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dholbachgood morning06:42
justCarakasgood morning all07:03
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy No Socks Day! :-D07:56
dpmmorning JamesTait and all :)08:00
JamesTaitdpm, o/08:00
dpmmzanetti, morning! I sent you an e-mail re: the Evernote review. When you've got a minute, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/reminders-app/fix-1316827-reload-notes/+merge/218566 ?08:10
justCarakasJamesTait: no socks ? crap08:15
JamesTaitjustCarakas, FWIW, I'm wearing socks.08:16
justCarakasJamesTait: shame on you :p what an insult to the day :p08:16
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justCarakashi dpm do you know wat the status is on the nexus 7 ? :D08:17
popeyjustCarakas: can you be more specific?08:18
justCarakaspopey: the app showdown price :D08:19
popeyah, the prize?08:19
justCarakaspopey: that :p08:19
popeydid you win?08:21
justCarakasI did, I made BE Mobile08:21
justCarakasthx popey :)08:23
justCarakasI have a lot of work to do at the moment, i.e. the website of my dads work, but after that Im gonne improve it and make some more apps08:24
mzanettidpm: hey08:31
mzanettidpm: btw: https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/new-reminders-design/+merge/21868608:32
dpmjustCarakas, we're getting the logistics in motion (shipment and Ubuntu installation), I'll send you an e-mail with an update08:32
dpmmzanetti, morning o/ yeah, I've not yet looked at that one. I need to finish off a couple of things and I'll get to it next08:33
mzanettidpm: also, after this, can you please walk through the whole app and see if there's anything missing before merging the whole new design back to trunk?08:34
dpmmzanetti, so in that branch do you consider the new design to be complete?08:35
mzanettidpm: yeah... found a small glitch in the notes delegate, will fix that asap. but for the rest I think we're good08:35
dpmoh wow08:35
* dpm is excited now08:36
mzanettiit's not that much... just replacing the delegates :)08:36
mzanettiluckily the logic is not affected when doing such changes08:36
dpmmzanetti, when you say "anything missing", do you mean review the apps for features missing/bugs, or do you mean reviewing the design and looking that it' been implemented as per Lucas' spec?08:36
mzanettidpm: yeah, the latter, also, if you find something that still has the old colors for instance.... or something that doesn't look good any more with the white background08:37
dpmok, gotcha08:37
mzanettidpm: just your opinion if you consider the new-design branch to be ready or not. and if not, let us know what you'd expect to be fixed before going back to trunk08:38
dpmok, cool08:38
mzanettiman... I really want that lego dragon08:38
dpmmorning ogra_!, sorry to keep asking, but we need to coordinate a store upload for Reminders with this. Has the seeds change in https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-seeds/add-quicklayouts/+merge/218405 been applied, and if not, would you know more or less which image could be the one to include it? Thanks!08:40
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popeydpm: people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/16.changes 16 onwards has it08:42
dpmawesome, thanks!08:42
justCarakasalex_abreu:  is the new header already available in HTML5 ?09:09
popeyt1mp: do you know when https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-swipe-delete-002/+merge/217338 will land in the image? It's blocking a couple of long standing music app merges09:24
t1mppopey: I thought it is there already, let me check09:32
popeyt1mp: i can't see it in the Empty.qml on my #17 device09:32
t1mppopey: ah, no it is not in our trunk yet09:33
t1mpbzoltan: ^how is the next landing going?09:33
bzoltant1mp: it will happen today... i have some paperwork in my backlog for few hours, but in the afternoon i will fire up a landing ask09:34
t1mpbzoltan: cool, thanks09:35
t1mppopey: so if everything works well this week09:35
t1mpbzoltan: or is that too optimistic?09:36
popeybzoltan: its been top approved for over a week now, and is blocking two of our longest standing core apps merge requests.09:38
bzoltanpopey: Got it...09:38
* bzoltan puts aside the presentations and documentations and start landing for popey right away09:38
* popey hugs bzoltan 09:39
dpmmorning oSoMoN - IIRC a while ago Browser, Camera, etc. used to appear in the translatable projects column here: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-preview - do you know if they've moved to another project group in LP or if there is a single link I can use to point to all system apps?09:51
dpmaha, found it: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-apps09:52
dpmoSoMoN, so the next question is: does the list in https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-apps look up to date to you? Has there been any new system app being added lately or any that has been split and might need a translations update?09:54
oSoMoNdpm, let me check10:02
oSoMoNdpm, the list looks complete to me10:03
dpmexcellent, thanks oSoMoN!10:05
dholbachJamesTait, do you know if 1297196 is being worked on right now? the app referenced in the description seems to be in 'published' state right now...10:08
JamesTaitdholbach, I'm working on improving it right now - the app is published and available (because we removed the language restrictions when we switched back-ends), but the indexing and querying of anything other than English text won't benefit from some of the nice language analysis features yet.10:11
dholbachJamesTait, great - thanks for working on it10:11
JamesTaitI had hoped to land it before I went on holiday, but encountered an interesting regression in the acceptance tests.10:12
ybonpopey: 13:00 meeting, right? on which chan?10:30
popeyybon: #ubuntu-touch-meeting - and we'll have a hangout too..10:32
dpmmzanetti, ok, going to look at the new design now10:35
mzanettidpm: cool10:35
Aki-Thinkpadmorning all11:04
dpmmorning Aki-Thinkpad, your first merge proposal got approved :)11:23
dpmgood work :)11:23
Aki-Thinkpaddpm, saw that11:23
Aki-Thinkpada good easy first bug11:23
Aki-ThinkpadMy goal is to do one bug per day~11:23
dpmmzanetti, I left some comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/new-reminders-design/+merge/218686 - I need to spend some more time on it (otp atm)11:23
dpmAki-Thinkpad, awesome!11:23
nik90dpm: did you add the SDK ppa to trusty now that the devel branch is utopic?11:24
nik90btw Good morning :)11:24
dpmnik90, yeah, I'm on trusty and using the ppa11:24
mzanettidpm... good catches! I was aware of the gradient in the NotesView, but would have missed the rest11:27
dpmmzanetti, ok, cool. Here's something (unrelated to the design itself) that I've noticed too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/reminders-app/+bug/131683711:29
dpmduplicated month headers in non-English systems11:29
mzanettidpm: that's still because of the commented out sort(). but yeah, will enable that again.11:30
mzanettidpm: by now I've upgraded to utopic so I have the qt fix on my system finally11:30
dpmmzanetti, ok, but why does it only come up in localized systems? I seem to remember I could not see duplicated headers when I was running the phone in English11:31
dpmor perhaps I was running a branch with sort uncommented11:31
mzanettidpm: the ordering as we get it from evernote is arbitrary. if you're lucky and same dated notes come one after another, you won't see the header duplicated11:32
dpmmzanetti, ok, added some more comments. Not sure why, but the activity indicator is shown forever spinning on this branch.11:53
mzanettidpm: on the phone too?11:53
dpmyes, I'm testing on the phone only now11:54
mzanettidpm: ok. will check it out. thanks for the review11:54
dpmnp, I'm spending some time dogfooding the app now11:55
dpmso let me know if you need me to test anything11:55
dpmmzanetti, man, you shouldn't have shown me this, now I really want it to land in the click package we show to Evernote, this looks awesome!11:57
mzanettihaha :D11:57
mzanettidpm: will do my best to get stuff fixed this evening11:58
dpmmzanetti, ok, thanks! Let's sync up later on and make a call on whether we can land this today12:01
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popeyJamesTait / bueno is there a plan to support a single app having multiple versions active with different frameworks in the store? e.g. app based on bzr rev 10 having framework 14.04, and same app, same name, but bzr rev 20 having framework 14.10?12:22
beunopopey, there isn't, know12:26
beunoI haven't been sleeping a lot12:27
beunopopey, we discussed it12:27
beunoI think it gets too hairy for developers12:27
beunoconfusing for users (2 users download the same app, get different things)12:27
beunoand lets them and us be lazy about upgrades12:27
popeyThere's a few use cases where this is valuable.12:28
popeyI use this feature on iOS12:28
popeyApp requires iOS 7, I have iOS5, app store says "hey, you need this older version"12:29
beunopopey, right, what it may be doing is serving you an old version12:30
beunobut it wouldn't let the developer upload updates for the old version12:31
beunoAFAICT, I can only upload 1 binary to the appstore, and that's *the* binary12:31
popeyok, I'm not asking for the developer to be able to do that12:31
beunoI see12:32
popeybut to be able to have multiple active versions of the app, across multiple frameworks12:32
beunothe active is what throws me off12:32
beunopopey, nothing would stop us, technically12:32
beunowe'd have to think about it, discuss12:32
beunoand tweak a few apis12:32
beunothat's probably the answer you're looking for12:32
popeyshall I file a bug?12:32
beunopopey, maybe fire off an email to the appstore developers list12:35
beunoso we can discuss it a bit before?12:35
JamesTaitWhen it comes to the index, we'd need to tweak the package IDs to allow us to index multiple versions, but the framework filtering already exists.12:38
JamesTaitThis is something we've mentioned a few times, and I have a very woolly, vague idea of how we could make it work, but I haven't thoroughly thought it through yet.12:39
beunoJamesTait!  :)12:40
JamesTaitHi beuno!12:40
justCarakasheey Aki-Thinkpad12:48
Aki-ThinkpadjustCarakas, whats shaking?12:48
justCarakasAki-Thinkpad: this http://www.geocities.ws/kandorusa/Images/TjrDance.gif12:48
justCarakasAki-Thinkpad: how is it working on a core app :D12:49
Aki-ThinkpadjustCarakas, its actually pretty fun. David Planella is really patient and supportive12:49
Aki-Thinkpadthat is a random gif12:50
justCarakasHappy to hear that :D if I didn't have so much idea's and so little time I would probably join one 212:50
Aki-ThinkpadjustCarakas, still working on your app?12:50
justCarakasthey are shaking :D12:50
justCarakasI don't realy have time atm12:50
Aki-Thinkpadheh, Yah, i know the feels12:50
justCarakashave a couple of deadlines12:50
justCarakasoa the site of my dads work so I better get that deadline :p12:51
justCarakashow is your app Aki-Thinkpad12:52
Aki-ThinkpadjustCarakas, I contacted MicroAPL, and they gave me permission to use their documentation :)12:53
justCarakasso when will it land ? =D12:54
Aki-Thinkpadlet me give you some advice; do not download bridge construction set; way too addictive12:56
Aki-Thinkpadthank goodness I accidently just closed it :P12:56
Aki-Thinkpaduhmmmmm lets see; now that the game is closed, i'll try 1.0 for next week.12:57
justCarakasnice, looking foreward to it :)12:57
justCarakaswow it runs on windows 98 :p12:58
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kenvandinedpm, that focus issue after content picking, can you reproduce other apps using the hub for picking?13:00
kenvandinelike system-settings picking a background13:00
kenvandineor address book picking contact photo13:01
dpmkenvandine, let me try13:03
dpmok, it was probably not the best time to change the interface of my phone to Chinese for testing...13:03
dpmthanks God for icons in System Settings :)13:04
dpmso on system settings there is no focus loss13:05
kenvandinetry reminders again13:05
kenvandinei can't reproduce it with reminders either13:05
dpmkenvandine, ah, could it be something related to confinement? When I was testing the branch, I did it with the Run option from QtC, which runs the app unconfined. I think you tested it by changing the qml files directly on your installed click?13:06
kenvandinethat would explain it13:06
kenvandinethe switching all happens with upstart-app-launch13:07
kenvandineso it needs to be known by upstart13:07
dpmaha, cool13:13
dpmkenvandine, I'm still puzzled by that image failing. It looked ok to me and I can see it in the gallery and all. Any ideas what could have gone wrong?13:14
kenvandineno idea13:14
kenvandineit is puzzling13:14
kenvandineit looks fine to me13:14
kenvandinethe failure seems to be in whatever code is sending the photo to evernote13:15
kenvandinei'm guessing there is some resizing or something going on13:15
kenvandineit's clearly after the content-hub is done with it13:15
dpmso you mean it's the app, or something else?13:16
kenvandinei think so13:17
kenvandinei think that happens in SaveNoteJob13:18
kenvandinesomething like that13:18
kenvandinethere is nothing in the hub that looks at the contents of the file13:18
mzanettit1mp: hey, you said there would be the possibility to place a self defined item in the removable place of the listitems13:29
mzanettican't find it in the docs13:29
t1mpmzanetti: maybe someone else said that? I don't know of such a feature13:30
mzanettit1mp: ok. then I probably understood you wrong13:30
dpmok, thanks for the pointer kenvandine, will investigate13:30
mzanettino prob13:30
kenvandinedpm, no problem13:31
t1mprenato_: ^ can you help mzanetti ?13:31
renato_mzanetti, I need to check the code if this still possible , I thought this was deprecated13:32
mzanettirenato_: you mean the whole removable thing or just putting own items in there?13:35
renato_mzanetti, change the item that appears on the background13:36
dpmkenvandine, renato_, I'm looking at the list of translatable apps in https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-apps and I've noticed sync-monitor and content-hub are not set up for translation. Do they need to be? Do they have any visible strings?13:40
kenvandinedpm, current trunk of content-hub doesn't... but we have a branch landing soon that has a couple strings13:41
kenvandinedpm, so soon :)13:41
dpmkenvandine, ok, cool13:42
Aki-Thinkpaddpm, what is [QA]?13:45
dpmkalikiana_, t1mp, the UI toolkit has been translatable for quite a while at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/, but I've never seen the most visible string ("Back" in the toolbar) translated. Do you know if we're actually shipping any of those translations (.mo files) at all?13:45
Aki-Thinkpad[QA] in the bug list?13:46
dpmAki-Thinkpad, Quality Assurance. We use a tool called autopilot for integration tests, which are run automatically before a merge proposal is approved. I added [QA] to bugs that indicate that we need to write a test for a particular feature or workflow13:46
Aki-ThinkpadAh interesting13:47
dpmyou can see them under the tests folder in the source tree13:47
mzanettidpm: hey, got a minute?14:01
dpmmzanetti, sure, I've reserved time for reminders, today :)14:02
mzanettiah, perfect14:02
mzanettidpm: so, I'm implementing the marking reminder as done14:02
mzanettidpm: I've did what Lucas suggested, moving those to the bottom of the list14:02
mzanettidpm: however, it looks bad14:02
mzanetti'cause it gives us all the section headers multiple times14:03
mzanettiand makes the whole list quite confusing14:03
kalikiana_dpm: I suspect it can't actually work since we don't install the .mo and it's i18n.tr("Back") which would pull it in from the app's domain14:03
mzanettiwell, I could try to group them under the header "done" or similar14:03
kalikiana_dpm: there's an item about localization in elopio's test plan14:04
kalikiana_ap is always english14:04
kalikiana_so it's not easy to test this14:04
dpmmzanetti, I think either "Done" or nuke them from the list might work14:04
dpmalthough removing them might be a bit too much, in case someone needs to re-set a reminder14:05
zsombinik90: howdy sire!14:05
zsombinik90: just wanted you to know that I'm back on the convergence bugs!14:06
nik90zsombi: ooh awesome14:06
dpmkalikiana_, yeah, but testing is the second phase, I'd say. If they're not installed, the first thing to do is for the package to install them14:06
zsombinik90: so I'll take the #1298886 first, then the #130066814:07
nik90zsombi: can you link me pls14:07
zsombinik90: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/129888614:08
zsombinik90: and this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/130066814:08
nik90zsombi: could you take 1300668 first since it is more important?14:09
zsombinik90: wasn't it so that this was really incomplete? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/124745714:09
zsombinik90: ah, ok, as you wish :)14:09
nik90bug #1247457 was incomplete as per the code submitted by the orginal reporter14:09
nik90zsombi: thnx14:10
nik90I used nested layouts and had a bug related to the visibility which I think is more related to 130066814:10
kalikiana_dpm: well, apparently no human bothered to check it for months, so a manual fix without tests is pragmatically not going to be helpful14:10
kalikiana_this isn't something new :-D14:11
zsombinik90: yep, ok, I'll grab on that... it's all exciting to get new stuff into layouts ;)14:11
kalikiana_dpm: and note installing is futile as long as the code is non-sensical and we probably have a few more of those14:12
kalikiana_I guess I sound a bit negative here… but as a semi-related example, we even had the toolkit gallery break all over the place and impossible-to-load components until we started testing that it works after being installed14:14
kalikiana_all of which had to be "manually tested" aka not at all14:15
Aki-Thinkpadgeeze, I am glad we are getting a new file manager. Nautilus; a 1 pixel wide barrier to allow me to shrink or enlarge the sidebar? So annoying.14:16
dpmkalikiana_, right, I as a human I'm checking translations all of the time, and I'd seen Back not being translation, it's just now that I've reached the point where it bothered me and I had to ask :-)14:16
dpmkalikiana_, but this is not about a manual fix, this is about installing translations at all. I agree that there should be tests, though, I for one would love to see tests on localization14:18
dpmwhich we don't have on _any_ of the platform, unfortunately14:18
zsombi@all: just want to let you know that UI toolkit had switched to version 1.1 in Ubuntu.Components, all the other toolkit modules are on 1.0 yet, which is identical to 0.1. We had introduced the new versioning to be able to separate new components brought in by the toolkit as well as the API changes we will have for the existing components14:18
zsombiSo, if your application imports Ubuntu.Components 0.1 that should be still fine, however if you'd like to use ComboButton for instance, you need to import Ubuntu.Components 1.114:19
Aki-Thinkpaddpm, http://i.imgur.com/pvzMb6r.jpg I committed to doing the bug that shows small icons as pixelated, but atm I can't get any images to show up.14:19
Aki-ThinkpadCan I submit that as a bug? I did a fresh branch today14:20
Aki-Thinkpadso i don't get why its not pulling the images properly14:20
dpmwait, I had that issue, let me remind myself of what it was...14:20
nik90zsombi: is the 1.1 version available for trusty phone images?14:21
dpmdo you have the cache dir created on your desktop?14:21
alecuzsombi: is there api breakage for old components? also, is there a plan to change the framework versions for the new apps using this in the store?14:21
dpmyes, you do from the screenshot14:21
iBelievezsombi, is the 1.1 version available on the trusty desktop, without a PPA?14:21
nik90iBelieve: hi14:21
zsombinik90: nope14:21
iBelievehi nik9014:21
nik90iBelieve: you need the PPA for trusty btw14:21
nik90zsombi: has the combo button landed?14:22
zsombialecu: there's no API breakage there, 0.1 imports will be supported, only new components won't work there14:22
iBelievenik90, ah, ok. I did not know that. I'll be adding the PPA now, then14:22
zsombinik90: in the Utopic images, yes14:22
nik90iBelieve: yeah I wasn't aware as well.. I just added it today after talking to dpm14:22
zsombiiBelieve: no, so far only for the Utopic images14:22
Aki-Thinkpaddpm, so bug, or is this something todo with the filesystem structure?14:23
dpmAki-Thinkpad, yeah, a bug would be useful. But before you do that, could you create a note that contains a big image and see if that loads? I can see from your cache dir that you've got small images only, and I've noticed that these some times don't load as a preview for some reason14:23
Aki-Thinkpadit does14:23
iBelievezsombi, ok, thanks14:23
Aki-ThinkpadI can create a screenshot of myself14:23
Aki-Thinkpadand that will be on there14:23
zsombiso again, import 0.1 will be there and will be the same as import 1.0 for all the components14:24
dpmAki-Thinkpad, cool, this way you can test the camera attachments at the same time :)14:24
Aki-Thinkpadme and my squished face14:24
Aki-Thinkpadimpressive that it works though14:24
zsombinik90, alecu, iBelieve: unfortunately we missed the trusty release dates to turn the toolkit versioning, therefore we did the move now early enough, so for the Utopic image you guys can update your apps to import 1.1 / 1.0 versions in time.14:25
zsombianyway, in case you need components like ComboButton, you will need to import 1.114:26
nik90zsombi: true..I wouldn't mind switching my app to use 1.1 since I don't think there would be people still using the trusty images?14:26
kalikiana_dpm: dude, feel free to complain more then. actually we have some basic testing, but it's a bit fake, we have no actual app running in ap and getting the locale from the system… I can offer one thing, though my plate is filling up quicker this week than I can chew, I can see if the specific case of "Back" is fixable and we use that as a stepping stone to a14:27
kalikiana_long-term plan14:27
nik90Would you recommend the core apps doing the transition?14:27
iBelievezsombi, but I'll lose my app's trusty userbase? And do people stay on trusty or move to the next version?14:27
kalikiana_iBelieve: they can use the ppa14:27
dpmiBelieve, I wouldn't worry too much about the phone, as effectively we're a rolling release there, but the desktop might be a concern14:28
zsombiiBelieve: I don't think that products will get released with trusty images. If yes, then we will backport the toolkit to trusty phone, anyway, the desktop will get the toolkit updates as the QtCreator uses it as well...14:28
kalikiana_dpm: if you don't mind, a bug report for "Back" would be welcome14:28
dpmkalikiana_, sure!14:29
iBelievezsombi, dpm, kalikiana_ ok, thanks for explaining14:29
dpmno worries :)14:29
zsombinik90: yes, I would14:29
dpmiBelieve, I think popey already pinged you about this, but when you've got a minute, do you think you could review Carlos' branches for filemanager on https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-filemanager-app/+activereviews ? They'd be the last step to close the transition from two separate repos for plugin and frontend and to ship everything in the same click package - thanks!14:31
nik90charles: ping14:33
iBelievedpm, I let popey know already, but I tried to review them, and although I can verify the C++ syntax, I don't understand what the code is doing, so I don't feel qualified to approve/comment on the merges14:33
iBelievedpm, my C++ skills are nowhere near as good as my QML ones :(14:33
dpmiBelieve, no worries, thanks anyway14:34
dpmkalikiana_, hm, it seems there was a bug for the installation of translations already and was marked as Fix Released? -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/123962714:34
charlesnik90, pong14:36
nik90charles: I wanted to check on the progress of https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/platform-api/hw-alarms-api/+merge/21059214:37
nik90charles: what's remaining for that MP to be merged?14:37
charlesnik90, testing. Current timeline is for that and the sibling indicator-datetime to get a silo on Monday or Tuesday14:38
nik90charles: that's nice. I wanted to know the progress for my weekly meeting.14:39
charlesnik90, :-)14:39
dpmkalikiana_, in any case, I've filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/131753914:42
nik90charles: also I just noticed that when I update an alarm, it is now properly reflected in the indicator-datetime :D14:43
kalikiana_dpm: it would appear that fix broke since then…14:43
kalikiana_you see why I'm stressing that we need a plan for testing it14:44
kalikiana_in any case I'll look into it14:45
kalikiana_thanks for the bug14:45
dpmcool, thanks kalikiana_!14:46
ahayzen_t1mp, ping14:58
rpadovanimzanetti, ping15:07
ybonpopey: just to be sure, can you retry with the last master of AgendaView branch, with last suggestions from renato_, just in case it doesn't magically fix the bug as the get method change ?15:15
popeyybon: i will try15:15
mihirybon: ping !!15:18
ybonpong mihir15:18
mihirybon: can we handle that change in separate MR, https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1280598/+merge/21827215:20
mihirI'll push separate MR for that change in EventBuble15:21
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rpadovanidpm, mzanetti https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/1316950/+merge/21882915:27
rpadovani(I suggest to read my mail before look to this)15:27
dpmrpadovani, ok, reading e-mail now. mzanetti, rpadovani, we've pushed the version of Reminders to the store the Evernote folks will be testing. If there is time, we might be able to upload the new design, but now we've got at least one version as a fallback that they can test15:31
dpmrpadovani, ok, read your e-mail, thanks a lot for looking into this! Yes, I learnt yesterday that there are no browser docs yet15:34
dpmrpadovani, for any UbuntuWebView questions, you can probably ask oSoMoN_ directly15:34
rpadovanicool dpm, thanks!15:34
rpadovanioSoMoN_, could you please ping me when you have 5 minutes?15:35
oSoMoN_rpadovani, then ping15:35
rpadovaniThanks :-) So, I want to set default font in a webview to Ubuntu15:35
dpmoSoMoN_, it's about https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/1316950/+merge/21882915:36
rpadovanioSoMoN_, I use experimental.preferences.standardFontFamily: 'Ubuntu'15:36
rpadovanibut I don't find it in the doc, so I want to ask you if it is supported and if it will be supported in the future15:36
oSoMoN_rpadovani, do you have control over the contents that are displayed in the webview?15:37
rpadovanioSoMoN_, it's for reminders app, we don't want to change the font in the text, but yes, we can15:37
oSoMoN_rpadovani, and setting experimental.preferences.standardFontFamily to 'Ubuntu' doesn’t work?15:38
rpadovanioSoMoN_, yes, it works, the question is: will it works also in future?15:38
mzanettidpm: rpadovani: re. will continue to fix the new-reminders-design branch. let me know if I should interrupt that for a review15:40
rpadovanioSoMoN_, also because standardFontFamily works, but standardFontSize no, so I don't understand which property are present for how much time15:40
rpadovanimzanetti, are you fixing only things about reminders or all issuses wrote by dpm this morning?15:41
rpadovani(just to not work on the same thing)15:41
dpmmzanetti, do you have an opinion on https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/1316950/+merge/21882915:41
oSoMoN_rpadovani, yes, it will work. Note that version 0.1 of the UbuntuWebView is not recommended anymore, at some point you should consider moving to version 0.2, which is based on oxide (i.e. chrome under the hood), and when you do so you’ll have to slightly change the API, but standardFontFamily is and will still be supported15:41
mzanettirpadovani: right now the ones in reminders. but afterwards will get to the rest unless you did it by then15:41
rpadovanioSoMoN_, ok, thanks :-)15:42
mzanettidpm: I guess its fine15:42
mzanettioSoMoN_: rpadovani: yeah. its on my todo to update that WebView15:42
mzanettibut it does some nasty things with experimental, so we can't just replace it15:42
rpadovanimzanetti, dpm so for now we can use my MR, after the update to 0.2 we will change if it needs15:43
rpadovanisounds good?15:43
dpmrpadovani, +115:43
mzanettidpm: another bug we should report for future investigation:15:43
mzanettiit crashes on exit. somewhere in the accounts plugin. No idea if we're using it wrong or its an issue in there indeed15:44
mzanettiprobably our fault. I tried reproduce it in a simple test case and wasn't able to15:44
dpmkenvandine, mzanetti -> so we've updated the Reminders version in the store (including the content hub API update) and I'm now testing it. So it seems that it works well the first time I add an image from Gallery to a note. The second time, though, it stays forever like this: http://i.imgur.com/gOXycSd.png - any ideas?15:45
mzanettidpm: not right now. its been a while that I last touched that code15:45
oSoMoN_rpadovani, mzanetti: when you update to version 0.2, you’ll want to use those settings to control the font: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7416721/ (just tested here, it works)15:45
kenvandinemaybe priv.activeTransfer isn't getting reset?15:45
mzanettibut seems kenvandine had some good pointers already. will check it too once I'm done with new-reminders-design15:46
mzanettioSoMoN_: nice, thanks15:46
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dpmoh, is it only that to migrate to oxide?15:46
rpadovanioSoMoN_, cool, thanks15:46
mzanettit1mp: hey, every time I'm using the removable property for ListItems, I'm really struggling with it, because it causes the model and the view go out of sync16:06
mzanettit1mp: what is your experiences with this?16:06
ahayzen_mzanetti, i've used it before define 'out of sync'16:08
mzanettiahayzen_: well, it removes the item from the view even though it is still in the model16:08
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ahayzen_mzanetti, ah... i usually add onItemRemoved: { myModel.remove(index) }16:09
* ahayzen_ thinks it is onItemRemoved16:09
mzanettiahayzen_: right... but even then the model triggers rowsRemoved(index) and the view gets confused because it doesn't have that item any more16:09
mzanettiprobably not really visible when just using the qml model16:09
mzanettibut with qabstractlistmodel it gets worse16:09
ahayzen_mzanetti, ah i've only used with with a normal ListModel16:10
mzanettiahayzen_: well actually the problem is this: I get the onItemRemoved and in there I change the item's data. then the model updates that but the view doesn't paint it any more16:14
mzanettit1mp: imo this would be better off with just emitting the singal so the user (well, developer) needs to do the actual removal himself.16:15
ahayzen_mzanetti, hmm strange probably one for Tim to look at16:15
mzanettiwould allow it to be used with other use cases as well, such as marking as done etc16:15
* mzanetti creates his own removable item :/16:17
ahayzen_mzanetti, thats wht we have at the moment ;) lol16:18
t1mpmzanetti: I haven't really used it or worked on removing of list items. ahayzen_ has :) and renato_, best ask them16:32
* ahayzen_ hides16:32
ahayzen_t1mp, quick question... do you know about the future feature of sliding a listitem to reveal the actions?16:32
renato_mzanetti, about the question related with the removable item you can use: backgroundIndicator16:33
t1mpahayzen_: sorry I don't know anything about that16:33
renato_you can replace the removable icon in the background16:34
dpmpopey, in case you need to recreate the kit manually: http://i.imgur.com/vkrFL6H.png16:34
zygaI'd like to run qmlscene from adb shell16:34
zygato try out some examples16:34
ahayzen_t1mp, ah ok we were in discussions with the design team today, something u guys will be adding in the future but we're gonna have a crack at making as it resolves alot of issues for us16:34
zygawhat is the best way to do that?16:34
zyga(just adb shell-ing in and doing that doesn't seem to work, qmlscene crashes)16:35
mzanettidpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/new-reminders-design/+merge/21868616:35
renato_mzanetti, but this probably will change since the designers changed the removable icon completely16:35
dpmzyga, have you tried using Qt Creator's run option? That should copy over your project and execute qmlscene for you16:35
renato_mzanetti,  s/icon/item16:35
mzanettirenato_: well... the biggest issue I have is that it makes the model and view go out of sync16:35
dpmmzanetti, awesome, pulling...16:36
zygadpm: ideally I'd like to understand how that works so that I can run it myself, the final use case cannot rely on users clicking on qt creator16:36
ahayzen_t1mp, and was there anything i needed to do with my MP or do i just need to wait? https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-1315775/+merge/21820616:36
mzanettirenato_: have you done that implementation? or will you do the new one?16:36
renato_mzanetti, I did that16:36
renato_mzanetti, what is the problem?16:36
* zyga looks that --desktop_file_hint seems to be important16:36
mzanettirenato_: my suggestion would be to not actually remove it from the view, but only emit the signal, so the developer can take care himself about removing it from the model16:36
popeyrenato_ / bfiller is https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/fix-1309041/+merge/216395 on your landing plan?16:37
mzanettirenato_: right now I don't want to really remove it, but only mark the item as done.16:37
popey(sorry if I asked you this before, tracking a lot of these)16:37
renato_mzanetti, it does not not remove the item, it only make it small (height = 0)16:37
dpmzyga, you can have a look at the output window in QtC, I think that even mentions which script is executed - perhaps that can help16:37
renato_mzanetti, and there is a signal you need to connect if you want to remove from the model16:37
zygadpm: thanks16:37
mzanettirenato_: yeah... but if I don't want to remove it, its still invisible16:38
dpmzyga, otherwise zbenjamin is the QtC expert, he might be able to help if he's not finished his day already16:38
mzanettirenato_: my design spec says to use the removable pattern to mark an entry as done16:38
renato_mzanetti, ok do you want a function to revert the removal16:38
bfillerpopey: yes16:38
popeybfiller: ETA?16:38
mzanettirenato_: I guess that should do... but I think if you're doing it new again, it'll be better to not even remove it16:39
bfillerrequesting now16:39
popeyk, ta16:39
renato_mzanetti, but we do not remove it :D16:39
mzanettirenato_: well.. not change it16:39
renato_mzanetti, we need to the animation16:39
mzanettirenato_: then the developer should remove it from the model and use removeDisplaced on the listview16:40
renato_mzanetti, we have a function already "cancelItemRemoval()"16:40
mzanettirenato_: yep. but that only works if confirmRemoval is true, which in my case doesn't really fit either16:41
mzanettirenato_: anyways... not critical right now... just saying, if you do it again anyways because design changes, that might be some use cases to consider16:41
mzanettirenato_: I will find my way around it for now16:42
renato_mzanetti, yes probably we will need re-factory the item since we need to consider left and right swipe as different actions16:42
renato_and we can have more then one action in the right swipe16:43
rpadovanidpm, your issues are fixed ;-) https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/little-fixes-new-design/+merge/21884516:44
rpadovanimzanetti, ^^16:44
mzanettirenato_: just for reference, this is my use case: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1EAokX1bXN5HG6B1MxxuYWiGbf3pjNdy7-h7aERBFk5k/edit#heading=h.ir8fp0hhn8rt16:44
mzanettirenato_: check out the "reminders view"16:45
dpmrpadovani, \o/16:45
mzanettirpadovani: nice°16:45
renato_mzanetti, your use case is mark the reminder as done if it was swiped?16:47
renato_mzanetti, why you can not capture the signal item removed and instead remove it from the model mark it as done?16:48
mzanettirenato_: I don't need to remove it, but change the data so that sorting puts it on the end of the list16:48
renato_mzanetti, ok understood16:48
renato_mzanetti, yes, as temporary solution you can reset the item.height to units.gu(6)16:50
mzanettirenato_: thanks. that seems to do16:59
zygadpm: using the SDK, I cannot create a "kit" for the device I have attached, clicking the 'autocreate' button does nothing16:59
renato_mzanetti, maybe you need to call "cancelItemRemoval" too to reset some internal variables17:00
zygadpm: also, the device seems to be miss-detected, I'm working on nexus 7 (2013) and the display seems to indicate this is a nexus 417:00
renato_the correct would be the "cancelItemRemoval()" reset the item height17:00
renato_mzanetti, I will send a patch for that17:02
mzanetticool, thanks17:02
dpmrpadovani, commented on https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/little-fixes-new-design/+merge/218845 - I hope it's not too much nitpicking!17:06
rpadovanidpm done ;-)17:11
dpmwth, you're quick!17:11
rpadovanidpm, I think have circular shadow is too expansive for the hardware on phone17:12
rpadovanidpm, wait, wrong branch, 3 seconds17:12
dpmnp :)17:12
rpadovanidpm ok :-)17:12
dpmrpadovani, while you're doing that, I've added another comment regarding the date to be closer to the chevron. Would you mind looking at that too, while you're at it?17:13
Aki-ThinkpadHow do I set an icon for my app in unity?17:14
Aki-Thinkpaddo I edit cmakelists?17:14
dpmalso, it seems that branch has now been merged into the other one, should I be looking at lp:~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/new-design instead?17:14
dpmAki-Thinkpad, you put the icon somewhere in your source tree (generally at the top) and you specify the name of the icon in the .desktop file. Have a look at the templates in Qt Creator17:15
dpmzyga, sorry, I cannot help on that, you might need to wait until tomorrow for zbenjamin's day to start17:16
renato_mzanetti, t1mp : https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-cancel-item-removal/+merge/21885217:22
Aki-Thinkpad... yah I can't figure it out?17:25
Aki-ThinkpadI placed the png file in every single directory17:26
Aki-Thinkpadnamed it Logic17:26
Aki-Thinkpadstill won't show up17:26
dpmballoons, thanks for looking into https://code.launchpad.net/~gang65/ubuntu-docviewer-app/ubuntu-docviewer-desktop-improvements/+merge/210866 - do you see anything that still needs fixing? There are some new test failures17:45
dpmAki-Thinkpad, what about 'Icon=Logic.png'?17:45
Aki-Thinkpaddpm; i'll give it a shot, but Logic was the literal name of the file17:46
balloonsdpm, hehe.. same test still fails17:46
balloonsI'll look in a few17:46
mzanettidpm: I think I've fixed now all of the stuff. sorry for missing the comment before17:47
dpmmzanetti, oh, cool!17:48
dpmthanks balloons, gang65 is in #ubuntu-touch-meeting right now if you need to reach to him17:48
balloonsdpm, is docviewer using cmake?17:48
balloonsindeed it's not17:49
dpmballoons, it's not17:49
dpmit's pure qml + external plugin17:49
dpmwhich would need to be merged into the projecs as with terminal and filemanager17:50
balloonswe need to fix that :-) *wink*17:50
dpmvery subtle :)17:50
Aki-Thinkpaddpm: nope. ;_;  Anyways, I posted on askubuntu17:50
Aki-Thinkpadi figure i'll get an answer there17:50
dpmAki-Thinkpad, good thinking, yes17:50
balloonsdpm, :-) but actually, yes let's file a bug for it if it's not done17:51
balloonsno rush, at all17:51
dpmrpadovani, that now looks nearly perfect, but the thumbnail shadows/gradient still look not to smooth to me: http://i.imgur.com/bEZZZL5.png - any ideas?17:52
rpadovanidpm: only idea I have is to start the gradient not from black but from a dark grey.. Unfortunately with 'Gradient' element we haven't much control. mzanetti, any idea?17:53
balloonsdpm, well I'm not sure how to get docviewer to run locally17:53
mzanettirpadovani: what control do you miss?17:54
balloonsahh, guess I can just ignore poppler then17:54
rpadovanimzanetti, to have a smooth gradient, how can I do. I set it from black to transparent in 0.117:55
rpadovaniwith 0.2 there are too black17:55
rpadovanisorry, have to go, see you in couple of hours17:55
xhoch3hello everybody18:00
xhoch3this morning on my way to the office I tried to strip down an actual ubuntu touch app to its core to use widgets only18:02
dpmmzanetti, awesome, added a few more comments after testing: https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/new-reminders-design/+merge/21868618:02
xhoch3I partially succeeded, as the the app compiles for both desktop and mobile device and runs on desktop, even deployment succeeds18:02
xhoch3now when I want to run it on the device it's says it can't find the executable, I assume it's a packaging fault18:03
dpmxhoch3, I think it was you who was asking about some issues with QtC, and afterwards it dawned on me: were you using an up-to-date version of the SDK (including QtC)?18:03
mzanettidpm: that would be possible, yes. but shouldn't we really differ from the evernote website in such areas?18:03
xhoch3dpm, well, I think it was my fault, I installed Ubuntu 14.04 anew and voila, it works18:03
dpmmzanetti, actually I didn't know they did that, that just came to my mind (I assume you're talking about the reminders removal)18:04
mzanettidpm: yes. they keep the reninders actually in place and strike them out18:04
xhoch3dpm, I thought it would be better to start with a fresh install instead of tricking around18:04
dpmxhoch3, ok, cool. What you're describing is a know bug, let me find you the workaround...18:06
dpmxhoch3, check out the workaround here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+bug/131209418:06
dpmyou will need to replace @EXEC@ with the name of your executable18:06
xhoch3dpm, oh ok, I will try that18:06
dpmmzanetti, if you're ok with that and it's technically possible, I think I'd go with that. I think it's good if once they land in Done we have an option to remove them (unset) for good, otherwise they'd clutter the list and would never go away18:12
mzanettidpm: we have an option to unset them. have you seen the new dialog for editing the time?18:12
mzanettidpm: my idea just was to allow unchecking them again when flicking int the done section. what do you think of that?18:13
mzanettithen we would have the same feature set at the website18:13
dpmmzanetti, no, I couldn't find it. How do I access it?18:14
mzanettidpm: in the NoteView, there is the toolbar button for setting it18:14
mzanettiwhere it alway has been18:14
dpmah, found it18:14
mzanettibut instead of toggling it opens that dialog now18:14
xhoch3this does not seem to be my problem18:15
xhoch3Application output: No executable specified.18:15
mzanettixhoch3: I think the configuration in qtcreator run settings is borked. go in there and add a new run config18:15
xhoch3I think it's a rather elementary mistake I am doing18:15
mzanettiI have that too sometimes lately18:16
mzanettidpm: lol. can reproduce the issue with the empty space now. it happens only when you have exactly 3 reminders18:16
dpmmzanetti, I like that for the notes, much better than before. But for reminders it's a bit difficult to discover. Let's leave that as it is, but I'd like to discuss a fix for the reminders stuck in the Done section18:17
dpmoh, I just hit the right spot, then :)18:17
mzanettiI'm a bit puzzled18:18
mzanettidpm: what do you mean with "reminders stuck in the done section" ?18:19
dpmso if I've got a reminder under the Today section18:20
dpmand then I swipe it out,18:20
dpmit ends up in Done18:20
dpmIf I swipe that same reminder in done, it goes away for a split second and then comes back with a vengeance :)18:20
mzanettidpm: right... I've changed that by now that it goes back to being unchecked18:21
mzanettidpm: but yeah, we can do whatever you want. I can also change it to unset the reminder on swiping in the done section18:21
mzanettidpm: or directly remove the reminder when swiping without done section.18:22
mzanettithe closest to the Evernote website would be unchecking again18:22
kenvandinedpm, i think that problem you're seeing with content picking on the second attempt is actually a bug in gallery18:23
kenvandinepicking doesn't appear to be charging the transfer18:24
dpmmzanetti, I think for now, what I would do would be to leave them in the Done as they are on the first swipe - and add a "Done" hint while swiping, and then once they are under done, a second swipe unsets them - and they get a "Unset" hint.18:24
kenvandineand i see this output from gallery18:24
kenvandinefile:///usr/share/click/preinstalled/com.ubuntu.gallery/ TypeError: Cannot call method 'leaveSelectionMode'18:24
kenvandineElleo, bfiller:  ^^ have either of you seen that?18:24
dpmmzanetti, with hint I mean the text that appears "under" the list item when swiping, as in the design18:24
dpmkenvandine, aha18:24
mzanettidpm: ok18:25
mzanettikenvandine: thanks so much for digging into that.18:25
kenvandineand gallery goes to an empty page18:25
kenvandinemzanetti, np18:25
kenvandinei haven't fixed it though :)18:25
dpmmzanetti, I think we'll need to test that once it's done anyway, and I'd like to give it to Lucas to look at. We still need to sort out the reminders workflow (i.e. we still don't know what to do with the "Add reminder" button)18:26
dpmbut having an initial design should help18:27
kenvandineconfirmed, i see the same thing when trying to set the wallpaper18:27
nik90bfiller: I tested the MP  https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-016/18:33
nik90bfiller: Do you want me to test the PPA as well?18:33
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kenvandinebfiller, Elleo: not sure how eventView could be null there, weird18:37
kenvandinebut it is happening when the selected tab changes18:37
xhoch3dpm, I have pushed my current state to github: https://github.com/cybercatalyst/ubuntu-phone-native-template18:38
xhoch3maybe something obvious is missing18:39
xhoch3I didn't integrate the uic, I simply ran uic mainwindow.ui > ui_mainwindow.h18:40
dpmxhoch3, ok. I'll see if I can have a look later on, I'm trying to finish off something else18:52
xhoch3ok ok, I am trying on meanwhile, np18:52
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rickspencer3does anyone know if there are any restrictions on a docId string in u1db?19:01
rickspencer3for example,woudl this work?19:01
rickspencer3docId: '13_38.87_-77.045'19:01
kenvandinerickspencer3, sorry, i have no idea19:08
kenvandinedoes anyone know where StateSaver saves stuff?19:08
jdstrandpopey: hey, do you know the author of 2048Native? it is nice! :)19:16
rpadovanidpm, mzanetti I'm back, I'm a bit lost, what there are to do?19:16
mzanettirpadovani: I'm still fighting with that reminders delegate :D19:16
rpadovanimzanetti, good luck :-)19:17
dpmrpadovani, did you find a way to smooth the shadow gradient?19:17
bfillernik90: it's all working for you?19:18
rpadovanidpm, ah, right. No, I try it now19:19
kenvandinebfiller, i think using StateSaver to save the selected tab index in gallery is causing problems19:19
kenvandinebfiller, is that by change part of the problem you mentioned with switching to the events view that was being worked on?19:20
bfillerkenvandine: think that is a new bug unrelated19:21
kenvandinei'm suspecting everything is fine until it saves some unexpected state19:21
bfillerkenvandine: sounds like a regression19:21
kenvandinethen it breaks picking, because it tries to restore the tab19:21
kenvandinebut it doesn't look like any of that code has changed recently19:22
nik90bfiller: the mp worked properly for me19:22
kenvandinebasically it always switches to the albums tab after picking begins19:22
kenvandinewhich leavesSelectionMode19:23
bfillernik90: if you don't mind installing from the ppa and trying again that would be great19:23
kenvandinebut... it wasn't doing it until i got myself in some weird state :)19:23
popeyjdstrand: good isnt it!?19:23
jdstrandpopey: yes! I really liked the other one, but it would flicker a bit. my son kept reminding me that it is better on android :)19:24
jdstrandpopey: now I can stick it to him :P19:24
kenvandinejdstrand, bah!19:24
jdstrandwe have a good relationship that way :)19:24
kenvandinedoes anyone know where StateSaver saves state?  i want to figure out what tab it has saved19:25
jdstrandseriously though-- it is very nice. I found the theme toggle ingenious too19:25
jdstrandkenvandine: btw, your pathwind is very cool. I really dig the graphics :)19:25
jdstrandkenvandine: you might be interested in bug #128874219:26
nik90bfiller: sure19:33
zygadpm: thanks! :-)19:34
dpmnp, sorry I cannot help more :/19:34
dpmmzanetti, that crash you saw with online accounts... when did it happen? I've just had a crash after the first use - having set the account in Online Accounts and then selecting the app. It started fetching notes for less than a sec and it crashed19:35
mzanettidpm: the one I see happens every time you close the app... you won't really notice without watching debug output, but we're not cleanly shutting down.19:36
dpmoh I see19:36
xhoch3dpm, I have it working19:40
xhoch3it looks ok19:40
xhoch3I had to chmod +x it though19:41
mzanettidpm: ok... can you please give it another try?19:45
mzanettidpm: the animation is still funky sometimes. but I'm giving up on that for now19:45
t1mpahayzen_: sorry I didn't have time for your MR19:45
ahayzen_t1mp, no worries just wanted to know if i need to do anything to help it move along or just be patient ;)19:46
t1mpahayzen_: I thought the MouseArea should already block events from going through...19:46
ahayzen_t1mp, seems that scroll events are being leaked somehow?19:47
t1mpahayzen_: zsombi was doing a lot with the events and he wrote the InverseMouseArea, perhaps it is best if you ask him tomorrow if he can review?19:47
ahayzen_t1mp, ok thanks will do :)19:48
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kenvandinebfiller, can you try to reproduce this?  go to events, select a photo to view then click back on the toolbar19:52
kenvandinebfiller, does that take you to events or albums?19:53
rpadovanidpm, could you give a try please?19:58
rpadovaniI changed black with #383838, so is smoother now. I tried also other options, but no one convinces me. So I think this is best solution19:59
xhoch3other than the fact that I have graphical glitches it works fine19:59
dpmmzanetti, rpadovani, will test your branches now, thanks!20:00
dpmrpadovani, I'm not sure I'm convinced yet, but let's leave it like this for now to get the new design landed, and we can look at the small details later. Thanks a lot for this though, I think these small details really make a difference!20:04
rpadovanidpm, if you want you can try with other colors20:05
rpadovanidpm, I'm not able to change the shape of gradient20:06
dpmok, yeah, no worries, I might have a play with it myself20:06
rpadovanidpm, ok thanks :-) This evening I give some time to my LoCo, but if you need something feel free to ping me :-)20:08
dpmthanks a lot rpadovani!20:08
dpmmzanetti, works really well! however, I've still got the issue with the top header section appearing offset from the top the first time I switch to the Reminders tab, and that was with 4 reminders now, not 3 :-)20:16
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
dmiller309In Qt C++, if I have a QTemporaryFile that I setAutoremove(false) and move out of the temporary directory, does that file become just like any permanent file?20:48
dmiller309I want to download data to a temp file and move it into the user's directory when it's done, but I don't know if I can just move the temp file, or if I have to copy all the data out.20:49
dmiller309Whatever, I'll just copy the data out of the temp file. Nobody's going to notice the performance difference.20:59
=== jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk

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