
Laneyoh tarball-in-tarball, how elegent you are11:50
ScottKElegant must mean something different in the UK than it does here.12:42
xnoxScottK: http://s0.geograph.org.uk/photos/16/13/161359_dde97bef.jpg12:45
xnoxScottK: hipsters in east london, shoreditch would call ^ elegant.12:45
ScottKWell. There's no accounting for hipsters no matter where they are.12:47
LaneyI had either fun or no fun, can't remember which now.12:57
xnoxLaney: you were a hipster 8) pics or it didn't happen =)13:32
LaneyIf only I had you on snapchat ^o)13:33
xnoxLaney: you can sent pics via facebook messenger as well.13:38
xnoxLaney: i guess you don't want me to save them =)13:39
Zhenechi heard there is this new shit called email.13:39
Unit193Logan_: OK, I've contacted the darkice maintainer now, happy? :'(20:02
Unit193Generally the Ubuntu delta for it is 'compile with lame', don't think Debian will go for that one still.20:07

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