
rick_h_huwshimi: your card ok? I wasn't sure if it's something we could tweak yet until other stuff landed03:02
huwshimirick_h_: It's fine so far. I have the basics working, just need to get all the update/add/remove bits changing the correct elements.03:13
rick_h_huwshimi: ok cool03:14
frankbanluca: morning, do you have a link to a ghost relation wireframe?11:28
lucaHi frankban, it should look like this: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/file/d/0B7XG_QBXNwY1cjhIZnZXS3pxZG8/edit11:29
lucafrankban: a grey line with no status indicator in the circle11:29
frankbanluca: thanks, that's what I was looking for11:30
lucafrankban: great. I can get Spencer to output the assets if you need.11:33
frankbanluca: it would be nice, I just need the circle svg11:39
lucafrankban: ok, I’ll get him to send it over as soon as he can11:45
frankbanluca: thanks11:45
frankbanluca: abort! I was able to create the svg starting from an existing one11:49
lucafrankban: ah, nice, no worries11:49
frankbanluca: #e2e2e2 is almost invisible given the current GUI background11:50
frankbanluca: at least with my crappy external monitor. much better using the macbook screen11:51
lucafrankban: ok, thats the Ubuntu grey but I’ll have a word with Spencer to see if we can get something with more contrast.11:54
frankbanguihelp: I need one review and QA for https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/275 ? Anyone? thanks!12:14
rick_h_frankban: sure thing12:14
frankbanrick_h_: thanks12:14
bacjcsackett: around?12:36
jcsackettbac: ish.12:36
jcsackettwhat's up?12:37
bacjcsackett: no rush, when you get in fully would you look at https://codereview.appspot.com/91140045 ?12:37
jcsackettbac: sure.12:37
frankbanrick_h_: thanks for the review!12:39
rick_h_antdillon: morning, how are you getting along with my email?12:39
* frankban lunches12:39
antdillonrick_h_, Morning, I am. Getting back up to speed13:11
rick_h_antdillon: cool, let me know if you get stuck or have any questions. 13:11
antdillonrick_h_, Will do thanks13:11
jcsackettbac: lgtm, with a minor question.13:14
bacthere are no minor questions13:14
bacno, wait, there are no dumb questions13:14
bacjcsackett: i think what happened here is in an earlier version i was using the 'extra_data' to fill out the expected results, so i wanted it squirreled away separately.13:17
bacjcsackett: so i can make the change you request easily and it'll be more readable.13:17
jcsackettbac: awesome.13:18
redirguihelp how does one troubleshoot bzr connections? 13:28
bacredir: what's the prob?13:28
redirI can't seem to push anything -- it hangs -- and -v doesn't display any more information13:29
kadams54With powerful incantations and blood sacrifice13:29
kadams54That's how13:29
* redir gets blood bowl and starts chanting13:29
redirfound it...13:30
jcsackettsee, the blood bowl totally works.13:30
redirnm 13:30
redirstale .ssh ControlPath entry13:32
redirbac got a minute to talk about the ngram search interface?13:35
rick_h_jujugui added a card to urget, found a big issue while trying to see where we are with machine view in a real lxc env today13:42
rick_h_urgent bah13:42
rick_h_heads up for folks looking for a new card soon13:42
redirrick_h_: I don't have permission to add comments/edit the docs you sent me13:44
rick_h_redir: sorry, sec13:44
rick_h_redir: updated13:45
rick_h_ok, so maybe that bug is my machine13:48
rick_h_jujugui can anyone try to reproduce my bug in urgent please? Now I can't click on a google doc and tried in FF and chrome so maybe my computer hates me13:48
frankbanrick_h_: trying13:49
* rick_h_ feels like his computer is possessed13:49
frankbanrick_h_: I am able move service blocks in LXC, with and without flags13:50
bacjcsackett: i did this instead: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7410490/13:50
frankbanable to move even13:51
jcsackettbac: ok, i can see the value of that as a way to isolate expected value. thanks for the changes.13:51
bacredir: sorry, didn't see your message.  let me get my branch landed then let's talk, whatever13:51
bacjcsackett: it is a better test...13:51
redirbac: np, ping me when you are free...13:51
rick_h_frankban: thanks deleting the card13:51
bacredir: want to chat on G+?13:57
redirbac: gimme 5 minutes?13:58
redirbac: ready14:03
bacredir: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/daily-standup14:10
hatchI can talk today14:20
kadams54guihelp: I know I've seen this test failure before, but can't remember what it means: "Error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token C ("14:31
kadams54That ring a bell for anyone else?14:31
hatchkadams54 run make lint14:31
hatchit also seems like it can't serve that file14:31
hatchif you open that file in chrome devtools you'll see why it's broken14:32
hatchassuming you're running test server right now14:32
rick_h_kadams54: an unmocked api request14:36
rick_h_hatch: can you chat to antdillon on watching for changes to the ecs stuff please?14:37
rick_h_or Makyo ^14:37
kadams54hatch: lint run, still having problems14:37
antdillonhatch, Thanks14:37
kadams54rick_h: it's happening in the after each hook14:38
rick_h_kadams54: well that just means that's when the api call responds or something. 14:38
kadams54Yeah, I think you're right, looking for API calls…14:39
rick_h_kadams54: but the issue is the api response code trying to json decode something that isn't valid json which is what that error is from14:39
hatchugh this test suite...14:39
kadams54I can see the error is bubbling out of a json-parse-debug.js14:39
rick_h_kadams54: yep14:40
hatchantdillon ok you can't listen for changes to the changeset14:41
hatch(that was easy)14:41
antdillonhatch, So polling the changeset?14:42
rick_h_hatch: boooo, no ATTR to watch?14:42
hatchantdillon yeah this appears to be an oversight in the design14:42
antdillonhatch, rick_h_ lol14:42
hatchshould be pretty trivial to fix though14:42
hatchdo you want to tackle that as a separate branch first?14:43
rick_h_hatch: antdillon +114:43
antdillonhatch, I can try get it in this branch if you know of another example14:43
hatchIt's out of scope of that branch14:43
hatchit's quite a bit of changes14:44
hatchbasically everything that references the changeSet property needs to instead access an attribute14:44
rick_h_hatch: just need the ECS to fire a change event? 14:44
hatchyou hook up to the changeSet property using out object.observe polyfill14:44
hatchless custom events the better14:44
hatchso....hmm lemme take a look14:45
hatchthe code is so much cleaner not having to get/set an attribute14:45
hatchantdillon ever done anything with Object.observe() ?14:47
antdillonhatch, Not really, how hard could it be :/14:48
hatchObject.observe(ecs.changeSet, callback)14:49
hatchnot very :P14:49
antdillonhatch, Cool14:49
hatchhaha yeah....you want to look into databinding.js14:49
rick_h_no, no he doesn't14:49
hatchand grep for `observe` and `unobserve`14:49
hatchbut ignore everything else14:50
hatchit's magic in there14:50
antdillonhatch, Got it14:50
hatchantdillon basically the pollyfill polls the object :) 14:51
jcsackettjujugui: nine minutes to call, yada yada.14:51
hatchantdillon app/assets/javascripts/Object.observe.poly.js14:52
hatchit's pretty thick, not much to see, but incase you were interested14:52
hatchwe should probably update our polyfill14:54
rick_h_hatch: it's a slack card already14:55
hatchoh cool14:55
hatchthere has been a ton of work done to the Polymer one14:55
antdillonhatch, Will take a look14:56
rick_h_antdillon: you're welcome to join https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/daily-standup?authuser=114:56
rick_h_at the top of the hour for stand up14:57
hatchantdillon so this is just my preference because the code is so much cleaner not using attributes - if you run into any big issues feel free to let me know and we can revisit switching changeSet to an attribute14:57
rick_h_jujugui call in 1 14:59
hatchrick_h_ the blues docs that you shared are not editable fyi14:59
rick_h_hatch: k, will look. Thought I gave edit there14:59
hatchhaha, blues... redir 14:59
rick_h_oh, can edit folder but not docs boo google 15:00
hatchheh, hyper specific ACL15:00
rick_h_Makyo: hatch redir call time15:00
antdillonhatch, You in the units in db call?15:21
hatchI am 15:21
antdillonhatch, Let me know when your free for a hand on this observe stuff please15:22
hatchwill do15:26
hatchantdillon done15:30
antdillonhatch, Think I got it15:30
rick_h_kadams54: want to pair up now?15:37
kadams54Working on a PR15:39
rick_h_kadams54: cool, setup a hangout when you're ready and linky me15:39
rick_h_jujugui marked the unit db list card as critical and top of the lane 15:40
kadams54rick_h_: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpjs4qa80af83u7shrgk05eg?authuser=2&hl=en15:45
hatchjcsackett got what you need from that diff img?15:51
jcsacketthatch: yup.16:11
rick_h_guihelp in running tests I see a ton of "Error: Invalid value for <g> attribute transform="translate(NaN,NaN)" 16:13
rick_h_this was related to the error I noticed in QA today16:13
rick_h_anyone remember seeing or can dupe that?16:13
MakyoTrying now..16:17
frankbanuhm, so this is confusing, it seems models.js:ServiceUnitList.process_delta already has the code to update both "this" (the units model list itself) and service.get('units')... 16:18
frankbanrick_h_: ^^^ so maybe something from the past. anyone remember if in the initial impl we had a top level unit list?16:19
rick_h_frankban: so we already have a units list? I didn't see it inspecting the db16:19
Makyorick_h_, I'm seeing it in test-server. investigating quiickly.16:19
rick_h_Makyo: hmm, I had it in test server. Maybe my system is possessed today16:19
rick_h_Makyo: latest trunk?16:19
Makyorick_h_, yeah, that's where I'm seeing it.16:20
rick_h_frankban: yea, no idea. I'm actually newer to the db and not sure of its history. 16:20
rick_h_Makyo: oh sorry, you did see it16:20
rick_h_Makyo: misreading, who put monday in my wed16:20
frankbanrick_h_: no, we don;t have a top level unit list, but the process delta seems to assume we have it. so basically we are calling _process_delta twice on the same model list. trying to confirm16:20
rick_h_frankban: heh, well we're half way there then :)16:20
frankbanheh :-)16:20
* rick_h_ runs for food stuff before next meeting16:21
bacredir: sorry, meant to ask that question over here.16:28
* bac lunches16:28
bacredir: over here, over here!16:29
bacredir: if it works, please 'bzr add' it to your branch16:30
bacredir, ok if not this branch, then share it somehow16:30
redirbac: I am in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike....16:32
redirI didn't complete it. I got as far as importing a couple things and looking for the necessary bits. 16:32
redirbut decided that it wasn't trivial and was sorting socks instead of working on the actual card16:33
redirbzr makes me feel like a ten left thumbed person16:36
hatchanyone available for a review?16:51
rick_h_hatch: I can in about 5 if you need16:51
hatchok just writing docs right now16:51
hatchjujugui https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/277 whoever is available for a review/qa16:58
rick_h_hatch: hit a conflict against trunk, please make sure to rebase off develop17:00
rick_h_small simple one17:00
hatchrick_h_ fixed17:02
hatchgithub thinks I did these commits 6 days ago heh17:02
hatchI must have broken something in the rebase17:02
hatchdoh lint17:07
hatchand I just ran it too17:07
hatchso when I booted up my computer today, refind wasn't there, and neither was grub17:20
rick_h_hatch: you did a osx upgrade?17:20
rick_h_hatch: every time it upgrades I have to reinstall refind17:20
rick_h_and then it's all back17:20
hatchI did some updates 17:20
rick_h_rerun the refind install.sh and you'll be fine17:21
hatchahh cool cool17:21
hatchosx is a tricky bugger17:21
rick_h_it doesn't like the parasite os on there17:21
rick_h_redir: let's you setup a boot manager to run ubuntu on apple hardware17:24
rick_h_hatch: comments done, a few questions. Let me know if you want to chat on them. Will start QA17:24
hatchcool looking17:25
* rick_h_ runs away before he can read them17:25
rick_h_does qa from the camper in the driveway17:25
hatchhaha, it's still too cold here for normal camping17:25
hatchdoes your camper have a heater?17:25
rick_h_I think we've had our last frost warning to trying to get out for mother's day weekend17:25
rick_h_oh yea, propane furnace17:26
rick_h_and electric heating pads for the bunk ends17:26
rick_h_since the tent ends get a bit chilly at night17:26
rick_h_lol qa'ing this with the simulator turned on is nuts :P17:31
hatchyeah it's super broken hah17:31
hatchthat's why I bolded that comment :)17:31
rick_h_Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'add_unit' of undefined17:32
rick_h_I think my comments in there that hit on this are valid though. 17:33
hatchhmm when did you get that?17:34
rick_h_hatch: after the simulator reset the thing 5 or so times and I finally got the numbers input and hit add units17:34
hatchoh....well yeah, you need to turn the simulator off, the machine view panel is just blowing it all away17:34
hatchI'm surprised more doesn't break17:34
rick_h_well, let's shoot for less breakage even with the simulator :P17:35
hatchwell it's not the simulator, it's the rerendering of the panel 17:35
hatchif you hack the machine panel view code to stop re-rendering then you don't run into any issues17:36
rick_h_I thought that was in here?17:36
hatchno that's what huw is working on17:36
hatchthe machine panel view listens to any change in the machine model, then re-renders everything17:36
rick_h_hatch: right but why does the scale up widget need to listen to those?17:39
rick_h_hatch: I think having those move from under the user would be a bit not-good17:39
hatchit doesn't17:39
hatchit's in the machine view17:40
hatchso when the machine view gets re-rendered it re-renders the scale up view17:40
rick_h_app/widgets/service-scale-up-view.js - line #70 in the diff17:40
hatchyeah that's where it listens to re-render the service list if it gets updated17:40
rick_h_right, but that seems bad UX imo, a user is there typing and stuff moves on them17:41
hatchit doesn't if the machine view doesn't re-render17:41
hatchthat's what the _updateUI method does17:41
hatchand why it's so funky17:41
rick_h_ok, let's forget the machine view panel and just look at the life cycle of this new View17:41
rick_h_it's init'd and rendered, part of that is binding to change events on the db.services.on()17:42
rick_h_and if that changes, adds, removes, it updates the service list, which updates the UI17:42
rick_h_all while the user is trying to enter a 3 into the 4th box...17:42
rick_h_which is now the 5th box, or doesn't exist any more because of the change event from within the scale up view itself17:43
hatchwell if the service goes away then they can't scale it up anyways17:43
hatchif the service is still there, it doesn't modify the UI17:43
hatchso you'll still be focused and typing in the input17:44
rick_h_that's horrible to users, and order it promised to never move the list on you? 17:44
rick_h_if I'm entering in the 4th box and the 2nd one goes away?17:44
rick_h_I don't think we can treat this widget as live updating. 17:45
hatchYou thought the other way in Vegas :)17:45
rick_h_heh, well I think when you click on the + is needs to be live17:45
rick_h_and when you close it/reopen it it's updated17:45
rick_h_but only at interaction points 17:46
hatchso what if they scale up a service which doesn't exist anymore?17:46
rick_h_then we'll have to be smart and bring up a service17:46
rick_h_or throw an error during the deploy confirmation step17:47
hatchso now adding a unit deploys a charm?17:47
rick_h_we've got places to confront the user without moving their UI around on them as they try to type17:47
rick_h_we'll probably have to start with the confirmation error, we need that anyway in case of conflicting names/etc17:47
rick_h_but yea, I should be able to say "oh I wanted a unit of that, sorry rick blew it away, I want it back"17:47
rick_h_"rick doesn't need mysql any more but I sure do"17:48
hatchthen you need to go deploy it again the usual way17:48
hatchhaving a scale up UI deploy charms is a little crazy17:48
rick_h_ok, still. Regardless of the 'how' I think that once you put the form in front of the user you can't go moving it17:48
rick_h_if you're entering a username someone just took, I don't delete your data entry, or delete the field. 17:49
rick_h_I show you an error/message to help you resolve the issue17:49
hatchand if a new service is deployed you want to mass scale up you have to click the X then the + again to see it?17:49
rick_h_and then this code gets a lot simpler. It doesn't need to watch the db and such17:49
rick_h_if you click + and someone adds a service you weren't planning on scaling it already anyway17:50
hatchIunno, I disagree 17:50
rick_h_it wasn't there when you started, you might want to go back and scale that one up before you hit deploy on the bar, but you weren't planning on touching it at the moment you started your interaction17:50
rick_h_how could you know it was there?17:51
rick_h_going to be there I guess17:51
hatchit's just odd that it'll be the only place in the UI that doesn't maintain env state17:51
hatchthe inspector unit list jumps around while you may be working on ti17:51
rick_h_does the inspector config auto reload if someone does a service upgrade?17:51
rick_h_right, and everyone hates that darn jumping unit list thing17:52
rick_h_it's so hostile to users17:52
hatchwell, it's accurate 17:52
rick_h_and this is a small interaction with very very limited env interaction. It's only giving you an option to do something based on a list. 17:52
rick_h_hatch: sure it's accurate, doesn't make it nice to use17:53
hatchI'll remove the binding stuff - but maybe the X should turn to a refresh button or something if the db changes17:53
rick_h_hatch: hey, I'm all for getting other opinions. 17:53
hatchit's not very intuitive if the user is living in the machine view and wants to mass scale up and there are no services in the list anymore17:53
rick_h_hatch: I'm just sharing mine, I think the code can be simpler and easier to use without the event watching17:53
hatchoh for sure17:54
rick_h_if the users live in machine view I think we've failed imo17:54
rick_h_but that's a different discussion17:54
rick_h_which we can have in our upcoming 1-1 :P17:55
hatchhah, well I'm totally confused of the direction of the new no-inspector UI 17:55
hatchwhich may mean people live in there17:55
rick_h_you and me both. Had a chat with luca bout that yesterday17:55
Makyojujugui quick review/qa: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/27817:56
hatchI'm hoping he changed his mind? :)17:56
hatchMakyo I think that your branch needs to redirect the user to the default of sectionA17:58
hatchso their url actually changes I mean17:59
rick_h_+1 redir like we do for /fullscreen and such17:59
rick_h_to end up in a good place17:59
hatchMakyo that may mean that it'll need to be done in the 'validator' which is yet to be written18:00
hatchredir I think rick_h_  meant to say me or Makyo  :)18:00
rick_h_redir: huh?18:00
Makyohatch, +1 on redirecting, but if the validator has yet to be written, that's outside the scope of this branch.18:01
rick_h_oh redir as in short for redirct18:01
redir:) 18:01
rick_h_sorry, poor naming choice there redir :P18:01
redirlong running joke18:01
hatchMakyo yeah, definitely, so would that mean this branch needs to be benched?18:01
hatchOr land as-is and fix later?18:01
rick_h_I guess, now I'm wondering...give redir a task it ends up on Makyo. like a fine waxed car18:01
Makyohatch, Either or. I'm loathe to have wasted time on it while things diverge further.  Can we add an XXX comment and land?18:02
hatchyeah that should be fine18:05
bacif robbie *just discovered* juju.academy does that mean he slept through the lightning talks?18:17
hatchbac haha18:24
MakyoOh, neat, we actually got that URL.18:27
MakyoHave it up on the book site now: http://book.exploring-juju.com/18:29
hatchnice :)18:30
hatchlook at all you guys, being good juju community peoples18:30
alexpilottihi guys, is there a way to have a password field in the charm’s properties on the gui?18:31
hatchalexpilotti do you mean the password for the GUI/18:32
alexpilottihatch: in a new charm, we need to specify among the properties a password18:33
hatchoh ok, well atm that's just a typical field18:33
hatchI'm guessing you want it to be a *** while you type?18:33
alexpilottihatch: the “service settings” in teh GUI18:33
alexpilottihatch: yep, typical password edit field18:34
hatchyeah, at the moment that's not supported but there have been some mumblings. Would you be able to file a bug requesting this feature?18:34
alexpilottihatch: sure18:34
redirbac: test_search.py:TestReindex.test_reindexed_no_client_charms deletes the non text index from the ini. Is that intentional?18:37
bacredir: don't know.  let me look.18:38
alexpilottihatch: done: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/131722818:38
_mup_Bug #1317228: Passwords fields should be supported in the charm service settings <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1317228>18:38
alexpilottihatch: is there a way to hack this in a quick and dirty way? We just need it for a demo18:39
hatchlemme take a look18:40
bacredir: i don't understand that test.18:44
redirbac: me either18:44
rick_h_alexpilotti: hatch this should be on juju. They need to support the idea in their config.yaml 18:46
bacredir: but this is why es data all disappear...18:46
rick_h_I guess it can be on both18:46
redirbac Yes, AFAICT.18:46
alexpilottirick_h_: I agree18:46
rick_h_alexpilotti: what's the demo? Can you tweak the list of config values so the password is at the end/off the screen?18:46
hatchrick_h_ I've also shown him where we render the config UI and the template in PM18:47
rick_h_alexpilotti: or hard code the value in the fork of the charm and remove it from the config18:47
alexpilottirick_h_: we’ll do that if we have no other chance :-) 18:47
bacredir: if you have the cycles, would be nice to ingest some stuff, disable that test, run make test, and then ensure your index is still there.  if so, perhaps just leave that test disabled until we can re-write it sanely.18:47
rick_h_alexpilotti: ok, we're up against a wall for ODS demo atm so not a lot of time until after next week to look at better solutions18:48
redirbac affirmative18:48
rick_h_those are the things I can think of off the top of my head to get by for the moment18:48
bacredir: and if it solves the problem then i'll buy you a beer at our next meeting.18:49
hatchok stepping out for lunch18:49
redirbac was there a bug for that or just a general annoyance?18:59
redirmerge problems:/19:11
redirbac: I should be doing something like "bzr merge ../trunk" yes?19:11
bacredir: do you have a current trunk branch?  if not: bzr merge lp:charmworld19:12
redirI went to trunk and did bzr pull19:12
redirbut I'll try merge lp:charmworld19:12
bacand it is on revno 508?19:13
bacredir: what was the merge problem you saw?19:13
redirsome conflicts that seemed easy enough, but I wind up with a mongo_services object that is undefined19:14
bacredir: sounds like bad conflict resolution19:15
baccompare api/__init__.py with trunk19:15
jcsackettrick_h_: where are the docs on how to set up tmux like you have it, where it just auto starts with tabs?19:19
redirbac yeah that doesnt' seem like it merged very well at all19:20
redirand test failures. lemme try again19:21
bacjujugui: http://qa.manage.jujucharms.com/heartbeat is alive again, after a long hiatus19:27
jcsackettbac: \o/19:27
kadams54rick_h_: let me know if you have a moment to talk about my branch… at a decision point here.19:28
bacturns out, some services on canonistack using orangesquad credentials did not specify admin-secret or control-block in environments.yaml.  juju made up strings for those values, but used unicode values that swift could not handle.  thus swift went crazy for everything associated with orangesquad.  at least that's how i understand it from sinzui's telling.19:28
kadams54bac: help me out here… what's that do and what changes now that it's back up?19:29
backadams54: for you, nothing.  :)19:30
rick_h_kadams54: otp will ping after19:30
backadams54: but for those working on charmworld dev, it is a canonistack-hosted qa machine that automatically gets updated with tip when changes land19:30
backadams54: manage.jujucharms.com and staging.manage.jujucharms.com run in our production environment and can only be touched by webops and can't have auto-deploys19:31
kadams54Ah, so no test/qa environment while this was down19:32
kadams54Just push to production and cross fingers?>19:32
backadams54: no, have webops deploy to staging but have no environment to investigate directly if things went wrong19:32
redirbac: you have a second to pair up on these two failing tests? 19:36
bacredir: give me a sec to grab a beverage.  will ping you.19:37
rick_h_kadams54: pong, ready to chat?19:42
bacredir: daily hangout room?19:42
bacredir: oops.  i'll make on19:42
rick_h_jcsackett: http://uploads.mitechie.com/books/tmux_p1_1.pdf19:42
kadams54Well, let me grab my headphones and take a quick bio break, but mostly yeah :-)19:42
rick_h_kadams54: k19:42
jcastrorick_h_, http://lightswitch05.github.io/commit-cloud/#juju/juju-gui19:42
* redir waits19:43
rick_h_jcastro: :)19:43
bacredir: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpi4tbcce7jf0nq4j7nufuq0?hl=en19:44
jcsackettrick_h_: oh dear, a pdf.19:45
rick_h_jcsackett: :P19:45
redirbac: google says that party is over:)19:46
jcsackettrick_h_: this appears to be actual documentation.19:46
jcsacketti believe you just RTFMed me. :p19:46
jcsackettthanks. :)19:46
rick_h_jcsackett: I gave you a book on it19:46
rick_h_it's a pragmatic prog book, it's short19:47
jcsackettindeed. you have a book on make too, right? is that digital or physical?19:47
jcsackettmuch obliged.19:48
kadams54rick_h_: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpigd0956186nv27ogmbtm1019:48
kadams54rick_h_: gonna make sure CI builds are green and then https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/276 will be ready for hand-off19:57
Makyohatch, +/-1 on my branch?19:59
hatchMakyo oops sorry 20:06
Makyonp, lunch ran a little long, had to get a new super on the beehive before the rain moved in.20:07
hatchlettr' rip20:07
hatchlol beehive20:07
hatchyour neighbours must hate you20:07
MakyoWe won't be around them long.  And besides, the problem here is hornets and yellowjackets, rather than honeybees, which mostly just leave you alone.20:08
MakyoAnd paperwasps. Hate those.20:09
jcsackettrick_h_: got a moment to chat?20:09
rick_h_jcsackett: sure20:09
hatchahh yeah we have yellowhacket problems a lot20:12
hatchpaperwasps up north moreso20:12
hatchthose guys are agressive20:12
jcsackettMakyo: you got a moment to chat?20:16
MakyoSure thing20:16
Makyojcsackett, Sorry, left in the middle of you saying something, whoops :(20:18
hatchrick_h_ so I'm going to remove that databinding-like support from the mass scale up UI. I'll email design and ask them to put together an interaction for 'the service list has changed, now what?' story20:27
rick_h_hatch: sounds +1 to me 20:28
rick_h_and blame me for everything :P then luca will disagree because it's me and you can get it back into place 20:28
hatchSo what you're telling me is that Luca has a predisposition to hate every idea you have......good to know ;)20:33
rick_h_pretty much, you guys should get along great :P20:34
jcsackettMakyo: i was just saying "have a good evening".20:34
hatchhaha, I like to think we do!20:34
MakyoOh!  You too :)20:34
bacredir: i'm back in the same hangout20:34
jcsackettthanks. :)20:35
hatch:'( I hate deleting good code20:37
alexpilottihatch rick_h_: nailed it :-) https://github.com/cloudbase/juju-gui/commit/0ead46bdf2aa019e8a0b656ab797f52ce9515a8220:37
hatchalexpilotti :D20:38
rick_h_alexpilotti: so if you submit that to core it takes it?20:38
rick_h_alexpilotti: that's my main concern20:38
hatchI was pretty sure core would reject it though :)20:38
alexpilottirick_h_: testing now20:38
hatchI hope it doesn't20:39
hatchthat would be pretty nice if it "just works"20:39
alexpilottiin case either we hack core as well or we just go with a hack20:39
hatchmuch hack, so hacky20:40
alexpilottihatch: everything is legal for putting a demo together :-) 20:40
bacabentley: hi, do you have a couple of minutes to help redir and i get a bzr branch unconfused?20:40
abentleyotp.  back at you soon.20:41
hatchso true, so true, tbh your changes to the front end aren't really hacky at all20:41
* rick_h_ goes afk for a few20:41
alexpilottihatch: looks like we have a wiiner by just adding it here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~go-bot/juju-core/trunk/view/head:/charm/config.go#L5520:44
alexpilottias in: “password”:  schema.String(),20:45
hatchoh very cool - 20:45
hatchI suppose a password field in the UI should be able to be toggled visisble20:46
hatchso it's a bit more work for a real implementation20:46
abentleybac: Okay, what's going on?20:46
hatchbut it's good to see that it's not a ton more work20:46
alexpilottiyeah, but still very easy20:46
bacabentley: can you join our hangout?  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gqzq6ltup6vkgfnqieoltnr74aa?hl=en20:47
abentleybac: It's says "This party is over.  But you can start a new one."20:48
bacabentley: sorry, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gqzq6ltup6vkgfnqieoltnr74aa?hl=en20:48
bacoh, thats the same one.20:48
abentleybac: Can you just invite me?20:49
bacabentley: done20:49
bacabentley: reed invited you20:50
MakyoHail storm, may lose power.20:53
hatchMakyo no underground powerlines there?20:53
hatchor is the hail THAT big ;)20:53
MakyoUnderground in the neighborhood, but the main lines are above ground leading to the neighborhood.20:55
MakyoAnd they're notoriously fragile20:55
hatchahh yeah that's what it's like here, although not super fragile (depends on the area)20:56
alexpilottihatch rick_h_: tx a lot guys! With your help this went really fast!20:56
hatchalexpilotti happy to help!20:57
abentleyredir: My guess about how 510 happened is that you did "bzr merge ../trunk" and then "bzr revert .".  "revert ." will reset the files but not the merges.  You want "bzr revert" (no dot) for that.21:17
redirabentley: thanks for your help21:17
hatchabentley the bzr master21:19
hatchI think he has a 9th degree bzr black belt somewhere21:19
* hatch whispers to redir "abentley wrote bzr"21:20
abentleyhatch: Well, not just me.  Martin Pool led the project, and I made major contributions like the merge/revert/pull filesystem manipulation.21:26
hatchso you did all the hard stuff? ;)21:27
abentleyhatch: There was plenty of hard stuff to go around.  The current repository format, for example, uses a mind-melting compression technique by Robert Collins.21:29
hatch:-) just can't take a compliment 21:29
hatchhey rick_h_  are you back yet?21:38
hatch__our test suite is so busted I put a .only on the machine panel view tests and it runs the browser _machine dispatch tests too21:56
hatch__colour me confused!21:56
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
rick_h_hatch: back what's up?22:10
hatchrick_h_ hey, I'm just writing more tests now, but take a look at my new implementation of the scale up view. I left the DOM manipulation stuff in there so that when it re-renders when the user clicks the 'refresh' button all of their stuff will still be there22:10
rick_h_hatch: k, sounds like a good plan. Saw the email go by. I like making it depend on the user asking for it22:11
hatchyeah - I now only pass the serviceList in, and emit an event for adding units22:12
rick_h_hatch: cool, that sounds nice22:13
hatchI figured it would, it was your idea :P22:13
hatchhaha, but it was right22:13
rick_h_hey, we're ending up nicely in the middle, that's a good answer to most problems22:13
hatchdesign by committee 22:14
hatchoh wait22:14
hatchthat's usually a bad thing22:14
rick_h_once in a while multiple heads make one smart decision22:14
* rick_h_ runs away now 22:15
hatch:) cya22:15
rick_h_alexpilotti: did you end up patching the GUI? Do we need to get a patch in?22:15
rick_h_alexpilotti: or you have something that works for you for now?22:15
rick_h_ok, /me really runs now22:16
alexpilottirick_h_: for the demo is good, IMO it can also work as the base for a subsequent merge:22:16
alexpilottirick_h_: https://github.com/cloudbase/juju-gui/commit/0ead46bdf2aa019e8a0b656ab797f52ce9515a8222:16
rick_h_alexpilotti: cool, let's make sure to work together on that then. I'd love to see some outside stuff head in and appreciate your willingness to poke through it22:17
alexpilottirick_h_: here’s teh corresponding juju-core patch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~alexpilotti/juju-core/juju-core/revision/2706?start_revid=270622:17
rick_h_alexpilotti: ah cool, did need a small patch there then. Good to konw22:17
rick_h_alexpilotti: <3 you rock22:17
alexpilottirick_h_: tx! It was easier then expected! :-)22:18
hatchit's good to hear the GUI is pretty easy to work on for external contributors 22:18
alexpilottiit’s a very neat project, indeed22:20
hatchthanks :) 22:21
hatchit's come a long way22:21
hatchrick_h_ if you get a moment the mass scale-up UI changes are done and pushed - if it passes review feel free to shipit22:49
hatchkadams54 are you around?22:51
hatchmorning huwshimi 23:07
hatchhuwshimi I'm curious how your branch is coming along and if you had any questions about it. I have to take off soon but would love to see that thing land in the am :)23:07
huwshimihatch: Sure, I'll see how I go :)23:08
hatchshall I check back in later?23:09
huwshimihatch: There's still a bunch of work I need to do to get all the updates working correctly and test written.23:10
hatchahh ok, well I have to run out for supper for a few hours, so when I get back I'll check back in23:10
hatchIf you don't get it finished mind passing it off to me?23:10
hatchmaybe fire off an email with the details etc23:11
huwshimihatch: Sure, will do!23:11
huwshimihatch: Did you want to merge my last set of changes into your unplaced-units branch?23:28
hatchumm, which changes are those?23:34
hatchI've got it up for the final review/qa23:34
hatchhuwshimi mind putting the diff up in a gist?23:35
huwshimihatch: Sure.23:35
huwshimihatch: It borrows a lot from you branch23:35
hatchman I'm pissed, I can't find my Three sim card :/ 23:36
huwshimihatch: How do I get a diff of all changes in this branch, including uncommitted changes?23:37
hatch`git diff develop`23:38
hatchwill diff it from develop23:38
hatchI gota run23:38
hatchI'll take a look when I get back23:38
huwshimihmm... that won't work as develop has changed. I'll figure it out.23:39

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