
Kilosmorning all and sundry06:08
Private_Usermorning all06:29
Kiloshi Private_User 06:30
Private_Userhi Kilos06:30
Private_Usermorning theblazehen06:35
Kiloshi theblazehen bushtech 06:35
bushtechMorning Kilos you well?06:37
Kilosapart from month old flu im good ty bushtech and you?06:38
Private_User...month old flu?06:39
Kiloshehe im getting used to it seems like06:41
Cantideafternoon everyone~06:41
Kiloshi Cantide 06:42
bushtechI'm good Kilos, thanks06:43
theblazehenhi Cantide 06:50
Private_Userafternoon Cantide06:52
Kilosbushtech, you running kde?06:53
Private_Useralthough it is morning here the last time I checked06:53
Private_Userbut then again  I have not checked the time in a while06:53
Kiloshe is in korea i think06:54
bushtechgot kde on my lmce core06:54
Private_Userlol yeah only kidding06:54
Kilosah i wondered about quassel06:54
bushtechthis quassel on windoze machine Kilos06:55
Kilosyou clever hey06:55
theblazehenQuassel is nice if you use a GUI06:58
ThatGraemeGuymorning peeps07:09
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 07:09
theblazehenh iTh07:16
theblazehenhi ThatGraemeGuy 07:16
Private_Usermorning ThatGraemeGuy07:27
Kilostheblazehen, http://businesstech.co.za/news/general/56447/surge-in-bitcoin-cybercrime/07:30
Kilosyou the bitcoin guy hey?07:30
Kiloshi charl_ 07:43
charl_hi Kilos 07:45
charl_hi Golynx 07:45
charl_Maaz: coffee on07:45
* Maaz puts the kettle on07:45
Golynxhi charl_07:45
charl_i love this new freenode server in NL07:45
Golynxhi Kilos07:46
Golynxfaster ?07:46
charl_--- wilhelm.freenode.net ping statistics ---07:46
charl_18 packets transmitted, 18 received, 0% packet loss, time 17021ms07:46
charl_rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 5.044/5.128/5.284/0.112 ms07:46
charl_me gusta07:47
Kiloshi Golynx 07:47
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!07:49
theblazehenKilos: yeah, bitcoin guy here07:50
Kiloslooks like the baddies are targetting them07:50
charl_Maaz: thanks07:50
Maazcharl_: Okay :-)07:50
theblazehenEasy to steal if not carefull07:51
Private_Useryou I don't understand why all these ISPs and Telecoms companies wanna merge, why don't they all operate as individual companies and compete with each other, that way we as consumers can benefit with lower prices07:51
Private_Userwas just reading a few news articles on the web07:51
theblazehenPrivate_User: they wanna marge to reduce competition maybe? Eastablish a monopoly07:52
Private_UserI know they doing it to increase their bottom line but seriously when is the monopoly gonna be over07:52
Private_Useryeah I agree theblazehen and thats what irritates me especially when we need broadband access and are now subjected to paying these ridiculous prices07:53
Private_Userthis is one of many reasons I believe is what slows progress07:55
theblazehenPrivate_User: heard of mesh networks? Probably not feasable, but the try to reduce the monopoly07:57
theblazehenGoogle hyperboria07:57
charl_Private_User: in NL there is now a thing that the two major cable companies want to merge, but the one seems to be in trouble08:01
charl_Private_User: the european commission is now going to launch an anti-competitive investigation08:01
Private_Userthanks theblazehen, reading up on it now08:02
Private_User but I also remember a while back somebody posted a link here about another project for so called "free open source software equivalent" to internet access, anybody has that link or remember what it was called?08:02
Private_Usertheblazehen: so is this like in simple terms a really huge private network or am I misunderstanding?08:09
Golynxhi Private_User, theblazehen, drussell08:09
Private_Userhi Golynx08:10
theblazehenPrivate_User: yeah, basically08:10
Private_Userok cool08:10
drussellGolynx: hey, morning08:10
charl_hi theblazehen 08:10
charl_hi drussell 08:11
* drussell waves to charl_08:11
Private_Userbut it almost sounds like TOR network, does it protect your anonymity on the web as well?08:11
theblazehenh i charl_ 08:11
theblazehenPrivate_User: yeah, kinda like tor. If you only route through it then it should08:12
Private_Usercool, interesting stuff08:12
KilosPrivate_User, you still gonna use mobile data to get there so what is the point08:13
theblazehenKilos: if you build a large enough mesh then you could route through wifi networks until you get an internet connection08:13
theblazehenI'm busy working on a project to monetize the nodes so that you could then pay end nodes for internet08:14
Kilosoh i see 08:14
theblazehenand nodes in between a little too08:14
Kilosbut peeps in rural areas gotta use 3g to get online08:14
* Golynx wished wifi had a further reach08:14
Private_Useryeah and I can be anonymous Kilos and live up to my nick Private_User :D08:14
theblazehencould use microwave or directional wifi antennas08:14
theblazehenReach a few KMs with directional wifi08:15
Kilosyip but like im 7 or 8 ks from the nearest wifi and about 50 to 100 metres lower down and a hump in between 08:16
theblazehenReaches 13 km08:16
Kilosso need a tower over 50 metres high to get line of site08:16
Golynxtheblazehen that sounds expensive 08:16
theblazehenWith true 1.4Gbps+ data throughput and up to 13 km range, airFiber provides a breakthrough in 24GHz backhaul performance.Y08:16
theblazehenGolynx: yep08:16
theblazehenOur Price:  $1,495.00 08:17
theblazehen150+ Mpbs real outdoor throughput and up to 15km+ range. 08:18
theblazehenOur Price:  $69.00 08:18
charl_hi Tonberry_ 08:19
Kiloshi Vince-0 Tonberry 08:20
Private_User1I like your idea theblazehen08:21
Kilosoi the net inna bad state08:21
=== Private_User1 is now known as Private_User
theblazehenWhy we have two ubuntulog's?08:31
charl_the one probably needs to time out08:31
Kilosoi netsplits again08:38
Golynxai attack again :-/08:38
KilosMaaz, killem08:58
MaazOh I wish I could Kilos It is so frustrating!08:58
Golynxlol 09:01
magespawngood day09:04
Golynxhi magespawn09:04
magespawnhi Golynx 09:05
Kilosai! at times i think the bad peeps hack my modem offline09:23
Kiloshave to disable networking and move modem to another usb socket then enable networking them it goes online again09:24
Golynxisn't it better to restart network manager 10:15
Golynxsudo service network-manager restart10:16
Kiloswill try that next time ty10:16
theblazehenor service networking restart10:23
theblazehenor sudo rmmod usbnet && modprobe usbnet10:23
Kilosill try them all ty10:35
Kilosnext time i disconnect10:35
Kiloshi magespawn superfly 10:37
superflyhi Kilos10:37
theblazehenHow did the 3 wise men find baby jesus? A*11:24
Kilosai! power cut 3 mins from th end of the sharks/rebels game12:15
nuvolariwhat!? daylight robery: http://www.exclus1ves.co.za/books/Design-Patterns-Elements--AuthorErich-Gamma~AuthorRichard-Helm~AuthorRalph-Johnson~AuthorJohn-M-Vlissides/000000000100000000001000000000000000000000000009780201633610/12:17
nuvolarivs http://www.amazon.com/Design-Patterns-Elements-Reusable-Object-Oriented/dp/020163361212:18
nuvolariR1170 vs R50012:18
Vince-0but try get it couriered, I paid R275 customs on two tshirts that cost $40 from the US12:18
Vince-0market as "merchandise" - that's like 65% customs12:19
ThatGraemeGuytime to get a kindle12:25
theblazehenThatGraemeGuy: People say the Paperwhites are really good12:30
theblazehennuvolari *12:31
ThatGraemeGuyyeah, i've heard12:31
ThatGraemeGuywife has an old keyboard model lying around somewhere12:31
superflyKindles are awesome13:09
Kiloshi captine 16:06
theblazehenoh wow, never knew spinza was into crypto!16:35
captinehi there16:42
theblazehenhi captine 16:43
captinehi theblazehen 16:44
Kiloswow you a chatty bunch hey?18:18
Kilosspinza, wassup18:18
theblazehenhey spinza !18:19
theblazehenNever knew you were a crypto dude!18:19
Kiloshe forgets he has itc18:19
theblazehenKilos: lol18:25
Kilosits true18:25
Kiloshe has said so himself18:25
theblazehenlol kk18:25
Kilosbushtech, are you online from a windows pc?18:44
Kilosi have some script that is supposed to keep you online18:44
Kilosmaybe the clever peeps can understand it18:46
theblazehenAka just keep pinging google.com18:48
Kilosthat didnt work yesterday theblazehen 18:48
Kilosbut he is more stable today18:48
Kilossomehow you need to rev vodacom not google18:49
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:54

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