[02:09] JackYu, UKSC 今天会准备好? [02:49] ypwong, 没问题。 [02:50] ypwong: http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001055991?page=rest [02:51] ypwong: UKSC = Supreme Court of United Kingdom [03:08] freeflying, lol [04:43] hello [04:43] anybody here? [04:45] 大家好! [07:04] ypwong: meeting or not? [07:05] JackYu: ^^ [07:09] happyaron, there is, but jack yu is not here.. :P [07:09] so i think we can cancel [07:10] ok [07:14] 用bzr完全没有做cherry-pick等patch相关操作的动力。 [07:22] uksc 的 history 又乱套了 [07:22] ypwong: 求换git [07:22] 强烈求换git [07:22] lol [07:24] 考虑中 [07:24] happyaron, can you upload UKSC [07:24] maclin 说用这版 [07:25] ypwong: 等我把搜狗这版提交给QA就弄那个。 [07:25] happyaron, ok [07:26] maclin_, ok, 我改了 bug 1314471 [07:26] maclin_, 尽量写一下 test case 和 regression potential,特别是后者 [07:26] 免得 sru team 的人问 [07:27] 我刚把test case填了,regression potential主要是填什么内容?不是太理解这个 === maclin_ is now known as maclin [07:34] maclin: source tar在哪 [07:42] happyaron,正在上传 [07:45] ok [07:53] happyaron,已经upload到0.2.9中https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-kylin-software-center/0.2/0.2.9 [07:54] maclin: ok [07:55] maclin: 你的source名应该是0.2.9.6啊,不该是0.2.9 [07:57] happyaron,好的,我重新上传 [07:58] thx, :) [08:01] maclin, for more information: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates [08:14] ypwong,好的,thanks^ [08:21] JackYu, maclin: ubuntu-kylin-docs 的内容又放在网上吗? [08:22] ypwong, 什么意思? [08:22] 没看明白。 [08:23] 有放在网站上吗? [08:25] JackYu, ^^ [08:26] 还没有,目前只在LP上 [08:26] JackYu, ok [08:26] :) [08:57] happyaron, uksc uploaded? [09:04] uksc 的窗口没有阴影,不像一般窗口 [09:08] 是的,有阴影效果的时候启动会闪一下,后来就取消了,后面再调整 [09:20] maclin, 其实默认的 qt window 就有阴影,是现在的实现方式太特殊? === maclin_ is now known as maclin [09:30] ypwong, 我把Bug #1314471 的Regression Potential补完了,你帮忙看看? [09:37] maclin, ok [16:24] happyaron, hey, got any issue with uksc upload?