
Kilosmorning jabberwocky93 Spekko inetpro and others06:40
Kiloshi theblazehen 06:40
jabberwocky93more Kilos06:41
Spekkomorning Kilos06:41
Kilosis julle by die werk?06:41
jabberwocky93ons werk vandag, dan kry ons more af06:41
Kiloshi Private_User 06:59
Private_Userhi Kilos06:59
Private_Userhi bushtech_, jabberwocky93, Spekko, Wraz, ThatGraemeGuy and everybody else :D07:00
bushtech_Hi Private_User07:00
Kiloshi bushtech_ still struggling there i see07:01
Kilospoor show on vodas part hey07:01
bushtech_Yeah lol07:01
Kilosbut they arent shy to take your money07:02
Kilosthats one of the reasons i went to 8ta07:03
Kilosive complained twice to them and both times they sent a tech out to sort the prob07:04
kbmonkeyhello Kilos and bushtech_ and Private_User  and ThatGraemeGuy 07:04
Kiloshi kbmonkey 07:05
Private_Userhello kbmonkey07:05
Kilosgraeme isnt here07:05
Kiloswas just a part join from his work07:06
Private_Userso how is everybody doing on this public holiday?07:09
Kilossome are working07:09
Private_Userlots of public holidays in April together with today some people took just 7 days leave and got 2 weeks07:10
Private_UserI guess the next one will be in June07:10
theblazehenhi Kilos 07:15
Spekkomorning Private_USer07:16
jabberwocky93hi Private_User07:17
jabberwocky93we still have voting day07:18
Private_Userbut we all would be voting on that day and no telling what the queues would be like07:18
theblazehenToday is voting day?07:21
Private_Userthat's next week dude, the 7th07:22
Private_Userhi theblazehen07:23
theblazehenhi Private_User 07:23
theblazehenWhats today then?07:23
Private_Userworkers day, I think07:23
Private_Useraka "National Braai Day"07:24
charl_good morning07:41
charl_Maaz: coffee on07:41
* Maaz washes some mugs07:41
Kiloshi charl_ 07:41
KilosMaaz, coffee please07:42
MaazKilos: Yessir07:42
Private_UserMaaz: coffee please07:43
MaazPrivate_User: Alrighty07:43
Private_Userhi charl_07:43
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_, Kilos and Private_User!07:45
kbmonkeyIm out for the day with some family07:45
KilosMaaz, ta07:45
MaazDis 'n groot plesier07:45
kbmonkeyenjoy the irc everybody!07:45
Kilosty kbmonkey 07:45
kbmonkeyMaaz, waar is myne?!07:45
Maazkbmonkey: One learns a new thing every day07:45
Private_Usercool thanks enjoy kbmonkey07:46
Private_Userthank you Maaz07:46
Private_Userlooks like my connectivity is gone slow07:46
Kilosnet inna bad way everywhere07:47
Kiloshi Golynx 07:47
Golynxhi Kilos07:47
Private_Userhello Golynx07:48
Golynxhey Private_User07:48
charl_hi Kilos 07:50
charl_hi Private_User 07:50
charl_Maaz: thanks07:50
Maazcharl_: No problem07:50
charl_hi Golynx 07:50
Golynxhi charl_07:51
Private_Userhi deegee__08:14
=== deegee__ is now known as drussell
drussellPrivate_User: hey :o)08:14
Private_Userso is everybody here working today or are they just online passing their time and enjoying a day of break?08:16
Kiloshi drussell hows things in the uk?08:18
drussellKilos: good thanks, how about you?08:19
Kiloswinter is here so not lekker08:19
Kilos14.04 turned out good hey08:19
GolynxPrivate_User i'm just trying to unlock all the gold levels of this game :) http://www.freedownloadflashgames.com/skill/Gravitee_Wars_3362.html08:20
Golynxhi drussell08:20
drussellKilos: yeah, we're really pleased with it :o) another great release, a few little hitches along the way, but it's shaped up really nicely08:21
drussellGolynx: hiya08:21
drussellKilos: hope you enjoy it too :oD08:21
Kilosi got it 3 weeks before release then kubuntu after the release and both are good ty08:21
Kilosum 2 weeks before not 308:22
drussellKilos: excellent08:30
Private_UserGolynx: that games seems a bit addictive, I am stopping it now09:41
* Squirm- looks around09:41
Private_Usersup Squirm-09:42
=== Squirm- is now known as Squirm
Golynxhaha yeah Private_User , its like Angry Birds but more fun imo :D09:44
* jabberwocky93 loves kongregate10:09
inetproMaaz: waar? 14:24
Maazinetpro: waar is myne?!14:24
inetprogood morning Kilos 14:25
Kiloslyk my julle krag is weer reg inetpro 14:25
Kilosgood morning sir knight14:25
inetproja alles loop weer dankie 14:26
Kilosit becomes a problem when your servers dont serve14:27
inetprogood to have drama like this from time to time but loosing power like that is not fun 14:28
inetprotoo much that can go wrong 14:28
Kiloswithout power nothing works for long14:28
Kiloseskom actually controls the country14:29
inetprothis one apparently was a breaker that failed 14:30
Kiloswow such a simple thing14:30
Kilosthe breaker broke14:30
Kilosoverload or just faulty breaker14:31
inetprodon't have any details 14:31
inetproI believe it was something small that went wrong first and then the circuit breaker failed only much later 14:34
inetproso we had a bit of an unpleasant up and down and up and down ride 14:36
Kilosya we noticed14:36
Kiloshi Golynx 14:36
Golynxhey Kilos14:37
Golynxnow with vodacom you get R3 for 50MB , that lasts 1 hour lol 14:41
Golynxor 50MB for R3 hehe14:42
inetproGolynx: hi, only one hour? 14:42
Golynxthey're really making fun of poor people 14:42
Golynxinetpro ya, i saw it on the tech news14:43
inetprosurely that must be a joke? 14:43
inetproabsolutely absurd! 14:44
inetprothat is not even cheap 14:44
inetpro6c per MB14:45
inetproif it was 1c per MB it would be a different story but only valid for one hour!? 14:46
inetprothat really is out of line 14:46
inetproeven if it was 1c per MB 14:46
Golynxhere is the snippet http://mybroadband.co.za/news/general/100922-vodacom-50mb-for-r3-power-bundle-launches.html14:47
Golynxyeah , thats insane! shame on them14:47
inetprotruly insane! 14:48
Golynxwith Cellc you get 50MB that lasts 30 days for R7.5014:49
inetprolike saying have a two litres of milk for R3 but forcing you to drink it all right away 14:50
Golynxya true, i hope they don't make any profit from this.14:54
inetprotrust me, they will make massive profits from many unsuspecting users 14:57
inetprolike all the other thousands of options 14:59
inetprothey won't bring something like this without having done their homework 15:00
inetprobut I call this abominable15:02
Golynxyes i agree. They're taking big advantage off the poor who is not that well educated or informed. Aswell as in those areas that don't have 3G access, it takes more than an hour to download anything close to 50MB. So yes vodacom will score big time on this. 15:04
Golynxmoral revulsion indeed!15:11
Kilosits all about money. they dont care where or how they get it15:20
Kilosdie geld god is baas15:20
Golynxwith vodacom its all about increasing they're broadband footprint in SA and 4G Lte network. So they can treat the lower classes as they wish to get as much as they want out out them to achieve this.15:30
Golynxhmm, linux tails https://tails.boum.org/ . Getting serious about privacy neh16:21
Golynxhi JabberwockyA1916:21
Kilosso you do everything from a cd or stick?16:26
Kilosmage spoke about tor a while ago16:26
Golynxthey say its a live OS , so i guess it works that way16:27
Golynxtor is also default included in it16:28
Kilosthere is tor in the repos16:28
Golynxthis is some extreme stuff. No wonder Edward Snowden pick this OS as his #116:29
Kiloslooks like its a browser you can install in ubuntu16:30
Golynxya like a proxy browser bouncing you off all kinds of servers over the world before the page loads lol16:32
Kilosthings are slow enough as is16:32
Golynxbut its not perfect and it can be traced16:33
Golynxhaha yeah16:33
Kilosohi superfly 16:42
Kiloshi captine 17:33
JabberwockyA19hi Golynx, Kilos, captine17:38
Kilosha JabberwockyA19 you here inna dark time17:38
captineji JabberwockyA19 17:38
Golynxhi captine17:38
captinehi Golynx 17:39
JabberwockyA19yeah, new month = new cap17:39
Kiloshi Trixar_za you been quiet17:41
Trixar_zaI don't have much to say really17:41
Kiloswell hello is good17:42
Kilosbetter than lurking17:42
Trixar_zaI always been the guy that lurks - even in real life17:43
Trixar_zaWatching other people is always more entertaining than actually getting involved17:43
theblazehenAnyone got a reason for me to do work instead of procrastinating?17:45
Kiloswhat work?17:46
Kilosif its studies you dont need a reason17:46
Kilosjust do it17:46
Golynx@Trixar_za unless you're getting paid to do it17:46
Golynxi procrastinate for days lol17:47
Trixar_zaTrue. I'm pretty good with people and I can pretty much sell drugs to a police officer if I have to.17:47
Golynxbut somehow find the motivation to do what needs to be done17:47
Trixar_zaBut my gift to talking people into stuff has gotten me into trouble before17:48
inetproKilos: don't listen to him, you'll just get into trouble17:49
Golynxtheblazehen i this may help :) http://picpaste.com/11programmers-deadline-MWLIuzSe.png17:50
GolynxTrixar_za with great power comes great responsibility17:51
Kilosinetpro, i think the monkey did well giving a summary of the meeting on the list17:52
inetprosetting the bar very high for the next chairman 17:53
Kilosthere are spanne list peeps that never come here17:53
Kiloswell we just gotta tell him to make a kinda roster thing for the next chair to follow17:54
Kilosprogram not roster17:54
Trixar_zaI mostly just use it to get free drinks17:58
KilosTrixar_za, instead of wasting that brain work out how to hack 3g modems17:59
Kiloswhy go to all the trouble with modeswitch and all if you can change a line or 2 in the modem itself18:00
* inetpro loves deadlines18:01
inetproI love the whooshing noise they make as they go by18:02
theblazehenlol inetpro 18:09
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:27

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