
bacjcsackett: ping16:14
bacjujugui can someone near jcsackett poke him?16:16
lazyPowerjcsackett: I'm silly. I pulled my workspace from home and re-deployed and I must have remembered incorrectly. I saw the same behavior peter demonstrated.18:06
lazyPowerso, apologies for the false positive. 18:06
jcsackettlazyPower: all good. i'm actually a little relieved that it doesn't work, since that at least comports with my notion of reality. :p18:31
bacjcsackett: cw review? https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/charmworld/add-annotations-back/+merge/217823  old school.20:56
jcsackettbac: lgtm, with one idea for a slightly cleaner approach to checking extra_data.21:01
bacthanks jcsackett. nice suggestion21:16
bacjcsackett: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1BenQuD_mN-OotNE84_Axt_mWuCS76no1EsuFwvuZE-M/edit#22:16

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