[00:23] wrst: yep it was good [00:23] pizza is hard not to be good [00:32] also had some home made wings...also baked. first try at buffalo. fam seems happy :) [00:34] alrighty...I'm out. bbl [00:36] Wonder if that'd be anchor bar recipe or Duff's recipe [00:36] * cyberanger clearly spent too much time in Buffalo [17:46] Howdy netritious [17:55] howdy wrst [17:55] Happy friday [17:55] TGIF! :) [17:56] * wrst wonders what type of agricultural activities Omnifrog is up to [17:56] That's for sure netritious [17:58] what have you been up to? any more interesting stuff? [18:27] wrst: yesterday decided to write a bash script for starting/stopping/pausing my containers. [18:28] that sounds fairly invovled, I prefer things that have a big stop and play buton to push :) [18:29] nah it was easy...simple if[];then statements and one case statement. [18:30] ok if/then I get from excel :) [18:31] now instead of: lxc-start -o /var/lib/lxc/www/log -l DEBUG -d -c /var/lib/lxc/www/console -n www [18:31] lxcadm start www [18:33] Nice. [18:34] thanks Unit193 [18:39] here's the code: http://tny.cz/1040ce30 [18:41] so what have you been up to wrst? [18:42] debating if to put cyanogenmod or some other less popular ROM on my phone [18:43] and your arguments for/against cyanogenmod? [18:45] Unit193: I intend to add backup and snapshot of directory backed containers to that when time allows [18:46] oh and clone of course just to be thorough [18:46] netritious: I've considered trying out lxc for a bit now, but never got to it, not sure I had a reason to be honest. [18:46] well I'm on stock 4.4.2 on my nexus 5 using xposed, and its solid, I really prefer CM because they have busybox ssh etc all in the build but wifi wasn't stable last time I tried it [18:47] and I've never had a current nexus device so I'm not for sure what to do :) [18:48] decisions, decisions wrst :) [18:48] ha ha yes I may slap CM on there and make a nandroid of stock yet again [18:48] make a backup, try not to brick it, and have fun [18:48] nexus phones are pretty hard to brick [18:48] we were thinking along the same lines heh [18:49] I don't think its impossible but I think you would have to try to brick [18:49] roger. [18:50] I've yet to brick anything yet. [18:50] glad they made one that has gsm and cdma being equal citizens [18:50] * netritious looks for the nearest peice of wood to knock on [18:50] only thing I have absolutely bricked was a router, and it wasn't worth messing with a jtag cable to fix [18:52] Unit193: I like containers for a lot of resons, but mainly because it's soooo much simpler and lightweight than say KVM, Xen, or VMware. [18:52] *reasons [18:53] wrst: I thought I bricked a linxyx WRT45G(?) think that's it...the first time I flashed dd-wrt. [18:53] spoiler...it wasn't actually bricked lol [18:54] argh can't type today... *Linksys [18:54] ha ha yeah those were some good routers [18:55] just put dd-wrt on my router, it has good specs but the software was terrible, dd-wrt made it much better but I'm still thinking pfsense [18:56] i would switch from dd-wrt to tomato if it's supported. way more features and it's like Linux on a router, not dd-wrt on a router...hope that made sense lol. [18:56] and if you want some HTML5 goodness, try advanced tomato [18:57] and I say 'tomato' I mean 'Tomato by Shibby' [18:58] *and when I say [18:58] wrst: what router do you have? [19:06] Tomato on the router, rockbox on the mp3 player, linux on the computer. :D [19:11] its a wndr3700 v4 [19:11] hmm and I don't know what brand :) [19:11] netgear? [19:11] and yes netritious I like some HTML5 goodness [19:12] netritious: I have in the past used the tool on dd-wrt to get a fully working shell and install stuff etc [19:12] but it was a bit of a pain [19:13] and the router didn't have enough to drive all of that I was messing with [19:19] ok Unit193, netritious, I used to the dd-wrt hold my hand experience. I'm guessing that's not the case with tomato? [19:22] *I am used to the hand holding of dd-wrt... totally nonsensical thing I typed previously [19:26] actually wrst no it doesn't require anything special already running dd-wrt [19:27] ok my router has an aetheros is this broadcom only? [19:55] wrst: I'm not entirely sure, but I did read one page of comments on the tomato wiki that states just that -- atheros=no go for tomato [19:56] yeah that's a bit of a problem didn't check the chip out before I bought it but dd-wrt is working well [19:56] and hey I have a raspberry pi to do linux stuff in a low powered setting [20:22] dd-wrt is fine wrst...it works. [20:23] I have a netgear also...I think it's a WNDR3400v2? something like that. [20:24] also 2x RT-N16 and a few different cheapo TP-Link models [20:27] The netgear has stock firmware, and the TP-Links have various -wrt's installed. they all sit in a box on the shelf [20:27] I run 'Tomato by Shibby' on a couple of RT-N16's [20:29] Mmm, yeah. Shibby mods, never tried it actually, but feature list is nice and good to know my routers will be fine with IPv6. (Well, except that dd-wrt micro...) [20:31] what do you run Unit193? [20:32] Tomato, but that's because it's been on there for a while. [20:32] oh yeah dd-wrt is so much better than stock [20:32] I've been using debian mostly, but pfsense gets rotated into use from time to time [20:32] if you can live with 2.4GHz and 300Mbps: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833320158 [20:33] whoops 150Mbps [20:35] the N5 has a AC wifi chip... wish I had internet that could need that speed :) [20:36] cyberanger: I use pfsense on the perimeter [20:41] it's a nice setup isn't netritious [20:41] wrst: yeah, ebp has a flaw along those lines too, no server pushes out a gig a second [20:42] at least not to one client, even at 3am [20:42] yep cyberanger I like it. Still running 2.0.3-RELEASE but glad since openssl was old enough not be susceptible to heartbleed [20:43] yeah, heartbleed ruined a week here at least [20:44] stupid openssl. heard there is a new libressl project but not sure what the point of that is [20:45] why not just put the hours into openssl to make it better? but then again, what do I know heh [20:45] cleaner code, and openbsd just thinks if they devote the time, it'll still see a bad decision slip back in [20:49] well hope it works out for the rest of us normal people whatever unfolds. [20:50] wrst: I finally got some things done on my (soon to be) very cool computer closet project. [20:50] yeah, I think it has, linux foundation got facebook and google (and some others) to help pay the bills and support the code [20:51] cyberanger: read about that. wasn't to surprised to see that happen. [20:52] long overdue really [20:52] i was surprised last year when someone came up with enough to help keep openbsd afloat. [20:52] maybe I shouldn't have been, but I kind of was lol [20:55] I really don't understand why more webservers aren't running bsd of some sort [20:56] wrst: I've mentally boxed it in as a dependable edge os, mainly because of it's tight security out of the box [20:57] and it works well as a device OS like my freenas box, its really more of a device in the way I use it than a server, even though it is a file server [20:59] exactly. [21:03] Personally I like Linux for devices....any device. Windows 7 and/or Linux for desktop. (I use both everyday.) BSD for edge networking. [21:04] I much prefer linux but I guess that is somewhat due to familiarity [21:04] BSD=pfSense, which is not exactly BSD. [21:05] no but at its core it is, bsd isn't freenas either but freenas is bsd [21:06] I do like the network security aspect of it and why pfsense is so tempting for me [21:12] wrst: no I mean pfSense is /really/ not exactly like BSD. It uses BSD, but pfSense is almost entirely written in PHP. [21:13] After the intial boot phase (loading drivers, mounting filesystems, etc) control is handed off to PHP in the form of init scripts (written in PHP). [21:15] I tend to favor Debian more and more [21:16] Centos seems to be improve ing [21:16] the pfsense team manages their own packages, with a community of contributors, although sometimes with some work you can install packages directly from freebsd repositories. [21:17] cyberanger: Debian is awesome. Just look at Ubuntu. :D [21:20] :D [21:21] I tried CentOS about five years ago...at the time it was sluggish compared to ubuntu on the same hardware, and debian kept asking me for/about drivers. ubuntu kind of picked me, not me it. [21:21] Ahh netritious gotcha :) [21:22] I do, as an example of what not to install on debian [21:22] wrst keeps trying to get me on Arhc. >_> [21:22] * wrst puts on his arch elitist cap [21:22] lol [21:22] If it has to run I use debian [21:23] * cyberanger grabs his tinfoil hat [21:23] * netritious hands wrst a snickers bar [21:24] That's what I love about virtualization [21:24] Nothing needs to run anymore [21:24] True cyberanger and now with containers you can do a lot too [21:25] Also, chroots can help keep your system cleaner. [21:26] wrst: if I try Arch it's after I complete some LFS lol [21:26] Ha ha [21:26] It will seem super easy then [21:29] Gotta break a few VM'S today [21:29] Last time I thought that, they didn't break. [21:31] Still somewhat thinking of https://www.cyphertite.com/why-cyphertite.php but built all the packages for it so if I decide to, I can simply apt-get it. :P [22:08] Unit193: yeah, but I know this will, adding cipher to openssl [22:09] :D [22:10] http://xkcd.com/1363/ [22:11] Unit193: adding some new Russian ones [22:14] (Because pissing off the Kremlin with their own software is SO me) [22:15] Hah. [22:19] I would try that with the NSA but snowden did too good a job [22:45] well, that is to say, making the NSA any more paranoid will be hard (and if I can, I will ;-))