
shaunothat doesn't sound like a good idea00:22
shaunothis is workable, http://eric.lubow.org/2010/system-administration/creating-dummy-packages-on-debian/00:22
shaunobut "danger, will robinson" etc00:23
daftykinshmm these Digital Ocean VPSs seem cheap00:24
daftykinsanyone given them a whirl?00:24
Azelphurdaftykins: they come highly recommended in Django circles.00:30
AzelphurI've seen a few people recommend them00:30
daftykins2TB data is a lot more than bigv's 300GB/mo00:31
daftykinsand $10 vs. £1000:31
daftykinsbut which i may get next, i don't know :)00:37
daftykinsnn all \o00:50
AalexHow to install a WIFI driver and AMD graphic card driver??02:10
AalexIn ubuntu 12.04??02:10
MooDoomorning all06:04
mappswatching 24 s9e1 :D06:09
Myrttithey still make it?06:17
mappscame back last night06:19
mapps2hr premiere06:19
MooDooyeah i've recorded it, not watched it.06:27
mappsit aired at 1am on sky ?!06:32
mappsi thought it waa a day late06:32
MooDoomorning bashrc07:01
MooDoopeople phoning in sick, day after bank hol....hmmmmmmmm07:03
MartijnVdSwell there is a flu going around07:04
MooDoohttp://ubuntu.technology/planet-ubuntu-technology/ - would this be of interest?07:09
bashrchangovers perhaps07:11
mappsjacks having his worst day AGAIN07:15
MooDoo4 one now? lol07:16
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy No Homework Day - my boys will be thrilled!  :-D07:59
diddledanallo allo08:13
MooDoohowdy JamesTait08:14
MooDoono homework day?08:14
diddledanI thought that was yesterday :-p08:15
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foobarryis that the same as no work from home day?08:21
diddledanfoobarry, I hope so08:21
diploMorning all08:29
vishnui dunno if this is the right place for help. but i need help urgently. I accidentally opted "erase everything" wile installing Ubuntu in MacBook via refit. forced shutdown immediately and my old ext partition is safe. need to get data out of it08:32
MooDoocan you take the drive out and put it in a usb caddy then attach it to another machine?08:35
daubersWhat open source router firmware are people using these days?08:37
MooDoodaubers: standard asus for me08:37
daubersMooDoo: I want to do 3g failover, but routers with that in the standard firmware are $$$$$$08:37
MooDoooh right...08:38
daubersHaving said that, 3g contracts all appear to be rubbish08:38
* awilkins uses OpenWRT08:44
MartijnVdS\o/ openwrt08:44
awilkinsBut I'm using quite an old version because I have ancient, creaking router hardware from the previous decade08:44
awilkinsThe new versions look much easier to configure08:44
MartijnVdSYeah the web interface is OK now08:45
MartijnVdSthough i still prefer vimming in /etc/config/*08:45
awilkinsOh, yeah, I don't even install the web thing08:45
awilkinsWhy waste RAM, flash, and open a potential security hole?08:45
diplodaubers, we've used the Drayteks at work for dongle internet support08:48
diploQorks quite well08:48
daubersdiplo: Ta, I shall have a look08:52
dauberslooks like my router might support it internally, but looks like my isp has disabled it08:54
dauberswonder if I can re-enable it08:55
diddledanisp routers don't usually support anything. at all.08:55
awilkinsMum's supports dynamic DNS stuff08:55
awilkinsNot sure what else it does08:56
awilkinsMy ISP router is in dumb modem mode though08:56
diddledandyndns no longer exists - it's dyn.com now and they don't do freebie dynamic names anymore08:56
awilkinsI changed to duckdns.org08:57
popeyMorning all08:57
awilkinsDyndns killed off my account by doing that 30-day expiry thing on me08:57
MartijnVdSawilkins: they stopped offering free accounts too08:57
MooDooawilkins: didn't you get the monthly email?08:58
daubersMorning popey08:58
MooDoooh scrap that.08:58
awilkinsMartijnVdS, yeah, they stopped ages ago but I had a really old one grandfathered in ; I got the monthly emails but I missed one. And they just closed all the free accounts shortly afterwards anyway.08:58
diddledan"popeypopeypopey aah aah aah aah"08:58
diddledan(ruby ruby ruby clone)08:59
daubersHah magic :)08:59
MooDooIt's a kind of magic!09:00
daubersThe web ui has it turned off, but its there in the telnet ui09:00
daubersJust need to find a decent dongle/deal now09:02
diddledanyou have a telnet interface?09:03
diddledan1) that's oldskool, 2) securemuch?!09:03
daubersdiddledan: It's firewall locked to the lan, not the wan09:04
daubersThis is a home router :)09:04
daubersdiddledan: Pretty much all the thompson routers have one afaik09:05
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:07
diddledangirls? where?!09:08
* diddledan tidies his hair09:08
lubotu3Girls exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/09:08
* diddledan sucks in the belly09:08
DJonesdiddledan: Breathe, your turning blue09:08
diddledanlol @ the xkcd09:10
awilkinstelnet, ew09:11
popeyyeah, dyndns did the same trick to me09:11
popeynow using afraid.org09:11
awilkinsRouter only has SSH with PK auth09:11
awilkinsWhen it had password auth switched on it used to get constantly attacked09:12
awilkins(I have to have the SSH daemon listen on the standard port because explaining to the networks team that you want a non-standard port opened on the firewall is like punching fog)09:13
awilkinsYeah, I had fail2ban or something like it running on it for a while09:13
brobostigoni use fail2ban.09:13
MartijnVdSfail2ban is fun09:14
MartijnVdSit can read apache logs too09:14
diddledanI like how easy it is to lock yourself out09:14
MartijnVdSdiddledan: not if you use SSH with keys :)09:14
diplopopey, I couldn't get afraid.org to update with ddclient, how do you update yours ?09:14
awilkinsIt's actually pretty difficult if you're using SSH with PK auth09:14
brobostigonand dovecot and loads of others.09:14
awilkinsBecause the client checks your password rather than the server09:14
diddledan*enters correct password* fail *enters alternative password* fail *enters correct password again* blocked *realise using wrong username*09:15
MartijnVdSdiddledan: ~/.ssh/config + ssh keys FTW :)09:15
MartijnVdSstuff like:09:15
MartijnVdSHost home09:15
diddledanyeah, ssh keys are awesome09:15
MartijnVdS  HostName hostname_of_home_machine09:15
MartijnVdS  User my_username_at_home09:15
popeydiplo: my DD-WRT router supports it.09:16
diploheh, I really must buy a decent router :)09:17
diddledanbash scripting ftw: for i in *.jpg; do file=$(echo $i | cut -d. -f1); mv $i $file-bg.jpg; done09:20
shaunowhy not just mv $i ${i/.jpg/-bg.jpg}   ?09:22
awilkinswhy not just `rename 's/\.jpg/-bg\.jpg/' *.jpg  ?09:25
shaunoor ${i%.jpg}-bg.jpg if you're worried that .jpg might show up more than once in the filename.  but I prefer how readable the straight substitution is09:25
awilkins!man rename09:25
awilkinsThere's a perl script for rename in the default install AFAIK   `man rename`09:26
awilkinsAnd my regex above is wrong09:26
awilkinsOk, no it isn't09:26
awilkinsBah, regex09:26
shaunoI like bash's substitutions because I can use/abuse them everywhere09:27
awilkinsshauno, Thanks for teaching me a new trick, anyway09:32
shaunothere's a whole set of them, if you search for %% in the bash manpage it'll find them09:32
shaunoeg, ${i^} will capitalize $i, ${i^^} block-caps the whole thing, instead of trying to remember the only thing you ever use 'tr' for09:34
MartijnVdSshauno: 'tr' isn't hard though.. tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M :)09:35
MartijnVdSboom, crypto!09:36
MartijnVdSdiddledan: that's rot13. Best crypto evar.09:36
MartijnVdS(every letter in the range "a-z" is mapped to the range "n-z, then a-m", i.e. the alphabet, rotated 13 letters :)09:37
BigRedS_I don't think I've ever used tr for capitalisation, it's normally for converting between linebreaks and spaces09:42
shaunotr [:upper:] [:lower:] is about all I remember ever using it for09:43
BigRedS_ah, I don't recall ever having had to do that, actually09:48
DJonesArghh, its Eurovision week agai09:58
MooDooyay!!! eurovision party09:59
davmor2Morning all09:59
DJonesMooDoo: Yay sleeping pills party09:59
MooDoodavmor2: hello10:00
* MooDoo stabs davmor2 only because he's not see czajkows1i do it lately10:02
* diddledan stabs davmor2 only because he's jealous10:06
diddledanwhen in rome10:07
MooDoohail davmor210:07
diddledanstab davmor2 !10:07
daubersdiddledan: Do as the snamor?10:08
diddledandaubers: snamor?10:08
MartijnVdS♫ mr stabby10:08
daubersdiddledan: When in emor do as the snamor10:08
daubersdiddledan: Red Dwarf reference fail :-(10:09
diddledanoh, nodnol10:09
diddledanI forget which country nodnol is in now10:10
davmor2When in Rome, kill Caesar they were stabbed regularly right :)10:10
foobarryhas anyone been using copy.com in anger?10:13
foobarryneed to migrate my ubuntu one10:13
MartijnVdSI prefer xcopy.exe10:14
foobarryMartijnVdS: did you see the doge sponsored nascar?10:14
awilkinsI still use Dropbox because I have a free account with > 9GB space10:14
awilkinsAnd I only use about 3.5GB of it10:14
foobarrycopy.com gives 20GB with referral link10:14
MartijnVdSfoobarry: I saw a picture.10:14
awilkinsWhat are the client programs like?10:14
foobarryandroid and linux10:14
awilkinsDo they understand PAC scripts?10:15
foobarrylinux has a tray gui like dropbox/owncloud10:15
foobarryawilkins: i dunno, what's a pac script10:15
awilkinsProxy Auto Config : small javascript program that browsers use to work out whether to use a proxy and which one10:15
foobarrynot sure10:16
awilkinsMy main gripe with Ubuntu One was that it just completely ignored your system proxy settings and didn't have a proxy settings panel of it's own10:16
awilkinsMy main gripe with Dropbox is that it can't process a PAC script10:16
foobarrybox.net sucks as it has no client, and the sftp connect sucked10:16
foobarryhow would i tell the pac existability10:16
awilkinsLook in the proxy settings and see if it will accept a "proxy auto config URL" or summat10:17
awilkinsLike the "Automatic" setting in the OS does10:17
awilkinsI have one that works out whether I'm on the home network or the office network and configures browsers accordingly10:18
foobarryproxy type auto detect10:19
foobarryor u can specify10:19
awilkinsAuto Detect usually tries to get a PAC script from ... http://wpad/wpad.dat10:19
awilkinsIt's an MS thing10:19
foobarryi have options of auto/http/socks4/5/none10:20
foobarryoption of url, port and user/pass10:20
awilkinsMaybe no PAC script then10:20
awilkinsIs the client open-source?10:20
awilkinsGuess not, probably10:21
foobarryappears not. seems to be a closed qt app10:21
brobostigonis there something like androidify which will run on a normal computer insted of android?10:30
foobarrymaybe some flash sites10:33
brobostigoni shall have to install flash and try it.10:36
foobarrymy wife has a jury summons although she's a full time mum of 2 kids10:49
foobarryanyone have experience with this? clearly not practical10:49
MooDoofoobarry: https://www.gov.uk/jury-service/overview10:50
bashrcsomeone got called to the jury?10:51
MooDoofoobarry: basically I think she'll have to do it.10:51
foobarrysomeone with very young children they are looking after and perhaps very elderly relatives and other onerous caring duties, or whose job would be severely affected and/or whose livelihood long-term could be jeopardised – such as the running of a small business – or someone who is ill. These people should make their circumstances known.10:51
diddledanfoobarry, they wouldn't have me. I'm aparently not suitable for jury service because I'm a nutjob10:52
bashrcyes, under some circumstances I think you can get out of it10:52
popeyI've never been asked10:52
foobarry2 colleagues in a small office got asked in last few weeks10:52
foobarrynow my wife.10:52
bashrcI've never been called10:53
DJonesI got asked years ago, just wrote back and said that work committments that was planned and booked with clients for about 3 months ahead meant that I wouldn't be able to attend10:53
shaunoI had no idea the UK did that.  seems obvious in retrospect10:54
diddledanshauno, no idea uk did jury service?11:08
Myrttihttp://www.theguardian.com/law/shortcuts/2013/feb/21/10-things-jurors-need-to-know :-D11:14
Myrttithat's funny11:14
Myrtti"Revel in the fact you are embedded in a live, anthropological experiment, which will expose the deep-held prejudices and life-affirming sensitivities of those around you in equal measure."11:14
bashrcI suppose we could do away with juries and just have summary execution11:15
bashrcwitch hunts, maybe11:16
diddledanjudges a la dredd is the way forward11:16
bashrcwith the amount of data available on people, autopolicing is a scary possibility11:17
bashrci.e. no need for trial, it's all in the logs11:17
shaunosounds like a win to me.  I'd trust the logs over my 'peers'11:17
ali1234we need slap drones11:18
bashrcI wouldn't trust the logs at all.  They can be easily changed11:18
bashrcdrones which go around slapping people?11:18
ali1234pretty much11:18
bashrcthat would be amusing11:19
foobarryi want the ability to punch people in the face over the phone11:24
foobarrywhy is that not real thing yet11:24
ali1234old school. i love how you said phone, not internet11:24
foobarryphone seems more phyiscal11:25
foobarrybut delivering a punch via email is good too11:25
bashrcdelivered via XMPP11:27
diddledanxml messaging punch protocol?11:27
foobarrycan you ftp some lunch to me too11:27
* diddledan slaps bashrc with a wet trout11:28
shaunoheh, jabberslap I like .. xmppow!11:28
diddledanwhat can I eat?11:29
diddledanshauno, but it's not green11:34
davmor2diddledan: kippers are better they smell more11:35
MooDoosmoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast11:38
diddledansurely it's "stoke me a clipper", no?11:44
MooDoodon't think so, then again, not sure.11:47
davmor2diddledan: no11:47
davmor2MooDoo: you are rigth11:47
davmor2right even11:47
davmor2diddledan: I've definitely heard smoke me a kipper I'll be back for breakfast.  It may be a play on stoke me a clipper though11:48
ali1234The name "Stoke Me A Clipper" came from Ace Rimmer's  catch phrase, "Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast", but  because of Rimmer's incompetence he says it wrong and it comes out as  the title.11:49
MooDoosmoke me a kipper is from blackadder, flash by name and flash by nature, treat your woman like you treat your kite [plane] get in her 5 times a day and take her to heaven and back.11:49
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
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* daftykins whistles13:36
daftykinstime to grab a late lunch, then get registering all of these13:37
daftykinsmy enclosure didn't arrive yet though ;_;13:37
MartijnVdSinitialize the RAID disk by disk13:39
MartijnVdSthen swap them like floppies13:40
MartijnVdS"Please insert disk 4"13:40
MartijnVdS"Please insert disk 6"13:40
MartijnVdS"Please insert disk 2"13:40
MartijnVdS"Please insert disk 3"13:40
daftykinsi feel compelled to see that sequence completed13:43
awilkins"RAID corruption : REDO from start."13:45
daftykinspopey: was memtest clean?13:46
popeyswitched back to chromium for a bit13:46
popeygonna try chromium for a week, see if I get a crash13:50
daftykinsheh, a friend is headed to the isle of man for work, a taxi driver on the way up toward Manchester apparently told him he can bin his sunglasses 'cause he won't be needing them14:49
awilkinsSomeone set the weather knob to "damn gorgeous" - reckless behaviour, there'll be none left at the weekend.15:02
daftykinsnot seeing much over here15:02
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Myrttihttps://submissions.epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/64629 X-D16:40
xplora1adoes this apply to the python apps that are pie related?17:07
popeymmmm pi17:10
popeyalso pie17:10
daftykins1.5 pie17:14
diddledan_my nanna insists on calling things pies when they're clerely tarts17:58
diddledan_https://gist.github.com/af1e70513ae295d1ae16.git \o/ for quick n dirty scripts20:35
diddledan_in other news, how fast is my mirror?
diddledan_it's lightning quick to load - but there isn't anyone accessing it20:37
shauno403'ing all the trusty isos probably keeps the load nice and low ;)20:56
diddledan_hmm, why are those 403?21:01
diddledan_there we go. fixed21:02
shaunothat's better21:03
mappseasy win eh22:08
mapps3-1 utd22:08
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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