
robrucyphermox, are you on utopic already? I was a little bit afraid of upgrading just yet ;-)00:02
cyphermoxI am00:02
cyphermoxthis early it's probably safe-ish00:02
robrukgunn, still waiting on the media-hub landing before we can push mir00:02
cyphermoxsome point soon things might start breaking00:02
cyphermoxrobru: it always depends on whether you're in a position to fix things yourself if they break badly enough00:03
robrucyphermox, true. at home I have the resources to format & reinstall if things get really bad ;-)00:03
robruI think it was about 3 weeks into the cycle that I upgraded to trusty, that went mostly pretty well for me00:04
kgunnrobru: thanks, i'll just hang loose00:11
robrukgunn, yeah, sorry for the delay, it seems this issue with media-hub is quite large.00:12
robrukgunn, actually just double checked, the problem seems to be "resolved", just waiting for some stuff to get copied around. should be fixed for real pretty soon I guess. oh but then you have to wait at least an hour after that for the image build. so yeah, probably 2-3 hours I think before I can publish mir.00:15
robrursalveti, cyphermox : either of you going to be around to kick an image build in an hour or so?00:15
cyphermoxi'll be around00:16
rsalvetirobru: I'll be around as well00:22
robrursalveti, cyphermox : cool. so gst-plugins-bad1.0 says valid candidate in the excuses page, should sync soonish I guess.00:23
cyphermoxrobru: no, you need to look at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt too00:32
robrucyphermox, what? how do I interpret that?00:41
cyphermoxah, grep for the pacakge you're looking for basically, and it shows the attempts the scripts did at installing the packages00:53
cyphermoxseems like it's basically stuck in multiple transitions, as it was discussed on #ubuntu-release earlier00:54
robrucyphermox, so what does it mean then? are the transitions happening or is it just blocked?00:55
cyphermoxit's blocked by a shitload of packages due, among others, to an openjpeg transition00:56
robrucyphermox, right, but the openjpeg transition itself isn't blocked is it?00:57
cyphermoxprobably not but some packages are not transitioning and holding back gst-plugins-bad1.000:57
robrucyphermox, well, what do you think: worth waiting for, or should we just kick an image build without it, let media-hub be broken for now, and then unblock mir?00:58
cyphermoxoh is mir going to be affected by this?00:58
cyphermoxgst-plugins* only contain codecs.00:59
robrucyphermox, well, mir is blocked waiting for the image build, which is blocked waiting for the media-hub silo finishing it's landing, which gst-plugins-bad is part of, which is blocked by openjpeg00:59
cyphermoxassuming there are others installed (like, -good or whatnot) I'd expect at least some videos to be able to play in media-hub00:59
robrucyphermox, you'd expect so, but it's untested ;-)00:59
cyphermoxplugins remain plugins as far as gstreamer is concerned01:01
cyphermoxas long as they're all the same version01:01
cyphermoxif not, then media-hub is brain-damaged01:02
robrucyphermox, so kick an image then ;-)01:04
cyphermoxheh, why not01:04
cyphermoxwell we can already make sure while this runs that at least the reverse-depends of gst-plugins-bad1.0 wwork01:09
cyphermoxthough it looks like those would be fine..01:10
cyphermoxyeah, both the transitions affecting gst should be done already (100%)01:14
cyphermoxso it's more like mess to clear up in the transitions in general01:16
cyphermoxrobru: surely you wanted me to kick an image?01:17
robrucyphermox, yeah, I did. is there a reason not to? rsalveti disabled the cron job (which would be running about now anyway...) because we were waiting for this gst thing01:18
cyphermoxnah, it was fine to do01:18
AlbertAcihelp: we got some failures with the mako runner: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-mediumtests-runner-mako/1238/console01:18
cyphermoxworst we will have is an broken image01:18
AlbertAcihelp: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-mediumtests-runner-mako/1244/console01:19
AlbertAcihelp: looks like the same failure on all those MP's01:19
robrucyphermox, have you seen any problems with freeing silos? I just noticed that silos I freed hours ago are still showing as used in the spreadsheet. had to manually poke the status to reflect reality01:23
cyphermoxhaven't noticed01:24
cyphermoxI get a fatal error trying to assign a silo for line 14 though01:26
robrucyphermox, what error?01:31
cyphermoxa generic fatal error from google01:32
robrucyphermox, oh yeah, it's giving me that too01:33
robrucyphermox, it's weird, like every thing i click in the spreadsheet gives that fatal error, but then my changes are saved anyway01:34
thomirobru: cyphermox: are one of you two please able to hit the 'Merge & CLean' btn on silo 18 for me please? I need my phone for 2fa in order to run the jenkins job, and it's charging :(01:44
robruthomi, yeah I did already ;-)01:44
thomirobru: oh - the SS shows it still filled in. I guess that's what you were saying before01:44
thomithanks :)01:45
robruthomi, oh really? crap, I guess the changes I made in the spreadsheet aren't getting synced. yeah, something goofy is goingon01:45
robruthomi, you're welcome01:45
=== jhodapp|afk is now known as jhodapp
jhodapprobru, has media-hub successfully landed?02:13
robrujhodapp, I can proudly report, a resounding... kind of!02:14
jhodapprobru, what's going on?02:14
robrujhodapp, basically yeah, but part of that landing was gst-plugins-bad1.0, which got stuck in proposed02:14
jhodapprobru, why did it get stuck?02:14
robrujhodapp, because it depends on some stuff that's blocked my some other stuff. basically there's a huge transition going on02:15
jhodappoh gosh02:15
robrujhodapp, i don't understand it much myself but infinity has been wrestling with it for most of the day.02:15
jhodapprobru, ok, that's good that it's being worked on02:16
robrujhodapp, so, I'm not sure how much of an impact that will have; theoretically media-hub is in place and should work extremely well, except for whatever was wrong with the bad plugins, those are still broken02:16
robrujhodapp, hopefully whatever was wrong with those plugins isn't capable of causing crashes in media-hub02:16
robrucyphermox, hey did you kick that image build? why didn't the bot say anything?02:17
cyphermoxdude, I asked you this before, I thought you said you kicked it?02:17
cyphermoxI wondered how you could have, but permissions do change02:17
cyphermoxdoing nao02:18
jhodapprobru, well it is needed for video playback to work at all, but music playback should work02:18
cyphermoxdo we usually kick both armhf and i386 now?02:18
robrucyphermox, oh, sorry. just read the scrollback. when I said "I did", what I meant was that I did ask you, not that I did do it. I can see how that would have been confusing.02:24
robrucyphermox, i still don't have perms, no02:24
cyphermoxwell it's done now anyway02:24
robrucyphermox, great, thanks. i'm not sure about the arches02:24
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 6 building (started: 20140501 02:25) ===02:24
robrui guess so, because of the emulator02:25
cyphermoxI kicked both, since i386 would be the emulator yeah02:25
jhodapprobru, so I should check in with infinity in the morning for media-hub status?02:46
robrujhodapp, you can if you want to. I like to think he'll be done soon02:46
jhodappoh he's working on it right now then?02:47
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robrujhodapp|afk, as far as I know, yeah. I pinged him about it originally 7 hours ago and he's been busy looking ever since ;-)03:04
robrubusy-looking ;-)03:05
fgintherAlbertA, I've noted the failure. At the moment, I have no idea why it's failing but will start digging03:15
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 6 DONE (finished: 20140501 04:00) ===03:59
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/6.changes ===04:00
* rsalveti back04:31
rsalvetihm, gst still not in release04:32
rsalvetihuge changelog though04:33
cyphermoxnope, it's stuck in britney in a big blob of text ;)04:49
rsalveticyphermox: just promoted04:50
rsalvetiat least the video playback might work with apt-get update/upgrade04:50
rsalvetiwant to demo this tomorrow lol04:50
cyphermoxshouldn't it work anyway with a different codec from like, good?04:51
rsalvetino, we don't yet support software decode (we can't render it)04:53
rsalvetiI know, it's bad04:53
rsalvetiold bug04:54
cyphermoxugh :/04:54
rsalvetijhodapp|afk need to find time to get that fixed04:54
cyphermoxoh, right, bad was a patch for mir stuffs04:54
rsalvetihopefully now that media-hub finally landed04:54
cyphermoxit's far too late for me to think much04:54
cyphermoxjust trying to finish building unity here so I can resume watching this tv show / seminar about physics and stuff by Neil deGrasse Tyson :)04:55
rsalvetihe's awesome :-)05:09
cyphermoxthat is true05:38
cyphermoxthe show is quite interesting05:38
cyphermoxright now it's dark matter / dark energy05:39
jameshWould anyone be able to help me in getting a Jenkins job reconfigured?06:51
jameshhttps://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-scope-mediascanner-ci/ is testing branches in a trusty environment, when it should be against utopic06:51
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: psivaa | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rrsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
alan_gpsivaa: can you help with "W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/chris.gagnon/mir-demo-tester/ubuntu/dists/utopic/main/binary-armhf/Packages  404  Not Found" - https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-mediumtests-runner-mako/1255/console08:39
psivaaalan_g: let me take a look08:39
psivaaalan_g: https://launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/+archive/mir-demo-tester/+packages says 'mir-demo-tester' is only available for trusty under chrisgagnon's ppas08:52
alan_gpsivaa: thanks. I guess I'll have to bug Chris when he appears.09:04
psivaaalan_g: ack. np09:05
mhr3wonder if i can get a silo today?09:45
mhr3guess that's a no09:55
Mirvmhr3: I can put one, since I couldn't restrict myself from glancing at irc..10:14
mhr3Mirv, woo :) let me add it to the spreadsheet10:14
mhr3uh oh, i think the spreadsheet is dying10:15
Mirvmhr3: yeah I just noticed10:17
MirvI've never seen that, so it might mean it's a "no" after all :(10:17
Mirvmhr3: yeah, I've unfortunately zero ideas how to debug that10:20
Mirvdidrocks should be here tomorrow (and me too...) but not sure what could be tried before that10:20
Mirvoh, wait10:21
mhr3just created a new sheet inadvertedly10:21
Mirvthere's an request id there, so maybe the backend will just work when called directly10:21
Mirvmhr3: yep, landing-007 for you sir10:22
mhr3Mirv, maybe try restarting the bot, gdocs don't like long lived connections10:23
Mirvmhr3: done. but I believe there might be something funny with osomon's landing since it does not have request ID assigned.10:24
Mirvthere was a case where there was a funny utf-8 char in description once..10:25
mhr3the spreadsheet itself saying that its last edit was yesterday isn't a good sign10:27
Mirvmhr3: you should be able to run https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-007-1-build/ though10:28
Mirvmandel: (and sergiusens) you have landing-008 for MMS and same applies the backend should work10:28
Mirvthere's nothing in the revision history that seemingly broke things, thins just stoppe10:30
Mirvok I'm gone again, I couldn't think of anything more to fix the issue10:38
ogra_does anyone mind if i kick an image (a for Mir and b for finishing the media-hub landing which is only half breeded in image 6)10:42
ogra_no complaints ? ...10:43
t1mpogra_: nobody is around to object :)10:43
ogra_yeah, i was hoping so :)10:43
ogra_(i'm not around either ... just looks like it ;) )10:43
* ogra_ triggers a build then ... i know rsalveti wants to demo media-hub today at a conference 10:44
davmor2ogra_: Are we nearly there yet?10:56
davmor2ogra_: I seem to recall that you are on holiday right10:57
ogra_i am10:59
ogra_bah, where is the bot ?11:00
ogra_ah, better11:01
ogra_imgbot, stop11:06
imgbotAAAAARRRGH !!! (dying)11:06
davmor2ogra_: killed the bot, bad ogra_  ;)11:07
=== jhodapp|afk is now known as jhodapp
davmor2jhodapp: ogra_ just span up a new image with mir and the rest of media-hub :)11:56
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=== cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cjohnston | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rrsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
jhodappdavmor2, yay!12:11
jhodappdavmor2, you're my hero!12:11
davmor2jhodapp: no ogra_ is I'm just the messenger :)12:11
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 7 DONE (finished: 20140501 12:15) ===12:14
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/7.changes ===12:14
ogra_that looks good :)12:15
* davmor2 tries music from the dash letting the screen blank as a first test12:19
davmor2hmmm music stops dead on screen blank, I'll try it from the player now12:20
davmor2ogra_: the mir stuff is the Qt event loop stuff right?12:22
popeydavmor2: is the network/dns issue fixed in #7?12:24
davmor2popey: not that I know to12:24
davmor2volume works when the screen is blank Yay, Next track music plays from player too woohoo!!!!!!12:25
davmor2times right too\o/12:26
pmcgowanpopey, davmor2 my updater is not showing any download progress, ever seen that?12:33
pmcgowandoes it download anyway?12:34
popeybug 130768312:34
ubot5bug 1307683 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Updates percentage bar never goes above 0% on #294" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130768312:34
pmcgowanworking after reboot12:35
* popey plays a song and waits for the next one12:39
popey\o/ another song plays while phone locked12:40
jhodappdavmor2, did the image with media-hub finish?12:41
popeyjhodapp: yup12:41
popeyrunning it here12:41
pmcgowanjhodapp is like an expectant father12:42
jhodappit felt like it was cooking for months!12:42
jhodapppopey, video is working for you on that image?12:42
jhodappexcellent, that means everything made it in12:43
* jhodapp reflashes12:43
popeylooks like mirscreencast broke12:44
* popey fiddles more12:44
popeyjhodapp: video froze after a while12:45
popeyaudio still playing but I have a still frame now12:45
jhodapppopey, yeah I've seen that12:45
jhodapppopey, it's a high priority bug to fix12:46
jhodapppopey, which channel did you flash?12:46
popeyhah, mirscreencast now adds "60Hz" to the end of the filename.12:47
jhodapppopey, try this out: play music in the background and then start playing a video12:48
jhodapppopey, then swipe back to the music app12:48
pmcgowanjhodapp, works here12:48
popeymusic app is paused12:48
popeyi mean, music is paused12:48
jhodappyeah :)12:48
jhodapplove that feature12:48
popeynice work!12:49
jhodappI'm working on pausing video when you press the power button and also when a phone call comes in12:49
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
plarsogra_: are you around today?13:10
plarsogra_: I was discussing a problem I'm seeing on a device with sergio yesterday. It seems to complete the flash just fine but never reboots out of recovery into the installed images. Tried multiple different images with the same result, tried fastboot -w, etc. It just never makes it to the reboot but I'm not finding any indication why13:12
plarsogra_: our best guess was that it was something wrong with that particular device since every other one I tried worked just fine, but last night fginther told me he's got 3 more that seem to have the same symptom13:13
plarsrsalveti: maybe you have some ideas also? ^13:13
popeyplars: he's on vacation13:35
plarspopey: yeah, I thought that might be the case13:35
plarspopey: but I wanted to go ahead and get it out there in case others might have an idea13:35
popeysure ☻13:35
popeybfiller: do you have an ETA for the syncmonitor update landing, this merge is blocked on it. https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-1311125/+merge/21725113:41
popeyMan, image 7 is so much better, night and day in terms of usability13:44
bfillerpopey: the problem is sync-monitor (on line 21) is an SRU candidate and is in trusty-proposed. waiting for that to get accepted and flowed into U before we can push additional sync-monitor changes13:45
bfillerpopey: not sure if there is another way to do that13:46
popeyHm, I thought we usually went the other way. Put it in +1 and backport to current stable.13:46
LaneyYou can upload the same thing (+ more changes) to U, no need to wait for the SRU13:47
Laney(Unless the train gives you problems here)13:49
plarsjhodapp: is mediaplayer_app your fault? :)13:51
jhodappplars, lol13:56
jhodappplars, ugg13:57
jhodappplars, so I wasn't able to test on mako because I don't have one13:57
plarsjhodapp: fails on flo also it seems13:59
jhodappplars, sigh13:59
plarsnot sure about manta yet, I had to restart that one13:59
davmor2popey: with your screen blank can you call the phone?14:00
jhodappplars, not sure why they're failing yet, they were working for me14:02
jhodappplars, all of them14:02
davmor2popey: reboot fixed it for me was just ringing to answer machine14:02
plarsjhodapp: looks like mediaplayer is one of them that still uses a deb package for the tests14:03
jhodappplars, yeah14:03
plarsjhodapp: you may want to try a fresh install of this image if you haven't already14:03
plarsjhodapp: I can try it at home also14:03
plarsmaybe something else interacted badly with it?14:03
jhodappplars, just did, let me give the tests a try locally14:03
plarsjhodapp: what do you have locally to test with?14:03
jhodappplars, flo14:04
jhodappplars, but I ordered a mako on ebay and will be getting it by Monday14:04
jhodappplars, it seems it can't find the video to play14:07
bfillerLaney: ok thanks, do we clean the silo then?14:09
Laneybfiller: I'm not sure what the train says you should do14:09
Laneybfiller: I just mean that it's a standard thing to do from the distro's pov14:09
Laneybut I would assume so, then if there's a problem you'll branch and re-land from a trusty branch14:10
Laneyone of the US guys should be able to advise further14:10
jhodappplars, should be able to figure it out14:10
Saviqcjohnston, hey, apparently there's an issue with the unity8-ci job: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity8-ci/2897/console14:17
Saviqcjohnston, all child jobs completed fine, but artifcat collection failed14:18
Saviqcjohnston, looks like it's trying to grep for the wrong job name14:20
Saviqor actually for one that was disabled completely14:21
Saviqcjohnston, ↑14:21
cjohnstonSaviq: ack.. I'm talking with fginther and he thinks there is a config bug14:21
fginthercjohnston, Saviq, yep, I think I know what this is now.14:22
fginthercjohnston, Saviq, I'll have an mp to correct it shortly14:22
Saviqfginther, thanks14:23
fginthercjohnston, can you review: https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/cupstream2distro-config/fix-unity8-aggregate-tests/+merge/21792214:26
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
bfilleranyone on silo duty? need a silo for line 50 please14:41
davmor2pmcgowan: popey: we have a serious issue on r7 if the screen is blank for any length of time the phone no longer receives incoming calls14:43
pmcgowandavmor2, any more info?14:46
pmcgowandavmor2, do you have it not plugged into usb?14:47
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
pmcgowandavmor2, did the phone resume properly when you hit power?14:50
davmor2pmcgowan: sorry about that on a call.14:57
pmcgowandavmor2, ok, working fine so far here14:58
davmor2pmcgowan: so I dropped my wife off at the hospice, came back updated to 7 ran a few tests everything was fine, Moved of to the packaging part of my job did some work there and my wife rang me to pick her up it went straight through to answer machine.  I rebooted it and then it worked again, I went down to the hospice picked her up and came back maybe 30minutes and it's was dead again till I made a call out14:59
davmor2pmcgowan: only happens for me when the screen it blank for a while15:00
pmcgowandavmor2, almost sounds like it was busy15:00
davmor2pmcgowan: I'm wondering if ofono needs a tweak to work with the new qt event loop code?15:01
pmcgowandavmor2, I think it would be more consistently not working then15:01
davmor2pmcgowan: I'll keep an eye on it15:04
=== doanac changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: doanac | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rrsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|lunch
plarsanyone have a manta and seeing issues with the device coming in/out of availability in adb?15:36
fgintherAlbertA, the mir-mediumtests-runner-mako issue appears to be fixed now. Watching a few more builds to make sure they don't blow up15:38
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* davmor2 hug jhodapp|lunch music mute on an incoming call15:50
popeyrobru: bfiller was asking for a silo for line 50 earlier, dunno if anyone else picked up on it, maybe one for after your coffee16:07
robrupopey, sure, thanks16:08
bfillerrobru: hoping we can do a merge and clean on silo 1 as well, as it's in trusty-propsosed16:15
robrubfiller, sure16:15
mhr3robru, also if you could publish 007 pls16:15
robrubfiller, started a build for you: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-004-1-build/44/console16:15
AlbertAfginther: thanks!16:18
robrumhr3, what's going on in silo 7? the spreadsheet seems very confused16:18
mhr3robru, the spreadsheet is broken, whatever is updating it doesn't work16:18
robruyeah I can see that!16:18
rsalvetiplars: what is the behavior with recovery? can you access it via adb at least? (issue about not being able to reboot the phone)16:19
rsalvetidavmor2: did you get any crash when you were not able to get the phone call?16:20
rsalvetithat's a critical one, wonder how we can easily reproduce that16:20
rsalvetiin case you get it again, we can enable debug mode in powerd and ofono to see what is going on in there16:21
davmor2rsalveti: lets have a look16:22
davmor2the rest are apps16:24
davmor2rsalveti: ^16:24
rsalvetihaha, quite a few crashes :-)16:24
robrursalveti, hey, did you re-renable the cron job for kicking images?16:24
rsalvetibut yeah, at least not ofono related16:24
rsalvetirobru: not yet, will do it now16:24
robrursalveti, thanks16:24
rsalvetirobru: done16:24
robrursalveti, thanks!16:25
davmor2rsalveti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7374028/ this is the full list16:26
davmor2rsalveti: so only cgproxy today16:26
plarsrsalveti: yeah, I can get on it with adb just fine16:26
plarsrsalveti: I see messages in the log indicating the install completed, but it just never reboots16:26
rsalvetiplars: so adb reboot tails but can you call adb shell reboot?16:27
rsalvetidavmor2: bunch of crashes, but probably not related16:27
plarsrsalveti: yes, and adb reboot works fine16:28
mhr3davmor2, you know apport won't overwrite existing crash file, right?16:28
mhr3davmor2, so if for example unity8 crashed for you right now, there wouldn't be a new .crash16:28
rsalvetiplars: hm, ok, so do you mean it's just not rebooting automatically after flashing it?16:28
davmor2mhr3: ah okay I'll wipe the lot and see what I get :)16:28
plarsrsalveti: exactly16:29
plarsI'm about to try out one of fginther's phones to see if it's for sure the same problem. he was thinking earlier it might not be16:29
rsalvetiplars: could be, would be weird as we didn't change the recovery itself16:31
rsalvetiplars: do you have the flashing logs from recovery?16:31
plarsrsalveti: yep, one sec and I can pastebin some stuff16:31
fgintherplars, rsalveti, the general problem I see is the 'adb reboot-bootloader' doesn't actually go to the bootloader, it just does a reboot16:32
plarsrsalveti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7374087/ is the last_log16:32
plarsfginther: ah, that would be different from what I'm describing16:32
plarsfginther: though it just worked for me on that device you pointed me to16:32
plarsfginther: I started off with reboot-bootloader and I'm flashing now16:33
fgintherplars, hmm16:33
plarsrsalveti: /tmp/recovery.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/7374098/16:33
plarsrsalveti: dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/7374102/16:33
plarsfginther: oh wait, maybe not16:33
plarsfginther: looked like it was going but it's not16:34
rsalvetifginther: did that start with a specific image?16:35
plarsrsalveti: this was on a device that was not part of our regular testing, it's been instrumented with relays on the power/volume buttons, which made me suspicious at first, but I'm not seeing any reason why that would matter16:36
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plarsthe relays are off while this is all happening, so it should just be a normal device16:37
fgintherrsalveti, yes, they probably all have ubuntu-touch/trusty-proposed 30316:37
rsalvetinothing changed in recovery and android in that version specifically, weird16:38
plarsfginther: yeah, that device is hosed, reboot -f bootloader doesn't even work16:38
plarsfginther: all 3 of the ones you showed me last night are having the same "no boot into fastboot" issue?16:38
rsalvetiyeah, if reboot itself fails, some other issue is going on16:39
plarsit's rebooting, just not into fastboot16:39
rsalvetioh, hm16:39
rsalvetiplars: can you check /proc/cmdline?16:39
rsalvetibut that will not tell you the right bootmode it'd use to get inside the bootloader16:40
fgintherplars, yes16:40
davmor2oh but I did get this again _sbin_cgproxy.0.crash16:40
rsalvetidavmor2: this is happening for every image it seems16:40
plarsrsalveti: I can check it on  fginther's device right now, the one with the no fastboot problem:16:41
plarsconsole=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=mako lpj=67677 user_debug=31 uart_console=enable lcd_maker_id=primary lge.hreset=off lge.reset=mode_reset gpt=enable lge.kcal=0|0|0|x lge.rev=rev_11 mdm_force_dump_enabled androidboot.emmc=true androidboot.serialno=04ccca120acd4dea androidboot.bootloader=MAKOZ10o androidboot.baseband=mdm bootreason=watchdog16:41
davmor2rsalveti: yeah I wipe all my crashes prior to going out though so this is fresh :)16:41
plarsthat was after an adb reboot bootloader16:41
davmor2rsalveti: and the only thing I've done is called the phone :)16:41
rsalvetiwonder why that and if normal16:42
davmor2I'm assuming nm might of reconnected to the network too16:42
bfilleris the CI Train spreadsheet screwed up for everyone? either maxs my cpu or won't load16:42
rsalvetiplars: it seems bootreason=watchdog means that the device was booted because you had a usb cable connected to it16:50
rsalvetiyou usually see 'reboot' or 'fastboot' as reason when booting with adb reboot and such16:50
plarsthere's a usb cable connected for sure :)16:50
plarsbut not newly so16:51
plarsrsalveti: so I have mako-12 in that stuck state also now, if there's any other information that would be useful from it16:51
rsalvetiplars: right, but I mean, it was powered because it had a usb connection, not because anyone requested it to boot16:52
rsalvetiplars: is this the utopic based image?16:53
plarsfginther: we may want to see if we can get rfowler to start fresh on those devices also - I was going to see about trying something similar with mako-1216:53
plarsrsalveti: I've tried ubuntu-touch/stable /trusty-proposed and utopic-proposed16:53
plarsrsalveti: on mako-1216:53
plarsrsalveti: on fginther's, it's on trusty 303 right now16:54
plarswhich was the last one iirc16:54
rsalvetiyeah, not sure yet what might be wrong then16:54
boikorobru: hey, so I ran merge&clean on landing-006, but now it is saying packages built!?16:54
robruboiko, yeah the spreadsheet is messed up. trust no one16:55
boikorobru: ah ok, well, at least the changes got merged correctly, so can I simply ignore that or do I need to run some jobs again to get it to a consistent state?16:55
robruboiko, http://people.canonical.com/~rbpark/citrain/ here is a simple dashboard that bypasses the spreadsheet and tells you directly the backend status of the system, much more trustworthy. it shows silo 6 cleaned.16:55
boikorobru: nice! thanks16:56
robruboiko, not much we can do, just waiting for google to stop sucking out loud16:56
robruboiko, yw16:56
boikorobru: lol, ok16:56
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: plars | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rrsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
davmor2plars: are the clock tests around alarms edit by any chance?  If I try and edit an alarm the app crashes17:07
plarsdavmor2: looks like, yeah: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/7:20140501.1:20140501/7833/ubuntu_clock_app/17:09
davmor2plars: so looking at this on flo once you set an alarm if you go back to the alarm page and touch the alarm in anyway it crashes the app.  popey is this the bug that reported or not?  If so I can confirm it or write a new one17:11
popeybug 130905717:11
ubot5bug 1309057 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock app crashes when trying to access a saved alarm" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130905717:11
davmor2popey: thanks17:12
robrubfiller, gallery-app landed and I cleaned your silo, IIRC you need to update the click package now?17:18
bfillerrobru: yes, need popey or sergio to help with that part17:18
xnoxhow to get notes-app released?17:18
xnoxdoes it need to get merged into trunk first, and then get click released?17:19
bfillerxnox: yes17:19
xnoxi'm after https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/notes-app/py32/+merge/21025417:19
bfillerxnox: I'll request a silo for that17:19
xnoxbfiller: \o/ thanks a lot!17:19
popeybfiller: i can't upload to store, balloons, mirv, sergio can. I can accept once uploaded though, but I'd urge whoever uploads (or whoever requests upload) to run all AP tests and provide log of success to speed that approval up.17:19
xnoxpopey: well, i can do uploads as well. which click/thing i need to run tests on?17:20
* xnox upgrades phone to latest.17:20
bfillerpopey: ok now that gallery changes are merged into trunk I can create a click to actually test run AP on the device17:21
bfillerhave not done that yet17:21
balloonsping if you need me, sounds like xnox has it :-)17:21
bfillerrobru: argh, looks like google ate a few of my silo requests (:17:22
robrubfiller, yeah, the spreadsheet is really bizarre right now, lots of sync issues going on17:23
bfillerrobru: should I hold off on adding new requests to it until it's better?17:23
robrubfiller, depends, you got anything urgent? there are free silos available, if you add a request I can try to get the silo assigned before the spreadsheet reverts17:24
balloonsping fginther17:24
bfillerrobru: not urgent, I'll just wait17:24
xnoxbfiller: i thought there is a jenkins jobs that generates clicks. last time i fetched click from jenkins.17:24
popeyxnox: balloons can guide you through that, but I generally do this:- http://paste.ubuntu.com/7331155/17:24
bfillerxnox: there is, but I think it's per MR. My landing had about 6 MR's associated with it. Don't think CI Train generates the resultant click17:25
bfillerwould really like it to though :)17:25
balloonsbfiller, if you can get it into one branch that helps ;)17:26
balloonsall has to merge down sometime right?17:27
bfillerballoons: should all be in trunk as the silo has been published17:27
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jhodappdavmor2, I'll be adding mute on phone call very soon :)17:34
robrumandel, i started building udm in silo 117:35
cyphermoxbschaefer: still good for me to upload the autopilot dep change for unity, while I'm not forgetting it? :)17:48
fgintherballoons, pong17:48
bschaefercyphermox, yeah :)17:48
bschaefercyphermox, thanks!17:50
balloonsfginther, trying to nail down what testsuite name jenkins wants to run reminders with. https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/reminders-app/test_go_to_accounts2/+merge/214163. Is it reminders, or reminders_app?17:50
balloonsfginther, we'd like it to just be reminders.. and I *think* that's why the merge is failing. I was playing with my own merge to discover what it needs to be and thought I'd just ping and get it set properly17:51
fgintherballoons, jenkins is using 'reminders'17:52
fgintherballoons, but it does complain about an import error "could not import package reminders: No module named 'reminders'"17:53
balloonsfginther, right.. so it seemed like perhaps the module was misnamed somewhere17:53
balloonsok, so I'll work with the idea the issue is on this end, ty17:55
fgintherballoons, jenkins also thinks this is a python3 test suite17:56
balloonsfginther, all the core apps should be at this point17:56
balloonsmm.. are you still running the tests in jenkins as py2?17:57
balloonsby default the desktop will run as py2, and the phone will run as py3 so that makes sense you would be running as py2.17:58
fgintherballoons, no, jenkins detects 'python3' in the package dependencies and then runs with "python3 -m autopilot.run run -v -o /tmp/test_reminders.xml -f xml -r -rd /tmp/ reminders"17:58
balloonsfginther, ohh.. nice :-)17:58
fgintherballoons, if there is no python3 dependency, it will use py217:58
fgintherballoons, wait, why would the desktop test be different then the phone?17:59
balloonsfginther, I'm not saying they are. I'm just saying I hit tat snag a couple weeks ago. Everything passed for me on the desktop but failed on my phone.. I realized I was running under python2 on the desktop, while the phone was running py318:00
fgintherballoons, ahh, got it18:00
balloonsjust doing autopilot run will grab the default, so ;-)18:00
balloonsfginther, oO.. I do see the last successful run was with py218:01
balloonsfginther, looks like sometime on 4/24 you made the switch18:02
davmor2jhodapp: it already does :)  That was my point, if it's not meant to they maybe we should look at what is going on there :)18:02
jhodappdavmor2, that's news to me :)18:02
fgintherballoons, actually looking at the MP, the python3 dependencies were added on 4/2418:02
jhodappdavmor2, does it resume when the calls ends too? :)18:02
balloonsohh.. sneaky, I missed that. ok so that's it18:03
davmor2jhodapp: no I think it just stops playback18:03
jhodappdavmor2, stops it or pauses it?18:03
davmor2jhodapp: pauses18:03
davmor2jhodapp: same as flipping between media player with a video and music player18:04
jhodappdavmor2, does the app pause/play button toggle correctly?18:04
davmor2jhodapp: right so currently, music plays, call starts ringing music pauses, call ends, but dialer app still has focus, if I switch back to the music app I can press play and it carry on where it left off18:06
jhodappdavmor2, ha, I have no clue how that's happening!18:06
jhodappdavmor2, I guess I'm just *that good* :)18:06
jhodappanyway, obviously I'll figure it out as I need to add resuming for when the call ends18:07
davmor2jhodapp: I'm assuming the ringtone is being played by the system through media player maybe?18:07
jhodappdavmor2, right, that's actually it18:07
jhodappdavmor2, I forgot the ringtone would go through media-hub18:08
davmor2jhodapp: \o/18:08
jhodappthat's awesome :)18:08
jhodappdavmor2, right now anything that plays with media-hub simply pauses anything else that's playing in media-hub18:09
jhodappdavmor2, next step is to add various categories and to make it more nuanced18:09
davmor2jhodapp: yes so I'm wondering what would happen with alarms but that is a bit tricky right now cause you can't set alarms from the clock app currently for some reason :(18:10
jhodapphmm interesting18:10
davmor2jhodapp: oh hang on alarms work from calendar let me try that instead18:12
plarsrsalveti: so I asked rfowler to restore android, re-unlock and try to re-install an image on one of the mako devices that was not wanting to reboot into fastboot. Hitting some new weirdness. It looks like it got an oom during the flash and a lot of errors like: E:Error in select (Bad file number)18:15
plarsrsalveti: https://pastebin.canonical.com/109474/ and https://pastebin.canonical.com/109475/ are interesting18:15
rsalvetiI:Skipping execution of extendedcommand, file not found...18:17
rsalvetiit seems it's not using the right recovery18:17
rsalvetior it failed in a bad way when setting the commands18:17
rsalvetino, it's the right recovery18:17
rsalvetiUbuntu Touch (CWM-based) Recovery v6.0.4.618:17
davmor2popey: if you set a calendar appointment locally do you get an alarm for it?18:18
davmor2jhodapp: I might have to wait till the scheduled one tomorrow am18:19
jhodapphehe ok18:19
rsalveti<3>[  146.058538] Out of memory: Kill process 157 (ueventd) score 1 or sacrifice child18:20
rsalvetiyeah, went really bad18:20
rsalvetiplars: can you try it again to see if you can reproduce the crash?18:21
rfowlerrsalveti: i've done it twice18:22
rsalvetirfowler: which android version did you use as base?18:23
rfowlerrsalveti: 4.4.218:23
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robrui'm gonna take lunch, hopefully the spreadsheet calms down a bit while i'm out18:26
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davmor2pmcgowan: bluetooth seems to be turning itself back on again, that was another bug that was fixed.  I wonder if the fixes got pushed upstream or not and we have undone all the good work from last release?18:48
pmcgowandavmor2, like we lost some distro patches?18:50
pmcgowanI suppose it could be18:50
davmor2pmcgowan: was just a thought after I noticed the bluetooth indicator was back on :)18:51
pmcgowandavmor2, thats weird behavior, you turn it off and the indicator immediately gets removed18:55
davmor2pmcgowan: always did, you can re-enable it via settings18:55
pmcgowandavmor2, I just think its odd, at least should have a transition18:56
davmor2pmcgowan: all the temporary indicators are on the left so technically I guess location should do the same only there is no way to re-enable it if you do18:56
pmcgowandavmor2, I would personally prefer they stay put, but perhaps one could have too many18:57
davmor2pmcgowan: you only need an alarm set to nearly hit the search section18:58
davmor2anyway eod for me, night all18:59
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thomihello slangasek and barry20:09
slangasekthomi: hi20:10
slangasekthomi: so I was talking to barry and trying to figure out https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1311-python3-roadmap... the stuff now marked as "TODO" was previously labelled "FUTURE", and I'm trying to figure out if these are supposed to be blockers for dropping python2 or not20:11
* thomi looks20:12
slangaseksince these are all pretty core pieces, I can't figure out how they were *not* blockers previously20:12
slangasekbut that seems to be how xnox labelled them20:12
thomiyou're referring to the TODO section in the whiteboard?20:13
barrythomi: yep20:13
barrythomi: well, of the ones INPROGRESS and TODO, which are blockers for dropping py2, and are there any we are missing?20:14
thomiso, yes, they're blockers for dropping py2 support from the image20:14
thomithe only way I know of to detect if there are any missing is to look at the list in the smoke test dashboard20:15
barrythomi: which url would that be?20:15
thomibarry: http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/flo/7:20140501.1:20140501/7832/ for e.g.20:15
thomisome of those can be discounted of course.20:16
thomi'security', 'default' etc20:16
slangasekxnox: is there some reason we're missing why things like the dialer_app were marked as not blockers for python2?20:16
* barry was going to discount the non-green ones ;)20:16
thomisuggestion: We take everything not ported to py3 and make it depend on autopilot-touch-legacy20:17
thomithat way we can use rdepends on that package to track our porting completion20:17
thomibut I guess we might just port them before then :)20:17
barrythomi: yeah20:17
barryi'll just re-iterate: porting is the easiest part of all this20:18
slangasekI think that's actually a good idea; that should be an easy change to get merged everywhere20:18
slangasekand once the dep is added, we can unseed autopilot-touch-legacy20:18
thomiWe'd like to drop py2 support from the autopilot-touch package ASAP, ideally mid-late next week20:19
thomiI wonder if we could change that dependency before then...20:19
barrywell, again, it's just been difficult getting any change to be reviewed, siloed and landed20:19
slangasekthere's no reason that shouldn't be doable20:19
thomiLanding a packaging change should be easier than landing a code change20:20
slangasekbarry: can you please verify that https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1311-python3-roadmap has the complete list?20:20
thomialso, once we have this in place, there'll be an extra incentive to port to python 3: you won't get any of the new autopilot hotness while you depend on the -legacy packages20:21
barryslangasek: sure, i will review the smoketest list (and CoreApps?) and make sure we have everything under todo.20:21
slangasekonce we have that list, we can divide and conquer adding the deps20:22
barryslangasek: i think we will need you to push at a higher level to get mps reviewed and on the train20:22
slangasekyep, I will20:22
slangasekthis plan should also be announced on ubuntu-phone20:22
barrycool.  okay, give me 10m or so and i'll review the full list.  i'll update the blueprint when i have the data20:23
barryslangasek: i did send a message out to the mlist yesterday which touched on most of this (not the last bit about the deps)20:23
slangasekbarry: well, you buried it in a landing team thread... :)20:24
slangasekwe need an announcement20:24
slangasekhere's what it needs to message:20:24
slangasek- python2 is going away; python2 is not allowed for any new test suites20:25
slangasek- packages that currently have python2 deps will need an explicit dependency on autopilot-touch-legacy20:25
slangasek- once the set of packages depending on autopilot-touch-legacy is gone, autopilot-touch-legacy (and python2) are also gone20:25
slangasek- so if you ignore both of points 1) and 2) above, you get to keep both pieces20:26
thomi(maybe) also add that 'autopilot-touch' will (soon) pull in py3, not py2 ?20:26
ahayzenplars, ping20:27
plarsahayzen: hi20:27
ahayzenplars, i've just got a fix to the UITK landed into staging, and was wonder how long the new merging structure takes for this to land into an image?20:27
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barryslangasek: the only part i didn't understand was "- so if you ignore both of points 1) and 2) above, you get to keep both pieces"20:28
ahayzenplars, this is the mp https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-002/+merge/21733820:28
plarsahayzen: that might be a better question for robru20:28
ahayzenplars, cool thanks for ur help :)20:29
slangasekbarry: i.e.: we are not responsible for making sure no one adds new python2 test suites without a dependency, the developers themselves are20:29
plarsif it's landed though, I would think it should be in the next image, so probably tomorrow?20:29
barryslangasek: ah.  if you don't fix it you buy it :)20:29
slangasekthomi: well, we can provide whatever additional details we like in the message, but I think the above four points are the key things we need to communicate to devs20:29
ahayzenplars, ah cool, i was just wondering as before packages were periodically made20:29
thomislangasek: ack20:30
barryslangasek: ack20:30
robruahayzen, hey, the "periodically made" packages (aka daily_release) has been shut off since december, now we're doing CI Train, in which you have to ask for releases at the landing spreadsheet, but it's being a bit goofy today. consult your manager for the full procedure20:42
ahayzenrobru, ah i see, i'm a community contributor to the music-app and a patch we need has landed in the UITK staging so do i need to request a release or will it happen automatically?20:44
robruahayzen, ah, community. ok. in that case I think you need to go through popey for a release.20:51
robrucore apps are a bit different. I mostly just deal with canonical-internal projects.20:51
ahayzenrobru, ok thanks :)20:51
popeyrobru: this is a toolkit landing, not music-app20:51
robrupopey, derp, yes20:51
robruahayzen, sorry, got my wires crossed there.20:52
ahayzenrobru, no problem20:52
robruahayzen, so for uitk you need to go through bzoltan20:52
ahayzenrobru, ok thanks for ur help :)20:52
robruahayzen, oh I just looked at your MP, it's already merged into their staging branch. in that case I guess they would release it sooner or later. not automatically, but eventually20:54
ahayzenrobru, cool thanks, is there any place community members can see/track the CI train?20:55
robruahayzen, https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuDk72Lpx8U5dFlCc1VzeVZzWmdBZS11WERjdVc3dmc&usp=sharing&pli=1#gid=0 i believe the spreadsheet is public, however it's very information-dense so it might be a little overwhelming ;-) (uh, also it's gone totally haywire today and is not to be trusted one bit, but generally that's where you'd go to check the status of landing tasks)20:56
ahayzenrobru, awesome thanks20:57
xnoxslangasek: only the clicks are blockers, the deb based ones are not.20:59
xnoxslangasek: as to test the deb based apps, one needs to switch the image into RW mode and install debs system wide -> and thus can pull legacy autopilot.20:59
xnoxslangasek: at the time "futurum" only had .deb based tests.20:59
xnoxslangasek: however since that list was created some of them got converted into clicks.21:00
xnoxbarry: ^21:00
slangasekxnox: ok21:00
xnoxslangasek: to drop python2 support in autopilot upstream, all of them are blockers.21:00
slangasekxnox: how do I see which ones have been cliquified?21:00
xnoxslangasek: adb shell click list21:00
slangasekxnox: hum, the only blocker for the latter is that any remaining debs which need python2 declare a dependency21:01
xnoxslangasek: which they must, per-policy. And python-autopilot as well for that matter.21:01
slangasekxnox: yes, so if that's the case, autopilot doesn't have to keep python2 upstream... so the splitting it off to a branch is ok21:02
xnoxslangasek: or that, yes.21:02
robruplars, what were your thoughts on the image build? I did get rsalveti to re-enable the cron job so I'm expecting an image build in ~5 hours. That work for you?21:12
plarsrobru: sure21:13
plarsrobru: the results ought to come a bit faster this time too, thanks to something cool that doanac just merged :)21:13
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rrsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
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robruplars, oh, can you set the known issues to say that the spreadsheet is going crazy and the CI-SNCF bot is not to be trusted?21:14
plarsrobru: that will be pretty late in my time zone so I probably won't see it finish, but I might with the speed improvements. Either way, I'll try to check on things before falling asleep.21:14
robruplars, cool21:14
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: cihelp | CI Train support - US: robru, cyphermox, rrsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: spreadsheet problems, do not trust CI-SNCF bot
plarsrobru: that work?21:15
robruplars, perfect, thanks ;-)21:15
slangasekxnox: I don't see online_accounts_ui as either a .deb or a click; is this ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts ?21:27
slangasekxnox, barry, thomi: with the exception of online_accounts_ui that I'm not sure about, I've confirmed that all of the remaining 'TODO's listed there are still .debs, so are not blockers for pulling python2 off the image21:29
barryslangasek: ack.  here are the list of clicks on a pristine utopic image:21:30
xnoxslangasek: how did you verify they are all ported to python3? click list --manifest -> should have autopilot dir key for each one (if there are autopilot tests for a given click)21:31
barry 21:31
barry(that's the output of adb shell click list)21:31
barryi'm now going through and correlating with existing mps and ports21:31
xnoxbarry: can you pastebin $ adb shell click list --manifest ?21:31
xnoxslangasek: also e.g. there are "extra" scripts that CI use that rely on python-evdev and are in python2 only. Which is the reason why autopilot upload dropping python2 support was reverted by asac+landing team21:32
xnoxlate in trusty21:32
slangasekxnox: I did not verify they are ported to python3 at all, I verified they are all .debs21:32
barryxnox: that was unity721:32
slangasekxnox: which, per above, means they are not a blocker for removing python2 from the image21:32
xnoxbarry: so why do we need autopilot-touch to use python2 on touch image which does not have unity7?!21:33
thomibarry: you mean unity 8?21:33
xnoxcamera-app click -> does not declare python3 compat21:33
barryxnox: we don't but it got reverted while we were at pycon and nobody asked us ;)21:34
xnoxgallery-app click -> does not declare python3 compat21:34
xnoxbarry: asac and other people were talking to me, and i did ask them to seed python2-autopilot on touch images, instead of uploading autopilot revert.21:34
barrythomi: i'm thinking of unity7 requiring python-compizconfig which won't be ported to py321:34
xnoxbarry: imho autopilot-touch package should die and those deps be seeded via ubuntu-touch seeds as needed.21:34
thomibarry: yes, but we've solved that problem, and that's for desktop only21:35
bschaeferhey anyone running up to date 14.10 unity, could you try ctrl+alt+t. I'm seeing a very delayed result (30 seconds between terminals opening)....21:35
thomiso not germaine to this conversation :)21:35
barrythomi: right21:35
xnoxbarry: slangasek: camera-app, gallery-app, notes-app, stock-ticker-mobile-app, sudoku-app -> are all clicks, and do not declare that their tests are python3 compatible from barry's paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/7375775/21:36
xnoxthus if we drop python2 form the image today, one would not be able to test above in RO mode.21:36
veebersbschaefer: works fine for me (i'll just dist-upgrade to make sure it's most recent)21:36
bschaeferveebers, dam my machine...21:36
slangasekxnox: yes, and that's not what I'm talking about21:36
bschaeferveebers, i got angry and pressed it 30-100 times, and now i just randomly get terminals popping up21:37
bschaeferveebers, thanks!21:37
barryxnox: gallery, camera, notes all have mps waiting21:37
bschaeferat lease its not a regression21:37
slangasekxnox: those are the ones listed in the 'INPROGRESS' section on the blueprint21:37
barryxnox: i think you said stock-ticker is ported right?21:37
xnoxslangasek: ok, then i'm not so sure what you were after then. Ah, right. yea.21:37
barrywhich leaves sudoku as the sole blocker not yet in progress21:37
xnoxbarry: ported, all AP tests pass on the desktop, all AP tests fail on mako.21:37
xnoxbarry: not released.21:37
veebersbschaefer: heh :-) I'm glad my keyboards are built like bricks considering the amount of times I do something similar21:37
slangasekxnox: this goes back to barry having changed the label on the section that you had identified as not-blockers, leading to confusion about whether they were blockers :)21:38
xnoxslangasek: oh, right, so then blueprint is up-to-date =)21:38
bschaeferveebers, haha, i agree!21:38
slangasekxnox: then you said "some of the .debs got moved to clicks in the meantime", and I was confirming that none of the ones currently listed there have been21:38
xnoxslangasek: sans the miss-titles =)21:38
barryxnox: so then stock-ticker is a blocker, but it's a ported blocker :)21:38
xnoxbarry: one would think ported blockers ain't blockers =))))21:39
barryxnox: well, if the tests are failing and it hasn't been published, that's a problem right?21:39
barrylet me rearrange that section21:40
xnoxbarry: as far as i can tell stock-ticker tests never passed, and stock-ticker is not a release image criteria as per ci.ubuntu.com21:40
xnoxcihelp - are all pre-installed clicks are image promotion blockers? e.g. is stock-ticker being considered?21:41
cjohnstonxnox: that sounds like a question for the landing team, not for CI21:41
xnoxcjohnston: thanks.21:41
xnoxasac: are all pre-installed clicks are image promotion blockers? e.g. is stock-ticker being considered?21:42
josephtxnox: I think asac is on holidays :)21:42
xnoxjosepht: ok, didn't know =)21:42
slangasekxnox: why the question about blocking promotion?21:42
slangaseklanding the python2 removal should introduce no regressions in any of the test suites21:43
slangasekanything less than that is not going to work21:43
plarsxnox: does stock ticker have tests? it's not in the smoke runs at the moment21:43
xnoxslangasek: whilst stock-ticker is a click, it is a community app, and thus no RO image testing is executed against it, only .deb based.21:43
xnoxslangasek: thus removing python2 from the image will not affect stock-ticker, nor image stats.21:43
slangasekxnox: so, its .deb should continue to depend on autopilot python221:43
xnoxplars: it does have tests, they have never passed however, as far as i can tell.21:44
xnoxplars: also i don't know if any jenkins actually execute tests against it.21:44
plarsxnox: :(21:44
plarsxnox: I know we don't in smoke, and that's probably why it was never asked for21:44
xnoxplars: which jenkensii do core-apps live at?21:45
plarsxnox: but really the tests should get fixed up if it's going to be a preinstalled app I think21:45
barrywell, i updated the blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1311-python3-roadmap21:45
slangasekplars: of course they should; but that's not the problem we're working on21:45
xnoxplars: community lead developer is busy/missing-in-action i did fix up some, more are still needed.21:45
fgintherxnox, core-apps jenkins is done here:
barryi'm glad this is all so crystal clear :)21:46
xnoxfginther: does it have dns-name?21:46
fgintherxnox, nope21:46
slangasekfginther: ... that's a public IP.  Isn't the real jenkins internal?21:46
fgintherslangasek, the core-apps are processed on a seperate jenkins instance that is public21:47
xnoxfginther: no utopic, and still configs for precise, quantal, raring and saucy?21:47
slangasekah hmm21:47
xnoxfginther: let me assign dns name for it - core-apps.surgut.co.uk would do?21:47
slangasekxnox: .chiark.greenend.org.uk or it doesn't count21:48
fgintherxnox, I'm still working on the transition to utopic, but it should be done in another day or two21:48
xnoxslangasek: i envy the day when i can get an account on that machine!21:48
slangasekxnox: step 1) move to Cambridge, step 2) travel back in time 20 years?21:48
xnoxslangasek: i wonder if i need to complete a course in cambridge or something to get there.21:48
barryxnox: i'm actually surprised that filemanager has an x-test key in its manifest because afaict, its tests weren't ported.  but maybe they worked by accident anyway21:49
xnoxbarry: during "no way to build click" -> "cmake click/deb building" transition, x-test key was initially added for all apps.21:49
xnoxbarry: only later we backtracked to declare that key a flag for python3 compatibility21:49
slangasekxnox, barry: are you guys just eyeballing the --manifest output, or do you have a pipeline to spit out the list we care about?21:50
xnoxslangasek: mit.edu email alias might be easier to get then =)21:50
barryslangasek: i'm just eyeballing the manifest21:50
slangasekxnox: if you invent time travel, I'm sure MIT will also be happy to give you an email address21:50
barryxnox: then is that key a reliable indicator for whether the tests have been ported yet, i.e. whether porting them is a blocker for dropping py2?21:50
xnoxslangasek: yeah, we want time travel -> it doesn't really matter when we invent it ;-)21:51
slangasekbarry: if the key is set, it means the tests are /being run/ under python3, doesn't it?21:51
xnoxbarry: well, ci.ubuntu.com uses that key to run things under python3.21:51
slangasekthe whole point of that key is to trigger this behavior change21:51
slangasekso either no porting was required, or they're broking and nobody cares. :P21:51
xnoxcjohnston: plars: fginther: is that actually true? ->  ci.ubuntu.com uses that key to run things under python3.21:51
barryslangasek: okay, i guess for our purposes, that's equivalent :)21:51
xnoxphablet-test-run sure uses that key.21:52
xnoxand phablet-click-test-setup.21:52
* xnox wrote those patches....21:52
plarsxnox: I think it's phablet-test-run handles that for the most part21:52
slangaseknote that http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/filemanager-app-click/ shows success21:52
fgintherxnox, yes, ci.ubuntu.com does that... plars beat me to it21:52
plarsthere's *one* case (for custom image tests) where we have to do it ourselves, but it's an oddball21:52
slangasekhow do we determine from the log if the tests are being run under python2 or python3?21:53
barryslangasek: when i run autopilot{,3} it tells you where the tests are imported from, but i think that's only for deb tests.  i'm not sure click tests tell you21:53
xnoxslangasek: that job builds a click, not actually runs the tests.21:53
slangasekxnox: ah; just figured that out21:54
thomibarry: autopilot prints that no matter where the tests come from21:54
barrythomi: what i mean is that autopilot tells you it imported the tests from, e.g. /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages, but that path isn't relevant for click tests21:55
xnoxbarry: in phablet-test-run against a click, the tests always will be imported from '.'21:55
barryxnox: right, so how do we *know* it's running the py3 tests?21:55
xnoxbarry: or maybe it will print ./legacy-py2/ for py2 tests ?!21:55
xnoxbarry: i use ps output to verify =)21:56
barryslangasek: i'm sorry, i think i keep stepping on your blueprint toes.  i will stop editing it until you give me the all clear21:56
xnoxbarry: maybe i should add an announce in the logs.21:56
slangasekbarry: you just need to reload the page... :)21:56
barryxnox: yes.  even printing sys.executable would be great21:56
slangasekxnox: yes, please21:57
barryslangasek: i killed your .debs comment :(21:57
slangasekbarry: I know - readded, please refresh the page before editing again ;)21:57
xnoxslangasek: barry: clearly we should use google-docs for blueprints....21:57
slangasekxnox: make me a spreadsheet21:58
barryxnox, slangasek, thomi are we in agreement then that to drop py2 we need to: 1) land the mps already in the ==BLOCKERS== section; 2) port sudoku; 3) celebrate21:58
xnoxbarry: 3) go to malta =)21:59
xnoxbarry: oh, wait. tsh21:59
barryxnox: look for my spirit animal21:59
* xnox looks behind the shoulder21:59
barryxnox, see that unicorn? :)22:00
slangasekbarry: I think the list of blockers on the blueprint is accurate; your summary omits some of the finer detail :)22:00
xnoxi think this is the first animal where i refer to the release by the animal instead of adjective.22:00
barryslangasek: like, exactly how we're going to celebrate? :)22:01
slangasekbarry: well, I'm gonna celebrate on the beach with a malta mai tai ;)22:03
slangasekbarry: why is filemanager "other in progress" rather than a blocker?  It's a click22:03
xnoxslangasek: because it works?! http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/manta/7:20140501.1:20140501/7831/22:04
barryslangasek: it has an x-test key22:04
slangasekoh; "it works" is a good reason22:04
slangasekbarry: so what does that MP have to do with this blueprint?22:05
barryi'm frankly suprised it works though22:05
barryactually no22:06
xnoxbarry: from https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-touch-manta-smoke-daily/13/consoleFull (and click to see full log)22:06
xnoxit shows that ubuntu_filemanager is pushed as python3.22:06
barrythe diff in the code just cleans up a few things, and the other changes are probably only relevant for deb builds22:06
xnoxplars: surprisingly stock_ticker tests are also pushed to the image22:06
barryi.e. d/control and t/a/CMakeLists.txt22:06
plarsxnox: by phablet-click-test-setup I suppose22:07
plarsthat's good22:07
xnoxplars: right. can it be actually executed please?22:07
plarsxnox: I'll look at adding it, but didn't you say they all fail?22:07
xnoxplars: yes. but at the moment, because those results are not published at all there is no attention to resolve them.22:08
xnoxplars: yet we demo phones everywhere with stock-ticker which people do try out.22:08
barryslangasek: i'm going to move the OTHER IN PROGRESS to TODO (.debs)22:08
xnoxplars: "3. We will not hide problems" -> either we need to fix the app or the tests or kick the stock-ticker of the pre-installed on the image.22:09
slangasekbarry: please just drop filemanager from the blueprint altogether, if we already have click tests running under python3 this doesn't seem to be related to the transition22:09
slangasekbarry: or rather, wrt the blueprint I think filemanager is "done"22:10
plarsxnox: agree, but if it's that bad, perhaps it should be kicked out rather than adding the tests22:10
barryslangasek: ok22:10
xnoxplars: but i do need it to be running _somewhere_ at the moment the ci tests for stock ticker do not run /anywhere/22:11
xnoxplars: can it be added to jenkins without pushing results to ci.ubuntu.com? or something like that?22:12
slangasekor having it marked xfail22:12
plarsfginther: is there some earlier point where it can be added for landing? I think that would only run if there was a change22:13
plarsotherwise, we can run them in smoke, and they run on every image - which would probably get it the most visibility22:13
plarsxnox: who in on the hook to make sure they get fixed? you? balloons?22:14
fgintherplars, xnox, I can add the stock-ticket tests to the core-apps jenkins desktop testing22:14
fgintherplars, xnox, I also have a plan to add click test to the click build jobs that run on s-jenkins22:15
xnoxplars: who is on the hook -> product owner who decided which clicks are preinstalled, or delegate as appropriate.22:15
balloonsare we speaking of stock ticker or file manager?22:16
xnoxballoons: stock ticker.22:16
xnoxplars: i guess it would be a landing team's decission.22:19
slangasekI don't think it's the landing team who decides if it's preinstalled22:21
slangasekthe landing team can specify the requirements for promoting a new version to be preinstalled, but it's someone else who decides whether to drop it from the image vs. fixing it22:21
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
pmcgowanslangasek, I may be able to help there, is something busted with stock ticker?22:28
slangasekpmcgowan: apparently it has tests that have never passed and aren't being run22:29
pmcgowanslangasek, let me check on it, not sure how it got into the image anyway22:29
slangasekpmcgowan: so someone should decide if they should be run, and the failures driven to zero; or if it should be removed from the image - I'm happy for you to be the decider :)22:29
balloonsafaik, stock ticker is not a core core app.. in other words, it is not meant to be pre-installed22:29
xnoxfginther: core-apps.surgut.co.uk should be starting to go live across dns networks -> e.g. propagated to usa already.22:30
xnoxballoons: is "core core app" ~= "system app" ?22:30
balloonsveebers actually worked on stock tickers tests last year and we just finally rejected the MP.. I'm not sure of the state but I know work was done to make it work with ap 1.422:31
slangasekxnox: ... "across dns networks"?  are you using a DNS CDN? :)22:31
xnoxballoons: as in dialer is a system app.22:31
balloonsxnox, yes.. community developed system app :-)22:31
xnoxslangasek: yeah, the term i used doesn't make sense -> i mean this https://www.whatsmydns.net/#A/core-apps.surgut.co.uk22:31
veebersballoons: I saw that :-), not sure if any comment is required from my end?22:31
balloonsveebers, yea, I wanted to see what the dev would say and it sounds like he's not interested for whatever reason. There's definitely some development work that needs done.22:32
slangasekxnox: did you make the mistake of loading that page before you'd added it to the authoritative DNS servers? :) No server should have negatively cached a DNS record it had never been asked for22:32
veebersballoons: aye, agreed22:34
xnoxslangasek: i did not know that =) i believe it's been added to authoritative dns servers first, but  i actually have no ultimate control, so it might not have been.22:34
balloonsveebers, on the mocking stuff you did, well that is definitely handy22:34
veebersballoons: yeah, I utilised some existing code for that, there was talk about formalising it to make it easily usable across projects.22:35
veebersI seem to recall the result was "It's easier to copy the pattern due to it's simple nature" or something along those liens22:36
balloonsveebers, yes that22:36
balloons's what I remember as well22:36
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
pmcgowanslangasek, pretty sure we should just drop that app, is there any urgency or is tomorrow ok?22:38
slangasekpmcgowan: no urgency at all22:38
slangasekthomi, xnox, barry: why is a separate autopilot-touch-legacy package needed at all?  AFAICS the only thing autopilot-touch does is apply some apparmor rules (which should be interpreter-independent), and pull in dependencies - and for python2 the latter can be sidestepped, the affected packages already depend on python-autopilot22:56
slangasekexcept for webbrowser-app-autopilot, which has a transitive dep via unity8-autopilot, and mediaplayer-app, which is just missing a dependency and can be fixed22:58
xnoxslangasek: i want to drop autopilot-touch package full stop, and just seed the needed bits.22:59
xnoxslangasek: ideally all we need on the image is libqt5autopilotsupport.so (or whatever it is) python3-autopilot / python2-autopilot can be pulled in with all the dependencies, the same way we push actual tests to the image.23:00
xnoxslangasek: it's pure python after all.23:00
thomiI don't have a problem dropping the -touch and -desktop metapackages, but they were created for a reason, and I think that reason is still valid, so I'd be cautous...23:00
thomiugh, excuse my typing today :-/23:01
xnoxthomi: we have metapackages already, mananaged by seeds. So for now, i'd want to seed those packages in proper ubuntu-touch / ubuntu-desktop seeds. Get those build and published, and then drop the autopilto-metapackages.23:02
xnoxthomi: why was qt4 and qt5 bundled together?23:02
xnoxthomi: i see evidence that they used to be separate library modules.23:02
thomixnox: you mena in libautopilot-qt?23:02
xnox / packages.23:02
xnoxthomi: yeah.23:02
* thomi tries to remember23:03
thomihmmm, I think.. probably because there was no strong argument not to ship them in the same package at the time. IIRC, at the time they didn't have the dependencies they do now23:05
xnoxthomi: cause at the moment it's undesirable to pull-in qt4 & X on touch images.23:07
thomixnox: I understand. I don't have an objection to splitting that into libautopilot-qt4 and libautopilot-qt5 - obviously some work would have to be done to make sure we pulled in the correct packages everywhere23:07
xnoxthomi: ack. let me proposed a patch to do the split the right way.23:08
xnoxwith a migration / transition path.23:08
thomiyou'd also either need libautopilot-qt-common *or* to change the way the libraries work, at the moment23:08
thomi-common would contain libqttestability.so (or whatever it's called)23:08
thomiwhich is what apps actually load23:09
thomiand it then dlopen's the appropriate driver for whatever qt version the app is running23:09
xnoxoh that thing =) yeah.23:09
xnoxthomi: i'll work on it.23:09
thomiahh, that reminds me - *that's* why it didn't have the deps previously that it does now23:09
thomibecause if an app is loading the library, it must already have those qt libraries installed, or it wouldn't get that far23:10
thomibut I guess that changed at some point23:10
xnoxthomi: yeah at the moment libautopilot-qt has depends on both qt stacks, so you are saying all of those should be generated as depends or even suggests instead?23:12
xnoxthomi: we can certainly change packaging to do that.23:12
slangasekxnox: so AIUI you're agreeing with me that autopilot-touch-legacy is not needed, and I can ignore it in favor of a dependency on python-autopilot where needed?23:13
xnoxslangasek: yes, i have no idea where "autopilot-touch-legacy" came from, it is entirely redundant.23:13
xnoxi maybe missing discussions around that.23:13
slangasekdo we know what exactly was using python-evdev?23:14
thomihang on guys23:14
xnoxslangasek: sorry, i don't.23:14
thomiI might have missed something23:14
thomithe -evdev package is needed by all AP test suites running on touch23:14
thomi(obviously the python2/python3 package, as appropriate)23:15
thomithe autopilot-touch[-legacy] packages exist to pull in that dependency23:15
slangasekshould python-autopilot depend on python-evdev directly?23:15
thomiit's not part of the main ap package because we don't want or need it on the desktop23:15
xnoxthomi: python2 or python3? there were appearantly some scripts which where python2 only, maybe they just needed to change shebang instead of reintroducing python3 on the images?23:15
thomislangasek: similarly, autopilot-desktop pulls in some X11 deps, because we don't want them on touch23:16
thomiI'm open to other/better ways of doing this, but that's the rationale behind those metapackages anyway23:16
slangasekthomi: the issue I'm seeing is that all the touch .debs today that use autopilot depend on python-autopilot, not on autopilot-touch; we should aim to eliminate the magic seeded dependency pulling in python-evdev "because everything needs it".  So if we shouldn't have python-autopilot depend on python-evdev (even though it's a cheap dependency), then we need to switch all of the python2 autopilot test packages to depend on autopilot-touch-legacy23:16
slangasekI would argue that python-autopilot Depends: python-evdev is a lot less work23:17
slangasekand even if the dependency is extraneous from the desktop's perspective, it shouldn't be harmful23:17
xnoxthomi: instead python-autopilot must depend on python-evdev, and python3-autopilot should depend on python3-evdev.23:17
xnoxthomi: why need an extra dependency in between?23:17
xnoxthomi: similarly click.rules can move to libautopilot-qt package.23:18
xnoxthomi: and seed all current autopilot-touch dependencies into ubuntu-touch seed.23:18
thomislangasek: ok, I think I understand that. What baout the other way around? Do we eliminate the autopilot-desktop package  and add those deps to python*-autopilot as well?23:18
xnoxthomi: seeds are meant to be changed by core-devs only, not by anybody who can upload autopilot.23:19
slangasekthomi: if the autopilot-desktop package pulls in X, then no23:19
slangasekxnox: seeds are meant to be changed by the seed owners, which are not always core-dev23:19
* barry is back from dinner23:19
barryxnox, slangasek https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/sudoku-app/py3autopilot/+merge/21799023:19
xnoxslangasek: right, that.23:20
thomislangasek: OK, so my *only* objection then is that we'd have an asymmetrical system - which I suppose is a cosmetic objection at best  :)23:20
xnoxthomi: true. for now. in the future everything will use qt5 and thus not require any X stuff?23:20
xnoxthomi: the python3-autopilot can e.g. Recommend or Suggest X.org stuff.23:21
thomixnox: it's nothing to do with qt, it's more to do with input methods23:21
slangasekthomi: we may come up with a better answer for the desktop side later... but I wouldn't like the symmetry question to cause us to have things more complicated on the phone23:21
xnoxthomi: ah, ok. Well when everyhting uses qt5/mir?23:21
thomislangasek: fair enough23:21
robrubfiller_afk, hey, I'm trying to reconcile the discrepancies between the spreadsheet and the assigned silos. one of the requests you made that got lost was already in silo 4. I tried to recreate it but I have no way to verify it. if you could take a look at spreadsheet line 50, correct the description, and confirm the MP urls, that'd be great23:23
xnoxslangasek: thomi: is it ok to move apparmor click.rules from autopilot-touch to libautopilot-qt ?23:23
xnoxor even to apparmor itself, given that we ship that preinstalled everywhere anyway.23:24
thomixnox: slangasek: So, I'm concerned about the number of things we're talking about changing here. Moving apparmor rules is fine, except that, when they're not installed (for whatever reason), autopilot breaks23:25
xnoxthomi: ack. and autopilot breaks without libautopilot-qt, no?23:26
thomixnox: if you're testing a Qt app, yes23:26
xnoxthomi: a click Qt app.23:26
thomixnox: uuuh, right.. well, one started in an apparmor containment thingy, to be precise23:27
xnoxthomi: oh, so not at all related to click?23:27
thomixnox: I believe some apps are started via upstart, not click, and they need it as well. I could be wrong though23:28
xnoxthomi: in that case it might make sense to name it autopilotpy2.rules & autopilotpy3.rules and ship in both python-autopilots respectively?23:28
xnoxthomi: or get it to be shiped in apparmor itself.23:28
xnoxthomi: looking at the rule itself.23:29
xnoxthomi: it appears that it must be shipped in python2 & python3 - autopilots. It's unrelated to clicks, and it's purely about confinments.23:29
thomixnox: yup, I'd be happy with that23:29
xnoxthomi: and horay, we are getting more balance =) as those rules legitimately can be needed on desktop as well.23:31
thomias long as we can land it without breaking everyone :)23:32
xnoxthomi: 61-autopilot-uinput.rules is currently broken.23:32
xnoxthomi: it's not shipped in python3 package, only in python2 package.23:32
xnoxdespite the good intentions.23:33
* xnox ponders about autopilot-common package with uinput, apparmor rules + testability23:33
xnoxthomi: how is click.rules used? as far as i can tell nothing looks into /usr/share/autopilot-touch/apparmor/click.rules?23:35
xnoxdef _handle_autopilot(adb, args):23:36
xnox    if args.dbus_probe == 'enable':23:36
xnox        rfile = '/usr/share/autopilot-touch/apparmor/click.rules'23:36
xnox        adb.shell('aa-clickhook -f --include=%s' % rfile)23:36
xnox    else:23:36
xnox        adb.shell('aa-clickhook -f')23:36
xnoxin phablet config....23:36
xnoxthomi: so it's more reasonable for that click.rule to move to click-apparmor and keep on shipping it at that legacy location.23:38
xnoxthomi: since click-apparmor ships aa-clickhook tool.23:38
thomixnox: I have a luncxhtime appt in town, and I need to leave the house pretty soon23:39
xnoxthomi: no worries =) go, i'll file a bug report about this.23:39
thomixnox: I'm happy if you want to make MPs against lp:~autopilot/autopilot/temp-dev23:39
thomixnox: otherwise we can pick this up some other time23:39
slangasekagainst temp-dev?23:50
xnoxslangasek: i'm thinking debdiffs to a bug report =)23:50
xnoxslangasek: that way any lander can apply and merge it anyway they need it.23:50
slangasekxnox: "any lander can" != "some lander will"23:51

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