
=== BasicMBP is now known as BasicOSX
m_tadeuhi....is there a way to tell the last successfull pull date?10:59
LeoNerdIt's not stored as such, but you could probably bound it by the timestamp of the most recent commit, combined with the mtimes of files in the .bzr directory11:05
m_tadeuLeoNerd: thanx12:17
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zygahey, fastimport.helpers lost binary_stream() and now bzrlib-fastimport doesn't work18:44
zygaanyone knows where the code in question (binary_stream) went to?18:54
zygajelmer: ping19:00
zygajelmer: python-fastimport, there's no tag for the 0.9.2 release19:00
zygajelmer: and I need some help (if you have a moment)19:01
zygajelmer: I'm trying to solve bug 131477119:01
zygajelmer: I'm trying to figure out where binary_stream() function moved to and at least patch my local environment to work around that19:01
* jelmer waves20:26
jelmerzyga: why do you want 0.9.2 rather than 0.9.3 ?20:26
zygajelmer: hey20:29
zygajelmer: have a look at the bug I linked to20:29
zygajelmer: I sent a debdiff there20:29
zygajelmer: I don't know where that missing code should move to but without it utopic is broken20:29
zygajelmer: can you advise?20:29
jelmerzyga: what is utopic?20:30
jelmerzyga: this code really belongs in bzr-fastimport, not python-fastimport20:30
jelmerit's generic code, not related to fastimport and not used by python-fastimport itself20:31
zygajelmer: ubuntu 14.10 (or debian sid), the 0.9.3 release broke bzr-fastimport (trunk and any released version)20:35
zygajelmer: sure, do you know the upstream of bzr-fastimport that could move those functions there/20:36
jelmerzyga: ah, right20:36
zygajelmer: or anything else that rdepends on fastimport and might have called them20:36
jelmerzyga: bzr-fastimport is here: http://launchpad.net/bzr-fastimport20:36
jelmerzyga: I'd be surprised if anything else uses those functions20:38
jelmer(and I didn't realize bzr-fastimport didn't have its own copies of them)20:39
zygajelmer: I'm not a commiter there and you seem to be a part of project maintainers20:39
zygajelmer: can you just copy those and release a new version? We'll get it packaged and release to fix everyone20:39
SamBhmm, do "just" and "release a new version" really belong in the same sentence?20:40
jelmerzyga: sorry, I'm no longer a committer on bzr-fastimport20:40
jelmerzyga: (no longer have commit access)20:40
zygajelmer: I see, thanks20:40
jelmerhmm, actually.. I do20:40
zygaI need to grab anyone from https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+members#active20:40
jelmerzyga: happy to merge mps to fix this20:41
zygajelmer: to what? to bzr-fastimport?20:41
jelmerI left some bzr groups because they were too spammy20:41
jelmerbut apparently not ~bzr-fastimport20:41
jelmerzyga: sorry, nevermind20:42
jelmerconfusingly lp:bzr-fastimport is nowadays owned by ~bzr, not ~bzr-fastimport20:42
zygaI just looked at that20:42
jelmerzyga: anybody from that group will do, proposing a merge should get their attention20:45
zygajelmer: thanks20:46

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