
Logan_infinity: mind a quick PM?00:38
infinityLogan_: Go nuts.00:40
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Laney@pilot in08:13
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final released! | Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: xnox, Laney
Laneyxnox: is that lies?08:13
xnox@pilot out10:48
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final released! | Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Laney
xnoxyes lies10:48
Laneylies begone10:49
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Laney@pilot out13:07
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final released! | Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> trusty | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
Laneysmoser: do you know why http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/utopic/ doesn't have a current/ symlink?13:21
smoserLaney, raised yesterday by pitti.13:22
LaneyI guess for the same reason ;-)13:22
Laneysmoser: I see your reply, okay ...13:24
mptcyphermox, what’s the maximum length for a Wi-Fi access point name?13:43
xnoxmpt: 3213:45
mpt…Which may include emoji. http://f.cl.ly/items/1H2s3G1B3Q1l1C35452I/network.png13:48
xnoxmpt: correct, the spec didn't actually specify what encoding it's suppose to be.13:51
mlankhorstutf-8 of course!13:52
xnoxmlankhorst: KOI8-R ftw!13:58
xnoxmlankhorst: honestly you'd get kicked from russian irc channel for speaking in utf-814:09
mdeslaurxnox: oh? do you use two irc clients or something?14:10
mlankhorstlast time i was on a russian server (iirc) it offered an option to set utf-8 and it would do the translating for you :P14:11
xnoxmdeslaur: no, i've emigrated14:11
mlankhorstwell, translation between character sets14:12
mdeslaurah, interesting14:12
bdmurrayarges: could you have a look at update-manager in the saucy proposed queue?14:37
argesbdmurray: sure14:37
stgraberhallyn: so did you talk to pitti about your systemd-logind weirdness in utopic?14:39
argesbdmurray: (making a mental note for myself) update-manager updates have version changes like that?14:42
hallynstgraber: no, not yet.14:42
argesbdmurray: since its ubuntu only right14:42
bdmurrayarges: right14:42
argesbdmurray: is this fixed in all other versions then? or doesn't affect others14:44
bdmurrayarges: looking at the errors bucket it still only affects saucy14:46
hallynpitti: (punting on the systemd-logind weirdness first,) do you think converting /etc/init/{cgmanager,cgproxy}.conf to systemd units would be hard?  Is there guidance yet about how to properly do such a conversion?14:47
argesbdmurray: ok accepted14:48
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hallynsay, is anyone looking into updating util-linux?  (i.e will i be wasting my time if i start to)16:11
cjwatsonhallyn: infinity is16:11
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slangasekpitti: I'm very confused by this doodle poll; I thought doodle had an option to show times in your local timezone, and it's not giving me that option at all... and if these are London times, it doesn't make sense to me why the options are the ones that they are17:20
slangasekpitti: so before I fill out the poll, I want to make sure 5am-8am,3pm-10pm Europe/London are the right options...17:20
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argesQuick Start17:42
Logan_cjwatson: could you please add me to ~ubuntu-transition-trackers?17:44
xnoxLogan_: what transition do you want to setup? pastebin the config and/or do merge proposal and i'll commit it.17:45
Logan_but I want the power ;P17:45
Logan_sure, I'll do an MP, but I'd like to be part of the team17:45
LaneyShow that you can construct correct files a couple of times, then you can be added17:46
Logan_xnox, Laney: did an MP17:50
xnoxLogan_: with $ reverse-depends libmpich10 --list | xargs bin2src | sort -u | wc17:57
xnoxLaney: i get 24 affected packages, yet when i run that config above, i only get 7 affected packages?!17:57
xnoxi'll update my packages file17:57
Logan_that's odd17:58
Logan_xnox: it appears that the config is only returning the ones without architectures listed17:59
Logan_how do we account for the ones with architectures listed?17:59
Laneycheck affected, not good or bad17:59
Logan_ah, so it won't say that ones with architectures listed are bad, even if they are depending on the older version of the library?18:00
LaneyIt's true that liboasis3-0d only depends on libmpich10 on arm64 and doesn't build-depend on it, to take an example18:03
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Logan_Laney: I have no idea why that would be the case... shouldn't there be an explicit build dependency, then?18:53
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Logan_Laney: should the .ben file just say that it affects ones that currently depend on libmpich10?18:55
Logan_(instead of looking at the build dependencies?)18:56
Logan_Laney: submitted a new MP just looking at Depends rather than Build-Depends19:07
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hallyncan anyone tell me what is wrong with teh following:19:19
hallynAC_SEARCH_LIBS([cgmanager_get_pid_cgroup_abs_sync], [cgmanager], [have_abs_cgroups=yes], [have_abs_cgroups=no], [nih nih-dbus dbus-1])19:19
hallynconfigure is not adding the listed libraries when trying to build the test program...19:19
hallyni.e. no -lcgmanager19:19
hallynah maybe i just had it in a place it didn't like19:24
hallynphew, yeah now it's all right19:29
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bdmurraymlankhorst: why did the xmir patch change in the xserver-xorg-video-ati upload in the trusty -proposed queue?20:31
Sarvattbdmurray: fix-0-crtc-crash.patch was touching the code xmir.patch touched and it needed updating20:46
Sarvattits just whitespace changes20:52
bdmurraySarvatt: I see, okay thanks!20:53
bdmurrayhallyn: is there an upstream samba bug for bug 1310919?21:02
ubottubug 1310919 in samba (Ubuntu Trusty) "pam_winbind krb5_ccache_type=FILE stopped working after 14.04 upgrade" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131091921:02
hallynbdmurray: https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1049021:05
ubottubugzilla.samba.org bug 10490 in Winbind "pam_winbind fails with kerberos method = secrets and keytab" [Normal,New]21:05
bdmurrayhallyn: do you think we should wait and see what upstream does?21:08
hallynbdmurray: tough call.  it's prevent logins...  that's pretty critical.21:09
hallynotoh it'll suck to have to sru a patch replacement if upstream does it differently21:09
bdmurrayLaney: it looks like you referenced the wrong bug in your upload of apport to the precise -proposed queue. Bug 1007826 vs bug 1015788.22:00
ubottubug 1007826 in apport (Ubuntu Precise) "crash with AssertionError: file stream must be in binary mode when trying to save report to file" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100782622:00
ubottubug 1015788 in apport (Ubuntu Quantal) "All the apport crash reports are now "*** Error: Invalid problem report" - TypeError: startswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101578822:00
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Laneybdmurray: I don't think so, the second one is another go at fixing the first one, isn't it?22:07
LaneyI certainly tried to take both of those commits, hopefully successfully22:08
bdmurrayLaney: the diff contains no change to apport-cli22:11
Laneywhy should it?22:12
LaneyThe fixes were to launchpad.py22:13
bdmurrayThe quantal changelog refers to "22:13
bdmurrayapport-cli: Unbreak "keep" option. (LP: #1007826)22:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1007826 in apport (Ubuntu Precise) "crash with AssertionError: file stream must be in binary mode when trying to save report to file" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100782622:14
bdmurraysee https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/quantal/apport/quantal/revision/32122:14
bdmurrayand the change to apport-cli there22:14
LaneyGive me a second and I'll get the commits22:14
Laneybdmurray: Hmm, I'm less sure that I took the right commit now22:22
LaneyThose are the ones I meant to take but a second look makes me think that they don't fix the reporter's problem22:23
LaneyLeave or reject it and I'll look again tomorrow or next week22:23
tsutsifrIs there something I can target a debootstrap against that's smaller than ubuntu-minimal? I'm trying to create a tiny docker base-image, which still needs to be able to use apt-get -- but which (since it's a docker container) doesn't need to do things like boot, configure devices, or start a shell22:24
Laneybdmurray: (if you can identify the correct commit then please do and upload that instead)22:26
Laney(or as well as)22:26
* Laney goes away, goodnight22:26
tsutsifrmy current approach is creating a "ubuntu-minimal-docker" virtual package that Provides ubuntu-minimal, along with the transitive closure of packages it depends on, minus the actually-necessary ones, like apt and debconf22:26
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cjwatsontsutsifr: --variant=minbase22:37
cjwatson(=> Priority: required + apt)22:37
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tsutsifrcjwatson: that gives me ubuntu's equivalent to debian's minbase, yes, but when I actually go to install anything packages for ubuntu, ubuntu-minimal and its various dependencies will end up being Depended on anyway, so doing that is kind of moot22:57
tsutsifr*anything packaged for ubuntu22:57
mwhudsonhm, dist-upgrade in a chroot is complaining at me23:00
mwhudsoninvoke-rc.d: initscript systemd-logind, action "start" failed.23:00
mwhudsonthis looks like the sort of thing i don't care about in a chroot23:01
tsutsifrand even then, it looks like minbase pulls in most of the same unnecessary stuff (initramfs, e2fs*, kmod, plymouth, sysvinit, udev, upstart...)23:03
sarnoldmwhudson: that's working as intended -- invoke-rc.d 'knows' some things in a chroot environment or container environment shouldn't be executed, the invoke-rc.d manpage has details23:06
mwhudsonsarnold: leaving packages unconfigured surely isn't intended though23:06
mwhudsonlibpam-systemd:arm64 in this case23:07
mwhudsonis that just a packaging bug?23:07
tsutsifrbasically, it seems like there should really be a differentiation in Essential packages, between "Essential even when the OS is being effectively used as an exokernel by a single process" and "Essential only for autonomous system functioning"23:07
sarnoldmwhudson: hrm, indeed, they shouldn't be unconfigured afterwards, just not running..23:07
tsutsifrand things that currently depend on ubuntu-minimal should probably depend on a virtual package that provides the former, not the latter23:07
mwhudsoncan i pretend to dpkg that this package is in fact configured?23:22
mwhudsoni guess i can symlink it's postinst to true23:22
infinitymwhudson: chroots should have a policy-rc.d in place that denies invoke-rc.d entirely, so you don't run into failed starts.23:34
mwhudsoninfinity: oh right23:34
infinitymwhudson: That's hardly the only package you'll have a problem with.23:34
mwhudsonoh right, i didn't actually make this chroot with schroot23:34

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