
hans109h_Re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1313981 what can I do to test why the mainline kernel wouldn't load?03:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1313981 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel disabling serial port ttyS0 on boot" [Medium,Confirmed]03:06
mlankhorstregression testing? :P07:05
ChainsawGood morning. Can you let me know if you have sufficient information on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-saucy/+bug/1314764 please.08:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1314764 in linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu) "[Fujitsu Lifebook E744/E754] i8042 without psmouse means no keyboard at decryption prompt" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:17
apwChainsaw, looks pretty clear, it sounds like a bug in initramfs-tools not putting that module in08:33
Chainsawapw: Yes, either putting it in the initramfs by default or building it into the kernel proper will solve it.08:34
Chainsawapw: We will make the change in the initial build, but I work for a company of shall we say.... power users.08:34
Chainsawapw: They want to install their own laptops, and then get confused and annoyed when it "don't work".08:34
apwyeah, they tend to do that indeed :)08:34
apwif initramfs-tools wasn't an utter mess this would be a trivial fix i am sure08:35
apwhans109h_ (N,BFTL), it looks like the device probe has failed; details in your bug09:39
apwChainsaw (N,BFTL), I think i have fixed this in the packages I have pointed to in your bug, if you could test those and let us know on the bug pls.11:02
sorenDo you guys run any benchmarks to see how kernel updates affect performance?11:36
apwthere was a plan for that, and some work done, what sort of benchmarks were you looking at11:39
sorenI was actually looking for inspiration in terms of picking some good benchmarks :)11:41
apwi guess it depends what you are trying to check on11:42
sorenMy intent is to try to compare various cloud providers. Nothing more specific than that.11:43
sorenI imagine I want to test disk I/O, CPU speed, memory I/O and other stuff.11:44
soren...and if you guys already had a ready-to-go test suite, that'd just make my life easier.11:44
apwstress is good for memory/cpu, xfstest is good for filesystems, but no i don't think we have anything specifici11:45
sorenNo worries. Thanks.11:48
ckingsoren, stress-ng in my ppa:white is also handy11:53
sorencking: Cool, thanks!11:54
ckingsoren, i've tried out fs tools such as bonnie++, tiobench but they all have their pros and cons11:55
ckingiozone too11:56
sorencking: Phoronix has this huge test suite, but I get the impression that it's not very popular for some reason.11:57
ckingsoren, one needs to run a specific test multiple times and calculate std.dev. correctly11:58
rtgI'd sure like to upload 3.15-rc3 but I'm gonna have to figure out my resume issue first. 14:20
rtgapw, are you having any resume issues on your kit ?14:40
apwrtg, with 3.15 or with 3.13 ?14:41
apwthough ... not so far is my answer either way14:41
apwrtg, just did two s/r on my lappy her with 3.15-rc3 and nothing bad for me14:43
trippehya, -rc3 works ok here too. for suspend/resume.14:51
trippehnot tried to disk however.14:51
xnoxsmb: or rtg: (not sure who deals with xen) is grub1 still needed for xen in ubuntu?15:19
xnoxor maybe apw ? ^15:19
rtgxnox, it would be smb, but I think he's out today.15:20
apwxnox, yeah it'd be smb, he is out till monday i think, and ... i don't personally know the answer, hallyn might15:21
xnoxright, may day mayhem.15:21
hallynsorry i have no idea.  zul might :)15:21
zulxnox:  it shouldnt15:30
rtgapw, ogasawara: www.decadent.org.uk/ben/tmp/linux-release-dates.svg - 3.17 might be really close.17:13
ogasawarartg: yah, I was looking at http://phb-crystal-ball.org/ too17:14
rtghmm, they differ by a month17:14
rtgoh, maybe not quite that much17:15
apwrtg, well it depends where the labelled line is, is that jan1 or jan3117:15
ogasawarartg: I think what we've been saying that at the least it'll be 3.16 is the safe answer17:15
apwrtg, otherwise 3.17 is oct 16 or so by the graph17:15
apwwhich is release day17:15
rtgapw, yup, I agree17:15
ogasawarartg: if we did 3.17, it would certainly go out the door with a later -rc17:16
rtgogasawara, which we've done before17:16
apwwe normally like to get a .N or two on though17:16
ogasawarartg:  I guess it somewhat depends what we might be getting in 3.17 and if it's worth it17:16
apwgiven it goes back into the lts, is there enough time before the point release to get it lts stable17:16
rtgI guess we won't know until we get there17:17
ogasawarawe'd have another 3mo before it'd go back into trusty17:17
ogasawarawhich really means like 2mo to get it lts stable17:17
apwyeah, so i guess we get .6 by then not toooo bad17:18
sconklinarges: to be clear, you're asking me to build my own kernel with lockdep debugging and test that? 18:05
argessconklin: ugh sorry18:17
argessconklin: i forgot to post the link 18:17
argessconklin: ok updated18:17

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