
turgonDoes anyone know if there's any apps for Touch that will let me use a Chromecast?  (like a Chromium browser port).  I did a little Googling around but couldn't find anything, so I just wanted to check.00:01
dmiller309Qt question: I just found out that Q_ASSERT(connect(a,thing(),b,thing()); does noting when run in release mode. Is there a concise way to assert that the connection is made in debug mode, without having the connection compiled out of release mode?01:19
dmiller309The StackOverFlow at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12573230/q-assert-release-build-semantics says that I could undefine QT_NO_DEBUG, but that's not ideal.01:21
dmiller309I guess I'll just replace Q_ASSERT(x) in my code with X_ASSERT(x) and define X_ASSERT to Q_ASSERT(x) in release mode and (x) in release mode.01:24
dmiller309All right, the X_ASSERT function seems to be working well.01:49
Aki-ThinkpadMorning everyone12:50
dakerbeuno: ping14:37
dakersomeone is having a 404 page14:37
rpadovaniMhh, I have a strange problem with QTCreator: for every core app, every time I try to run it, I have an error: Could not open desktop file for reading17:14
rpadovaniI tried to delete QtCreator config folder17:14
rpadovaniFrom terminal all works ok (exec qmlscene)17:14
ErvisTushahi all20:14
ErvisTushai have create my fist app using qt 5.2 and qt creator20:15
ErvisTushai have some problem 1. how to create a deb package ?20:16
ErvisTusha2. how to submit it to ubuntu app store20:16
rpadovaniErvisTusha, why a deb package and not a click package?20:19
ErvisTusharpadovani, because i have used qtproject ide not ubuntu ide and not know how to port it20:24
rpadovaniErvisTusha, ah ok. I don't know how deb packages work, I suggest you to start from the guide: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html20:25
xhoch3I have a question, I am not able to run a simple test app on my Ubuntu Touch device20:28
rpadovaniErvisTusha, but I don't know how can you submit it20:29
xhoch3it says QtCreator cannot set the process group (-1)20:29
xhoch3I really have no idea since I am doing UT development the first time20:29
xhoch3also, I have another question, I am used to Qt with widgets, can I develop Qt apps with widgets as usual? Or does UT only support QML based apps?20:30
beunodaker, if they're getting a 404 it's because they're logged out22:12
dakerbeuno: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7395473/22:14
beunodaker, right, so he must of gotten logged out mid-way22:15
dakerbeuno: ok22:16
beunodaker, I'll see if we can display a better error, or deal with it better22:18
beunothank you!22:18
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