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lotuspsychjemorning to all03:37
lotuspsychjegreat work on the new file manager update guys03:38
lotuspsychjethe tripadvisor app crashes on my nexus7 ubuntu touch03:53
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lukthejokercan i install ubuntu touch on a galaxy s4 mini?10:15
* ogratest is trying webchat.freenode.net from the n412:51
ogratestnot too bad actually12:52
popeyogratest: what about that other web chat people use? mibbit?12:53
ogratesti wish i could hide the topic12:53
ogratestnever heard of it :)12:54
bactcan't you install irssi on the terminal?12:54
ogratestbut i'd like a webapp12:54
ogratest(better even a native one indeed, but webapp seems easy to achieve)12:55
ogratestpopey, does mibbit have a mobile theme ?12:57
ogratestbact, to not lose my terminal to irssi ;)12:58
bactogratest: use screen or tmux then12:58
ogra_a full keyboard is still better for IRC :)13:01
ogra_i wonder why the webclient doesnt diconnect, i closed the browser a while ago13:02
ogra_there he goes13:02
ogra_bact, i actually want something i can have in the applist explicitly (and in the launcher with an icon etc)13:04
ogra_sadly the css isnt so mobile friendly on the freenode client ... once has to fiddle a bit ... and the capcha stuff on login is quite annoying ... but knowing thsat it works is a good step ... wrapping a webapp around it is a job of 10min ... just finding an icon will take longer13:06
ogra_i actually wonder what happens when it gets SIGSTOPed while being in background ... i suspect it willl lose content ...13:07
popeyogra_: could ship irssi configured to run inside screen, would that let it run in the background?13:09
Tassadardoesn't terminal app have tabs?13:09
popeyscratch that, screen is sticky bit, bet security won't allow that13:09
popeyTassadar: no, but would be nice if it did ☻13:09
Tassadari thought it has13:09
popeypatches welcome ☻13:09
ogra_popey, i doubt it ... the terminal will be sigstopped as well ... we would need a system service i guess13:09
ogra_ok, lets see ..13:10
bactsetup a vps with irrsi & screen, then ssh into it13:11
bactyou can't kill what ain't on the device13:11
ogra_yay, cool13:11
ogra_it replays the missed content \o/13:11
ogra_bact, it would still kill irssi ... and i doubt screen would work anyway13:12
bactogra_: but you ssh into *another machne*13:12
ogra_doesnt change the fact that your terminal recieves SIGSTOP as soon as it goes into background13:13
bactbut you could setup it up so it ssh's and autologins with a key on start13:14
ogra_(and SIGKILL when memory pressure raises ... but that would also affect the webapp)13:14
ogra_also my mom or my sister wouldnt be able to use that :P13:14
bactyou let your family use your smartphone?13:15
ogra_i want somethig you can install from the store and just use13:15
bactdo we have a store?13:15
bactI couldn't see one when I last installed it13:16
ogra_the thing you install your apps from13:16
ogra_bottom part of the apps scope shows apps from the store13:16
bactall the apps?13:17
bactwhy not give the store its own application?13:18
ogra_ask the designers13:18
ogra_works fine as is though13:18
bactdesigners: why not give the store an app?13:19
* ogra_ finds it way more intuitive this way 13:20
bactwhat about when the store has a 100 apps?13:20
bacta 1000?13:20
ogra_it has a few 100 already ... it will get categories i think13:21
* ogra_ goes and rolls a click package from it 13:23
popeybact: its being worked on13:26
bactpopey: thanks designer13:30
popey<- Not a designer13:30
popeyI just play one on TV13:30
ogratestworks well :)13:36
* ogra_ pushes to the store 13:38
ogra_popey, one for you :)13:42
* ogra_ loves how easy and fast that is 13:42
ogra_hmm, the kbd doesnt always recognize the input :(13:45
ogra_popey, thanks !13:48
ogra_now ChickenCutlass can stop whining in my ear  ;)13:49
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cm-t_hi, I am flashing nexus 5 and 7 for an ubuntu party in paris. Whats stable demoable channel should i flash ?15:40
ogramobile--channel ubuntu-touch/devel15:41
cm-t_did ubuntu-touch/utopic-customized-demo on some device but it looks not very stable (eg: alt-tabing not switching to the good appsin the first seconde)15:42
cm-t_ogramobile: thanks, so this channel is suitable for stable install (the purpose is to demo ubuntu touch in the hand of our staff to the public)15:43
ogramobilethe devel channel has the last image that passed automated QA testing15:45
bactwas trusty ever made a stable?15:45
bactso the last build on trusty is the latest stable?15:46
cm-t_well, 6 month ago our showcase was about only 1 device. Crashing often, but less when in "our" hand15:46
ogramobilebut stable doesnt mean bugfree (currently at least) it just means "does not move"15:47
cm-t_but if the alt tab not working well "…"15:47
bactcm-t_: which hardward are you using?15:47
cm-t_in our ahand or not, it is something less to show15:47
ogramobilealt tab ?15:47
cm-t_nexus 5 and 715:47
cm-t_mako and15:47
ogramobilewe dont even have an alt key15:47
cm-t_ogramobile: alt tab (sorry)  right to left swipe15:48
ogramobilehmm works fine here15:48
bactI tried the utopic proposed the other day15:48
cm-t_here on ubuntu-touch/utopic-customized-demo , it has a really delay15:48
bactwas having some issues with presses being responsive15:49
cm-t_after the swipe ends, it goes on an other apps,  after 5 seconde only it has the correct focus15:49
ogramobileyou dont want the customization channek15:49
cm-t_not sure what is the criter of the focus15:49
cm-t_ogramobile: i picked inside  ubuntu-device-flash --list-channels|grep demo15:50
bactogramobile: curious, what is the customisation channel for?15:50
ogramobiletgats normal15:50
bactAm I right in assuming that proposed is the bleeding edge?15:50
ogramobileapps are getting killed and restart ... this is on purpose15:50
ogramobileif you used all your ram by opening many apps, only a few are kept in sigstop state15:51
ogramobilethe rest is killed15:51
cm-t_-demo are with  demo data I guess, so no "stable" utopic with these data if I understand well15:51
cm-t_ogramobile: I get it, sound logic15:52
cm-t_because i noticed it only after 4 apps opened15:52
cm-t_or something like that15:52
ogramobileso if you switch to a killed one it takes a bit to start it again15:52
bactcurious, why have an ubuntu party?15:52
ogramobilethis is being improved15:52
ogramobilebut not there yet15:53
cm-t_bact: out of topic, but we organize them because we allready have an install party every month in paris with ~30 pc installed15:53
bactis there alcohol?15:53
ogramobileits paris15:53
cm-t_we dont ubuntu party to have install party + conference (once mark shuttleworht!!), showcase, classroom, free to try, …15:54
bactI wonder if they have ubuntu parties in london15:54
cm-t_no drinking/dancing :)15:54
ogramobilethere musr be wine15:54
bactoh.. so its just a conference?15:54
cm-t_but gaming area + young area15:54
cm-t_bact: ~3/5k visitor with 30 conferences, showcase, (…) over 2-3 days15:55
cm-t_~200 install15:55
cm-t_I will lead the showcase, so that' is why I want to have the best channel to be installed (in term of stability) because I will not be the only to showcase15:55
cm-t_because some people at Canonical provided us some hardware, so people will help me15:56
cm-t_(thanks to them)15:56
ogramobilewell, there are still rough edges like the above one15:56
ogramobilemost should be fixed in summer though, when we release actual phones15:57
cm-t_our event is the 24-25th may15:59
cm-t_I want to install it now to familiarize with the "crashing" things (to make the showcase the most smooth as possible)16:00
cm-t_also I am suscriber of the mailling list and read the most possible didrocks post16:00
cm-t_to know about news16:00
ogramobilewell, go with the devel channel then16:01
ogramobiledevel-proposed if you want bleeding edge16:01
cm-t_the -demo are only made when Canonical will make some showcase in an event?16:02
ogramobilethe custom channel is for testing the customization kit and might have its own additional issues16:02
cm-t_(so this mean I pick devel with manually data, or devel got allready data like contacts)16:02
ogramobilenot related to showcases16:03
ogramobilewell, no data on devel indeed ... you would have to add some16:04
ogramobileprobably cwayne can tell yoi gow stable the demo image is currently16:04
ogramobiletyping into IRCon the phone is a slight challenge :)16:06
cm-t_you doing well :)16:06
* ogramobile hasnt typed long texts on ububtu phone yet16:08
ogramobilebut as long as you still understand me :)16:08
cm-t_yes :)16:09
cm-t_I have to leave the place (install party ending) but I'll come asap if have other question (Ill go try the devel for the while). Ill comeback to link you some pics after the event if you want :)16:19
ogramobilesure !!16:20
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ogramobileidentity crisis ?16:43
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dakerogra_: SOS!20:05
dakerremote object '/tmp/mir_screencast_768x1280.rgba' does not exist20:05
ogra_daker, oh, you're on -proposed i guess ... Mir changed the format slightly ... adds a frequency to the filename or so ... i was planning to look at that next week20:33
dakerogra_: ok ok20:34
ogra_daker, take a look in /tmp on the phone ... phablet-screenshot is a shellscript, should be easy to just add whats missing20:34
dakerya, mir_screencast_768x1280_60Hz.rgba20:35
ogra_right, just hack that into phablet-screenshot20:35
ogra_line 109 ...20:37
dakerit works20:39
rickspencer3irc web app.. great idea!21:19
cowboydanHi there !21:44
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