
alan_47hello there. I installed ubuntu on my machine from liveUSB, however, it won't boot from disk, the grub menu shows but after that some green and pink dots appear on screen, i've tried nomodeset and blacklist nouvea, nvidia gtx560 here04:59
alan_47blacklisting nouvea makes the lubuntu logo appear but after that it freezes on black screen04:59
alan_47why can't it just work like it works from the liveusb?05:00
Cometzwb KyouReeUs4nfo07:16
Cometzhello everyone07:19
Cometzim new to lubuntu07:19
Cometzanyone wana recommend a good efficient zip file maker?07:19
Cometzthx in advance07:19
KyouReeUs4nfoCometz: man gzip07:24
Cometzis it like 7zip?07:25
KyouReeUs4nfoCometz: No, gzip isn't like 7zip, as in it chooses .gz extension by default limiting user to choose extension of choice. Nonetheless, LZW is used for compression. If you are looking to compress via GUI, just right click on file, click compress and choose extension of your choice for the output file.08:54
sagsawi have a question09:02
sagsawif i install minimal ubuntu and then i install lubuntu-core ... will the distro become lubuntu or will it be ubuntu? so will there 5 years support or 3 years support09:02
sagsawwhats this about support ... someone told me if i installed lubuntu-desktop on ubuntu14.04 LTS ... lubuntu-desktop will get 5 years support09:05
sagsawwhats this about support ... someone told me if i installed lubuntu-desktop on ubuntu14.04 LTS ... lubuntu-desktop will get 5 years support09:07
Cometzsagsaw, backup everything before installing lubuntu09:07
Cometzby default, it wipes all paritions and installs ext409:08
sagsawno thats not the question ...09:08
Cometzi know09:08
sagsawwhats this about support ... someone told me if i installed lubuntu-desktop on ubuntu14.04 LTS ... lubuntu-desktop will get 5 years support09:08
CometzLTS is Long term support09:08
Cometzget updates09:08
sagsawsee lubuntu is 3 year support for LTS so how will a lubuntu package be supported for 5 years thats the question09:09
Cometzim a new lubuntu user.09:10
Cometzbut ok with 3/5 support09:10
sagsawok ...09:11
sagsawjust send email to julien regarding this09:11
sagsawhope some advanced user or lubuntu developer can answer this09:12
sagsawwhats this about support ... someone told me if i installed lubuntu-desktop on ubuntu14.04 LTS ... lubuntu-desktop will get 5 years support09:32
comics_ideeswhat are some must have software apps for lubuntu09:40
bjorn_hi all, the day before yesterday I got som help to load nm-applet in autostart. Now, not even this works. My nm-applet is not visible. what Is wrong?11:23
comics_ideeswhat is a nm applet12:00
bjorn_comics_idees, network manager applet, the one that usually shows your wifi connection12:03
comics_ideesin autostart you could put a .desktop  file12:04
kerloiHi. I recently changed a computer OS from win XP to lubuntu and I discovered a graphic problem. If anything (mouse cursor, window, menu ...) touch the left side of the screen the window (or menu ...) turn darker (like if a half-transparent grey window apperas on the top of it).14:21
kerloiI tried a live dvd of linux mint and the result is the same.14:22
kerloiIt's very hard to ggoglise that problem (I'm in pain describing it) and moreover if I take a screenshot everything seems fine ...14:23
kerloiI've activated the propriatary drivers without success.14:24
kerloiSomething else to say, the screen have an offset on the left (it is 1 cm bigger than the screen) and the auto adjust function of the screen doesn't change anything (and it is impossible to correct it manually)...14:26
kerloiThe scrren itself is not to blame as  it works perfectly with other computers.14:26
kerloiI'm stuck with that problem ...14:27
kerloiIf I add a 10 px margin on the left in the openbox configuration I can have my windows maximazied without problem14:40
kerloiIf I add less (5 px for example) the problem persist but the color changes less than without margin14:41
comics_ideesis there any musthave app that we should download and install in lubuntu?15:14
comics_ideescan you tell a list of necessary apps?15:15
Mr_Cometcuz i lost my valuable partition when it wiped my whole harddisk15:15
holsteincomics_idees: lubuntu *is* ubuntu.. so, you havfe access to the same applications from the same officially supported repositories15:16
Mr_Cometi used TestDisk to salvage whatever old data from old partition i had.15:16
holsteincomics_idees: there are thousands and thousands of applications available.. and those are just the default, officially supported, free to download from the default repository applications15:16
Mr_Cometholstein, lubuntu uses same installation from ubuntu?15:19
holsteinMr_Comet: no.. lubuntu *is* ubuntu15:19
Mr_Cometi should have be aware of that.15:20
holsteinMr_Comet: they are the exact same sources, or repositories15:20
comics_ideesMr_Comet if you download ubuntu software center to lubuntu you have ubuntu apps15:20
holsteinMr_Comet: all the officially supported "flavours" share the sources15:20
Mr_Cometi lost my harddisk data 5yrs ago by ubuntu. now it happens again by lubuntu. what a fate i have...15:20
holsteincomics_idees: no15:20
holsteinthe "ubuntu apps" are in the repos15:20
holsteinyou dont need the software center to have access to "ubuntu apps".. but, that is where the store is, where commercial applications are offered15:21
comics_ideesMr Comet why did you lose your data?15:21
holsteinMr_Comet: ubuntu doesnt lose data..15:21
Mr_Comethere's my sad story.15:21
Mr_Cometsame thing happened 5yrs ago.15:21
Mr_Cometsame tragic15:22
Mr_Cometi had windows, and frugal puppylinux on C:\ Drive, Fat32 30GB partition.15:22
holsteinubuntu is just the distro of linux.. the operating system.. its not responsible for keeping data15:22
Mr_CometI had data on d:\ drive, NTFS 260GB15:22
=== Unismurfhedgehog is now known as SonikkuAmerica
holsteinas with *any* operating system, backups should be kept.. *all* hard drives fail15:23
Mr_Cometi installed lubuntu 1st time. bootloader not working due to grub4dos15:23
Mr_Comet2nd time i select lubuntu replace ubuntu15:23
Mr_Cometthis time installation wiped harddisk.15:23
Mr_Cometold NTFS partition lost.15:24
holsteinMr_Comet: you need to have backups, and do manual partitioning, and make *certain* in those scenarios15:24
Mr_Comet1st time i tried the last custom option and installed it.15:24
comics_ideeswell I think there are options in the bdginning to say to install in a partition or in whole disk15:24
holsteinMr_Comet: you should have backups before doing any partitioning like that15:24
Mr_CometGrub4dos didnt got replaced by lubuntu installation15:24
holsteinMr_Comet: you had a specifically complex partitioning scheme, and its easy to make an error15:25
Mr_Comet2nd time i left lubuntu replace ubuntu. it replaced whole harddisk!15:25
holsteinMr_Comet: "it" did what you asked it to15:25
comics_ideeswhen you say replace the os means it will delete all other OS15:26
holsteinyup ^15:26
Mr_Cometi sincerely hope ubuntu/lubuntu have a notice tag on installation that it will erase everything when user lets it install normally15:26
comics_ideesand keeps only lubuntu15:26
Mr_Cometcomics_idees, i didnt cared about losing os. i cared about losing 2nd NTFS partition!!!15:26
Mr_Comet1st partition had ext415:26
holsteinMr_Comet: that would be a misunderstanding of the automatic installer, which i would have, and still do suggest not using if you have a complex partitioning scheme.. and even then, you have a backup before proceeding15:26
holsteinMr_Comet: *all* hard drives fail15:26
Mr_Cometive installed mint.15:27
Mr_Cometits clear15:27
holsteinMr_Comet: the mint installer is quite similar, and no matter what installer you use for what operating system, you need backups before working with partitions like that15:27
Mr_Cometthis is the 2nd time ive lost my harddisk data to ubuntu's method of default installation.15:27
holsteinMr_Comet: mint documenation and community will not disagree.. you *will* lose any data that is not backed up.. *all* drives fail15:28
holsteinMr_Comet: its the second time you lost data due to your misunderstanding of the installer15:28
Mr_Cometmint never **wipes** harddisk nor re-partition. it always install when user wants.15:28
holsteinMr_Comet: feel free to come and ask before hand...15:28
holsteinMr_Comet: i do what you are describing with any operating system i choose15:29
Mr_Cometi dont think i have anything more to ask about installation since i have a blank harddisk now.15:29
holsteinMr_Comet: you asked the ubuntu installer to do what it did.. i would have suggested manual partitioning to acheive what you wanted15:29
holsteinMr_Comet: regardless, the take-away i urge you take from this, constructively is.. have backups in the future before doing any partitioning like that15:30
Mr_Cometi was a fool to assume ubuntu's installation might be like mint.15:30
holsteinthe ubuntu installer is not responsible for your data15:30
Mr_Cometholstein, i know.15:30
holsteinMr_Comet: you can have the mint installer become the ubuntu one if you like15:31
Mr_Cometubuntu have always been ubuntu15:31
holstein!contribute | Mr_Comet15:31
ubottuMr_Comet: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu15:31
Mr_Cometi was wrong.15:31
holsteinMr_Comet: you can lobby for, or ask for whatever you like.. but, the issue is not with the installer, friend15:31
Mr_Cometholstein, thats why i wont lobby.15:31
Mr_Cometubuntu is perfect for new blank harddisk. period.15:32
holsteinMr_Comet: sure.. please help by not spreading mis-information about the installer.. take responsibility15:32
holsteinMr_Comet: ubuntu is not "perfect".. it works as advertised15:32
Mr_Cometholstein,  im not complaining. i just said im a victim of my mistake.15:32
holsteinMr_Comet: you can complain, im just making sure the information is correct15:33
holsteinMr_Comet: i feel for your situation, and loss of data.. and mean no harm15:34
Mr_Cometno problem.15:34
holsteinthe mint installer, or any partitioner can be used to accidentally, or through error, lose partitions/data15:35
holsteinand through error, i dont mean user error.. just any little problem at that stage can be *very* problematic15:36
Mr_Cometi just wanted to say what happened to me by lubuntu experience.15:37
Mr_Cometthats all.15:37
Mr_Cometim off to dinner.15:37
Mr_Cometsee ya holstein . nice talking to ya15:37
holsteinMr_Comet: sure. i just read that you were implying using the mint installer would have resulted in no data loss, and i just wanted to clarify15:38
holsteinMr_Comet: cheers!15:38
Waynes1sometimes when I drag&drop files from the archive manager the mouse pointer stays in drag form (that grabbing hand icon) and I can't click stuff anymore (for example right now)15:57
Waynes1can someone tell me the name of the archive manager so I can kill it and hopefully recover?15:58
Waynes1or maybe the key combination to close it?15:59
Waynes1that was the wrong one...15:59
comics_ideesif you press esc?16:00
comics_ideesdoes it work?16:00
Waynes1no :(16:00
comics_ideesthe file manager is  PCManFM16:01
Waynes1does not kill the archive manager though16:08
* Waynes1 reboots16:09
john_ramboIs there a tool like gwibber for lubuntu ? gwibber is trying to install Unity related stuff16:09
holsteinjohn_rambo: you can try --no-install-recommends16:11
Waynesok, now that I have a mouse again: the process was killed "file-roller"16:19
asdhi where can i find link to default wallpaper from 14.04?16:32
comics_ideesI installed google earth in lubuntu 14.04 but the result is to show only outlines of countries and black screen inside the earth19:52
comics_ideesno terrain19:52
comics_ideesjust black screen19:52
holsteinlet them know you are having issues with it.. is it flash?19:53
comics_ideesI dont know if it is flash19:53
comics_ideesI downloaded a .deb19:54
comics_ideesare those .deb in flash?19:54
holsteincomics_idees: correct. but we dont maintain that deb.. lubuntu is not doing anything to keep or prevent google earth from running.. but, there is very little we can do to facilitate its running19:54
comics_ideesyes but this .deb was for ubuntu19:56
ianorlinI don't really use google earth19:56
comics_ideesdo you have an alternative software?19:56
holsteincomics_idees: sure. but, we dont create it, here19:56
holsteincomics_idees: we cant, and are not allowed to support it19:56
holsteincomics_idees: you have to let them know its broken for you..19:56
comics_ideesif you do not use google earth is there an alternative software?19:57
comics_ideeswhere should I mention this problem with google earth?19:58
holsteincomics_idees: with google earth.. where ever they say support questions go19:59
holsteinotherwise, you may not have the needed 3d drivers.. or 3d support19:59
comics_ideesthe 3d drivers can be installed in lubuntu?20:00
holsteincomics_idees: it depends on your hardware, and if/how well the manufacturer supports linux20:02
comics_ideesI have an Ati radeon 9000/9100 graphics card20:02
comics_ideesit was playing well google earth for many years20:03
holsteincomics_idees: then you can try the open driver, which you are now, and the proprietary one. though, the open one is usually the "best",a nd experimenting on this level can be challenging, and break things20:03
holsteincomics_idees: sure.. let them know you want to use the product still20:03
comics_ideesI use variety for wallpaper20:06
comics_ideesbut it shows wallpaper only to main screen20:06
comics_ideesand does not show wallpaper in extended screen20:07
comics_ideesI have external screen20:07
comics_ideesI think it is a bug of lubuntu20:13
comics_ideesthat cannot set wallpaper in every screen20:13
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:13
ianorlindoes it display lay wallpaper with pcmanfm?20:14
comics_ideesit displays custom wall paper on one screen only20:14
comics_ideesand the extended screen shows default wallpaper20:15
comics_ideesI want to change the wallpaper in extended screen20:15
comics_ideesbut it does not change20:15
comics_ideesso my main screen has wallpaper and the extended screen has default wallpaper20:16
holsteincomics_idees: ok..20:20
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:20
holsteinif you think you have a bug.. though, i typically just dont expect that of LXDE20:21
holsteinyou can and likely should try and confirm upstream and post a bug there when possible20:21
KamilionI've noticed a lot of weird behavior in 14.0420:22
holsteinKamilion: i have not.. you'll need to elaborate for a volunteer to help you sort through it20:23
=== SilverLion is now known as Guest8921
comics_ideesok I mentioned my problem to google earth21:01
comics_ideesnow I wait if somebody answer this from google21:01

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