
poufsouffletesting 1 2 309:30
poufsouffleihi guys!09:30
zakamehi hi09:31
poufsoufflekaka upgrade ko pa lang 14.04 yehey09:42
zakamehehe nice09:43
kidsodatelessayos poufsouffle09:55
kidsodatelesszakame, i wonder why our username start with @ sign 09:57
poufsouffleadmin ata10:01
poufsouffleeste moderator ang @10:01
zakameyep, I gave you op10:05
zakameyou can edit the topic via /topic10:05
kidsodatelessI see, i get it now. 10:07
kidsodatelessthanks :D10:07
* kidsodateless bye for now10:09
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato

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