
ObsequiousNewtHow do I configure GTK applications to read from ~/.XCompose in Trusty?00:33
LogomachistI need to make a new account. Is there a way I can import the kmenu from one account to another? I've installed a lot of programs and moved program groups around  a good deal and I'd rather not have to add everything manually if I have a choice.00:56
LogomachistHold on, I think I might have just found what I'm looking for.01:09
ObsequiousNewtLogomachist: doesn't it already transfer?01:09
LogomachistObsequiousNewt: Apparently not... I just created the new account and it has the default menu01:10
ObsequiousNewtHuh. I thought it was shared; I couldn't find user-specific config. Gimme a few minutes...01:10
ObsequiousNewt__How do I configure GTK applications to read from ~/.XCompose in Trusty?01:42
valorieObsequiousNewt__: how about writing to the list?02:29
valorieyou've asked the same question multiple times, with no answer02:29
ObsequiousNewt__Good point02:30
ObsequiousNewt__Which list?02:30
valorieif not the list, kubuntuforum02:30
valoriekubuntu-users, I would think02:30
ObsequiousNewt__Never used it before...02:30
valorieeven Ubuntu Forums might have an answer, since they are gtk experts for the most part02:30
valorie!kubuntu-user list02:31
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TheFakeazneD525I just got a notification that said "a new version of kubuntu is avail"06:33
Tm_Tyes, 14.04 is out and if you are using 13.10 it should notify you of the possible upgrade06:35
lordievaderGood morning.06:38
valorieTheFakeazneD525: what version are you on now?06:42
TheFakeazneD525Blidin Edj06:42
TheFakeazneD525I installed it on the day after the release06:42
valorieyou might look at your repositories06:43
valorieperhaps you have an experiemental or so?06:43
TheFakeazneD525Not as far as I know06:43
valoriethere were new linux headers out today06:44
TheFakeazneD525ah, so thats what it meant06:44
valoriebut i wouldn't call that a "new version of kubuntu"06:44
TheFakeazneD525ya, I got the headers06:44
TheFakeazneD525valorie: well the notifier said new version :o06:44
valoriesounds like a buglet06:45
TheFakeazneD525but I guess it was only the headers06:45
TheFakeazneD525ah, headers installed06:45
TheFakeazneD525brb reboot06:45
excognachi all, I'm on  12.04, whenever I try to sudo apt-get install update && sudo apt-get upgrade then I get E: Unable to locate package update07:03
excognacwhy is that? If I use the graphical interface, it updates. why I cannot do it anymore from commandline?07:04
lordievaderexcognac: Because you are trying to install the package update (and that does not exist), you want "sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get upgrade".07:07
excognacoh lol sorry, no need for "install"07:07
excognacbtw anybody tried to release upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04? As there are 3 releases inbetween, isn't just easier to reinstall?07:09
lordievaderWhen 14.04.1 becomes available you can jump from Precise in one go.07:10
excognacoh, that will be great thanks bro07:12
darokthar@excognac the way you are using it apt-get is trying to install a package called update. But you would like apt-get to update it's package list.07:26
excognacdarokthar: ty07:26
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huynh /server irc.rizon.net08:39
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StarGazerGot somewhat of a problem09:30
lordievader!ask | StarGazer09:32
ubottuStarGazer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:32
StarGazerI just upgraded to trusty, however muon says linux-signed-image-generic is upgrade able. When I try it says- "The "linux-signed-image-generic" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade: Depends: linux-signed-image-generic, but it is not installable"09:33
lordievader!info linux-signed-image-generic09:41
ubottuPackage linux-signed-image-generic does not exist in trusty09:41
lordievader^ that may be your problem.09:41
StarGazerthen ahy muon says there is an upgrade? (from V to ?09:44
lordievaderI'd say install linux-image-generic and remove linug-signed-image-generic09:45
StarGazerlinux-image-generic is already installed.... i'll try to remove linux-signed-image-generic09:47
StarGazerseems ok... Thanks!09:48
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BluesKaj'Morning folks10:06
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chachanBluesKaj: o/10:34
BluesKajHi chachan10:35
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MmikeHello. How can I make konsole always open with the same geometery, and not to 'mimic' the last resized one?11:24
lordievaderMmike: Right click window border -> More Actions -> Special Application Settings -> Size & Position tab.11:25
Mmikelordievader, I don't have anything selected/enabled there11:26
lordievaderMmike: No, but you can apply an initial size.11:27
MmikeThis is something that has changed recently? That is, I only observed this after upgrade to 14.0411:27
lordievaderDon't know, I think I applied a rule once one my konsole.11:28
Mmikelordievader, thnx11:33
Mmikelordievader, configured it trough that menu, seems satisfactory :)11:33
lolmausCan i find a hotkey by keyboard combination?11:42
lolmausRather than by what it triggers11:42
lolmausOh, the search field accept keyboard combinations as text11:44
dcorbinHow can I see the output from the entire boot process?  I have an init script that doesn't seem to be start (or at least starting correctly)12:22
Avihaydcorbin: dmesg?12:36
dcorbinAvihay, dmesg doesn't have the init.d output.12:36
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daumhey guys - skype keeps making feedback(just when it is running, not even a call) so I get a low humming noise through my speakers when it is running.  Any ideas on how to fix that?13:20
nenenhey I used Fedora KDE before and when I had laptop hooked on external monitor and closed lid it didn't go to sleep but outputted signal to external monitor how can I do that in Kubuntu 14.04?13:20
BluesKajdaum, turn your mic boost down if it's enabled in alsamixer13:20
daumBluesKaj, its not enabled13:21
daumi also disabled skype from modifying the sound levels13:21
daumit says it's using pulseaudio13:21
nenenalso krunner isn't searching for files but dolphin does13:25
BluesKajdaum, unless you need simultaneous sound sources and you have intel hda audio , then pulseaudio isn't really needed, but I'm not sure if skype requires pulse. I guess you'll have to experiment with different audio setups to find out what seems to be a ground loop in your audio sources.13:26
daumBluesKaj, the issue is it doesn't have any other options for me to pick from?13:26
daumBluesKaj, PulseAudio Server(local) is all that it lists?13:26
nenenback to Fedora, buntus still don't work13:27
BluesKajdaum, pavucontrol is a gui for pulse, you might try that for setting your sources13:27
daumBluesKaj, ok trying!13:28
BluesKajok, BBL, stuff to do for a few mins13:35
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BluesKajy4ns, hey14:39
y4nsI had problem with sound in my kubuntu 14.1014:50
y4nssorry 14.0414:50
y4nsSound is not clean enough14:52
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BluesKajy4ns, open alsamixer and turn the volume down to see if that cleans it up14:59
BluesKajy4ns, is this a desktop or laptop?15:00
y4nsnetbook, Nokia Booklet 3G15:00
y4nsi had sound, but its not clear enough. Hard to explain what happend exacly. Sound go than stop then play.15:01
BluesKajnetbooks aren't exactly hifi15:03
BluesKajdinky speakers=dinky sound15:04
BluesKajeven with headphones15:04
y4nsBuil in Audio Analog Stereo15:05
y4nsShould i try to install another drivers for it?15:05
BluesKajy4ns, don't think that will help15:06
y4nsDamn i cannot listen music on it.15:07
BluesKajtry connecting a desktop speaker system15:07
BluesKajdo you have any audio right now>15:07
y4nsI had sound but its stop every single second and then play. So 1 sec sound 1 sec nothing over and over.15:09
y4nsSo i hear something but not correctly15:09
y4nsLike scratch15:09
BluesKajy4ns, which player15:09
y4nsEvery single sound, from system sounds, yt, amarok.15:10
y4nsI think drivers are not correct. By sound card settings i see built-in Audio15:11
y4nsAnd i had realtek sound card on it.15:11
BluesKajwhat does the audio chip in alsamixer show in the upper left15:13
y4nsHDA Intel MID15:13
y4nsals Card:15:14
y4nsChip: Silicon Image SiI1392 HDMI15:14
BluesKajy4ns,  sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel then reboot15:16
y4nsThis is how its look like15:16
BluesKajy4ns, disable the auto-mute15:17
y4nsOk... Ammm... how?15:18
y4nsSorry this is my second day with kubuntu15:19
BluesKajuse the arrow keys to navigate < > then the up down to change the setting15:20
hyper_chI just noticed something weird: since when does Kubuntu mount USB sticks under /media/USER/xxxxxx ?15:20
y4nsBluesKaj: You the best15:20
y4nsI disable it but still same.15:21
BluesKajy4ns, turn your speaker volume up in alsamixer15:22
y4nsim on headphones right now.15:22
y4nsNo diffrence.15:22
BluesKajhyper_ch, that the default, it should appear in dolphin "devices"15:23
BluesKajy4ns,  likeI posted above, in the terminal, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , then reboot15:24
y4nsBluesKaj: ok15:25
y4nsBluesKaj: after reboot nothing happend15:30
y4nsStill same15:30
y4nsCreepy sound15:30
BluesKajtry a different player like vlc15:30
y4nsBut i try to play clip on yt15:31
y4nsAnd also when i make test sound i system settings its same15:32
BluesKajy4ns, F6 on alsamixer and try a different soundcard option if available15:36
y4nsNot available, only this one.15:36
modernwhats the name of the network editor app in kde15:45
BluesKajy4ns, install pavucontrol it might help15:46
BluesKajmodern, the gui or the texteditor?15:47
modernThe gui15:47
modernetc/network/interfaces and there is a text file to edit but it doesn't appear to work15:48
modernbut I know there is a gui front end for making these changes15:49
y4nsStill same after pavucontrol install.15:50
y4nsBut i found this article15:50
y4nsBut is in german :/15:50
TheFakeazneD525How does one patch KDE2 under freebsd15:51
modernHow does one patch KDE2 under freebsd   <---- huh....15:53
ScuniziI just tried joining #ubuntu and it says "I must be invited".. what's up with that?15:54
TheFakeazneD525same here15:54
yossarianuksame here15:54
yossarianuknever mind kubuntu is better...15:54
TheFakeazneD525Scunizi: we mainly deal with Kubuntu, but we can try to help with mainline Ubu problems15:54
TheFakeazneD525yossarianuk: indeed ;D15:54
BluesKajmodern, for /etc/network/interfaces to work you need to use a static IP and remove network manager like so: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/15:56
ScuniziTheFakeazneD525: I'm aware.. and I run Kubuntu :) .. my question is a cli question anyway, not desktop specific.. I'm trying to create a txt file of directory names and the subdirectory names that are underlying. No file names.15:56
modernBluesKaj:  thanks15:56
BluesKaj!sound | y4ns15:57
ubottuy4ns: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:57
sepherhi all15:59
sepheri have a question/problem regarding kubuntu interface configuration...anyone want to give it a go...  when i right click in dolphin, kubuntu seems dang slow to bring up the menu dialog box....debian is faster and windows lag-in-a-bag interface is why i left it16:02
sepheranyone know how to fix this/  i already disabled most animations...didn't help16:03
TheFakeazneD525BluesKaj: say, do you know what would be interesting? A apt addon that got source directly from the git/svn repos, compiled and compiled it in order of dependancies16:08
TheFakeazneD525It would be highly impractical, and create the most unstable system in existance16:10
TheFakeazneD525but, ubuntu could claim most bleeding edge16:10
BluesKajas another repos that would be cool, TheFakeazneD525, not having to clone and compile etc16:11
lordievaderTheFakeazneD525: Bleeding edge, but completely unusable :(16:11
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BluesKajwell , 14.10 seems ok so far altho there aren't a whole lot of package changes just yet.16:14
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TheFakeazneD525:o you're testing UU?16:15
TheFakeazneD525BluesKaj: does it have unicorns?16:15
BluesKajTheFakeazneD525, haven't spotted a one "_)16:16
larkкто знает как в hexchat по клику на ник пастить его в едитбокс набора сообщения?16:20
BluesKaj!ru | lark16:21
ubottulark: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:21
larkTheFakeazneD525, i saw you at #anime16:22
larkubottu, thx16:22
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:22
larkyeah yeah16:22
rberg_TheFakeazneD525: if you like compiling bleeding edge git, you will love Gentoo16:37
TheFakeazneD525Gentoo "Nothing too unstable for the main branch :^)"16:38
rberg_thats a problem that can be solved with more cflags! :)16:39
lordievaderTheFakeazneD525: Gentoo is rather stable actually ;)16:40
BluesKajTheFakeazneD525, rberg_ , I'm too lazy for gentoo, too much work for such little reward :)16:40
BluesKajsame with arch16:41
rberg_I inherited a huge gentoo install base :(16:42
BluesKajdon't think I'm capable of installing gentoo anyway, tried a few times and couldn't get anywhere...I'll admit that16:45
rberg_its not too bad if you have a weekend to throw at it :)16:46
BluesKajI'd give up in frustration , I have too many other things going on weekends16:46
TheFakeazneD525apparently, glibc is an optional package16:47
rberg_only if you expect to run anything written in c I suppose16:47
wohnpchi! I have a nvidia card, there used to be a menu item in kubuntu which allowed installing the nvidia drivers with "additional drivers"", I don't see that menu item now....17:01
wohnpcalso the resolution is really low, it is no higher then 1024x768, even though the card can do full hd17:01
wohnpcwhat is the problem?17:01
TheFakeazneD525wohnpc: monitor is also 1080p, right?17:02
TheFakeazneD525just checking17:02
qdataa driver manager replacement  was moved into  systemsettings, look for it and the Monitor setup called KScreen (also in systemsettings)17:03
wohnpcI am in driver management now, but it is just a gray screen17:04
wohnpcno options are offered17:04
wohnpcalso in the repository, no nvdia drivers appear, I went to the nvidia website, they say you have to turn off the graphics and be in a shell... well if I do ctrl-alt-f1, I just get a black screen17:05
wohnpcthis sux17:06
TheFakeazneD525wohnpc: it should be a logon shell17:07
TheFakeazneD525oh wait17:07
TheFakeazneD525wohnpc: do you have kubuntu-restricted-extras enabled17:07
BluesKajwohnpc, which nvidia card ?17:08
wohnpcgtx 74517:09
wohnpcyeah, but there is no logon shell17:09
TheFakeazneD525wohnpc: ctrl+alt+f2-617:09
wohnpcalso, why is the screen resolution so low?17:10
TheFakeazneD525try those17:10
wohnpcsame thing17:10
TheFakeazneD525wohnpc: driver error17:10
TheFakeazneD525the nouveau drivers suck, no matter wat17:10
TheFakeazneD525hmm, wohnpc here17:10
TheFakeazneD525have you downloaded the driver from the site?17:10
wohnpcyeah, but I cannot install it because I can't get to s a shell...17:10
rberg_you may need to boot with nomodeset to get a real console17:10
wohnpca shell17:10
TheFakeazneD525wohnpc: alright17:10
wohnpcI tried booting, but there are no boot options.. how do I boot into a prompt?17:11
TheFakeazneD525reboot, go into advanced options for kubuntu/ubuntu (whichever is applicable), and go into recovery mode17:11
TheFakeazneD525then, when the menu appears17:11
wohnpcit boots straight into the login screen!17:11
TheFakeazneD525wohnpc: edit grub.cfg17:12
TheFakeazneD525locate grub.cfg in konsole17:12
TheFakeazneD525kdesudo kate17:12
wohnpcokay, so I opened it17:13
TheFakeazneD525wohnpc: as sudo?17:13
wohnpcisn't there an escape key ?17:13
lordievaderTheFakeazneD525: That is not the file you want to edit, you want /etc/grub.d/* or /etc/default/grub17:13
wohnpcwhy did they remove the "safe mode" option?=17:13
wohnpcit says "do not edit this file"17:14
TheFakeazneD525wohnpc: ignore that17:14
TheFakeazneD525ctr+f, timeout17:14
TheFakeazneD525and set that to something large17:14
wohnpcit's -1 now17:15
wohnpcso I set it to 2017:15
TheFakeazneD525now save it17:15
TheFakeazneD525and then as sudo17:15
lordievaderwohnpc, TheFakeazneD525: You want /etc/default/grub for the time out. /boot/grub/grub.cfg is generated by update-grub2 so edits will be lost with the next update of the kernel.17:15
TheFakeazneD525run update-grub17:15
TheFakeazneD525also, apt-get install dkms17:15
wohnpcokay, so I rebootz17:16
wohnpcwhat is dkms17:16
TheFakeazneD525kernel module thingy17:16
tsimpsonupdate-grub will undo any changes you made in that file17:16
lordievaderI was trying to tell them that...17:17
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wohnpctrue... it is at -1 again17:17
TheFakeazneD525er, I was mistaken, edit the one in etc17:17
wohnpcbut why isn't there a more simple way to start in recovery mode??!?17:17
wohnpcI'd almost go back to windows 8.1 again, which was on the pc when I bought it yesterday!17:18
lordievaderwohnpc: Oh is that all, hold shift while booting.17:18
lordievaderThat'll drop you to the grub menu.17:18
TheFakeazneD525oh wow, I didn't know that17:18
wohnpcwhat  were you trying to accomplish17:18
BluesKajwohnpc, then after all that sudo apt-get install nvidia-33117:18
TheFakeazneD525or if you want to install the more recent driver from teh site17:19
TheFakeazneD525fsck, then select root17:19
wohnpcwhy doesn't that appear in muon when I search for it?17:19
TheFakeazneD525after that, navigate to where you stored the driver17:19
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wohnpcah probably because the package manager is not even installed after a fresh install....17:21
wohnpctoo bad I couldn't get mint to run.... probably also because the nvidia drviers were not installed standard17:21
wohnpcshouldn't I install nvidia current??!17:22
TheFakeazneD525wohnpc: yes17:23
BluesKajnouveau isn't so bad, at least it worked ok on 13.10 on my older desktop with 8400gs card17:23
wohnpcwhy 331 and not nvidia current?17:23
BluesKajwohnpc, with yopur card the 331 driver is most likely the current driver anyway17:24
dodgernvidia-current is just a metapackage that installs the most current version of the driver17:24
wohnpcso I install nvidia current now17:25
wohnpchmmm.... it is choosing nvidia 304 here17:26
BluesKajwohnpc, which kubuntu version/17:26
BluesKajwhich OS ?17:26
dodgeri'm on trusty and the latest i have in the repos is 31117:27
dodger310, sorry17:27
wohnpckubuntu 14.0417:27
BluesKajodd that 304 is the current driver for that card17:27
wohnpcon the nvidia website there is a brand new one.. but I try this one17:28
wohnpcso how do I activate it now?17:28
wohnpcin the driver manager. still there is nothing..17:28
BluesKajbest to try the recommended17:28
BluesKajinstall nvidia-current17:29
wohnpcjust did17:29
wohnpcnothing changed17:29
BluesKajok , gotta go run some errands , BBL17:29
dodgeryou may have to reboot before it shows up in the driver manager, but not sure17:30
wohnpcor do I have to start the driver manager with root privileges=17:31
wohnpcbut how?17:31
wohnpcI also install the current-update packages now17:31
lordievaderHave you restarted after installing the driver?17:31
wohnpcthis is a nightmare17:31
lordievaderCan you pastebin the output of "lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA"?17:32
wohnpcno such pci acces method#17:32
wohnpcor sudo?17:32
wohnpcno such pci acces method17:33
lordievaderHmm, you shouldn't need root for that.17:33
wohnpcI am going to restart again17:33
wohnpcI still don't understand why standard resolution is only 1024x76817:34
dodgerwohnpc: is this on a new computer or one you just upgraded?17:35
lordievaderDoes "lspci -k" give you anything?17:35
wohnpcvga compatible controller nvidia corp gm107 geforce gtx 745 rev a217:36
lordievaderCan you pastebin that, please.17:36
wohnpchow do I pastebin17:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:37
lordievaderNo driver is loaded.17:38
wohnpcwell.... yeah... that is my problem17:38
lordievaderThat is the reason for the low resolution.17:38
wohnpcyes, but why doesnt't the driver manager allow me to install the drivers I downloaded.. in kubuntu 12.04 you could just go there and click there to activate them17:40
wohnpcI am now going to try the shift on bootup thing and intstall with the script from the nvidia website17:40
wohnpcif that does not work I will revert to windows 8.1 and try to live with it17:41
lordievaderwohnpc: Disable whatever driver you have now first.17:41
wohnpccan you imagine.. 8.117:41
wohnpcthe shift on bootup does not give me a prommpot17:42
wohnpcthe shift on bootup does not give me a prompt17:42
lordievaderRemove/purge the nvidia packages.17:43
lordievaderBecause they may conflict with a manual install. (Something gave me the idea you where going to try that)17:43
wohnpcwell... I just told you...17:43
wohnpcone moment17:44
wohnpcyou will not believe this17:44
wohnpcI just switched from hdmi to DVI and all of a sudden the resolution is very high now!!17:44
lordievaderCheck the driver17:45
lordievaderIs it 'nvidia'?17:45
wohnpcstill the same17:46
wohnpcprobably the hdmi port is not supported by the standard driver17:46
y4nsOk, ill try to install realtek drivers, and for sure i destroy my system again.17:47
wohnpcI am not going to edit x.org files to tell it to use the nvidia driver....17:47
y4nsWish me luck17:47
wohnpcI wish you luck17:47
dodgerit's very weird that it won't load the nvidia driver17:47
lordievaderwohnpc: Just wondering, what happens when you try to modprobe it?17:47
wohnpchow do I do that17:49
dodgertry sudo modprobe nvidia17:52
dodgeryou can press tab after typing nvidia to expand to an available kernel module17:52
wohnpcI am doing the manual install now... to see how that goes17:55
wohnpcwhen that does not work... I see no possibilities anymore... but to revert to windows 8.1... at least I get dual mointor support there!!!17:56
lordievaderNouveau doesn't support that?17:57
dodgeris it possible that the driver from the repos doesn't support that card?17:59
wohnpcallright.. so now the driver is installed....17:59
wohnpckubuntu is supposed to do this though!!!17:59
wohnpcthis is medieval....18:00
wohnpcso now I try the hdmi again.. one moment.. will probably fail!18:00
wohnpcholy shit!!!!!18:02
wohnpcI can not believe this!!!!18:02
wohnpcwithout further fiddling and tweaking I now have dual monitor support in Kubuntu!!!!18:03
dodgerthat's the way it's supposed to be :)18:03
dodgerso that means18:03
dodgerthat the driver from the repositories doesn't support your card yet18:03
wohnpcwell.. thanks to the closed source coders of nvidia that is.. not thanks to ubuntu18:03
wohnpcwell.... what takes them so  long... they have been out for weeks...18:03
y4nsAnother happy soul18:04
y4nsBut im condemned with my sound card18:04
dodgery4ns: what kind of sound card?18:04
y4nsRealtet alc26918:05
y4nsIll try to install drivers right now.18:05
y4nsLet's see what happens18:05
windows8allright.. so now I am on the new box18:06
windows8guys.. it's me wohnpc18:06
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lordievadery4ns: Does the card show up under aplay -l?18:07
windows9still I would like to get mint to work on my box....18:07
lordievaderwindows9: Join #mint for that ;)18:07
windows9too bad I wouldn't start.. it would keep hanging up... except when I used this "compatibility mode" during bootup, but then after install it would hang again...18:07
windows9that channel is almost empty18:08
y4nslordievader: I install kubuntu yesterday. I have a sound but its interrupts when i play something.18:08
y4nsNo diffrence website music, mp3 from amarok, system sounds.18:08
y4nsmovies etc.18:09
y4nsSystem display i had something like in built analog stereo output18:09
lordievaderwindows9: Ah right it was #linuxmint, sorry.18:09
lordievadery4ns: Sounds more like pulse/alsa that is faulty.18:09
y4nsSo no ill try to install realtek HDaudio-5.1818:10
lordievadery4ns: What does your setup look like?18:10
y4nslordievader: What do You mean?18:10
y4nsIts fresh kubuntu install.18:10
lordievaderWhat is connected to your soundcard and how?18:10
y4nsnothing, its netbook18:11
y4nsNokia Booklet 3G18:11
y4nsI had also HDMI port on it.18:11
y4nsMaybe thats a problem.18:11
=== mydogsnameisrudy is now known as monkeyjuice
lordievaderCompiling your own kernels is not supported by Ubuntu.18:15
y4nsSo how should i install it?18:16
windows9thanks guys18:16
windows9or are there girls here too?18:17
lordievadery4ns: Can I see the output of "lspci -k|grep -A2 Audio"? (Pastebin)18:17
windows9cause when there are.. I wanna know18:17
y4nslordievader: http://pho.to/5WlJw18:18
lordievaderThat's fine, no need to recompile the kernel.18:19
y4nsBut sound now work correctly18:19
lordievaderI would start playing with the pulseaudio config.18:19
y4nslordievader: ?18:20
lordievadery4ns: /etc/pulseaudio/* (mainly daemon.conf)18:21
bonk3rzzanyone in a helping mood?????18:23
lordievader!ask | bonk3rzz18:23
ubottubonk3rzz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:23
bonk3rzzhow do i get FFmpeg working with kubuntu 14.04 i tried the normal apt-get install and everything that uses it crashes any ideas checked the google but It seems to a common prob but can seem to find a easy answer and im still i little noobish18:28
y4nsI hate it18:28
lordievaderbonk3rzz: Does it get an error?18:29
bonk3rzznot that is see18:29
bonk3rzznot that i see18:29
y4nsfuck kubuntu18:33
lordievadery4ns: Watch your language.18:33
alkety4ns: what happened ?18:33
windows9ffmpeg is obsolte in ubuntu.. it is now called avconv...18:33
y4nsThats the point nothing18:33
bonk3rzzthen why are you in the kubuntu channel???18:33
y4nsIll try all methods18:33
y4nsAnd i still have this stupid creepy sound.18:34
y4nsSuch a stupid system18:34
bonk3rzzok so is avcov work in all the progs that used to use ffmpeg18:35
windows9use handbrake as a gui! it has its own repositories! just used it today.. absolutely great!!!18:35
windows9what do you want to use?18:35
windows9ffmpeg is there still as a dummy package to provide compatibility18:36
windows9do you want to convert videos?18:36
windows9question: why is there no dolphin widget in the panel widgets in kubuntu ? in mint there is!18:36
windows9then go here:18:36
bonk3rzzi used to use handbrake long ago but found other to be better18:38
bonk3rzzi give it a shot maybe things have changed18:38
bonk3rzzwhat verison??18:39
y4nsFUCK KUBUNTU!18:41
lordievaderThanks Pici.18:42
windows9then what do you use bonk3rzz18:43
bonk3rzzformat junkie, than maybe winff,18:44
windows9winff has al kind of weird options...18:44
bonk3rzzi said maybe18:44
bonk3rzzhummm handbrakes ppa failed... gay18:45
BluesKajbonk3rzz, what's the video file xtn ? maybe vlc or mplayer2 will play it.18:45
windows9it does not fail... I had some trouble too...18:45
windows9but I got it to work18:45
bonk3rzzmkv streaming to everything18:45
windows9just add it to your repositories... and restart your package manager...18:45
bonk3rzzi did this.... sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases18:46
BluesKajbonk3rzz, and which player are you using ?18:47
bonk3rzzW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/stebbins/handbrake-releases/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found18:47
bonk3rzzW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/stebbins/handbrake-releases/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found18:47
bonk3rzzE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.18:47
BluesKajbonk3rzz, also make sure you have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed18:48
windows9I got that too.. but then I got it to work.. fiddle with it18:48
* BluesKaj shrugs, ok bonk3rzz , nevermind ...good luck18:50
bonk3rzzxbox360 (i know its crap) chromecast (still trying messing with it) tablets (mxplayer and bsplayer they work just a little slow of buffing sometimes) that said i can get most for this working in windows but im trying to never use windows again18:50
bonk3rzzyes kubuntu-restricted-extras installed18:52
bonk3rzzok after some "tweaking" handbrake installed open grabed file to convert and it crashed ideas???19:04
windows9and you are using mint?19:05
bonk3rzzkubuntu 14.0419:05
windows9that might be the problem.. I used mint today.. and I had the impression mint is just much smoother...19:07
windows9have you just tried it again=19:07
windows9maybe it was a one-off thing19:07
windows9you could also just use avconv -i inputfile -acodec copy -vcodec copy outputfile19:08
windows9you could also just use avconv -i inputfile -acodec -b bitrate outputfile.mp419:08
windows9something like that19:08
bonk3rzzis there a way to send a screenshot19:09
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:09
windows9hmm seems to have segfaulted.... that sucks..19:11
bonk3rzzlol ahhh ya how to fix????19:12
windows9just try again!19:12
bonk3rzzi did19:12
windows9it crashed again?19:12
windows9what kind of files are you converting?19:12
windows9sory.. have to reboot now19:13
bonk3rzzand again and again... MKV19:13
windows9one moment19:13
alkethow to play midi in amarok19:21
lordievaderalket: This might help you: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=116&t=9841919:22
y4nsGod... why you hate me so...19:25
arthurfiggishello :) i've been trying to figure this one out for a while in 14.04...is there any actual option available to turn baloo/file indexing off completely? it's made kubuntu completely unusable on my system...baloo will start up, swiftly take up all 8GB of RAM within about a minute, the recently-added OOM killer kills the process...which starts up again, ad nauseam :(19:30
alketlordievader: didn't work :s19:31
Chaserarthurfiggis: I couldn't find a way to disable baloo, I added my home directory to list of directories to exclude and baloo calmed down.19:32
arthurfiggisChaser: that's...a good workaround for sure :) on the other hand i can't help but feel like baloo and its ilk are an answer to a problem that nobody ever had to begin with...kubuntu used to be my favourite distro but the file indexing nonsense is getting out of hand :( thanks for the suggestion though, i'll try it and see if it stops crashing on me19:34
=== amingv_ is now known as amingv
windows9bonk3rzz: what ppa did you choose for the handbrake ppa?19:42
windows9because 14.04 is not supported yet, obviously...19:42
bonk3rzzhttp://imagebin.org/309411 <----- different crash19:44
windows9let me try to convert too19:46
windows9one moment19:46
lordievaderNo Saucy available either?19:46
bonk3rzzwho me????? IDK19:47
bonk3rzzoh ppa one sec19:48
lordievaderYeah, just checked Raring is newest indeed.19:49
arthurfiggislordievader: yep...i had to build it from source to get it up and running, and even then it was a bit of a pain...wound up using vlc to do conversions instead :)19:50
bonk3rzzall im looking for is a way to trascode on the fly (would be ideal) or convert to a format that the xbox 360 likes and or chromecast19:53
arthurfiggisbonk3rzz: well, you can use vlc to convert a file to MP4 format (you'd want the video codec to be h-264 and the audio codec to be aac for it to work on the 360)19:55
wohnpclike I said before, just do avconv -I inputfile -acodec copy -vcodec copy outputfile.mp419:56
wohnpcthat is it!!!19:56
wohnpcor -i19:58
wohnpcallright.. here it goes.. I will try to convert something now19:58
bonk3rzzthat uses ffmpeg i think i tryed that was the reason i was here in the first place but it seems 14.04 hate ffmpeg.... i will give it a shot but i have like 5 videos a day in mkv and i dont really what to miss in the terminal all the time i do still like GUIs19:58
windows9what is mkv?19:59
windows9I can't believe ffmpeg will not work in kubuntu...19:59
windows9have you tried installing additional ffmpeg packages? maybe it needs some additional packages...19:59
bonk3rzzits a container for HD video20:00
windows9well that is ideal for avconv... that does not take any time20:01
bonk3rzzso far i have a list of progs that crash... AAAHHH20:02
windows9so it is converting here...20:02
windows9no crash yet20:02
bonk3rzzyour on mint rigth20:02
windows9no, kubuntu 14.0420:02
windows9mint would not install here....20:03
windows9how old is your kubuntu install?20:03
windows9did you fiddle around with it?20:03
bonk3rzz3 days20:03
windows9did you add both of the ppa lines?20:03
windows9to your repository?20:03
bonk3rzzi had to have screwed something up20:03
windows9you have to add deb ppa etc... then tary main20:04
windows9and the same thing for the src20:04
windows9tary or whatever it's called...20:05
arthurfiggisbonk3rzz: i'll...just throw this out here again...if you can install vlc, that will convert pretty much anything to pretty much anything, including the format that will play on the 360, with a point and click interface :) just in case handbrake doesn't pan out20:05
bonk3rzzidk like i said i did....  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases20:06
lordievaderwindows9: Trusty ;)20:06
bonk3rzzapt-get update20:06
bonk3rzzi will try vlc one sec20:07
lordievaderBut that ppa doesn't have versions for Trusty (doubt they will come).20:07
windows9if that crashes too, you definitely have a problem!20:07
windows9it does!20:07
windows9sorry raring20:08
windows9it does not20:08
bonk3rzzok so.... what is newest and stable20:08
arthurfiggiswindows9: yeah, i think the ppa's packages are out of date, so building handbrake from source was the only way i could get it going in 14.04...at that point i just looked up the options for converting stuff to ps3/ps4 format in vlc and it worked fine :)20:09
bonk3rzzvlc doesnt crash but is does nothing20:09
bonk3rzzits converting but now i have to wait 42mibs20:10
windows9or do you have a very slow computer?20:11
windows9that might be the problem20:11
bonk3rzzold plie20:11
windows9buy a new one20:11
bonk3rzzill get right on that20:12
windows9funny... in handbrake I cannot select .mp4 now, only .mkv.... that sux.. I did not have this in mint20:13
bonk3rzzall my files are in mk420:14
bonk3rzzall my files are in mkv i mean20:14
windows9I want to be able to convert to mp420:15
windows9mkv is unknown to most devices20:15
bonk3rzzwalcome to the future20:16
windows9well I don't regret deleting windows 8.1 today.. that was a nightmare....20:18
windows9they put an app like window behind the startbutton... and then you can't swipe your monitor, instead there is a tiny arrow on the bottom right, with which to scroll.... line by line....20:18
bonk3rzzya well windows sux i hate 8.. 7 is ok and now the netflix work in linux im not going back.... btw this old pos in question is a wopping 2ghz core 2 duo with 4 gb of ram and 9tb of data (got to have your priorities) and a radion 6450 ya she was pretty baller back in the day20:23
windows9that is about the same setup I have on my old box20:24
windows9except for the 9 tb of data... do you download movies a lot?20:25
bonk3rzzno TV20:25
bonk3rzzand movies too but mostly tv (and all on tho places you download movies form legally) i swear20:26
bonk3rzzi think i might just wipe it is see if i can get it right this time20:27
bonk3rzzpretty sure my probs started with the whole dling every ffmpeg in every different way i could find to make format junkie work ( and yet it still doest work)20:29
windows9I don't get why I can't convert to mp4 anymore in handbrake... this sux20:30
bonk3rzzTRY format junkie20:30
windows9I am not going to try that.. I know that handbrake works just fine20:30
windows9it has to be a library issue20:30
bonk3rzzwerid the handbrake i installed has mp4 listed20:31
windows9this sux...20:31
windows9I just don't get it.. and you have kubuntu 14.04 too?20:32
Whencould someone direct me to some documentation as how I would configure a kubuntu workstation to authenticate users either local account or with active directory?20:36
=== When is now known as correct
voltyhi, after an upgrade I akonadi does not start. Anybody with similar experience? Suggestions?20:49
correctHow do Install centrifydc on kubuntu trustyÉ21:16
correctthe package list doesn't have it21:16
windows9may through a ppa?21:16
correctwhat ppa?21:16
correctI have searched21:16
correctwindows9, there does not appear to be a trusty release21:18
correctwindows9, do you know if I cna use something other than trusty..  like say quantal?21:19
windows9you can try...21:20
windows9I used a 13.x release and am using 14.0421:20
windows9it works...21:20
windows9holy cow...21:21
LZeroHello, I've got a question if anyone can help. During the 13.10->14.04 upgrade, the updated crashed and advised me I could be left with an unusable OS. After the reboot, almost everything *seems* to be in working order. The only thing that i've noticed is that with the latest kernels, such as the 3.13 that's default with 14.04, the cpu scaling doesn't work anymore. Could it be a kernel related problem or a packages one?21:21
windows9just checked a ppa 5 minutes ago and they just released the 14.04 release!21:21
correctwindows9, where do you check that?21:24
windows9launchpad has some ppa.....21:24
windows9deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/stebbins/handbrake-snapshots/ubuntu trusty main21:24
windows9for instance21:24
windows9i just google21:24
lordievaderLZero: What does "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors" say?21:26
LZeronow i reverted back to the old kernel which I was using before the update, and with this one the scaling is working. Cat replies: conservative ondemand userspace powersave performance21:27
lordievaderLZero: And what does the 3.13 kernel say ;)21:29
LZeroI'll reboot and check :D21:29
LZerothanks for the tip21:29
bonk3rzzwait wait i just checked to now there is a thirsty21:41
bonk3rzzwindow9 can i steal a copy of your current sources.list21:55
PhoenixzSo now that I have 14.04, every so often my wifi suddenly disconnects and won't reconnect anymore, unless I reboot. I found that if I remove the wifi driver  rmmod rtl8192se then modprobe rtl8192se all works fine again. Is this a known bug?21:55
gui_hello everybody22:06
TheFakeazneD525gui_: what toolkit?22:07
TheFakeazneD525cuz you're gui_22:08
gui_i dont understand22:09
TheFakeazneD525GUI = Graphical User Interface22:09
TheFakeazneD525usually someone uses a toolkit to make one22:10
TheFakeazneD525like qt or gtk22:10
gui_can you tell me about something?22:15
TheFakeazneD525gui_: please do not DCC me, I'm busy at the moment22:18
TheFakeazneD525if you have a question, ask someone else22:19
=== TheFakeazneD525 is now known as JheJakeazneJ525J
=== JheJakeazneJ525J is now known as TheFakeazneD525
=== Blubberbop is now known as phoenixz
rocco how i change a kde theme name* i use helium and kicker shows HELIUM, i want kubuntu* thanks23:51
rocco how i change a kde theme name* i use helium and kicker shows HELIUM, i want kubuntu* thanks23:53

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