
amundsenis there any technical reason to remove rekonq from the oficial iso?00:18
andre__como faço para instalar pacote portugues no meu kubuntu00:29
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KodiI have a boot problem of sorts. I was   getting along very well with Kubuntu   for years when I tried installing   Windows 7 into an unallocated 150-  gig-ish partition today. That worked,   but then of course the GRUB bootmenu   was inacessible. I've tried to get it   to show up again with Boot-Repair-  Disk, twice   (http://paste.ubuntu.com/7389880/,   http://paste.ubuntu.com/7389972/), but   not only has this not worked, I ran   GPa00:51
KodiBoot-  Repair-Disk to look at paritions again   and saw that what I thought was my   Kubuntu partition is now listed as   "unallocated". I thought I hadn't   touched it. Any ideas, folks?00:51
KodiI've been fiddling with TestDisk. I'll reboot and hopefully things will be better.01:19
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Lac3rat3danyone here for a newb question?03:41
valorieLac3rat3d: ask your question!03:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:47
Lac3rat3dok, i have an alias function that runs a program with some arguments. can i prompt for root password somehow inside the function? so only if root password is correct, the program runs, otherwise do nothing.  i don't actually want to run the program as root though, i just want to make sure the person that runs the alias function knows the root pasword03:52
valorieuser: fix your connection!03:54
DarthFrogLac3rat3d: Instead of an alias, write a shell script and have the script ask for the info.04:03
TheFakeazneD525valorie: the fact that user is using quassel and all these joinparts....04:05
TheFakeazneD525is quassel stable?04:05
valorieTheFakeazneD525: quassel is04:16
valoriehis core obviously ain't04:17
Lac3rat3dwhen i do ls -la, it shows user and group as the same; like Lac3rat3d Lac3rat3d  what does that mean?04:42
akshis anyone there04:44
Lac3rat3dif i do: chmod -R 700 /home/Lac3rat3d    would that make everything in my home dir only read/write/executable by my user? and is that bad04:54
akshcan anyone help me on this05:05
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:33
valorieLac3rat3d: ^^^05:33
Lac3rat3dI understand what the 700 stands for, I'm more asking for advice05:34
valorieI guess nobody is awake to give you that05:37
Lac3rat3dits okay05:39
Lac3rat3dthanks anyways valorie05:40
Lac3rat3dDoes anyone know why there is a group with the same name as my username?05:40
valoriein general, you have to login as your user to access your /home05:40
Lac3rat3dya, but some folders in /home/username/ have r/w/e permissions for users other than myself05:41
valorieso it should be only r/w/x by your user anyway05:41
valorieShare maybe05:41
Lac3rat3dex: /home/username/Pictures is drwxr-xr-x05:42
Lac3rat3dwhich means users in the group can read and execute, and others can read and execute in that directory, correct?05:42
valoriesome stuff you want applications to be able to read/write/execute05:43
valoriesuch as on your photos or music05:43
valorieeven documents05:43
Lac3rat3dshouldn't the programs be running as my user anyways?05:43
valoriethat depends05:45
* valorie is nooooo expert here05:45
Lac3rat3dneither am i :) just lerning05:45
valoriein general, the way that they are auto-set is correct05:46
valorieand you shouldn't have to mess with them05:46
Lac3rat3dthat's not what i've read05:47
Lac3rat3di've read that ubuntu distro leaves your home directory kinda open by default05:47
valorieI'm not qualified to judge the truth of that05:48
valoriebut all linux distros have an emphasis on safety and security05:48
valorieincluding ubuntu and debian, our upstream05:49
Lac3rat3ddones't necessarily mean they're locked-down out of the box :)05:51
valoriethis might help you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring05:51
valorieof course there are ways to lock them down even more05:52
valorieI was reading about wiretap earlier05:52
valorieno way I will go through all that05:52
valorieI've been using kubuntu for many years with few to no problems05:52
valorienone with security05:53
valorieand I'm online all the time05:53
Lac3rat3di'm not looking to set up a server :P05:53
Lac3rat3djust want to lock down my home directory05:53
geowanythe filesystem are hierachical. so, if you take permission on a directory from a user, he can't access data in this directory, despite other files/folders inside is granted to this user.05:54
geowanydo you wanna try? so, create a dir in /tmp folder, I'll call "apache, "$ sudo mkdir /tmp/apache/", change your permission, "chown www-data:www-data /tmp/apache/ && chmod 770 /tmp/apache/", create other dir "sudo mkdir /tmp/apache/all", give permission for all "sudo chmod 777 /tmp/apache/all", finally, try to access that "all" folder05:57
geowanyyou will gain a beauty "bash: cd: /tmp/apache/all: Permissão negada"05:58
geowanyPermissão negada = permission denied (I'm brazilian)05:59
Lac3rat3dso what you're saying is that if i chmod 700 /home/username, even if /home/username/Pictures is drwxr-xr-x other users can't access it because /home/username/ is drwx------ ?06:00
geowanyOthers users can't access this, despite 755 permissions on folder.06:01
geowanyDo you wanna try? Yes? So, create other user and try to access data.06:01
Lac3rat3di beleive you, just wanted to ask :)06:02
geowanyDon't believe in me. Try! You will learn so much about this.06:03
Lac3rat3dim too lazy to make another user right now lol06:08
valorieIt's always worthwhile to have a alternate user for testing configs, etc.06:09
valoriebut of course that can be done at any time06:09
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wolftunehi, I can suspend and hibernate with pm-utils command line, but neither option appears in my energy settings or my widget menus07:39
wolftuneperhaps I am missing some dependencies needed for KDE to access the suspend option?07:40
wolftuneI hope someone can help me figure this out07:40
clagiafraciao chi mi da il comando del terminale per passare da kubu 12.04 a 14.04 ? lo ringrazio08:19
andy123clagiafra: sudo do-release-upgrade -d08:25
andy123backup important data first08:26
clagiafrathanks andy12308:27
andy123you're welcome08:27
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silv3r_m00nhi there10:58
silv3r_m00non 1 system i have yakuake installed, and it starts on every login, where is it configured to do that ?10:58
krisecan anybody tell me what will be the best linux replacement for google sketchup11:36
krisei need some easy to learn cad software to make wooden frame houses11:37
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:47
sithlord48mornin BluesKaj12:48
BluesKajhey sithlord4812:48
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ShalokShalomwhere is my /path/to/0ad/binaries/system/ please ?14:13
ShalokShalom0ad = game14:13
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BluesKajShalokShalom, try /usr/bin, but it should be found in the games section of the kmenu14:18
BluesKajthe gui that is14:18
silv3r_m00nhi there14:57
silv3r_m00ni installed the icedtea-plugin, but java is not working in chromium14:57
silv3r_m00ni checked the /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins directory and it was empty, so created a symlink to /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/amd64/IcedTeaPlugin.so  but it still does not work14:58
silv3r_m00nin about:plugins page inside chromium, the java plugin is not listed14:58
silv3r_m00nhi there15:23
silv3r_m00n i installed the icedtea-plugin, but java is not working in chromium15:23
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nekoxmachinaHello everyone! I need a bit of help w/ efibootmgr. I want to install it to boot kernel from /dev/sdb1 (e.g. not first hdd), however when I do --disk /dev/sdb it still tries to boot from first harddrive. Could anyone give me a hand of help?16:04
BluesKajnekoxmachina, go into the uefi/bios and set the boot sequence to the disk that you want to boot first16:07
nekoxmachinaNono, I didn't mean that. I've meant that it boots valid kernel from different disk I wanted.16:08
DarthFrognekoxmachina:  That's ... odd.  Did you install the system on the right disk?16:08
nekoxmachinaWell, efibootmgr claims me this: http://pastie.org/913981816:11
nekoxmachinaIt is generated with efibootmgr --create --disk /dev/sdb --part 116:11
nekoxmachinaWhen I try to boot Gentoo (ck) it boots from \boot\efi\bootx64.efi on my sda, which exists & which is similiar kernel (a kludge to boot second system up)16:12
nekoxmachina(if its invalid channel to ask this question - sorry everyone):)16:15
BluesKajnekoxmachina, perhaps someone in ##linux or #gentoo can help16:16
paulgaryotisKubuntu newbie here: I've made a Mac-esque panel of quick launch icons on the right side of my screen, but I'd like to have the icons be bigger. When I expand the width of the panel, though, the icon's don't scale. When the panel is on the top or the bottom of the screen, they do, though. Anybody know what's up with this strange behavior. I'm running 14.04.16:38
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.16:48
BluesKajtoo late :)16:53
DarthFrogI was going to suggest he try the cairo dock.16:57
BluesKajor expand the panel height17:01
pinuxbuona sera17:33
depeszhi. i upgraded kubuntu to latest, and got hit with a bug i had earlier, but don't rememebr how i fixed - namely - 2nd display (via hdmi) is fuzzy17:38
depeszi did google search and it suggests some aticonfig calls, tried it, no help.17:38
depeszanyone has any clue on what could cause fuzzy display over hdmi on radeon mobile chip?17:38
BluesKajdepesz, radeon mobile chip? resolution perhaps17:40
depeszit's set to correct.17:43
depeszwhat's worse - when I do "xmag" - it shows that letters are normal, crisp.17:43
depeszit just displays them incorrectly17:43
cranktrainNetworking question: fresh install of Kubuntu 14.04, I have this little Netgear wireless USB stick plugged in but when I select the connection I want from the "Available Connections" list, it just says connecting for 15 seconds... before popping up with a notification saying "Wireless Interface (wlan0) - The WiFi network could not be found". The little wireless stick works great on the latest install of Ubuntu, and on Windows 7 to18:28
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fabio123hi there19:53
TheFakeazneD525does anyone know what wiki soft kde uses for userbase.kde.org19:58
bpromptTheFakeazneD525:    I can see -> http://cdn.kde.org/css/bootstrap-mediawiki.css20:01
bpromptin  the [Network] tab of the DOM inspector20:01
TheFakeazneD525ah, mediawiki20:02
TheFakeazneD525for some reason I was hoping it would be PMWiki, cuz I'm a troper >_20:02
zenxanyone know how can I configure sound card output rate?20:47
robotdevilhow I turn popping sound off kmix?20:53
vbgunzdoes anyone here know why pulseaudio keeps resetting microphone input to exactly 9% on every reboot? I always have to reset it back up to 28% and it's getting annoying :(20:54
beltorakhi all; i am trying to patch the ubuntu xscreensaver package, but following the ubuntu packaging guide is not making a lot of sense. first of it says that 'bzr branch' should result in a checkout with all existing ubuntu patches applied, but 'quilt applied' says that nothing has been applied yet.21:00
beltorakif I do 'quilt push -a', how do I separate my changes from the existing ones?21:01
vbgunzdoes anyone here know why pulseaudio keeps resetting microphone input to exactly 9% on every reboot? I always have to reset it back up to 28% and it's getting annoying :(21:02
robotdevilhow I turn popping sound off kmix? (volume slider)21:11
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dmatthi, KDE 4.13 in Kubuntu 13.10 uses Nepomuk or Baloo?21:31
ObsequiousNewt_I just updated to Trusty. Previously, I had configured XCompose to read from ~/.XCompose using the instructions in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ComposeKey#Persistent_Configuration however now no such file setup exists. How do I configure XCompose to read from ~/.XCompose across applications?21:35
OlliPeHello out there. Is there anyone online to give me support with kubuntu network configuration?21:38
ObsequiousNewt_Possibly. What difficulties are you having?21:39
OlliPeIHi. I have a fresh installation of Kubuntu 14.04 and have trouble to browse my network.21:40
ObsequiousNewt_Are you connected? What error are you receiving?21:41
OlliPeI have a local Windows server as DNS server but the Dolphin File manager got after some seconds a timeout and doesn't display any device of my network21:41
rdieterrobotdevil: click kmix in systray -> mixer. settings->configure kmix.  uncheck option labeled "Volume Feedback"21:42
OlliPeAt I tried to get the network settings via dhcp by the Windows server and also tried to set the connection data manually21:43
ObsequiousNewt_Just out of curiosity, are you a native German speaker?21:43
OlliPebut it seems that always the DNS resolution will be done by local host
ObsequiousNewt_You mean
robotdevilrdieter: thanks got it already, I wasnt able to get at settings at first, but then I said .. hey maybe I should launch from command line...  :-/21:44
OlliPeYes? I hope my english is not too bad21:44
ObsequiousNewt_Nah, it's okay; I could just tell by the way you put prepositional phrases between the verb and object. Typically we don't do that. But anyway.21:44
OlliPeno, when I use dig to get information of name resolution the server is displayed21:45
ObsequiousNewt_I'm afraid I don't know much about what you're trying to work with.21:45
OlliPeDo you know there are some settings to configure the Dolphin browser to browse the network? Maybe the timeout settings are to short?21:50
ObsequiousNewt_I never use Dolphin. Have you tried with other browsers?21:51
OlliPeNO I work since yesterday with kubuntu. Could you recommend one?21:52
ObsequiousNewt_Most people use Firefox, I believe.21:53
OlliPeSorry, I need not a web browser - I need a file manager to get access to the windows shares at the network.21:55
ObsequiousNewt_I just updated to Trusty. Previously, I had configured XCompose to read from ~/.XCompose using the instructions in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ComposeKey#Persistent_Configuration however now no such file setup exists. How do I configure XCompose to read from ~/.XCompose across applications?22:20
=== calin is now known as crucerucalin
Bundestrojanergood evening22:36
Bundestrojaneri've downloaded simutrans from sourceforge (because the version in the packet manager is 2 years old and can't load the newest pak-sets).22:36
Bundestrojanerldd tells me, i'm missing 3 libs: libbz2.so.1.0 => not found, libSDL-1.2.so.0 => not found, libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0 => not found22:36
Bundestrojanerwhat is the best way to get them?22:36
ObsequiousNewt_You need the right packages, ang on a minute22:40
ObsequiousNewt_libbz2-1.0, libsdl1.2debian, libsdl-mixer1.2. Same ones the simutrans package depends on.22:43
ObsequiousNewt_That should work for you.22:43
ObsequiousNewt_*pings Bundestrojaner just in case he wasn't listening*22:44
BundestrojanerObsequiousNewt_: thx for the ping^^22:44
ObsequiousNewt_yep np22:44
Bundestrojaneri needed the i386-versions22:50
Bundestrojanerthx for help :)22:50
alan_smithhello guys, is there a way to remove telepathy from kde?22:53
alan_smithlatest 14.04 here22:53
betweenbordersIs anyone else having trouble with their touchpad scrolling too fast on a fresh install of 14.04LTS?23:02
valoriebetweenborders: i am not23:05
valoriehowever, if you use krunner: alt+f2, and type `touchpad` you can go directly to the touchpad settings23:06
valoriethere are a million touchpads out there.....23:06
betweenbordersIt's an ALPS touchpad, usually installed on Dell laptops.23:07
alan_smithany ideas why i'm having the following error on muon:?23:37
alan_smithThe "kde-telepathy-contact-list" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade:23:37
alan_smithRecommends: kde-telepathy-contact-list, but it is not installable23:37
ObsequiousNewt_I'd try refreshing your package list23:40
ObsequiousNewt_I'd try refreshing your package list23:40
alan_smithObsequiousNewt_: using apt-get works though :(23:40
alan_smithgonna try that23:40
ObsequiousNewt_Figured it might :P23:41
valoriealan_smith: what version of kubuntu are you running?23:41
alan_smithvalorie: 14.0123:41
alan_smithtrying to get rid of things I don't use23:41
TheFakeazneD525hi valorie23:41
valoriehi again23:42
TheFakeazneD525alan_smith: muo....23:42
alan_smiththe telepathy thing is quite intrusive if you ask me... no quitting, no uninstalling, sits on the system tray as a constant remembrance that you don't have control over your system23:42
TheFakeazneD525alan_smith: muon is a good graphical way to find packages23:42
TheFakeazneD525alt-f2 muon23:42
TheFakeazneD525not muon discover btw23:42
TheFakeazneD525just muon23:42
valoriealan_smith: you never need to have a widget in the tray you don't want23:42
valorieright-click and remove the icon23:42
alan_smithvalorie: yeah, but it takes time to uninstall telepathy and all the packages23:43
valorieI never see telepathy23:43
ObsequiousNewt_I just updated to Trusty. Previously, I had configured XCompose to read from ~/.XCompose using the instructions in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ComposeKey#Persistent_Configuration however now no such file setup exists. How do I configure XCompose to read from ~/.XCompose across applications?23:43
alan_smithvalorie: i want to actually uninstall the thing, not only hide it23:43
valorieright, but I'm just saying you don't have to see the icon, whether or not you uninstall it23:43
alan_smithvalorie: ok, that's a quite great feature btw, some cases you want the app just don't want the icon, but in this case i don't want both :)23:44
TheFakeazneD525alan_smith: apt-get uninstall package_name/package-name/packagename23:44
alan_smithTheFakeazneD525: yeah, it works that way23:45
TheFakeazneD525er, are you having problems uninstalling, or just finding the pacakges?23:45
TheFakeazneD525again, muon package manager is great for packages (redundancy is redundant is redundancy)23:46
alan_smithI think muon is broken, sometimes it won't allow me to uninstall a package with no justification: The "libtelepathy-logger3" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade: (blank after the ":")23:46
valoriealan_smith: if it is finding the right package names, apt-cache search telepathy will give you lots of possibilities23:46
valoriealan_smith: muon package manager, or Discover?23:47
alan_smithvalorie: package manager ("muon" binary)23:48
TheFakeazneD525alan_smith: try removing /var/lib/apt/lists*23:48
TheFakeazneD525rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists23:48
TheFakeazneD525then apt-get update23:48
TheFakeazneD525to reset your package list23:48
TheFakeazneD525list might be broken23:48
alan_smithTheFakeazneD525: lemme try :)23:48
EtriaphHey folks, anyone know how to get KRunner to recognize me doing "mailto:user@domain.com" as my desire to open kmail composer?23:48
TheFakeazneD525alan_smith: however, when the apt-get update is running, don23:50
TheFakeazneD525t stop it23:50
valorieEtriaph: I think you have to set that up in systemsettings23:50
TheFakeazneD525if you do, don't run it without removing the lists again23:50
Etriaphvalorie: I tried spoofing it with a web shortcut, but no dice23:50
valoriethere might be a setting in kmail as well....23:51
valorieit's been years since kmail stopped working for me23:51
valorieand I've not taken the time since to test it again23:51
EtriaphWhat do you use now?23:52
TheFakeazneD525also... what is Soylent KDE?23:52
Etriaphvalorie: As an email client now, just curious as to what you use now23:55
valoriegmail on the web23:56
valorieso not-free23:56
EtriaphAh, OK.23:56
EtriaphWell, I use Kontact with my gmail account23:56
valorieTheFakeazneD525: it's made of people!23:56
valorieEtriaph: I will try again, I have not given up23:56
EtriaphI'd just rather have KMail separately; Kontact bugs me23:56
TheFakeazneD525valorie: I thought it was FOSS devs23:57
valoriebut with my dad in a nursing home, he is my top priority while he's alive23:57
valoriegoogle is built on FOSS, for sure23:57
valoriebut it is all those non-free bits which we loooove23:57
valorieI works with my phone (android) ~well23:58
valorieit, I mean23:58
TheFakeazneD525ah, speaking of android23:59
TheFakeazneD525how's the KDE mobile thingy coming along23:59

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