
delt*sigh* just updated my laptop to 14.04.... now i got duplicates of several "indicator" icons... how do i get rid of them?a00:54
deltalso, a several second delay before the alt+f2 box appears00:54
delttwo different power indicators.... two different bluetooth indicators, although the icons are exactly the same...00:57
deltmy "normal" fix would be to chmod -x the executable files, but what's the "proper" way to get rid of these?00:59
malutandefrom paraguay!01:08
delthalf the keyboard shortcuts don't work....01:10
delteven though they're still listed correctly in the keyboard control panel01:12
malutandeanybody on how to MOUNT ISO files?01:12
OvenWerk1delt: That was my experience too. I ended up just doing a fresh install01:12
deltOvenWerk1: that's what i think i'm gonna do.... :/01:13
OvenWerk1malutande: do you just want to see what is inside, or more?01:14
OvenWerk1malutande: just right clicking on the iso in the file manager will allow you to look inside with the archive manager.01:15
malutandeOvenWerk1, i want to test a DVD i made with dvd styler01:15
malutandemount it as a DVD before burning, for testing purpouses01:15
malutandeOvenWerk1, i ussually did it with gnome01:16
OvenWerk1I don't have anything to try that with :(01:16
malutandebut now xfce got difficult01:17
OvenWerk1I would think any of the video players that play dvds direct should do that though.01:17
deltover a whole minute before it logs out...01:18
malutandevlc did the trick, OvenWerk1 !!01:20
OvenWerk1That would have been my first try too.01:20
=== Toadnohyp is now known as Hypnotoad
deltubuntustudio 14.10 is BETA quality, at best. It should still be in beta, and not yet officially released.06:04
Unit193It's not even alpha...06:06
delti'm gonna go with linux mint for my non-studio needs, at least for now...06:17
deltanyway, be back later06:18
jhenkehi, just for your information, the problem I have now also has a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1315921 which is apparently being looked at by the kernel team, just if your are curious about the status and progress06:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1315921 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Studio does not boot in Hyper-V Generation 2 VM" [High,Confirmed]06:53
Sakrecoer /msg ChanServ OP #basspistol sakrecoe109:40
rhizoHi folks14:20
rhizoI added a rme digi96 soundcard in my pci slot, ubuntu studio 13.04 installation and ran into a problem I already encountered a while before15:17
rhizothe rme sound module exits with an errorcode and the card cannot be used15:17
rhizoI switched the pci slot and it worked15:18
rhizobut this time all the slots are occupied and the only solution I found was this15:18
rhizo...to switch the slot15:19
rhizoI upgraded to 14.04 and hoped that it will work then15:19
rhizobut I have the same problem15:20
rhizoDoes anyone have experience and can give me a hint where I can have a look to find a workaround for this?15:20
rhizoshould not be an alsa related thing, other cards are reported by someone that posted the bug report on launchpad as not working, too15:22
holsteinrhizo: test if its an "alsa related thing"15:23
holsteinRME is typically well supported.. and should just work out of the box15:23
holsteinrhizo: i would get a 14.04 live CD, and just follow some normal troubleshooting and testing.. looks like you could have bad hardware.. something bad on the motherboard?15:24
rhizoI switched the cards around and its everytime the rme in the same pci slot that stops working...15:24
holsteinrhizo: sure.. so, is that not an issue with the slot? or motherboard?15:24
holsteinseems hardware related.. you could confirmm with the  live CD on other hardware.. another motherboard15:24
rhizoI will test it to be sure about15:25
rhizohm, I wish I had another box around... could test it with another OS and look if the card works there15:28
holsteinrhizo: if you can test it with an officially supported OS, you can tell if the hardware is functioning properly.. but, RME should provide linux support15:28
holsteinrhizo: testing with a live CD is a good test, since it removes a few things from the current equation, and lets you isolate variables15:29
rhizoI thought of having another linux live cd running on the same machine, because thats the only piece of hardware I have access to15:30
rhizowith pci slots at least...15:30
holsteinsure.. that will test with the current OS and user config and hard drive removed from the equation15:30
rhizowith ubuntu 13.04 and 14.04 live and installed it was not working, I download a gentoo live cd and take a look if it crashes also or is working15:36
holstein13.04 is EOL15:36
holsteinbut, its a good test case15:36
holsteini would expect what you are describing from a hardware issue.. though, im not implying that is the case..15:37
holsteini try and remove *all* other hardware.. i'll disable un-needed/wanted hardware in the bios.. get down to as few variables as possible.. and test with a few key live CD's15:38
rhizothe error that was reported I found on the internet exists from 10.0415:38
holsteinsure.. and you stated changing the PCI slot had effect? correct?15:39
rhizoI already disabled and changed a lot in the bios and booted stepwise until acpi=off kernel options15:39
holsteinrhizo: why is changing PCI slots not an option?15:39
rhizoyes, thats why I have to be sure it is working under another os15:39
rhizoI only have 3 pci slots... and 3 rme digi96 cards :-(15:40
holsteinrhizo: it is currently *not* working in another OS>. none you have tried15:40
holsteinrhizo: you should be testing with *one* card.. you are, correct?15:40
holsteinrhizo: dont mix in multiple audio devices, *and* the question "is this card working"15:40
rhizoyesterday I had one card going down the slots15:41
rhizothen another card15:41
rhizoand the last15:41
holsteinrhizo: so, one device, works as expected?15:41
rhizoone device works in 2 slots, but in the last pci slot not15:42
holsteinrhizo: test, swapping in the other cards.. til you are sure all 3 work properly15:42
rhizoall the cards did this15:42
rhizoI will check it again15:42
holsteinrhizo: ok.. it will always be challenging to use multiple cards like that, regardless15:42
holsteinrhizo: if it were me, i would be talking to RME and las or someone with JACK or alsa about how to properly configure multiple devices..15:43
holsteinrhizo: you can try #opensourcemusicians15:43
holsteinbut, i feel like you should lead with "im trying to configure 3 cards".. you have a lot of variables going on...15:43
rhizook thanks for the hints15:43
rhizoI check this with one network card, too...I doubt it isnt working either15:46
rhizoin the bad slot I mean15:46
holsteinrhizo: dont assume its a bad slot15:46
holsteinrhizo: i think testing with a known good networking card would be a good test..15:47
rhizono, it's only my fuzzy english15:47
holsteinsomething that works in the other "known good" slot15:47
holsteinrhizo: i think you are on the correct path here.. to figuring out what is up15:47
rhizohm, I could try with ubuntu 32 bit also... the guy on the internet had also 64bit system15:49
holsteinrhizo: that wont hurt.. the live CD should be enough to test that..15:50
rhizowhile the downloads are coming in, I'll fetch some discs out of a local store before it is too late to buy them...15:53

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