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apw /b 208:29
zequenceAny chance one could sync linux-rt from Debian?10:51
zequenceAnd just keep it in sync with security updates and such, through a special SRU process?10:53
zequenceHaven't actually tried one of those kernels on Ubuntu, and I'm pretty oblivious to what they could be missing in terms of Ubuntu specific patches10:54
zequenceBut, assuming they would work, it would seem like a lot less work compared to the alternative, which we are considering: to re-introduce a linux-rt variant of the Ubuntu kernel.10:56
henrixzequence: just out of curiosity: is linux-rt the preempt-rt patched kernels?10:56
apwi thought that patchset was mostly dead now10:57
zequenceNo, it's still alive :)10:57
apwand ... there is no linux-rt source package in debian10:57
zequencehmmm, no they don't seem to have that for jessie10:59
zequenceBut, there are for wheezy, and in sid they have 3.1411:00
apwwhat do they call it even11:01
apwas rmadison cannot find it11:01
zequencetry linux-image-rt-amd6411:01
henrixwell, i problem i see is with linux-rt is that they pick only specific kernel versions for their patchset, and they don't match ubuntu kernel versions11:02
henrix(well, they support 3.2 and 3.8. but not 3.13 for ex)11:02
apwyou are never going to be able to be on an ubuntu chosen kernel with their workflow11:03
apwwhat do you think you are going to get for all that pain?11:03
zequencea few ms more, basically11:04
apwan do you need it, or is that just something that makes you hot11:04
apwas the release schedules for debian and ubuntu do not line up11:05
apwyou have no guaretee of any kind of security support at all on a synd11:05
apwsynced kernel from debian, i think you are asking for a world of pain11:05
* apw cannot really understand how so many years have gone by and this is not yet in mainline11:06
* apw loves the way the current documentation talks about natty11:07
zequenceWell, it's just an idea. I would need to do some real testing to find out the pros and cons with lowlatency vs rt. I do know that -lowlatency is just on the limit of acceptance in some cases, so it is at least interesting to find out11:08
zequence..and what the choices could be11:08
apwwell you should be able to copy the source package, which i have yet to find still11:10
apwinto a ppa and let it build, and see what happens11:10
apwzequence, what is the source package for those11:11
lagapw: Hola11:12
apwlag, hi11:13
lagapw: Are you well?11:13
zequenceapw: I think it's it's the same source for all linux kernels, not sure.11:13
apwlag, yeah, you?11:13
lagapw: Yeah, doing well thanks11:14
lagapw: I think I found a checkpatch false positive 11:14
lagapw: ./scripts/checkpatch.pl -f drivers/mfd/88pm80x.c11:14
zequenceapw: linux-latest for the latest. Really haven't checked out that at all.11:14
lagapw: It appears your script doesn't know about SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS()11:15
apwlag, there are many of them indeed11:15
apwlag, email it to me and joe11:16
apwlag, and ignore it if it is wrong, you are allowed to11:16
lagapw: I'll collect them and send a batch email11:16
apwsounds good11:16
lagapw: Ta11:16
apwzequence, so yeah that makes your life very painful as it will make heaps of kernels but ... hey that is what PPAs are for, making a mess11:17
apwzequence, so i'd suggest step one is to copy the source from debian into a ppa and see what happens11:23
zequenceapw: Ok, thanks. I will try that.11:23
apwhenrix, this backport for teh CVE, i am damned if i can see why its not a cherry-pick 11:48
biswassHi, I am facing a kernel panic during boot, and it has been quite frequent in the last couple of weeks. I am using 3.13.0-16-generic with Ubuntu 1404 LTS. I have tried reporting the bug with apport, but it says that the package is not an official Ubuntu package.11:49
apw linux | 3.13.0-24.46  | trusty           | source11:49
apw linux | 3.13.0-24.47  | trusty-security  | source11:49
apw linux | 3.13.0-24.47  | trusty-proposed  | source11:49
apw linux | 3.13.0-24.47  | trusty-updates   | source11:49
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apwbiswass, no indeed as the release kerenl is -24 that makes sense11:50
biswassAh okay, thanks. So then why is it that my kernel version is not getting updated?11:50
biswassHow can I update my version to the latest build?11:50
apwbiswass, no idea how you have such an old version, is this a desktop or server11:51
apwit should be asking you to update in the general case11:52
biswassThis is a desktop, and I have a regular Ubuntu LTS and get regular updates. 11:52
biswassapw, Yeah right, that is how it should be.11:52
apwbiswass, and is indeed what happens on the kit i am using right now11:53
apwbiswass, so what does this command say: dpkg -l linux-image-* | grep 'ii'11:53
apwbiswass, you may want to pm me the results rather than spam here11:53
apwbiswass, ok you have lost your meta packages11:58
apwbiswass, "apt-get install linux-generic" should sort you out11:58
apwwhich should install the meta packages depending on the latest kerenls11:59
apwyou should see a kernel more like -24.47 installed as a result11:59
henrixapw: oh, it is *almost* a cherry-pick :)12:01
henrixapw: it won't be a clean cherry-pick in munlock_vma_page() -- you need a minor adjustment12:02
henrixapw: but yeah, calling it a backport is probably too much :)12:02
henrixapw: my rule is: if it is not a clean cherry-pick, i call it backport.12:04
apwthen it is a backport, i just can't see the differnce :)12:05
apwhenrix, oh but why quantal backport and not quantal main12:05
henrixapw: i believe there won't be any other quantal kernel, but i may be wrong (i was wrong last week)12:07
henrixbjf: ^12:07
henrixhmm... bjf isn't around12:07
apwno indeed12:07
henrixok, i'll ping him once he's around later today12:08
apwhenrix, i'll just reply and mention it in the thread, then it won't get lost12:09
apwand you don't have to wait on him12:09
henrixapw: ack, thanks12:09
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apwsmb, you know how to test iscsitarget i am sure, and of course you are running utopic :)16:09
smbapw, the answer is no anyway :-P16:09
apwsmb, no to both ?16:10
apwsmb, i just uploaded a "fixed" version of iscsitarget to utopic, i guess i need to find someone who does use it16:11
smbapw, no to the first as in not from the top of my head. the utopic part not yet16:12
smbapw, Maybe I could bring up a VM to test... but then so could you...16:14
apwsmb, on i can install it, but have literally no idea how to use it :)16:15
apwone of those things i was hoping you were familiar with16:15
smbYeah, every now in a while. Usually have to figure out where I maybe wrote down how16:16
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