
DenBeireni'll be looking into it tomorrow with a fresh mind,.. 02:00 here atm00:07
sarnoldDenBeiren: not a bad idea. good luck. :)00:07
hehesarnold: I missed some server blocks00:24
hehenow works00:24
sarnoldhehe: excellent :)00:27
heheits like a girl00:29
heheonce put 100% in it00:29
heheoften yields00:29
hehelisten to men to become hero and women will love you00:31
heheomg so simple :D00:31
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rostamHI is there a support for systemTap on ubuntu? thx04:43
freeflyingrostam: Depends on what do you mean by support04:43
rostamfreeflying,  debian package to start with.04:44
freeflyingrostam: Then yes04:44
rostamfreeflying,  thx04:44
freeflyingrostam: There also are articles on wiki you may refer to04:45
rostamfreeflying, thank you.04:45
lordievaderGood morning.06:38
dodgerbluehello, I have a question about timers on 12.04 - I can't seem to get the high resolution timers working07:08
dodgerblueI enabled CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS in the kernel, yet /proc/timer_list displays 3 clocks for each of the 4 cpus, each clock having 4000000 nsecs freq07:09
dodgerblueI am running on an Intel i507:09
dodgerbluegrepping dmesg for "/dev/rtc" or "high resolution" yields nothing07:10
dodgerblueany suggestion of related things I could look at, or how I can debug this is very much appreciated, thanks!07:12
=== InFierno is now known as InFierno|AFK
* [gnubie] waves08:48
[gnubie][OT] any recommended enterprise SSD that is fully supported by smartmontools? thanks.08:49
ServerSageHey folks, a few hours ago I ran 'sudo do-release-upgrade' and things were flying along.  About 10 minutes ago it go to the mdadm stuff and has hung on "Found kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin".  The load is 0, no CPU is being used, and there is no drive IO.  What does one do when this happens?  This is going from 13.10 to 14.04.09:22
xnoxServerSage: known bug, fixed in trusty-proposed. You are using grub1 still?09:27
ServerSagexnox: It would appear so.  I'm looking at the grub2 upgrade page right now.09:27
xnoxbug #128531209:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1285312 in grub "Setting up mdadm (3.2.5-5ubuntu3) freezes after calling grub1's update-grub from postinst" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128531209:27
xnoxServerSage: ^09:27
ServerSageThat was actually the page that lead me to the upgrade page.  Hehe.09:28
xnoxServerSage: in this current state you may want to kill mdadm postinst process, fetch mdadm from trusty-proposed and install that, and redo do-release-upgrade.09:29
xnoxServerSage: or upgrade to grub2.09:29
ServerSagexnox: I'll just upgrade to grub2.  I didn't realize it wasn't an automatic upgrade.  I can think of no reason to *not* upgrade at this point.09:30
ServerSageThat was the ticket.  Upgraded to grub2, and blamo - it's now past the mdadm stuff.09:33
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DarkStar1Hi all. I setup anonymous upload for vsftpd server and created a subdir in ftp root dir. Now I want all files uploaded into that directory to have group rw perms10:07
DarkStar1How can I do this?10:07
sorenDarkStar1: I'm pretty sure vsftpd lets you set a umask, doesn't it?10:53
sorenDarkStar1: Ah, no, you want this: chown_upload_mode10:54
sorenThe file mode to force for chown()ed anonymous uploads. (Added in v2.0.6).10:54
DarkStar1soren: I saw the setting for local users. but not for anon10:54
DarkStar1soren: thanks10:55
lordievaderHey pmatulis, how are you?11:34
Tazmainhi all how do I get apache2 to redirect a url to another with a different port ?12:57
InFiernovhost :)13:04
TazmainInFierno, vhost ? So what setup a redirect under apache2/sites-enabled  ? I tried that I keep getting a error saying the page does not exist13:06
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DonRichieIf I establish a connection via tcp. Which numbers are the Source and Destination port numbers? The port for the destination "Client->Server" ist clear. But which Source port the Client uses and on which ports the Server answers?14:36
rbasaksmoser: I see utopic daily images, but they're not listed in http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/daily/streams/v1/com.ubuntu.cloud:daily:download.json14:37
DonRichieClient->Server Source-Port: ? Destination-Port: App Port e.g. 80 for http ;;;   Server->Client: Source-Port: ?, Destination-Port: ?14:38
rbasakDo you need to amend your simplestreams generation stuff with knowledge of utopic?14:38
smoserrbasak, pushed to know about that. not sure it will actually fix the problem completely. utlemming would be able to watch that through thou.14:41
rbasaksmoser: thanks!14:41
smoserrbasak, it looks (in local test here) that that will get data generated. next time that runs.14:43
smoserbad smoser for hard coding ubuntu releases. :-(14:43
rbasakOK. Thanks!14:45
rbasaksmoser: use distro-info. That gets SRU'd every cycle.14:45
rbasak(well, distro-info-data does)14:45
smoserrbasak, yeah, i'm not sure why i didn't do that there.14:45
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BLZbubbagot a major major bug here in 14.04 - it is installing a package called "biosdevname" by default15:30
BLZbubbawho is able to fix this?15:31
BLZbubbathis is going to hose a lot of people15:31
BLZbubbalooks like el7 has the same broken behavior, ugh15:34
BLZbubbaat least they don't have upstart15:34
ogra_BLZbubba, send flowers to redhat ... iirc it was their idea15:35
mdeslaurBLZbubba: what's wrong with biosdevname?15:38
ogra_mdeslaur, all the scripts that work based on guessed dev names will break15:49
K4kAnyone know why I might be getting a message about needing to be +i in #ubuntu all of a sudden?15:49
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funwhy is ubuntu on +i?15:52
funand also any idea how I can check berkley db version?15:52
K4kI see that too15:52
mdeslaurogra_: well, that's the real problem :)15:52
ogra_we should have kept aliases in place ;)15:53
funor do they have channel  on irc?15:53
funo well u seems as mad as ubuntu15:55
ScuniziI'm trying to create a txt file of just directory names and the subdirectory names that are underlying starting at a specific directory in my /home. No file names. Any suggestions welcome.16:03
lordievaderScunizi: Something with find and filtering for folders?16:04
Scunizilordievader: or a ls command of some sort.. that's what I'm trying to figure out.  any ideas?16:05
lordievaderScunizi: [1] tells me -type d is an option for find. [1] http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-find-a-directory-linux-command/16:06
Scunizilordievader: interesting I"ll give it a play.  my google-fu failed me this morning with this.16:08
BLZbubbamdeslaur: biosdevname is renaming all the interfaces from eth0.  it's tolerable if it is optional, but it is a horrible default setting16:49
mdeslaurBLZbubba: why is it horrible? it now matches the actual label on your server's port, and the device name no longer changes arbitrarily when you replace hardware16:49
mdeslaurBLZbubba: it's an improvement16:49
mdeslaurBLZbubba: you can boot with biosdevname=0 as a kernel parameter if you don't like it16:50
patdk-wkmdeslaur, if it did it reliably, sure16:56
patdk-wkbut it keeps renaming everything to rename2 or rename316:57
mdeslaurpatdk-wk: have you filed a bug about that?16:57
mdeslaurwhat's the bug#?16:57
patdk-wksome kind of concurrency race condition16:59
patdk-wkcausing a rename to fail, so it just leaves it in an odd state16:59
mdeslaurpatdk-wk: if that's happening to you on 12.04, it has nothing to do with biosdevname17:00
patdk-wkno, didn't say biosdevname had anything to do with it17:00
patdk-wkthe interface renaming does17:00
patdk-wkand 12.04 also renames interfaces, for it's persistant naming17:00
mdeslauryes, that's normal, because it's matching mac addresses17:00
patdk-wkit's just, with 14.04 and biosdevname it happens a lot more often17:01
patdk-wkthe failure is more consistant17:01
patdk-wkwhere in 12.04 it wasn't, as it was unlikely interfaces moved around that much17:01
patdk-wktill I did all those swaps and moves on my nic's atleast17:01
patdk-wkbut the fix, is likely to be the same for both17:02
xibalbais `denyhosts` pkg no longer in the 14LTS repo?17:02
mdeslaurpatdk-wk: I don't really understand...the behaviour you describe in the bug is perfectly normal and expected17:03
mdeslauryou definitely don't want a nic that got changed to assume the name of the nic it replaces17:03
patdk-wkthat interfaces are named rename2 and rename317:03
mdeslauryeah, that's normal17:03
patdk-wkno, it's not17:03
patdk-wkif I say, I want this mac address to be eth117:03
patdk-wkand this other mac to be eth217:03
patdk-wkI would expect that to be the case17:04
patdk-wknot for it to be called, rename217:04
mdeslaurpatdk-wk: how are you setting that?17:04
patdk-wkubuntu set it up itself17:04
patdk-wkI removed eth017:04
patdk-wkso then on boot, eth1 is now eth0, and eth2 is eth117:04
patdk-wkand ubuntu fails to rename them how it used to be17:05
patdk-wkcause it cant rename eth0 to eth1, cause eth1 exists17:05
patdk-wkso it gets hung as rename217:05
patdk-wkbut eth1 gets renamed to eth217:05
patdk-wkwhy this happens for 14.04, I dunno17:05
patdk-wkcause there is no naming conflict17:05
patdk-wkor, I'm assuming the rename conflict is the issue17:06
mdeslauryou shouldn't get ethX names at all with 14.0417:06
patdk-wkya, on 14.0417:06
patdk-wkI should have, em0 and em117:06
patdk-wkbut I get em1 and rename317:06
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mdeslaurbut that's because you've removed em0, right?17:06
patdk-wknew install on a new system17:06
mdeslauryou install 14.04 on a new system and one of your nics is called rename3?17:07
patdk-wkthe whole udev renaming just doesn't seem to be as stable as it should be17:07
patdk-wkI had 4 nics in that system17:07
patdk-wkem0 em1 p5p0 and p5p117:08
mdeslaurOK, I'll change your bug from "udev" to "systemd" because the udev package no longer exists.17:08
mdeslaurok, so they got proper names17:08
mdeslaurthen what, you rebooted and they change by themselves?17:08
patdk-wkexcept for the random rename3 one17:08
patdk-wkhas happened on two systems, then I removed biosdevname to fix it17:09
patdk-wkthen I had the issue on 12.0417:09
patdk-wkfor 12.04, I just went in and undid all the mapping17:09
patdk-wkso atleast my systems could boot17:09
mdeslaurthat's weird17:09
patdk-wkya, something I should dig into17:10
patdk-wkbut I have no mind set to do that, and not much knowledge of where to start17:10
patdk-wkas I normally care to find where the issue is, exactly17:10
mdeslaurthere doesn't seem to be any other bugs about that issue, so perhaps it's related to something about your hardware configuration17:11
patdk-wk12.04 are all vmware systems17:11
patdk-wk14.04 where all read hardware, as I haven't started moving it into production yet17:11
xibalbahow can i login to root w/out a password? i copied my public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, but its still asking for a password on root, where no password is set17:32
lordievaderxibalba: Does ~ refer to /root or to some user's home dir?17:34
xibalbaroot, yes17:34
lordievaderxibalba: Is root login allowed in the sshd config?17:34
xibalbait is set as : PermitRootLogin without-password17:35
xibalbawhich i presume means keys are Ok17:35
xibalbareading the output on my client side of ssh -v17:35
xibalbaoh well thats funky...my authorized_keys file is gone17:36
xibalbawell that was a stupid issue17:37
lordievaderxibalba: Good to hear :)17:37
xibalbaweird, i touched, then cat >, then chmod 600, logged out, tried key, no worky, check again, file gone17:37
xibalbagremlins are in the system17:37
lordievaderPerhaps it was written to your standard user17:38
xibalbamy 8192 key size is rediculous :)17:38
patdk-wkdepends on it's usecase17:39
xibalbamy personal shell boxes17:39
xibalbatakes a few seconds to login17:40
xibalbai couldn't find the denyhosts pkg in the ubuntu14lts repo17:41
xibalbado you guys know of something else to use in its place?17:42
lordievaderxibalba: Fail2ban.17:43
xibalbahmm, trying to remembe rthe config for keys only17:45
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xibalbaPasswordAuthentication no17:46
sarkiswhat does it mean when i see a version as 1:5.3.5-foobar in dpkg?18:07
sarkis1: specifically18:07
sarnoldsarkis: that's an epoch; it's introduced when version numbers of the underlying package have changed drastically enough that the packager needed to pick a new version number that is strictly larger than all the others18:08
sarnoldsarkis: it is often introduced when a package switches from yyyymmddhhmm versioning to x.y.z versioning18:08
patdk-wkor if one wants to override the default ubuntu package18:11
patdk-wklike in ppa's18:11
sarnoldhadn't thought of that. that seems a bit drastic compared to package pinning, but won't rely on setting up package pinning on each host..18:12
patdk-wkpackage pinning is too annoying for me18:22
patdk-wkI would have to pin the package on all of my systems18:23
patdk-wkeasier to pin it in the ppa :)18:23
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=== InFierno|AFK is now known as InFierno
rostamhi I have installed ubuntu 12.04 LTS. The issue is I am not able to download any package from launchpad. I keep getting 403 error. Any help greatly appreciated. thx19:19
patdk-wkwhy would you be downloading stuff from launchpad?19:30
rostampatdk-wk I am trying to install "saltstack"19:35
rberg_rostam: did you add the ppa?19:42
rberg_eg 'apt-add-repository ppa:saltstack/salt'19:43
rostamrberg_, : yes I did add the ppa, and changed and add export https_proxy, I still get the same error.19:50
rberg_did you add it with apt-add-repo? or manually? I am trying to figure out if ther emight be a typo or something..19:51
tgm4883This could be the completely wrong way to go about this, but is there a sales@canonical.com email address? I'm trying to get some info on landscape, and talked with some british lady at the end of april, but she has forgotten to email me the information19:52
sarnoldrostam: I don't think apt-get uses the http_proxy environment variable, I think you need to set its proxy manually -- see apt.conf for details19:52
rostamsarnold,  thanks19:53
sarnoldtgm4883: I believe this is the easiest way to get ahold of someone http://www.ubuntu.com/management/contact-us19:55
tgm4883sarnold: yea I did that, and that is how I got the original call from sales19:55
tgm4883I just want the info that we had discussed though :/19:55
sarnoldtgm4883: oh :(19:55
tgm4883I suppose I could try that again19:55
tgm4883I think that they just forgot about me. I'm west coast USA, so when I talked to them it was like 6:00 PM their time19:56
sarnoldwe really ought to have someone over on our side of the world :)19:56
tgm4883yes, you would think there would be someone in the boston office at least19:57
tgm4883oh well, just filled out that form again, we'll see what happens19:58
sarnoldthanks tgm488319:58
Lightswordfor provisioning a server I need to script the download of a file only available through a torrent, what would be the best way to do that?20:10
bekksLightsword: Setup an ubuntu server and script your download?20:11
Lightswordbekks yeah, just wondering what the best torrent client for command line would be and if there is one that can autoterminate after downloading a single file20:12
sarnoldLightsword: hrm, it feels like there used to be 'dumb' bittorrent clients that could run just on a dumb terminal..20:12
sarnoldLightsword: I know you can configure rtorrent to quit after downloading but it may not run without a pty to connect to. :/20:13
Lightswordright now I'm trying to get it to work with transmission-cli but not sure how to have it auto-terminate20:14
Lightsworddon't want it to be running in the background20:15
roadmrhello folks! I'm doing a utopic server installation over the network (pxe), but it's failing because it thinks mirror/suite is "trusty". I'm not setting mirror/suite in my preseed so maybe this is borked somewhere in the server daily image?20:17
bekksroadmr: current daily is trusty, actually.20:18
roadmrbekks: oh that would explain it :) that's odd though because the image already calls itself utopic: rsync://rsync.cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/ubuntu-server/daily/current/utopic-server-amd64.iso20:20
roadmrbekks: but I defer to your knowledge, if this is known/expected I can wait, just thought I'd mention this in case it's a bug that needs action20:20
bekksWhy would that be an error at all?20:21
sarnoldit makes testing utopic a little harder.. :)20:21
bekksThere are no repos for utopic until now, arent they? :)20:21
roadmrbekks: 1) I download and try to install a utopic image, 2) it fails because it thinks it's trusty, 3) i can't really install20:21
sarnoldat least some packages have already diverged, e.g. mariadb-5.5...20:22
roadmrbekks: again, at this point it's not a big deal, but it may be as simple as changing some strings from trusty to utopic in the image20:23
bekksThat wont help, as long as there arent repos for utopic.20:23
Lightswordtransmission-cli has a flag for running a script when it finishes downloading, is there a script that does the equivalent of ctrl-c to end the running application in the shell?20:24
sarnoldLightsword: there is probably an easier way to get it to die, but if you can't find one, pkill transmission-cli  will probably do it20:25
roadmrbekks: where will the utopic repos be when they become available?20:26
bekksOn the official server, I guess.20:26
sarnoldbekks: they've been live for a while http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/20:26
bekksNeat :)20:27
bekksTime to setup a test vm and fire up do-release-upgrade -d :)20:29
sarnoldor try out the daily isos? :)20:30
rberg_Lightsword: aria2 is something to look at as well20:35
Lightswordrberg, I think that works20:41
illscihey whats up...20:48
illsciI'm getting an error trying to use the ubuntu ami's apt repos in aws...  I saw a post online that said there's someone in here that knows who talk to to get it fixed?20:48
illsciFailed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_saucy-updates_main_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch20:48
illscianyone know how to get this fixed...?20:49
sarnoldillsci: are you using apt-cacher-ng?20:52
illscino... just apt-get update20:52
illsciim not sure what that is20:52
sarnoldillsci: apt-cacher-ng is a local cache; I ran it for a while, right up until it started returning corrupted archives all the time :/20:53
sarnoldillsci: you'd probably know if you were running it20:53
sarnoldillsci: thanks, it's being investigated :)20:54
jpdssarnold: You don't use squid-deb-proxy ?20:55
sarnoldjpds: I use squid-deb-proxy now :)20:56
sarnoldjpds: I miss the handy little stats screen but I love the fact that it doesn't destroy my debs :)20:56
jpdsWho needs debs anyway.20:57
Patrickdkheh, squid kills so many things21:00
Patrickdksarnold, really?21:00
PatrickdkIve been using apt-cacher-ng for since I dropped squid years ago21:01
Patrickdkbeen working great21:01
sarnoldPatrickdk: acng worked fine for two or three releases and I didn't do much investigation, just switched to squid, and kept going...21:01
dw1/usr/share/mdadm/mkconf says ARRAY /dev/md1 UUID=xxxxx:xxxxx:xxxxx:xxxxx but the default in /etc/mdadm/mdadmconf set up by my provider is ARRAY /dev/md1 level=raid1 num-devices=2 devices=/dev/sda1,/dev/sdb1 -- unattended-upgrades warns me about my array UUID not existing in mdadm.conf .. so.. which is better?  the mkconf or the provider one?21:02
dw1is there any benefit to specifying the level, num-devices and devices explicitly?21:02
patdk-lapsquid kept killing me on 10.04, changed out to apt-cacher-ng, haven't had any issues since21:02
patdk-lapdwl, to help it autodetect, if you use older version metadata21:03
jpdsPatrickdk: I too switch from apt-cacher-ng (and seen so many problems with it with customers) to s-d-p.21:04
dw1patdk-lap: hmmm21:04
sarnoldpatdk-lap: when you get problems with it, here's the bug to me-too  :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-cacher-ng/+bug/123494621:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1234946 in apt-cacher-ng ""Size mismatch" caused by writing wrong data" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:04
patdk-lapI only have that version installed in one place, here at home21:09
patdk-lapit's not overly used21:10
illsciits fixed... thanks!21:30
pmatulis_anyone else on trusty kvm host failing to have libvirt dnsmasq resolve guest names?21:30
sarnoldpmatulis_: heh, I had that problem, but realized it was because I had taken libvirt's dnsmasq out of resolv.conf ages back and just hard-coded IP address in /etc/hosts. major egg on my face when my co-workers said it all worked for them. sigh. :)21:31
pmatulis_sarnold: but resolv.conf is not managed directly since precise21:32
pmatulis_sarnold: on my working saucy host i have static tcp address and dns-nameservers points to a dns server (so resolv.conf points to it).  on my busted trusty i am using dhcp and my resolv.conf contains  at any rate, 'host <guest name>' does not work21:35
patdk-lapsarnold, maybe it's just fixed in 14.04? apt-cacher-ng is 7.2621:36
patdk-lapso far I haven't seen that issue at all21:36
patdk-lapany idea how to replicate it better?21:36
patdk-lapI normally update one machine at a time21:37
KawaiolaHas anyone had any problems connecting to the outside world after setting up a static ip22:34
KawaiolaI removed the DHCP packages and still can't get out22:35
Ben64sounds more like a networking problem than an ubuntu problem22:36
KawaiolaBen64, Could very well be the ubuntu server I'm building is virtual could that be the issue22:37
KawaiolaBen64, I can connect to the server ssh and see it on my network I only have issues connecting to the outside world.22:38
Ben64yes, could very well be the fact that it is a VM that is causing it. they normally have strange network setups and dhcp is the easiest way to get them working22:39
KawaiolaBen64, Hmmmm I wonder if there are other packages I need to remove because I know you can't remove virtual packages you have to remove the packages they are linked too.22:41
KawaiolaBen64, You think I need resolvconf?22:42
Ben64why are you removing a bunch of stuff anyway?22:43
KawaiolaBen64, Well when I was looking on the internet they said there is a DHCP client that does DHCP no matter what which explained why my static interface would always fail when I would resart the network interfaces22:47
dw1how can I suppress the error message from unattended-upgrades about mdadm.conf not containing my raid array?  (the array is defined, but not using UUID that it checks for)22:47
KawaiolaBen64, So then I removed the DHCP packages and the static IP took and I could connect to it on my network.22:47
Ben64ok, but why static ip on a VM anyway22:48
KawaiolaBen64, Because it is still a server I will use to host web based applications.22:49
Ben64you should read more into the guide for whatever you're using to create the VM, I'm sure they have a big section on networking.22:52
KawaiolaBen64, I run virtual windows servers and they work great I have dedicated linux servers that are wonderful but trying to make a virtual linux server seems to be difficult haha22:53
KawaiolaBen64, yeah I'm doing that right now.22:53
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
sarnoldpmatulis_: do you have a dnsmasq listening on e.g.
sarnoldpatdk-lap: I quite often updated a dozen or so machines at once with my apt-cacher-ng22:58
paco1hello guys23:00
paco1on my servers i have 12.04. i migrated from 3.8 kernel to 3.11 kernel. So, how can i clean all from 3.8 kernel? it eats me some disk space.23:01
paco1thanks very much!23:01
sarnoldpaco1: apt-get purge linux-headers-<version> linux-image-<version> linux-image-extra-<version> for each version that you want removed23:02
sarnoldpaco1: I recommend keeping at least two versions installed -- at least the version you're currently running, and the newest -- or, if you're running the newest, then the newest and the next newest.23:02
sarnoldhaving two kernels can help you recover from some kinds of accidents23:03
paco1sarnold: ok, but i want delete/remove completly the 3.8 kernel, i don't want more actualization of this kernel.23:04
Ben64then remove whichever packages you deem unnecessary23:04
sarnoldpaco1: ah, then you may also wish to remove the linux-source-3.8, linux-headers-3.8, linux-image-3.8, etc. packages23:06
paco1sarnold: one thing to move on a config file?23:06
sarnoldpaco1: more apt-get purge commands23:07
pmatulis_sarnold: yup23:13
sarnoldpmatulis_: crazy, so it's listening but can't provide reasonable answers? ;/23:13
pmatulis_dnsmasq    2815 libvirt-dnsmasq    6u  IPv4  18611      0t0  UDP
sarnoldpmatulis_: do you have lxc and libvirt installed at the same time? I found that gave me real issues in previous releases, I haven't been brave enough to try both again23:14
pmatulis_sarnold: indeed i do23:14
paco1sarnold: ok, thanks23:17
sarnoldpaco1: you're welcome :) have fun23:18
pmatulis_sarnold: and the resolution for containers works (dnsmasq server ip being
pmatulis_stgraber: any idea? ↑23:24
=== Guest40481 is now known as dmitrykorotkov
=== dmitrykorotkov is now known as Guest15352

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