=== kubotu_ is now known as kubotu | ||
ScottK | Riddell: What's your opinion on the KF5 release strategy? | 02:49 |
ScottK | apachelogger: What time zone am I seeing Doodle options in? It starts a 1600. | 03:29 |
jussi | apachelogger: I discovered the issue with my powermanagent, and youll be thankful to know it was not software related... | 05:49 |
jussi | (it helps to use the correct 90W power adapter, not the 65W one from the other dell... :/ ) | 05:50 |
apachelogger | ScottK: > The first time slot available should be 16:00 UTC [2] and the last21:00 UTC [3]. | 07:19 |
apachelogger | jussi: does that affect the governors though Oo? | 07:20 |
jussi | apachelogger: yes, it does. | 07:21 |
jussi | from cpufreq-info: | 07:21 |
jussi | available cpufreq governors: conservative, ondemand, userspace, powersave, performance | 07:21 |
jussi | current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 2.54 GHz. | 07:21 |
jussi | The governor "ondemand" may decide which speed to use | 07:21 |
jussi | within this range. | 07:21 |
jussi | current CPU frequency is 2.54 GHz. | 07:21 |
apachelogger | jussi: at /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor | 07:22 |
apachelogger | jussi: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor | 07:22 |
jussi | jussi@Constellation:~$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor | 07:22 |
jussi | ondemand | 07:22 |
jussi | ondemand | 07:22 |
apachelogger | spooky | 07:22 |
apachelogger | very very very spooky | 07:22 |
jussi | apachelogger: I plan to do a complete reinstall and see if it still happens, just to make certain my meddling didnt do somethign strange. I will inform you after that... | 07:24 |
apachelogger | I'd rather have your meddling did affect it :P | 07:24 |
apachelogger | otherwise it would raise more question than it answers ;) | 07:25 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: re dep3 .... I am reasonable certain python has an rfc 2822 parser | 07:25 |
jussi | apachelogger: yes, exactly. but the way to find out if it was my meddling or not is to do the clean install | 07:25 |
apachelogger | that's half the work right there | 07:25 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 07:29 |
valorie | ovidiu-florin: congratulations! | 07:29 |
ovidiu-florin | thank you valorie | 07:29 |
valorie | are you taking a fun wedding trip after? | 07:31 |
yofel | apachelogger, jussi: FWIW, I have a Tinkpad Edge here at work which is shipped with a 65W adapter... which doesn't give enough power to run the system at full power AND charge the battery. | 07:48 |
yofel | So unless I use a 90W adapter I get my CPU downclocked as well while the battery is charging | 07:48 |
yofel | ovidiu-florin: congratulations! :) | 07:48 |
jussi | yofel: thanks, sounds familiar | 07:48 |
apachelogger | nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | 07:48 |
apachelogger | now I am wondering what is making it do that | 07:49 |
* apachelogger shakes fist and runs away crying | 07:49 | |
yofel | ^^ | 07:49 |
ovidiu-florin | yofel: thanks | 07:49 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: I do not see bug 1267765 fixed | 08:02 |
ubottu | bug 1267765 in kdesudo (Ubuntu) "kdesudo not localized" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1267765 | 08:02 |
apachelogger | dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern *kdesudo.mo* | 08:03 |
apachelogger | Riddell: are you going to move kdesudo upstream? | 08:03 |
apachelogger | it's not maintained really | 08:04 |
Riddell | apachelogger: yes I've been pondering it | 08:31 |
Riddell | ScottK: shrug, I think it's a reasonable strategy to make for them and while it means we might ship with something which is soon considered out of date it's only because we've been spoilt with a 6 month cycle that mostly matches our own that we don't normally have many of those issues | 08:32 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: re 1267765 , ask pitti? | 09:14 |
Riddell | Elv1313: sflphone got into updates https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sflphone/ | 09:14 |
apachelogger | well, I did not mark the kdesudo task released when clearly it aint? :P | 09:14 |
* apachelogger wonders how the flip kubotu is started | 09:27 | |
apachelogger | tsimpson, jussi: do you remember how we start kubotu? it's parent appears to be init but I can't find any reference to it in /etc :S | 09:38 |
jussi | apachelogger: no idea about kubotu, however, with ubottu she is started from her own config files directory | 09:40 |
apachelogger | but how | 09:42 |
apachelogger | something needs to call something to start something xD | 09:42 |
jussi | tsimpson: will likely have a better picture at the moment than I do | 09:43 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: are you planning to do anything with the telepathy packages in staging PPA for precise? https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+packages?field.name_filter=telep&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=precise | 10:51 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning | 11:17 |
tsimpson | apachelogger: the server was last rebooted on the 17 and I started all the bots after that (via nohup) | 12:28 |
apachelogger | ahhh, that explains it suppose | 12:31 |
sgclark | Some of the build fails in precise require libkolab > 5.0 anyone working on that or can I backport kolab? | 13:09 |
sgclark | Riddell: ^ | 13:09 |
Riddell | sgclark: which ones? | 13:10 |
sgclark | Riddell: PIM | 13:10 |
sgclark | related | 13:11 |
sgclark | https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+build/5963713/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.kdepim-runtime_4%3A4.13.0-0ubuntu1%7Eubuntu12.04%7Eppa4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 13:11 |
Riddell | sgclark: mm yes do backport those I guess libkolab and libkolabxml | 13:12 |
sgclark | Riddell: super, on it | 13:12 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: pft, this is the output from the RFC2822 parser http://paste.kde.org/piseyuq6h | 13:53 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: subject needs special parsing | 13:53 |
apachelogger | I am just syaing, rfc 2822 provides a base to work with | 13:54 |
apachelogger | in fact I think only subject/description need different handling anyway since they can be pretty lax multi-line form | 13:54 |
shadeslayer | well, Bug too as you can see from my paste | 13:54 |
apachelogger | no | 13:54 |
shadeslayer | well, it doesn't work :) | 13:55 |
apachelogger | rfc2822 doesn't manage to parse this version of subject/descirption so it reads too far and assumes bug is part o fit | 13:55 |
shadeslayer | uhm I think it reads too little actually | 13:56 |
apachelogger | alas, it appears to me that the python rfc2822 parser might be a bit silly because I don't think that would happen with strict parsing | 13:56 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: anything is possible | 13:56 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/pffkdktoy | 13:56 |
apachelogger | if dep3 was the same as rfc2822 it would be called rfc2822 :P | 13:56 |
sgclark | Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7366549/ | 14:12 |
Riddell | hmm, python foo | 14:12 |
Riddell | sgclark: that libkolab or libkolabxml? | 14:13 |
sgclark | libkolabxml | 14:13 |
sgclark | also had to disable tests to get this far | 14:13 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: Hm, then what do you propose? I can't see a way to specify to the email feedparser that it should parse Subject specially | 14:15 |
Riddell | sgclark: investigating.. | 14:16 |
sgclark | Riddell: thank you! | 14:16 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: fork it | 14:27 |
shadeslayer | pfsth | 14:27 |
apachelogger | you take an existing rfc2822 parser and adjust it to parse dep3 | 14:27 |
shadeslayer | okay | 14:27 |
apachelogger | which will probably mean special handling for subject and adding a bunch of aliasing features as fields in dep3 can have multiple denotations | 14:28 |
shadeslayer | aliasing features? | 14:28 |
apachelogger | subjection may be subject|description | 14:30 |
apachelogger | forwarded I think also can have more than one field label | 14:30 |
shadeslayer | ah right | 14:30 |
shadeslayer | i shall do the forkery on Friday | 14:30 |
shadeslayer | though I still think my parser is good enough :P | 14:31 |
apachelogger | it's shit. | 14:33 |
Riddell | sgclark: I can't recreate that error in my chroot, build fine | 14:35 |
Riddell | saying "W: dh_python2:427: public extension linked with libpython2.7: _kolabformat.so" | 14:36 |
Riddell | sgclark: so not sure, maybe you have some python3 stuff installed that's confusing it | 14:36 |
Riddell | sgclark: I'll upload libkolabxml to the staging PPA and see what happens | 14:36 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: good enough for our branches xD | 14:37 |
sgclark | Riddell: ok ty | 14:39 |
Riddell | sgclark: uploaded, looks like kdepim-runtime is the last one it's worth fixing so do give libkolab a try | 14:42 |
sgclark | Riddell: will do | 14:42 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: the branches where maybe 10% of patches are dep3d? I am not sure that assertion will hold should that value rise :P | 14:43 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: any SRU's that need verification? | 15:14 |
apachelogger | pam-kwallet but I don't think that one is in yet | 15:14 |
apachelogger | other than that I only have the qt a11y on my board | 15:14 |
apachelogger | alas, I am being lazy and haven't actually read the comments since last week | 15:15 |
shadeslayer | much slow | 15:15 |
Riddell | apachelogger: qt! | 15:15 |
sgclark | Riddell: libkolab https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p8hlhv9lztlyyjl/4RjZyLGlfY/kubuntu-files , seems my PPA is full after removing all the calligra stuff, needs time | 15:37 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: ping | 15:42 |
Riddell | I wonder when someone will make an shlibs type system for qml, would make packaging it far more reliable | 15:44 |
Riddell | sgclark: uploaded! | 15:46 |
sgclark | Riddell: ty. python 3.2 snuck onto my chroot and was the issue, fixed now though | 15:47 |
Riddell | sgclark: how annoying, it still shouldn't get confused during the build | 15:47 |
ScottK | Riddell: it is increasingly my opinion that upstream isn't concerned about distros. We're apparently primarily a nuisance. | 16:09 |
Riddell | ScottK: I think supporting stable releases is something that open source projects generally do badly, they just happen to be accepting it which may not be a great solution to us. but it's a bit like how we're bad at doing QA on LTS releases and nobody in the community sets up automated QA | 16:16 |
ScottK | I think they were doing okay on KDE4. | 16:18 |
ScottK | Gotta go. | 16:19 |
sgclark | Riddell: tried to patch i386 pkgkde-symbolshelper: error: no valid patches found | 16:24 |
sgclark | Riddell: libkolab recreated symbols https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p8hlhv9lztlyyjl/4RjZyLGlfY/kubuntu-files | 17:07 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: oui? | 17:40 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: meh nvm | 20:23 |
jarkko | how to prevent baloo running? | 20:47 |
shadeslayer | jarkko: add your home dir to the list of non indexable folders in the KCM | 20:47 |
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