
elseveroanyone here familiar with postfix mailsever ?00:06
Ahti333i just updated from 12.04 to 14.04 and my apache php-fcgi setup stopped working. apache just spits out the php source code. these are the relevant files: https://gist.github.com/Ahti/f0885f81eb78f08fdd3600:22
Ahti333has anybody experienced similar issues?00:22
bananapieis there a way to automatically generate a .config file for a kernel compile that only includes drivers needed by the machine generating the .config file?00:27
tonyyarussobananapie: No idea, but you could get which ones are a) included and b) loaded on the building system.  Not the same as only what's needed, but a start.00:33
bananapieI think I dreamed that I found such a tool a few weeks back.00:34
tonyyarussoAhti333: Haven't tried it, but I know several sections of the Apache config changed syntax with 2.4, so that might be it.  I'd suggest reading through the Apache 2.4 release notes on the subject to see if they mention anything you use.00:34
sarnoldbananapie: there's several make targets that may help, make localmodconfig and localyesconfig -- see the README for details00:36
bananapieI can't believe I have to compile the kernel to get tux at boot :(00:36
bananapiemake localmodconfig is what I am looking for, thanks sarnold :D00:37
sarnoldbananapie: yeah, it'll be way faster than recompiling the full distro kernel .config :) hehe00:37
bananapieI remember when I first switched to desktop linux. I had to compile gentoo but didn't know I had to load the acpi module before compile.00:38
sarnoldbananapie: if you haven't seen make oldconfig yet, check it out -- it may not help today, but it might help in six weeks :)00:38
bananapieI burnt out my cpu00:38
sarnoldAhti333: you have a space before .php on this line, is that intentional? FcgidWrapper /var/www/site/php-fcgi/php-fcgi-starter .php00:39
bananapiethanks sarnold00:39
sarnoldbananapie: d'oh :/00:39
Ahti333sarnold yes, that's intentional00:39
sarnoldAhti333: bugger :)00:40
bananapieAlso, how is radeon.dpm=1 not compiled into the ubuntu kernel? It makes ubuntu difficult for non-technical users.00:51
array29which better 12.04 or 14.04 for openstack?01:41
evilstevewell which openstack version are you wanting to work with... havana or ice?01:42
evilstevethen 14.0401:42
array29is there any trouble when getting icehose at 14.04?01:43
array29thankyou steve01:44
GuegsI'm trying to get a SMB share configured, and I am having one hell of a time. I followed this example to a T, but it still isn't showing up. What on earth could I be missing? https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html02:59
Guegs... Well, for one Guegs, that is a 10.04 guide.02:59
airtonixalso you didn't supply a sample of any configuration file you're working with04:47
sarnoldairtonix: he's gone :)04:49
airtonixdamn kids and their drive by04:50
sarnoldhaha yeah :)04:50
airtonixand they wonder why no one replies04:50
sarnoldof course I think he figured it out when he saw the url and noticed that it's for 10.04 rather than 12.04 or 14.04..04:50
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Guest67771Hi my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS was working fine. I had a power oputage the other night, now a major problem is at hand.05:55
Guest67771I can't access the Internet from the server. I can't ping google from the server. And I can't see ports open on the server. DOes anyone have any time to help troubleshoot this please?05:56
sarnoldhey Guest67771, welcome back05:56
Guest67771thanks....still unresolved.05:56
sarnoldGuest67771: when you say you can't ping google, are you trying to ping google.com or are you trying to ping some of google's ip addresses?05:56
Guest67771ping google.com...05:57
sarnoldtrying pinging one of their IPs, such as or
sarnoldwhen troubleshooting networking problems it really helps to nail down each layer, one at a time. first, make sure you can route packets to the right places.05:58
Guest67771both those work05:58
Guest67771both those IP work whether the firewall is on or off06:00
sarnoldokay, pinging off your network works, neat. how about higher-level services? can you do e.g. host www.google.com ?06:00
Guest67771i typed  host www.google.com and connection timed out06:01
sarnoldif DNS resolution works, then move to something slightly more advanced, http -- try e.g. HEAD  or curl to make sure you get some data...06:02
sarnoldoh, interesting. so either udp can't get out or can't get back in.06:02
Guest67771wrong keyboard...sorry06:03
Guest67771curl...couldn't connect to host06:05
Guest67771HEAD - 500 connection timed out06:07
sarnoldGuest67771: okay, looks like you get to inspect your firewall on this machine and the firewall on your router to make sure that the rules all look sane, and that your NAT is happening properly06:07
Guest67771turned the firewall off on my server before - didn't seem to make a difference06:08
sarnoldGuest67771: timeouts like this are quite often caused by firewalls set to DROP packets rather than REJECT packets06:08
Guest67771<sarnold>not usre that showed me anything....I port forward to (my server) for ports 80, 23 and 777706:18
sarnoldGuest67771: If you notice the problem when your local firewall is off that feels like blaming your router's firewall configuration is most convenient.. :)06:20
Guest67771when i turned nat off, everything seemed to die06:20
sarnoldGuest67771: does ip addr list   show the ip address you expect? does ip route list  show a routing table that you expect?06:20
sarnoldGuest67771: hehe, yeah, you disconnected too. the NAT operation is closely tied to the firewall..06:21
Guest67771ifconfig -a on the server shows i92.168.1.10106:21
Guest67771the gateway does appear different on my firewall interface, than what i remember. Where is the configuration stored? Is it important?06:22
sarnoldGuest67771: the gateway is where all packets will be sent if they don't have a more specific route available. it's critical to get it right. check /etc/network/interfaces for the configuration06:24
Guest67771I have sod all in mine...just the dns nameservers yhat i added06:25
sarnoldGuest67771: is there anything in /etc/network/interfaces.d/ that would provide the per-interface configuration?06:27
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Guest67771I don't have an interfaces.d file06:28
sarnoldGuest67771: okay -- then you may need to configure your /etc/network/interfaces; you'll want to add an 'auto eth0' line or similar to have the interface brough up at boot, and then a stanza that starts 'iface eth0 inet static' followed by some more configuration. sadly the interfaces(5) manpage jumps right into an over-complicated example, but there's a nice simple example here: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/ma06:32
Guest67771do I take the info from LAN or WAN on my router. Ex subnet is on LAN but on WNA06:33
sarnoldGuest67771: most of the details will need to match the LAN settings from your router06:34
Guest67771how do I determine the network setting? I have the rest06:39
sarnoldGuest67771: which setting?06:40
Guest67771I have the address, netmask, gateway and broadcast06:40
sarnoldGuest67771: I don't see a 'network' setting in interfaces(5) or resolvconf(8)..06:41
Guest67771auto eth006:41
Guest67771iface eth0 inet static06:41
sarnoldGuest67771: okay, a few questions here -- I think you can delete the 'network' line entirely, I don't see any documentation to support keeping it around. second, you've given the address here, but earlier you said the server reported address i92.168.1.10106:43
Guest67771sorry, that's just a copy and paste from the web...not my settingd06:44
sarnoldGuest67771: the gateway address is not actually routable when you've configured the address in 192.168.1.* and used a netmask of -- so either the address of this host is wrong or the address of the router is wrong or the netmask is wrong :) hehe06:44
sarnoldah, good, that explains why nothing makes sense :)06:45
sarnoldfeel free to pass along my advice to whoever wrote that, I wonder if they ever got their networking working :) lol06:45
Guest67771I restarted network manager06:45
sarnoldyou have network manager installed on this machine??? ooof.06:45
Guest67771still can't ping google.com06:45
Guest67771isn't it there by default?06:46
sarnoldfor desktops and laptops...06:46
sarnoldmost admins wouldn't tolerate it on servers :)06:46
Guest67771mines only a home server - I'd die with just CLI...just a nOOB06:47
Guest67771back to the routable bit - my ionternal IP for the server is and the subnet is Is that OK06:48
sarnoldit is if the router is in the 192.168.1.* network06:49
Guest67771254 I'd expect. Good06:50
Guest67771The MOO and webserver still aren't working on the LAN. localhost works OK from the server06:51
Guest67771I'm going to restart my router. After I made those changes, I went back to the router interface. The server wasn't showing, and it had the wrong MAC Address. I'll restart and check what happens.06:55
Guest67771she's a goer06:59
Guest67771thanks for your patience <Sarnold>07:00
sarnoldGuest67771: rebooting the router fixed it? o_O07:02
Guest67771Thanks heaps <sarnold> - a very relieved man with my MOO working - we can do some programming at school tomorrow07:07
sarnoldGuest67771: cripes that shouldn't have fixed anything :)07:09
sarnoldGuest67771: but I'm glad it's working again :) hehe07:09
Guest67771I suspect that something went ary in firewall with the MAC Address and static IP that I setup for my machine07:10
Guest67771I'll make some notes for next time... I need the MOO working for school07:11
Guest67771appreciate your help...CIAO07:12
sarnoldhave fun :)07:12
lordievaderGood morning.07:29
ovidiu-florinhello world07:30
ovidiu-florinI'm trying to set up a samba share with anonimous access, but no matter how I set it it keeps asking me for a password.07:31
ovidiu-florinhere is my smb.conf: http://paste.kde.org/pa7ycwrte/6qkxcm07:34
ovidiu-florinplease help07:35
sarnoldovidiu-florin: it's been ten or twelve years since I've really "done" samba, but my recollection is that anonymous, password-free access only worked for win95 and win98.07:37
sarnoldovidiu-florin: I don't think I ever got any WinNT-derived systems to ever use anonymous or password-free shares. that was ages ago, but it might be worth some searching to see if it is supposed to work with modern microsoft clients or not07:37
ovidiu-florinsarnold: http://micheljansen.org/blog/entry/18207:38
ovidiu-florinit is07:38
sarnoldovidiu-florin: oh good. at least lets hope he's not still using win98 in 2006. :)07:39
ovidiu-florinthey still are, on some places07:39
jonascjHi all. Do a user need the +x on all parent dirs to make a given dir his/her working directory? E.g. if I want to "cd /a/b/c/d" do I need +x on a,b,c and d or will it suffice to hvae +x on just d?07:55
jonascjI am trying to setup openssh server to allow sftpusers to have +rwx on  only /srv/sftp/{username} and sftpadmins to have +rwx on anything inside /srv/sftp.07:56
andoljonascj: You'll need the +x rights for /a, /a/b/ and /a/b/c/ as well.07:56
jonascjyeah okay07:56
jonascjso the reason why my openssh setup fails when I remove sftpuser's execute bit on /srv/sftp is because then the user cannot make /srv/sftp/{username} his/her directory07:57
jonascjalso I might not be able to chroot a user to a directory on which the user do not have the execute bit (i.e. chroot'ing the user to /srv/sftp might not work if the user have no execute bit on that dir)07:57
jonascjandol: but read permission do not work the same way, right? You only need +r on /a/b/c/d to list files in /a/b/c/d, not +r on /a, /a/b, /a/b/c.07:59
jamespageDaviey, zul: saucy 2013.2.3 verification went ok in the lab - commented on bug 130257508:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1302575 in nova "Meta bug for tracking Openstack 2013.2.3 Stable Update" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130257508:12
andoljonascj: Yepp08:37
jonascjACL on top of my root:root owned /srv/sftp (which is the chroot of the sftpusers) did not work. Only root may have permissions there. So either both sftpadmins and sftpusers can list the directories in /srv/sftp or non of them can.08:41
germanstudentCan one of you recommend a good server monitoring service? Currently I'm using New Relic, but I'm looking for a more minimalistic and cheaper solution (only OS monitoring, no apps etc.)09:08
DarkStar1hi everyone. Just a qq. postgres sql 9.2 is the default for which ubuntu version?10:07
DarkStar1I have a12.04 and I noticed when I installed postgres it was a 9.110:07
lordievader!info postgresql10:09
ubottupostgresql (source: postgresql-common (154)): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 9.3+154 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 71 kB10:09
lordievader!info postgresql saucy10:09
ubottupostgresql (source: postgresql-common (148)): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 9.3+146really9.1+148 (saucy), package size 6 kB, installed size 69 kB10:09
lordievader!info postgresql precise10:10
ubottupostgresql (source: postgresql-common (129ubuntu1)): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 9.1+129ubuntu1 (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 63 kB10:10
lordievaderDarkStar1: As you can see (^) Saucy and Trusty have 9.310:10
DarkStar1lordievader: (love the nick) Thanks10:19
lordievaderDarkStar1: No proble :D10:19
lordievaderHeh, that slipped by me.10:23
Baluseif i make a mistake at sshd_config them I am locked out for ever ?11:29
jpdsBut sshd is special in that it'll keep running even if you restart it.11:31
Balusei tried to create a new user11:33
Baluseand what to limit him11:33
Balusehowever when i connect with that user and enter password i get disconnected11:33
rbasakchroot is non-trivial to set up, since the user won't be able to access any binaries, such as even the shell, and shared libraries etc. Have you accounted for this?11:34
Baluseactually I want only sftp access11:34
Baluseto specified folder11:34
rbasakAh. That's different and I think you can probably do that. I don't know how though, sorry.11:36
Balusek thanks11:38
zmarotihi, could someone help me with missing /dev/dri/card0 problem? (videocard matrox G200eR2), appropriate kernel modules are installed, xserver-xorg-video-mga installed, still i get [  2324.271] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such device in Xorg.0.log11:44
zmarotilsmod | grep mga11:45
zmarotimga                    40811  011:45
zmarotidrm                   302817  1 mga11:45
Baluseok here is what i get11:50
zmarotiBaluse, this migth help: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SFTP_chroot11:56
Balusei did chown and worked somehow11:56
yossarianukcan anyone recommend any good stress testing apps for webservers  - preferably one that produces graphs?12:05
yossarianuktried to look at jenkins/gatling but that seems insanely complicated ?12:05
lordievaderHey pmatulis, how are you doing?12:09
smbsmoser, The remaining oddness has been found (bug 1314598). Would you prefer to wait until the current upload gets through or do a combined replacement?12:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1314598 in drbd8 "[Precise] drbd8: drbdadm does not run compat mode when DRBD_DONT_WARN_ON_VERSION_MISMATCH is set" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131459812:39
smosersmb, well, its not even been accepted i think.13:16
smoserso i'd just ask a admin to NAK it and reupload.13:16
smbWFM, are you ok with the debdiff in the bug or should I provide a deb source13:17
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smbsmoser, Its in 4review on chinstrap fwiw :)13:24
rbasakjamespage: do you know why python-networkx is subscribed by ~ubuntu-server? I don't see it seeded by anything server related.13:25
jamespagerbasak, taskflow13:25
rbasakOh, OK. No problem then. I'll prioritise bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-networkx/+bug/128561113:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1285611 in python-networkx "python-networkx and python3-networkx conflict" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:25
smosersmb. ask an admin (Daviey or stgraber) to NAK the upload.13:26
smoserand give me a diff versus what is there.13:26
smoseri'll apply the diff and upload.13:26
smbsmoser, The v2to3.debdiff on chinstrap:~smb/4review, there would be a ready source package of it as well13:33
smosersmb, awesome. thanks13:35
smbsmoser, last upload was removed from the queue as well13:38
smosersmb, ok. quick sbuild, then upload.13:40
championofcyrodiHi, When I do a PXE boot of Ubuntu LTSP 12.04.4 Thick Client on Intel NUC, isc-dhcp-server responds and the image is booted.  However, the error "no network interfaces detected!" pops up and the client cannot mount the nbd on the terminal server.  Followed this guide:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/AddingModules but still not working.  thoughts?14:00
ogra_wow, that gouide is massive overkill14:01
ogra_just add the module you want to /usr/share/initramfs-tools/modules (ro for ltsp to that file inside the chroot indeed)14:02
championofcyrodiogra_: once i modify the file inside the chroot.  Should I still run update-initramfs -u ?14:18
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championofcyrodieh, ill update anyway, can't hurt.14:20
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jamescarrdid I miss something here? 13.10 after an apt-update and apt-get install build-essential14:56
jamescarrdon't mind me14:59
jamescarrI'm an idiot apparently14:59
caraconanHi there. Reading about upstart. Question: how I know which service is started before when at boot time?15:00
jodhcaraconan: Have you seen upstart-events(7) / http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#ubuntu-well-known-events-ubuntu-specific ?15:02
caraconanjodh: thanks, I'll have a look15:03
rbasakcaraconan: or are you asking how to understand how all the services on your system interact? initctl2dot is good for that.15:03
caraconanrbasak: I was asking if service "a" is started before "b", and if there's a quick way to see it (with "legacy" init system Sxx numbers)15:04
rbasakcaraconan: OK. I'm not sure if there's a better way, but I'd use initctl2dot to visualise that.15:05
rbasakIt gives you a graph of what causes what to start.15:05
caraconanrbasak: ok thanks15:05
savrwhat happened to php5-ffmpeg in 14.04?15:36
cfhowlett!info ffmpeg savr15:38
ubottu'savr' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed15:38
cfhowlett!info ffmpeg15:38
ubottuPackage ffmpeg does not exist in trusty15:38
cfhowlettsavr ffmpeg has been deprecated.  use avconv15:38
savrcfhowlett: some php app I'm using needs ffmpeg15:39
savris avconv plug'n'play compatible?15:39
cfhowlettsavr then you have issues.15:39
cfhowlettsavr plug and play with what?  hardware?15:40
ogra_!info ffmpeg-php15:40
ubottuPackage ffmpeg-php does not exist in trusty15:40
savrwith php and whatever needs php5-ffmpeg15:40
savrI think it's a wordpress plugin or something15:41
cfhowlettsavr check with the php folks or channel.15:41
savrcfhowlett: the php folks say the module hasn't been depreciated15:50
savrand google isn't bringing up any discussion to why it was removed15:50
cfhowlettsavr ffmpeg ffmpeg version 0.8.10-4:0.8.10-0ubuntu0.12.04.1, Copyright (c) 2000-2013 the Libav developers15:54
cfhowlett  built on Feb  6 2014 20:56:59 with gcc 4.6.315:54
cfhowlett*** THIS PROGRAM IS DEPRECATED ***15:54
cfhowlettThis program is only provided for compatibility and will be removed in a future release. Please use avconv instead.15:54
cfhowlettHyper fast Audio and Video encoder15:54
cfhowlettusage: ffmpeg [options] [[infile options] -i infile]... {[outfile options] outfile}...15:54
cfhowlettUse -h to get full help or, even better, run 'man ffmpeg'15:54
mdeslaursavr: it won't build with the version of libav in trusty and debian so it got removed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ffmpeg-php/+bug/127760315:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1277603 in ffmpeg-php "FTBFS against libav 9" [High,Confirmed]15:54
cfhowlettmdeslaur uvirtbot thanks for that additional info.  How did you find these?  Is there a bug search utility or something?15:56
mdeslaurcfhowlett: I just went to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ffmpeg-php and clicked the bugs link at the top15:56
cfhowlettmdeslaur your google-fu is unbeatable!  Thanks.15:57
savrcfhowlett: no such package?15:58
savrif I didn't have to wait 30 seconds for packages.ubuntu.com to load I would have searched desc.15:59
cfhowlett!info avconv16:00
ubottuPackage avconv does not exist in trusty16:00
cfhowlettsavr I'm on precise until point release 1 so different repos.16:00
savrsooo a lts release doesn't have ffmpeg or avconv16:01
savrguess no one needs their videos for the next two years16:01
rbasaksavr: I guess nobody has worked on this for the last two years.16:06
rbasak(well a year and a half, anyway)16:06
savrand no one noticed?16:06
rbasakThey noticed and filed a bug!16:06
savr2 years ago16:07
savrno one noticed the package is missing cause no one fixed the bug?16:07
rbasakBased on https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=694143, AFAICT upstream is not active.16:07
uvirtbotDebian bug 694143 in ffmpeg-php "FTBFS against libav 9" [Serious,Open]16:07
rbasakSo nobody is working on keeping the module up to date, so distributions will stop shipping it.16:07
rbasakIt only works against an ancient version of libav, ergo use an ancient release and you'll be fine.16:08
rberg?? avconv is in the libav-tools package16:10
rbasakrberg: I assume they're talking about ffmpeg-php, which depends on libav.16:10
cfhowlettsavr address this to the php team16:35
championofcyrodiI've spent two days trying to get this Intel NUC to load the initrd.img from TFTP, and still getting the error claiming no network interfaces found...17:10
championofcyrodibooting from a usb drive shows the e1000e driver being used, adding that to the modules and updating the initramfs does not help17:11
championofcyrodialso tried adding the i915 driver manually, to ensure the modules file was being read... i see an error finding the i915.ko file in the amd64 image... so I know the file is being read.17:12
ubasrawrhello, can anyone help me troubleshooting my isc-dhcp files? this is my pastebin for my interfaces and dhcpd.conf: http://pastebin.com/eS68WSnJ ; but i am unsure what i am doing wrong17:12
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DarkStar1hi all. I’m not sure what’s causing a reject for my ftp access for anonymous users. I have the following config for vsftpd: http://fpaste.org/98211/13988787/17:27
DarkStar1to allow anonymous users to upload to the ftp directory but everytime I connect I keep getting a CONNRefuses17:27
vertago1_I am trying to setup cgroups but on 14.04 it seems like the cgconfig.conf file is ignored.20:09
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med_smoser, utlemming: is the Ubuntu cloud-image specifically only dhcp-ing on one interface (even if there are more than one available) in an OpenStack environment (but probably generalized to any cloud-image using UserData).21:00
* med_ is bringing up two interfaces regularly on different nets21:00
smosermed_, it only dhcp's on eth0.21:01
smoserconfig drive could feed it networking information and that should be uspported21:01
med_smoser, is that an Ubuntu server-ism or a cloud-image-ism?21:01
smoserfor additoinal networking21:01
smoserwell, its an ubuntu server-ism.21:02
smoserbut realisitcally its the only way you can make a generic image.21:02
smoserthe assumption is you have dhcp on the "management" interface21:02
smoser(the one that will get you to the MD service)21:02
med_smoser, thanks21:02
med_(fyi, we do get injected static routes on both nics to
xperiahi all. i have upgraded my ubuntu server to the newest version but have a small problem with a php extension. i am getting allways the error message21:14
xperiaPHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20121212+lfs/mailparse.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20121212+lfs/mailparse.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 021:14
xperiaProblem is when i do pecl install mailparse it says that this extension is allready installed but when i go to look inside this directory there is no mailparse extension! Can anybody help me with solving this problem?21:14
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sarnoldxperia: you can break out strace; strace -f -o /tmp/pecl.out pecl install mailparse (or whatever) then look in /tmp/pecl.out to see what files it accessed to determine that it was already installed21:24
xperiasarnold: thanks a lot. i just created btw a symlink to the folder php sayed it miss the extension from the folder where the mailparse.so extension was installed and the error message disapeared. wondering why ubuntu did not install the mailparse.so extension in the same folder like all other extensions. will just do the strace tip. thanks21:27
sarnoldxperia: good question, I don't even see a 'mailparse.so' in my trusty apt-file search21:28
xperialooks like i installed the php5 mailparse extension with phpize from the sources.21:36
esde"The following packages have been kept back:  ffmpeg x264" i added these packages with ppa, and when i just ran apt-get upgrade, i noticed this error. are there newer versions available in the "stock" repos, and the ppa packages are stale and being held back?22:02
esdenvm got it22:05
med_dannf is there a way to turn the logging up way high when doing a dpkg -i?22:08
dannfmed_: not that i know of. unless you're looking at maintainer scripts. those you can edit directly in /var/lib/dpkg/info and e.g. set -x them22:10
med_thanks. figured out it was a pebcak....  (not my c/k)22:14
DarkStar1hi all I need help figuring out why the anonymous vsftpd isn’s allowing connections. I have configured it thus : http://fpaste.org/98211/13988787/22:18
sarnoldDarkStar1: check netstat -lntp and make sure the ftpd is listening on the sockets you expect22:19
DarkStar1sarnold: don’t know why I didn’t think of that first22:28
sarnoldDarkStar1: it's easy to get tunnel vision just looking at logs and configuration files :) sometimes just taking a tiny step back and looking at the whole system can make all the difference..22:29
Patrickdkand then, if you don't get it22:30
Patrickdktake a second step back22:30
Patrickdkand swing that 10lb sledge at it22:30
DarkStar1I’ll take the 10lb sledgehammer right now actually22:30
Patrickdkallowing anonymous uploads in the config also, has nothing to do with file permissions22:31
Patrickdkis the anonymous user allowed to write to that folder?22:32
DarkStar1darn thing wont start at the moment22:32
DarkStar1and there are no error in the logs :/22:33
qhartmanugh this consistent network device naming thing is killing me in Trusty. How do I find out what the system decided to call my second NIC so I can configure it and start using it?22:50
qhartmanI guessed em2, but that doesn't seem to work22:50
qhartmanneither do any of the old ethx stand-bys22:50
DarkStar1thx guys22:50
DarkStar1sledgehammer fix worked22:51
sarnoldqhartman: does ip link show   give you the name you need?22:51
qhartman(both nics are embedded, and I remember the installer referring to em2)22:51
sarnoldDarkStar1: haha22:51
sarnoldqhartman: if you just want to go back I believe you can uninstall the biosdevname package22:51
qhartmansarnold, aha, yes, it's apparently "rename3". That's hilarious.22:52
sarnoldqhartman: o_O22:52
qhartmanderp derp derp22:52
sarnoldqhartman: derp indeed22:52
qhartmanlol, yup, that's what it's called22:52
sarnoldqhartman: it might be nice to file a bug report to point out the derpiness :)22:52
qhartmanafter adding the config "ifup rename3" works as expected.22:53
qhartmanYeah, this behavior is really obnoxious as a default22:53
qhartmaneven sans derp, it's breaking all of my automation everywhere22:53
qhartmansome machines have em1, some have p1p1. It's making for great fun.22:56
qhartmanalready reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/biosdevname/+bug/129587322:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1295873 in biosdevname "biosdevname messes up interface names from emX to renameX" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:57
sarnoldI can appreciate the desire to have some kind of consistency here, especially on the machines that have four or eight NICs23:02
sarnoldbut it feels like a change that might have been better made for saucy to sort out these goofy rename3 things..23:02
qhartmanyeah, I get the goal, I just think their definition of "consistency" didn't really align with a number of people.23:03
qhartmanAt least myself, and everyone else I've talked to23:03
qhartmanand yeah, setting this as a default on an LTS release and not making a ton of noise about it was definitely an oversight.23:04
qhartmaneven if it wee bug-free, a change like this is super disruptive, especially for people like me who only pay attention to LTS releases on their servers23:05
Patrickdkit doesn't affect upgrades though :)23:06
Patrickdkatleast not yet23:06
qhartmanwell, that's something23:06
PatrickdkI had the same rename3 issue23:07
Patrickdkbut then, I considered the whole thing an issue23:07
qhartmanyeah, so do I honestly. Again, I sympathize with the desired outcome, but this is a kinda crappy way to get there.23:07
Patrickdkapt-get remove devbiosname23:08
Patrickdkupdate-initram -u23:08
qhartmanactually biosdevname (for the future people trolling the logs)23:11
qhartmanand yeah, removing that works, thanks for the pointer Patrickdk and sarnold.23:19
qhartmanIt caught me doubly by surprise since none of the VMs or MAAS-installed Trusty machines I've worked with are using this new scheme, so I thought I had all the kin discovered.23:20
sarnoldqhartman: heh, what an unwelcome new surprise :)23:21
qhartmanno wait, you're both right!23:23
PatrickdkI would rather be wrong, than right with sarnold23:28
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