
bazhang<TM26> I just read about .. Ubuntu has a dark side !! With NSA ??? Is that truth.???01:15
* rww giggles01:17
bazhangthe truth is out there!01:18
Unit193I want to believe!01:19
ubottuCCSabathia called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()01:51
IdleOneubottu: ignore *!*@
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:53
FlannelThat seems premature01:59
servoare there guidelines for ubuntu-offtopic?06:36
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:36
elkyyes, they're in the topic of said channel06:36
rwwsame ones as #ubuntu, without the support topic06:37
servowhats the difference between #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-discuss ?06:39
chu-offtopic is literally, offtopic, -discuss is discussions about the direction/future of Ubuntu (and Canonical).06:39
chuHence why you will rarely see discussions about Ubuntu in -offtopic.06:40
servoso offtopic is an infinite set of topics minus the topic of ubuntu06:41
Flannelwhile still being CoC compliant06:41
phunyguy...with rules of co..... yes the CoC06:41
servoyou had to call it coc06:41
phunyguyI think we are done here06:41
chuCode of Conduct!06:41
chuDirty minded animal >.>06:42
servothanks for the pointers. much appreciated06:42
bazhangwhy is Molean trying to mount xorg.conf07:04
bazhanghe's pretty much ignored everything cfhowlett ben64 and holstei n have told him07:05
Flannelservo: If there's nothing else we can help you with in here today, feel free to leave whenever, to keep this channel free for other folks who need it, thanks.07:07
servoFlannel: is there a user limit?07:07
rwwno, but we use the channel user list to keep track of who needs help07:08
rwwhence all the +v nonsense07:08
servoah, ok07:09
servoadios muchachos07:09
=== AlanBell_ is now known as AlanBell
bazhang<Molean> WilliamTell: I think mount says they are RW, but they are all definitely read only07:32
bazhanghe's been asking that same question for many many hours; just does not like the answers he's gotten07:32
bazhang<Molean> I feel like Im getting harassed here07:38
bazhangsystem files/filesystem...07:42
bazhanghis story just keeps changing. yikes, 11 hours now07:52
* Pricey hands AlanBell a http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nocloakonjoin 07:57
ikoniasecurity_fan: please don't spam in here as you have been doing in other channels09:47
ikoniahow can we help you ?09:47
popey10:46:29 #ubuntu-offtopic: < security_fan> popey nigger09:47
popeynot very nice.09:47
ikoniapopey: missed that one, thank you09:48
elkypopey: did you run over someone's cat?09:50
ikoniabased on his other channels targets09:50
popeyonly once09:50
ikoniait would appear he has a select list of people09:50
popeyi thought the one in -offtopic was tab-fail looking for p ricey09:51
elkyare they already banned from #u?09:51
ikoniano, they parted09:52
elkyah, im tempted to pre-empt there for future events09:52
ikoniaI considered it also09:52
* popey hugs everyone and goes back to poking phones with a stick10:00
jussipopey: that what you do at your job? jab phones with a stick?10:01
Tm_Tquite popeyish job to do10:01
popeysometimes poke developers with the stick too10:02
popeybut I make sure to clean it afterwards10:02
jussipopey: yeah, thats pretty nasty business10:02
AlanBellPricey: done the sasl thing now10:08
PriceyAlanBell: Awesome, I'll have to find someone else to embarass.10:09
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag22:05
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:05
k1l<Juesto> i go against many linux philosophy, but its how i want it  # but he claims its not his fault that his system is broken :/22:33

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