ahayzen | elopio, 'bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "Cannot create 'staging'. Only Bazaar branches are allowed."' | 00:20 |
elopio | ahayzen: hum, can you do an empty commit to kick jenkins? | 00:21 |
ahayzen | elopio, cool | 00:21 |
elopio | that would be easier than understand the arguments on the jenkins job. | 00:21 |
ahayzen | elopio, i've just pushed one | 00:23 |
elopio | that should do the trick, I hope. | 00:23 |
ahayzen | elopio, but do my branches get CI as i'm not in the sdk team? | 00:23 |
elopio | otherwise, I'll ask ci. | 00:23 |
ahayzen | elopio, usually t 1mp runs it for me | 00:23 |
elopio | ahayzen: they should, yes. I'm not on the sdk either. | 00:23 |
elopio | and my MPs get the jenkins run. | 00:25 |
elopio | unless it checks a different team. | 00:25 |
elopio | ahayzen: how do I tell it to fill all the anchors except the top? | 00:25 |
elopio | I would like to put a label on top of the flickable. | 00:25 |
elopio | before the flickable. | 00:25 |
ahayzen | elopio, erm can u like scroll it down? | 00:26 |
ahayzen | elopio, like add contentY: topLabel.height | 00:26 |
elopio | I think that's not what I want | 00:27 |
elopio | I want inside the main view a label, and a flickable | 00:27 |
elopio | and inside the flickable, two labels, one on top and one on bottom. | 00:27 |
ahayzen | elopio, so the first label would be static? | 00:27 |
elopio | yes, always on top. | 00:28 |
ahayzen | elopio, something like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7362887/ | 00:29 |
ahayzen | brb | 00:30 |
elopio | perfect :) | 00:34 |
ahayzen | elopio, awesome :) | 00:45 |
elopio | ahayzen: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/swipe_into_view/+merge/217696 | 00:46 |
elopio | thanks to you, it's now done. | 00:47 |
ahayzen | elopio, ah cool :) just let me know if u get into QML issues ;) | 00:48 |
elopio | oh, I will :) | 00:48 |
ahayzen | hah | 00:48 |
* ahayzen wonders wht he has just let himself into | 00:48 | |
ahayzen | elopio, do we know if jenkins is running on my branch? | 00:49 |
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Aki-Thinkpad | hey anyone know off the top of their head, whether it is straightforward to get a keyboard key to correspond to a qml button? | 03:37 |
Aki-Thinkpad | Or will I have to do some backend work with signals and slots? | 03:37 |
justCarakas | good morning | 06:52 |
dholbach | good morning | 06:56 |
Aki-Thinkpad | good morning | 07:29 |
Aki-Thinkpad | mmmm, I am thinking the first soundboard app should be a RMS soundboard | 07:37 |
Aki-Thinkpad | "Negative in the freedom dimension" | 07:37 |
Aki-Thinkpad | heh; I should make all the audio files drm | 07:37 |
Aki-Thinkpad | and close the source | 07:37 |
justCarakas | Goodmorning Aki-Thinkpad | 07:42 |
Aki-Thinkpad | justCarakas, heya | 07:42 |
Aki-Thinkpad | justCarakas, got a question. in QML, lets say I am trying to execute multiple property changes when a button is pressed. | 07:43 |
Aki-Thinkpad | which seperator do I use ? The comma? The &&? The +? | 07:43 |
Aki-Thinkpad | They have all some times worked, but othertimes it has been giving me troubles. | 07:44 |
justCarakas | Aki-Thinkpad: dunno, I still have to start learning QML | 07:44 |
Aki-Thinkpad | justCarakas, it feels like a ducktail platypus language. | 07:44 |
popey | alex_abreu: you know we already have an RMS soundboard..? | 07:45 |
Aki-Thinkpad | popey, misfire | 07:45 |
popey | oops | 07:45 |
Aki-Thinkpad | but that is really funny | 07:45 |
Aki-Thinkpad | At this point, my program is done; I am just trying to clean up my code, such as seperating my components and eliminating redundancy... it is actually quite difficult. | 07:46 |
justCarakas | nice | 07:46 |
justCarakas | Looking forward to try it out Aki-Thinkpad | 07:47 |
Aki-Thinkpad | justCarakas, well I still have to package it, which I have never done :/ | 07:47 |
justCarakas | I found it rather simple with my HTML5 app using the SDK | 07:48 |
popey | Aki-Thinkpad: http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-03-17-114909.png | 07:49 |
Aki-Thinkpad | oh my... | 07:50 |
Aki-Thinkpad | Stallman would make a pretty decent santa clause | 07:50 |
popey | GNU/HO GNU/HO GNU/HO! | 07:53 |
Aki-Thinkpad | ha ha ha | 07:53 |
justCarakas | hahaha | 07:53 |
Aki-Thinkpad | Ah forgot to put in em square brackets | 08:02 |
Aki-Thinkpad | confusion === over | 08:02 |
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DanChapman | Good Morning | 08:29 |
mihir | popey: ping !! | 08:29 |
popey | mihir: PONG! | 08:29 |
popey | hi DanChapman | 08:29 |
mihir | popey: how are you? | 08:29 |
mihir | popey: there are some issues with EDS version , so Victor is not able to test in his device , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/limitFunctionality/+merge/211536 | 08:30 |
popey | great! | 08:30 |
popey | ok, will take a look in a moment | 08:30 |
mihir | i don't know what is wrong with it, some of the functionalities are not working now which were working previously. | 08:30 |
mihir | popey: also we are facing this bug , not sure it is exists or not , https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1314483 | 08:30 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 1314483 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Unable to edit & update the existing event." [Undecided,New] | 08:30 |
popey | t1mp: is https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-002/+merge/217338 on your list to review? It's blocking one of our music merges. | 09:20 |
t1mp | popey: it was some time ago, but we had unexplained gallery-app autopilot failures because of that | 09:35 |
t1mp | popey: no not gallery-app. that was a diffferent MR.. but something was failing :s | 09:36 |
t1mp | popey: anyway, I think that got resolved, so it just needed to be resubmitted for merging to staging | 09:36 |
dpm | t1mp, it seems it has already been resubmitted? | 09:39 |
dpm | against staging | 09:40 |
popey | indeed | 09:40 |
t1mp | popey, dpm yes, that's why I said "needed" :) I happroved this one | 09:40 |
* dpm high-fives t1mp and popey | 09:41 | |
t1mp | popey, dpm if all goes well it lands in staging today, and in our trunk+image after our next landing (which is having some problems now) | 09:41 |
dpm | excellent | 09:41 |
popey | \o/ | 09:41 |
dpm | popey, oh, the graphs in stock ticker now work for me. I just had to delete the data and readd a new stock | 09:43 |
popey | interesting | 09:44 |
dpm | well, they kind of work | 09:44 |
dpm | at some point they end up going blank again :/ | 09:44 |
dpm | popey, oh, here's also a low-hanging-fruit one to review if you want to have a look, but I cannot do it on my desktop, as mediascanner (and thus Music) crashes with my music collection -> https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/1314449-theme-icons/+merge/217709 | 09:48 |
popey | dpm: you can't run music app on desktop!? | 09:49 |
popey | is this a locale thing? | 09:49 |
popey | or just crap taste in music? ☻ | 09:49 |
dpm | probably the latter :) | 09:49 |
popey | maybe delete the mediascanner database and re-run? | 09:50 |
dpm | popey, I tried that but no joy it's a mediascanner 1.0 thing. I filed a bug about it and poked the mediascanner devs, but the answer (in my own translation) was "mediascanner 1.0 is dead to us" | 09:51 |
popey | delightful | 09:52 |
mihir | popey: can we push latest merges of calculator to the store? | 09:58 |
popey | mihir: we can. I will set aside some time a bit later today to push all the apps. | 09:58 |
mihir | popey: okay :) thanks! | 09:59 |
nerochiaro | fginther: when you have a bit of time can you please have a look at this https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/camera-app/camera-app-record-theora/+merge/217636 and let me know why do you think tests fail on otto ? the changes i made have nothing to do with the AP failures i see | 10:03 |
Aki-Thinkpad | woah, firefox looks kinda nice | 10:13 |
Aki-Thinkpad | and woah, the "Browser" works for the hud. wonder if ff is going to stick around in 14.10 | 10:14 |
popey | zbenjamin: having trouble with qtcreator.. i loaded a branch and pressed ctrl+r, it says "could not connect to host: server key rejected" | 10:42 |
zbenjamin | popey: is your device connected and green? | 10:42 |
zbenjamin | popey: you can try to press refresh on the devices page | 10:42 |
popey | green? | 10:42 |
zbenjamin | popey: if a Kit with a device is selected there should be a small red/yellow/green circle in the icon over the run button | 10:43 |
zbenjamin | popey: it tells you if your device is ready | 10:43 |
popey | orange | 10:43 |
popey | what does that indicate? | 10:43 |
popey | i have tried unplugging and replugging and redetecting | 10:43 |
popey | it sees the device | 10:44 |
zbenjamin | popey: that means its connected but not ready | 10:44 |
popey | what makes it "ready"? | 10:44 |
zbenjamin | popey: what does the log say? | 10:44 |
dpm | popey, in case it all fails, I had a similar problem, and I could only fix it by deleting all "Ubuntu Device" devices in Options > Devices | 10:45 |
popey | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7365453/ | 10:45 |
popey | aha | 10:45 |
popey | i had 3 in there | 10:45 |
popey | deleted two, 3rd was green | 10:46 |
popey | same error | 10:46 |
zbenjamin | popey: did you have 3 different devices? (emulators included) | 10:46 |
popey | but i have a green blob now | 10:46 |
popey | i had 3 devices | 10:46 |
zbenjamin | popey: weird, can you please try to unplug the device and remove it from the options page as well, it should be readded when you attach it again | 10:47 |
zbenjamin | i wonder what goes wrong there | 10:47 |
popey | ok | 10:47 |
zbenjamin | wrong key somehow | 10:47 |
popey | its bitching my device has no network | 10:48 |
zbenjamin | popey: wait a few secs | 10:48 |
zbenjamin | popey: or did it popup a dialog asking for root password? | 10:48 |
popey | nope | 10:48 |
popey | zbenjamin: https://imgur.com/U0JVwxg | 10:49 |
zbenjamin | popey: refresh, if that does not help reboot the device, i had a problem before that the network was not detected correctly and rebooting the device fixed it | 10:50 |
zbenjamin | popey: ADB is very flaky thats why the detection sometimes fails :/ | 10:51 |
popey | Hit refresh, now it says "no devices detected" ☹ | 10:51 |
* zbenjamin wonders why those bugs do not happen for him | 10:51 | |
popey | i have 3 devices, if that matters | 10:51 |
zbenjamin | popey: should not, it should work to have multiple devices attached | 10:51 |
zbenjamin | dpm: didn't we have the same problem that it was saying "No devices detected"? | 10:52 |
dpm | zbenjamin, indeed, that's what I was mentioning above ^: the only thing that solved it for me was to delete the devices in QtC, restart it and reattach my device | 10:53 |
* popey tries this | 10:54 | |
popey | zbenjamin: happy to share my screen over hangout if that's useful? | 10:54 |
popey | if you want to debug | 10:54 |
zbenjamin | popey: they problem is adb here :/ sometimes it just does not work correctly. And its even worse when a emulator is started | 10:54 |
popey | ☹ | 10:55 |
zbenjamin | popey: for example no device detected comes directly when calling adb, if you did not restart you can check what the log says | 10:55 |
zbenjamin | popey: not the one from the device but the main log | 10:55 |
popey | well, adb devices in a shell shows it | 10:56 |
popey | Detecting device.. | 10:56 |
popey | 04c770facfe7991f device usb:1-1.1.3 product:occam model:Nexus_4 device:mako | 10:56 |
popey | * there is no device connected. | 10:56 |
popey | thats from the log | 10:56 |
popey | it lies ☻ | 10:56 |
zbenjamin | i need to check that out , maybe some weird character | 10:57 |
zbenjamin | popey: try the remove -> restart -> attach thing | 10:58 |
popey | ok | 10:58 |
popey | zbenjamin: https://imgur.com/uTkhhO2,RykGET7 | 10:59 |
popey | two screenshots | 10:59 |
popey | blank | 10:59 |
zbenjamin | argh | 11:00 |
zbenjamin | what happens if you run adb devices -l in the shell? | 11:00 |
popey | there was nothing to remove, i unplugged, restarted qtc, waited and attached | 11:00 |
popey | 04c770facfe7991f device usb:1-1.1.3 product:occam model:Nexus_4 device:mako | 11:00 |
zbenjamin | and it did not add you a new device? | 11:00 |
popey | correct | 11:01 |
zbenjamin | you have to remove the device from options -> devices in QtC even if its not shown | 11:01 |
popey | i suspect when i plug in, its too quick | 11:01 |
zbenjamin | the devices are picked up from udev | 11:01 |
popey | i see no devices | 11:01 |
popey | loldev | 11:01 |
zbenjamin | refresh also does not help? | 11:01 |
popey | what refresh button? | 11:03 |
popey | its all blank | 11:03 |
popey | started qtc from command line... http://paste.ubuntu.com/7365565/ | 11:04 |
zbenjamin | popey: wth, you sure there is nothing but the Desktop Device registered? I remember we had the same problem before | 11:07 |
popey | yes | 11:07 |
popey | zbenjamin: https://imgur.com/4BGyztc | 11:08 |
popey | if i click that drop down there is nothing but that one line in it | 11:08 |
popey | I would screenshot that but lolXorg | 11:08 |
nerochiaro | fginther: nevermind my previous comment, I found out that someone had left these tests broken from a previous commit | 11:09 |
zbenjamin | popey: meh :/ | 11:11 |
zbenjamin | popey: i have no idea :/ | 11:20 |
popey | ☹ | 11:21 |
popey | zbenjamin: do you need a bug filed for this? | 11:26 |
zbenjamin | popey: we have a completely rewritten devicespage in the landing, that will make sure the devicepage is not blank anymore | 11:26 |
zbenjamin | popey: would be nice if you can test it once the new device page has landed if the problem persists | 11:26 |
zbenjamin | popey: until then cou can try around with restarting adb and qtc it should work | 11:27 |
popey | zbenjamin: is there a ppa/silo with it in I can test? | 11:27 |
zbenjamin | popey: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-009/+packages but i think its utopic packaces | 11:28 |
popey | ok finally got it detected and green | 11:28 |
popey | still get Could not connect to host: Server rejected key. | 11:29 |
popey | this kinda makes it hard for me to do my work :| | 11:30 |
popey | oh, no trusty packages? | 11:30 |
zbenjamin | popey: you can try to clean up the ssh keys from the device and your .ssh directory, they are recreated automatically | 11:32 |
zbenjamin | popey: or try to reboot device if you did not before | 11:32 |
zbenjamin | popey: just remove all ubuntudevice_* key files, and remove them from the knownHosts on the device i think | 11:33 |
zbenjamin | popey: maybe its also something with the most recent device image, i can not flash it because i still have no supported device | 11:34 |
popey | will try that thanks | 11:34 |
popey | done all that, still fails | 11:38 |
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zbenjamin | popey: still empty page and no device added? | 11:53 |
zbenjamin | popey: zoltan manually installed the utopic package on his trusty and it perfectly works, you can try that maybe | 11:55 |
popey | ok, will do | 11:56 |
popey | once it builds | 11:56 |
zbenjamin | popey: you just need the qtcreator-plugin packages | 11:57 |
zbenjamin | popey: ah lie, also you need the uitk package | 11:57 |
popey | uh | 11:57 |
zbenjamin | popey: zoltan just manually downloaded the debs | 11:58 |
zbenjamin | popey: and installed them | 11:58 |
popey | how? its still building right now | 11:58 |
popey | https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-009/+packages | 11:58 |
zbenjamin | popey: meh, ok they just updated it :/ | 11:58 |
popey | \o/ timing++ | 11:59 |
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zbenjamin | popey: should be avail now | 13:12 |
popey | zbenjamin: k | 13:26 |
dpm | popey, I've got a conflicting call at the same time as the Reminders meeting. Can you do Reminders today? | 13:34 |
popey | dpm: i do too | 13:34 |
popey | the engineering call is at that time. we should move the reminders meeting i think? | 13:35 |
popey | zbenjamin: i wonder if it's because I don't have a device kit for utopic? | 13:37 |
zbenjamin | popey: nope | 13:38 |
zbenjamin | popey: did you install the package? | 13:38 |
popey | no, unrelated.. i test device in the device screen and it just fails to ssh to it | 13:38 |
popey | yes | 13:38 |
popey | I'm using the new stuff now | 13:38 |
popey | still broken | 13:38 |
zbenjamin | thought so, do you see a registered device now? | 13:38 |
dpm | kenvandine, yesterday we had a quick chat about what it'd take for the file manager to use the content hub to e.g. open a file with doc viewer. You were mentioning import handlers and after having read the docs on d.u.c I see no reference to imports, and I'm not sure I completely follow. Do you have any code examples that use ContentPeerPicker? What's an Import handler? | 13:38 |
zbenjamin | popey: did you try to ssh manually into the device? the log should tell you the local port you have to use | 13:39 |
dpm | rpadovani, mzanetti, is it ok for you if I move the reminders meeting to 30 later? | 13:39 |
popey | zbenjamin: https://imgur.com/f8cG2oh | 13:39 |
mzanetti | uh... forgot about it... | 13:40 |
rpadovani | dpm, at 17? np for me | 13:40 |
* mzanetti checks calendar | 13:40 | |
mzanetti | rpadovani: wouldn't 30 min later be 16:30? | 13:40 |
dpm | rpadovani, mzanetti, that'd be 16:30 | 13:40 |
dpm | yep :) | 13:40 |
zbenjamin | popey: i mean on the shell yourself, it has to be something with the key, maybe the logs on the device say something? | 13:40 |
mzanetti | dpm: I have the unity8 standup there | 13:40 |
mzanetti | dpm: shouldn't be more than 10 minutes. so 16:45 would be ok for me | 13:41 |
dpm | ok, let's do a short one today | 13:41 |
popey | zbenjamin: alan@deep-thought:~$ ssh -p 10000 phablet@localhost | 13:41 |
popey | Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for phablet | 13:41 |
popey | ☹ | 13:41 |
zbenjamin | popey: ok now that sounds like the problem | 13:41 |
kenvandine | dpm, there's an example in lp:content-hub/examples, was well as https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/+junk/hub-importer | 13:42 |
mzanetti | popey: usually deleting ~/.ssh/ubuntudevice* and making ssh-agent reload fixes it for me | 13:42 |
popey | ok, will try | 13:42 |
dpm | kenvandine, ok, cool, I'll look at those later on | 13:42 |
kenvandine | bazaar.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/+junk/hub-importer/view/head:/hub-importer.qml#L104 | 13:42 |
kenvandine | dpm, specifically there | 13:42 |
mzanetti | popey: ssk-agent -k | 13:42 |
kenvandine | basically it listens for onImportRequested | 13:43 |
kenvandine | and handles the transfer that comes in | 13:43 |
kenvandine | and, it needs to register as a "destination" with the click hook | 13:43 |
popey | nope, Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for phablet | 13:45 |
rpadovani | dpm, mzanetti we didn't move all meetings to 16:30 since last week? In any case, I'm ok | 13:46 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: hmm... not according to my calendar... | 13:47 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, ok, just checked and they are at 16:00, I remember bad, sorry | 13:48 |
mzanetti | no problem :) | 13:49 |
zbenjamin | popey: thats the script we use to connect: ssh -i ${SSHIDENTITY} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p $PORT $USERNAME@$IP | 14:04 |
zbenjamin | popey: where SSHIDENTITY resolves to ~/.ssh/ubuntudevice_${SERIALNUMBER}_id_rsa | 14:04 |
Aki-Thinkpad | http://imgur.com/NIXB6Nq | 14:12 |
Aki-Thinkpad | its coming along :) | 14:12 |
popey | zbenjamin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7366580/ | 14:18 |
zbenjamin | popey: home come you still have so many keys in your ssh dir? | 14:19 |
zbenjamin | popey: did you try with all devices again? | 14:19 |
popey | i dont | 14:20 |
zbenjamin | popey: ah sorry, i has 2 | 14:20 |
popey | i have exactly one ubuntudevice key in there | 14:20 |
zbenjamin | it | 14:20 |
zbenjamin | popey: weird, line 74 and 75 | 14:20 |
* popey kills ssh-agent again and starts again | 14:21 | |
popey | same | 14:23 |
popey | i have no idea where it's getting /home/alan/.ssh/ubuntudevice_0071ae7610994b1d_id_rsa from | 14:23 |
popey | that file does not existls: cannot access /home/alan/.ssh/ubuntudevice_0071ae7610994b1d_id_rsa: No such file or directory | 14:23 |
zbenjamin | did you try to reboot your machine? it should not be required but who knows.... | 14:26 |
popey | alan@deep-thought:~/.ssh$ uptime 15:26:46 up 10 days, 1:10, 5 users, load average: 5.04, 5.06, 3.86 | 14:26 |
popey | I'll do that later, thanks. | 14:27 |
popey | I wont be able to for a while | 14:27 |
dpm | popey, my call is running over, can you kick off the reminders hangout? | 14:45 |
mihir | dpm: ping | 14:47 |
mihir | dpm: for all the event bubble we shouldn't display the description right . https://launchpadlibrarian.net/172944464/calendar_item.jpg? | 14:47 |
dpm | mihir, it should be displayed as long as it's not cut off | 14:49 |
dpm | so for example on the middle bubble there, where the text is cut in the middle, it should not appear at all | 14:49 |
mihir | but dpm wouldn't be a good idea just to show subject line in bubble ? | 14:51 |
mihir | instead of identifying cut off.? | 14:51 |
popey | dpm: sorry, was afk.. you moved it? | 14:51 |
mihir | dpm: even google calendar shows just time and subject. | 14:54 |
elopio | ping mardy :) | 15:09 |
elopio | I added the ProvidedTokens as you said and I'm getting the same error. | 15:09 |
elopio | https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/reminders-app/test_with_account/+merge/217171 | 15:10 |
elopio | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7366912/ | 15:10 |
mandel | mhall119, first branch adding docs => https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/app-developer-docs/+merge/217779 | 15:25 |
mandel | mhall119, I need to talk with gatox for the qml docs + example but I have a strong feeling he is on holidays | 15:26 |
mhall119 | thanks mandel, will take a look them | 15:26 |
mandel | mhall119, that is just for the cpp docs but is a first step, as soon as we have something decent from gatox I'll add the qmake | 15:27 |
mandel | mhall119, we do not have the udm in the sdk in the seed, once it lands we will have it in the img | 15:27 |
mhall119 | mandel: ok, I still need to create the 14.10 docs section | 15:28 |
mandel | mhall119, great, that means that I'm just one release late :-/ | 15:29 |
mhall119 | :) | 15:29 |
justCarakas | if there are new things added to the ui for 14.10 will they also be added to the ui of 14.04 | 15:31 |
nerochiaro | bfiller: https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-photo-thumb-progress/+merge/217727 | 15:55 |
bfiller | nerochiaro: thanks | 15:57 |
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elopio | balloons, dpm: please take a look here: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-filemanager-app/cmake_autopilot_task/+merge/217791 | 16:54 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: dpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/loading-property/+merge/217792 | 16:58 |
mardy | elopio: I'm afraid the marshalling of that dictionary from Python to glib didn't work | 17:01 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, I understand the code but I would never be able to implement it :-) I do a couple of tests then approve it | 17:02 |
mardy | elopio: try to build a GVariant a{sv} with the dictionary, instead | 17:02 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: no problem... Don't say "never". Eventually you'll get there | 17:02 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, yap, in the future I hope to be able to do, not now :-) | 17:03 |
testnobody | Good evening everybody | 17:05 |
mzanetti | good evening testnobody | 17:09 |
testnobody | mzanetti do you know when we can expect for showdown results? | 17:11 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: btw. now each note has a loading property too. So we could actually show a spinner for each note too if we want. and by doing a "visible: !notes.loading && notes.count == 0" we could show a text like "No notes existing. Please start by adding a note" or similar. | 17:11 |
mzanetti | testnobody: no, I don't, sorry. | 17:11 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, mmhh, there is a weird behavior: when you return to a tab which has already loaded elements, there is the spin indicator for ~3 seconds, seems it loading something but nothing appears | 17:12 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: yeah, it reloads | 17:12 |
testnobody | mzanetti it is a pity:( It is hard to wait more, that for 3 weeks( | 17:12 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: every time you change tabs it reloads the list to check if something has changed on the server | 17:13 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: do you think that's a problem? I think its actually correct. But maybe we want to move the spinner to somewhere in the header or so | 17:13 |
mzanetti | testnobody: maybe popey knows | 17:13 |
testnobody | popey, are you here? | 17:14 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, mhh, I'm not sure about that: if you have a slow connection you have for a lot of time this spin, and you do nothing waiting for something that doesn't change | 17:14 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: but it could change | 17:14 |
mzanetti | don't think we should show a spinner while refreshing in the background? | 17:15 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, right, but mhh. Also, everytime I return to a tab the total time the spin remains grows up | 17:15 |
rpadovani | I have some errors in console: Error fetching note: "Default TException." | 17:16 |
rpadovani | EDAMSystemException Default TException. | 17:16 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: yeah, that's because of the bug that triggers refreshing over and over again I think | 17:16 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: comment away the two calls to "sort(0)" in notes.h and see if it improves | 17:16 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: lets hear david's opinion on it. we can change it to "running: notes.loading && notes.count == 0" to only make it appear the first time | 17:18 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, no no, I prefer this one, after the fix of the bug of refresh should be good, I prefer to know if something works in background | 17:19 |
popey | testnobody: no, sorry, just about to go afk | 17:19 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, I approve it with a comment, but wait for dpm to top-approve, is it ok? | 17:19 |
popey | testnobody: results will be out soon, dholbach and dpm are working on it. | 17:19 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: sure, works for me | 17:19 |
dholbach | yep | 17:20 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, ok, thanks for the branch. What's the next step? | 17:22 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: tbh I don't know :D. But I think the blueprint should have some items. Need to do a review for the filemanager now. Will look at the blueprint afterwards. Feel free to pick anything you like from there | 17:23 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, sure :-) | 17:23 |
Guest94047 | Chelenchiki | 17:33 |
rpadovani | testnobody, http://developer.ubuntu.com/2014/04/announcing-the-winners-of-the-third-ubuntu-app-showdown/ | 17:34 |
rpadovani | dpm, he's gabriele cirulli, not Gabrielle Cirully :D | 17:36 |
testnobody | Thanks, rpadovani. | 17:37 |
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dpm | rpadovani, ugh, thanks for the quick reaction, fixed. Hopefully not many Italian people had read the post yet :) | 17:37 |
rpadovani | :D | 17:37 |
dpm | rpadovani, mzanetti, which branch did you want me to look at? | 17:40 |
rpadovani | dpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/loading-property/+merge/217792 | 17:41 |
mzanetti | anyone here that can help me building and running the filemanager app? | 17:43 |
dpm | mzanetti, I've been fighting with it lately, I probably can if the README doesn't help you :) | 17:45 |
mzanetti | :D | 17:45 |
dpm | mzanetti, you'll need to set CLICK_MODE=on in the Qt Creator Build target | 17:45 |
dpm | other than that, it should just work: the build rules copy the plugin to the build dir, and main.cpp looks for it there first | 17:46 |
dpm | you'll need to install libtag1-dev as a dependency too | 17:46 |
mzanetti | dpm: it doesn't find the plugin here | 17:46 |
mzanetti | ah... hmm | 17:47 |
mzanetti | nope... still nothing | 17:48 |
dpm | mzanetti, hm, I'm getting a different problem: no executable specified | 17:50 |
dpm | that certainly was working yesterday | 17:50 |
dpm | and there have been no code changes since | 17:50 |
mzanetti | well, I'm trying this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~carlos-mazieri/ubuntu-filemanager-app/app-devel/+merge/216409 | 17:50 |
dpm | mzanetti, try to see first if you can get trunk to run, I'm a bit puzzled by this after having spent quite a lot of time to prepare the branch that merged the plugin running on Qt Creator | 17:51 |
dpm | and now finding out it no longer runs | 17:52 |
dpm | zbenjamin, do you have any ideas where the "No executable found" error comes from in Qt Creator? I had lp:ubuntu-filemanager-app running until very recently, and now with no code changes I'm getting this error and it does not launch in QtC | 17:53 |
mihir | dpm: if you get a chance to test this https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1308001/+merge/217683 | 17:58 |
mzanetti | dpm: ah right.. I've seen this too lately | 17:58 |
mzanetti | dpm: make sure that the correct run configuration is selected | 17:59 |
mzanetti | dpm: it seems to get lost in the latest release sometimes | 17:59 |
* mzanetti thought it would be an issue with his setup | 17:59 | |
dpm | mzanetti, aha! Magic, it works now. I just had to select the com.ubuntu.filemanager run config, thanks :) | 17:59 |
mzanetti | dpm: quick question on the filemanager. It installs a plugin as org.nemo.filemanager. Is this a fork of the nemo one? | 18:00 |
elopio | thanks mardy. I'll search how to do that. | 18:01 |
dpm | mzanetti, yes, it is a fork. I've not been much involved in that app, and I originally thought we were using a slightly modified version of the upstream nemo plugin. Now I've realized we rather use a *heavily* modified version :) | 18:01 |
mzanetti | dpm: I think we should rename it then | 18:02 |
dpm | actually, yes, that's a good point | 18:02 |
dpm | otherwise we're invading the original plugin's namespace, right? | 18:02 |
mzanetti | dpm: this branch modifies behaviour in a way it might make sense for this application, but kinda "breaks" it if someone else would want to build a file manager on top of it... | 18:02 |
mzanetti | dpm: yes... we would prevent the original to land in ubuntu without renaming it which isn't nice, but also misleading to others that might want to use our plugins | 18:03 |
dpm | mihir, great work on that! One thing I've noticed is that the dot should have the same spacing to the top and to the right edges as the text. Now it seems that the dot is closer to the edges than the text | 18:03 |
mihir | dpm: i just pushed new changes a min ago | 18:04 |
dpm | mihir, I'm looking at the screenshot from your latest comment | 18:06 |
dpm | I cannot seem to be able to start the app on my desktop: | 18:06 |
mihir | dpm: this is the new screenshot http://imgur.com/XbpqcvN | 18:06 |
dpm | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7367989/ | 18:07 |
dpm | mihir, that one seems ok on the right edge, but the top edge seems to be closer to the circle than the text (at least optically) | 18:08 |
dpm | mzanetti, ok, we'll need to fix that | 18:08 |
mihir | dpm: hmm okay , i have given the same margins though | 18:09 |
mihir | but still i'll try to look at that. | 18:10 |
mihir | dpm: also, if the description is too long, it won't be displayed in bubble :) | 18:10 |
dpm | thanks mihir, perhaps it's just me, but it'd be good to check it out | 18:10 |
dpm | mihir, awesome :) | 18:10 |
zbenjamin | dpm: wrong runconfig? | 18:10 |
dpm | zbenjamin, that was it, yes. QtC seems to now select the wrong runconfig by default | 18:11 |
zbenjamin | dpm: we need to fix that definately, but for that we need a project file format i can depend on | 18:12 |
zbenjamin | dpm: i wonder if i did the hack i had in mind for that | 18:12 |
zbenjamin | dpm: currently i'm working on go support in QtC, then i can focus on the other stuff again | 18:14 |
dpm | zbenjamin, out of interest, why has the new project file format has not yet been implemented? Is it just because of time, or have you been avoiding it because it'd diverge too much from the original cmake plugin or from Qt Creator itself? | 18:18 |
zbenjamin | dpm: well mostly because the project file format needs to be done in cmake, in a way that the build fails when not all informations we need are set | 18:18 |
zbenjamin | dpm: also its a time issue, we want to have some kind of go support before the sprint | 18:19 |
dpm | ok, thanks for the clarification | 18:19 |
zbenjamin | dpm: so we need to ship a cmake module, and i want to sync with the core apps team about how the file format looks like, i think we maybe should have a talk about that on the sprint | 18:20 |
dpm | zbenjamin, that sounds good. When you're talking about file format, what are you referring to? I'm not sure I can follow that with the cmake module | 18:21 |
zbenjamin | dpm: well something like : include(Click) \n CLICK_PROJECT_TYPE(SCOPE) \n ADD_SCOPE_LIB("myScope","src/myScope.ini",SOURCEFILES) | 18:25 |
zbenjamin | dpm: i can then search the CMakeLists.txt for the mime magic CLICK_PROJECT_TYPE | 18:25 |
zbenjamin | dpm: and completely take control over the project | 18:26 |
zbenjamin | dpm: the Click module then sets special variables in the CMakeCache i can look for | 18:28 |
zbenjamin | dpm: the question is now, can we make the build fail if ADD_SCOPE_LIB was not used | 18:29 |
dpm | zbenjamin, ok, I think I'm starting to get the picture, we can discuss the rest in Malta, it's nothing urgent now | 18:33 |
zbenjamin | dpm: ok :) | 18:33 |
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mzanetti | rpadovani: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/no-network/+merge/217820 | 20:12 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, wow, thanks, going to take a look | 20:14 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, Expose connection errors to the ui and show them to the user somehow | 20:14 |
rpadovani | Do you mean that there are works to do in the backend to achieve this? | 20:14 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: yes. I'll make a new branch for that | 20:18 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, mhh, if I start the app without a connection, then connect the network, it doesn't connect and I have this error when I change the tab:http://paste.ubuntu.com/7368724/ | 20:21 |
rpadovani | http://paste.ubuntu.com/7368724/ | 20:21 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: did you try to switch to another tab after establishing the connection? | 20:22 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, yap, when I switch to another tab I have this error | 20:22 |
mzanetti | hmm.. | 20:22 |
mzanetti | strange | 20:22 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, when I switch to note tab is a bit different: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7368732/ | 20:22 |
mzanetti | can you reproduce this all the time? | 20:23 |
rpadovani | it seems it's only if I start app with no network | 20:24 |
rpadovani | If I start the app, it does login, then I disconnect network, then I reconnect newtork, all works fine | 20:24 |
rpadovani | Yes, i reproduce it 3 times on 3 | 20:24 |
mzanetti | let me try again... | 20:24 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: now I have it too | 20:26 |
mzanetti | I swear it was working | 20:26 |
rpadovani | :-) | 20:26 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: try now | 20:46 |
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sarnold | perhaps something for the stallboard https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bmf4W-WCIAAq4yP.jpg:large | 21:25 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, same errors | 21:28 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: yeah... just got them again *grrr* | 21:28 |
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rpadovani | mzanetti, there is a simple way to compile and launch the app from the terminal? I don't use qtcreator to write code, and I have to open it only to launch the app... | 21:36 |
ogra_ | sarnold, definitely better than http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/74232000/jpg/_74232217_naked-comp.jpg | 21:42 |
sarnold | ogra_: definitely :) | 21:45 |
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elopio | renato: thanks for merging my branches! | 21:53 |
elopio | I was just about to complaint :p | 21:53 |
renato | elopio, welcome :D | 21:53 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/loading-errors/+merge/217835 | 22:02 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: I'm a bit lost on the no-network one. It works most of the times for me, but sometimes I get the same error as you do. | 22:02 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, could be caused by a bad network? | 22:03 |
mzanetti | It definitely improves the situation a lot here, so if it doesn't break anything else for you, can we merge it nevertheless? I'll try to figure a solution with a new branch. the no-network one is required in any case | 22:03 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: it seems that the socket gets into a bad state containing partial messages in the buffer. I already flush the buffers on reconnect but apparently that's not enough | 22:04 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, for me it's fine to merge it, give me 5 minutes to test it to be sure that there aren't regressions | 22:05 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: no rush... you don't need to test it right now | 22:06 |
rpadovani | the night is young and I have nothing to do :P | 22:06 |
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rpadovani | mzanetti, mhh, if I start the app, disconnet and reconnect the network, the activity indicators continues to stay on the page (but the app is connected, because I can open a note). Do you think is caused by the usual bug? | 22:14 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, also, if I'm disconnected I expect that there is no activityindicator, but we can fix this when we implement frontend network errors | 22:14 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: I'm afraid so... if the spinner doesn't ever stop, we never get a reply from the evernote SDK... again, I'll keep on investigating | 22:15 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, this bug is so annoying... good work, I approve and top approve the branch :-) | 22:16 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: cheers. ähm... which one? :D | 22:16 |
mzanetti | the no-network one? | 22:16 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, no, the last one, loading-errors, but I'll approve also no-network if you are agree | 22:17 |
rpadovani | I think both works good | 22:17 |
rpadovani | *work | 22:17 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: ok, cool. | 22:17 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: the loading-errors won't land until the loading-property one has landed. but that's fine. | 22:18 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: lets have dpm a look too | 22:18 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, yes, I know, I prefer that dpm takes a look | 22:18 |
rpadovani | Indeed | 22:18 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: do you have the link to the visual design at hand? | 22:19 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EAokX1bXN5HG6B1MxxuYWiGbf3pjNdy7-h7aERBFk5k/edit | 22:19 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, talking about design, is it possible to change colour to the text in tab header? I tried with Theme.loadTheme but I have this same error: http://askubuntu.com/questions/282766/how-to-use-theming-in-qml-for-ubuntu-phone/302009#302009 | 22:24 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: I don't know. probably not, as its generated color depending on the background | 22:26 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: are you working on those designs for remiders-app? | 22:27 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, ok, so we have a problem for the header, it has another color with this gray background | 22:27 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, yes https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/newDesign | 22:27 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, it's a while I don't work on it because I worked for a big exhibition here in Italy | 22:28 |
mzanetti | ah ok. cool | 22:28 |
mzanetti | is there anything I should/can do without stepping on your toes? | 22:28 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: oops. sorry... didn't know you started with the "no notes" labels too | 22:30 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, np, you were fast :P | 22:30 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, mhh, for the design? I worked only on notes page, so if you want you can do reminder page and propose a merge, as you wish | 22:31 |
rpadovani | I have two exams on monday and tuesday, then I hope to have time to finish the new design, I did so little in last times ... | 22:31 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: how did you determine the colors? | 22:35 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, oh, right: for now I only assigned to the first note the first color and so on, also because I didn't see on Evernote a way to change the color to a notebook | 22:37 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, we can assign at each note in each notebooks the same color, but it can be variable if the first notebook changes | 22:39 |
rpadovani | (btw, there is a way to know to which notebooks a note belongs to?) | 22:39 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: each note should have a notebookGuid | 22:40 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: we can probably safe a map of notebookGuids and colors. whenever a new notebookGuid appears, just generate a new random color | 22:41 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, sounds good. We have 6 colours | 22:42 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: I would rename AccountPreferences into just Preferences and store the map into that QSettings file | 22:43 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, noteguid is an int? | 22:43 |
mzanetti | uuid I think... | 22:43 |
mzanetti | actually its a string | 22:44 |
mzanetti | but that shouldn't matter. | 22:44 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: should I prepare that for you? | 22:44 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, ok, so, for now I wrote a function chooseColor() in NotesDelegate.qml, if you do a map I'm happy :-) | 22:45 |
rpadovani | yes, thanks | 22:45 |
mzanetti | ok | 22:45 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, I'm going to bed, congrats for the big work today :-) See you soon o/ | 22:53 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: good night | 22:54 |
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