
brainwasheverything seems to move in slow motion development wise00:01
sidi-valenciaDo you guys have much demand for https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6311?00:07
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 6311 in General "Add "Go back" button in case screenshot is not OK" [Normal,New]00:08
sidi-valenciaor mostly storing teh passwordz00:08
Unit193brainwash: I don't see any reason to, but that's just me.  Testing wouldn't happen yet, still too early for anything to change.00:09
sidi-valenciahttp://www.unixstickers.com/stickers/linux-keyboard-stickers/xubuntu-circle-keyboard-sticker-cover-windows-flag SO EXCITED00:15
sidi-valenciado you guys receive money from this?00:17
Unit193Logan_: Ready?02:31
Logan_my body is always ready02:31
Unit193Can you remind me why https://sigma.unit193.net/source/darkice_ubuntu-to-ubuntu.diff - https://sigma.unit193.net/source/darkice_1.2-0ubuntu1.dsc can't be uploaded? :)02:35
Unit193Besides dh_auto_configure being weird.02:37
Unit193Logan_: Did you perhaps get a sec or should I (maybe) bother someone else?04:02
Logan_I'm actually about to sleep04:03
Logan_and you didn't ping me, so I didn't notice that :P04:03
Unit193Aha, alrighty-o.04:04
Unit193Well good sleepy time, then.04:04
Logan_thanks :P04:05
Logan_you should sleep, too04:05
Unit193Nah, it's still early.04:05
jhenkeggod morning06:21
knomesidi-valencia, they usually do that, but since we can't "make money" out of xubuntu, we will get some free stickers for the team instead10:40
slickymasterWorkknome, pleia2, http://desktoplinuxreviews.com/xubuntu-reviews/xubuntu-14-04-lts/ <- not sure if you already knew about this review10:47
knomeslickymasterWork, i read it yesterday10:47
knomewhat is?11:07
brainwashis bug 1314153 a "won't fix" candidate?13:07
ubottubug 1314153 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "XUbuntu reinstalls all default packages on release update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131415313:07
knomenot really... i think it's something to fix13:08
knomethe problem is that it's not xubuntu-desktop that pulls in those packages13:09
knomehaving xubuntu-default-settings reinstalls abiword and gnumeric13:09
knomeimo that's a bug13:09
brainwashah I see13:09
knome(i didn't look at the bug itself, but i know what i said is true)13:09
brainwashso I'll just ignore this report13:11
knomewell i just updated it13:11
brainwashgreat :)13:11
knomeerr, boo for the order of importance statuses13:12
knomeset to confirmed/low13:12
elfyhi GridCube 13:45
GridCube:) hi elfy 13:45
elfyGridCube: so I have a task for someone :)13:50
elfybit boring though ... I'd love to know what version apps we have for testcases - at present there is no version control on that13:50
GridCubehow would i do that?13:52
elfythere is a pad linked to from the package test groups card - the info could go on that13:52
elfyget the version of say terminal - add it to the pad13:53
elfygoing to talk to balloons about this later - I'd like to have an app's version referenced on the testcase - so we know where we are if things change13:53
pleia2slickymasterWork: thanks, it's on my list to create the new Press page for 14.04, but I'm traveling this week so it keeps getting bumped, hopefully if today goes as planned I'll get it up today :)14:02
elfyo/ pleia2 14:03
pleia2hey elfy o/14:03
knomepleia2, well actually the infrastructure is already updated, you only need to drop in links now14:03
pleia2knome: oh, thanks :)14:04
pleia2Permanently delete task 28 'create 1404 press page for xubuntu'? (yes/no) yes14:04
elfyknome: hi :)14:04
knomehey elfy 14:04
elfyknome: when you've got some time to spare let me know 14:06
knomenow would be it14:07
elfymulling over the large groups of tests we have in some of our testsuites - and the resulting lump of time we end up asking our testers to give us14:08
knomewhat kind of input would you like to have? :)14:08
elfyis what I was playing with14:08
elfymuch smaller groups - 9 of them - call one very 2 weeks - gives us 6 weeks in the cycle free of package calls14:09
elfywas my thinking14:09
elfy"this might be merged" is all well and good - but it's not at the moment - so I have to test with what I've got in images 14:12
elfysame with 'do we keep shipping' :)14:12
knomejust fyi and that it doesn't come as a surprise14:12
elfymmm - thanks - I guess perhaps there are some specific channels and/or mailing lists it might be useful for me to be in/read14:13
knomei guess #xfce-dev, but don't feel obliged to14:13
knomea lot of it is irrelevant to you14:13
elfyare there public logs?14:13
elfyif there are I could just skim look there 14:14
knomegood question14:14
elfyknome: so other than the fact that some things 'might' change - do you see an issue with changing testsuites about for unicorn?14:15
knomei don't think there is14:15
knomeno, but looking at the list, might want to group media/docs14:15
knomeand not sure about mugshot/menulibre14:16
elfyyep - that makes sense14:16
knomemenulibre could be in the new "apps" bunch (with media/docs)14:16
knomemugshot and whiskermenu... don't really know, they are pretty different from gtk3 indicators and light-locker14:16
knomethough i guess it doesn't matter if we just want to split the testing to some even groups14:17
elfyyea - I don't the 'grouping' itself is too much of an issue14:17
knomealso thinking if it made more sense to make a few optional testsuites14:18
knomefor example, accessories only has one non-optional item14:18
elfythat's a good idea 14:18
elfyI'll play with that 14:18
knomeso maybe consider grouping the optional testcases first14:18
knomethen see what's left14:18
knomeand try to make even groups14:18
knomecould even mix up them completely14:19
elfymain thing I want is to be ready for when packages.qa is up14:19
elfyyep - I'll look at that now 14:19
knomeeg. try to only have one "bigger" application in a group14:19
knomeso the testing isn't too unbalanced14:19
knomefortunately we can create as many testsuites we want14:20
knomeso we can play around and improve as needed14:20
elfyknome: that's mad - I wonder why that lump of appearances is still sitting in the settings manager testcaase14:32
elfybug 1314222 :)14:35
ubottubug 1314222 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Xubuntu Settings Manager includes appearance test" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131422214:35
elfyknome: alternatively we could not use testsuites and just have the tests on the tracker seperately - (not the optional one) then just call from a list 15:35
elfyyou seem as enthralled by that as me :p15:43
elfyI've fiddled about with the pad - I'm leaving it now for a day 15:44
slickymasterWorkknome, you around?16:55
Logan_Unit193: did you get someone to look at your update?18:15
knomeslickymaster, now i am18:18
elfyslickymaster Unit193 lderan - can you look at http://pad.ubuntu.com/5opi9dQG5e - we need to amalgamate the top 9 groups a bit more - but I want someone else to look - thanks19:36
ochosii hope you don't mind that i keep advertising your PPA with the powerman patch to potential testers ;)22:04
brainwashit does not fix the problem for elfy... so I don't feel like spreading the word myself to get more testers :P22:08
ochosiyeah, i understand22:11
ochosiit's just so hard to believe for me that i can't stop spreading the word :p22:11
brainwashthis problem is really annoying, it's all about the right timing22:12
brainwashor implementing a proper solution22:12
ochosiyup, proper solution seems a bit out of reach for 14.04 though22:13
brainwashit would involve xfpm, ll and maybe the greeter (blank timings)22:14
brainwashso meh22:15
Unit193Logan_: I hadn't pushed for it.22:15
ochosibrainwash: exactly. proper solution in some future release, patch-up for 14.0422:16
Logan_Unit193: but pushing is how you succeed!22:16
Unit193Logan_: But I've already had it locally since the beginning of saucy. :D22:22
amigamagicochosi are you there?22:25
amigamagicsome theme expert here? knome?22:31
ochosiamigamagic: what's up?22:31
amigamagicochosi, wait I'll post a screenshot so you can view my problem22:32
amigamagicochosi, http://oi57.tinypic.com/35hle8z.jpg22:34
amigamagicI'm trying to make a blue border around the active windows from greybird theme22:35
amigamagicso I copied the border image files from kokodi theme22:35
amigamagicto the greybird theme folder22:36
amigamagicbut I have big troubles in modifying the xpm files of the top borders22:36
ochosihow are you having troubles?22:36
ochosi1) just use gimp and 2) remove the png files for starters22:36
amigamagicwhen I open them with the gimp and resave them without changing nothing, they will change!22:37
amigamagicit's like they have an alpha channel that gimp doesn't recognize22:37
ochosino, but some of them pick up theme colors22:37
ochosiyou can see when you edit them with a text editor22:37
ochosibut as long as you don't want to do that, just create a theme with absolute colors with gimp22:37
amigamagicyou think that's normal that if I open the file top-left-active.xpm (from Kokodi theme) and resave it with gimp, without change nothing, it will be messed up?22:38
amigamagicnow I'll post another screenshot of the difference before and after the resaving with gimp...22:39
ochosii already told you22:40
knomeamigamagic, please don't ping specific people unless you really need to talk with them please22:40
brainwashI tried to work on the invisible border patch for xfwm4 today.. and gave up after 5min22:40
amigamagicknome, I needed to talk with him :P22:41
knomebut not me.22:41
amigamagicsorry, but I thought you too could explain this thing to me22:41
amigamagicochosi, here is the screenshot of my top left border after the resaving with gimp: http://oi58.tinypic.com/2a6m32d.jpg22:42
amigamagicbasically, I would like to have a blue little border around all the window (starting from the greybird theme)22:43
ochosithen just replace the few pixels you need to replace in a text-editor in greybird22:43
amigamagicfrom the xpm file, you mean?22:44
amigamagicok, I will try that, thanks22:44
amigamagicthanks ochosi, changing the xpm file with a text editor works... It's a little tedious, but it works...23:06
Unit193Logan_: Were you perhaps interested in taking a look or should I head to -motu?23:10
bluesabreknome: are you around?23:35
bluesabrewant to do me a favor?23:45
knometell me what it would be and i'll consider ;)23:46
bluesabretough customer23:46
bluesabreknome: can you verify the fix here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/menulibre/+bug/131327623:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1313276 in MenuLibre "Crash of Menulibre and Alacarte due to conflict in xfce-applications.menu" [Undecided,New]23:47
knomeoh bah ;)23:48
knomegive me anything from 5mins to 30mins23:48
knomeand i'll go and verify it23:48
bluesabreI'm trying to figure out where the duplication is coming from23:49
bluesabrethink I have narrowed it down23:49
bluesabreand when you do try that, let me know23:54
bluesabreI have a little debug code I want you to try23:54

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