
Kilosmorning jabberwocky93  Spekko  and others06:17
Kiloshi Xethron  06:17
Spekkomorning Kilos and others06:18
Kiloshave you fixed it yet06:18
SpekkoMaaz should have a greet all method06:18
Spekkohmm me ?06:18
jabberwocky93more Kilos :-)06:18
Kilosno Xethron  06:19
Kiloshis lappy keeps crashing06:19
SpekkoWhich laptop does he have ?06:20
jabberwocky93must be a telkom laptop :P06:20
Kiloshi Xethron  ideas man06:20
XethronNope, thats why I want a new one06:20
SpekkoDid it start crashing after 14.04 >06:21
Kilosdid you see the link for ubuntu pcs06:21
XethronI was looking at system76, but its R2,000.00 for shipping06:21
Kilosthey expensive but all ubuntu06:21
Kilosok lets try sort yours06:21
Kilosfirst how old is the drive06:21
XethronSpekko: Nope, since I put Linux on it06:22
XethronKilos: If it was the drive, I would get an error and not a complete crash06:22
XethronI assume it could be the RAM06:22
XethronBut then I assume it should be total RAM failure06:23
jabberwocky93Xethron: anything useful in the syslogs?06:23
Kilosyes ram too but easy to check the drive06:23
Xethronjabberwocky93: nope, nothing06:23
Kilosi kept crashing here and it was the drive06:23
SpekkoXethron: How old is the machine ?06:23
Kiloslemme find a command06:23
XethronKilos: yes, but mine doesn't crash, it freezes solid. Screen still looks fine, but it freezes06:23
XethronNothing moves, not even sysRq Reboot works06:24
jabberwocky93use the live iso and run the mem test on it for a few hours06:24
Kilosya thats what mine did too06:24
XethronKilos: and it was the drive? You sure?06:24
Kiloshad to boot again06:24
XethronI thought a drive would spout errors as the system runs in memory........06:25
Kilosyes i now run windows on the first 30g and ubuntu on the rest and no probs06:25
jabberwocky93Xethron: ah so you know about Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring :P06:25
Kilosgot some bad blocks in the first 30g06:25
Xethronjabberwocky93: hahaha, I didn't know the rhyme, but thats pretty cool :P06:25
Kilosbut there are commands to sort and not use bad blocks06:25
XethronAs a PHP dev, I'll just change it to ElePHPants :P06:26
Kilossudo badblocks -v /dev/sda1 > bad-blocks-result06:27
Private_Usermorning all06:27
XethronKilos: but I'll have to run that with a live CD right?06:27
Kiloshi Private_User  06:27
Kilosno i ran it on the pc06:27
Private_Userhi Kilos06:28
Kilosthere are extra commands that tell it not to use bad blocks found06:28
Private_Userhi jabberwocky93, Spekko, Xethron, 06:28
jabberwocky93hehe @ elephpants06:28
jabberwocky93morning Private_User06:28
Private_Userjust read above, you guys sure its not an issue in the BIOS?06:29
Private_Userwhen I check my CMOS settings there is an option there about the OS on the drive06:29
SpekkoMorning Private_User06:30
* Spekko salutes Private_User06:30
Private_Userat ease soldier06:30
jabberwocky93yeah if SysRq doesn't help it must be something related to cpu/ram/mobo06:31
jabberwocky93I had an old server also crashing now and then, after many many hours of trial and error replacing some of the caps on the motherboard solved the problem06:32
Kiloshow do you find which caps are the problem ones06:33
Kilosoh my peer got him06:34
jabberwocky93Kilos: that was the good work of Active Systems, a small PC shop in stellenbosch06:40
Kiloshi superfly  06:40
Kilosah 06:40
jabberwocky93I can do some tricks with a solder, just about anything except actual soldering06:41
Kilosi dont remember where i found it , just know i use it on all my old drives06:41
Kilosjust know that linux is much more sensitive to dicey drives than windows is06:42
Kiloslol jabberwocky93  what you mean by tricks with a solder?06:46
Kilosi asked how you identify the bad caps06:47
Kilosai! 06:54
Kiloshi Vince-0  07:23
charl_good morning07:25
charl_Maaz: coffee on07:25
* Maaz flips the salt-timer07:26
Kiloshi charl_  07:26
charl_hi Kilos 07:26
charl_how's it going07:27
KilosMaaz  coffee please07:27
MaazKilos: Yessir07:27
Kilosok ta and you07:27
charl_i'm good07:29
jabberwocky93Kilos: "tricks" like using it to burn a hole in my bike's number plate or lighting crackers ^_^07:29
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_ and Kilos!07:30
KilosMaaz  ty07:30
MaazYou are welcome Kilos07:30
Kiloshi Golynx  07:38
Golynxhi Kilos07:38
charl_oh new version of firefox today07:38
charl_hi Golynx 07:38
Golynxhi charl_07:38
charl_hi jabberwocky93 07:38
Golynxff29 looks like chrome07:39
Golynxmaybe they want to make it easier for chrome people to join them lol07:40
jabberwocky93hi charl_07:40
Golynxhi jabberwocky9307:41
jabberwocky93hi Golynx08:00
KilosMaaz  tell inetpro Fix it man08:05
MaazKilos: Sure, I'll tell inetpro on freenode08:05
Private_Userhey anybody heard of a company called gTeam previously? 08:38
charl_hi theblazehen 09:36
theblazehenhi charl_ 09:36
ThatGraemeGuyYou have to download a total of 803 M. This download will take about 11 hours with your connection.09:40
ThatGraemeGuyaawww :-(09:40
charl_whow ! you on 3g?09:42
ThatGraemeGuyno adsl09:43
ThatGraemeGuycompare to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/04/17/%23ubuntu-za.txt09:45
ThatGraemeGuy[12:02] <ThatGraemeGuy> You have to download a total of 1 290 M. This download will take about 23 minutes with your connection.09:45
ThatGraemeGuyhence "aawww :-("09:45
Kiloseina that sucks09:49
charl_will probably take half a minute here09:59
charl_i see ipv6 privacy extensions work again on 14.0410:05
charl_for some reason it was broken on 13.1010:05
charl_it works perfectly under debian 7 too10:05
charl_the problem with debian7 is that it accumulates more and more ipv6 addresses until you have like 10 of them10:05
charl_it seems ubuntu is better at managing it now10:06
nuvolario/ lew10:50
Kiloslo nuvolari  10:52
theblazehenhi nuvolari Vince-0 Kilos 10:55
Kiloshi theblazehen  10:56
* superfly wonders where inetpro is13:05
superflyaloha kbmonkey13:14
Kiloshi kbmonkey  13:15
Kiloslooks like their whole system is down there13:15
Kilosall 3 are missing13:15
superflyI would venture that DNS seems to be the problem13:22
kbmonkeyhi superfly & Kilos 13:22
kbmonkeylogged into your minetest server superfly 13:23
superflykbmonkey: cool, I'm at work right now...13:23
superflymaybe I can log in on my phone13:23
Kilosgood man kbmonkey  im still stuck after cutting some trees13:23
superflykbmonkey: there's an android client called BuildCraft13:24
kbmonkeythere is no way my phone will run that - thanks tho ;P13:24
kbmonkeyKilos, I built a house and garden on top of the hill, heh. 13:24
superflywee, just logged in on my phone13:25
kbmonkeythis mine thing is new to me13:25
superflyfound your house13:26
superflybut BuildCraft is a little difficult to use13:27
Kiloshaha im still stuck trying to get logs to the plank stage13:30
Kilosfollowing the tutorial, ill first practise here before i go further13:32
Squirm-superfly: Buildcraft?13:33
Squirm-well, I see it's like MineCraft. do you have a Buildcraft server?13:33
Kilosi cut some trees too much and ended with whole in the ground hee hee13:33
superflySquirm-: minetest client for Android13:35
superflySquirm-: yes, I do13:35
kbmonkeycareful Kilos ! you don't want to fall down the hole...13:35
kbmonkeyif only I had a tablet...13:36
kbmonkeyI fell down a hole sombody had dug and got hurt13:36
Kilosin the game?13:36
kbmonkeyyes in game xD13:37
Kilosits the fly, he knew you were coming13:37
superflythere are lots of caves13:38
superflybe careful13:38
Kilosonce you have some wood in the crafting grid they tell you to cut some more. how do you turn off the grid again13:39
Kilosyou know that thing you open with i13:39
ThatGraemeGuyare we getting into minecraft now?13:41
ThatGraemeGuysomeone clue up an old man :)13:41
kbmonkeyKilos, press i again?13:44
kbmonkeyor escape?13:44
kbmonkeyI am leaving, going to try beat the trafic today...13:44
Kilosthen the window gos black and i see nothing13:44
Kilosgo safe13:45
kbmonkeythat sounds wrong13:45
kbmonkeyyou not stuck in the dark cave Kilos ?13:45
Kilosi was out on the grass when i did i13:45
Kilosanyway go home now man13:45
superflyThatGraemeGuy: minetest - open source minecraft clone13:55
Kiloshaha i have some planks and an apple and astick13:55
Kilosand 24 dirt13:56
ThatGraemeGuyso people can play on the same map?13:59
ThatGraemeGuysorry, i don't really know minecraft13:59
Kilosi need to set it brighter somehow14:06
Squirm-someone let me know when it's light again :/14:08
Squirm-ThatGraemeGuy: yes14:08
Squirm-ThatGraemeGuy: it's like... a world14:08
Squirm-with different Biomes14:08
Squirm-and you can build things14:09
ThatGraemeGuyalways looked kinda interesting just never bothered14:11
Kilosoi tried to fill the whole with dirt and it just got deeper14:16
superflySquirm-: i think it's about 20 minutes14:26
superflyI can change that to longer14:26
theblazehenKilos: Can you click away from the grid?14:51
Kilosto do what14:51
theblazehenClose crafting table in minecraft14:51
Kiloswhen the grid shows i cant click anywhere else14:52
Kilosis minetest and minecraft the same thing14:52
Golynxhi theblazehen , bushtech14:53
theblazehenhi Golynx 14:53
Golynxhmm, minecraft :-/14:53
Kiloshaha i have a pile of cobblestones as well but dunno whewre they came from14:54
Kilosmaybe outa the dirt i dug up14:54
Golynxi used to be excelent in rts games, maybe next year i will take over the world 14:55
theblazehenGolynx: hmm, tasty minecraft ..14:58
Golynxuntil then i'm stuck at dominating these type of strategy games :p http://www.freedownloadflashgames.com/skill/Gravitee_Wars_3362.html15:01
Golynxtheblazehen: minecraft sounds good , i wana play15:01
Golynxsomeday :)15:01
theblazehenGolynx: it is :)15:02
Kilosive dug myself too deep in now, purged game and will try again tomorrow15:08
theblazehenKilos: as in `rm -rf` purged ?15:14
Kilosaptitude purge15:16
Kilosi wanna try it on unity tomorrow. its too dark here and i can find the brightness setting15:17
Kiloswb inetpro  plustwo  Mzolisto  15:18
Kiloswhat did you guys break15:18
superflytheblazehen: we're playing minetest - an open source minecraft clone16:59
theblazehensuperfly: ah, kk17:03
theblazehenOn a server?17:03
superflyyep, I'm running a server17:04
theblazehensuperfly: cool. Url?17:06
superflytheblazehen: pm'ed you17:06
theblazehensuperfly: ty. will go on later17:07
theblazehenDownload almost done17:15
theblazehencharl_: you got IPv6? Nice!17:15
superflytheblazehen: he's in the netherlands, I think, so it's kinda expected17:23
theblazehensuperfly: true. I'm on the server BTW17:23
theblazehenhi spinza 17:30
theblazehen9 minutes left of my Office download :(17:34
superflytheblazehen: cool17:34
theblazehenIt means I'm gonna have to do work :/17:34
charl_theblazehen: i've been irc'ing over ipv6 for at least 5 years yes17:40
* theblazehen is jealous17:40
charl_don't be, if you don't have native ipv6 yet go grab a tunnel :P17:41
charl_there's teredo/miredo, aiccu/sixxs, 6in4/he, 6to4, etc etc17:42
theblazehencharl_: good idea17:42
charl_my cable provider is running behind the times and also does not have native ipv6 yet on the network17:43
charl_they promise every year that they will roll it out and then it becomes the next year17:43
charl_at work we have had dual stack for a long time though17:43
charl_they are even running it it on the wlan now17:43
Kiloslooks like inetpro has serious probs17:44
theblazehenKilos: hmm?17:44
superflyanyone still using firefox? any thoughts on the new interface?17:46
charl_superfly: *still* using? what are you using then? chromium?17:47
charl_i think it's quite nice personally17:47
superflycharl_: nope, but a lot of folks have moved to chromium/chrome17:47
superflyI still prefer firefox17:47
charl_me too :P17:47
theblazehenI'm using FF with a custom userChrome.css and tree style tabs.. I'm not ready to -Syu yet :(17:48
theblazehenFuck it, I'll stick with 2817:48
Kiloshi hibana  wb18:17
Kiloswhat broke18:17
hibanaKilos: at what time did we loose inetpro?18:17
hibananee man, serious!?18:17
Kilosis that serious enough18:18
hibanaKilos: no this evening18:18
Kilosbeen back for a bit18:18
* hibana gets home thinking everything is hunkydory again only to test and see we're down again18:19
hibanawhat a day?18:19
hibanathis is not fun18:19
Kiloswhats happening there18:19
hibanathe whole DC lost power18:20
Kiloshackers cracking you or crackers hacking you18:20
Kilospower as in electricity18:20
hibanayebo yes, UPS power issues nogal, as far as I understand18:20
hibanaservers need power to run18:21
Kilosstrange to get power cuts in town18:21
hibananot city power18:22
Kilosprobs in the building?18:23
theblazehenI keep getting power cuts :( It kills my uptime :/18:23
theblazehen20:22:35 up 12:54,  3 users,  load average: 5.09, 4.79, 4.9818:23
Kilospower becoming a serious issue in za18:26
hibanaI see even MyBroadband tearing us apart with "Gov.za tango down"18:26
hibanathis is not fun man18:27
hibananot sure exactly what the problem is but I sure hope they are putting a proper solution to prevent this from happening again18:27
Kilosdo the server boot auto maticcaly when power returns?18:29
charl_the article doesn't look so bad to me18:30
hibanasome systems are robust and can handle power failures but others can be very fragile18:30
charl_would hardly classify as "tearing" you apart imho18:31
* hibana feels better now18:31
hibanacharl_: thanks18:31
charl_i know, from the inside it feels much harder :)18:31
* hibana feeling 10 years older after today18:33
theblazehenhttp://neo900.org/ Can't wait for the release of this!18:35
hibanatheblazehen: wow, that sounds awesome18:38
theblazehenAs soon as I can get them to accept bitcoin, and I've made enough to pay for one, I'm buying one18:38
hibanahope it can compete with the likes of the Note 318:38
theblazehennope, it wont18:39
theblazehenBut it IS a kinda small job18:39
* hibana would love to see something where the height of the screen is as wide as an A4 page18:40
hibanaand a physical keyboard would always be a bonus18:41
Kilosand as you get older it must get bigger18:41
theblazehenKilos: As long as you can see the pixels. I feel the pixels on the ipad etc. are wasted as you cant use them all, becuase if you make fonts that small you can't really read it18:42
Kiloshaha i battle to read lots of stuff here18:43
theblazehenhttp://i.imgur.com/ocEstXc.png for reference: My display18:43
Kilosneed to ctrl+ a few times18:43
theblazehenI like small fonts, and I cannot lie..18:43
Kilosi canr read any of that18:44
theblazehenzoom in, lol18:44
charl_theblazehen: which wm is that?18:44
theblazehencharl_: awesomewm18:44
theblazehenWanna switch to i3 soon18:44
theblazehenmaybe when I move to my netbook18:44
theblazehenAnd use this machine as a VM host18:45
Kiloshow you zoom in18:45
theblazehenkilos: ctrl + mouse wheel up18:45
charl_i've been using i3 for almost a year now18:45
charl_very happy with it18:45
Kilosmouse whell dont work18:45
charl_i see you're using python, nice18:45
theblazehencharl_: great to hear. Using dmenu for menu, etc?18:45
theblazehenyeah, python is good18:45
theblazehenKilos: try ctrl and + ?18:45
charl_standard i3 menu yes18:45
charl_whatever it is called :)18:46
Kilosif i ctrl+ 3 times i can read18:46
theblazehencharl_: I just don't like the title bars. But I'm sure I can remove them18:46
theblazehenNot sure if I shouldn't just get w3m, and do it all in tmux though18:46
charl_which editor are you using?18:46
theblazehenI really like tmux18:46
theblazehenvim! of course18:46
charl_ah i see18:46
charl_i was about to say it doesn't look like vim18:47
charl_but i guess you have a lot of options set18:47
theblazehenyeah, mainly powerline18:47
charl_ah here is a good question18:47
charl_terminal emulator - which one18:47
theblazehencharl_: xterm18:48
theblazehenI like it as it's small, and it doesn't have a scrollbar like urxvt18:48
hibanahow much power can one get out of a rack mountable UPS device?18:48
charl_sorry i promise, last question18:49
charl_which font is that ?18:49
theblazehennah, It keeps me away from working :)18:49
theblazehengimme a sec18:49
theblazehenSource Code Pro patched for powerline18:49
Kilosi go sllep now18:49
theblazehencya Kilos 18:49
Kilosgood luck hibana  18:49
Kilossleep tight all18:49
hibanathanks Kilos, good night18:50
theblazehencharl_: Also using monokai for the colours18:50
charl_thanks i'll check those out18:51
charl_very interesting :)18:51
theblazehenand if you haven't already, check out tmux too. ty :)18:51
theblazehenI'll share any dotfiles if you want, should be easy to figure out though18:52
charl_i'm using byobu which uses tmux in the background18:53
charl_but yes tmux is awesome18:53
charl_but i was particularly interested in the font18:53
theblazehencharl_: Have you had a look at Termsyn? Also a good font18:54
theblazehenWhich font do you currently use?18:54
charl_i'm using the standard courier 10 pitch which ships with ubuntu18:55
theblazehenAlso how is byobu better than tmux? Looking at screenshots it kinda looks worse..18:55
charl_not a bad font per se but it could be better18:55
theblazehenah, kk18:55
charl_byobu is just a layer around tmux, it's stupidly simple to configure tmux18:55
charl_and the default settings are quite good18:56
theblazehenhave you tried tmux alone? Also sane defaults, quite.. ok18:56
charl_yes i used to use it straight before switching to byobu18:58
charl_before that i used screen for many many years18:58
theblazehenok, guess I'll try it out then18:58
charl_ooh source code pro looks nice18:59
charl_just switched to it now18:59
charl_theblazehen: if you're happy with your current tmux configuration, i wouldn't spend too much time on it19:01
theblazehengreat :)19:01
theblazehenHmm.. Need to find thin client software that support multi monitors19:01
theblazehencharl_: yeah19:01
charl_i'm quite a big screen multiplexing user, even though i use a tiling wm i don't actually tile much19:02
theblazehenheh, same here19:02
charl_i'm one of those people, i like to have one thing on my screen at a time19:02
charl_so what i do is i mostly use i3 in tabs mode19:03
theblazehentabs mode? 19:03
charl_and inside a terminal emulator i rapidly switch windows or whatever they are called again inside a terminal multiplexer19:03
charl_yeah meta+w19:03
charl_or whatever it was called again :)19:04
charl_i don't know what all these things are called i just use them :P lol19:04
theblazehenWhat I do is have a few browsers open each on a workspace, and then a few terminal multiplexers open on the other workspaces19:04
charl_yeah i love workspaces19:04
theblazehencurrently have 3 tmux "windows", with "tabs" inside them19:04
theblazehenDunno how to explain better19:04
charl_yeah lol19:05
charl_it becomes crazy19:05
theblazehentmux ls | wc -l19:05
theblazehenNot too bad I suppose, but this is just my local machine..19:05
charl_ah byobu "wants" to run once19:05
charl_it makes it easy on the one side but limits you on the other19:06
theblazehenheh, ok19:06
charl_but i always only have one "instance" of it running it any case, so i don't care19:06
charl_so it actually makes it easier for me19:06
theblazehenSometimes I even run X in different TTY's19:06
charl_never attempted that19:06
theblazehenQuite useful19:06
theblazehenEspecially when trying a new WM19:06
theblazehenOr multi-users19:07
theblazehenI'll miss it :(19:08
theblazehenPowerpoint title slide complete: Guess thats enough work for today!19:09
charl_have a good evening all19:35
=== hibana_ is now known as hibana
theblazehenI just tried to make a 4 space tab in powerpoint.. Turns out bullets don't work that way20:00
* inetpro breathing again20:21
theblazehenwb inetpro 20:22
inetpropower back up in the DC20:22
inetpronot sure what the sparky did but I hope he has fixed the issues properly for once and for all20:25
theblazehenhttp://i.imgur.com/bAL9uAf.png Opinions please?20:34
ThatGraemeGuyis that a presentation slide?20:54
theblazehenThatGraemeGuy: yep20:55
ThatGraemeGuyi won't pretend to be a master of giving presentations but it seems a bit verbose20:56
ThatGraemeGuyslides are typically much more terse with the detail coming out in the talk20:56
theblazehenYeah, good point20:56
* inetpro agrees with that point21:00
inetprohate it when people want me to read an essay on the big screen, rather hand out the details in print form if you want me to read that21:00
inetproin which case there's no need to waste everyone's time with a presentation21:01
inetprovery few things are as boring as a presenter who reads his presentation on the screen21:04
theblazeheninetpro: true, thanks21:04
inetprono stress21:05
theblazehenMaybe I should actually just skip that section. If people wanna understand, then they should google it themselves21:05
inetprotheblazehen: that is just my opinion, I'm the worst public speaker out there21:06
theblazeheninetpro: nah, I have a time limit of 3 - 5 minutes21:06
theblazehenVery short21:07
inetprothe shorter it becomes the more difficult it is to do it right21:07
theblazeheninetpro: yeah :(21:08
theblazehenI have too much information to get accross21:09
* inetpro going to recharge the batteries21:15
inetprogood night21:15
theblazehencya inetpro 21:21

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