
deltI'm hearing my sound card's line-in even if "system -> system" is disconnected in the alsa "connect" window03:48
letstrythissince above 12.4 is low latency? how/where do i adjust these properties to tune my ubuntu to my needs?03:54
deltand the line-in is heard even if the sound card's "master" is set to zero....???????03:58
letstrythisi had this on an onboard card04:24
letstrythisturned out it was a known issue wen it got too hot o.004:24
letstrythisand was also open to cross talk04:25
letstrythisdelt: another time it was someone remote expploiting me and it was feedback o.004:25
letstrythisyour volume on the device going in doesn't need to be high either04:28
letstrythistoo much and the sound will bleed out of the wires04:28
letstrythisinto other devices and even be audible04:28
letstrythisyou end up hearing it when muted and could risk damage if this is the case04:29
zequencedelt: Sure it is from the same device you have started jack with, or is it a card that pulseaudio controls10:10
zequencedelt: There's always a logical exlanation to that sort of thing10:10
wachinPlease help my, I install UbuntuStudio 14.04 on my Dell Inspiron 1750 and I found dbus-daemon usage 2,5GB memory RAM, my PC very slow13:00
wachinUbuntuStudio x8613:00
wachinmy Laptop only have 4GB RAM13:01
zequencewachin: Report a bug. In a terminal, do: ubuntu-bug <packagename>13:04
zequencereplace <packagename> with the package you think is erroring13:05
zequencewachin: I believe the package is called dbus13:06
wachinI go to restart13:09
wachinHi to All on UbuntuStudio 14.04 Wine 1.6.2 have missing the App menu https://www.dropbox.com/s/eqks91qqw2olfvj/wine1.6.2-not-have-menu-app.png16:10
wachinSome of Yours know how to solve this16:11
delti believe the "black screen on laptop close" bug is a bug in xfce, since it also occurs in linux mint xfce edition.19:40
OvenWerk1delt: with regards to input sound going through when disconnected. Most audio interfaces have a monitoring circuit that bypasses the computer and _can_ route audio directly to the output. An alsa mixer app like alsamixer in a terminal or qasmixer for a gui may show this up. Any input that shows up in the outputs is a monitor control... except mic boost.20:53
OvenWerk1Of course if you have a multi-track interface like a delta44/66/1010 or RME or echo or any fire wire IF, then you should use the mixer that goes with the hardware.20:58
deltOvenWerk1: thanks for the info, will check this out in a few minutes.22:30
deltOvenWerk1: thanks, i found such a control, but it doesn't affect the audible line-in :(22:35
deltoven: http://www.deimos.ca/miscjunk/volumecontrol-linein.png22:38
deltOvenWerk1: http://www.deimos.ca/miscjunk/volumecontrol-linein.png22:38
delteven if i select another input source for both "capture" items, i can still hear the line-in.22:45
delthowever the line-in volume DOES affect how loud i hear the line-in22:51
OvenWerk1delt: Might have something to do with "jack switching".22:53
OvenWerk1(not to be confused with jackd(bus))22:53
OvenWerk1Some jacks are used for more than one function and so they have more than one signal there.22:54
OvenWerk1At least for an internal card22:54
OvenWerk1plugging and unplugging may make a difference22:56
OvenWerk1Also, is mic boost turned off? The boost is only for mics but at least on my netbook also affects line in22:57
OvenWerk1Quite honestly, I never use internal audio for recording. (by internal I mean on the MB)22:58
deltunplugged and plugged again, no difference. also mic boost is off.22:59
OvenWerk1The internal audio generally has quite good output quality, but not so good input quality23:00
delthey, that's an idea... is there a way to route the external sound card's line-in to the main out?23:01
OvenWerk1delt: under media playback there is a "HDAJackretask" that may (or not) help23:02
OvenWerk1you can use one card for in and another for out.23:02
OvenWerk1Both jackd and pulse will allow this.23:02
OvenWerk1delt: Just got to looking at the screeshot you posted. You are showing the inputs/capture screen. The monitor controls are on the playback screen.23:06
OvenWerk1The way these are connected are kind of funny, but capture can be off and mute but if linein monitor is up, then linein is routed to lineout.23:08
deltok, i lowered the linein on the playback tab, now i don't hear my line-in anymore. BUT connecting "system" to "system" in qjackctl -> audio i don't hear it either.23:10
deltand also renoise records only silence23:12
OvenWerk1So that is no solution then.23:12
deltah, NOW i got it!23:12
deltthe capture level was still at minimum. now everything is working the way it should :D23:13
OvenWerk1Getting to know your alsa mixer is very useful23:13
delt[pts/16][root@phobos]:~# alsactl store23:14
deltyeah, getting to know how the audio card too23:14

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