
InHisNameHi ChinnoDog, did you see this: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pnmini/pnmini-positive-negative-power-supply-module-for-m   <-- thats the real end of link in my browser.   ---  quarter size +,- power supply converters (80-90% efficient)  ?01:59
* InHisName tosses a PIN into the room04:02
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys, hamsters and everything else12:06
ChinnoDogInHisName: Looks pretty useful. I like it.13:35
InHisNameChinnoDog: I need some more jumpers for my bread boards.  are there really good priced sources that you know ?14:12
brillInHisName: adafruit.com ebay.com14:15
InHisNamewhat search string is good for that on ebay ?  I hate reading 3000 entries found to find the 4 related to the real search.14:17
brillbreadboard jumper wire male to male14:22
ChinnoDogFind an electronics store. Or go to Microcenter.14:57
ChinnoDogMicrocenter is the only retail outlet I've ever been able to find mini jumpers at.14:58
=== Turkey is now known as DrownedTurkey
DrownedTurkeyliterally all of east falls was/is  underwater15:25
adomChinnoDog: RadioShack has a bunch of circuitry.15:37
ChinnoDogadom: They used to. Too much preassembled commercial garbage there now and not enough parts.15:41
waltmanDrownedTurkey: did all that rain wash away your mutant powers?15:42
ChinnoDogRadio shack is an expensive place to buy consumer electronics and has such a limited parts collection. I don't know why anyone goes there anymore.15:42
DrownedTurkeywaltman: no just got wet15:42
waltmanChinnoDog: maybe if you really need a resistor and can't wait for the order to arrive?15:45
waltmanotherwise, yeah15:45
ChinnoDogFind a real electronics store?15:46
waltmanThere aren't many real bricks and mortar electronics stores these days.16:03
InHisNameChinnoDog: I liked a place in Winter Park Fla called -- Skycraft Electronics.  Above their building was a 'flying saucer' rotating at a tilt on a pole.   They sold surplus, used, and new electronics parts and equipment.  Like many other B&M places, they're probably gone too, now.   -- I think there was a place here like that,but the guy died back in the '90s and whole place got auctioned away.19:54
ChinnoDogI haven't built any electronics projects lately or I would have hunted down my local outlet.19:56
ChinnoDogReddit says it is this place: http://www.arcade-electronics.com/19:59
ChinnoDogLooks like a store I would go to.19:59
adomwhat's that site from the guy from the podcast...20:23
adomlooks like a reseller sight... :/20:31
ChinnoDogThat looks like it is online only22:13
ChinnoDogadom: We should go to Arcade.22:14

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