
=== snap-l is now known as cmaloney
cmaloneyGood morning13:24
brouschIt was13:30
mrgoodcatstill is some would say13:40
jrwreni'm on my first cup of coffee13:42
Hitmanactual121Morning everyone!14:17
mrgoodcathaven't seen rick_h_ in a couple days. must be busy in vegas14:19
Hitmanactual121oh, Vegas is fun :) only went there once though14:19
mrgoodcatrick is there for work14:20
mrgoodcatalthough i'm sure he's probably having his fair share of fun too14:20
brouschwork is fun!14:23
rick_h_today is pitch your 6mo plan to mark S day15:36
rick_h_so yes...very freaking busy :)15:36
rick_h_can't wait to get on the plane home15:36
greg-grick_h_: eek, 6 month plan? I am just getting the hang of quarterly plans :)15:37
rick_h_greg-g: heh yea was up late last night moving boxes around15:38
rick_h_and trying to estimate a bunch of new projects is turning out to be not fun :)15:39
rick_h_for three teams15:39
rick_h_sorry, cranky today. A new hire backed out this morning after I spent all week planning on him being here the 12th15:39
rick_h_like say...staing up until 1am planning his work starting the 12th15:40
mrgoodcatthats just aweful15:41
Hitmanactual121:( that sucks rick\15:52
greg-gThis past halloween I stumbled across a site (tumblr I think) that was only 2 sentence long horror stories. It was great. This tweet just came across my feed and is also great.16:43
bookiebothttp://is.gd/KwtTJM - Twitter / RichardWiseman: Oh v good .... RT ...16:43
greg-gespecially for the dads in the room16:43
mrgoodcatthat would be pretty terrifying17:36
mrgoodcat.bmark admin18:39
bookiebothttp://stilldrinking.org/programming-sucks - Programming Sucks18:39
mrgoodcat^^ hilarious18:39
mrgoodcatare there any ruby guys here at all?19:58
brouschmrgoodcat: We converted them all20:04
mrgoodcatwell i made a gem for bookie20:08
bookiebothttp://is.gd/1Jp66x - dyladan/bookie-ruby ยท GitHub20:08
mrgoodcatthe command line client for it works but you need a .bookierc file in your homedir20:09
mrgoodcatin the format of the one in the repo20:09
brouschSo now there is java and ruby for bookie20:11
brouschrick_h_ is going to cry himself to sleep tonight20:11
mrgoodcatMostly I wanted a command line client for searching for bookmarks20:16
mrgoodcatI know there already is a CLI but that's for admin mostly20:17
mrgoodcatI wanted a more user based onr20:17
brouschBut why ruby?20:18
brouschIf you wanted to use an obscure, hard to read language, why not perl?20:18
mrgoodcatRuby is neither obscure nor hard to read20:23
mrgoodcatAnd Perl sux20:23
=== waf_ is now known as waf

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