
xnoxinfinity: hm..... curl is depwait00:06
xnoxinfinity: can you promote libgnutls28-dev to main?00:07
infinityWasn't that the one with the problematic license that we were avoiding linking to?00:07
xnoxinfinity: yes.00:07
xnoxinfinity: and curl switched to it.00:07
infinityAnd we should switch curl back, then.00:07
xnoxinfinity: talk to the newest member of foundations team then =)00:08
xnoxinfinity: mvo that is.00:08
infinityUnless the license issues have magically gone away.00:08
xnoxhe also trumped my curl upload =/00:09
xnoxbefore it had a chance to migrate.00:09
xnoxinfinity: although libgmp license did change for the better.00:10
xnoxinfinity: so if we have new libgmp10 then actually the license issue might be resolved for lgply things.00:10
xnox2 or 3.00:10
infinityWe do not have a gmp10 with that license.00:11
xnox  * copyright: Updated to reflect new dual-licensing (LGPLv3+ or GPLv2+).00:11
xnox    Closes: #741607.00:11
xnoxinfinity: so shall i upload curl that trumps mvo util we get new gmp?00:11
infinityWe need 2:6.0.0+dfsg-1 merged.00:11
infinityWell, or higher, obviously.00:11
xnoxwho maintains gmp? doko?00:11
infinityHe's TIL, but only for small changes.00:12
infinityI'll merge it now.00:12
xnoxoh, debian schience team and steve =)00:12
xnoxinfinity: well, i can just take ubuntu delta into debian.00:12
xnoxand i thought i did, or it could have been some other package with identical diff.00:13
infinityLooks like the ELFv2 patch is upstream in 6.000:14
* infinity checks for the rest.00:14
infinityOkay, looks like we only need the libstc++ delta.00:18
infinityThe rest is unnecessary now.00:18
infinityI'll just upload with that, if you want to do a Debian upload later, up to you.00:18
infinityOh, hrm, might need symbols updates too.00:23
* infinity tosses it at his PPA out of laziness to see the fallout on arm64/ppc64el.00:23
xnoxwell building on ppc64el porter box at the moment (debian upload) =)00:26
* infinity uploads harder, with orig...00:28
infinityMan, those are some bizarre arch combinations in that symbols file...00:31
infinityGlad I'm test building instead of guessing.00:31
infinityAaaand, it's FTBFS on ppc64el before it gets that far.00:31
xnoxfat fallout?00:31
infinity/build/buildd/gmp-6.0.0+dfsg/build/.libs/libgmp.so: undefined reference to `BMOD_1_TO_MOD_1_THRESHOLD'00:32
infinitycollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status00:32
infinityBets on that being optimized out with -O3?00:32
xnoxi've added ppc64el in debian/rules to pass --disable-fat00:33
xnoxthat gets it going i believe.00:33
xnoxnope, still fails.00:33
xnoxdropping -O3 -> maybe00:33
infinityOh, it's -O3 on all arches, though.00:33
infinityGuess I need to actually read some source.00:34
infinityHrm.  Scary hacks for that in arm...00:35
infinity  `define(`BMOD_1_TO_MOD_1_THRESHOLD',0xffffffff)')00:35
* infinity shudders.00:35
xnoxinfinity: https://gmplib.org/repo/gmp/rev/4a6d258b467f ?01:04
infinityxnox: Feh, I just fixed it differently.  But that would work too.01:13
* infinity waits for his build to finish to get symbols out of it, then will take that patch instead.01:13
infinityxnox: Let me fix up symbols files, suck in that patch, and run another all-arches test.01:15
infinityxnox: And then you can do whatever you want with that once it's in Ubuntu. :P01:15
xnoxwell debian updated whole bunch of symbols, no idea if they will work for ppc64el/arm6401:16
infinityxnox: They don't, that's why I did my test builds.  Fixing now.01:17
cyphermoxinfinity: xnox: anything I can help with re: helping gst-plugins-bad1.0 in particular and the huge chunk of text in update_output disappear?01:17
xnoxcyphermox: guess what we are doing.... =)01:17
cyphermoxI know ;)01:17
cyphermoxthat's why I'm proposing more hands01:17
xnoxinfinity: sign up cyphermox for +1 maint?01:19
cyphermoxI have done +1 maint in the past01:19
infinityConsider him signed up.01:20
cyphermoxI just need to know what to look at so as not to duplicate work01:22
infinityAnything that isn't gmp would have you not duplicating my evening. :P01:25
* infinity hopes this one sticks.01:30
infinityxnox: There's a fair chance those ppc64el symbols changes will need to happen for ppc64 too, but I don't have a ppc64 chroot set up right now to check.01:38
infinityI guess I could debootstrap one quickly...01:38
xnoxinfinity: true. ppc64 build fails in debian with the same error that we are applying patch for.01:39
infinityRight, that patch will fix that, and then it'll probably fail on symbols.01:39
xnoxand looks like there are symbols files changes for sh4 & alpha that i can pull from ports buildds.01:40
infinityMeh, I have nothing better to do in the next few minutes, let's see how badly broken debootstrapping ppc64 is.01:40
xnoxinfinity: here is my diff which does build on ppc64el http://paste.ubuntu.com/7370138/01:41
xnoxshould be pretty much the same what you got.01:42
infinityxnox: I already have a diff in Ubuntu.01:42
infinity(as in, I uploaded a long while ago)01:42
xnoxi didn't see =)01:42
infinityxnox: My diff also, importantly, has one arm64 symbol fix too.01:43
infinityxnox: So, if you don't want to parse that by hand, you might want to just copy mine.01:43
xnoxinfinity: yeah, diffed what i have and what you did.01:44
xnox- (arch=!arm64 !armel !armhf !hppa !mips !mipsel !powerpc !ppc64el !s390x !sparc64 !any-i386)__gmpn_addaddmul_1msb0@Base 001:44
xnox+ (arch=!arm64 !armel !armhf !arm64 !hppa !mips !mipsel !powerpc !ppc64el !s390x !sparc64 !any-i386)__gmpn_addaddmul_1msb0@Base 001:44
xnoxlooks funny01:44
xnoxi guess listing arm64 doesn't hurt. (also no idea which side is which)01:44
infinityErm, I didn't do that. :P01:44
xnoxyeah =))) me01:45
* infinity watches his ppc64 debootstrap grind away...01:46
xnoxAlso this one:01:46
xnox- (arch=ppc64el)__gmpn_sublsh2_n@Base 2:5.1.101:46
xnox+ (arch=ppc64el)__gmpn_sublsh2_n@Base 001:46
xnoxdid you go for 2:5.1.1 just for consistency?01:46
infinityxnox: Yours might be more correct there, in theory, I don't have a version older than 5.1.1 on ppc64el to check. :P01:47
infinity(And there isn't one)01:47
xnoxyeah, that's what i thought. if it never was any prior version, might as well go with 0.01:47
xnoxanyway, reverting to your edition.01:47
infinityxnox: Test build on ppc64 will probably take 30m or so.  Not the fastest hardware here in my living room.01:49
infinityErr, crap.  I forgot to drop dh-autoreconf from my build-deps, despite dropping its usage in rules.01:54
infinityOh well.01:54
saiarcot895Just out of curiosity, are the arm builders (at least the PPA ones) on actual ARM hardware, or are they using pre-compiled cross-compilers?01:56
infinitysaiarcot895: The PPA builders use qemu-user-static.01:57
infinitysaiarcot895: The distro builders are on real hardware.01:57
infinitysaiarcot895: Neither uses cross-compilers.01:57
saiarcot895infinity: Might using the cross-compilers like g++-arm-linux-gnueabi be faster?01:58
saiarcot895and then compile on i386 or amd64?01:58
NCommandersaiarcot895, introduces far too many problems01:58
NCommandercross-compilation fine for an embedded system or a small selection of packages, but cross-compilation adds massive amounts of complexity to the build process, and a lot of stuff just really goes and explodes01:59
* NCommander once had to cross-build mysql and still has the scars from it01:59
saiarcot895NCommander: ah, I feared that02:00
xnoxinfinity: (arch=!alpha !arm64 !armel !armhf !hppa !mips !mipsel !powerpc !ppc64el !s390x !sh4 !sparc64 !any-i386)__gmpn_addaddmul_1msb0@Base 002:00
xnoxinsn't that just arch=amd64-any ?02:00
infinityxnox: Might be.  I didn't read closely enough to match.02:01
infinitysaiarcot895: Ubuntu and Debian are set up to be self-hosting systems, not cross systems.  So, yes, as NCommander hints at, we're in good shape to natively compile anything, in poor shape to cross many/most things.02:02
infinitysaiarcot895: We've put a lot of work into making our base system cross-friendly, but after that, it falls apart quickly.  Crossing the PPAs would mean you could build about 200 packages. :P02:02
NCommandersaiarcot895, when it comes to package compilation, its a massively distributable process :-)02:03
infinityxnox: Though, I assume you mean any-amd6402:03
infinityxnox: I don't see sparc on that list, but maybe it's missing from the whole symbols file due to sparc being relatively unbuildable while GCC is skewed...02:04
infinityOo, but doko uploaded gcc-4.9 for sparc, that should clear up.02:06
xnoxquite any-amd6402:06
infinityCould take two weeks for those poor buildds to catch up.02:06
infinityxnox: Okay, ppc64 finished, and it's more or less as I expected.  Want the dh_makeshlibs diff output, or just an updated-and-tested symbols file?02:07
xnoxinfinity: just the diff would be fine.02:08
infinityIt's not quite as simple as "add ppc64 everywhere we have ppc64el".02:08
xnoxinfinity: i just walked alpha sh4 diffs.02:08
infinityhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7370230/ <-- That's the diff against my Ubuntu upload.02:08
infinityxnox: Builds fine otherwise though, so yay.02:09
infinityxnox: No idea what the deal is with those .__ symbols...02:09
infinityCertainly looks a bit odd.02:11
xnoxquite.... cuase they all exist without leading .02:11
infinityxnox: Those .__ ones are all there in 2:5.1.3+dfsg-1 too, so it's not a regression.02:12
infinityxnox: Just weird.02:12
infinityxnox: Old version for ref: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7370243/02:13
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infinity(Not sure if they're *all* there, didn't compare, but the point is that there were a bunch of them and this isn't a new phenomenon)02:13
infinityxnox: Quite possibly an upstream bug or something, but also nothing that wasn't already there.02:15
xnoxinfinity: so i should add them for ppc64?!02:15
infinityxnox: Add them, or figure out a clever way to ignore them.  But yeah, they need to be there for dh_makeshlibs to not explode.02:16
infinityxnox: AFAICT, none of libgmp's rdeps link to the weird dot symbols.  They could probably be filtered out in a linker script.02:18
infinityxnox: But also, meh.02:18
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elfygood morning release team - not sure if this is the right place to ask - but is there a reason why there's no xubuntu images on the utopic iso tracker?06:52
cjwatsonThey've been failing to build06:53
cjwatsonHaven't really investigated yet06:54
elfycjwatson: ok - thanks06:57
cjwatsonLooks like that should be fixed for the next build06:58
elfycjwatson: excellent - I can start haranguing my testers soon then :)06:58
elfythanks for the info06:59
infinityOh nice, gst-plugins-whatever migrated.07:29
infinityStill some AIEEE overflow madness, but should be getting near the end of it.07:30
darkxstinfinity, any chance you can bump through g-i and gjs to trusty-proposed?07:30
infinitydarkxst: If they're simple.  I'm only sort of awake.07:31
* infinity looks07:31
darkxstg-i is simple, gjs should be a MRE07:31
infinityBonus points for regenerating debian/control with a non-braindead pkg-gnome-thingee.07:33
infinitydarkxst: MRE or not, a bug ref on the gjs upload would be nice, so there's some way to track that the binaries have been validated to be sane.07:36
infinitydarkxst: (And that particular upload wouldn't really need an MRE anyway, if you wanted to validate all the upstream bugs it fixes, it's pretty straightforward)07:37
darkxstinfinity, oh oops it should have been linked too bug 128355107:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1283551 in gjs (Ubuntu) "gjs-console crashed with signal 5" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128355107:40
darkxstbut really there about 10 different bugs that will be fixed by the update07:40
infinitydarkxst: Heh.  Oops.  Can you upload that yourself, or need a sponsor?07:40
darkxstI can re-upload07:40
infinitydarkxst: Kay, cool.  Add a bug ref or two and I'll make sure it's identical other than the changelog, and we're good.07:41
infinityI like that upstream naively thinks sprinkling semicolons around is just "style changes" in javascript.07:42
darkxstjavascript doesnt care so much about semi-colons!07:43
infinityJS being infamous for randomly changing flow based on if you do or don't semicolon post-brace, in circumstances that only language parsers and people who've never seen the sunlight understand.07:43
infinitydarkxst: Trust me, that statement is patently false in many (most?) JS implementations. ;)07:44
infinityI got so fed up with random JS implementations doing different things with what seemed like simple C-style flow control that I have up and literally just put a semicolon on the end of EVERYTHING now.07:45
infinitySince that seems to be the only thing that's parsed consistently.07:45
infinitys/have up/gave up/07:45
infinityAnd since most people repurpose their JS parser for CSS (given the nearly identical syntax), I tend to do the same for CSS too.07:48
infinityThis is my PTSD from a horrible past of web development.07:48
darkxstinfinity, right I tend to avoid JS when I can these days, although I still have to deal with python's stupid handling of integers/floats everyday ;(07:50
darkxst^infinity linked the top few bugs, but there are probably dozens more, need to go get dinner now though ;) ....07:51
infinityOh, you didn't need a new version.07:52
infinityBut meh.07:52
darkxstinfinity, oh, ppa's do ;(07:52
infinityYeah, the queue is a special place that exists outside the archive. :)07:53
infinityNo big deal.07:53
darkxstinfinity, right, you don't learn these things when going through sponsors ;)07:54
infinityHeh, you linked the same bug twice.07:54
darkxstcut+paste fail ;(07:55
infinityI'm going to officially not care.07:55
darkxstinfinity, fixed now anyway07:57
infinityxnox: Repeated nag about boost1.55/gccxml08:07
darkxstinfinity, still around? can you give gjs a rebuild in trusty-proposed (tests failed due to g-i update not being finished, and yes I probably should have added a depend on that....)09:37
infinitydarkxst: You should be able to yourself, if you're the uploader.09:38
darkxstinfinity, ah ok, yes!09:39
infinityTry not to abuse this newfound knowledge. ;)09:40
darkxstinfinity, hah! why would I do that? according to Laney, I need to abuse my own server to get some warmth into this house ;)09:43
infinityHe speaks wisdom.09:44
infinityThis is why I'm trading all my ARM kit for old IA64 and PARISC stuff.09:44
darkxstmy old P4 was a toaster! too bad I don't have it anymore ;(09:45
darkxst95W TDP, shutdown a bunch of times from overheating, extactly what I could use now ;)09:46
infinityHuh.  I'm trying to decide if I think xbmc-bin-recommends-dummy.so is a really clever hack to avoid hardcoding recommended libraries in debian/control, or just vomitously horrid.09:50
infinityI guess it can be both.09:50
cjwatsonEmbrace the power of and.09:50
infinityI think I shall remember this awful hack the next time I feel the urge to depend/recommend on a library I don't actually link with.09:51
infinityIt's certainly a cute trick.09:51
cjwatsonHas it been clever enough not to actually ship the .so in question?09:54
infinityI didn't check the source, but I'd hope so.09:55
infinitydpkg-shlibdeps -pdlopenlibs -edebian/tmp/xbmc-bin-depends-dummy.so -xlibc6 -O >>debian/xbmc-bin.substvars09:55
infinitydpkg-shlibdeps -dRecommends -edebian/tmp/xbmc-bin-recommends-dummy.so -xlibc6 -O >>debian/xbmc-bin.substvars09:55
infinitySo, yeah, it's not installed.09:56
cjwatsonGood stuff09:56
* cjwatson keeps going with the libmikmod/sdlgfx intertwined transitions09:57
cjwatson(tedious but not hard)09:57
* infinity decides to give sleep another whirl.09:57
xnoxcjwatson: libmikmod transition also needs libmikmod2-dev -> libmikmod-dev changes e.g. as in patch proposed in debian https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=74490611:21
ubot2Debian bug 744906 in bb "bb: Please build-depend on libmikmod-dev instead of libmikmod2-dev" [Wishlist,Open]11:21
cjwatsonxnox: I already did all that11:21
cjwatsonxnox: Although it probably isn't a problem in Debian because NBS works differently there so the Provides has a better chance of taking effect11:22
cjwatsonOr at least not as much of a problem11:22
xnoxright, i've been mislead by launchpad "latest upload" on bb was not the one from proposed.11:23
cjwatsonYeah, it took me two goes there11:24
cjwatsonDunno why it's confused about the latest upload11:24
cjwatsonOh, because build1 didn't change anything meaningful and so propagated to release11:24
cjwatsonAnyhow, it should all be done now once builds finish11:25
cjwatsoni.e. taoframework and widelands11:26
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elfysuperm1: I hope I remember you being something to do with mythbuntu - if not sorry for the bump - but I've seen reports that the 14.04 download from your website is broken - confirmed it12:10
psivaacjwatson: infinity: autorun.inf and wubi.exe dont appear in the list in utopic desktop images. iso static vaildation tests are flagging this up.13:23
cjwatsonpsivaa: thanks, should be fixed next build13:25
cjwatsonubuntu-archive@snakefruit:~/public_html/wubi$ cp -a trusty utopic13:25
psivaacjwatson: ack, thanks13:25
argesxnox: hmm I used the scripts, wonder why I didn't add the tag properly. anyway sounds like you got it resolved. thanks13:25
michagogo|cloudI thought wubi was dead? :-/13:57
stgrabermichagogo|cloud: it's still used to show the autorun UI on Windows13:58
michagogo|cloudWhat autorejoin UI is there?13:58
stgrabersomething telling you it's an Ubuntu CD, that you should reboot to start it and maybe still offering to change your boot.ini to boot from CD (not sure about that last part, especially with newer Windows)13:59
tgm4883elfy: thanks for the ping. We noticed it broke yesterday after the server's hard drive filled up. Not sure why it's still not working though14:04
elfytgm4883: ok and welcome :)14:14
Davieytgm4883, elfy: Fixed. Thanks.14:25
apwpitti, did we have an ADT hickup, a random selection of the tests run for sysvinit seem to be qemu being killed hard14:52
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rtgcan somebody restart sysvinit autopackage testing ? qemu appears to have prematurely aborted on some tests.17:00
xnoxrtg: do you have vpn access? you can restart the job yourself, i believe.17:01
rtgxnox, I only have Q/A lab VPN access AFAIK17:02
xnoxrtg: ok, let me restart it.17:02
rtgxnox, thanks17:02
xnoxrtg: do you mean sysvinit adt itself, or everything that it has triggered?17:04
rtgxnox, I'm not smart enough to know the difference.17:04
rtgyou choose17:04
xnoxrtg: which job /result you see aborted? url?17:04
rtgxnox, I'm looking at people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html in which I see a number of failures under sysvinit17:05
xnoxrtg: right but e.g. mysql is a valid failure by the looks of things. i can retrigger them all.17:06
rtgxnox, I don't my patch could have cause a mysql failure, so there must be something new in Utopic causing this ? sysvinit was copied forward from trusty.17:08
xnoxrtg: well some of these jobs have not yet ever passed on utopic....17:09
rtgI don't think*17:09
xnoxrtg: retried all but linux, which is still in progress on i38617:09
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dokodemoted ruby1.9.1 \o/21:16
xnoxdoko: may day, may day, holliday!21:26
xnox=))))) *giggle*21:26
xnoxgvfs is blocked on failed deja-dup and dbus-test-runner tests, that have never yet passed in utopic.22:10
xnoxgvfs is a no-change rebuild for plist transition.22:11
xnoxcan it please be unblocked?22:11
LaneyThey both work in trusty fairly consistently so I think we at least need to figure out what's gone wrong22:25
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xnoxLaney: true.22:28
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha

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