[06:10] hello all [07:18] what's the process to get the ubuntu cloak removed from my nickname? [07:21] You could either get the cloak completely removed, or go for unaffiliated/toabctl [07:21] Unit193: I want to have it completly removed. [07:22] Ask staff in #freenode. [07:22] Unit193: ok. thx [11:54] Can we please get a bugbot back in #ubuntu-touch - we carelessly lost it a while ago? [11:57] also in #ubuntu-ci-eng [12:00] popey: which bot did you have previously? [12:01] jussi: ubot5 it seems [12:03] curious. [12:03] popey: Im going to temporarily add ubottu there, until I get myself updated on a few things [12:04] ubottu: join #ubuntu-touch [12:04] tsimpson: please pm me when you are around [12:05] jussi: #ubuntu-ci-eng too pls? [12:05] popey: what is ci-eng ? [12:05] continuous integration engineering team [12:06] people who watch http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/ for green lights all day ☻ [12:06] ahh, team chan... [12:06] ubot2: join #ubuntu-ci-eng [12:06] jussi: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. [12:06] jussi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [12:07] ... [12:07] I guess that one needs to be left to others... [20:32] Could someone restore ubot5 to #ubuntuforums when their bored or something - thanks [20:36] jussi tsimpson ^ [20:40] ubot5 died in a blaze of glory, fighting off the great splits of the net from the westlands. [20:41] freenode doesn't want to let it reconnect [20:46] * tsimpson flips a coin and picks a server [20:46] fanks [20:46] *thanks