
maps|wrkdone much?00:01
penguin42not a vast amount, one day of doing a pleasently warm and mostly empty theme park00:03
penguin42bit of walking but not a lot00:03
penguin42oh and buying discount easter eggs00:03
daftykinsaww yeah array all sorted.00:05
daftykinsdiscount easter eggs seems a fine plan00:05
maps|wrkwhat theme park?00:08
penguin42maps|wrk: Alton Towers00:08
maps|wrkahh nice00:08
maps|wrkreally that empty?00:08
penguin42maps|wrk: Most things less than 5mins wait, Smiler was longer - except for the single-rider queue that was again 5 mins or so00:09
maps|wrkthats good though isnt it00:09
maps|wrki havent been for geez about 15+years00:09
maps|wrkespecially good penguin42  because my understanding is that they sell queue jump for all the rides and that now00:10
penguin42maps|wrk: I can thoroughly recommend riding Nemesis at the front, bare foot00:10
penguin42yeh they sell 'fast tracks' for an extra chunk of fortune over and above the existing entrance fortune00:10
maps|wrkso normal people like me that dont wanna pay extra00:10
maps|wrkwould be left queueing forever:?:D00:10
penguin42indeed, me also00:10
maps|wrkso you got a good day:)00:10
penguin42maps|wrk: Yep, I think I scored 3 nemesis front row, 2 air, 3 smiler, 2 spinball and about 1 of most other big ones (except Rita that was down and anyway I'm not a big fan)00:11
penguin42the smiler is insane, I gave up counting the number of inversions00:12
directhexalton towers lacks a good wooden coatsre00:13
directhexwith wood00:13
directhexand rolling00:13
directhexand coasting00:13
penguin42directhex: I can get to Blackpool easy for that - but I prefer things with inversions00:13
directhexi find too many inversion-heavy rides jolt me about too much. give me a headache00:14
directhexgoudurix @ parc asterix is particularly bad for that00:14
penguin42directhex: I find I'm OK if they're smooth00:14
directhexsmoothest roller coaster i've been on is probably dragon khan at portaventura00:14
directhexwhich was a record holder for inversions until 200200:15
maps|wrkthe cable cars are good;p00:16
penguin42directhex: The one at blackpool that used to be at southport is just too painfully rough now, when it was newer and at southport it was wonderfully smooth00:16
penguin42directhex: since I tend to go off season it can be a bit odd - I rode that southport one otherwise empty - it's odd riding a big coaster by yourself00:17
maps|wrkyou go on your own?00:20
maps|wrkeven to towers?00:22
maps|wrki assumed went with family or something00:22
maps|wrki wouldnt like going on my own..but thats me:)00:22
daftykinsgotta restart the host file server due to the IE11 zero day out-of-band fix00:23
penguin42maps|wrk: Don't really know people to go with for that00:24
penguin42daftykins: Can you just confirm something to me - did you just manage to replace an existing drive in your RAID array ina  seamless, no-downtime, all OK fashion -  and then have to reboot for an IE update?00:40
daftykinsyes sir :)00:41
penguin42rigggghhhhht - just checking00:41
maps|wrkalways quiet now01:27
maps|wrkprobably 2-3 awake most01:27
foobarrydaftykins: server needs a reboot after an ie patch?07:51
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jussiis there _ever_ going to be a next meeting?  :D08:19
MooDoopah got kicked off08:31
diplo-moi aussi08:31
=== diplo- is now known as diplo
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
davmor2Morning all09:05
diddledan_allo allo09:11
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:27
foobarrywhy do i only ever feel rough on days off?09:41
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
awilkinsYour subconscious is a member of the Conservative Party and seeks to punish you for your idleness.09:53
awilkinsHmmph, Ubuntu upgrades take ages09:54
awilkins(distribution upgrades, not std. updates)09:54
awilkinsAlso, seriously? Ubuntu can't upgrade to a *current* version of Eclipse even though it's nearly a year old now?  3.8.1-1 to 3.8.1-5 ?09:56
awilkinsCanonical are hiring a Java maintainer though....09:57
diddledan_awilkins, can't it?09:57
awilkinsdiddledan_, 3.8 is the old-UI-toolkit version of 4.209:58
awilkinsdiddledan_, Current version is 4.309:58
awilkinsWhich has been out since last year09:58
diddledan_so why can't ubuntu upgrade to that?09:58
awilkinsdiddledan_, It's not available in the package archives.. I usually install it by installing the package (for the dependencies) and then unpacking a release archive in my home folder09:59
diddledan_oic. no maintainer?09:59
awilkinsI guess since it's so easy to run from an unpack, that Debian pacakers just don't really care very much10:00
awilkinsAnd TBH the packages are arguably worse than running it from a folder10:00
diddledan_I actually don't like that eclipse doesn't follow file-layout conventions10:00
awilkinsThere's this horrible friction between things that have their own package management, and debian packages10:01
awilkinsLike Ruby (kings of bleeding-edge)10:01
diddledan_yeah, and node/npm10:01
diddledan_python/pip is going that way too10:01
diddledan_and perl/cpan has always been a pain10:02
awilkinsCanonical are hiring a Java maintainer... tempted to apply but my C++ isn't really very good10:02
diddledan_I like how gentoo does perl/cpan stuff - it provides a utility which creates a new definition in the package manager but still uses the up-to-date cpan source10:03
awilkinsdiddledan_, That sounds like the way my mind was working on the problem just now... "how about something that integrates the foreign packaging system into the debian one..."10:04
=== andatche_ is now known as andatche
bashrchavn't done much with java, although I did one write a GWT UI10:17
bashrclots of folks seem to hate java10:17
awilkinsI don't really think it's a rational hatred10:23
awilkinsLike all the stuff about it performing badly...10:23
shaunomy main gripe with it lately is just the error messages being insane10:24
diddledan_I've never had a problem with java as a technology, only the programs written using it all looking ugly10:26
diddledan_client programs**10:26
shaunoI just hate getting error messages like http://pastebin.com/eZr1ztYP10:32
diddledan_ shauno fun10:33
shaunoI have problems trying to convince others to go log-diving when troubleshooting, when even a simple UnkownHostException is 20+ lines long10:34
awilkinsHmm... maybe it's best to just have easy means of posting these things10:35
awilkinsTHe long stack traces are actually useful, in th emain10:36
shaunothey're useful .. for someone else.  that's the problem10:36
awilkinsThat's a lotta spring though10:36
shaunobut we get logs that are stack traces that log4j has wrapped up in xml, and the result is quite imposing10:37
MartijnVdSthis is why disk space became cheap after Java use exploded10:38
awilkinsWhat, hosted service disk space?10:40
awilkinsI have nightmares about what our own ICT dept. charges us for SAN space...10:41
* awilkins now has to reboot because his Trusty upgrade has finished10:45
diddledan_I'm sat watching http://www.ustream.tv/channel/iss-hdev-payload instead of working10:50
bashrcit is amazing how unproductive work can make you10:51
diddledan_copy text out of random images in chrome11:00
shaunothat could be a total accessibility win for lolcats11:00
jussiawilkins: seems you managed to reconnect, so the upgrade was at least somewhat of a success?11:03
awilkinsYeah... going to have reinstall Eclipse I think11:03
awilkinsKeeps dropping dead whenever I start it up11:03
awilkinsHmm, maybe not11:04
awilkinsMight have just been the old workspace11:04
awilkinsTrashed that and it stopes greying out and apporting11:04
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
awilkinsMy portable drive is 13.04, I guess I'll just back it up and reinstall11:06
awilkinsOk, this is a weird upgrade bug : where has my "u" gone..... : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10616420/where-is-my-u.png11:10
awilkinsJust in the dash11:10
awilkinsHope that doesn't last more than a reboot :-)11:10
MooDoohowdy all11:24
brobostigonafternoodlings MooDoo11:24
ujjain2How can the govenrment find out if you watch tv at your home?11:28
ujjain2you need to pay a tv entertainment license I heard11:29
MooDooujjain2: detector vanes11:29
diddledan_MooDoo they don't use vans no more11:29
MooDoodiddledan_: ok bloke with a meter then lol11:29
diddledan_ujjain2, if you don't have a license they'll visit occasionally to verify11:29
MooDooit's not worth not having one, you even need one for a computer that has the ability to receive a tv signal11:30
MooDooeven though it's not a tv11:30
ujjain2There are no TV detector vans. It was originally a PR stunt to frighten people into thinking they could be detected and then pursued for not having a TV licence.11:31
MooDoowell even if there isn't, no point in trying to dodge it, you'll get caught eventually11:31
ujjain2but how, is what i wonder.11:32
MooDoothey have a way....i guarentee it11:32
ujjain2I know they have,11:32
ujjain2but which way, I don't even watch TV, but I wonder.11:32
MooDoono idea.....11:32
diddledan_ujjain2, if you don't have a license they'll visit occasionally to verify11:33
ujjain2ah ok, but I can just disconnect the tv11:33
ujjain2before I let them in11:33
diddledan_they're smarter than that, they'll see the telly and assume you've been watching unlicensed11:34
MooDoono that won't work, you have the tv in your place, you still need one even if you don't watch it11:34
ujjain2I have a TV in my room, I don't watch TV on it, sometimes a movie with a girl.11:35
ujjain2I'd be screwed then.11:35
MooDooyou still need a license :D11:35
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
shaunojust get rid of the TV.  if you don't watch it, and don't want to licence it, it's just a liability11:38
* penguin42 notes that the latter outcome is perhaps the intent11:47
shaunoplot twist .. the girl is an undercover (tv) inspector!11:48
diploYou don't need a TV license, they don't have rights to come on your property as far as I know11:49
diploThey need proof that you use it and don't pay, either by someone telling them or not paying11:49
diploBut even if you have an inspector they don't have the right to enter your property11:50
diploWell that used to be the case anyway11:50
Myrtti_I wish UK would move to a TV tax like Finland has11:52
diploAs of 2012 it was still the case, they need a court order/warrant11:52
diploujjain2, https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/cs/no-licence-needed/index.app11:53
popeyujjain2: if you don't watch live TV, either on the TV itself or streamed, you do not need a TV licence.11:56
Myrtti_atleast in Finland if you had a device that could receive TV signal and display it, you needed a licence irregardless of if it was hooked into an antenna or not. Only if you removed or disabled the tuner you could be exempt while owning a tv.11:56
popeyujjain2: they can't enter your house.11:56
popeyujjain2: the downside is if they know you have a TV they will keep sending you threatening letters and turning up at your door to annoy you11:57
popeyujjain2: you can basically tell them to go away though.11:57
diploI've read someone took the company Capita? to court for harassment at one point to stop that11:57
popeymany people are very anti-TV licence11:58
jussiFinland just charges everyone now...11:58
popeyincluding Azelphur11:58
diploRidiculous in one way I suppose, my ex took the TV license that I paid for as it was in her name11:58
diploSo I had to pay a whole year again11:58
diploIt's not done on the premises11:58
shaunothey're trying to do that here - make the TV license mandatory across the board, whether you own a TV or not11:58
shaunoiirc it is for the premises, but if it's in your name you can transfer it with you when you move11:59
Myrtti_jussi: unless what you'd have to pay is less than 50€11:59
diploI tried argueing the point that I had paid out of my account for the last year, but I was failing to win12:00
diploAnd couldn't be bothered after a certain while12:00
diploWhich I expect they were aiming for12:01
andylock1angot to the end of the line with me running my own VPS12:13
andylock1annot fot the time to maintain it any more .12:14
popeywhat is there to maintain?12:14
=== slvr_ is now known as slvr
diddledan_my server has been running happily for several months without being touched12:23
diddledan_I want to get it upgraded to 14.04 but do-release-upgrade doesn't recognise the path yet (I'm assuming until june?)12:30
jpdsdiddledan_: do-release-upgrade -d12:31
jpdsIt's not enabled until .1.12:31
SuperEngineeranyone know of a way to configure xchat on Ubuntu so that it does not keep putting up all those "x is now known as y" messages?13:57
=== awilkins is now known as the-guy-who-does
=== the-guy-who-does is now known as awilkins
* awilkins doesn't know14:19
=== bashrc is now known as is
=== is is now known as bashrc
SuperEngineerbashrc is now know known as that-is-bad-grammar14:22
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
=== awilkins is now known as awilkins|crisps
shaunoSuperEngineer: http://ocaoimh.ie/2012/10/10/hide-the-annoying-bits-in-xchat/  ?14:27
SuperEngineerhmm... just checked - no "is_now_known_as" handle in use - must.. stop... evil.... thoughts. must.. stop... now14:27
* SuperEngineer moves keyboard further away. must.... stop,,,, arrrrrgh!14:28
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
diddledan_SuperEngineer: what about "the_artist_formally_known_as_the_artist_formally_known_as_prince"?14:49
diddledan_silly freenode prolly won't allow it for being too long >.<14:49
awilkins|crispsYeah, mine was meant to be the-guy-who-doesnt-know14:55
=== awilkins|crisps is now known as awilkins
* diddledan_ stomps his feet15:03
diddledan_no share?15:03
awilkinsThey were cheese & bacon ones, if you want to imagine how nice they were15:04
shaunoI used to love prawn cocktail15:41
shaunoso much so that I'd shame anyone else for eating them "because they're pink", just so they were all left for me15:41
diddledan_shauno, I love them too15:50
diddledan_I also really like frazzles and chipsticks15:51
daftykinsshauno: :D marie rose sauce is a sauce of the gods15:59
awilkinsI really fancied a prawn and rocket salad with a yoghurt, lemon and black pepper sauce earlier in the week16:17
awilkinsTesco had run out of rocket. And prawns without a stupid marinade.16:17
shaunolast time I went to tesco they were clean out of almonds.  any variety at all.  was kinda strange16:18
awilkinsI think they too are suffering from austerity.. of stock levels16:19
awilkinsTrying to cut down on perishable waste by just not having any...16:19
awilkinsAlthough almonds don't seem very perishable16:19
shaunoheh, austerity .. aren't they responsible for a surprising amount of the UK's cash turnover?16:22
awilkinsOne pound in 7 is spent in Tesco was the last stat I heard16:23
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
shaunosounds familiar.  nuts I tell ya16:25
diddledan_I wonder what the other supermarkets go at16:26
diddledan_tis prolly partly 'cos tesco does so much other chav-loved items like huge, but impossibly cheap TVs16:28
diddledan_56inch at 300£ kinda stupid prices16:28
shauno56"?!  that's not a TV, that's a solarium16:29
diddledan_(caveat, invented stat)16:29
diddledan_first out the box illustrates my point, however: http://www.tesco.com/direct/e-motion-50209g-50-inch-full-hd-1080p-led-tv-with-freeview/603-5651.prd?pageLevel=&skuId=603-565116:31
shaunoI still can't use their delivery thing because they say my house doesn't exist16:32
shaunomy last house didn't exist either.  I'm starting to think they just don't like me16:32
diddledan_you could get it delivered to work and then put it on your back for the journey home16:33
diddledan_or.. does work exist?16:33
shaunothat'd be more annoying than just going to tesco.  at least I can get a bus from there16:33
shaunothat's a good question actually.  since we don't have a building number, we might not16:35
shaunowork's weird though.  I still have to call it "the digital building" for taxi drivers, even though most of them didn't live in the country when DEC still owned it16:36
daftykinsi'm so disappointed in Microsoft that they patched that IE zero day on XP =|16:39
daftykins*after* its' announced death date no less16:39
diddledan_I think it was a case of "omg this is REALLY serious"16:40
diddledan_it's along the lines of the heartbleed for IE16:40
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
daftykinswould've been nice to help see the back of it though16:49
daftykinsbut i suppose what it really is is they fixed it for paying support extension customers and decided to release it into the public domain, to prevent a fiasco in future if it were uncovered16:50
shaunoyeah.  leaving that one would have been a nice big talking point.  THIS is why you need to move off XP.  not hypotheticals16:50
diddledan_it'ld be nice to say "look at all these holes you've got"16:51
shaunowell, "this hole that's in the news" vs "the other holes that probably exist"16:52
shaunoinstead of trying to convince them that one day their belt may come lose, you can point out that their pants are around their ankles *now*16:52
daftykinswhat-o sir17:15
daftykinshrmm i still haven't committed to a decision about my storage17:17
daftykinsthis 2TB WD Red is just sat here on the desk doing nothing17:17
ali1234shauno: now we know how many holes it takes to fill the albert hall?17:24
daftykinshmm this looks nice17:44
popeysee the reviews?17:50
ali1234it's icy box17:51
ali1234it's going to have rubbish fans17:51
ali1234really, just throw away the ones it comes with and buy proper ones17:51
daftykinsi've had a fair few of the 555SSK's in other setups actually that do great17:51
daftykinsnot encountered any fan issues17:51
daftykinsthey refer to SATA 3Gbps but really that shouldn't have anything to do with the enclosure17:52
diddledan_I've noticed a proliferation of the name "startech" on a lot of listings for io cards17:54
penguin42daftykins: It depends if they did the board/connector design well enough to manage 6Gbps17:54
diddledan_things like tv cards specifically I've seen17:54
penguin42diddledan_: startech do a lot of io cards/adapters17:54
penguin42diddledan_: Quite a range of fairly random convertery type things, IP KVMs, leads, all random stuff like that17:54
shaunoI think they made my mini-rack17:55
penguin42it's normally pretty well made, not necessarily that cheap but they normally have some way of connecting one random thing to one other random thing via some other thing17:55
diddledan_ooh: https://uk.movies.yahoo.com/doctor-who-star-matt-smith-joins-terminator-5-cast-161836084.html18:04
diddledan_sounds tasty18:04
DGJonesczajkowski: One for you I think http://3milliondogs.com/rescue/24-pugs-who-were-saved-and-ready-for-adoption18:09
daftykinsok i caved in... 5 x 2TB ordered18:11
daftykinsthat means i'm gonna go from 5TB -> 10TB *and* cut down on power consumption yet again18:12
diddledan_daftykins, you know it makes sense18:12
daftykinsi do sir, i do18:12
daftykinsmainly given the age of these suckers though - and being out of warranty18:12
daftykins6 years is a loooong time18:12
daftykinsoooh hey18:16
shaunoamazon's a little strange sometimes.  "Want it Thursday, 8 May? Order it within 91 hrs 42 mins and choose Two-Day Delivery at checkout."18:17
penguin42haha yeh that's weird18:27
daftykins£20 off ebuyer for 5 x WD care extended18:28
daftykinscan't really sniff at that18:29
* bashrc sniffs18:42
daftykinsd'aww what's up bashrc ?18:42
bashrcjust sniffing at it18:42
bashrcthe pump.io plaintextpocalypse has been averted btw18:43
ali1234the what?18:44
bashrcthe plaintextpocalypse18:44
bashrcpasswords.  in plain text.  in the server logs18:44
ali1234"pump.io is designed to be a standalone server" and it's written in node. why am i not surprised that it leaks passwords...18:45
bashrcdon't worry, the bug only took 10 months to fix18:46
daftykinsrapid turnaround!18:46
bashrctrouble is that pump.io has a very low bus factor18:46
ali1234javascript man... should never have been allowed outside the browser18:46
MooDooevening all18:46
mappgoing pub @ 10..gotta make sure i dont mug it...cant be at the casino at 6am19:03
daftykinsyes, BAD maps19:04
mappive got form for this stupid behaviour19:04
daftykinsno moar gambling for you! there's a server to build!19:04
mappfew beers..hmm better go out19:04
mappfew more hmm casino..few more few more19:04
mappive gotta be up at 10;30 am too!19:04
daftykinsD: !19:04
robotninjaMmmm beer would be nice. Alas, none in the house.19:04
daftykinsi have some but don't find the desire when home alone19:05
mappi do/did19:05
mappmy old routine would be19:05
daftykinsthough that may also have something to do with it being cheap carlsberg export :D19:05
mappfinish work 5am..go to genting casino have a few..head down to grosvenor casino till 6am19:05
mappthen head to tesco for some home beers19:05
mapp3/4 times a week heh19:06
shaunoI've got into the strange habit of having one.  just one.  10-years-ago shaun would be so confused20:36
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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