
joseRiddell, ovidiu-florin: I think we want to move the new articles to the new site too?00:34
dodgerRiddell: I think it just needs to be accepted by someone01:12
dodgerso, i've got a small app for mounting ecryptfs file systems because i got tired of mounting via terminal everytime; I'm writing the passphrase from user input to a file in /tmp, then calling mount with passphrase_passwd_file, and deleting that file immediately after the mount is complete; does that sound acceptable?03:40
dodgermight be the wrong place for this, but i figured I'd ask anyway ;)03:42
jussiRiddell: apachelogger ScottK shadeslayer etc etc, any thoughts about http://perezmeyer.blogspot.fi/2014/05/call-for-help-from-kde-team.html ? 06:10
ScottKI think we're already working with them.06:11
ScottKI'm sure they'd like us to do more, but I don't see how it's feasible.06:11
valorieit seems like everybody is understaffed06:14
valorieno matter where you look06:15
jussiwhat are their main issues? just packaging?06:16
valoriebug triage too06:16
valorieand getting patches upstreamed06:16
valoriegosh, I thought that was just us06:16
valorieSune got his Muon GSoC student, which is cool06:17
valorieI wonder if they have thought about joining in GCi through the KDE team, and clearing some of the backlog06:22
valorietraining kids to deal with bug reports, testing patches, and even learning packaging06:22
valorieI think I'll comment on the blogpost even though I speak only english06:23
lordievaderGood morning.06:40
apacheloggerjussi: uh uh uh, I totally have thoughts on that: stop tracking bugs that aren't your own \o/07:22
apacheloggerI hear kubuntu has a policy for that :P07:22
apacheloggerseriously tho... not tracking bugs that aren't caused by $project eliminates sore spot 1 and 2, 3 is taken care of by actually creating fixes upstream and then cherrypickering and by doing those two things 5 autoresolves because suddenly the bugs that were not your own have a 300 times wider possible audience07:26
apachelogger(random rage comment on no 5 tho: the notion that random bugs reported on $distro's random $bts makes 07:27
valorieare you commenting on the blog?07:27
apacheloggerit wasn't their bugs to begin with, but they feel the need to fix em because they were reported on their BTS (which obviously makes them not more or less important than say a bug reported on the upstream BTS) deserve patchery simply because they were reported there is making me squint a lot07:29
apacheloggerthat is a case of choosing to filter perception ... "what you do not know about you can not consider important", so you can conveniently get to the point where you feel responsible for what was explicitly asked of you (i.e. fixing a bug that potential is not your own) and you do not question that situation07:33
apacheloggeralas, that is actually applicable to a lot more cases than bugs... people tend to be too nice feeling responsible for things that they should not feel responsible for07:34
valoriegetting jammed up sometimes is good; it forces you to focus on what's most important07:34
valoriethis has happened a few times in my life, and every time it was good07:35
valoriein retrospect07:35
apacheloggeroh, and one last word, those comments are not necessarily about debian, it's a general problem distributions choose to have, and even with a policy in place we still tend to get that from time to time07:35
valorieto many people doing the same work, the *exact same work* over and over07:35
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Riddellhmm, someone using gpg in and upgrading to 4.13 not happy it doesn't work now08:40
Riddellsurprising we havn't had anyone using 14.04 complain about that08:41
apacheloggerRiddell: there was08:54
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Riddellany thoughts on how translations should work in plasma next?  the files will overlap those of kde sc09:48
Riddellwhich will happen with everything that is in kde sc as it gets ported to kf509:49
apacheloggerrename all of it09:49
apacheloggeralternatively ... install to a different path09:49
apacheloggersince we pass stuff through klocalizedstring we can really set any arbitrary search path in there I think09:49
Riddellthat needs renaming everything in kde sc (although I'm not sure what the current thinking is on how to release those, if any)09:50
Riddellwe can yes09:50
apacheloggerRiddell: I meant rename it in plasma next, not the SC09:50
Riddellright, but then everything else in kde sc needs renamed as it gets ported to kf509:50
apacheloggerbut really, I think a different dir seems more appropriate09:50
apacheloggerand more in line with the rest of the world09:50
Riddellwhich rest of the world installs to a different directory?09:51
apacheloggeror did we drop the subdir there?09:51
apacheloggerbecause then I fear we have a set of conflicts for kf6 coming up :P09:51
Riddellwe have /usr/share/locale-langpack/09:51
apacheloggerRiddell: from an upstream POV I meant09:52
Riddellwhich we patch in to be read09:52
Riddellit only conflicts becuse the release setup is changing, from kde sc into separate bits09:52
Riddellkf5 have renamed all their .po files09:52
RiddellI guess the options are 1) install to different dir and patch klocalizedstring  2) rename all .po files  3) tell distros to patch out kde-l10n from shipping the relevant files09:53
apacheloggerthe thing is09:54
apacheloggerRiddell: does the workspace need to be cooinstallable?09:54
apacheloggerbecause I'd rather think not09:54
BluesKajHowdy folks09:54
apacheloggerRiddell: right then just leave them conflicting? ;)09:54
Riddellbut it needs to be co-installable with kde-l10n-xx from KDE409:55
apacheloggernow I get it09:55
Riddellwhich includes .po files from kde-workspace09:55
RiddellI actually think 3) might be the best option09:55
apacheloggerRiddell: subdir kdesc would be the way to go IMHO09:55
apacheloggerthat's plenty cheap really09:56
Riddellah move old stuff to new dir, hmm09:56
Riddelland patch kde4libs09:56
apacheloggermoving forward the kf5 separation of bits is the saner thing09:56
apacheloggerso I'd move the kde4 files out of the way rather than adjust kf509:56
Riddellthanks, I'll suggest that to packagers and see if they scream in horror or mumble acceptance09:57
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sgclarkRiddell: good morning, please let me know if there is anything that needs working on.11:15
Riddellmorning sgclark 11:16
Riddellsgclark: always more merges11:17
Riddellqt4 if you want a serious challenge, that's a mega big package11:17
Riddellpkg-kde-tools https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html11:17
sgclarkqt4 for merge or packaging?11:18
Riddellsgclark: merge11:18
Riddelldebian has 4.8.611:19
Riddellso the merge will include an update to that newer version11:19
Riddellsgclark: good old shadeslayer merged it at the start of this year so there's not much to work out11:21
Riddellsgclark: just add back all the differences which are nearly listed in the changelog11:22
Riddellsgclark: think you can take it on?11:22
sgclarkRiddell: so sorry, this wifi seems to be very unstable lately. I would like to give qt4 a shot.11:25
sgclarkRiddell: help please http://paste.ubuntu.com/7379301/12:38
Quintasansgclark: Check the changelog for MIPS, maybe it has anything to say about this12:46
Riddellsgclark: what file is that in?12:47
Riddellsgclark: you probably want to keep the ubuntu change, ubuntu builds on arm64 which I don't think debian does.  debian builds on mips64 which we do not.12:48
sgclark  C  src/3rdparty/webkit/Source/JavaScriptCore/wtf/Platform.h12:48
ScottKDebian has an arm64 port, it's just not very mature. If we have a fix for arm64, it should be sent to Debian. 12:50
Riddellsgclark: but you shouldn't be changing files in the qt source, only in the debian/ directory12:51
sgclarkRiddell: grab-merge did this12:51
Riddellsgclark: it's why I don't like tools like grab-merge :)12:52
Riddellsgclark: it might be an upstream change between 4.8.5 and 4.8.6 or more likely it's from a patch in debian/patches12:52
Riddellsgclark: yes it'll be in aarch64_fix_jsc.patch or aarch64.patch12:53
Riddellsgclark: so just make sure you keep all the patches from the ubuntu package12:54
sgclarkRiddell: ok12:54
sgclarkRiddell: last one, rules file http://paste.ubuntu.com/7379383/12:59
Riddellsgclark: the last merge changelog says "Build with -no-pch on powerpc"13:03
Riddellbut looks like debian also has that13:03
Riddellso keep debian line13:03
Riddelldoctorpepper_: has the indexer finished indexing?13:20
doctorpepper_i actually had to delete the baloo database and restart  the indexing13:21
shadeslayerScottK: Could you accept libkpeople now?13:48
dodgerRiddell: I just tried GPG encryption and signing in KMail on Trusty here, and it works for me14:15
doctorpepper_which package provides these two files :  KFileMetaDataConfig.cmake  kfilemetadata-config.cmake14:19
yofeldoctorpepper_: dpkg -S <filename>    will tell you14:21
yofelwell, when installed14:21
yofellet me check14:21
yofeldoctorpepper_: libkfilemetadata-dev14:22
doctorpepper_i dont know why dpkg  didnt show this result14:23
yofelas I said, it only works when already installed. apt-file find can help too (doesn't work with PPAs though)14:24
Riddelldodger: use packages.ubuntu.com to answer questions like that14:28
dodgerRiddell: I'm confused - questions like what?14:29
Riddelloh sorry that was to doctorpepper_ ↑14:30
dodgerah, ok :)14:30
shadeslayerkubotu: newversion homerun 1.2.314:32
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kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1313082] Screensaver-Process does not terminate @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1313082 (by Ralph Scharpf)16:00
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ScottKshadeslayer: Both in now.19:03
dodgerI just updated from proposed on trusty, and with the new kpeople the ktp contact list is now fixed. Thanks!22:09
ScottKdodger: please say so in the bug.23:50

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