
davecheneycan someone hulk smash this revision00:00
davecheneyit will never apply, for reasons obvious from the error in the MP00:00
menn0mgz: turns out Will had already fixed this test but hadn't landed it in trunk. I've just marked the review as approved (with him sitting next to me).00:05
perrito666mgz: looks like what you need? lp:~hduran-8/goose/json_encoded_errors00:12
mgzmenn0: good job00:22
mgzperrito666: loooooking00:22
menn0mgz: those changes landed and the tests pass now on my machine00:27
menn0mgz: hooray :)00:27
perrito666knock, knock, knock, mgz00:30
perrito666knock, knock, knock, mgz00:30
mgzperrito666: just got the net back00:30
mgzcomment #1: we want the fallback 500 to include the unknown error string00:31
mgzperrito666: looks okay past that00:31
mgz-ify is a bit funny00:32
perrito666mgz: JSON, JSONEncode ?00:33
mgznaming bikeshedding anyone?00:34
perrito666that sounds a bit like fantastic twins :p but I can fix that00:34
perrito666how do I lbox propose something and mark that it depends on another proposal?00:46
mgzperrito666: it's a flag on propose, do --help00:53
menn0tedious but easy review please: https://codereview.appspot.com/9592004301:02
mgzmenn0: you sorted out the appspot login thing?01:03
perrito666mgz: https://codereview.appspot.com/9787004401:09
bodie_hello all, we're getting a bit hung up on the lifecycle stuff since we're trying to implement a new collection of docs for Action05:10
bodie_is there a technique for getting a unique sequential ID for a new document from txn?05:10
=== negronjl-afk is now known as negronjl
stokachuhazmat: see where that websocket library now supports py3/2?14:09
hazmatstokachu, awesome!15:25
hazmatstokachu, don't worry someone will rewrite deployer in go15:25
stokachuhazmat: haha15:26
stokachudeployer's logic for waiting on services before relating should go into the juju-core code15:26
stokachulike a 'services pending relation' queue15:27
davecheneyjamespage: is there a utopic ami ?15:30
davecheneyor cloud image that I can test with ?15:30
jamespagedavecheney, http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/utopic/20140429/15:35
davecheneyjamespage: thanks15:41
davecheneyi guess they aren't published to ec215:41
davecheneyi'm addicted to the ec2 links on the cloud images page15:41
jamespagedavecheney, maybe not yet15:46
jamespagedavecheney, utlemming would know when15:46
perrito666mgz: strangely, the merge failed https://code.launchpad.net/~hduran-8/goose/testservice_errors/+merge/21781816:18
dimiternperrito666, vladk|offline, mgz, a quick review about showing networks in status? https://codereview.appspot.com/9100004316:24
perrito666dimitern: lgtm I added a comment there16:28
dimiternperrito666, cheers!16:29
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
bodie_o/ jcw416:35
jcw4bodie_: I'll start adding the actionids to the unit16:36
bodie_i'm hitting up rick for the hangout16:36
jcw4and investigating how the unit would pull the actions off and execute them16:36
jcw4bodie_: cool16:36
mgzperrito666: that's odd16:59
mgzdimitern: did a post-landing review17:17
dimiternmgz, cheers17:24
mgzperrito666: lp:~gz/juju-core/os_listservers_errors_122241317:43
perrito666mgz: can you read me? if so pass me again the link, my irc proxy swallowed it17:59
mgzperrito666: lp:~gz/juju-core/os_listservers_errors_122241318:00
dimiternmgz, https://codereview.appspot.com/90970045 updated status as suggested18:06
mgzperrito666: https://codereview.appspot.com/9101004418:09
perrito666mgz: rvd18:10
menn0review please (Python script): https://codereview.appspot.com/9401004418:11
perrito666mgz: ok, finally got your branch :18:27
=== negronjl is now known as negronjl-afk
mgzperrito666: landed first stage of your goose branches18:57
perrito666mgz: cool18:57
perrito666mgz: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-YK_lIV2xxPs/T6iQnXqubbI/AAAAAAAAAUo/SY3DCN5mJzs/s1600/droopy-i-am-so-happy.jpg18:57
perrito666mgz: hey around your code, I cannot return json encoded error, I ether do a sendJSON with the encoded error and return the error or I return the actual error and you call yourself the json encoding19:08
mgzperrito666: my code?19:10
mgzor the bit in service_http.go?19:11
mgzdo a sendJSON for now if that's what you need19:11
perrito666the bit on service_http.go19:11
mgzwe want unified error handling later, but shortest path to sane error response is right for now19:11
perrito666mgz: I broke the universe https://pastebin.canonical.com/109483/19:20
perrito666will see whats up later, gotta change chairs now19:20
mgzperrito666: ...what did you do...19:24
mgzperrito666: looks like your cast is not working19:25
perrito666mgz: nah, its the sendJSON part that is broken19:25
perrito666that I broke that is19:26
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
mgzperrito666: having any joy?20:36
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
jcw4bodie_: ping22:13
mwhudsonhow do i prevent bootstrap destroying the env if it fails?22:26
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jcw4bodie_: bits3rpent - I probably can't make the standup... fyi22:37
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha

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