
bazhang<Bludot> its a radeon hd 2400000:50
bazhangthat must be great for btc00:50
IdleOnetsimpson: they are in the channel, nick is waskum16:49
bazhang* [waskum] #ubuntu16:49
IdleOne@mark #ubuntu waskum sending users unsolicited pm's asking them to click "sketchy" links16:50
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:50
tsimpsonI tried tab-complete, and I didn't see them16:50
tsimpsons/didn't/still don't/16:50
IdleOneyeah because you probably tried waksum. cfhowlet misspelled16:50
IdleOnetry was not wak16:51
bazhang* [waskum] (~zin@ zin16:51
bazhangstill there16:51
IdleOneI sent a PM got no response.16:51
IdleOneif someone else reports then we get Thor's hammer out16:52
Picisomeone else just reported waskum in #freenode16:52
Piciperhaps they will deal with it16:52
tsimpsonif "someone else" is DannyBrown, that's because I asked them to16:54
bazhangit was16:54

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