
lordievaderGood morning.07:22
Riddellmorning lordievader 09:18
Riddelllordievader: how's the feedback from 14.04?09:18
lordievaderSeems to be running wel for people.09:26
lordievaderWhat is your opinion on the code name Utopic Unicorn?09:31
Riddellseems like a nice codename09:34
Riddellscotland's national animal, or so maco says09:34
lordievaderI didn't know that. That's nice.09:37
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ScottKapachelogger's national animal too.10:38
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:46
doctorpepperhi guys !11:08
doctorpepperRiddell: is it safe to update to kde 4.13 [ precise ]  with the following packages  kept back : akregator calligra-libs calligrasheets dolphin gir1.2-telepathylogger-0.2 gwenview kaddressbook kde-baseapps   kdepim-kresources kjots kleopatra kmail knode knotes kontact kopete korganizer krita krita-data libcalendarsupport4 libeventviews4 libincidenceeditorsng4  libkdepim4 libkdepimdbusinterfaces4 libkdgantt2-0 libkleo4 libkmanagesieve4 libkolab0 11:12
doctorpepperlibkopete4 libkpgp4 libksieve4 libksieveui4 libmailcommon4 libmailimporter4 libmessagecomposer4 libmessagecore4 libmessagelist4 libmessageviewer4 libnepomukcleaner4 libnepomukcore4abi1 libpimcommon4 libsendlater4  libtelepathy-farstream2 libtemplateparser4 marrble marble-plugins nepomuk-core-dev  nepomuk-core-runtime okular okular-extra-backends telepathy-logger 11:12
Riddelldoctorpepper_: oh that's kdepim-runtime needs recompiled, I'll set that off now12:13
Riddelloh and shadeslayer didn't get back to me about the telepathy packages in staging for precise12:13
Riddellnudge shadeslayer ↑12:13
apacheloggerScottK: pam-kwallet sru waiting for you btw12:59
ScottKMaybe tonight. 13:12
RiddellScottK: also qt fix for saucy and quantal verified in bug 1289600, still waiting on verification in precise, the tester says he can't recreate the problem13:16
ubottubug 1289600 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Saucy) "Fix for crashes due to ubuntu-specific accessibility patch" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128960013:16
Riddellmorning sgclark 13:38
sgclarkRiddell: morning :) I am looking at symbols again, it is behaving badly heh13:38
Riddellsgclark: ach ignore the symbols in backports13:39
Riddellwe know there's no new symbols in it because there isn't in the development series builds, so we don't need to care about backports13:39
Riddellsgclark: so I say http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.13.0_precise.html is good to test and go13:39
Riddelldoctorpepper_: ↑13:39
Riddelloh but telepathy is the remaining issue13:40
Riddellwhere's shadeslayer when you need him?13:40
RiddellI'll probably just delete the telepathy packages in that PPA13:40
doctorpepper_ok 13:41
doctorpepper_i have just updated  apt cache  but  i still have the same list  of kept back packages 13:42
sgclarkRiddell: ok ignoring13:42
Riddelldoctorpepper_: what does apt-cache policy say is the version of kdepim-runtime?13:44
doctorpepper_actually  it's a error on my part   i used apt-get upgrade instead of  apt-get dist-upgrade13:47
BluesKajdoctorpepper_, you can still run dist-upgrade13:47
doctorpepper_why ?13:48
BluesKajdoctorpepper_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/194651/why-use-apt-get-upgrade-instead-of-apt-get-dist-upgrade13:49
shadeslayerRiddell: I was backporting the packages, but it's far too many things14:41
macoRiddell: i said what?14:47
d_edhey guys, one of our users dodger has a problem with KTp; they have ktp 0.8.1 and not libkpeople 0.2.2 which is causing problems.16:07
dodgeri'm on trusty, upgraded last week16:08
d_edlooking at packages.ubuntu.com it seems trusty has versions that work; with 0.8.016:08
d_edso I'm confused how he might have got 0.8.116:08
Riddelldodger: you're on 14.04 (trusty)? any PPAs?16:10
dodgerno PPAs - I've tried enabling the backports PPA, but no new version is in there16:11
dodgeri've got pre-released and unsupported updates on in Muon16:11
Riddelldodger: ah yes pre-release (proposed) has kpeople 0.8.116:12
Riddellbug 131361116:12
ubottubug 1313611 in meta-kde-telepathy (Ubuntu Trusty) "[MRE] Please update meta-kde-telepathy to 0.8.1" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131361116:12
dodgerthat explains it then16:13
dodgeri'll try forcing that to 0.8.016:13
d_edRiddell: can I request that you put in libkpeople 0.2.2 before you let this hit trusty.16:13
Riddelld_ed: yes you can16:14
d_edI'm glad we have the proposed PPA. It seems to have done it's job16:14
Riddellshadeslayer: your doing ↑16:14
d_edit's our fault for making a minor release which relies on another minor release.16:14
d_edI'll comment on the bug16:15
d_edoh you have16:15
Riddelld_ed: any sign of shadeslayer in today?16:15
doctorpepperRiddell:  after updating to to kde4.13 stagging   akonadi refuses to start 16:15
d_edit's a public holiday in Spain16:15
d_ed(yeah, it's weird)16:15
doctorpepperhere is  the output  of akonadictl start : http://paste.kde.org/p2kw5lgrl16:15
d_edand tomorrow we have the neon ISO to deal with16:16
Riddelld_ed: ah, may day, he's out with the workers16:16
d_edyeah, they don't just move it to Monday like a sensible country16:17
Riddelldoctorpepper: pastebin apt-cache policy akonadi-server16:17
shadeslayerRiddell: fixing16:21
shadeslayerd_ed: you could have just called me D16:21
doctorpepperRiddell:  any idea16:22
shadeslayerScottK: please accept libkpeople16:24
Riddelldoctorpepper: nope :(  working fine for me testing on an ec216:26
* shadeslayer feels so silly16:28
d_edheh, it shows your processes work16:29
shadeslayerd_ed: are you at the office?16:29
dodgeryou guys are awesome, BTW :)16:30
dodgerthanks a lot for the quick response16:30
d_edshadeslayer: yeah16:31
shadeslayerdodger: well someone needs to accept libkpeople first :P16:31
d_edit's just me and Alex.16:31
shadeslayerah ok16:31
d_edand we're not doing work things16:31
dodgerstill, much appreciated!  hopefully this won't hit many other people16:33
Riddelldoctorpepper: "DATABASE ERROR:" ah so it's a problem with the akonadi upgrade I guess :(  try asking in #kontact16:34
shadeslayerwhat's interesting is that I thought I bumped the libkpeople dep16:34
* Riddell out for a bit16:39
Riddelldoctorpepper: any luck?21:23
doctorpepperStallmanu: i need some help 21:24
doctorpepperRiddell:   everything went well 21:24
doctorpepperexcept for one thing  i have  some issues with baloo 21:25
Riddelluh oh21:26
doctorpepper it has been indexing for 2h45 min 21:26
Riddellnot unusual if you have lots of stuff in your home directory21:27
doctorpepperwell i have around 40G 21:32
doctorpepperplus all my mails (including 2y of fedora and kubuntu mailing list archive 1 y of samba)21:35
Riddellso it'll take a while21:53
* Riddell publishes http://www.kubuntu.org/news/calligra-2.8.122:04
* Riddell also publishes http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.1322:04
valorieI got a few people in #kubuntu and at LFNW asking for those in backports22:19
valoriealso, burning ISOs, I burned about half to an Ubuntu, perhaps 1/3 to Kubuntu, and the remainder to the other flavors22:22
valorieeverything but Mythbuntu and UbuntuKylin I think22:22
valoriepeople were jazzed that i had all the isos22:22
valorieand some told me that even though they wanted Ubuntu, they planned on getting Kubuntu-desktop as well, to at least try it out22:23
dodgeri have to say, this is another rock-solid release22:25
dodgerrespect, kubuntu folks :)22:25
valoriethanks, dodger22:27
valoriethat's been my experience as well22:27
Riddellvalorie: LFNW?23:09
Riddelldodger: how's telepathy doing with the kpeople update?23:10
valorieLinuxfest Northwest23:15
valorieI shared a table (ubuntu-washington) with Debian23:15
valoriealthough the deb people only stopped to say hi23:15
valoriewhich was sad23:16
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