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justCarakasanybody else here who hase troubles install ubuntu 14.04 on a macbook pro ?07:02
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nik90renato: ping08:59
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t1mpnik90: it is 6:40am in brasil :)09:43
nik90t1mp: lol..:P09:43
qtrosHi all10:37
qtrosIs there anyone of the App Showdown judges?10:37
justCarakasI'm not one of them, but what was your app qtros10:38
qtrosjustCarakas TwimGo10:39
justCarakasqtros: looks nice, gonne install it I think10:40
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qtrosjustCarakas just wanna know my score, bad and good sides of my app and so on. I found that it's very good practice - to ask judges after competition  about my work.10:42
renatonik90, png11:26
dakerjustCarakas_afk: i think you'll get an email from dpm(Canonical) soon11:28
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justCarakasdaker: ok thank you :)11:48
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popeymhall119: if you have 5 mins could you please happrove some of these? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1315318 merges14:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 1315318 in Ubuntu Weather App "App uses old framework" [Undecided,Fix committed]14:43
mihirpopey: ping !!14:44
popeymihir: PONG!!14:44
popeyhow are you?14:44
mihirpopey: good.14:45
mihirneed suggestion on https://code.launchpad.net/~gang65/ubuntu-calculator-app/advanced_function/+merge/21253014:45
mihiron last comment.14:45
* popey looks14:45
mihirpopey: thanks.14:48
popeymihir: while you are here.. i filed a bug in calc earlier..14:49
mihirpopey: agreed :)14:49
mihirpopey: which bug ?14:49
popeybug 131536214:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 1315362 in Ubuntu Calculator App "App is scaled badly on mako utopic 303 " [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131536214:49
mihirthe tablet optimized ?14:49
popeyno, nexus 414:50
mihirpopey: the cut off of the last column ?14:51
popeyit looks like everything is a little bigger than it was14:51
ogra_just add panning :P14:52
mihirpopey: yeah i'll look into it.14:52
popeythanks mihir14:53
mhall119popey: on https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-1315318/+merge/218033 why does the debian/changelog use raring as the release?15:03
popeymhall119: to match the previous versions15:04
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mihirpopey: how can i reproduce this bug on desktop https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app/+bug/1315362?16:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1315362 in Ubuntu Calculator App "App is scaled badly on mako utopic 303 " [High,New]16:24
popeymihir: not sure how you can16:25
popeymihir: in the emulator?16:25
mihirpopey: nope16:25
mihirno not running in emulator16:26
popeyi dont know then16:26
mihiri'll install emulator then.16:27
mihirI see only two major changes between 239 to 247 revesion16:27
popeyit could be a toolkit problem16:28
mihirmay be , i don't see any change that would may have caused this change.16:28
popeyI'll uninstall the version I have and reinstall the one from the store16:28
mihirpopey: okay thanks.16:28
popeyworks fine16:29
popey(one from store on same device)16:29
mihirohh , but latest revision doesn't right ?16:31
popeymihir: r244?16:34
mihirthe widht right ?16:34
popeyjust a guess16:34
mihiri didn't change that but couldn't reproduce it on desktop so wondering that may be the cause or not.16:34
mihirsame here.16:34
mihirshould i push mr for the same?16:34
popeyhmm, not yet16:35
popeyI'll test that rev on my phone16:35
mihirpopey:  when you get time could you please test this https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1308001/+merge/21768316:35
mihirpopey: thanks :)16:36
popeymihir: broken in 24416:39
popey241 is the next one down I have16:39
mihirpopey: it should be 24316:40
popeyi dont have it16:40
popeyjenkins doesn't build every rev16:40
mihir241 has so translation changes16:40
popeyi could use bzr to get that rev and build locally16:40
popeybut this will narrow it down16:40
mihirpopey: if you see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calculator-dev/ubuntu-calculator-app/trunk/revision/24316:40
popeybroken in 241 too!16:40
mihirpopey: do you have 239 ?16:43
popeyno, but I can make a click for that, one mo16:43
popeymihir: broken in 239 too16:46
mihirpopey: if it works in 237 and not 23916:47
popeywell, this is confusing me16:47
popeylet me build a local package of 237, rather than using the month-old click from the store16:47
popeyif its broken using 237 built today, then I would say it's sdk or toolkit issue16:48
popeyaha! 237 works fine16:50
popeyso it's between 237 and 23916:50
mihirbut there are no changes i can see16:50
mihironly 239.16:50
mihirokay so it should be 23916:51
mihirbecause of the window change i guess.16:51
mihirif I push MR , could you test it ?16:53
popeysure thing16:53
popeythanks for looking at this mihir16:53
mihirin mean time, could you test this MR , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1308001/+merge/21768316:53
popeydoing it now ☻16:53
popeylooks great!16:53
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mihirpopey:  here is the MR :- https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calculator-app/fix-edgecut-issue16:56
popeyapproved your calendar branch, nice one!16:57
mihirpopey:  thanks :)16:57
popeyfix-edgecut-issue works16:58
popeybreaks the window title though of course16:59
popey(on desktop)16:59
mihirpopey: let me see how other apps are doing for window title17:00
popeygood plan17:00
mihirpopey:   i see calendar, it is  using tabs so tabs is taking care of window title.17:02
popeycalc is the only one without tabs17:03
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mihiranyway popey i'll try to look at it :)17:09
popeythanks mihir17:10
popeyhave a great weekend17:10
mihiryou too :)17:10
mihirwe'll push that MR before we make a release to store17:10
mihiralso , will find another workaround17:11
popeymhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/dropping-letters/fix-1196865/+merge/218130 if you have a moment ☻17:15
popeyfixing a bug I filed in July ⍨17:16
mhall119popey: I'm relying on you knowing that it's right17:21
rpadovanipopey, mihir o/ https://code.launchpad.net/~gang65/ubuntu-calculator-app/advanced_function/+merge/212530/comments/51944217:21
popeymhall119: I tested both on desktop and device17:22
popeymhall119: I even forced jhodapp to let me file a bug in media-hub ☻17:22
popeyhello rpadovani17:22
popeycomment left17:24
rpadovanipopey, I totally agree with you17:26
elopiomardy: ping. I need you again.17:30
elopiooh, it might be too late, I'll send an email.17:30
JoshStrobl_hey bzoltan, you around?17:56
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popeybfiller_afk: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/sync-monitor/qml-bindings/+merge/217250 is that likely to merge soon? it's blocking a long standing calendar merge also from renato https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-1311125/+merge/21725118:33
mardyelopio: hi! I'm here for a few mins, if it's quick maybe I can still help18:35
qtrosHi all18:39
qtrosIs there anyone of the App Showdown judges?18:39
dakerqtros: for ?18:48
qtrosdaker just want to ask few questions :)18:49
dakerjust ask18:50
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bfillerpopey: it's in a silo for testing so soon18:56
elopiomardy: well, I passed the variant to the session_data dictionary, and I still get the error 10.18:56
elopioI'm not sure I got it right, as I can't find good python docs for this.18:57
bzoltanJoshStrobl_: for a super short time, yes... shoot18:58
mihirrpadovani: good idea :)19:03
mihirthat would be good enough to work with multiple developers19:03
qtrosdaker are you one of them?19:07
dakerqtros: yes19:08
qtrosdaker wanna ask about my app - "TwimGo". What did you like\dislike, what can be improved in your opinion?19:09
qtrosdaker it's my personal practice - ask judges after contest about their opinion :)19:10
dakerqtros: TwimGo the twitter client, right ?19:10
qtrosdaker yep!19:12
dakerqtros: i'll believe you'll get a all judges comments soon19:12
qtrosdaker I asked score table, but no answer =\19:12
qtrosdaker so I try to find out something via personal chat now :)19:13
dakerqtros: ok, i'll ask around for that, i'll believe they will send an email with the judges comments for each app19:14
qtrosdaker what about you? No any comments?19:15
qtrosdaker it will be great if you will name yourself :)19:16
bfillerpopey: can you test that calendar branch against this ppa? https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-012/+packages19:16
bfillerpopey: not sure how to generate the click for calendar app with that MR. would be nice if jenkins spit it out19:16
dakerqtros: if i remembered correctly my comment was about design/user experience19:16
dakerqtros: how long the client will stay UP with twitter rate-limite ?19:17
qtrosdaker do you mean API request limit?19:19
qtrosdaker it isn't my limit, it's limitation of service19:19
dakeryes i know, that's why a lot of twitter clients are dead19:20
qtrosdaker as far as I know there is another way of getting data, via "modern" API, but contest for me was about porting, not creating new app19:20
dakeri see19:21
qtrosdaker later, of course, it's possible to move to new API19:21
dakerqtros: do you have anyidea about this new API ?19:21
qtrosdaker no need for any idea, just implement one method after another :D19:22
dakerqtros: no i mean a link to twitter docs explaining this...19:22
popeybfiller: jenkins does just spit it out19:22
bfillerpopey: couldn't find it19:23
popeyone mo19:23
qtrosdaker as far as I know they use term "Streaming API" for that19:23
popeybfiller: http://s-jenkins:8080/job/calendar-app-click/ if you login there should be a "build now" button on the left?>19:23
dakerqtros: ah i see19:24
popey20:12:24 < daker> qtros: i'll believe you'll get a all judges comments soon19:24
qtrospopey hello :)19:24
popeyi dont think we plan to release all judges comments actually, we never usually do19:24
qtrospopey what about scores?19:24
popeyi dont think so.19:24
qtrospopey I mean score table...19:24
qtrospopey lol it's very sad19:25
popeyno, because then we get into lengthy debates with people about why someone got 1 point more than someone else ☻19:25
qtrospopey it means that I can't improve anything19:25
popeythere are only four judges AIUI?19:25
popeyyou're better off maybe blogging or G+ post with a video and screenshots and ask people for feedback in my opinion19:25
dakerpopey: thanks for the explanations19:27
bfillerpopey: so I need to build it from that MR it seems? was hoping the output from https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-1311125/+merge/217251 had a link to a click19:28
popeyi misunderstood19:28
qtrospopey daker ok, thanks, I've understood your point19:29
popeybfiller: do you want a desktop package out of that merge or a click for the phone?19:34
popeybfiller: in theory you should be able to bzr branch that and then just "click-buddy --dir fix-1311125/"19:34
popeySuccessfully built package in './com.ubuntu.calendar_0.4.256_all.click'.19:34
bfillerpopey: ah ok19:34
bfillerpopey: I kicked it off in jenks anyway19:35
rdzhi all. is this the right channel to ask about upstart job configuration issues?20:58
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