
rick_h_ cmaloney :) it's all good. two phone calls, 3 forwards, a trip to the ATT store, and the website order shopping cart finally worked00:10
rick_h_I'll just have to deal with cancelling my home service once the business one is installed00:10
cmaloneyFun fun00:11
gamerchick02good luck, rick_h_00:22
rick_h_cmaloney: let's make sure to chat about trello and tasks for your mentee at CHC01:42
cmaloneySure thing.01:47
rick_h_working on the private bookmark task list, little easier01:47
bookiebothttp://is.gd/2yOwBc - Trello01:48
rick_h_mentor mentee?02:33
_stink_yeah you had it right :P  but manatee lends better mental images.02:42
cmaloneySome mornings I feel like a manatee02:43
rick_h_morning party people11:47
brouschin the place to be11:53
cmaloneyGood morning12:28
brouschrick_h_: Portland wins again https://i.imgur.com/rypGAps.png13:26
bookiebothttp://is.gd/M2YO5b - image/png13:26
cmaloneyTheir latest episode they talk about the Portland Fim Festival13:34
bookiebothttp://is.gd/lovopw - Episode 87: The Whacking Shovel « Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff13:35
mrgoodcatcmaloney: sry the regex requires http[s]?://. i didn't want it to grab things that weren't urls14:43
cmaloneymrgoodcat: No worries.15:46
cmaloneyI blame Chrome for being stupid.15:46
greg-gURLS ARE SOOOOOOO 199015:50
cmaloneygreg-g: Now now16:50
cmaloneyhttp:// is the only thing keeping you from gopher:16:50
mrgoodcatWhen I copy paste from chrome the http prefix is there17:05
cmaloneyTry using the middle-mouse buttin17:08
mrgoodcatWhat is that supposed to do?17:09
mrgoodcatI use it to close tabs17:09
cmaloneyselect the URL in the URL bar17:18
cmaloneythen paste using middle-click in a terminal window17:18
greg-gcmaloney: AOL Keyword: Urls Are Dead17:50
cmaloneygreg-g: har har17:59
cmaloneyLet me webring your neck17:59
bookiebothttp://is.gd/PD1a0e - Ubuntu Pastebin18:50
cmaloneyPardon me while I say18:50
cmaloneyBecause the one thing that I think Open Metalcast needs right now is some cheezy-ass logo spining for 30 seconds.18:52
cmaloneyFuck, it's not like I don't have access to Blender.18:52
brouschWill it be more metal?18:53
rick_h_someone poisioned someone's coffee today :P18:56
cmaloneyConsidering I don't have any logo on my page I'd like to see them make it spin. :)18:56
cmaloneyI love these spam messages though for folks that have not read any of the content of the site.18:57
cmaloneyIf I really had the cajones I'd respond with "Really? I thought I was the only person on the planet who felt that centipedes were the master race. Centi-power! Centi-power!"19:01
mrgoodcatmaster race?19:16
ColonelPanic001just make the entire site spin, like when you search google for "do a barrel roll"19:36
cmaloneyHello world21:59
gamerchick02huzzah i am finally home23:12
mrgoodcathope my lappy doesn't die during install...23:30
mrgoodcatforgot the charger at work today23:30
mrgoodcat20% battery23:30
mrgoodcat*danger zone*23:30
greg-gwel come to the dangerzone23:31
mrgoodcatwhy is it that every cs professor assumes you know nothing at the beginning of the class23:33
mrgoodcati swear i've learned how to use eclipse in like 10 different classes23:33
mrgoodcatthat's like 9 times more than i've even used eclipse23:34
gamerchick02oh no! mrgoodcat too bad you don't have an extra one in your bag.23:36
gamerchick02lol @ eclipse23:36
gamerchick02(i don't know how to use it)23:36
mrgoodcateclipse is the devil i'm pretty sure23:36
mrgoodcatit is either the devil or created by the devil23:36
mrgoodcati'd rather use gedit than eclipse23:37
mrgoodcati've never had a battery die during an ubuntu install23:39
mrgoodcatanyone know if there is any potential for hardware damage of any kind23:39
gamerchick02i use gedit23:41
gamerchick02no hardware damage i think23:42
gamerchick02can you maybe kill it and shut it down properly and try again tomorrow with a full battery?23:42
mrgoodcatit's almost done23:42
mrgoodcatwe've gone too far now23:42
gamerchick02what's your % at?23:42
gamerchick02of battery i mean23:42
mrgoodcati actually could. but i'm gonna make it i think23:42
mrgoodcatchromebook batteries are king23:43
gamerchick02are you using chrobuntu?23:43
mrgoodcatraw install23:45
gamerchick02which chrome book? pixel?23:45
mrgoodcatalongside chrome though23:45
mrgoodcatlol pixel23:45
mrgoodcatwish i had a pixel screen23:45
mrgoodcatpixel screen with haswell cpu would be amazing23:45
mrgoodcatbut not 1500$ amazing23:46
mrgoodcati can get 7 c720s for that23:46
mrgoodcatone for work, home, girlfriend, girlfriend work, mom, dad, and mobile23:46
gamerchick02i can get a new 13" macbook pro for $1500.23:46
mrgoodcatbut really i don't have money for that23:47
mrgoodcatso i got one23:47
mrgoodcatfor me23:47
gamerchick02enjoy it23:47

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