website and dont know jack about simple things | 21:34 |
=== DarkG is now known as Guest47395 | ||
johnny_ | koell he ran into some issues and he needed help | 21:35 |
koell | johnny_: i hope you get it work, otherwise i would use a index file with redirection :D | 21:36 |
direp | thanks Jordan_U. i have one set of data (a directory) synced on three hard drives. only one of the hds is formatted ext4, and i need to format the other two ext4 | 21:36 |
direp | so now i am trying to first verify that the three directories have identical contents | 21:37 |
direp | then i will clear one hd and use rsync to push the contents back to it after i have reformatted to ext4 | 21:37 |
koell | Squarepy: Are you already on 29 or do u use chrome? | 21:37 |
direp | then i will repeat process for the second drive | 21:37 |
jhutchins | direp: I would just use rsync -avz /source /target | 21:37 |
johnny_ | koell lol u just read my mind thats what am gonna do | 21:37 |
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ActionParsnip | direp: could use MD5sum to compare folder hashes | 21:37 |
koell | johnny_: but i dont know, why can't u just edit the "just fun.html" file? don't you have permissions for? :D | 21:38 |
Squarepy | koell, currently I am switching to 14.04 and then I'll see after firefox, must say I switched back to FF for good reasons after working with chrome for some time | 21:41 |
direp | jhutchins, thanks, will that output to a tarball at /target? | 21:41 |
koell | Squarepy: usually i use chrome too, but on linux i need to use FF because of the native looking UI :D | 21:41 |
jhutchins | direp: No, normal filecopy, but you can re-run it to verify/update. | 21:42 |
johnny_ | koell the issue is that he has so much files and he copy and paste the header across all of them instead of him create one file called header.php and using <?php include_once 'header.php'; ?> will be easy to go into one file and change | 21:42 |
=== badon_ is now known as badon | ||
ActionParsnip | Koell: there is an ambience theme for Chrome... | 21:42 |
johnny_ | koell i dont have time to go into all 15 pages and change them cck that | 21:42 |
direp | ActionParsnip, that is actually a method i have considered and tried. i created a small script to output md5hashes from /source and /target and the diff the two outputted files | 21:42 |
koell | ActionParsnip: i know the pseudo-gtk-theme on chrome. still ugly :> | 21:42 |
koell | johnny_: hahaha this one is really ugly xD | 21:43 |
ActionParsnip | Koell: doesnt mean you _have_ to use firefox just for a theme. You just prefer it. There is a difference | 21:43 |
johnny_ | koell indeed but he is pay good money to get some of his mistake corrected too bad clearing up his code is not in the contract :D | 21:43 |
koell | ActionParsnip: i just want a native looking interface, thats all. i dont like to use pseudo-looking applications | 21:44 |
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki | ||
koell | johnny_: i know about the "just get it work" mind people :D | 21:44 |
ActionParsnip | Koell: but thats not 'need to'. If you need to use a browser it because sites you frequetly visit refuse to work in one browser and not another. Or an addon exclusive to one browser | 21:45 |
direp | jhutchins, the man page for rsync says -z option compresses file data during the transfer, but the copied files at target won't be compressed after transfer? | 21:46 |
SchrodingersScat | direp: correct | 21:46 |
direp | ok, so in effect it just speeds it up? | 21:46 |
koell | please no browser ware in here! STOP | 21:46 |
koell | -e | 21:46 |
SchrodingersScat | direp: hypothetically, assuming that's something that would help your transfer, vs any additional overhead | 21:46 |
omg_scout | Could someone running Intel HD4600 as his only graphic card run these two commands for me and pastebin results? "/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p" and "lshw -C" | 21:46 |
ActionParsnip | Koell: just correcting the language, not a browser war at all. | 21:47 |
direp | great, thanks SchrodingersScat | 21:47 |
koell | my lang, my feelings <3 | 21:47 |
jhutchins | direp: Correct. z is on-the-fly compression. | 21:47 |
SchrodingersScat | direp: like right now I'm sending over a lan, so I didn't bother with compression, it's a few thousand small files, not sure if compression would help much, so worth a try. | 21:47 |
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jhutchins | direp: If you have a fast local connection you should omit it - it's just a habit of mine. For a local copy the CPU overhead is a drag. | 21:48 |
direp | oh ok. two of the hds are actually internal and the third one connects via usb, so very small-fry operation | 21:49 |
Squarepy | well recently I have been syncing various FF instances via my owncloud server, which is nice because it is private and makes the experience comparable with chrome, koell | 21:49 |
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iscorpion | hello please help me i am trying to install ubuntu 14.04 and i am getting this error gave up booting for root device | 21:51 |
ActionParsnip | iscorpion: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? | 21:52 |
koell | Squarepy: does owncloud have a built-in firefox sync server? | 21:52 |
iscorpion | yea | 21:52 |
Squarepy | koell, yeah there is a small app for it | 21:52 |
iscorpion | ActionParsnip: yes | 21:52 |
iscorpion | its installed on one machinne but not installing on other | 21:52 |
ActionParsnip | iscorpion: are you booting USB or CD? | 21:52 |
iscorpion | usb | 21:52 |
vlt | Hello. I have several Ubuntu 12.04 LTS machines. On one I could downgrade firefox to v28 simply by selecting it in aptitude but on other machines there’s no v28 available after I ran aptitude update. How to install a specific version? | 21:53 |
ActionParsnip | iscorpion: ah. Have you tried a different USB port? | 21:53 |
iscorpion | not yet hold on | 21:53 |
direp | just out of curiosity, the diff command checks every single bit of a file before determining two files are identical? is this true? | 21:54 |
Squarepy | vlt, lmgtfy, http://blog.andrewbeacock.com/2007/03/how-to-install-specific-version-of.html | 21:55 |
SchrodingersScat | Squarepy: Owncloud only makes me nervous when I sync something up, and I get a bunch of -conflict_%date files :/ | 21:55 |
zerick | I have a spawn-fcgi not working, everytime I run it all processes apparently created are not present. Help plz | 21:55 |
Squarepy | SchrodingersScat, yeah I am trying out seafile as well, which should be a bit more solid, guess I'll use both | 21:55 |
iscorpion | ActionParsnip same problem | 21:56 |
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SchrodingersScat | direp: hmm, thought diff was line by line, not necessarily bit for bit..could be a difference | 21:57 |
Lucax | hello, how can I be invited to ubuntu-beginners | 21:57 |
Lucax | ? | 21:57 |
direp | SchrodingersScat, there is a text and binary mode, but i read that these are equivocal for linux | 21:57 |
vlt | Squarepy: Thank you. I get "E: Version '28.0+build2-0ubuntu0.12.04.1' for 'firefox' was not found" :-/ | 21:57 |
nestle20 | i've got a server that im pushing 81032.23 KB/s from webserver traffic (apache).. load average: 177.31, 167.46, 162.63 -- besides increasing hardware, are there any system values i can alter to help open up more connections or open files? like in /etc/sysctl or something? anyone know of any values or things i should change for a box that gets a lot of site traffic | 21:58 |
Squarepy | vlt, maybe add a backport or other ppa | 21:58 |
k1l_ | Lucax: the team was closed down: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-beginners/2013-August/002541.html | 21:58 |
Lucax | ok | 21:58 |
vlt | Squarepy: I just want to install the version I had two hours ago. From that repo, Not possible? | 21:59 |
testing_test | Kappa | 21:59 |
Moonlikestars | hi | 21:59 |
jhutchins | direp: I'd use the -z option on usb. | 22:00 |
SchrodingersScat | direp: then they should be the same? not sure how you would test to try to trick that. | 22:00 |
Lucax | would anyone like to help me install, some programs, so I get some training in installing. I dont have anyone around me who knows linux so I feel a little lost | 22:00 |
vlt | Squarepy: I even have the .deb file still in /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 22:00 |
k1l_ | Lucax: just ask a specific question | 22:00 |
Moonlikestars | do you guys know about wifi? | 22:00 |
k1l_ | Lucax: did you try the software-center? | 22:01 |
SchrodingersScat | Lucax: like './configure ; make ; make install'? | 22:01 |
jhutchins | direp: On text files diff will show you the difference, by default a binary will just show "files differ". | 22:01 |
SchrodingersScat | Moonlikestars: I do. | 22:01 |
Moonlikestars | good | 22:01 |
direp | ok, gotcha, thanks jhutchins | 22:01 |
Lucax | software senter is ok, but I have downloaded some programs outside of it | 22:01 |
Jordan_U | Lucax: What are you actually trying to install? | 22:01 |
SchrodingersScat | Moonlikestars: It's very common these days, I would bet almost everyone in the channel has heard of the wifi. | 22:01 |
jhutchins | direp: diff is used to compare source code to the previous version. It can generate a file that can be applied to another copy of the previous code to update or "patch" it. | 22:02 |
k1l_ | Lucax: the packagesystem from ubuntu should be preferred | 22:02 |
Moonlikestars | i know | 22:02 |
k1l_ | Moonlikestars: just ask a specific question | 22:02 |
vlt | Any idea why "apt-get install firefox=28.0+build2-0ubuntu0.12.04.1_amd64" shows "E: Version '28.0+build2-0ubuntu0.12.04.1_amd64' for 'firefox' was not found"? | 22:03 |
Squarepy | vlt, why not install from the deb :) | 22:03 |
Vooloo | does anyone know a good working laptop docking station that works flawlessly with Ubuntu where I can hook up my monitor, keyboard and mouse on a daily basis without having to re-configure screen resolutions and other crap every time I dock? | 22:03 |
Moonlikestars | what should i do.my wifi is so slow and it never works | 22:03 |
guest-nzDTpV | anyone got a way into my desktop..Because forgot login pw--BIOS Dell loads--but no recoverymode, safe, or single in BIOS....Cannot access my files or windows open...b/c forgot pw? | 22:03 |
Lucax | Jspider and OpenWebSpiderCS and maybe apache nut or webharvest, I want to start to install one by one, try them out and discard the ones I dont like | 22:03 |
Genome36_ | hello i am trying to find the terminal file where all the previous entered commands are stored, but cant find it | 22:04 |
Genome36_ | i tried with this https://www.google.ca/search?q=linux+terminal+cache+location&oq=linux+terminal+cache+location&aqs=chrome..69i57.13883j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=95&ie=UTF-8 | 22:04 |
bekks | Vooloo: the dockingstation strongly depends on your desktop. Most likely, the vendor of your laptop has just one dockingstation that is compatible with your laptop. | 22:04 |
Jordan_U | Genome36_: ~/.bash_history | 22:04 |
Vooloo | bekks: Dell? | 22:04 |
k1l_ | !apache | Lucax | 22:04 |
ubottu | Lucax: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process. | 22:04 |
Genome36_ | thanks Jordan_U | 22:04 |
bekks | Vooloo: Exactly. One docking station per laptop series. | 22:04 |
Jordan_U | Genome36_: You're welcome. | 22:04 |
Genome36_ | later | 22:05 |
guest-nzDTpV | I have a Dell Computer, and BIOS is Dell inc A04 | 22:05 |
bekks | Vooloo: Which laptop in detail do you have? | 22:05 |
Vooloo | bekks: I will buy a new one | 22:05 |
iscorpion | any one please help me i am struck at grub not able to boot on ubuntu error gave up for root device | 22:05 |
Moonlikestars | help me!!!:( | 22:06 |
Lucax | so, what I want is a program that can harvest a great deal of contact information from f.eks FB or Yellow pages so that I can help my friend to promote certain local events for him | 22:06 |
Squarepy | iscorpion, well I did rely on boot-repair run from a livecd for such trouble | 22:06 |
holstein | !wifi | Moonlikestars | 22:06 |
ubottu | Moonlikestars: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 22:06 |
Squarepy | can anyone block the bot? | 22:06 |
guest-nzDTpV | So forgot login pw....need to access my desktop | 22:06 |
Moonlikestars | thank you!!!!:D | 22:06 |
Jordan_U | Squarepy: What do you mean? | 22:06 |
alastair_ | having a problem with nvidia-prime, i switched to my intel gpu and now it just errors when i try to switch back, and dosnt give any error info either | 22:07 |
Lucax | if there would something like that open source, it would be really nice | 22:07 |
Squarepy | Jordan_U, I checked Moonlikestars 's name | 22:07 |
Moonlikestars | you did? | 22:07 |
holstein | Lucax: maybe try a programming community.. see if anyone has already or is interested in making what you are looking for.. | 22:08 |
Lucax | hehe, do you think any of the programs I mentioned can do what I explained? | 22:08 |
django | Jordan_U through the ubntu UI, i got a pop up for update drivers | 22:08 |
holstein | Lucax: they should have documentation | 22:09 |
Jordan_U | django: Was it really asking you to "update" drivers, or was it asking you to install different drivers? | 22:09 |
koell | hey django, where is RoR? :D | 22:09 |
django | Jordan_U not sure :s | 22:09 |
django | koell sorry? | 22:10 |
Lucax | yes they have, it looks promising but I am still not 100% sure. so, how about some installing?. I tried to read the installation proceedure in the documentation but it is too complicated for a noob like me | 22:11 |
mikel | I'm trying to get a system set up with btrfs and an encrypted disk. Is anybody able to help me? I've been at this a while and am getting rather frustrated with all the details. The installer doesn't seem to work for this combination. | 22:12 |
mikel | Right now I've got everything kind of work, but I just need to create an encrypted swap file. | 22:12 |
mikel | #linux | 22:12 |
holstein | Lucax: if its not in the default ubuntu repos, it will be ideally up to the creators of the appliations to tell you how you are intended to use/install the products.. you can share specific errors you have | 22:12 |
django | Jordan_U I wish there a command to undo this :( | 22:12 |
holstein | Lucax: you can try looking for a PPA.. | 22:12 |
Lucax | how do I find a PPA? | 22:13 |
k1l_ | Lucax: the way to install depends on the specific program. if you dnt use the official ubuntu package from ubuntu repositories you have to read the programs readme/documentation | 22:13 |
Anomie21 | Whats going on here? http://pastebin.com/CYsjimyP | 22:13 |
openyost | Lucax: What are you looking to install? | 22:13 |
Lucax | spider and OpenWebSpiderCS and maybe apache nut or webharvest, I want to start to install one by one, try them out and discard the ones I dont like | 22:14 |
Jordan_U | Anomie21: What guide are you trying to follow? | 22:14 |
surgemcgee | Confirm this bug for me please.. | 22:14 |
holstein | Lucax: enjoy!.. let them know if you have any problems | 22:14 |
holstein | !ppa | 22:14 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 22:14 |
surgemcgee | Open up QtCreator, press Ctl+Alt+Del | 22:15 |
Jordan_U | !enter | surgemcgee | 22:15 |
holstein | Lucax: they may not provide a PPA.. i only suggest it as an easy way to add applications | 22:15 |
Anomie21 | Jordan_U: http://highball.se/2012/11/linux-colloquy-push-notifications-from-debian-squeeze/ | 22:15 |
Jordan_U | surgemcgee: Please try to keep your messages on a single long line rather than using Enter as punctuation. | 22:15 |
surgemcgee | Does it crash 14.04? | 22:15 |
Vooloo | is it possible to run ubuntu off a USB? I mean is it powerful enough? It will only sit and show a browser 24/7 for a HTML/javascript dashboard. Nothing else. I was thinking raspberry pi first, but if there is a USB stick that can do it that saves me a lot of space. | 22:16 |
mikel | Are there commands I should run to get my partitionig information shared with you all? | 22:16 |
openyost | Lucax: I have no experience with installing either of these, but I can look into the documentation to try to help :) | 22:16 |
Jordan_U | Vooloo: Yes. | 22:16 |
Vooloo | Jordan_U: do I need some kind of specific USB stick or will anything work? | 22:17 |
surgemcgee | ANYONE? | 22:17 |
Jordan_U | Vooloo: Anything will work. A drive is a drive is a drive, the only differences are size and speed. | 22:17 |
holstein | surgemcgee: please be patient.. you are asking that someone install a package? | 22:18 |
mikel | surgemcgee: I'm looking for help too, but I'm not shouting... | 22:20 |
holstein | mikel: you can use "sudo fdisk -l" and pastebin | 22:20 |
holstein | !paste | 22:20 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 22:20 |
holstein | surgemcgee: what do you need? im installing qtcreator.. what is next? | 22:20 |
mikel | holstein: Here's my fdisk, thanks: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/286eae432f53be527b9e | 22:21 |
TeraJL | and what is "/usr/bin/X :0 -background none -verbose -auth /.../database/ -seat seat0 -nolisten tcp vt7? it's using my CPU kinda high.. usuing ubuntu gnome | 22:21 |
parv_ | Hello! | 22:23 |
parv_ | yolo | 22:24 |
mikel | holstein: So the problem is that I need a swap partition. I've managed to shrink the root partition (which is inside the luks partition, sda6), but I can't figure out how to add the swap partition or how to shrink the luks partition to make room for it. | 22:24 |
holstein | mikel: gparted.. i would want to have all my data backed up.. and personally, i may just not add swap.. | 22:25 |
holstein | mikel: how much ram do you have? | 22:25 |
mikel | holstein: I need swap to run virtual machines. | 22:25 |
Yelu | TeraJL, that is your system's graphics server (X-Sever) and should not be killed. => black out ... | 22:25 |
mikel | holstein: I only have 4GB of RAM...and gparted doesn't support luks. | 22:25 |
holstein | mikel: i dont think thats a good idea | 22:25 |
holstein | mikel: but, do what you like | 22:26 |
TeraJL | Yelu: thanks... i'm using ubuntu gnome, and i can't install some extensions, but i get no feedback, where can i find the logs? | 22:26 |
mikel | holstein: you don't think ading it is? | 22:26 |
Vooloo | Jordan_U: can it work with just a monitor and put the usb stick into a usb port on the monitor? or do you actually need a computer too? | 22:26 |
holstein | mikel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=726724 | 22:26 |
holstein | mikel: correct.. i dont think its a good idea to add and expect swap to facilitate virtual machines | 22:26 |
Jordan_U | Vooloo: You still need a computer. | 22:26 |
john125 | just installed java ADT on 13,10.... And fixed the menu bugs!! | 22:27 |
Yelu | TeraJL, as a start => https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles | 22:27 |
mikel | holstein: yeah, I was looking at that post. I get stuck though when I get to: sudo cryptsetup status crypt1. Instead of telling me about the partition, it just says, "/dev/mapper/crypt1 is inactive" | 22:27 |
mikel | holstein: only reason I mention the VMs is because they take a lot of RAM and 4GB won't be enough to run them reliably. I at least need swap on the off chance that I use up my RAM so things don't just start crashing all over the place. | 22:28 |
holstein | surgemcgee: control alt delete takes me out to the login manager, if im running qtcreator or not | 22:29 |
holstein | mikel: sure.. so go for it.. im just going on record as saying, i would want backups, and i think its a bad idea | 22:30 |
mikel | holstein: well yeah, it's a new laptop, so I don't have a lot of data on it or anything. | 22:30 |
holstein | mikel: you need to backup anything you may lose by breaking the disk doing the resize | 22:30 |
TeraJL | i've check the logs, and the event log application and i didn't find anything | 22:31 |
mozzarella | guys | 22:33 |
mozzarella | I want to use another screenlocker, do you have one to suggest? | 22:33 |
mozzarella | I'd like it to display the current time | 22:33 |
mozzarella | like gnome3's | 22:33 |
shoaib | i need help with conky | 22:33 |
shoaib | does anyone here uses conky? | 22:34 |
holstein | mozzarella: why not use gnomes, if you prefer it | 22:34 |
holstein | shoaib: yes | 22:34 |
mozzarella | holstein: I can't, it's part of gnome shell | 22:34 |
shoaib | i just installed it and set it to start at bootup also | 22:34 |
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shoaib | but its on the top left corner of my screen with black background | 22:35 |
shoaib | i want it on the right side with transparent background | 22:35 |
holstein | shoaib: you can configure it as you please | 22:35 |
shoaib | how do i do that? | 22:35 |
holstein | shoaib: many ways.. there are gui tools.. a config file.. many themes you can drop in | 22:36 |
Yelu | TeraJL, okay. And how should we help you then (because your description is not detailled enough to work with). - What extension(s)? What happened? Which error messages popped up? | 22:36 |
shoaib | can u tell me of one good gui tool please thanks | 22:36 |
holstein | shoaib: http://conky.sourceforge.net/config_settings.html http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/conkywizard-gui-to-set-up-conky.html | 22:36 |
pepee | is there any support for decoding html5 videos using VDPAU? | 22:36 |
holstein | shoaib: good is always a matter of opinion. just try them | 22:36 |
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mozzarella | I want to use another screenlocker, do you have one to suggest? | 22:37 |
holstein | shoaib: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/this-minimal-conky-orange-would-look-great-on-any-desktop | 22:37 |
mikel | holstein: frankly, I know that it's risky and that it's necessary. What I don't know is how to do it. | 22:37 |
mikel | holstein: *that's* what brings me here today. | 22:37 |
holstein | mozzarella: any of them.. just try them and see what you like.. the gnome one is the only one that is the gnome one | 22:37 |
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mozzarella | holstein: can I get a list? | 22:38 |
k1l_ | mozzarella: the list is endless. choose one that suits your needs | 22:38 |
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holstein | mozzarella: however you install software.. synaptic is a nice GUI package manager | 22:38 |
k1l_ | mozzarella: i bet the news you have read mentioned some other screensavers :) | 22:39 |
mozzarella | k1l_: news? | 22:39 |
wisescribe7 | I have a question: Is there any way to install Zorin OS through the Ubuntu terminal? | 22:40 |
holstein | wisescribe7: ask them.. its not in the repos, so, not by default.. they may provide you with a script or packages.. | 22:41 |
k1l_ | wisescribe7: maybe with debootstrap. but see their support since its not ubuntu related | 22:41 |
pollicino | ciao | 22:45 |
wisescribe7 | I have another question: I am having trouble saving things to my hard drive in Ubuntu. I get an error saying something about it failing due to insufficient permissions. How can I fix this? | 22:45 |
dually | if you set a proxy from the gui, the only way to turn it off is to write `unset http_proxy` in ~/.profile? | 22:45 |
aguitel | how install Gui in ubuntu server 10.04? | 22:46 |
holstein | wisescribe7: you likely have an ntfs partition? | 22:46 |
pollicino | qualcuno parla italiano | 22:46 |
k1l_ | !it | pollicino | 22:46 |
ubottu | pollicino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 22:46 |
Jordan_U | aguitel: Non-server packages (like any GUI) are no longer supported for Ubuntu 10.04. You'll need to upgrade. | 22:46 |
k1l_ | aguitel: install the ubuntu-desktop package | 22:46 |
EleanorEllis | wisescribe7: You need to give yourself write permission on the folder you want to save in. You should already have this for your home directory. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 22:47 |
k1l_ | aguitel: but be aware that the desktop stuff from 10.04 is no longer supported | 22:47 |
FactoryGirl | hi there, i just installed xfce4, now my systray only display NetworkManager applet, anybody knows what i should do to get back the clock, the battery life icons and such? | 22:47 |
NiTeMaRe | i'm having a issue with ubuntu dhcp i'm getting a DHCPDECLINE upon installation because the gateway is out of my networks subnet and i'm trying to do an autoinstallation anyone have any ideas on how i can resolve this? is there something maybe that i can stick in the dhcp server to help? | 22:47 |
pollicino | ti ringrazio | 22:47 |
aguitel | Jordan_U, k1l_ 10.04 works fine in my old laptop this is my reason to install it | 22:48 |
EleanorEllis | wisescribe7: Don't just give yourself write permission on any old directory anywhere though. Those permissions are there for a reason, to prevent you overwriting files that are used by the system. You should only be saving files to your home directory or sub directories anyway. | 22:48 |
k1l_ | aguitel: that is no reason to go with insecure softwrae | 22:48 |
k1l_ | aguitel: see Lubuntu. that is made for older/slower hardware | 22:48 |
Jordan_U | aguitel: Have you tried Lubuntu 14.04 on your old laptop? It's running great on my almost 10 year old laptop right now. | 22:49 |
mozzarella | guys | 22:49 |
mozzarella | how can I personalize the screenlocker? | 22:49 |
aguitel | Jordan_U, k1l_ i will try it | 22:49 |
k1l_ | mozzarella: see the documentation of that screenlocker you use | 22:49 |
aguitel | Jordan_U, k1l_ but server edition get security updates i think | 22:50 |
mozzarella | k1l_: what's the default one on ubuntu 14.04? | 22:50 |
sudormrf | hey guys, serious question, how could I completely remove a DE from ubuntu desktop? | 22:50 |
Jordan_U | aguitel: Not for GUI packages it doesn't. | 22:50 |
sudormrf | meaning I want to strip it back to basically be like ubuntu server | 22:50 |
k1l_ | aguitel: the server programs get security updates. but not the desktop and GUI stuff. | 22:50 |
ikonia | sudormrf: just remove the packages | 22:50 |
aguitel | Jordan_U, k1l_ ok | 22:51 |
sudormrf | ikonia, yes, so would that be like apt-get remove unity* | 22:51 |
sudormrf | or something else? | 22:51 |
sudormrf | I have a feeling it is going to be tedious | 22:51 |
ikonia | sudormrf: open the package manager click the desktop packages, and click remove | 22:51 |
ikonia | sudormrf: yes, it probably will be tedious | 22:51 |
sudormrf | well darn. | 22:51 |
EleanorEllis | wisescribe7: If the disk you are talking about is formatted with NTFS (if it's an external hard drive then it probably is), then you will have to mount it read/write. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 22:53 |
Jordan_U | sudormrf: You should be able to misuse http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ to make a list of all packages that you would need to install from a minimal system to install ubuntu-desktop. You can then remove them all instead. | 22:53 |
sudormrf | Jordan_U, thanks :) | 22:53 |
Jordan_U | sudormrf: You're welcome :) | 22:53 |
sudormrf | are any of you guys familiar with any dynamic DNS services that are good and free? dyndns no longer offers their free tier | 22:54 |
sudormrf | looks like the dynamic dns help page for ubuntu has some suggestions | 22:54 |
sudormrf | someone was saying that no-ip wasn't good because it deleted things every 30 days or something? | 22:55 |
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mozzarella | k1l_: what's the default one on ubuntu 14.04? | 22:55 |
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krabador | !wiki | 22:56 |
ubottu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation. | 22:56 |
madara | I want to copy a foler to another directory how would i do that? what man should i look up? | 22:56 |
madara | ~ | 22:57 |
k1l_ | mozzarella: gnome-screensaver | 22:57 |
mgolisch | man cp? | 22:57 |
krabador | !documentation | 22:58 |
ubottu | documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com | 22:58 |
django | how can i quickly reinstall ubuntu given I already have it installed? | 22:59 |
holstein | django: backup and fresh install.. you can try other options, but i would have backups before hand | 23:00 |
k1l_ | django: run a live cd/usb and shoose install. it will recognize the install and will offer an reinstall option | 23:00 |
MDTech-us_MAN | hello | 23:02 |
MDTech-us_MAN | how do I log all commands users run? | 23:02 |
mozzarella | k1l_: how can I make it look like gnome3's screenlocker? | 23:03 |
MDTech-us_MAN | I installed acct, but sa returns nothing. | 23:03 |
k1l_ | mozzarella: see if there are themes for that | 23:04 |
django | k1l_ thanks! | 23:04 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away | ||
Sally | Hello everyone. Has anyone noticed the Weather channel lens in 14.04? | 23:05 |
MDTech-us_MAN | anyone? | 23:05 |
holstein | MDTech-us_MAN: http://askubuntu.com/questions/93566/how-to-log-all-bash-commands-by-all-users-on-a-server might be a place to start | 23:06 |
mgolisch | MDTech-us_MAN: what exactly are you trying to do? | 23:06 |
k1l_ | Sally: i bet some one noticed | 23:08 |
Kaylas | hi | 23:08 |
Kaylas | i have problem with ubuntu 14.04 | 23:08 |
Kaylas | how can help me? | 23:08 |
django | Kaylas just ask | 23:09 |
holstein | Kaylas: you ask, a volunteer tries | 23:09 |
Sally | k1l_: I was wondering where I could get information on how it functions | 23:09 |
aguitel | Jordan_U, k1l_ what about install mate desktop in 14.04 ? | 23:09 |
madara | ok its saying i cannot copy a directory into itself | 23:09 |
k1l_ | !info mate-desktop | aguitel | 23:09 |
ubottu | aguitel: mate-desktop (source: mate-desktop): Library with common API for various MATE modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-1 (trusty), package size 17 kB, installed size 95 kB | 23:09 |
Kaylas | yep i want to install ati RV280 on ubuntu 14.04 but when install it, he don't detect my device and crash | 23:09 |
Kaylas | i have try to run xorg -configure and move file into /etc/x11/xorg.conf but didn't work | 23:10 |
m100 | Did you use the xorg radeon driver or ATI's propriatary driver? | 23:10 |
Jordan_U | MDTech-us_MAN: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/077 . | 23:10 |
k1l_ | Sally: see http://developer.ubuntu.com/scopes/ | 23:10 |
Kaylas | m100 how i can see what i have? | 23:10 |
Jordan_U | aguitel: What about it? | 23:11 |
=== Sirisian|Work_ is now known as Sirisian|Work | ||
Sally | k1l_: I'm not interested in developing an app/scope, just want to understand the weather portion of it | 23:12 |
k1l_ | Sally: it grabs the stuff from the website? | 23:13 |
aguitel | Jordan_U, i try to install mate but nothing install | 23:14 |
Sally | k1l_: seems to show weather from someplace. Don't know where it looks though | 23:14 |
xangua | Sally: thype the mane of a city, weather shows up | 23:15 |
xangua | it has the weather channel icon | 23:15 |
Kaylas | Parse error on line 42 of section Monitor in file /root/xorg.conf.new | 23:15 |
Kaylas | gamma correction value(s) expected | 23:15 |
willyg_cos | cups - I have 9 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/cups/backend/hpfax processes running but I can't find any reference to hpfax in /etc/cups or /usr/lib/cups files ???? WTF??? | 23:15 |
aguitel | Jordan_U, i think mate packages are incomplete in ubuntu repos | 23:15 |
Kaylas | this is error | 23:15 |
MDTech-us_MAN | Jordan_U: thx. didn't know about .bash_history! | 23:16 |
=== Unibob is now known as DJ_Unibob | ||
trism | aguitel: only parts of mate are in 14.04, the xsession you need to actually log in isn't one of them | 23:17 |
Sally | xangua: I tried that, but the only time I seem to see it is when I typed in "delu" for some reason. When I typed in cities I would be interested in the weather, it doesn't appear. Weird. | 23:17 |
=== votick is now known as votick[away] | ||
mgolisch | MDTech-us_MAN: but that is not realy reliable, one could easily remove commands from bash history or even clear it | 23:18 |
k1l_ | Sally: you can try the city support on the weather channel website | 23:18 |
omg_scout | Hello;) Could someone running Intel HD4600 as his only graphic card run these two commands for me and pastebin results? "/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p" and "lshw -C" | 23:18 |
MDTech-us_MAN | but, that would just give me a reason to remove his account instantly | 23:18 |
Sally | k1l_: I guess that there is a "cookie" or something that they weather.com site that communicates with the scope? | 23:19 |
k1l_ | Sally: please see the documentation for the technical explanation | 23:19 |
aguitel | trism, and then what ? | 23:20 |
Yelu | MDTech-us_MAN, yes, but take good care of the guys doing this (or similar) in their shell: ln -s /dev/null .bash_history | 23:20 |
Sally | k1l_: Ok, I'm looking on the weather.com site now | 23:21 |
trism | aguitel: it was and still is in progress packaging in debian, so parts of it trickled in during the debian merge window, but not enough to be useful, this is the current status: http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/status:debian | 23:22 |
trism | aguitel: still need things like mate-session-manager and mate-panel, etc | 23:23 |
SovereignEntity | Can mate be instal | 23:23 |
holstein | SovereignEntity: http://www.itworld.com/software/412022/install-mate-18-desktop-ubuntu-1404 is one way | 23:24 |
aguitel | trism, ok | 23:24 |
Kaylas | how i can see what need i have? | 23:24 |
=== ryan is now known as Guest85904 | ||
theLadder | hello, i just tried 14.04 but when i change resolution to 1920*1080 it freezes after 2 seconds, then reboots shortly after, any ideas? | 23:26 |
holstein | theLadder: i would keep troubleshooting and make sure the resolution change is what is the trigger.. and try other resolutions/drivers, if available | 23:26 |
theLadder | holstein, tried it multiple times with both Xubuntu and ubuntu... | 23:27 |
holstein | theLadder: you tried it? | 23:27 |
holstein | theLadder: tried what? chaging resolution? and that is the trigger? | 23:27 |
theLadder | holstein, yes, the default resolution is 720p but 1080p is the correct resolution for my display, whenever i change, i get the prompt that ask me to keep or revert the new settings | 23:29 |
theLadder | holstein, and it counts down, after 2 seconds, screen freezes, then after a few more seconds, the computer reboots itself | 23:29 |
Tiensbakung | theLadder, check your log files, may have some error infos | 23:29 |
theLadder | holstein, i do not have this problem with 13.10 | 23:29 |
holstein | theLadder: the "correct" may be what you can get working with linux.. since linux seems to not be that well supported by your hardware | 23:30 |
holstein | theLadder: in those situations, i do as i stated, and try other graphics drivers, when possible, or compromise on resolution settings.. or try other ways of forcing resolution settings | 23:31 |
sergio-br2 | hello | 23:31 |
holstein | theLadder: there are the PPA's from the xorg edgers.. they sometimes help provide more support | 23:33 |
theLadder | holstein, the thing is that it has always worked fine in earlier versions... and i have a old ati radeon hd4850, so drivers is not that easy to get working | 23:33 |
pramod | hi i m new here | 23:34 |
pramod | also new to xchat | 23:34 |
holstein | pramod: check the /topic when you join channels.. this is the official support channel for ubuntu.. you can use #ubuntu-offtopic to chat :) welcome | 23:35 |
Tiensbakung | theLadder, you may want to try installing a older version kernel, to see if it works | 23:36 |
theLadder | Tiensbakung, did you have any specific log file in mind? | 23:36 |
holstein | theLadder: the kernel that you used before.. not a log file | 23:37 |
holstein | theLadder: you can always look for an apply upgrades as well. a new kernel can "Fix" that issue.. | 23:37 |
Tiensbakung | The first thought is xsession-errors in your home directory, and further log files under /var/log | 23:38 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
GuyThatNeedsHelp | I needs help | 23:39 |
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon | ||
GuyThatNeedsHelp | when i open terminal and do the update command (sudo apt-get update) I get an error | 23:40 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | E: Malformed line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) | 23:40 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | E: The list of sources could not be read. | 23:40 |
rww | GuyThatNeedsHelp: go fix line 1 of /etc/apt/sources.list, then? | 23:41 |
theLadder | holstein, Tiensbakung, thanks for the help so far, will try it now | 23:41 |
k1l_ | GuyThatNeedsHelp: please put a "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" into a pastebin | 23:41 |
k1l_ | !paste | GuyThatNeedsHelp | 23:41 |
ubottu | GuyThatNeedsHelp: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 23:41 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | Fix it? i did the command gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 23:42 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | and this showed up deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu saucy-proposed | 23:42 |
Tiensbakung | theLadder:, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ have all kernels precompiled | 23:42 |
holstein | GuyThatNeedsHelp: you have added the incorrect sources, and broken your sources list | 23:42 |
holstein | GuyThatNeedsHelp: are you on 14.04? | 23:42 |
rww | GuyThatNeedsHelp: okay, that's missing a "main universe restricted multiverse" on the end of it, for starters | 23:42 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | No i was trying to upgrade | 23:42 |
rww | !upgrade | 23:43 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 23:43 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | I'm on 13.10 | 23:43 |
holstein | GuyThatNeedsHelp: you'll need to fix all of that before.. i would consider just a backup and a fresh install | 23:43 |
rww | for sources.list being wrong?? | 23:43 |
rww | it's not hard to fix :\ | 23:43 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | How would i fix it? | 23:43 |
holstein | i would rather backup my broken 13.10, since i should do that before upgrading anyway, and do a fresh install to 14.04 | 23:44 |
k1l_ | get a wokring clean sources.list then use the update-tools and dont change stuff when you dont know what that is. | 23:44 |
rww | GuyThatNeedsHelp: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file, as k1l_ said | 23:44 |
holstein | i think it would take much less time, and not risk carrying over an error from the 13.10 install | 23:44 |
k1l_ | holstein: a generic clean source.list should be fine | 23:45 |
Tiensbakung | GuyThatNeedsHelp, release upgrade do not need any sources.list edit, use the GUI or do_release_upgrade, it will take care of it | 23:45 |
rww | do-release-upgrade ** | 23:45 |
holstein | yup., it'll be just fine.. and the system should be backed up regardless.. | 23:45 |
=== Unibob is now known as DJ_Unibob | ||
=== Balls is now known as GuyThatCrashed | ||
GuyThatCrashed | Does anyone know how to fix the line? | 23:51 |
holstein | GuyThatCrashed: refer to default sources | 23:52 |
dw1 | GuyThatCrashed: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/generate.php | 23:53 |
dw1 | is there an official default source ? | 23:53 |
dw1 | like, on the we? | 23:53 |
dw1 | web*? | 23:53 |
=== maxx-- is now known as coleman- | ||
nmatrix9 | Hey anyone know a xterm shortcut where I can create numerical directories all in one go like mkdir dirname[1-20] where directories named dirname1....dirname20 are created in one go? | 23:54 |
GuyThatCrashed | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7362774/ | 23:54 |
dw1 | GuyThatCrashed: sorry http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/generate.php | 23:55 |
holstein | GuyThatCrashed: you just need default 13.10 sources... | 23:55 |
dw1 | GuyThatCrashed: err without the generate.php | 23:55 |
GuyThatCrashed | Thanks | 23:56 |
dw1 | nmatrix9: a little bash script will do it.... | 23:56 |
dw1 | nmatrix9: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-for-loop/ | 23:57 |
dw1 | nmatrix9: 5th example.. for i in {1..5} -- you can do it at a prompt | 23:57 |
nmatrix9 | dw1: Thanks I appreciate it. | 23:57 |
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