
gamerchick02why the sad face, greg-g?00:15
cmaloneyHearing bullshit in mixed languages is still bullshit00:16
cmaloney( mrgoodcat )00:17
gamerchick02eh. there was nothing that was the size i wanted when i was looking so i got the air 11"00:17
gamerchick02for the most part it works well. and when osx is not updated any more for it i will probably switch to an ubuntu variant.00:18
gamerchick02if system 76 had an 11" laptop that was this thin i would have bought it in a heartbeat. alas, they do not.00:18
gamerchick02nor do ZaReason.00:18
cmaloneyYeah, the System76 laptops are a little chunky00:20
gamerchick02chunky is a good word for it00:21
gamerchick02i was looking at the Galago or Darter but still too big00:22
gamerchick02i want small and portable00:22
cmaloneyDarter looks nice, but a little pricey00:22
gamerchick02yeah. about the same as a low end air00:24
gamerchick02macbook air i mean. not iPad00:24
cmaloneyRight, I knew the context. :)00:28
gamerchick02though i suppose an iPad air with a keyboard would be a decent netbook replacement.00:29
gamerchick02if not expensive.00:29
mrgoodcatgamerchick02: get a c720 and put linux on it00:57
gamerchick02hehe. i already have the macbook so not right now. :)00:58
gamerchick02i do have a chrome book but since my macbook got fixed and updated, i've not had a lot of use for it00:58
jrwrennow I'm singing "back on the mac" to the tune of back in black.01:24
Hitmanactual121Evening everyone! so what's going on?03:21
mrgoodcatnot much03:29
mrgoodcatplaying around with some of my coding projects03:30
Hitmanactual121excited, my buddy and me and planning on what talks to go to for this con we were thinking of going to03:37
mrgoodcatwhat con?03:41
Hitmanactual121penguicon! :)03:44
Hitmanactual121seems pretty cool, anyone else going?04:49
cmaloneyHitmanactual121: i'm planning on being there11:15
brouschtoo tired today. I was up until midnight at the GRMakers Social12:45
mrgoodcati was real tired yesterday12:45
cmaloneyAfter noon17:26
mrgoodcatand then some17:28
brouschIs VB.NET a legitimate language still?20:46
wafwell, it's not being discontinued by MS or anything, but it's a PITA to use20:53
wafso i suppose it depends on what your definition of 'legitimate' is20:53
jrwrenbrousch: its still a thing, yes.21:09
brouschAll of the examples and tutorials for autocad's api are vb.net.21:39
brouschMy project would go much faster if I use it21:40
mrgoodcatmy project would go so slow no matter what the documentation. it would take me 2 weeks just to consent to vb.net21:47
brouschI've been using VBA since 2000 :(22:46
jrwrenVBA is a different beast23:20

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