
=== _salem is now known as salem_
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Cimi Saviq, which unity-mir package version did you test the wizard?07:46
Cimipete-woods, ping :)07:46
pete-woodsCimi: in a hangout - be with you in a few minutes07:47
dpmmorning mhr3, can the unity scopes related bug tasks be marked as Fix Released on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1297889 ? I.e. has this landed on any images yet?08:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297889 in unity-scopes-api "Scopes are not translatable" [Undecided,In progress]08:18
pete-woodsCimi: okay, done now08:19
Cimipete-woods, cool08:19
Cimipete-woods, so I tried yesterday with your code08:19
mhr3dpm, done08:19
Cimipete-woods, but I receive no display08:19
Cimipete-woods, I am wondering where are infographics and if they are being created08:19
dpmawesome, thanks mhr308:19
pete-woodsCimi: sure, if you have no infographics installed, you won't get any data08:20
Cimipete-woods, I think I have camera app08:20
pete-woodsCimi: do you have anything in ~/.cache/usermetrics/sources/08:20
Cimilet me see08:20
pete-woodsif you have the camera app installed (from click and from my branch) then you should have a symlink in there08:21
Cimipete-woods, no08:21
Cimimaybe that's why08:21
Cimipete-woods, do you have updated silo?08:21
pete-woodsCimi: might be easier to just generate a fake data source08:22
pete-woodsCimi: touch ~/.cache/usermetrics/sources/foo.json08:23
pete-woodsAPP_ID=foo ../trunk-build/src/libusermetricsinput/usermetricsinput source-id "%1 foos" "no foos" "" 1.0 2.0 0.1 3.5 5.208:23
pete-woodssorry, APP_ID=foo usermetricsinput source-id "%1 foos" "no foos" "" 1.0 2.0 0.1 3.5 5.208:24
pete-woodsif you have the stuff installed, you won't need to do it from the build dir08:24
Cimi-bash: usermetricsinput: command not found08:24
pete-woodsthat will just create some data for a source called "source-id" for the app "foo", with that random data08:24
pete-woodsCimi: you'll need to install the libusermetrics-tools package08:25
Cimiok I run the command08:26
Ciminow the model should be populated?08:26
Cimiactually, phablet uid seems 3201108:27
pete-woodsCimi: check /var/lib/usermetrics/{uid}/default/08:27
pete-woodsCimi: isn't it easier to try this stuff out on your desktop first, though?08:28
SaviqCimi, the one from greyback's "fix crash on exit" branch, why?08:28
CimiSaviq, I was wondering if is the correct one that kills the process08:32
CimiSaviq, if it contained https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity-mir/unity-mir.stop-server_wizard08:32
CimiSaviq, because I tried wizard 1019209123214328 times and has worked 1019209123214328 times08:33
Cimi(this weeks ago)08:33
Cimiso I will have a look again if we're sure you tested with this specific branch of unity-mir08:33
SaviqCimi, it contained even more08:34
CimiSaviq, ok08:34
CimiSaviq, I'll have a look again then08:34
SaviqCimi, https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/shutdown-crash-fix3/+merge/21839408:34
CimiSaviq, this touches the code I changed08:35
SaviqCimi, yes, it fixes when Mir is the one that's shutting down08:35
Cimiyou guys said you tested with the wizard08:36
SaviqCimi, it was fine with wizard before, but crashed in unity808:36
Cimibut the wizard you tested was not operating as a mir client08:36
Cimiyou were using the old wizard code08:36
Saviqno I wasn't, I used the branch I commented on08:36
SaviqI used both that unity-mir and the packages built from your wifi branch by CI08:36
CimiSaviq, so you used with wizard-wifi?08:37
SaviqCimi, yes08:37
SaviqCimi, wouldn't have commented on that MP otherwise08:37
Cimiand this has issues?08:37
SaviqCimi, it did not start unity8 for me after the wizard exited08:37
SaviqCimi, 'cause the environment had the wizard *MIR* variables still08:37
CimiSaviq, so there was a situation with my wizard wifi and unity mir patched that was working fine08:38
Ciminow with this new branch wizard doesn't work anymore08:38
Cimibut I will have a look today08:38
SaviqCimi, it was just a one-time thing08:38
SaviqCimi, it might have been caused by something else08:38
Cimithere might have been a mistake in the upstart job that now is exposed08:39
CimiI am not saying my branch was correct and unity mir is now wrong08:39
CimiI am just saying that I tested it deeply (and after that working on the privacy branch for wizard) and always worked fine08:39
CimiI will have a look08:40
Cimifirst I want to go ahed with infographics for a bit08:40
SaviqCimi, I'll try again in the mean time08:41
Cimipete-woods, I think it is easier to try on the desktop08:41
Cimipete-woods, but I thought the only way to test infographics was with the camera app, so no desktop for me08:42
Cimipete-woods, on the phone, I don't have /var/lib/usermetrics/{uid}/default/08:42
CimiI have root@ubuntu-phablet:~# ls /var/lib/usermetrics/08:42
Cimitmp  usermetrics6.db08:42
Cimiand tmp is empty08:43
pete-woodsCimi: is the usermetricsservice running?08:43
Cimihow do I make sure I have all the right packages installed and at right version?08:43
pete-woods(as the phablet user)08:43
pete-woodsi.e. (as phablet) status usermetricsservice08:43
CimiI have usermet+ 25099  0.0  0.1  33236  3120 ?        S    May07   0:00 /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libusermetrics/infographicservice08:44
Ciminope as phablet is stop08:44
* Cimi starts08:44
Cimipete-woods, started and took picture, nothing changes inside var lib08:45
pete-woodsCimi: what about inside ~/.cache/com.ubuntu.camera/usermetrics/08:46
Cimipete-woods, I have a json08:46
pete-woodsCimi: okay, well that's something08:46
pete-woodsthat at least means that the camera app is doing its job08:47
pete-woodsCimi: ~/.cache/usermetrics/sources/ was empty, though, right?08:47
Wellarkdednick: around?08:48
WellarkI would need this to be top-approved before I get a silo08:48
Wellarkjust look at proposed change and see if it makes sense08:48
Wellarkthe testing will be done after the silo is ready08:48
Cimipete-woods, there's just foo.json08:49
Wellarkthe MR will not go forward without the TestṔlan template08:49
Wellarkbut I need a Approved to get the silo08:49
pete-woodsCimi: I think what that means is that the updated version of libusermetrics wasn't installed when you installed the camera app's click package08:49
pete-woodsand it didn't register the click hook08:49
dednickWellark: "Antti, we'll also need you to copy&paste the top part of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/Checklists/Unity8 as description and answer the questions."08:50
SaviqWellark, TestPlan doesn't affect you08:51
Wellarkdednick: that's for the testing phase08:51
Wellarkonce there are packages to test08:51
SaviqWellark, it's the lander that's running the TestPlan when releasing08:51
SaviqWellark, nope, the checklist is on-submission08:51
dednickWellark: presumably you've tested it yourself :)08:52
SaviqWellark, testplan is executed later, with multiple MPs in a silo etc.08:52
Wellarkyes, but with hand built packages08:52
Cimipete-woods, so what do I do now?08:52
SaviqWellark, per-MP tests are ran in the CI08:52
pete-woodsCimi: how exactly did you install the updated camera app?08:52
SaviqWellark, it's fine with hand built packages (you could also try with the packages built by CI)08:52
Cimipete-woods, first apt08:52
pete-woodsI guess the PPA doesn't actually generate click packages somehow08:52
Cimipete-woods, from your ppa08:52
SaviqWellark, everything will be double-checked when landing08:52
dednickWellark: the checklist is your with your own testing.08:53
Cimithen I think an update reverted it08:53
Cimiso I reinstalled the deb08:53
WellarkSaviq, dednick: this is totally backwards but whatever..08:53
pete-woodsCimi: it won't work installed from debs, as it relies upon click hooks08:53
SaviqWellark, no it's not backwards, we just can't waste the time to run the whole test plan for every single MP08:53
dednickWellark: the MR review checklist is for proper testing.08:53
Cimiso, how do I get this damn thing to work? :D08:53
pete-woodsCimi: have you tried creating the dummy data with that command I sent?08:54
SaviqWellark, that's why it's only executed per-landing, covering multiple MPs08:54
Cimipete-woods, yes I have a hson here08:54
SaviqWellark, the per-MP tests - whatever CI comes up with - are good enough to get an Approved08:54
SaviqWellark, then, it goes into a silo with other, possibly unrelated MPs, and gets double-checked through the TestPlan08:54
dednicksigh. mako device buggered...08:55
Wellarkonly if the MP does not require additional packages that are not in the arvhice08:55
pete-woodsCimi: and is there now data in ~/.cache/foo/usermetrics/ ?08:55
pete-woodsthat would be where the actual fake data would like08:55
WellarkCI can only compile and do testing for a limited changes08:55
Wellarkthe once that do not have any dependencies to the other stuff on the same silo08:55
Wellarkor proposed silo08:55
dednickcommence android reflash08:55
Cimipete-woods, no foo08:56
SaviqWellark, sure, of course, that's the current shortcoming08:56
pete-woodsCimi: I realise there are a lot of paths flying round, but it's necessary to work around the App confinement08:56
SaviqWellark, but until we have automated testing for silos, and silos are much lighter-weight, we just need to cope08:56
pete-woodsCimi: did you successfully run APP_ID=foo usermetricsinput source-id "%1 foos" "no foos" "" 1.0 2.0 0.1 3.5 5.2 ?08:56
SaviqWellark, and that's why we'll then run the tests for the silo as a whole08:57
Cimipete-woods, actually this file is empty08:57
pete-woodsCimi: and now you're saying that ~/.cache/foo/usermetrics/ is an empty directory?08:58
Cimipete-woods, no the file is empty08:58
pete-woodswhich file?08:58
pete-woodsthe foo.json file should be empty08:58
pete-woodsit's just there to trick libusermetrics into thinking there's an app called 'foo' installed08:58
Cimipete-woods, but if it's there as a placeholder, fine08:58
Wellarkdednick: filled in the submitter checklist.08:58
CimiI have though a directory there08:59
Cimiand is fine08:59
Cimiit has a db08:59
Cimia json sorry08:59
Cimiand a tmp08:59
Saviqxnox, hey, could you have a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/7414899/ please and see what needs fixing for lp:unity-scopes-api to be cross-buildable?08:59
dednickSaviq: why do things have to be top approved for silo?08:59
Saviqdednick, because that's where I take a list of MPs to land09:00
dednickSaviq: um. but we dont want this to land in trunk yet do we?09:00
Saviqdednick, dunno, why don't we? :)09:00
Wellarkyes, but why on earth do we require top-approval to simply get a silo?09:00
* Saviq not sure what we're talking about09:00
SaviqWellark, it's not *required*, but that's the general route09:01
Wellarkwell, I got rejected just because my MP's are not top approved09:01
SaviqWellark, you have to remember a package can (in general) only be in one silo09:01
dednickSaviq: there's a fix in the way the indicators are sending multiple icons (indicator-network). but obviously we need the network indicator to land at same time.09:01
Saviqdednick, and why can't that get Approved? it won't land until we put it through a silo09:02
Saviqdednick, that's why we have the "is something else needed..."09:02
dednickSaviq: ah. ok09:02
pete-woodsCimi: I'm just installing the packages from the silo onto my phone again09:02
Saviqdednick, it's top-approved, but there's requirements, that's fine09:02
dednickSaviq: ok. thanks for the clarification09:02
xnoxSaviq: s/python3,/python3:any,/09:02
Saviqdednick, and we'll only put that branch in a silo once we know we can land all the required stuff together09:02
Saviqxnox, that's not all09:03
Saviqxnox, unless this was just "first, :any to python3"09:04
Saviqxnox, and I can't do apparmor:any, it says "can't do any when Multi-Arch: none"09:04
xnoxSaviq: the rest should work out.09:05
xnoxSaviq: others appear to not be installable becasue python3:armhf is attempted to be installed, which breaks click-dev, apparmor, etc.09:05
Saviqxnox, hmm ok, trying again09:05
xnoxSaviq: the build-dependencies declared do not make sense though.09:05
xnoxSaviq: why does it build-depend on apparmor?09:06
Saviqxnox, good question09:06
Saviqxnox, btw http://paste.ubuntu.com/7414927/09:06
pete-woodsCimi: okay, I have just done apt-get install libusermetrics-tools from the PPA onto today's image09:07
Saviqpete-woods, why does unity-scopes-api build-depend on apparmor?09:07
pete-woodsCimi: then I did touch touch ~/.cache/usermetrics/sources/foo.json09:07
xnoxSaviq: try dropping apparmor. that should fiz apparmor & debhelper errros.09:08
pete-woodsCimi: then I ran the APP_ID=foo command, and I now have /var/lib/usermetrics/32011/default/5d12178708e1c15dbbec106aac3751e01176941a-1399539973910.svg09:09
pete-woodsSaviq: it uses libapparmor to confine the infographic visualizers09:09
Saviqxnox, last thing The following packages have unmet dependencies:09:09
Saviq liblttng-ust-dev:armhf : Depends: systemtap-sdt-dev:armhf (>= 1.6) but it is not installable09:09
Cimipete-woods, let me destroy this image, bootstrap and such09:09
xnoxpete-woods: at build-time?09:09
Saviqpete-woods, yeah, why "apparmor" and not "libapparmor-dev" or so?09:10
Cimipete-woods, you have devel-proposed?09:10
pete-woodsCimi: yes09:10
xnoxpete-woods: we are cross-building here, thus nothing can be executed, nor well confined.09:10
pete-woodsSaviq: could well be a mistake? *checks it out*09:10
xnoxSaviq: you should "fake it" by doing "Depends: apparmor:amd64" =)09:10
xnoxSaviq: build-depends that is, (obviously not suitable for normal operation)09:11
dednickSaviq: every seen this? Cannot push /home/nick/.cache/ubuntuimages/ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed/mako/version-17.tar.xz.asc to device: free space on /cache/recovery is file09:11
Saviqxnox, yeah, I'm mostly about actually fixing it in their trunk09:11
Saviqdednick, huh nice one...09:12
Saviqdednick, sounds like you're out of space09:12
pete-woodsSaviq: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libusermetrics/file-based-infographics/view/head:/debian/control looks like I'm using libapparmor-dev?09:12
Saviqdednick, on the cache partition, might want to get into recovery and clean it09:12
Saviqpete-woods, unity-scopes-api, not libusermetrics09:12
pete-woodsSaviq: whoops!09:12
pete-woodsSaviq: that's because we're using the command line too aa-exec, which comes from the apparmor package09:13
Saviqpete-woods, build-time?09:13
pete-woodsSaviq: how could we run the tests without the tools?09:13
Saviqpete-woods, right, so it's needed for tests, that was the important bit09:14
Saviqpete-woods, I can see APPARMOR_FOO used in CMakeLists.txt, but there's no find_package(apparmor) or so?09:14
Saviqpete-woods, are you actually linking to apparmor09:14
pete-woodsSaviq: that's a mistake, I'll remove those references09:15
Saviqldd doesn't seem to think so09:15
Saviqpete-woods, don't worry, I'll MP that09:15
Saviqxnox, so, they're using apparmor in tests, how do we deal with that?09:16
xnoxSaviq: on cross-builds tests will not be executed.09:16
xnoxSaviq: there is no way to specify things that are not needed during cross-builds at the moment.09:17
xnoxSaviq: let me try something out.09:17
Saviqxnox, thanks!09:17
pete-woodsSaviq: I just noticed that the usermetricsservice is not starting automatically on the phone - it's set "start on desktop-start"09:20
pete-woodsSaviq: is there a different even I should be using?09:20
xnoxSaviq: will utopic do to resolve this "Build-Depends dependency for sbuild-build-depends-unity-scopes-api-dummy cannot be satisfied because candidate version of package libunity-api-dev can't satisfy version requirements" or do i need some special ppa?09:20
xnoxSaviq: i don't have utopic cross chroot yet, creating one now.09:21
Saviqxnox, this should be in trusty fine, too09:21
Saviqxnox, ah version09:21
Saviqxnox, yeah, utopic09:21
xnoxSaviq: ack, building utopic cross chroot.09:21
Saviqpete-woods, that service needs to be there for apps to connect to it, or for shell as well?09:22
Saviqpete-woods, probably best to talk to ogra to find a suitable event09:23
pete-woodsSaviq: apps don't directly connect to it, it just inotifies from directories09:23
Saviqpete-woods, so the service doesn't connect to anything, just looks at files and produces files?09:24
pete-woodsI suppose it does talk to a system dbus service, so could just start on dbus like everyone else09:24
Saviqpete-woods, yeah, prolly best09:24
Saviqpete-woods, start on started dbus09:24
pete-woodsSaviq: switching to that now :)09:25
pete-woodsSaviq: are you able to rebuild the libusermetrics silo? I've just pushed that upstart config change for Cimi09:27
Cimiyes pls09:28
dednickWellark: don't suppose you could add a test for the changes to the icons?09:32
dednickWellark: there's a test suite in tests/plugins/Unity/Indicators/rootactionstatetest.cpp09:35
dednickcould you add a testIconsToQVariant case?09:35
xnoxSaviq: resolved python & apparmor -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/7415052/09:35
xnoxSaviq: liblttng-ust-dev:armhf is not installable on amd64 host (problem to resolve in liblttng-ust)09:35
xnoxSaviq: lttng-tools is not Multi-Arch:foreight (problem to resolve there)09:36
xnoxSaviq: and scopes-api does not appear to build without lttng09:36
Saviqxnox, uh, what's "native"? :)09:36
Wellarkdednick: I'm awfully busy :-/09:37
Wellarkcould we add tests when we fix the @todo use URI's ?09:37
xnoxSaviq: install native to my architecture, as in DEB_BUILT_ARCH, amd64 in typical amd64->armhf cross.09:37
xnoxSaviq: everything, by now, should be able to support it.09:37
Wellarkdednick: as looking at them we need to change the way we pass icons anyway09:37
Saviqxnox, got it, will you fix lttng?09:37
xnoxSaviq: yes, tomorrow or very late today.09:38
Saviqxnox, sure, that's good enough, thanks!09:38
dednickWellark: if you move the branch to unity-team, i'll upload a quick test. I'm futzing with device problems at the moment, so i have a few minutes free.09:39
dednickWellark: i'd like to have the tests when we do the uri change, so that it's validated.09:39
Wellarkdednick: it's already part of a silo.. could you branch it, make the change and I will then merge?09:40
dednickWellark: ok09:41
Saviqmzanetti, qmluitests job broken? is it moved to utopic yet?09:48
mzanettiSaviq: probably not. but still there is another issue now too09:48
Saviqmzanetti, oh ok09:48
* mhr3 wonders if the qmluitests have ever worked in the past two months09:48
mzanettimhr3: last success 3 days ago09:48
mhr3no way!09:49
Saviqmhr3, http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-trusty/1768/09:50
Saviqmhr3, it'd have worked on trusty still if we haven't switched to new Qt package names ;P09:51
mzanettiyep. which is probably why the job configuration doesn't work any more too. qmlscene not found09:51
mhr3Saviq, still, scarily non-green http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-trusty/buildTimeTrend09:53
Saviqmhr3, that's why I want to switch it to autopkgtest09:53
Saviqmhr3, to actually have control over what's happening there09:54
CimiI have to go to a doctor visit (5 mins walk plus visit) - I hope to be here soon09:54
SaviqCimi, that's what I said!09:54
Saviqmhr3, and to be able to reproduce stuff locally09:54
mhr3Saviq, makes sense, clearly it sucks now :)09:54
CimiSaviq, wish me good luck instead :P09:55
SaviqCimi, that was my way of wishing you luck ;)09:55
Cimiaahah ok09:56
Cimicatch you soon09:56
Saviqmhr3, you're not syncing trunk back to devel in unity-scopes-api? nasty ;P09:56
mhr3Saviq, i am09:56
mhr3when i don't forget anyway :)09:56
Saviqmhr3, ;)09:57
Saviqpete-woods, I'll kick a build of infographics in the silo then?09:58
mhr3see ^ :)09:58
pete-woodsSaviq: if you could, please09:58
mhr3Saviq, how soon do you want that landed?10:01
Saviqmhr3, your call10:01
mhr3Saviq, there's a big branch which has changelog fixed10:01
Saviqmhr3, I just want to help you guys not spend hours building stuff on device10:01
mhr3yea, funnily that was a topic on today's standup10:02
Saviqmhr3, so I submitted https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity-scopes-api/fix-cross-build/+merge/21876810:02
Saviqmhr3, but based it off of trunk... now rebased on devel, so all good from my PoV10:02
mhr3Saviq, if you could base it off lp:~michihenning/unity-scopes-api/config-fixes that would be great10:03
Saviqmhr3, it merges fine, any reason to rebase?10:03
mhr3oh the debian stuff is gone... nvm10:04
* Saviq goes for a horse-tranq^Wpainkiller and hopefully some breakfast after that10:05
Saviqxnox, if pbuilder complains:10:17
Saviq pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy : Depends: apparmor:native which is a virtual package.10:17
Saviq                                 Depends: python3:native which is a virtual package.10:17
Saviqxnox, what needs upgrading?10:17
xnoxSaviq: that works fine, here in utopic. What/where is complaining?10:20
Saviqxnox, jenkins10:21
Saviqxnox, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-scopes-api-devel-utopic-amd64-ci/31/console10:21
xnoxSaviq: i don't maintain that.10:21
Saviqxnox, I know, just asking if you know what would need upgrading for this to work?10:21
xnoxSaviq: well, PPAs, Launchpad, click-chroot, myself all use sbuild which works just fine :native build-deps.10:22
xnoxSaviq: jenkins appears to be using pbuilder.10:22
Saviqxnox, was afraid of that...10:22
xnoxSaviq: test is locally, if you can reproduce the failure with stock pbuilder.10:36
xnoxSaviq: if yes, check if :native support has been fixed in debian & get that merged/synced into ubuntu.10:36
xnoxSaviq: otherwise, the pbuilder used on the jenkins host may need upgrade10:36
Saviqxnox, will do, thanks10:36
xnoxSaviq: or it could be one of the hooks that's breaking. I'm not quite sure.10:37
xnox(well jenkins slave, not host, i guess...)10:37
dednickWellark: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/indicator-root-state-icons-fix-test10:38
Wellarkdednick: ok. I will merge that10:41
Wellarkdednick: thanks!10:41
dednickWellark: ok. will top approve when you have.10:42
Wellarkdednick: does it have the excess tags removed?10:42
Wellarkhmm.. weird..10:43
WellarkI now see all the tags..10:43
WellarkI will remove them once again10:43
dednickdangit. they keep coming back!10:46
Wellarkdednick: let's see..10:46
Wellarkdednick: merged now.10:46
SaviqWellark, dednick, make sure to not push/pull until after you stripped them from *everywhere*10:46
Saviqotherwise they just go viral10:47
WellarkSaviq: do I have to do a force push?10:47
SaviqWellark, _no_ push at all10:47
Wellarkas there is no commit generater10:47
SaviqWellark, commits have nothing to do with tags10:47
Saviqin bzr10:47
Wellarkwell, how do I update tags in a branch that is already in lp?10:47
Saviqso you have to remove them separately remotely and locally10:47
SaviqWellark, strip-u8-tags.sh lp:10:47
SaviqWellark, it will take like 10 minutes, too10:48
SaviqWellark, lp:foo of course10:48
Wellarkthat explains it10:48
SaviqWellark, yeah, in bzr tags just fly around whenever you push/pull, not looking at commits or whether you removed them10:48
SaviqWellark, if they're somewhere - sooner or later they'll be everywhere10:48
WellarkI magically thought that the tags removed locally and then pushed to LP would actually have an effect on a branch being pushed10:48
SaviqWellark, that's not really magic, that's just git :P10:49
Wellarkwell, having tags in bzr that just float around and can't be synced between different repos is just weird10:49
Wellarkdednick: wait until the strip finishes10:50
SaviqWellark, they can be synced, one way ;)10:50
Wellarkare tags one of the bzr features that were never truly finished?10:50
Saviqmeaning "where they are" to "where they're not"10:50
Wellarkssh-agent is dead10:51
Wellarkand now bzr asks me to write my password for each tag removal10:51
Wellarkno thank you.10:51
Cimitook actually longer :)10:53
SaviqCimi, so, just the packages from your privacy branch make it so that unity8 doesn't start10:54
Saviqafter the wizard finishes, that is10:54
CimiSaviq, wizard branch, not privacy10:56
SaviqCimi, wizard wifi, yes10:56
CimiSaviq, ok10:56
CimiSaviq, will look10:56
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Cimipete-woods, ok now I have the directory12:00
CimiI will keep going12:00
pete-woodsCimi: cool stuff, hopefully you can get something going12:00
pete-woodsCimi: I tried it out on my desktop at least with a basic image slider mocked up to look like the Greeter, and it was looking nice12:01
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WellarkSaviq: why is unity8 built on arm64, powerpc and ppc64el ?12:19
SaviqWellark, (not?)12:20
Wellarkthose make silo building dead slow... :(12:20
WellarkSaviq: look here: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-009/+packages12:20
Wellarkunity8 failed to build o those arches12:21
Wellarkjust wondering why do we even bother right now..12:21
Wellarkor is this something "everything in main has to build on all of these"12:22
SaviqWellark, we're not in main btw12:22
Wellarkunity8 is not in main?12:22
Wellarkeven better12:22
SaviqWellark, it only failed due to missing dependencies12:24
Cimiyeah why we build for those?12:25
Saviqonce the dependencies show up, we'll just build for all the arches we support12:26
Saviqlike "why not"? :)12:26
Cimiwasting time? energy?12:26
CimiI bet no one is using unity8 on powerpc12:26
CimiI think Wellark has a point12:27
SaviqCimi, you could say that about like every package in Ubuntu12:27
CimiSaviq, well not12:27
CimiSaviq, I expect someone using X on a powerpc12:27
CimiSaviq, I just don't expect anyone using a development version of a phone interface12:28
CimiSaviq, on a landing PPA12:28
CimiSaviq, archive is different...12:28
SaviqCimi, the landing PPA == archive, in the sense that the packages are not rebuilt into archive, they're bin-copied12:28
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Saviqanyone else had unity8 ap tests on desktop kill their session?13:26
kgunnSaviq: just curious, unity7 or unity8 desktop preview ?13:56
CimiSaviq, me13:57
CimiSaviq, and albert13:57
Saviqkgunn, just unity8 ap tests under whatever desktop13:57
SaviqCimi, do you have a .crash file for init? could you try again?13:57
Saviqwell, whatever desktop is probably wrong, under unity7 for sure13:57
CimiSaviq, albert had a fix, I don't want to crash my session now sorry ;)13:57
SaviqCimi, it wasn't a fix, it was a workaround13:58
Cimis/fix/workaround for him/g13:58
SaviqCimi, we thought it's a bug fixed in upstart, but it seems it was already released13:58
SaviqCimi, doesn't have to be now13:58
SaviqCimi, but when you have a few mins, remove the upstart dbg symbols (that was the workaround, right?) and try again please, init crashing is a rather bad thing that we should fix by all means13:59
CimiSaviq, I never tried his workaround13:59
dednickSaviq: is cross building working for utopic yet?13:59
CimiSaviq, just let me know what you want me to do13:59
Saviqdednick, should, yes https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/5.2.1-5ubuntu214:00
CimiSaviq, I have infographics working, but I need design to implement the crossfade or whatevert we like14:00
Cimipinged them already14:00
SaviqCimi, make it crash, grab the .crash file for init14:00
Cimiyou guys know how to get the user id? mterry ?14:01
Cimifrom qml14:02
SaviqCimi, there's a prop on LightDM or so, but you need the selected uid, not the current uid, don't you?14:03
SaviqCimi, there's a signal selected(uid) in GreeterContent, you should be able to use that14:04
mterryCimi, sorry, you want to know the currently selected user in the greeter?14:04
Cimimterry, think so, it's for infographics14:05
Cimimterry, so I want a variable in Greeter.qml that tells me the uid14:05
Cimiso I set the infographics model to read the infographics for this user14:06
mterryCimi, you can see in GreeterContent.qml, it grabs the user name14:06
mterryCimi, that's where it's currently setting the infographics model14:06
Cimimterry, the infographics model changed14:06
Cimimterry, it required user id14:06
Cimiso 32011 for phablet i.e.14:06
mterryCimi, lightdm only gives username14:07
mterryCimi, so you'll have to ask C++ to translate that to a uid14:08
Cimimterry, we want uid14:08
Cimimterry, can I hack the lightdm plugin or is not possible?14:08
mterryCimi, sure, you can hack QVariant MangleModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const in plugins/LightDM/UsersModel.cpp14:09
mterryCimi, add a new role in its header14:09
mterryCimi, for uid.  And when MangleModel::data gets that role, it can translate the current value of the name role into a uid role value14:09
Saviqmzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/drop-hud-bottom-edge/+merge/218572 please14:10
mzanettiSaviq: ack14:11
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Cimimterry, so I need to add uis here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lightdm-team/lightdm/trunk/view/head:/liblightdm-qt/usersmodel.cpp ?14:24
mterryCimi, naw, I was thinking you do it all unity8-side14:25
mterryCimi, in plugins/LightDM/UsersModel.cpp14:25
Cimibut how do I get user id?14:25
mterryCimi, getpwnam ?14:25
Cimiah just code, ok14:26
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Cimimterry, ok and where do I add a role?14:27
Cimimterry, thought those roles where degined in that lightdm file14:28
mterryCimi, yeah...  and plugins/LightDM/plugin.cpp registers those directly from QLightDM into qml as LightDM.UsersRoles14:29
mterryCimi, so you can either add your own little baby class that has its own role definitions and adds your own14:30
mterryCimi, or you can add a LightDM plugin function that translates from a given name to uid if you want to do it more manually14:30
Cimimterry, so like an extra property?14:31
CimiI will see14:31
Cimistandup time14:31
sil2100Saviq: sooo... everything double tested in landing 005 ;p?14:31
karniCimi: Can you tell me, once we use Expandables from Ubuntu SDK, will the "More..." button (Scope preview, more than 2 buttons on screen) be translatable?14:31
karniCimi: it will, right?14:31
Cimikarni, they are already14:32
karniCimi: already translated? can I force different locale on unity-scope-tool?14:32
Cimikarni, they are translatable14:33
Cimikarni, iirc14:33
Saviqsil2100, yes, see the comment14:35
Saviqsil2100, I ran the whole suite through the ap gatekeeper job, one unexpected failure in mediaplayer, not reproducible locally14:36
karniSaviq: should prefixing unity-scope-tool with LANGUAGE=es work, like it does for qmlscene? if it should, I'll file a bug the "More..." button isn't translated14:36
Cimikarni, try :)14:38
karniCimi: well, I did, and it's not translated. I'm asking if it's supposed to work.14:39
karniI'll file a bug and let you guys decide.14:39
Cimikarni, try adding a translation and see14:39
karniCimi: translation where. I'm talking about *your* "More..." (collapsed comobo) button14:40
Cimikarni, it is translated for es14:40
Cimikarni, in po/es.po14:40
karniwhen I launch with LANGUAGE=es unity-scope-tool... it still shows "More...". ideas, Cimi ?14:41
Cimikarni, the content being loaded by upstart14:41
Saviqkarni, I think we're missing the domain setting14:41
Saviq    Binding {14:41
Saviq        target: i18n14:41
Saviq        property: "domain"14:41
Saviq        value: "unity8"14:41
Saviq    }14:41
Saviqkarni, scope tool doesn't use upstart14:42
karniI see14:42
SaviqCimi, rather ↑14:42
karniso it should work on the phone then14:42
CimiSaviq, yeah makes ense14:42
karniSaviq: would you want a bug for unity-scope-tool filed?14:42
Saviqkarni, yeah, please do14:42
karniSaviq: where does it live? under unity8?14:42
Saviqkarni, yup14:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1317541 in Unity 8 "unity-scope-tool not applying translations correctly" [Undecided,New]14:44
mhr3Saviq, we'll be landing new scopes-api which will kinda break the scope-tool, i guess i won't be able to get a silo with unity8 right?14:45
Saviqmhr3, why not?14:45
mhr3Saviq, don't you have 4 silos with unity8 already?14:45
Saviqmhr3, there's only one relevant one that's ACKed and being published soon14:45
Saviqmhr3, only one is "real" at most14:46
mhr3Saviq, ah, coolio14:46
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Cimimterry, something like     int uid(const QModelIndex &index) const; ?14:53
mterryCimi, seems reasonable -- it's been a while since I dealt with c++ models and qml, but I'm sure you can make that accessible14:54
kgunnsil2100: hey i spoke with asac about this and he +114:56
kgunn'd adding mterry to the lander list14:56
kgunncan you do some magic to give him ci-train-spreadsheet powers ?14:56
kgunni've walked him through the boot-camp basics...14:57
sil2100kgunn: sure, give me a moment :)14:58
sil2100Well, it's mterry! I trust him!14:58
mterryyou fools!14:58
sil2100mterry: you should now be able to fill-in landings and run builds etc.15:00
mterrysil2100, thanks!15:01
Cimimterry, apart that I don't know how to export it to qml, compiles :)15:04
Cimithat code http://paste.ubuntu.com/7416495/15:04
mterryCimi, probably safe, but you should check return of getpwnam for NULL15:05
Cimimterry, sure thought of that15:05
Cimimterry, but how do I add this function to the qml?15:05
Cimitried greeterContentLoader.model.uid(greeterContentLoader.currentIndex) but complains15:06
CimiTypeError: Property 'uid' of object UsersModel(0xa794a4a0) is not a function15:06
mterryCimi, you could add it to UsersModel in UsersModel.cpp15:06
CimiI did15:07
Cimimterry, in manglemodel15:07
mterryCimi, manglemodel is the internal model.  The outer model is UsersModel15:07
mterryCimi, and you might need to mark it Q_INVOKABLE or some such15:08
Cimimterry, so where shall I place this?15:08
CimiI added qinvokable15:08
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mterryCimi, sorry, missed the pong15:32
mterryCimi, so I'd say put in in plugins/LightDM/UsersModel.h15:32
mterryCimi, with a Q_INVOKABLE in front of it15:32
mterryI *think* that will expose it to qml15:33
Cimimterry, always MangleModel::uid?15:33
mterryCimi, naw, don't do it in MangleModel.  Just UsersModel15:33
mterryCimi, qml doesn't see the MangleModel15:33
Cimimterry, so how can it see the MandleModel::data?15:34
mterryCimi, UsersModel is a proxy model that wraps MangleModel15:34
mterryCimi, just use UsersModel::data and you'll be fine15:34
Cimimterry, this is not working15:39
CimiI'll try then adding the roles15:39
mterryCimi, LightDM::Greeter has methods.  maybe copy the syntax there (or put the method there if there is some weirdness about models)15:40
Henne91Hey everybody! I have a question concerning Unity/Debugging. Does anybody have an idea what is the best way to run unity-settings-daemon in debug mode right after boot?15:47
Henne91The problem is, I am trying to debug an annoying bug but if I run "unity-settings-daemon --replace --debug" this will prevent the bug so I need to start it in debug mode right away.15:48
Cimimterry, in greetercontent.qml we have uid15:54
Cimiwhich looks like face and only a 0-n index15:54
Ciminot real userid, right?15:54
mterryCimi, yeah, it's index into the model15:55
mterryCimi, uid is bad name, agreed15:55
mterryCimi, User InDex15:55
Cimimterry, sorry but I am having some confusion here15:56
Cimimterry, c++ and qml etc..15:56
mterryHenne91, edit /usr/share/upstart/sessions/unity-settings-daemon.conf ?15:57
mterryHenne91, the output of u-s-d will be in ~/.cache/upstart/unity-settings-daemon.log15:58
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Henne91mterry: perfect, thanks!16:10
Cimimterry, I think it is not working for me16:11
Cimimterry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7416841/16:11
Cimimterry, qdebug says16:11
Cimidata QVariant(Invalid)16:11
Cimiand toString is ""16:12
mterryCimi, I'm not sure it matters, but you don't have to call QSortFilterProxyModel::data, you can just call data()16:12
mterryCimi, but looks correct besides...16:12
Cimiis driving me nuts16:13
mterryCimi, is the index correct?16:13
Cimilet me print index too16:13
Cimimterry, QModelIndex(-1,-1,0x0,QObject(0x0) )16:14
Cimimterry, so something is not initialised16:14
mterryseems bad  :)16:14
mterryCimi, gotta eat, bbl16:15
Cimimterry, you back16:33
mterryCimi, mostly16:35
Cimimterry, so the index is 016:35
Cimibut the data call returns invalid16:36
CimiI can think that greeterContentLoader.model.uid(greeterContentLoader.currentIndex) is the wrong call16:39
mterryCimi, again, you're not using the right parent class for the ::data call16:39
mterryCimi, just do UsersModel::data() or rename the local variable so it doesn't conflict16:39
mterrynot sure that will fix index 0 being invalid tho16:40
Cimidid http://paste.ubuntu.com/7417024/ now16:41
Cimibut still16:41
Cimino matching function for call to ‘UsersModel::data(const QModelIndex&, QLightDM::UsersModel::UserModelRoles) const’16:41
mterryDoes C++ not "fall down the stack" when you namespace like that?16:42
mterryCimi, try QSortFilterProxyModelQML::data then (note the QML at end -- that was missing in your previous call, UsersModel uses the QML version as the superclass)16:43
Cimiwant to throw this shitty c++ out of the window16:44
Ciminothing works16:46
Cimineither QVariant udata = data(index, QLightDM::UsersModel::NameRole);16:47
Cimiit's 3 hours I'm trying to write a 3 lines function to print out a number!!!!!!! :@16:47
Cimiif someone has an idea, happy to offer a beer in malta16:50
mterryCimi, so index is correct at 0.  But you get back invalid data.  So we know the qml -> c++ bridge is working and we know it has the right index.  And we know the data is really inside that model16:55
mterryThe question is just why UsersModel returns invalid data for something that should be vallid16:56
mhr3Saviq, hm, the new and improved image widget is appearing in an odd way16:57
mhr3Saviq, doesn't even have the outline at first, and once it does, the spinner in it can end up super small16:58
mhr3Saviq, is that tracked somewhere?16:58
mterryCimi, you COULD change the method -- have it take name and just do getpwnam16:59
mterryCimi, then Qml passes the name in, which we know it can do16:59
mterryNot quite as elegant16:59
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Cimimterry, I will try17:03
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Cimimterry, if this works, where would you put the function? same file?17:09
Cimimterry, if this works, where would you put the function? same file?17:23
Cimiworks btw17:23
mterryCimi, I guess?  Or LightDM::Greeter maybe?  I dunno, it's kind of a hack of a function  :)17:24
mterryCimi, Same file is fine17:24
mterryGreeter is for higher-level stuff I think17:24
Cimimterry, not really an hack17:24
Cimimterry, it's a helper function17:24
Cimimterry, retriving uid from username17:25
mterryCimi, fair, but it would be nice if it acted more like "just a data role" i.e. more transparently for qml17:25
mterryCimi, but we wasted enough time on that  :)17:25
Cimimterry, don't worry, Saviq will probably "needs fixing" that and I'll fly to poland to kill him :D17:26
Cimiok I have them working, waiting tomorrow to work on the visuals..17:27
Cimipa pa, bye, ciao, adios17:27
mterryCimi, bye17:27
Cimithanks mterry17:28
Saviqmhr3, I don't think it is17:46
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mterrytedg, poke?20:22
tedgmterry, I don't think you can see me :-)20:22
mterrytedg, I'm worried I irc-silenced you on my client20:22
tedgmterry, Yeah, I've been obnoxious enough that you'd have responded by now :-)20:23
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josharensonkgunn, re: blueprints. I can just assign myself things that sound cool?21:50
veebershmm 'start unity8' doesn't work for me on my desktop, it just hangs there.  Is this a known issue?22:24
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