
shareContinue button is greyed out00:34
james0rcoincidence that firefox 29 is 29mb?00:36
sharejames0r: #firefox00:41
sharejames0r: the installation file?00:41
james0rwell i meant specifically the ubuntu package but i'll concede00:42
xanguaHi, I have a problem with parole, I can't play a DVD with it (libdvcss2 installed) It shows an error in gstreamer: Could not read from resource. http://i.imgur.com/cMzqCyS.png Is this a know issue? How can I solve this? Thanks00:45
Unit193bluesabre: There?00:47
sharegot it working!00:54
xanguaHi according to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/parole/+bug/1098323 this should have been fixed on  parole - 0.6.1-0ubuntu1 (0.6.1-0ubuntu3 installed in trusty) but everytime I put a DVD and select parole to play it gstreamer says:  Could not read from resource http://i.imgur.com/cMzqCyS.png I have gstreamer-plugin-ugly and libdvdcss2 installed01:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1098323 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole failes to play DVD" [Medium,Fix released]01:06
sharehow does xubuntu set up a guest session01:12
shareand why is lightdm showing xfce session AND xubuntu session01:12
Caduceusi have a quick simple questionn01:14
Caduceusis it my computer, or does the shutdown menu take forever to popup :/01:14
Caduceuswell over a minute01:14
starratsmust be your computer mine is almost instant01:31
shareXubuntu is looking good01:40
xanguacan you play dvd's in parole¿01:49
cyborgcygnusxangua, Probably if you have the xubuntu-restricted-extras installed01:50
xanguacyborgcygnus: can you¿01:50
cyborgcygnusxangua, Hang on I'll give it a go01:51
xanguaeverytime I insert a DVD gstreamer says it can't read the resource, I can manualy open dvd:///dev/sr0 in parole and plays but I wish it could just play when I insert a DVD01:52
sharewhy should people use parole instead of vlc01:53
cyborgcygnusxangua, Nup I'm getting your message in VLC & Parole, in the restricted extras it mentions some dvdread thing you need to install, I'll try now01:53
xanguacyborgcygnus: I have libdvdcc2 installed, share well it's the default player and uses low resources, I wish to give someone a machine with xubuntu01:57
cyborgcygnusxangua, so you got it going?01:59
xanguacyborgcygnus: did it work for you? no, everytime I insert a DVD and select parole to open it it says gstreamer couldn't read the resource02:06
cyborgcygnusxangua, Did you restart after installation?02:08
xanguacyborgcygnus: I already had libdvdcss2 installed since day102:09
cyborgcygnusI installed the restricted extras & it didn't install itself. Had to run this in a terminal just before "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh"02:13
cyborgcygnusTHe dvd works in parole now, not in vlc yet02:13
xanguacyborgcygnus: when you insert a DVD and select parole to play it, does it play?02:17
xanguaI have to manualy open dvd:///dev/sr0 maybe is because I am using Ubuntu/Unity? haven't tested on xfce desktop02:18
aussiedownunderxangua, Just tried to play the dvd in xbmc & it got stuck reading the dvd, had to force restart my pc02:25
xanguagonna try in a xubuntu session02:26
aussiedownunderAnybody else get weird noises coming from skype sometimes? I sent a message to someone & I got an annoying buzz sound which I had to quit skype to kill02:27
bo_aussiedownunder : NSA definatly !!!02:34
Caduceushm, i tried running xubuntu on my cgaming rig and same issue.  shutdown menu takes a while to load :/02:35
aussiedownunderbo_, lol02:46
aussiedownunderxangua, Well that would be the problem, the default setting for opening a dvd wasn't opening the actual dvd02:53
aussiedownunderIn other words it does work02:53
xanguawhen I insert the dvd it mounts and automatically opens parole03:10
xanguait plays fine in xubuntu, no idea why it doesn't play automatically in ubuntu03:11
holsteinxangua: xubuntu is ubuntu.. whats the issue? something autoplays in xubuntu? but not main ubuntu?03:15
xanguaholstein: yes, DVD in parole03:16
holsteinis this just something you need to get to the bottom of? or you want to auto play? or not?03:16
xanguaI am currently on a live session of xubuntu and it worked fine, in my ubuntu install parole shows a gstreamer error; could not read from resource03:16
holsteincould be different versions..03:17
xanguabot are 14.04 holstein ,I just wanted to make sure it works in xubuntu and it does (only tried a few, the menus didn't show up fine in The prince of Eggypt03:18
holsteinxangua: different versions of the software03:19
holsteinxangua: the live version can, and likely does have an older version03:19
xanguaholstein: both in live cd and current install are the exactly same version 0.6 revision 303:20
xanguaparole 0.6.1-0ubuntu303:20
xanguaI also notice in xubuntu it mounts the dvd and the 'Play disc' entry  in Parole player is enabled, while in ubuntu when it mounts it the menu is greyed out03:22
holsteinxangua: sure, but we can "notice" a bunch of things. whats the goal here?03:22
xanguaI wanna know if there is a diference between how xfce and unity mount devices?03:23
holsteinxangua: i think you are describing a difference in configuration for autoplay..03:23
holsteincould be as simple as being configured to auto mount03:24
holsteinshould be able to go in and change that...03:24
holsteinthey use different filemanagers, and lots of other packages are different03:26
ballWhat on Earth happened to the menu?!03:27
holsteinball: you'll have to let us know what is happening with your menu03:27
ballholstein: I've just installed 14.04 and I dislike the changes to the menu. Are those Xubuntu-specific or are they from Xfce?03:28
ball(I'm wondering whether to find another distro)03:28
holsteinball: is the question "how to i change the current default xubuntu menu back to what it used to be?" ?03:29
Kekaiubuntu 14.10 is called Utopic Unicorn?03:29
ubottuUtopic Unicorn is the codename for Ubuntu 14.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+103:30
Kekaiubuntu 15.0403:31
Kekaicant believe we are almost there03:31
Kekai16.04 LTS03:31
ballholstein: Well, I suppose that's one approach.03:31
holsteinKekai: please use the #ubuntu+1 channel for 14.10 support/discussion, and the #xubuntu-offtopic channel for chat thanks03:31
holsteinball: is that the question?03:32
ballI've just done a fresh install though so if there's something better out there...03:32
ball...now might be the time.03:32
holsteinball: "better" is a matter of opinion03:32
ballYes, that's fair.03:32
ballI'm just used to thinking of Xubuntu as my favourite Linux.03:33
holsteinball: that is also a matter of opinion.. and use case03:34
holsteinball: if you want another menu, you are free to explore options03:34
holsteinball: if you want another distro, you are also free to explore options03:34
holsteinball: its *quite* easy to change from the new wisker menu to the old style http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=220838003:35
holsteinfrom #2 "Right click on panel. Choose Panel > Panel Preferences > Items03:36
holsteinSelect Whisker Menu and press the red X on the right (remove)03:36
holsteinThen press + on the right for new item, select 'Applications Menu' and finally press 'Add'03:36
holsteinUse the up and down arrows to position it where you want."03:36
ballIs "Whisker" a Xubuntu thing or an Xfce thing though?03:37
holsteinball: http://gottcode.org/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin/03:37
holsteinball: i get that you dont like it.. change it if you dont want it.. feel free03:38
xanguaI like it03:38
xanguayou can even give it a shorcut03:38
holsteinsure.. but, "like" doesnt really matter.. its editable..03:39
ballWell that's something, anyway.03:39
holsteinball: what is "something"?03:39
holsteinthat you can change it back to the one you stated you preffered?03:40
* ball nods03:40
ballThat's some consolation.03:40
holsteinball: you can change it all to anything you like.. its all open03:40
xanguaAlso this is what parole shows when trying to play a DVD in ubuntu: (parole:4848): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 351 was not found when attempting to remove it03:47
holsteinxangua: to remove what?03:48
xanguaholstein: that is the whole mesage, a single line03:48
holsteinxangua: sure.. when?03:49
james0rhow does someone not like whisker03:50
xanguaholstein: just right now I went back to ubuntu and select parole to play automaticaly when inserting a dvd03:50
james0rblows my mind.03:50
balljames0r: I prefered the old one and was hoping that was just part of Ubuntu's downward slide.  Sadly it's an Xfce thing so other distros may have it too.03:53
holsteinball: ?03:53
holsteinball: please just change it if you dont like it03:53
james0rball, fair enough. takes about 30 seconds to replace it with the old one right?03:53
holsteinball: some really prefer the, what is arguably, momentum in development03:54
balljames0r: I'll have to figure out how.03:54
holsteinball: i have you a link, and text specifiying exactly how03:54
james0ri came from Linux Mint Xfce so whisker was standard. i need the search field. must have for me03:54
ballthanks holstein03:54
Unit193ball: Right click, remove, right click, add applicationsmenu.03:54
xanguawhy 14.04 doesn't ships with Synapse?03:55
xanguain the repositories*03:55
holsteinxangua: i would check upstream with debian03:55
holsteinxangua: https://launchpad.net/~synapse-core/+archive/ppa03:56
xanguaholstein: I installed the precise package with no issues03:57
ballUnit193: Thanks, that's a ton better.03:58
holsteinxangua: sure.. its not in the repos anymore.. there is a PPA that i linked. otherwise, its easiest upstream to get packages in. could be the synapse team is too small to maintain the package.. could be anything03:58
xangua 0.2.10-203:59
xanguaDeleted in jessie-release (Reason: None provided.)  :(03:59
xanguaalso deleted in sid04:00
holsteinxangua: there is no doubt is is gone04:00
xanguawhy would they remove it, it's awesome}04:04
holsteinxangua: as i said, could be the team doesnt provide support, or is small, or just doesnt exist. could have been one maintainer that is not maintaining04:05
holsteinxangua: you can always go upstream and offer to maintain, or help maintain.. or fork..04:05
holsteinxangua: or, just add the ppa...04:06
xanguano PPA for trusty but the precise package works fine04:07
holsteinxangua: pretty sure there was one ofr 14.0404:09
holsteinxangua: you may prefer that to focing the wrong one.. or, just use something else.. kupfer04:09
xanguaholstein: there is the unstable synapse package ppa witch crashes :P04:10
holsteinxangua: let them know..04:10
xanguaI like synapse better, it uses zeitgest04:11
holsteinif its unsupported, offer to support, or let it go..04:11
Unit193It's "dead" upstream.  Dead in the sense it still gets commits, but no releases.04:19
Archimedes00Have you guys gotten any bug reports regarding network manager? Everything was fine but now my connection gets dropped several times an hour despite having a strong signal04:42
Archimedes00not sure if its related to xubuntu or not04:42
xubuntu430hello everyone!04:58
xubuntu430first time here04:58
xubuntu430am new user of xubuntu04:58
xubuntu430got a question:04:58
xubuntu430how to avoid turning on the wifi atstart up?04:59
akishi all. 14.04 already released. do you know when it will be available for automatic upgrade on 12.04 systems?06:10
elfywith the release of 14.04.1 on 24th July06:12
shareis there a way to change onboard layout06:13
akiselfy: why?06:14
elfyakis: why what? you asked when and I told you06:15
akiselfy: you have right! https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/ubuntu-12-04-to-14-04-upgrade. i am just wondering!06:16
elfyI don't know the exact reasons I'm afraid06:16
akiselfy: its ok. another question. i have only 4 gb free on my hd. will this upgrade exceed my hd and it will be on the side on the existing 12.04 or it will be on existing 12.04?06:17
elfyakis I can't answer that - you might have 4Gb free - but you might have 30Gb of packages all needing an upgrade. I'd certainly make sure to clear the existing apt cache prior to upgrading apt-get clean06:20
elfyand it will upgrade the existing 12.04, it won't install it seperately06:20
akiselfy: thank you for advises. i am glad i see that it will upgrade the existing 12.04 and that it won't install it seperately. 30 gb is to big for me because the entire hd is only 35!!! (i am running 12.04 successfully and very smoothly  on an old laptop with 1,5 ghz celron and 1,5 gb ram but with only a 35 gb hd). can i run apt-get clean now to see how hd space will be available?06:25
elfyyou can run apt-get clean anytime you want :)06:26
akiselfy: i run it and more 0,5 gb is now available but i have still only 4,21 gb available.06:32
akiselfy:thank yu anyway for your advises.06:36
elfysayiing you have ~4Gb really is meaningless unless we know how big / is and how big /home/user is06:38
baizonakis: i recommend https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/bleachbit/06:38
baizonfor cleaning06:38
akisi can get some more space deleting my pictures but i relly dont want that.06:41
elfyakis: run this in a terminal and give us the url    df -h | pastebinit06:41
akisgive me paste link please06:44
elfyrun that and it will give you a url06:44
akisok. i saw the link. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7371145/06:48
bjorn_hi. someone runs xubuntu  on a acer netbook? I consider to switch from lubuntu due to lots of annoying bugs and wants to know if it works better with xubuntu or same same11:26
Wizardbjorn_: xfce is far more stable than lxde which is a chinese crap :<11:28
bjorn_will it be ok with just 1 gb ram?11:29
WizardHmm.. for xubuntu alone it will be fine, but you'll probably run into troubles with modern browsers :|11:30
bjorn_i run chrome on lubuntu and its ok. youtube is not very good11:31
bjorn_well i might as well try. its bad weather anyway :)11:32
WizardWill look simmilar.11:32
WizardJust install xubuntu-desktop11:32
WizardI mean just install xubuntu-desktop metapackage ;)11:33
WizardNo need to reinstall whole thing just to test.11:33
bjorn_oh. explain further. does this mean that I can choose what distro to start up?11:33
magihow to rest notications to default standard in xubuntu. After clicking do not show, it never shows notifications11:34
flux242Hi, I power manager doesn't seems to work with the 14.04. /etc/pm/ scripts aren't executed. Computer doesn't react on the power manager settings like decrease screen brightness after inactivity and so on. How can I debug it?11:34
brainwashflux242: scripts in /etc/pm are executed by pm-utils11:36
flux242yes, I know11:36
bjorn_Wizard, is it like "sudo apt-get install Xubuntu-desktop"and it will run?11:36
flux242the /usr/lib/upower and xfce4-power-manager-settings are running11:37
WizardNo, with lowercase x, and you will have to log out, choose xubuntu from sessions menu on login screen.11:37
brainwashflux242: can launch the power manager in debug mode with "xfce4-power-manager --debug"11:37
brainwashflux242: just kill the currently running instance with "killall xfce4-power-manager" first11:38
Wizardbjorn_: Didn't you know that all *buntu is basically same system using same software repos?11:38
WizardBrb, shower.11:39
magihow to *reset notications to default in xubuntu. After clicking do not show, it never shows notifications11:39
bjorn_Wizard, ok. I tried this in many years ago on a ubuntu -->kubuntu test i ended up with a totally bloated system, but xubuntu is probably easier on the system.11:39
brainwashmagi: you mean notification bubbles?11:39
brainwashmagi: and what are you trying to click?11:40
bjorn_Wizard, yes I know in some way.11:40
matarilesHello, how can I know if the wireless card is broken? It is not recognized even in a usb boot... but it was working until yesterday, suddenly after a update and reboot recognized but non working, and after another reboot not present. Thanks in advance!! Wireless info: http://pastebin.com/WMRZRiQ211:41
magisee i have clicked do not show this when notification appeared. So it isn't showing notification  for that particular act.(ex. network connection, bluetooth file transfer)11:42
flux242hm, xfpm restarted and it starts working11:42
brainwashflux242: that's magic :)11:42
flux242yeah, but it doesn't work after clean boot..11:43
brainwashmagi: ah, see http://askubuntu.com/questions/67500/how-to-disable-notification-from-network-manager11:43
brainwashflux242: you could file a bug report, simply run "ubuntu-bug xfce4-power-manager"11:45
flux242I do not have this executable11:46
magithanks brainwash . It helped! :-)11:47
brainwashflux242: looks like you've removed "apport"11:47
brainwashmagi: great :)11:47
flux242brainwash: no, I never installed it11:47
brainwashor file it manually on https://bugs.launchpad.net/11:49
flux242btw Do I need any of acpi* packages installed?11:49
brainwashdo you?11:50
flux242I tried to install acpi package. That didn't help. Then I installed acpid and acpi-support. That didn't help either11:50
brainwashI mean is something not working right now?11:50
flux242power management and pm-utils aren't working11:51
brainwashpm-utils usually creates log files in /var/log11:52
brainwashlike pm-suspend.log11:52
* Wizard is back11:53
Wizardbjorn_: Still here?11:53
bjorn_Wizard, yes11:53
WizardAnd how's xubuntu working for you?11:54
bjorn_Wizard, not done yet11:54
flux242brainwash: thanks, I see in the log that my script aren't executable. It wasn't needed previously though11:54
brainwashit wasn't?!11:55
brainwashI'm pretty sure that they have to be marked as executable11:55
flux242hm, I've copied them from my previous installation. Maybe the flags got lost in the transition11:56
brainwashand regarding the power manager problem, restarting it seems to be at least an easy workaround11:57
brainwashso you could automate it via an autostart script or something like that11:57
bjorn_Wizard, i get this "bloat" feeling again when I open my lubuntu start menu ;)11:58
bjorn_Wizard, just so many programs I will never use11:58
flux242ok, scripts are working now.11:58
WizardXubuntu 14.04 uses this fantastic whiskers menu.11:58
flux242brainwash: yeah, I already have some xrandr add mode script in the autostart11:58
flux242Wizard: I don't like it. I'm using older application menu11:59
flux242Wizard: I simply cannot find anything in the whiskers menu he12:00
WizardWell, at least you have a choice, flux242 ;)12:00
bjorn_Wizard, now done. brb12:04
flux242btw, can I style the login screen somehow. Because the default login screen looks lame12:08
flux242It was better previously12:08
bjorn_Wizard, now its up and running.12:08
Wizardflux242: It is lightdm, so the answer is yes, you can.12:08
brainwashflux242: you can select a different theme, see /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf12:09
brainwashtry "Numix" instead of "Greybird"12:10
flux242ok, I'll take a look12:10
Wizardbjorn_: And how's the taste?12:10
bjorn_Wizard, It feels better for sure.  like ubuntu 7-8 years ago but better :) and lubuntu is what xubuntu was back then12:11
flux242brainwash: is it the same setting I can select in the appearence dialog?12:12
Wizardflux242: Nope.12:12
brainwashflux242: no, this config file only changes the appearance of the greeter screen12:12
Wizardbjorn_: And what about memory usage?12:13
bjorn_Wizard, Can I have a "online" applet in the dock to show ram and processor?12:14
iimkiis this the right place to get help for xubuntu? newbeeeee12:14
Wizardbjorn_: Sure.12:14
brainwashiimki: yes, this it the right place12:14
iimkinew to linux coming in from windows12:14
Wizardbjorn_: I use "system monitor", it is installed by default.12:15
Wizardiimki: Just ask questions.12:15
iimkidumping windows and trying to go linux cold turkey12:15
Wizardcold greece ;)12:15
Wizardiimki: Just forget everything you know about software and you'll be fine.12:16
Aritheanieiimki: I'm trying Xubuntu again for the first time since 12.04... dual boot on the netbook12:16
iimkiwill keep this site open and look around a bit when I need help will ask thanks12:16
iimkirunning on a shuttle12:17
iimkiwent through about 20 distro's decided xubuntu most usable for me12:18
bjorn_its ok, but I like the one I used in lubuntu better, it showed how parameters changed with time.12:18
bjorn_now with dropbox, chrome xchat and thunderbird I use about 500 mb of my ram12:20
iimkiafter trying other distro's and not getting anywhere this is first one I was able to some what use12:20
bjorn_Wizard, but12:20
bjorn_Wizard, but I know chrome is heavy if many tabs are open12:21
Wizardiimki: Matter of taste.12:21
Wizardbjorn_: Depends on amount of flash/javascript ;D12:21
iimkiagree but as a total newbee I don't have any taste12:22
Poisoned_Dragonhonesty at it's finest12:23
iimkihow do you save the settings on this (xchat) so you can find your way back??12:24
Wizardiimki: I've edited freenode on server list, put proper nicks and so.12:25
iimkiduuu found the help button ..will read12:27
bjorn_how can I move the panel down to the bottom of the screen?12:29
Wizardbjorn_: Sure.12:29
WizardGo to panel settings, deselect "Locked" checkbox. Two handles will appear on each side, drag the panel with the handles.12:29
WizardThan you can lock it again.12:30
WizardI know this is weird :D12:30
bjorn_great thanks12:31
iimkiwell I think I have figured it out thanks will sign off and try to reconnect12:31
bjorn_I know its nerdy but how can I change the "lubuntu" login and shout down screen to xbuntu?12:39
Wizardbjorn_: Hmm, there are packages like lubuntu-something-theme, I don't remember exact name.12:41
WizardYou can safely remove them.12:41
recon_laphi, want to copy all the contacts off and old iPhone 3gs over a USB cable, anyone know an easy way to do this?12:41
cfhowlettbjorn_ I believe it "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop to install all the default packages - including login.12:42
Wizardcfhowlett: Themes aren't changed.12:42
bjorn_cfhowlett, I have done that12:42
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »12:42
WizardHow nice :)12:42
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »12:43
cfhowlettWizard just took a minuthttp://rosegardenmusic.com/resources/e for the brain cells to catch up12:43
knomecfhowlett, they didn't ask to remove lubuntu.12:43
cfhowlettknome ah, that's different then.12:43
Wizardbjorn_: apt-cache search lubuntu | grep theme12:44
WizardAlso lubuntu-default-settings.12:45
bjorn_Wizard, and then what? paste?12:45
WizardRemove these packages and dpkg shall automatically switch to xubuntu plymouth themes.12:45
bjorn_can I write some terminal magic line to do it all, or is it "sudo-apt get remove" on everey package?12:48
WizardYou can use apt-get remove with a list of packages.12:49
cfhowlettbjorn_ sudo apt-get remove package1 package2 package312:49
WizardOh, just like that.12:49
* Wizard hopes bjorn_ won't break anything :>12:49
bjorn_hahah ;)12:50
bjorn_dont mind, all files that are important is in my dropbox anyway. this is just my toy computer12:50
Wizardcfhowlett: 404.12:51
cfhowlettWizard eh?12:51
Wizardrose garden link you gave me.12:51
cfhowlettWizard www.rosengardenmusic.com12:52
Tiensbakungbjorn_: apt-cache search | grep | cut | xargs apt-get install12:52
Tiensbakungbjorn_: *remove12:52
TiensbakungWizard: bjorn_ asks for a oneliner for removing all packages12:53
knomeWizard, watch your language.12:53
knomeTiensbakung, errr.12:54
Wizardknome: Oops, sorry.12:54
Tiensbakungknome: ??12:54
knomeTiensbakung, no, he didn't.12:54
recon_lapgod I hate closed systems , apple sucks making simple stuff hard12:54
knome"all packages"12:54
Tiensbakungknome: sorry, I mean all *matched* packages by grep12:55
cfhowlettwizard:      http://rosegardenmusic.com/12:55
JohnNmy shed key has the number 404 on it... the fact I find it funny (and/or crack a it's missing joke) every time I use it I think sayz it all...12:55
knomeif you have non-support related discussions, you can take them to #xubuntu-offtopic12:56
WizardDoes xubuntu offer something for formatting usb drives? (or floppies) :P12:57
JohnNsorry :) was just a timing thing...12:57
cfhowlettWizard of course!  command line!12:58
knomeJohnN, it's ok, and not only you who i meant12:58
knomeWizard, you can install gparted12:58
WizardSometimes I just miss windows 95's right click→format :D12:59
ronmuHello, can anybody help mi resolve my problem? :( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222120713:12
knomeronmu, why don't you delete the partions from gparted before installation since you already have it open?13:14
Poisoned_Dragonsda6 is shown as mounted13:14
ronmuknome, because i can't. There's no option to delete this partition13:14
Poisoned_Dragonthat's why it's locked.13:14
ronmuhow can I unmount this partition?13:15
Poisoned_Dragonwhich has, in turn locked sd413:15
Poisoned_Dragonrun gparted before the installer13:15
Poisoned_Dragonyou can unmount in gparted13:15
ronmuhow? There's no option 'unmount'13:19
ronmuonly 'Deactivate'13:19
ronmuresize/move, manage flags13:19
Poisoned_Dragonyes, deactivate13:21
Poisoned_Dragonit's a swap partition13:21
ronmu48,34 swap??13:22
Poisoned_Dragonoh, wait. that should be a swap. it's so big13:22
ronmusda6 = lvm2 pv13:22
ronmusda5, probably boot partition13:23
ronmuso should I deactive sda6 (locked)?13:23
ronmu'/' partition should be logical or primary?13:50
Poisoned_Dragonyou can put / on the moon, if it's a partition connected to your computer.13:51
ronmuwhat partition should I create?13:53
ronmu'/' and swap?13:53
Poisoned_DragonHow much ram do you have?13:54
Poisoned_DragonDo you like to use the hibernate feature?13:54
ronmu4gb, sometimes13:54
ronmubut '/13:55
ronmuis a 'must' partition? is that right?13:55
Poisoned_DragonTo use hibernate, swap has to be as big, or bigger than your ram13:55
Poisoned_DragonIf you didn't set one, the installer will yell at you.13:56
ronmuok, thank You for help :)13:56
Tiensbakungronmu: make sure / mount to a big enough partition, for me, it's about 20GB13:56
ronmuTiensbakung: well I'm going to creater 44GB '/' and ~ 8GB swap file. No home partition.13:57
Tiensbakungronmu: then you are good to go:)13:58
ronmupreviously I was using fedora 20, but damn, too many kernel errors :/14:00
xubuntu958II am currently installing XUbuntu 14.04 on an old IBM ThinkPad14:04
xubuntu958and the installation stops close to the end14:05
xubuntu958and the system hangs14:05
Poisoned_DragonIBM forbids the use of linux on it's computers.14:05
Poisoned_DragonDoes it have enough ram?14:06
xubuntu958hope not :-)14:06
xubuntu9582GB should be enough14:06
Poisoned_DragonOh, so it's not super old.14:06
Poisoned_Dragoncore 2 duo?14:07
xubuntu958no single core14:07
Poisoned_Dragonso core solo?14:07
Poisoned_DragonPentium M?14:07
Poisoned_DragonAh, core solo.14:07
xubuntu958Pentium M75814:08
Poisoned_DragonYou know there is a drop down terminal display in the installer.14:08
Poisoned_DragonYou can leave it open and watch where it hangs.14:08
Poisoned_DragonAlso, check the install for defects.14:08
Poisoned_Dragonis it a usb stick install?14:09
xubuntu958No from DVD drive14:09
xubuntu958so I should restart the installation with drop down terminal open14:09
Poisoned_DragonWell, use the defect checking option at the boot screen.14:09
xubuntu958I have not seen this.14:10
Poisoned_DragonIf it fails, you'll know it centers around the dvd or the dvd drive.14:10
Poisoned_Dragonwhen you first boot, you know that symbol that shows up on the bottom?14:10
Poisoned_Dragonkeyboard = human14:10
Poisoned_Dragonwhen you see that symbol, press any key to show the boot screen.14:10
xubuntu958yes i can see this14:11
Poisoned_Dragonchoose your language.14:11
Poisoned_Dragonthen select the option that checks the media.14:11
Poisoned_DragonThen wait14:11
recon_lapso, iPhone's are incompatible with ubuntu?14:13
xubuntu958Thanks Poisoned_Dragon. I will have a look at come back !14:14
WizardUh, I bet that ubuntu offers some iphone-capable app in repos, recon_lap.14:14
recon_lapWizard: I've been looking for 2 hours now for a way to get the contact list off this iPhone with no success14:15
WizardThank Apple :)14:15
recon_lapthink's it'd be faster to copy them by hand :(14:16
knomerecon_lap, gtkpod is supposed to help with that.14:16
WizardI'll take a look at repo.14:16
WizardHowever, I've never had an iPhone.14:16
ronmuhow to add 'show desktop' activator?14:16
recon_lapknome: thx, I'll give it a try14:17
Wizardronmu: right click on panel → panel → add applet → show desktop14:17
ronmuWizard: thank you :) reminds me a meme: 'are you a wizard?' xD14:18
recon_lapWizard: not my choice, old 3gs rescued phone. just had to replace the battery. want to get the contacts for the previous owner my mum :)14:18
* Wizard slaps ronmu with Andrew Tannenbaum's "Computer networks"14:19
recon_laphell, that app is .8g14:20
xubuntu958Hi Poisoned_Dragon14:21
ronmuWizard: I wonder what distro uses Tannenbaum and Linus ;)14:21
xubuntu958no error found on the DVD14:21
xubuntu958is there a way to have access to installation log, even if the installation cannot be completed ?14:23
Poisoned_DragonWell, that's a plus.14:23
Poisoned_DragonMeans the disc and the drive are ok.14:23
Poisoned_DragonI dunno if there is a persistent log to access, prior to completion.14:24
Poisoned_DragonYou can try the drop terminal display.14:24
Poisoned_DragonWhen it hangs, you can see where.14:24
xubuntu958yes sounds good.14:25
Poisoned_Dragoncould always do a test and try another hard drive.14:26
recon_lapxubuntu958: if you press del or esc you should be able to see the terminal and the text output from the install14:26
meek_geekwho all hates the new firefox ?14:26
Wizardronmu: Tannenbaum uses minix ;P14:26
Poisoned_DragonI use chrome, anyway.14:26
recon_lapmeek_geek: seems little different from the previous one?14:27
Poisoned_DragonWell, they did tweak the interface a bit.14:27
Wizardmeek_geek: It is ok.14:27
Poisoned_DragonBut, I think it's for the better.14:27
meek_geekits like chrome wanabe14:28
Poisoned_DragonThey dropped the ribbon feature14:28
Poisoned_DragonIf you wanna call it that.14:28
Poisoned_DragonIn the end, the interface feels like it would be the same on any OS. Which is good. But, this is all off topic.14:29
Wizard14.04 already has it, so not so very off-topic.14:30
meek_geekits on topic only14:30
recon_lap1hmm, gtkpod just gives me a blank window with not menus14:30
Poisoned_Dragonheh, perhaps.14:30
WizardIs it possible to set keyboard shortcut for whiskers click?14:32
recon_lap1and now it's running in the background and i cannot kill it . wtf!!14:33
knomerecon_lap1, watch the language.14:33
Wizardknome: A script, you use a script for these warnings :D14:34
Wizardrecon_lap1: Hit close button few times and wait a second. xfce will offer killing it.14:35
recon_lap1Wizard: I closed the window, it is a background process now and i cannot kill it?14:36
Poisoned_Dragonum, killall -9 firefox?14:36
recon_lap1looks like I'm going to have to logout / reboot!!14:36
recon_lap1it's gtkpod14:36
WizardWell, just kill it with killall -914:37
Poisoned_Dragonoh, killall -9 gtkpod?14:37
knomeWizard, we don't want a bot-driven channel14:38
Wizardknome: You mean bot kicking people for bad language?14:39
recon_lap1no, killall not doing anything, the processes are hanging around , they've locked up my desktop so icons are not showing14:39
WizardOh, probably cpu load skyrocketed :P14:39
recon_lap1ok, rebooting, seems so like windows , can i cuss now?14:40
Poisoned_DragonMeh, I would had done ps aux14:41
Poisoned_Dragonfound the pid and kill that way14:41
Poisoned_Dragonor not14:42
knomeWizard, neither that or automatic notices of the language.14:42
Poisoned_Dragonin fact, ps aux | grep gtkpod14:42
Poisoned_Dragonsudo kil pid#14:43
WizardPoisoned_Dragon: He quit.14:43
Poisoned_DragonI know... Just working it out so that I don't obsess over it.14:43
xubuntu958recon_lap, Pisoned-Dragon, thanks to you, I know a bit more now..14:52
xubuntu958the install is hanging after Starting CUPS printing spooler/server ok14:53
recon_lapxubuntu958: does it say what it's doing after the ok?14:53
recon_lapxubuntu958: try hitting ctrl-c14:54
recon_lapxubuntu958: and ctrl-x14:54
recon_lapxubuntu958: and if it's got to startig cups it may have installed and you might be able to boot into recovery mode to try find the problem14:55
xubuntu958Ctrl-x and Ctrl-c have no effect. system seems completely dead14:56
Poisoned_DragonI wonder why cups would have issues.14:57
WizardI wonder why it hangs installation.14:57
WizardHowever, you can try netinstall.14:57
xubuntu958CUPS is mentioned as OK14:58
WizardIs it possible to switch to VT?14:58
WizardHi, xubuntuNoob.14:58
xubuntu958but some lines earlier, there is a mention of "Starting Restore Sound Card State... fail"14:58
xubuntu958this might be the problem?14:58
xubuntuNoobI was wondering if someone could show me a guide to install Xubuntu on my old beagleboard :) I've been looking for a while with no luck ...14:59
Poisoned_DragonThat's normal. You're in live session, xubuntu958. So there is no state to restore to. It's going to fail and that's normal.14:59
xubuntu958I am not in live session, I am doing an actual installation15:00
WizardPoisoned_Dragon: failing is normal? This is not windows ;)15:00
Poisoned_DragonSome fails you can ignore.15:00
Poisoned_DragonIf it said that error in a normal install, then worry.15:01
xubuntuNoobhas someone done it before ? (installing Xubuntu on ARM)15:01
WizardxubuntuNoob: I did.15:01
WizardOn PandaBoard.15:01
WizardI used default installation, than I installed xubuntu-desktop15:02
WizardAnd than my panda broke.15:02
WizardWell, not beacuse of ubuntu, obviously.15:02
xubuntuNoobI used default ubuntu but everything is so slow because of my small CPU15:02
WizardOn panda it was slow because of I/O waits, I bought faster CF card and it got back to normal.15:03
WizardBut still, xfce was much more usable than unity.15:03
WizardMore RAM for apps :)15:04
xubuntuNoobhum ok ok15:04
xubuntuNoobI only have 256 Mo of ram so that's another reason to have a light distro. But in the same time I want a graphical one15:04
WizardK, time to revive my PPC.15:04
florisvdaI was wondering if there is any information available on how to compile Xfce for Xubuntu from source, it seems to me there are quite a few additional options enabled that aren't active when I run 'vanilla15:05
WizardGod, good luck with running xfce with 256MB15:05
florisvda ' xfce4*15:05
WizardLike what options?15:05
florisvdawell for one it seems to be that quite a lot of setting options are missing from the settings manager15:06
xubuntuNoobdamn ! do you know any distro which could run with 256Mo ?15:06
TiensbakungxubuntuNoob: crunchbang15:06
WizardDunno, on amd64 xubuntu takes arround 300MB with pretty default setting.15:06
Wizardflorisvda: You will have to use something like fluxbox :P15:07
recon_lapflorisvda: you looking at the setting manager or the systems menu?15:07
xubuntuNoobok tahnks I'll look into that hoping that there is a simple way to make it work15:07
TiensbakungxubuntuNoob: you should use a window manager rather than a desktop environment15:07
florisvdarecon_lap: xfce4-settings-manager15:08
xubuntuNooblike openbox ?15:08
xubuntuNooba window manager ?15:08
recon_lapxubuntu958: what I meant that is the install may have installed and gotten stuck configuring something. you may still be able to boot off the hdd15:09
TiensbakungxubuntuNoob: Yes, openbox, jvm, fluxbox, i3wm, use the one you are most comfortable with15:09
xubuntuNoobunderstood thanks15:09
Tiensbakungno problem15:09
xubuntuNoobI have to go bye :)15:10
recon_lapflorisvda: anything in particular your missing? mine seem to have more stuff in there15:11
recon_laphmm, seems libimobiledevice has not made it to 14.04 yet :(15:12
Wizardrecon_lap: What's that?15:16
recon_lapWizard: a lib that communicates with iPhones apparently, doc are a bit sparse15:16
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Wizardhmm, lib needs an app using it ;D15:19
florisvdarecon_lap: this is the difference: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4664802/xfce4-settings-manager-xubuntu.png vs https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4664802/xfce4-settings-manager-xfce4.png15:20
ronmuhmm how to create something like in Windows. I mean explorer shortcut on panel? (not places in panel)15:21
florisvdafirst one is from a xubuntu-session the second one is from a xfce session15:21
ronmuto instantly open home folder or other folder15:21
recon_lapflorisvda: who/what are you logged in as on the xface session? do you have admin access?15:22
florisvdasame Linux PAM user for both session, if that is what you're asking?15:22
recon_lapflorisvda: well I've got the full list, I can only guess there is some conflict having both unity and xfce on the same machine. what that is I don't know15:24
krytarik!info xubuntu-default-settings | florisvda - That's because of this package15:40
ubottuflorisvda - That's because of this package: xubuntu-default-settings (source: xubuntu-default-settings): default settings for the Xubuntu desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.04.4 (trusty), package size 18 kB, installed size 207 kB15:40
krytarikflorisvda: Specifically, the file "/etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/menus/xfce-settings-manager.menu", that is.15:44
freshXubuntuerhello, can some1 help me please15:45
knomefreshXubuntuer, ask your question and we'll find out15:46
freshXubuntuertoday i came to hotel and when tried to connect to their netowork i havent seen networkmanager app in panel15:46
freshXubuntueri tried running "sudo nm-applet" from terminal15:46
freshXubuntuerand got this error15:46
freshXubuntuer** (nm-applet:2061): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-pHXWXRIAVa: Connection refused nm-applet-Message: using fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon15:46
holsteinshouldnt need sudo there15:47
freshXubuntueractually, it makes difference15:47
freshXubuntuerwithout sudo i just got error, and nothing in panel15:47
freshXubuntuerwith sudo i see arrows in panel15:47
holsteinfreshXubuntuer: nm-applet should be runinng as the user, AFAIK.. not root15:48
freshXubuntuerbut when i try to connect to desired network15:48
freshXubuntueri cannon enter passoword15:48
holsteinfreshXubuntuer: but, that doesnt mean running as root will faciliate that15:48
freshXubuntuerwell, error is same when i run it as user15:49
freshXubuntuerplus, nothing is shown in notification area on panel15:49
holsteinfreshXubuntuer: ok.. so dont run that as root.. lets start there15:49
freshXubuntuer(im using xubuntu 14 btw)15:49
holsteinfreshXubuntuer: 14.04*15:50
freshXubuntueragain, this is error15:50
freshXubuntuer** (nm-applet:2061): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-pHXWXRIAVa: Connection refused nm-applet-Message: using fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon15:50
florisvdathanks ubottu krytarik, I'm trying to find out more about xdg though. I'm guessing XDG isn't xfce specific ?15:50
flux242Hi, with the Desktop->Icons settings I can select what icons to show on the desktop. I have some definitions in my fstab that I do not want to see on the desktop. So I can unselect 'Disks and Drives'. But the problem is that there are some drives I want to see. Is it possible to selectively show or hide drives icons on the desktop?16:19
knomeif they are all mounted, i don't think you can hide some and show some16:23
knomenot sure even if they aren't mounted16:23
flux242no, they aren't mounted16:29
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ronmuHello, is it possible to search using whisker menu settings?16:41
ronmuI mean now I can search application, but if I want e.g. software update I need to go to 'all settings'16:41
ronmuand then software update16:41
ronmuit would be much easier -> whisker menu -> software update16:42
knomenot with the current setup16:42
elfyronmu: no it isn't possible to search currently16:42
ronmuI hope that it will be available soon16:44
knomewell as always, patches are welcome16:44
elfyronmu: though it wasn't searchable for in the old menu either16:45
ronmuI don't know, I have been using ubuntu(unity) and fedora (gnome3)16:45
flux242ronmu: you can create a quick launch item in a panel16:50
flux242ronmu: it's not a fix but a workaround16:50
flux242actually I kept the old application menu and also the quick launch panel at the bottom like it was untill 14.0416:51
ronmuthanks, I'll check it16:52
tsaavikanyone know how to get the mpris2 indicator back (the volume knob that has play/pause buttons for audacious, etc)17:09
tsaavikThink it might be called: indicator-sound-service17:22
flux242tsaavik: I don't think you need anything else as indicator-sound installed by default17:23
tsaavikI want the volume knob that 'swallows' the player (audacious)17:24
flux242like this ? http://cdn.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/image217.png17:25
flux242it's by default so17:25
tsaaviknot on mine :(17:25
flux242what distro?17:25
tsaavikupgraded from 12.0417:26
flux242well at least vlc works that way17:26
tsaavikI don't have the volume control at all17:26
tsaavikany idea what it is called?17:26
tsaavikright click, about?17:26
flux242the package is called indicator-sound17:26
tsaavikwhen I click 'add new items' on my panel that dosn't show in the list17:27
flux242check if it installed and if yes you may try to dpkg-reconfigure it17:27
tsaavikindicator-sound is already the newest version.17:27
tsaavikhmm, there is another17:28
tsaavikindicator-sound-gtk2 is already the newest version.17:28
flux242indicator-sound-gtk2 has dependency to the indicator-sound17:28
flux242so it's ok17:28
flux242try to reconfigure them17:29
flux242ah, maybe its not added to the panel?17:29
flux242the applet I mean17:29
tsaavikyeah, any idea what the applet is called?17:29
flux242check if Notification Area and Indicator Plugin are added to the panel17:30
tsaavikah shit, your right17:30
tsaavikI bet thats it17:30
tsaavikhahha, yup17:31
tsaavikoh wow, its crashing17:31
tsaavikPlugin "Indicator Plugin" unexpectedly left the panel, do you want to restart it?17:31
tsaavikatleast I know why it wasn't there, lol17:32
flux242maybe logoff/login will help. Not sure17:33
tsaavikI have multiple panels, I was able to add it to another /shruf17:33
SunilJoshiHello, I am getting these warnings whenever i perform upgrade on Xubuntu14.0417:48
SunilJoshiperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:17:48
SunilJoshiLANGUAGE = (unset),17:48
SunilJoshiLC_ALL = (unset),17:48
tsaavikhaha, it only crashes if I put it on the top right corner. guess I just won't put it there17:49
trickyheroso my usb stick is read only how do I make it read or write, or allow me to write to it18:15
trickyherosorry, just found out I just had to become root, thought it was the usb stick18:16
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cor_rHey everyone, Iam using the newest Xubuntu version and am trying to get it to detect my cell phone. But it shows up nowhere when I plug it in. what do I nedd to install for automount/detection?18:22
nobody18188181Anyone else experiencing issues with shift + delete with items on the desktop? I'm not getting a dialog and shift + delete will not remove folders on my desktop18:51
brainwashnobody18188181: did it work in a previous release?18:54
elfyI got that fleetingly18:55
NorthSideanyone got a fix for MagicJack?19:11
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ciscoftwtrying to use xubuntu with dual monitors via a dell dock... xfce4-display-settings only finds the laptops screen and 1 monitor... any suggestions? using xbuxntu 14 (3.13.0-24-generic)19:20
z4nD4RHi all, I've just installed xubu 14.04 and It work pretty well. Only one issue wich I have is about power management. Simply my ntbk is going to lock and shut monitor after 10minutes of no activity.. Even I've set insifinity (or never) .. HW: ThinkPad T420, SW: fresh xubu 14.04... any ideas?19:31
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tsaavikFigured it out, Pidgin is crashing my notification window20:16
tsaavikthis guy has the same issue :D https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-indicator-plugin/+bug/1181134/comments/1720:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1181134 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "xfce4-indicator-plugin crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [High,Triaged]20:17
bjorn_hi, I migrated from lubuntu by installing xubuntu-desktop, is it possible to have the startup and shutdown screen "xubuntufied"?20:22
holsteinsure.. but why?20:22
holsteini mean, im just saying that since, you can really mess about and end up with a broken system.. otherwise, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop should prompt for what is needed20:23
elfyI think that bjorn_ is saying they are still having the lubuntu plymouth/greeter rather than xubuntu after installing -desktop20:24
bjorn_elfy, exacly20:24
* elfy can't remember what he did about that years ago unfortunately20:24
holsteinyeah, i do remember really messing things up once trying20:25
holsteinsomething like http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=7533 is a decent place to start20:26
bjorn_I remember one once told me "if its not broken, don't fix it"... maybe I hang on to the lubuntu until I give it a fresh install20:26
bjorn_well. its no quick fix it seems. I maybe get back to this later. Thanks anyway, cu20:28
elfythat was quick ... sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth if it's plymouth causing issues20:29
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Yanchoguys my xubuntu 14.04 installation is failing and saying the installer has crashed. then sometimes an error comes saying that there is no space on the disk. however the disk has 20gb free. it normally manages to write 835mb on the hdd however the last run wrote 943mb. it fails when choosing the country. any idea where to look at? already tried burning the iso again21:14
holsteinsounds like a failing hard drive.. i would just test and confirm21:15
holsteinim also not clear on your message, since you seem to reference an already installed failing system, then, an installer that is failing21:15
Yanchosorry my bad :) i meant that the installation process is failing21:16
holsteinYancho: i would test hard ware.. memory and hard drive21:18
Yanchoshould i test from the live cd itself?21:18
Yanchomemory did 8 passes - no errors21:18
TLangasHello everyone! Can someone give me a hand opening ports 137 and 136?21:20
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo21:20
TLangasI've tried ipables, but there is no iptables service, so I'll try ufw and get back you you21:21
holsteinTLangas: what are you trying to do?21:22
Yanchoholstein, bfore i started speaking with you i did another try and this time it seems its going through - hasn't crashed yet :S will it be possible that i see during the install whats going behind the scenes?21:22
holsteinnot sure..21:22
Yanchothen again i didnt press continue yet for choosing my country .. before i used to press it straight away .. will give it a few more minutes and see if it crashes21:23
TLangasholstein: I'm trying to get Vista to connect to my samba shares.21:30
holsteinTLangas: nothing is prevening that in samba.. though, its likely premissions related.. i make sure the machines can ping, and i pull down firewalls completely behind the LAN to test21:31
TLangasholstein: ya. I turned the firewalls off again. Vista is the only operating system that fails to connect.21:33
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NorthSideman i keep getting a tumbler error in xbuntu 14.0.4 when extracting files21:45
holsteinremind me what the new transparent window shortcut is?21:47
Yanchoshould i check the disk using smartctl?21:58
TLangasholstein: Thanks for your help. I was able to it working.22:00
holsteinYancho: thats what i like to use22:31
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damianosI've been using crunchbang on my desktop and loving it. I just got a chromebook and wanted my crouton (xubuntu) install to mimic my #! desktop. My one problem is that I can't for the life of me figure out how to get xfce to use the openbox menu. I did openbox --replace but it seems there's something else I'm missing23:20
holsteinlots.. you should be able to just use the same openblx setup in crouton23:22
holsteinopenbox is not part of xfce or xubuntu23:22
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