mgz | menn0: plz review! :) | 01:47 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
=== murga__ is now known as psivaa__ | ||
bodie_ | why do documents in the state/state.go State struct need a handle back to the State? | 16:51 |
bodie_ | er.... not documents, types. such as state.Settings | 16:52 |
bodie_ | which wrap documents | 16:52 |
=== negronjl is now known as negronjl-afk | ||
bodie_ | is it necessary to use the state runner.txn stuff if I'm updating a document that no other code will touch? | 18:46 |
bodie_ | (state/state.go) | 18:46 |
bodie_ | I guess it's probably necessary to avoid collision with other transactions | 18:47 |
mgz | dimitern: | 19:18 |
davecheney | REMOVE ALL THE SAFTY CHECKS! | 21:06 |
davecheney | ) % juju destroy-environment -y $(juju switch) | 21:06 |
jpds | davecheney: Good. ⌤ | 21:13 |
davecheney | | 22:03 |
_mup_ | Bug #1305386: state/apiserver: multiple data races <juju-core:Triaged> <mgo:New> <> | 22:03 |
davecheney | Bug: | 22:22 |
davecheney | error: ERROR: Failed to update bug task: Server returned 400 and body: milestone_link: Constraint not satisfied | 22:22 |
davecheney | Wheee! | 22:22 |
mgz | perrito666: nova/api/openstack/ from | 23:09 |
mgz | menn0: is your branch with more comment fixes up somewhere? | 23:11 |
menn0 | mgz: not yet. i'm seeing a unit test failing consistently on my machine. Unlikely to be related to my change but I'd like to see a clean run before submitting for review just in case. | 23:12 |
mgz | menn0: what's the failure? | 23:15 |
menn0 | mgz: it's a uniter test: TestUniterUpgradeConflicts | 23:15 |
perrito666 | mgz: just to recap, you need a function that can give you the json encoded version of an error, shouldn't this be a method from the errtype? | 23:19 |
mgz | menn0: that one does pass for me: | 23:20 |
mgz | $ (cd worker/uniter&&go test -gocheck.v -gocheck.f=TestUniterUpgradeConflicts) | 23:20 |
mgz | PASS: uniter_test.go:998: UniterSuite.TestUniterUpgradeConflicts6.855s | 23:20 |
mgz | OK: 1 passed | 23:20 |
mgz | PASS | 23:20 |
mgz | ok | 23:20 |
mgz | perrito666: the argument for it not being a method, is we want it to handle errors of other types | 23:21 |
mgz | as in, try casting to our type of error, and use the code/Name()/message if so | 23:21 |
menn0 | mgz: i've just tried with trunk and it still fails consistently for me | 23:21 |
mgz | if not, the code is 500 and the json we generate with the error string | 23:21 |
perrito666 | mgz: I see, where do you want that ? | 23:21 |
mgz | menn0: it's likely something environmental, can you `... 2>&1|pastebinit`? | 23:22 |
mgz | perrito666: probably novaservice for now | 23:22 |
menn0 | mgz: the output is pretty huge: | 23:24 |
mgz | menn0: it's a lovely test | 23:26 |
menn0 | failure is here: uniter_test.go:1813 | 23:26 |
menn0 | mgz: that's one word for it | 23:27 |
mgz | menn0: failure is from l969 in the file really | 23:29 |
mgz | why that charm is on rev1 rather than rev2 is an open question | 23:30 |
menn0 | mgz: looks like Ian and Will have their names all over this file. Ian said he'll help me debug this later on. | 23:34 |
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