
MooDoohello all05:58
=== AlanBell_ is now known as AlanBell
=== Guest74980 is now known as Charmity
wazeryHi guys22:18
wazeryI am an ubuntu member22:19
wazeryand I am a member of he ubuntu-irc-cloaks22:19
wazeryon launchpad22:19
wazeryI need to use a cloak for my identity on irc22:19
wazeryanyone could help?22:19
k1lwazery: can you link your launchpad page?22:20
wazeryk1l https://launchpad.net/~wazery22:20
Unit193wazery: You registered wazery and Menopia, you're supposed to group wazery to Menopia.22:22
wazeryso how I can do that22:22
wazerycan I remove menopia22:22
Unit193/msg nickserv help drop  and  /msg nickserv help group22:22
k1ldo you want to change the cloak from menopia to wazery?22:22
wazeryk1l yes22:23
wazerywould be much easier22:23
k1lIRCC got to decide on that22:23
Unit193They generally don't give two cloaked accounts.22:24
Fuchsthat would be a staff decision as well, but it isn't needed in this case anyway.22:24
k1lUnit193: i thought about dropping the menopia one and setting the wazery one.22:25
Unit193k1l: Mhmmm.22:25
Unit193Fuchs: Howdy/22:25
wazerythanks guys for trying to help me :)22:25
wazeryreally appreciated22:25
wazeryI don't remember the password associated with menopia, if you want to confirm that it belongs to me22:27
wazeryI think you can send a reset password to it22:27
Fuchsstaff can22:27
Fuchsyou have to ask in #freenode (unless a staffer shows up in here)22:27
wazerywhere I can find them?22:27
wazeryok thanks Fuchs22:27
Fuchsin the past days they have been a bit gone-ish, so you might have to be patient.22:28
Fuchsand you'll need that password in any case. As soon as you get it, I'd recommend you drop one of the accounts. Note that no matter which one you drop: that will remove all channel access and cloak bound to it. So if you don't use menopia anymore, I'd recommend dropping that. You'll lose the member cloak that was on it, but that doesn't matter much, since you want a new / changed one anyway.22:29
Fuchsif you want you can group the menopia nick to wazery after that, but this is entirely optional22:29
wazeryI will drop it22:30
wazeryno need for it anymore, and after that I will try to cloak wazery to ubuntu/members22:31
Fuchssure. For that the IRCC has to confirm in here and then poke staff. But by the time you got your password reset this probably already happened.22:31
Unit193Fuchs: We just ping Pric ey to death, right? ;)22:31
FuchsI wouldn't22:32
FuchsI'd go with people who are active or on /stats p   first, usually a bit better than pinging a randomly picked staffer22:32
Fuchseven though: heh, you just woke Pricey up22:32
Fuchswhich means all we'd need now is the IRCC.22:32
Unit193Fuchs: I was kidding, and I tried not to ping. :)22:33
PriceyComplaining about how we're never available is the best way to make us available.22:33
Fuchsnobody was complaining.22:34
Fuchsso I don't trust that theory22:34
k1lnot even mass highlighting :)22:34
FuchsPricey: anyway, wazery was poking for a sendpass due to the above conversation. Haev fun.22:34
Unit193Before when I needed one, I pinged two or so that looked like they wouldn't bite, was important enough.22:34
eliaspsHello everyone. Is this the right channel for IRC support of LoCo teams? There is an issue with the logging of #ubuntu-gr channel, Greek characters aren't logged right in the logs.23:26
IdleOneeliasps: you would need to email rt@ubuntu.com and report that as a bug23:27
eliaspsIdleOne thank you for the information! I'll do that.23:28
eliaspsHave a good day!23:28
IdleOneSame to you :)23:28

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