
Unit193knome, knome, knome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule topic?00:51
sidi-valenciais it really gonna be a unicorn?00:52
Unit193sidi-valencia: I wanted the red faced monkey. :(00:53
sidi-valenciared-shanked douc?00:53
* sidi-valencia might be too much of an aficionado when it comes to cryptic monkeys00:53
brainwashbluesabre: right, I did not change anything which could improve multi monitor support08:44
brainwashselect a wallpaper which does not match the aspect ratio of your screen08:45
=== knome changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Support at #xubuntu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | Daily testing with results: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/
Unit193knome: Danke. :)08:59
knomeback to hacking with a wordpress plugin09:01
elfyochosi brainwash ok so got around to purging and redoing the ppa - and JUST doing xfpm - made no difference - still black screen12:23
brainwashelfy: got it still installed?12:24
brainwashedit /usr/bin/xflock4 and add "sleep 5" at the start12:26
brainwashafter shebang + header comment and actual code12:27
elfyjust make the screen bright enough ... 12:27
elfywhy does it do that !12:27
elfydim the damned screen all the time 12:28
* elfy hates laptops 12:28
elfyanyway - so sleep to be first line of code?12:28
elfyor last12:28
brainwashbefore the actual code part starts12:28
brainwashthis should delay the screen locking on wake up12:29
elfyk - then do I need to do anything but close the lid to test?12:29
elfyok - give us a clue then :) 12:30
elfyedited the file 12:30
brainwashah, uhm, no12:30
brainwashjust save and close the lid12:31
elfyok that was new - restarted - cursor appeared then disappeared - black screen still 12:32
brainwashwas the desktop visible on wake up?12:32
brainwashfor like.. 5 sec :)12:32
elfyno 12:33
elfynor is it ever 12:33
elfyI see nothing at all till I use mouse or something - then I see unlock password dialogue12:34
brainwasheven if you move the mouse immediately after opening the lid?12:36
elfytrying 12:36
elfytook ~5 secs to see dialogue12:36
brainwashah, so the screen is already blank before even locking it12:37
elfyit is for me yes 12:38
brainwashit's getting even more mysterious :)12:38
elfythat was always the case before - restart from lid close - black screeen - move mouse - unlock dialogue - black screen is what I see12:39
brainwashcan you also try with light-locker disable and xscreensaver instead?12:40
brainwashsame setup12:40
elfytime's caught up with me - back in a while - will look then12:42
knomeanother "review" that copy-pastes the release announcement13:38
knomeand the video isn't exactly informative either13:38
knomewell at least from the looks of the start ;)13:39
pleia2after install it explores a lot13:39
knomeyeah, but exploring is meh13:40
knomei guess some people like it, but what about let them explore themself?13:40
pleia2because then they'll say AMAGAD I AHTE THIS NEW MENU13:40
pleia2this review actually shows how nice it is to find stuff :)13:40
knomethat'd be better than the lousy jazz tune13:40
pleia2and how to add the bottom panel back13:41
* knome shrugs13:41
amigamagicThe start menu is so good for people, that MS itself will make it come back in a next W8.1 big update or service pack (the rumors say that it should be around september of this year).. So, I think whisker menu is a very great addition to the xubuntu distro, at least for all the people that come from Win XP, Vista, 7, etc.14:02
amigamagicOne of the things on which whisker menu could improve, is its default appearence. It's a little too flat, with only two colors that could be changed in a theme: white and grey. Personally, I would have added a third color to differentiate between the top grey bar (where there is the user name) and the right grey bar (where there are the program categories). The old WinXP start menu is much more colorful rich.14:09
knomedo we really need to refer to win XP all the time?14:09
knomethe comparison doesn't hold really14:09
amigamagicI don't really want to compare it to WinXP or other os, but from a graphic designer point of view, it's better to have more theming options14:11
knomefrom a graphic designed point of view, it's better to have one style that works well.14:12
amigamagicPeople have different tastes, so I think more customization is better.14:13
amigamagicAnd it's very unlikely that could exist a SINGLE style that could appeal everyone.14:13
knomeif xfce allowed all customization anybody ever asked for, it would be a mess14:13
amigamagicIf you give the theme designer more possibilities, what harm that could do?14:14
knomea lot of ugly themes.14:15
amigamagicor a lot of beautiful ones14:15
knomei haven't seen that happen with applications/stuff that allows a lot of options14:15
amigamagicstrange... I see it often... Take Firefox: you can theme it as you want. Chrome is the same thing. Win8 gives you few options, but will let you change at least the colours of the borders and taskbar.14:20
knomewe allow changing a lot of the appearance options already14:21
amigamagicand that's good14:21
knomeif you want to control every inch of your appearance, install KDE14:21
amigamagicI don't like it14:22
elfyit appears to me you don't like xubuntu much either14:22
amigamagicyou are wrong14:23
knomei see where elfy is coming from.14:23
amigamagicif I didn't like it, I hadn't installed it in my office14:23
elfyknome: if the XPL vote is going to run for 24 hours - what are you using to do the vote?14:28
knomeelfy, we'll start off with the meeting.14:28
knomeif one applicant has got more than 50% of the votes from all possible members, we'll stop there.14:28
knomeotherwise, we should continue the vote on the mailing list14:29
elfyexcept you can't private vote on that ... 14:29
knomeshould you?14:29
elfyyou can with meetbot14:30
elfyassuming it actually works 14:30
knomei guess my question is: do we really *need* private voting?14:31
elfysome might want to do it that way14:31
knomedo we really need that kind of privacy inside the team?14:33
elfyI don't - I'm just saying :)14:33
knomeif you aren't willingly to publicly express who you are voting for, you'd have a hard time working with people14:34
elfyas I said - I've not got an issue - I'm just making the point14:35
elfybrainwash: unlocks fine with xscreensaver14:39
brainwashelfy: is the screen blank before xscreensaver's unlock dialog appears?14:40
elfyblank - with just cursor - touch trackpad or something - unlock dialogue14:42
elfydoesn't appear top be suspending though - just blanking the screen14:42
brainwashall the time or just in this case?14:42
brainwashcan't you tell if it's suspending successfully?14:43
elfyall the time14:43
elfyit's not suspending 14:43
elfyso manually suspending from menu - suspends - comes back to desktop - then goes to xscrn and dialogue14:44
brainwash5 sec delay, right?14:44
elfydidn't check - but sounds about right14:44
brainwashso it comes back to the desktop which is visible for about 5sec until it moves on to the lock screen?14:48
brainwashthe same thing should happen when light-locker is used (in this test scenario)14:49
elfyif it worked - which it doesn't - if it did we'd not be testing it :p14:50
brainwashbut I cannot explain this at all :/14:51
brainwashother than light-locker doing some bad stuff on its own14:51
brainwashmaybe we can get some more testers14:53
brainwashelfy: thanks for doing all the tests so far :)14:54
brainwashI guess you can revert the changes14:54
elfythat's ok - it's what I do to earn my ethercookies :p14:54
elfywell - tbh - the lappy doesn't get used much - and I never suspend anyway, so anything we're doing I don't notice :)14:55
brainwashbut we've learned that lock screen apps need the most testing (see unity's new lock screen and light-locker)14:55
brainwashthings can easily break and cause trouble security wise14:56
brainwashali1234: xfce4-power-manager seems to be affect too by the daemonize problem18:12
brainwashdo we need some sort of meta report?18:13
sidi-valenciabrainwash, i would check ALL xfce daemons upstream and in Ubuntu18:25
sidi-valenciaand send a mail to the ubuntu devel ML to point out the issue if it's been observed outside xubuntu18:25
brainwashyes ofc18:25
sidi-valenciameta report is a good idea ;)18:26
sidi-valenciaalso these reports look so sexy, like something important's going on18:26
brainwashoutside? mmh, only ubuntu ships wonky gtk modules18:26
* sidi-valencia feels bored at work, sorry.18:26
sidi-valenciabrainwash, still the fork after init is not a good thing.18:26
sidi-valenciaand i meant outside Xubuntu, like Lubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, etc18:26
sidi-valenciapretty much anything using gtk_init and fork, so you should probably make it wide. And I would also report the bug against ubuntu and tell them to stop messing with gtk_init() though that obviously is not good for community relations and will be ignored18:27
* sidi-valencia stops trolling now, back to code.18:27
brainwashok, ali1234 will gladly take care of this :)18:29

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