
=== Guest90962 is now known as NCommander
=== NCommander is now known as Guest80947
=== Guest80947 is now known as NCommander
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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awafaadoko: what were the langs that you mentioned needed work for arm64?09:53
dokoawafaa, what do you mean?09:54
awafaadoko: at Connect you mentioned some langs that needed work like mono & golang09:55
awafaadoko: what were the others?09:55
suihkulokkiawafaa: ghci/mono are the biggest blockers. then we have a handful of esoteric languages (gcl, clisp, gauche, pascal, ...) and another handful of potentially rising language (rust, julia, ...)09:59
suihkulokkiawafaa: and node.js needs a backport of libv8 (current aarch64 libv8 is head, but there is no abi and node.js needs 3.14 of libv8)10:01
* ogra_ wonders why the world needs so many langs ... insane10:01
ogra_"... want to solve a problem ? just invent a new programming language !!"10:04
dokosuihkulokki, maybe mention ghci in linaro-aarch64?10:04
suihkulokkidoko: it's there: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linaro-aarch64/+bug/128750510:08
dokosuihkulokki, ghc is there. I thought you were talking about ghci?10:10
awafaasuihkulokki: for nodejs it's probably going to be a matter of wait for a sync between the two projects10:13
suihkulokkiawafaa: it's not clear if that's going to happen anytime soon.. I don't think node.js upstream is working on it10:17
awafaasuihkulokki: ok, I'll ferret around here and see what we can do10:19
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=== fabo_ is now known as fabo
=== PaulePan1er is now known as PaulePanter
awafaadoko / suihkulokki looks like nodejs v0.10.x is stuck with libv8 3.1415:12
awafaathe unstable 0.11.x is using 3.24 so hopefully v0.12.x will use 3.26+ of v8 which should resolve your issues15:13
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== hrww is now known as hrw
=== forcev is now known as FunkyPenguin

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