
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== stoned is now known as OmegaRugal
=== OmegaRugal is now known as Rugal
=== Rugal is now known as RugalBernstein
twbQuick question -- as at 10.04, apparmor doesn't work inside LXC.  Anybody remember offhand if that got fixed later on?03:46
sarnoldtwb: you can't currently nest apparmor profiles -- if you want to use apparmor within lxc, you'll need to configure lxc to not use apparmor to confine the container05:04
sarnoldtwb: lxc currently relies upon apparmor to provide some aspects of the confinement, you'll need to either reproduce those inside the container or understand that it isn't as secure as it could be05:06
twbokey dokey05:12
funhey folks what the best way to reload app on the start?05:16
=== RugalBernstein is now known as Nyle
sarnoldfun: what are you trying to do?05:17
funsarnold: i run some python app I want to make sure it will start in case host happen to restart server for maintance05:18
sarnoldfun: would you consider a system service or is it a 'user application'?05:18
funits important service05:18
fungot to be up 24/705:18
sarnoldfun: then an init script is going to be a good approach :)05:18
sarnoldfun: there is some advice in writing upstart scripts here: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/05:19
funyes then I add ssh via pam only and server is secure:D05:19
funsarnold: have u ever used ssh with smart card?05:19
funeven better than pam but not sure yet how to do it05:20
sarnoldfun: no :( I've wanted to try a smartcard for a while05:20
funcan it be open pgp?05:22
funto auth?05:22
sarnoldfun: I've also thought about using a 2fa token like a yubikey or duo security..05:22
NyleI just came back.05:39
NyleThat replguy left.05:39
NyleI wonder if he got his issue resolved05:39
Nylewww file permissions etc.05:39
lordievaderGood morning.06:50
gdi2k_hi, not really a ubuntu-specific question, more a hardware question, but maybe someone here has a good idea: I'm going to buy a couple of Lenovo Thinkserver TS140 servers. I need to add a dual NIC. They say I should only use Intel I350-T2 NICs, but they're $130+...can I not just use older gen cards like this? http://www.ebay.com/itm/HP-NC360T-PCI-Express-Dual-Port-Gigabit-NIC-Network-Adapter-412651-001-High-/111342044670?pt=US_Internal_Network_Cards&07:10
gdi2k_link again as it was split: http://www.ebay.com/itm/HP-NC360T-PCI-Express-Dual-Port-Gigabit-NIC-Network-Adapter-412651-001-High-/111342044670?pt=US_Internal_Network_Cards&hash=item19ec80c5fe07:10
=== Nyle is now known as stoned
yossarianukhi - having an issue with the 2nd LAN NIC in an Ubuntu 14.04 server - on reboot eth1 keeps getting renamed - sometimes to em2, sometimes to rename408:02
yossarianukhow can I prevent this ?08:03
yossarianukpreviously it would use info in /etc/udev/rules.d/08:04
yossarianukin 14.04 how can I ensure the device name for eth1 stays constant ?08:04
yossarianukon previous version of ubuntu there would be the file generated - /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules08:07
yossarianukthat doesn't exist any more08:08
Ben64it doesn't?08:09
yossarianukit could be really bad if the other NIC changed - thats part of a BRIDGE used for KVM..08:09
yossarianukno - not on ubuntu 14.04 server08:10
yossarianukit does on my kubuntu 14.04 desktop08:10
Ben64my servers are still on 12.04, so i'm not sure what to suggest08:10
yossarianukis there a way to generate the file  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules anyone ?08:12
owhCopy it from a previous install?08:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1284043 in biosdevname "udev renaming the same hardware network i/f to different name, breaks networking and firewall" [High,Confirmed]08:13
Ben64i havent read through all the responses, not sure if theres a fix yet08:14
yossarianukBen64: thanks08:14
Ben64maybe here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/biosdevname/+bug/1284043/comments/1508:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1284043 in biosdevname "udev renaming the same hardware network i/f to different name, breaks networking and firewall" [High,Confirmed]08:15
yossarianukis there a way also with ubuntu so that when you reboot the KVM host server the guests just suspend rather than shutdown?08:22
yossarianuki.e on centos there is the deamon libvirt-guests which you  can set to suspend or shutdown guests when the kvm host reboots.08:26
=== ABC-XYZ_ is now known as ABC-XYZ
yossarianukis there anything similar in ubuntu server ?08:26
owhyossarianuk: apt-cache search libvert08:29
yossarianukdid you mean libvirt ?08:30
owhyossarianuk: I did. Sorry.08:32
yossarianukowh: thanks - did that already can;t see the same type of deamon.08:33
owhyossarianuk: I'd be *very* surprised if it's not in Ubuntu. It may be called something else, or done slightly differently.08:35
Ben64!find libvirt08:38
ubottuFound: libvirt-bin, libvirt-dev, libvirt-doc, libvirt0, libvirt0-dbg, libvirtodbc0, nova-compute-libvirt, python-libvirt, gir1.2-libvirt-glib-1.0, libvirt-glib-1.0-0 (and 8 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libvirt&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all08:38
yossarianuksure - its just a config thing -08:53
InFiernoMM guys anyone know of a website that lets u make *.bla subdomains which u can set DNS on (like old co.cc /co.nr)09:02
yossarianukthe 'fix' from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/biosdevname/+bug/1284043/comments/15 did the job thanks09:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1284043 in biosdevname "udev renaming the same hardware network i/f to different name, breaks networking and firewall" [High,Confirmed]09:16
yossarianukit seems to be just HP hardwaere ?09:23
=== RobertLaptop_ is now known as RobertLaptop
=== dms is now known as Facinorous_away
yossarianukhow do I make ksm for KVM enabled at boot on Ubuntu ?11:36
yossarianuk it not enabled in /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run  - i can enable it via 'echo 1 >  /sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run' just wondering if one of the init/upstart scripts had the option.11:42
=== sync0new is now known as sync0pate
=== Facinorous_away is now known as dms
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MTughanIs there a way I can see what cloud-init data or other configuration task data is being passed to Ubuntu 14.04? I've got an issue with a specific module of OpenStack.13:32
MTughanIf I specify a custom user for creation instead of ubuntu, everything appears fine if I create an instance on its own. But if I create that instance through Heat, the orchestration tool, with the same cloud-config file, the home folder permissions are not set correctly.13:33
MTughan/home/user ends up being owned by root:root and with rwxr-xr-x permissions.13:34
MTughanActually, the permissions may or may not be an issue here. But the ownership is.13:35
=== BlackDex_ is now known as BlackDex
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== PaulePan1er is now known as PaulePanter
sync0pateam I allowed to ask a server-unrelated question, as it's quiet?14:30
sync0pateI'm wondering what people use for e-mail client14:30
sync0patethunderbird is starting to drag14:31
MTughanDon't think you'd be able to use it, but I use Apple Mail.14:31
sync0pateno, I wouldn't14:31
sync0patelooking for something on ubuntu14:31
sync0patewhich is why I asked in here14:31
sync0pateeven though it's unrelated :\14:31
mardraumsync0pate: mutt or die14:36
sync0patelol ok...14:36
rberg_I started using kmail as search in thunderbird was so bad14:38
sync0pateyeah, it's partly the search that's getting to me14:38
sync0pateand partly that it seems to not connect to mail after waking from hibernation14:38
sync0pateand just starts taking up more and more memory until I close it14:38
rberg_that said I keep mutt configured just in case I get any akonadi freak outs14:39
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
xperiahi all. i have several spare dell power-edge server and would like to create a ubuntu cluster with them mainly for calculating stuff. my idea is to have one server as a hub with lot of Disk Storage that all other nodes can access also. good would be if the nodes could boot the operating system over the network at the startup like over pxe. my question is what for cluster software do you...15:03
xperia...recommend for such a case ? what for possibility exist with ubuntu to use spare server mainboards without harddisk but with network card to create a powerfull cluster ? thanks in advance for the suggestions.15:03
MTughanIs there a way I can see what cloud-init data or other configuration task data is being passed to Ubuntu 14.04? I've got an issue with a specific module of OpenStack.15:24
MTughanIf I specify a custom user for creation instead of ubuntu, everything appears fine if I create an instance on its own. But if I create that instance through Heat, the orchestration tool, with the same cloud-config file, the home folder permissions are not set correctly.15:24
MTughan/home/user ends up being owned by root:root, which causes many problems with various programs.15:25
medberryjamespage, does the Ubuntu CI stuff test OpenStack Nova live migration (w/ CEPH) and/or does it test OpenStack Nova Image Resize (which appears to require working nova accounts and shared ssh keys)?15:33
medberryor is there somewhere I can go read up on which tests you guys are doing on commits/releases? (zul, jamespage , roaksoax )?15:34
zulmedberry: not really since thats going to be changing in utopic as well15:34
medberryzul, 'k, thanks. I may ask more ??? next week.15:35
zulmedberry:  sure come hunt me down ;)15:35
medberryzul, what you test is changing or how nova does live mig and resize is changing in utopic?   I guess you meant the former.15:36
zulmedberry:  still tbd15:36
medberrynod thanks15:37
jamespagemedberry, we don't test live migration or resize yet15:47
jamespageand resize does require ssh keys for the nova accounts15:47
medberryjamespage, many thanks.15:47
medberrythat's certainly what we've found15:47
jamespagemedberry, this is an optional feature in the charms15:47
medberryeven if it is ceph backended15:47
jamespagejuju set nova-compute enable-resize=true15:47
medberryjamespage, cool15:47
* medberry is not , erm, um, using the charms....15:47
jamespagemedberry, lol15:47
jamespagemedberry, bad boy :-)15:48
* medberry hides15:48
jamespagemedberry, you can of course use the charms as a reference on how to set this up15:48
jamespagemedberry, they use root SSH for live migration and nova SSH for resize ops15:48
medberryjamespage, yep, I've done that for sure in some instances. And should have pointed folks therein yesterday.15:48
jamespageboth disabled by default for security reasons15:48
medberrywe don't need root ssh for live migration (it just works with a ceph backend and shared filesystem on /var/lib/nova/instances )15:49
medberryshared fs could be NFS, CephFS, sshfs, tin cans and string15:50
rtgzul, so I'm kind of cranky that sysvinit cannot get past autopackage testing 'cause neutron is not installable (so says infinity).15:50
zulrtg: on utopic?15:55
rtgzul, yup15:55
zulrtg: need to fix sqlalchemy today15:55
zulrtg:  im working on it15:56
rtgzul, ok, though it has been blocked for 10 days or so. dunno if neutron has been the root of the issue all along, but autopackage tests are failing for reasons outside of sysvinit changes.15:57
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zulrtg: yeah its not the root of the issue15:58
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
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=== Facinorous is now known as dms
redirwhere are bugs filed against ubuntu-cloud?16:33
redirmedberry: any pointer to a project there?16:34
redirlooking but not seeing cloud specific projects16:34
medberryredir, not sure what problem you are seeing. Probably specific to a package. What issue/package has an issue16:35
medberryie, ask more plainly about the issue and we'll get you to file a better bug16:35
medberry"ubuntu-cloud doesn't work" isn't going to get much eyeball traction16:35
redircreating an ubuntu-cloud instance with LXC doesn't create the /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key16:36
redirmedberry: which prevents login16:36
rediran known issue in OpenSSH_6.6p1 solution is...16:37
redirjust don't know where to file it16:37
rediror see if it is already known16:37
medberryso file it with LXC but I thought that worked fine.16:38
medberryhallyn may have more advice on where/what to file16:38
redirOK. I'll put it in LXC to capture the info, can refile later if necessary16:39
=== rtg is now known as Guest62870
Term1nalSo.. I'm playing with MAAS, but having an issue with trying to commission nodes. They PXE boot ok, and the status in the nodes list changes to "Ready", but I don't have WOL capability on these boards (despite the supermicro motherboard manual stating that it should work despite not having any option to enable it). So the MAAS controller can't turn the nodes on, which is fine I can turn them on myself, but when they boot to PXE after being17:14
Term1nalcommissioned, they just hang on "trying to boot to blah-blah-blah"17:14
Term1nalI tried not booting to PXE post-commissioning but nothing's been loaded on the hard drive to boot to.17:15
Term1nalI tried using the ubuntu server install DVD and doing a MAAS setup, but after putting in the MAAS URL, it sigkills and turns off doing nothing productive that I can tell.17:15
Term1nalWhat am I doing wrong?17:16
=== Ubu is now known as Ubu|miam
webfoxHow do I install ssh-server?17:50
cmirceaIs it possible to join an Active Directory domain for centralized authentication? Is there an recommended way? (searching the web I can find many variants in blog posts) This is for 14.04.17:56
cmirceaActually I'll ask this in #ubuntu since it's probably not server specific.17:56
patdk-wkthere are many ways to do it17:58
patdk-wklikewise, sssd, samba, ...17:59
RoyKand automount if the home is on a samba/windows/smb/cifs thing18:01
stephankI'm seeing something similar to this on 14.04 LTS running on EC2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-raring/+bug/119547418:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1195474 in linux-lts-raring "xennet driver reports "skb rides the rocket" under moderate load" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:18
stephankMessages are the same, and there's dropped tx packets in ifconfig output.18:19
stephankNotably, between 13.10 and 14.04, MTU seems to have gone from 1500 and 9000. I've reversed it to 1500 on one of the redundant machines we have deployed and will monitor tonight as we get more load to see if that's the problem.18:20
Term1nalAlright, it turns out I got it working, I had to hit "Start node" then boot it quickly by hand. Now I have 2 nodes "Allocated to <user>"18:27
Term1nalWhich is great! But now attempting to bootstrap juju, I get this error: ERROR bootstrap failed: cannot start bootstrap instance: cannot run instances: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 409 CONFLICT (No matching node is available.)18:28
Phibsso 14.X moved udev rules to /lib/udev/rules.d from /etc ?18:52
sarnoldhey Phibs :) I thought they lived in both for years?18:53
Phibswell the /etc is empty now :)18:54
sarnoldah, perhaps my laptop has some holdovers just because it had them before?18:54
Phibsshoulda symlinked the damn dir but hey18:55
Phibshmm maybe it was biosdevname18:57
Phibsonce I did biosdevname=0 and rebooted /etc/udev/rules.d was populated with the 70-persist ;019:00
=== mjohnson151 is now known as mjohnson15
stephankSo, the EC2 machine whose MTU I adjusted to 1500 is running smooth. The one with the default MTU of 9000 is dropping a lot of connections.19:34
stephankAnd adjusting the bad one to 1500 just stabilized it.19:37
bekksstephank: So dont use jumbo frames.19:37
bekksThe switches in the datacenter need to support that too, for reliable connections.19:38
stephankI'm not really requesting them. This appears to be normal behavior, the MTU on EC2 defaults to 9000 as of 14.0419:38
stephankThe app is requesting regular tcp sockets19:38
* Term1nal sigh19:45
sarnoldTerm1nal: sorry, I missed your question..19:46
Term1nalSo I worked through the issue I had before with no one paying any mind. Now I've got something new. I have the MAAS cluster managing DNS, but when I attempt to run juju status, it can't resolve the host.19:46
sarnoldTerm1nal: you may wish to ask in #juju or #maas19:46
sarnoldoh :)19:46
=== medberry is now known as Guest91632
funhey folks20:34
funhow do you do?20:34
funI get message shutdown system down  3.11.0-19-generi Thu May  8 04:53 - 04:57  (00:03)20:35
funseems like host maintenance?20:35
sarkishey guys how often is the motd updated via update-motd20:39
funwhat is motd20:42
MTughanfun: Message of the Day20:42
sarkismessage of the day20:42
MTughanYou know you're dealing with a Perl programmer when he writes a shell script and the first line is "die() { echo "$@" >&2; exit 1; }"20:43
funoki well I dont know, so far I learned to to use apache, nginx, mysql, maria db some php20:43
funMTughan: lol20:43
funwho here is equally good at IT and fixing car?20:46
funI wonder20:46
funsarkis: you?20:51
funwell both require logical thinking20:52
funI am making a bit of a research lol20:52
=== James` is now known as xnull
kirklandsarkis: it's updated at login21:20
mgwanybody know a workaround for getting python3.4's urllib to honor http_proxy env var?21:49
Term1nalHmm.... ok21:49
Term1nalso I downloaded 14.04, installed it, configured MAAS, deployed juju. Now I was going to install openstack, it says to go add-apt-repository cloud-archive:icehouse21:50
Term1nalbut I get the error: cloud-archive only supported on precise21:50
parallel21Term1nal: apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade21:52
parallel21apt-get install python-software-properties21:52
parallel21add-apt-repository cloud-archive:havana21:52
fridaynextanyone running time machine to Ubuntu 12.04 Server via AFP with no issues?21:52
Term1nalparallel21: the instructions given on the 14.04 download page specify using icehouse release?21:53
parallel21Oh... then replace havana with icehouse?21:53
fridaynextAll my incremental backups to my NAS box are huge, like 5-10GB, after only an hour of working (and nowhere near that many changed files), and the backups become corrupt about once a month.21:53
Term1nalok, I'll try it21:53
sarnoldTerm1nal: the cloud archive may not be 'supported' until 14.04.1 is released; that's when the updater tool will start suggesting 12.04 LTS users to upgrade to a newer release21:54
sarnoldbut still, one hopes that there's something available to help ensure 14.04.1 is ready for prime time..21:55
sarnoldTerm1nal: perhaps you don't need to use it because the openstack packages in 14.04 LTS are already 'new enough'?21:55
Term1nalPretty cool documentation then....21:56
Term1nalto spend 3 hours getting all this infrastructure all working step by step and dealing with out-of-date and invalid instructions every step of the way21:57
Term1nalthen to be told to do something that isn't yet ready either.21:57
jhobbs/wg 321:58
sarnoldplease file bug reports :)21:58
* Patrickdk files a bug report22:05
Patrickdksarnold irc bot seems defective lately22:06
sarnoldPatrickdk: my pandaboard is unhappy :/ I'm ircing from my laptop until I figure out a solution22:06
sarnoldPatrickdk: of course my 'solution' in the back of my mind is building a zfs machine of doom with 9-14 drives ...22:07
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
parallel21I have a comp that keeps dissapearing on the network. It has a valid ip address, no firewall. I keep trying to rsync files over and thats when the computer suddenly goes off the network23:05
parallel21The computer is unable to ping anything and I'm unable to ping it. The network card appears to be fine though. And I can't find anything in the logs to show some sorta misbehavior or shutdown23:06
sarnoldparallel21: do other computers on the same switch have any issues? can you stick another computerinto that switch's port and make sure that the port on the switch is alright? does tcpdump on either this machine or other machines at the time of network stopping show naything interesting?23:09
PatrickdkI had a network card that was broken, unless it was in promisc mode, it wouldn't receive packets correctly23:10
Patrickdkalways fun to diagnose those issues23:10
sarnoldPatrickdk: ha, how'd that happen? o_O23:10
sarnold"runs tcpdump" *gee looks fine now boss*23:10
Patrickdkyep :)23:10
sarnoldso.... did you leave it in promisc or did you replace the thing? :)23:11
Patrickdkran it for a few months in promisc, till  Ireplaced it23:11
* sarnold ^5s Patrickdk 23:11
Patrickdkthis was back in like 97 or 9823:11
Patrickdkgigabit cards where expensive23:11
sarnold100 was still hotness at that point23:12
Patrickdkya, 100 didn't last long for me23:12
Patrickdk< a year23:12
Patrickdkya, what was it back then, 3c595 goodness :)23:14
Patrickdkgigabit isa card23:14
parallel21Switch is fine23:20
parallel21tcpdump doesn't show anything23:20
parallel21I can reboot the machine and everythign will return to normal23:20
parallel21And then rsync will kill it23:20
sarnolddoes another machine try to steal this machine's IP address?23:21
parallel21no, in fact this machine that dies is the dhcp server23:22
parallel21but yeah, I'm certain no other machine is stealing the ip.23:23
GrantKHello.  I've a machine running Ubuntu Server 12.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-61-generic x86_64).  Its installed sshd is : OpenSSH_5.9p1 Debian-5ubuntu1.4, OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 201223:25
shaunoparallel21: that sounds sneakily like a duplicate mac address23:25
GrantKI need to enabled elliptic curve algorithm use, which requires openssh v>= 6.523:25
GrantKis it possible to upgrade just the Openssh on the existing server using some upgrade repo?23:26
parallel21shauno: could you elborate?23:26
shaunoif you have more than one machine with the same mac (it shouldn't happen, but it does), it'll confuse switches when they have to decide which port to route to23:27
parallel21So override the mac-address to something new and see happens?23:28
shaunojust something to keep in mind if you're trawling tcpdump - when it's unreachale, do you see things even arriving on its interface?23:28
parallel21I've rebooted the machine23:29
sarnoldshauno: nice guess23:30
parallel21Let see if I can kill it once more23:30
sarnoldparallel21: the ipwatchd, arpwatch, and arpalert packages may help catch this in the act if this is what is happening23:30
shaunooh it is completely a guess.  it just sounds very familiar to something I've hit before.  if you can't see packets arriving addressed to it, something elsewhere is intercepting them23:31
shaunoa duplicate IP address will make the source machine send them to the wrong place - a duplicate mac address will cause switches in between to act unpredictably23:32
parallel21And now everything suddently works23:37
parallel21I have arpwatch arpalert ipwatchd running23:37
parallel21Haven't rotated the mac-address...23:38
funhey folks I made bash script and added path to it in rc.local23:39
funwhen I run bash script.sh it works23:39
funon box restart it yet to start23:39
funusing ubuntu 13.1023:39
sarnoldfun: rc.local runs using 'sh' instead of 'bash' -- is that a potiential source of trouble for your script?23:41
sarnoldfun: the PATH and other environment variables may not have the values you expect; your script should set the variables it needs at the start23:41
funsarnold: oo lol I read online tutorial23:42
funit said make bash script and add path to rc.local23:42
sarnoldfun: oh, heh, did you set the permissions on the script to include execute privileges?23:43
funchmod +x23:43
funI even added exit 0 to the script23:44
funjust in ace23:44
shaunoyou seem to be using an absolute path (/metadata) in the first instance, and a relative path (just metadata) in the others.  are you sure it's running from / ?23:45
sarnoldfun: well, that example looks tolerable enough.23:45
sarnoldfun: can you pastebin your code?23:45
shaunooh hah, 7 months ago, it's not the same script.  I'll be quiet :)23:46
funhttp://pastebin.com/DeFidSkx sarnold23:47
sarnoldfun: aha ;) yeah this has a fair number of issues..23:48
funlol like what?23:48
funit worked fine from terminal when I run bash script.sh23:48
fun but as rc.local uses sh not bash hmm23:49
sarnoldfun: first, the path to your bitcoind may not be in your PATH at the time this executes; give it the full pathname. second, your current working directory will be / so your 'cd bitcoin-abe' command is likely going to fail -- you should give the full path to this directory, too.23:49
funi have copied bitcoind to /usr/local/bin/23:49
sarnoldfun: the 'sleep 10' is a race condition, but it might be the best you can do. you might want to make it 20 or 30 or something when you finally run this thing for real, just to reduce the chances that you lose the race :)23:50
funso usually I can call it from anywhere but yes can add full path to it23:50
sarnoldyeah, /usr/local/bin make not in the PATH at the time this runs during boot23:50
fungot it23:50
funroger :D23:50
sarnolddoes that 'python -m Abe.abe --config abe.conf' command return quickly?23:51
funpretty quick23:51
fun1 to 3 seconds23:51
funbtw sarnold have u tried to use smart card today? :)23:56

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