
joseapachelogger: that on the doodle is just one meeting?00:35
valoriecongratulations ovidiu-florin!02:26
joseovidiu-florin: congratulations! Hope everything went awesome!03:06
mitya57shadeslayer: what Riddell says, also you are welcome to add ppa:mitya57/test2, upgrade and test.03:33
mitya57(Please disable the ppa after upgrade, I like uploading broken packages there)03:34
ScottKMore fun if he doesn't disable it and wonders later why his computer is broken.03:37
ScottKHow can I do the equivalent of if [-e filename ]; then .... endif in GNU make?  It seems I need ifeq and some thing, but what equals true?04:15
=== Toadnohyp is now known as Hypnotoad
lordievaderGood morning.06:38
soeegood morning lordievader06:39
lordievaderHey soee, how are you?06:39
soeelordievader: tbh fantastic :) you ?06:40
lordievaderDoing good. May I ask what made your day fantastic?06:40
soeelordievader: new office :)06:49
=== soee_ is now known as soee
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
shadeslayerhi ho09:43
soeehi shadeslayer09:52
ovidiu-florinhello world09:53
ovidiu-florinvalorie jose thank you09:53
shadeslayerhey soee 09:56
Riddell"Myriam Schweingruber (myriam) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members (kubuntu-members) team" yay Mamarok still loves us!10:01
shadeslayereh, what, how does opengl work on arm64 but not on armhf?10:03
shadeslayer-- Found OpenGL: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libGL.so  10:03
Riddellif you install it it'll work anywhere to compile, may run slow as treacle when you use it though10:04
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:06
MamarokRiddell: of course I do, how did you ever doubt that :)10:24
MamarokI am a trusty user since your first packages on Ubuntu :)10:25
Mamarokand promote Kubuntu whenever I can10:25
* Riddell beams with pride10:25
RiddellW: libkf5codecs-data: unknown-locale-code x-test  hah10:26
Riddellagateau: I wonder if the release scripts should be adjusted to remove that ↑10:26
agateauRiddell: would make sense, ping dfaure about this10:27
* agateau is off for lunch10:28
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
shadeslayeroh oh oh10:29
shadeslayertsdgeos: please poke ScottK to accept kde-workspace 4.11.9 in trusty10:30
shadeslayertsdgeos: I've already solved your issue a day or two ago :P10:30
Riddellshadeslayer: :)10:31
shadeslayeruff, turns out my upload was rejected10:36
ScottKWasn't me.10:36
shadeslayerno not you .. something else10:37
apacheloggertwas batman10:37
Riddellsome days you just can't get rid of a bomb10:38
shadeslayerScottK: btw any thoughts on https://launchpadlibrarian.net/174680022/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-armhf.kubrick_4%3A4.13.0-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:41
shadeslayeri.e. what would be a fix for it apart from disabling kubrick for armhf10:41
ScottKPort it not to use GL directly.10:41
shadeslayerScottK: so GL is supported on arm64 but not on hf?10:43
ScottKshadeslayer: BTW, unless you're going to port it, make the architecture list !armhf and then your "exotic" archs are taken care of.10:43
shadeslayerScottK: yeah, that's what I was thinking10:43
ScottKSupported in Debian on armhf too.  That's an Ubuntu change.10:43
shadeslayerScottK: dpkg-source: error: `!armhf' is not a legal architecture string10:45
shadeslayerso I guess I'll have to manually list every one :(10:45
ScottKHmm.  I thought you could do that now.10:45
ScottKI guess not.10:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: please post control10:46
apacheloggerah, that architecture field10:49
apacheloggerI don't think you can do it there10:49
apacheloggerif you did that, then the package would not generate any binaries10:49
shadeslayerScottK: I also had a question about eglibc , the eglibc homepage says eglibc isn't maintained anymore10:49
shadeslayerso why is ubuntu/debian still using it as default?10:49
ScottKI know.  10:49
ScottKI assume infinity and the other GLIBC maintainers will sort it out.10:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-customized-programs.html#s-arch-wildcard-spec10:51
apacheloggerso, I dunno10:53
apacheloggerpersonally I don't get why it would be any less than any though10:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: you may want to exclude armhf from the build depends10:55
apachelogger libglu1-mesa-dev [!armhf],  libqt4-opengl-dev [!armhf]10:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: but then kubrick won't build at all?10:55
apacheloggerthat would also then make sense in my mind ^^10:55
shadeslayerand hence won't migrate10:55
apachelogger-- This installation will have the extra features provided by these packages.10:56
apacheloggersounds optional to me10:56
ScottKshadeslayer: In any case, I don't see -workspace in queue for trusty.10:57
shadeslayerScottK: should be up10:57
shadeslayerjust uploaded it10:57
ScottKshadeslayer: It'll only block migration if it built before.10:57
ScottKthere it is10:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: ok, lets try your approach11:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7403915/11:04
shadeslayerthis is on amd64 though11:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: ah yes, will need manual promotion then11:06
apacheloggeralso tell upstream to learn to use cmake :P11:07
apacheloggerye consider everything non-essential and let feature_summary fail depending on what you tell feature_summary to be essential11:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7403947/11:09
shadeslayerthat would work right?11:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: dat changelog is shit tho11:13
apacheloggerif I look at the diff I see that clearly the intention is that it does not dep on kubrick on armhf11:13
apacheloggerI do not know why11:13
apacheloggerand the changelog does not tell me why11:13
apacheloggerso, the changelog tells me something I can see anyway when looking at the diff :'<11:13
shadeslayerfixed and pushed11:14
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1312806] Please update kde-workspace to 4.11.9 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1312806 (by Kubuntu IRC Bot)11:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: bug 1316563 did I break the "yo, you got no drivers" message we had?11:44
ubottubug 1316563 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu driver manager shows nothing, even after refreshing driver list" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131656311:44
apacheloggerindeed, m_label never gets shown11:45
apacheloggerguis desperately need unit testing11:47
Riddellhi sgclark 11:49
sgclarkRiddell: morning11:50
=== debfx_ is now known as debfx
sgclarkRiddell: ok so I am doing ldd on all the shared libs in those two and so far all of them have them both12:00
Riddellso may be unfixable12:01
Riddellsgclark: which are the two packages again?12:02
sgclarkyeah both sides, all of declarative and two in gui12:02
sgclarklibqt4-declarative libqt4gui12:02
Riddell/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/accessible/libqtaccessiblewidgets.so  seems to be the problem one12:05
Riddellin libqtgui4 but needs both declarative and gui12:05
Riddellsgclark: so options are a) to ignore it or b) to split out libqtaccessiblewidgets.so into a separate package and have libqt4gui recommend it12:06
Riddellb) seems quite do-able but dunno if it's worth it12:06
* ScottK wonders what mitya57 thinks.12:08
sgclarkWill do whatever you tell me to. 12:10
Riddellsgclark: give it a try12:10
sgclarkwill do12:11
sgclarkRiddell: also libqt4-declarative: symbols-declares-dependency-on-other-package libqtdeclarative12:21
* Riddell looks12:26
Riddellsgclark: pastebin output of:  head debian/libqt4-declarative.symbols12:27
sgclarkRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7404280/12:30
Riddellsgclark: second line should be   http://paste.ubuntu.com/7404280/12:33
Riddellsgclark: second line should be   "libQtDeclarative.so.4 libqtdeclarative #MINVER#"12:33
Riddellhmm no12:33
shadeslayersurely you mean libqtdeclarative4?12:34
Riddellsgclark: second line should be "libQtDeclarative.so.4 libqt4-declarative #MINVER#"12:34
shadeslayerthat works too ^^12:34
Riddellsgclark: I guess that change came from debian, check the changelog if there's a reason for it but if not go with "libQtDeclarative.so.4 libqt4-declarative #MINVER#"12:34
sgclarkok thank you12:35
shadeslayerRiddell: FYI I'm tracking merges on https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas12:56
Riddellshadeslayer: cool13:00
shadeslayerRiddell: ScottK should I drop the extra packages from http://paste.kde.org/p9e8ujozp13:36
shadeslayerextra = everything not libplasma-dev13:37
apacheloggeryofel: neon5 orchestration has been reorganized and now lives at lp:~neon/project-neon5/orchestration/  ... and all bits should be there to replicate the setup we run on a bluesystems server13:38
apacheloggeralbeit, I am being lazy and haven't actually documented much, so you better hope I don't get hit by a bus :P13:38
Riddellshadeslayer: drop because we're after LTS?13:41
Riddellshadeslayer: yes, unless the replace/breaks is also in debian13:42
shadeslayerright, ofcourse13:42
shadeslayerwe last merged kdelibs in 2009 :S13:45
apacheloggerthat doesn't seem right, didn't we pick up a whole pile of splitting?13:46
apacheloggerthat certainly was after 200913:46
Riddellyes I'm sure I merged it last year when in that sunny place north of barcelona13:46
QuintasanAny ideas why libqt5webkit5 is 5.1 when there rest of Qt 5.2 ?13:50
shadeslayerah yeah, I see another one in 2013 now13:51
ScottKAsk mitya57 or mirv. 13:51
QuintasanScottK: Okay, I wanted to package otter for now but I can't :S13:51
apacheloggerQuintasan: I think there were regressions in 5.213:51
ScottKQuintasn: or just merge from Debian and don't sweat it.13:51
QuintasanUtopic chain is up?13:52
ScottKHas been for a while. 13:52
RiddellQuintasan: they found some regressions in 5.2 so kept it at 5.1+a load of backports13:53
QuintasanScottK: Looks like it, I already have a toolchain on my desktop13:54
* Quintasan is so forgetful13:54
QuintasanRiddell: Thanks.13:54
ScottKRiddell time to move forward though. 13:55
Riddellhope so13:55
shadeslayerbtw any recommendations for this conflict : debian symbols file for libkio is older , but has more symbols as compared to ours which is newer14:06
shadeslayershould I just copy over the one from debian and adjust ours during the first build?14:06
* apachelogger scratches head and wonders how that even happens14:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: maybe just redo the symbols file ^^14:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: start from debian I guess14:07
apacheloggerit's peculiar that ours would have fewer symbols tho14:07
apacheloggerunless there's arch specific ones14:07
shadeslayeryeah, my plan was, copy over debian one, adjust as required during build14:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: I see armhf symbols14:08
shadeslayerwhich are not in our symbols file14:08
apacheloggerit's a crap situation14:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: the best results would be to continue using ours and perhaps find out why we are missing symbols14:09
shadeslayeractually, wait, maybe .. yeah , reading it the wrong way14:09
shadeslayernvm me14:09
apacheloggerthe thing is... since symbols have their introducing version noted you'd loose metadata unless you continue using our symbols file14:09
shadeslayerbut yeah, it'd be nice to know what to do in such a situation14:10
Elv1313is there a way to fix this backtrace? https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/96becd9a35ea3f1b2a5841dd058629ecf20c5673 ? an user had it again yesterday and it is failing to produce an userful bt14:11
shadeslayerElv1313: no backtrace, can't do anything14:12
Elv1313shadeslayer: I know, I am asking if there is something I can do to "fix" my code so a backtrace will be produced correctly. I don't like seeing crash report and doing nothing ;)14:13
shadeslayerElv1313: not really, you could ask the user to acquire core dumps14:14
shadeslayerthen debug on your machine14:14
Elv1313is it possible to contact them?14:14
shadeslayervia e.u.c ? nope14:15
apachelogger!info sflphone14:16
ubottuPackage sflphone does not exist in saucy14:16
shadeslayersaucy :O14:16
apacheloggersaucy he said14:16
* shadeslayer hates merging kdelibs14:16
Elv1313!info sflphone-kde14:16
ubottuPackage sflphone-kde does not exist in saucy14:16
apacheloggerElv1313: you could ask ev in #ubuntu-devel if there's any more information on why the retracing failed, because it appears to me that the debug symbols should have been there14:17
apacheloggerotherwise, if you wait long enough it might just be that a retrace eventually yields a trace ^^14:17
Elv1313ok, thanks14:18
shadeslayerScottK: I have another kde-workspace upload for you btw14:35
shadeslayerin about 30 minutez14:35
davmor2shadeslayer: man you so street with your z's ;)14:43
shadeslayergenuine typo btw :P14:43
shadeslayerdebfx: ping14:43
shadeslayerdebfx: +override_dh_makeshlibs:14:43
shadeslayer+       $(overridden_command) -- -c014:43
davmor2shadeslayer: :D14:43
shadeslayerdebfx: any ideas why ou did that?14:43
mitya57Quintasan, ScottK: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/05/03/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t09:3214:44
mitya57In short: it is already in Bzr, and Timo wants to synchronize it with Touch stuff14:45
shadeslayerdebfx: ideally, don't we want that in pkg-kde-tools to make sure if that there's no tolerance towards new symbols?14:45
shadeslayerdebfx: level 0 never fails :O14:45
shadeslayerwhy is kdelibs level 0?14:45
yofelso we can fix the whole package post-build, instead of it failing on symbols, then later you have to fix new files etc. in another pass14:46
yofelalthough we don't do that for all packages, nor am I sure whether it's that useful these days as LP does the building14:47
debfxshadeslayer: I added that? :O14:47
shadeslayerdebfx: bzr log -p shows that rev 342 added that14:48
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=342&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 34214:48
shadeslayerah ubottu, u so silly14:48
shadeslayeryofel: thoughts on dropping it?14:48
yofelwell, depends. It's useful as it doesn't block the rest of the SC on a kdelibs ABI break (possibly private/gcc), but on the other hand if it's gone you don't have to rebuild stuff if you bump the ABI later as everything is waiting14:51
yofelI would rather not have it personally14:51
debfxshadeslayer: likely came from Debian since that commit is a merge14:52
shadeslayerdebfx: yeah, you're right14:53
debfxit already was that way before: -DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_ALL := -V -u-c014:53
debfxbut I agree -c0 shouldn't be used for kde4libs14:54
* shadeslayer removes it since debian removed it14:54
shadeslayerScottK: kde-workspace for your approval14:59
mitya57Riddell: (/me reads backscroll) So is there anything wrong with the current libqt4-declarative.symbols?15:03
Riddellmitya57: nope, just in what sgclark ended up with15:04
mitya57Are you using lp:~k-packagers/k-packaging/qt or something else?15:04
Riddellmitya57: I don't know if she started with that or with the trusty package15:05
mitya57sgclark: ^15:06
mitya57Riddell: In my branch that symbols file was correct from the beginning, and there is no loop between gui and declarative.15:07
mitya57(where "my branch" = lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qt)15:08
sgclarkI used grab merge. I had to create symbols files to fix a different error.15:11
sgclarkBut even so I had the circular error prior to that15:12
shadeslayermy head hurts from the kdelibs merge :(15:47
shadeslayerand I still have to deal with symbols15:48
sgclarkmy brain has melted from qt4 merge, but finally done.15:50
mitya57sgclark: Hi, can you please show me your qt4 code? Or, even better, commit it to Bzr?15:51
sgclarkmitya57: I am only packaging a merge. I do not have bzr access to that. I will have a my dropbox link here in a sec15:53
sgclarkthe circular dependency is resolved though15:53
mitya57I am asking because: <mitya57> In my branch that symbols file was correct from the beginning, and there is no loop between gui and declarative.15:54
yofelsgclark: you can just commit locally and push to a private branch15:54
mitya57I.e., maybe it is better if we take my code as a base15:54
sgclarkThis is a merge with debian which is a newer   version, What version are you using? 15:56
mitya57sgclark: What I prepared was also a merge with Debian.15:57
mitya57I'm also a co-maintainer of Qt in Debian :)15:58
sgclarkThat is wonderful, why am I merging it lol15:58
mitya57(My bad that I didn't coordinate it before committing.)15:58
sgclarkRiddell: ^^15:59
* BluesKaj wonders if the word mistake is no longer cool ...my bad this, my bad that ....16:00
sgclarkOh well, it was a good learning experience. If you have merged it already, there is no point messing with mine.16:00
mitya57sgclark: In any case, please show me your code, maybe you've done some parts better than I.16:00
sgclarkthanks mitya5716:01
Riddellsgclark: yeah let us see what you have and we'll grab the best bits of both16:01
shadeslayerincase someone wants to review16:01
* mitya57 looks16:02
sgclarkRiddell: anything left for me withh frameworks?16:02
Riddellsgclark: loads http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_4.99.0_trusty.html16:04
ScottKshadeslayer: please reupload using -v.16:07
shadeslayerScottK: I did?16:07
shadeslayerwhich is why it has both the 0.1 and 0.2 entry?16:07
* ScottK checks again. 16:08
Riddellsgclark: a lot of them have had translations added and need qttools5-dev, qttools5-dev-tools, qt5-default added and a -data package added16:08
shadeslayerScottK: http://paste.kde.org/p7dnbc8gt16:08
shadeslayeris what I have16:08
sgclarkRiddell: ok16:08
Riddellsgclark: and some of the paths have been changed16:09
ScottKshadeslayer: Sorry.  Misread. Accepted. 16:09
shadeslayerScottK: thx :)16:09
mitya57sgclark: To be honest, my branch looks better to me :) As an example, you for some reason removed aarch64 & ppc64el patches from series, and they don't apply cleanly.16:11
* Riddell out16:11
sgclarkmitya57: removed because they would not apply. I am still learning and qt4 was a monster to me. I have fought with this for many days and so I accept the fact that it is all probably a waste.16:13
mitya57sgclark: There is at least one thing that you noticed but I did not16:13
mitya57(and that thing is a changelog entry for 4:4.8.5+git192-g085f851+dfsg-2ubuntu4)16:13
=== pcwhite is now known as PaulW2U
mitya57Riddell: pushed that bit to Bzr (actually it was not just changelog entry, but half of upload). Now it should be ready.16:28
mitya57sgclark: your code *was* helpful16:41
sgclarkmitya57: thank you. as for the patches I dropped because they ould not apply, what should I have done? For the future of learning :)16:46
mitya57sgclark: They did not apply because we (Lisandro PM and I) forwarded some bits upstream. After removing those bits, the patch applies.16:52
=== jmux_ is now known as jmux
mitya57Check what I've done in Bzr16:52
sgclarkmitya57: ok. will do thank you16:52
kdeuser56yofel, hi, does project neon have debug symbols for all packages?18:15
yofelany package should have a <pkg>-dbg as long as it has binaries18:15
kdeuser56ok thanks18:16
kdeuser56yofel: there are still packages for the kde 4 based stuff right?18:16
yofelnot really, there are for saucy, but for trusty it's rather broken18:16
kdeuser56thats bad ... then I have to compile the whole kdepim stack myself :-(18:17
sgclarkIs anyone else working on https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas-frameworks? I seem to be working on packages that are already being worked on again...18:17
* yofel isn't18:21
yofelkdeuser56: there's kdesrc build, which should make that rather easy18:21
yofelit's even in the archive18:21
kdeuser56yofel: yeah it is ... but it takes a long time18:21
EtriaphG'day folks.18:34
Etriaphovidiu-florin: I can't post a question in the support forums for Evolve unless the theme has been purchased.  I did send them an email using their contact form with the details of the scenario.18:35
apacheloggermh, aren't council elections supposed to be held in may btw?18:41
sgclarkAnyone available to review kcompletion and kjobwidgets in bzr?19:04
Riddellapachelogger: yep, we should discuss that at the meeting on monday19:19
Riddellsgclark: yep (probably)19:20
sgclarkRiddell: yep probably what? :)19:21
Riddellsgclark: probably can review19:21
sgclarkoh ok, great, ki18n will done here shortly as well19:21
Riddellsgclark: all the packages are in the PPA just most of them need fixes19:23
Riddellsgclark: I just did a mass upload to start which is also in bzr, but that's just adding a changelog19:24
Riddellso new paths, translations and other things need fixed19:24
sgclarkRiddell: right, I am grabbing them from PPA19:24
Riddellppa and bzr should be the same19:24
sgclarkand fixing. kcompletion was only one that had some changes done in bzr19:24
Riddelloh yes sorry I see I did half start that and then forgot about it :(19:26
sgclarkhehe it's ok19:27
Riddellsgclark: you removed the top of the changelog in kcompletion19:28
sgclarkRiddell: I did? was not intentional19:28
sgclarkRiddell: ki18n ready19:30
sgclarkThat is all the reds, want me to retry the dependency waits when these build?19:31
Riddellsgclark: yeah please19:31
sgclarkwill do!19:31
sgclarkI will list any I work on in the sheet , as you will be awake before me tomorrow :)19:32
Riddellsgclark: uploaded your three packages19:37
Riddellsgclark: I also committed my incomplete changes for kauth to bzr so you can complete that if you so wish19:37
sgclarkRiddell: will do19:42
Elv1313shadeslayer, apachelogger: Hi again, about my unusable e.u.c backtraces pronlem, I made a script that transform incomplete e.u.c backtraces into usable ones https://gist.github.com/Elv13/76aac9356171de13e352 It does a good enough job to solve most problems19:50
sgclarkRiddell: or anyone available kauth ready in bzr20:40
joseRiddell: we don't have pressed Kubuntu DVDs anymore, right?20:43
josekinda sad :(20:46
josesome guy asked for a Kubuntu DVD to be shipped (I ship DVDs in my country) and for any weird reason *all* my DVDs and burners decided to fail20:47
shadeslayerjose: though I guess you can order one from the Canonical store, maybe20:48
josethey don't sell kubuntu ones anymore :(20:48
shadeslayerhm, nope20:48
joseand the Ubuntu Desktop and Server ones I already got20:48
shadeslayerthey finally do have properly priced tshirts20:49
shadeslayeryeah, 10 GBP20:49
joseoh, but I'm sure shipping is 3x the price of the shirt20:49
* shadeslayer checks20:50
josehmm, shipping to Peru: 6.50 GBP for a tshirt20:51
joseExpedited, arriving in 1 week: 39.42 GBP20:51
shadeslayershipping within GB is 5 GBP20:51
joseExpress, arriving in 5 days: 120.32 GBP20:51
shadeslayershipping to Spain is 7-820:51
shadeslayerheh :P20:51
joseI think I'll choose... Express20:51
Riddellsgclark: kauth uploaded!21:14
sgclarkRiddell: or anyone available kservice is ready in bzr22:19

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